#baby mama drama
lifeofannpc · 1 year
100 Baby Mama Challenge (Life Of An NPC Edition)
Subscribe to my YouTube to watch my playthrough of this challenge and tag me on Tumblr and Twitter if you try this challenge out!
You've heard of the 100 Baby Challenge, but what about the 100 Baby Mama Challenge? It sounds crazy but I've crafted an interesting way to twist the challenge into a fun and wild experience! Custody battles, Child Support, Baby Mama Drama and MORE!
Challenge Aims:
Have 100 Baby Mamas
Raise 100 Children
Just impregnating 100 different sims is TOO easy! This challenge requires you to raise 100 children too, but in order raise them you have to win the custody battle first! If you lose the custody battle, you have to PAY child support for ANY child you don't have custody of until they are a young adult!!!
General Rules:
You can't get a job
Start with $20,000 to build/buy a house or play rags to riches style
You can have any lifespan you want and if you wish, you can even turn off aging - have fun and play how you'd like!
Only children from won custody battle count towards your raised children
Similar to the 100 baby challenge - kids and teens need an A in School to age up, toddlers need level 3 in every skill to age up, if you have growing together, infants should have reached 3 milestones in each category before aging up, if you DO NOT have growing together, infants need to be infants for at least 3 days
Custody Battles:
After the birth of you child/children, spin a wheel with 3 win entries and 6 lose entries (mothers tend to be more likely to win custody battles)
If you have multiples (twins or triplets) you can choose whether you spin the wheel for each child or you spin one wheel and either keep or lose all the children
Child Support:
With SNB Bills Mod:
Child support with this mod is all set up for you, for more info on how it works check their website HERE
I recommend changing the percentage to 1%
Without Mods:
Use the cheat 'money -[child support amount x number of children]' child support is 1% of your household income per child (to work out 1% do [household income] x 0.01, that's how much each child not in your custody gets.
EXAMPLE if your household income is $20,000, each child gets $1,000 (20,000 x 0.01 = 200) if you need to pay child support for 10 kids then you pay $2,000 (200x 10 = 2,000). Finally You would type in the cheats console 'money -2000'
1% may not sound like a lot now but when you've lost 40 custody battles... yikes!
And that's it for rules! You have creative freedom to develop storylines and create as much or as little Baby Mama Drama as you want! The story I'm playing live on YT at the moment is about Enzo who wants to be a world famous Music producer. He lives in a dingy shack in the "ghetto" (the industrial district of evergreen harbour) and he is on the come up! He has one gold chain that he wears on ALL of his outfits (inducing sleep)!
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paradisechid800 · 1 year
Bruce: Oh no.
Selina: Oh no.
Damian: Oh no.
Talia: *kicks down door* OH YEAH!!!! TIME FOR SOME BABY MAMA DRAMA!!!!
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chernobog13 · 2 years
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Superman’s next stop--The Maury Povich Show!
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sassheliosazuras · 1 year
Send me a 💬 for me to ramble about a random SWTOR OC
I think I'll switch it up a bit and talk about my cathar smuggler Santixes
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She somewhat follows the cannon smuggler storyline, she is the same age as my chiss knight Sass and in fact is also force senstive.
They did thier trials togather, only she quit halfway through and stole a ship to go search the galaxy.
She and and Sass had both thier first times togather the night before she left.
She has a clepto side and is really good at swiping from pockets.
She marries Corso on a drunken dare one night on Nar Shaddaa, Rishi uses those pics as blackmail.
She pimped out her ship with enough guady neon to put a hutt to shame.
She and Sass had a one night stands years later after Therons Umbran trainwreak and Sass and Lana breaking up over Theron.
Santixes was lonely at the Odessan cantina from Corso and her crew missing, they began talking about old times and lost loves over drinks, one thing led to another and 9 months later poof!
A baby.
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chloeworships · 1 year
Babes God showed me Bubble Bees and they were angry. He also showed me the colours yellow and black in what looked like Lego blocks 🧱 The blocks were stacked
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Then I saw these:
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Babes. Someone is angry at you. You may have done or said something that pissed them the hell off and they are going to retaliate.
They want to hurt you as a sting hurts from a bee. They may do this physically, emotionally or spiritually using witchcraft. Someone once projected themselves to me and tried to fight me 😅
When I was little, I was stung by wasps from a nest. I was stung by at least 50 of them. I only remember being stung, feeling like I blacked out and went to the emergency clinic on site. I don’t remember anything else other than being in a tremendous amount of pain. God, for some reason is telling me to share this story with you.
For others of you your anger is what is blocking you from attaining the height of success you are seeking and as long as that anger isn’t controlled, further success will be a mere fantasy.
For some of you, you could get so angry you black out just like I did when I was stung. Also, when I was little, I would get ssssooooooooo enraged I would lose my temper and black out and when I came to, I realized I had become physically violent 😭 Thank God this only happened twice ✌🏾but it was so bad I didn’t come outside for the rest of the summer to play 😭💔 I was EMBARRASSED 🙈 even though my youthful rage was justified at the time. Don’t be my past younger self for the LORD said we should not sin in our anger even if it is righteous…. Do not retaliate instead take it to God and ask him to handle it. You may not have the entire story and react over something trivial.
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The colours Black & Yellow are significant to whoever this is for.
Also this could be about someone’s baby mama. I saw a woman with lashes on. I was just told that this person is obsessed with their looks.
Domestic violence, though in most cases is against women, please understand this occurs with men too and it’s sad that we frown upon this. There are women that will purposely try to taunt a man or physically abuse him to incite his rage and now he’s labeled an abuser because he tried to defend himself. If you are dealing with someone like this, document
For whoever this is for, this will be your proof. This person should not have custody of your children. What happens to these children when you’re not around???
We may hear about this publicly however this message is for several individuals.
I also had a vision of Roses 🌹 and the Lacoste logo.
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PS. The Lego blocks also represent children 🥺 I pray this person is NOT abusing their children 😣 If you want full custody of your family (and not pay a dime in child support) you will need to demonstrate that you are capable of taking care of them full time and that you have a stable home 🏡 while proving the other party is emotionally unstable.
Keep in my mind abuse isn’t just physical. Verbally abusing kids is not ok either and can leave a lifetime of “soul scars”. That’s what I heard the Holy Spirit just say. These scars can be seen with spiritual eyes.
while I was editing this post I heard “BAD MOM”. Isn’t there a movie by that name??? 👀 wowowowowowowowwwwwwwwwwww
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If you are in a custody battle for some of you it will be awarded 50/50.
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misterbaritone · 17 days
Ok Rolan’s an astral(which to my understanding are the Ones Who Came Before of this world) who luckily isn’t a douche like the rest and he and baby mama Lilith have drama ancient beef. Neat. At least he didn’t betray me like I was expecting him to.
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anyaalrich · 1 month
I'm posting this because I want a "paper" trail showing that; if my stepsons are kidnapped or I or their daddy are "eliminated" ..... I Fucking Called It!
I wish I was kidding.....
This is the kind of shit I'm scared to death of right now and I can't even say it out loud for fear of sounding irrational. Which is another reason I'm venting it here.
Quick back story: I'm stepmom to 2 boys (4 & 6) and their bio-mom keeps doing all kinds of "seemingly nothing" things that, when added to their own back story and compiled with context, feel, to me, like she's up to something super fucking shady.
Before me, she'd made multiple threats to Michael (their daddy) to abduct them, throwing it in his face that she had all their documents so there would be nothing he could do especially with police present. She specifically mentioned taking them to New York... remember that...
Now that they're in our home by law, she's refusing to give them their birth certificates, Socials, shot records, etc... and went to the 6 year old's school to have lunch with him and he came home saying something to the effect of "I'm not supposed to say anything but mommy said we would be going to New York with her soon..." .... wtf
She used to beat the shit out of Michael on the regular... even if he was holding one of the boys. She lodged a fucking butcher knife into his arm once... but has the audacity to claim he abused her.
Let me tell you.... I have backed this man into a corner in a bratty, drunken fit and he barely even got angry. He's not soft, by any means but he's kind to his core. Ain't no fucking way.
Now she has tricked the boys into showing her where we live! LIKE, WHY??? Not only did he prompt this conversation to begin with, but when asked "Did you want to show mommy where you live or did she ask you to show her?" he said "mommy asked me to show her". She drove through our neighborhood and had the boys point out which house was ours.
There is no other reason besides ill intent!
Michael put cameras up immediately, notified the caseworker, and has shown me what my weapon options are and how to get them if I need them. He keeps saying "she's not going to do anything crazy, especially right now because she's under the microscope of the system. And I know he doesn't want to believe for one second that he can't protect us. He's not egotistical. But every case I've ever seen like this where a parent harms or kills, they always downplayed the signs. "They would never go that far" until they go that far.
I don't know for sure who shot the parents in this video.... I'm not saying the 2 situations are the same, but, while watching it, I felt like I could see my future. She'll cover her tracks by having someone else kill us and creating an alibi, but she won't give a shit if the kids are there and traumatized by our murders. I guarantee it. They're just property to her.
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majo-tsukiko · 2 months
so I have this thing where I start a brand new chat with an Ai Character, and I immediately ask:
“Where’s the child”
and drag the ai in unnecessary drama in which I’m their ex wife here to get my baby per the divorce paperwork.
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k3mistryproductions · 10 months
K3mistry News Brief 📰
Keke Palmer, The Breadwinner
The following speaks on breadwinners in relationships.
Narrated by: J. Stokes
See more here: https://linktr.ee/K3mistryProductions
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viberevstudios · 1 year
Once frowned upon, the rise of baby mama culture is now glorified and perpetuated as an enviable lifestyle in an era that promotes "yas kween slay" ideologies a.k.a the modern woman mentality. It's a belief that a woman’s “independence” is derived from having babies with no paternal influence and using children as a source of income against the man. Last of the Nice Guys podcast NOW PLAYING on your favorite podcasting app or listen here - https://last-of-the-nice-guys.castos.com/episodes/baby-mama-culture-last-of-the-nice-guys-podcast-episode-89
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lilbarbar666 · 1 year
Fuck you, you stupid spiteful bitch, she doesn’t deserve what you put her through and I didn’t “insist on mothering her” she is my fucking daughter and I’m not going to show her any less love than I show my own son because she deserves it and she’s been through enough and I love her as my own because I raised her as my own because you weren’t there! To say I’m doing a piss poor job when you don’t even know what this job entails, you’ve never fucking done it, you have no clue. oh sorry her hair was messy for your biweekly one hour visit they rushed to right after school? go harass someone else you projecting ass, hateful ass bitch.
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charlieconwayy · 8 months
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Top 50 OTPs of All Time ☆ #48. Peyton Sawyer & Jake Jagielski
"You’re so strong, Peyton. You don’t even know it. I mean, you got me through some pretty dark days. And…I’ve been thinking that, if I can get all that…from some words on a piece of paper…just imagine what it would be like to have the real thing every day."
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heretherebedork · 3 months
Ideal Final Scene for Pit Babe
We start with a shot of the outside of a hospital with a time skip of two to three years.
Then the shot shifts to Babe in a hospital room, sitting up in bed, smiling beatifically at someone coming into the room. He is a bit pale and wearing a hospital robe but is also absolutely radiant with joy.
And we find out why as Charlie walks in with a baby in his arms, also smiling, bringing the child over and setting them in Babe's arms. They're both beaming and the baby is being adorable, chubby and content.
The camera gets closer and closer to the happy family, happy music in the background, and the last thing we hear before the credits play is Charlie says "I love you, Mama." and then, bam, black screen and credits.
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patinopotato · 7 months
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art dump
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