#should’ve cussed him out at my mom’s funeral like i planned
contraryasichoose · 10 months
fuck the fact i’m three years past it, my APUSH teacher should be hunted for sport
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otptings · 3 years
Countless Moons
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-Idol; Niki
-Word Count; 3k+
-Genre; 13+, angst , two endings (one horror, one ambiguous fluff)
-Warnings; detailed death, blood, cussing, aged up Niki, mentions of eating disorder, descriptions of grief multiple breakdowns, mentions of vomiting, self harm, insanity
-Synopsis; 2 years ago you witnessed your boyfriends death firsthand. Now after his 2 year death anniversary weird occurrences have started happening.
-A/n - here is my warning, this has a really detailed death scene that caused me to become choked up while writing this. if you do not think you can handle that please do not read this. requests are open for Enhypen (super small print is a dream, italics are flashbacks)
"I'm sorry."
Tears dripped down your cheeks. Fat and warm as they landed on your hands that you were wringing. Staring at the gravestone in front of you.
Riki Nishimura.
December 9th 2005- November 30th 2020.
Gone too soon.
It was the second anniversary. That means two years. Two years since you've witnessed him get hit by a car. When you thought too long about it you could remember that day perfectly.
That dreaded day.
Seeing his purple hair and the pout on his face after he had gotten lectured by the soccer coach because of it. The sun beating down on you, warming you despite the cold breeze that threatened to force you to put on a jacket. Niki's jacket that he always left for you just in case. Watching as he dribbled the ball, confidence displayed on his face as he kicked it toward the goal. Tossing his arm over K's shoulder as he cheered, turning to face you. Raising his fist, a smile on your face as you happily cheered for him.
Tugging said jacket closer around your body as another cold breeze brushed by. The clouded sky only made the day more dismal. Knowing that not even the sun would shine on you, as if it knew what this day meant.
"I should've listened to you," You wiped away your tears releasing a shaky laugh, "If I was more careful you would never had have to run after me."
The gravel digging into your knees and palm. Hearing your jeans rip as you hit the ground. Turning around in time to see the car hitting Niki. You could hear crunches, and a thud as he hit the ground. A blood curling scream was heard, but you don't know if it was from you or Niki. The driver of the car veered into a tree, who you later found out was drunk, passing out against the wheel.
The horn blared as you ran over to Niki, placing his head in your lap. His purple hair appearing red faintly, his eyes fluttering shut. Begging him to stay awake, tears blurring your vision as you cupped his cheek . Eyes widening you say blood dripping from his forehead.
So much blood.
The crimson liquid spilling around his body, seeping into your clothes as you held him closely. Looking around you saw bystanders staring on in disbelief, watching as you cried over his body in the middle of the street.
By the time the ambulance showed up Niki had stopped breathing. More screams and tears leaving you as the paramedics pulled you off of his body. One of them wrapped a silver blanket around you, another called your parents. You watched as they attempted to revive Niki.
They weren't successful.
His time of death was 5:37 pm.
"I wish you were here with me. I still sleep with the teddy bear your mom gave me, the one that used to be yours." A bitter sweet memory, his mom coming to your house with tears in her eyes. Handing you a box of his belongs. She hugged you tightly, muttering a sorry, before giving you her number. That was 2 years ago, before they moved to Osaka.
You couldn't blame her.
The box was precious to you. Filled with various teddy bears that he had around his room, various assortment of clothes, and letters that he had written you.
Goosebumps erupted over your skin as you felt eyes on you. Was someone watching you? Raking your eyes over the tree line, you thought you saw a glimpse of purple. Chills ran through you. It was time to leave anyway, it was past 7 pm.
Placing the narcissus flower on his grave, you stood up not bothered by the grass stains on your jeans. Pulling the jacket closer to your body, you headed to the gateway of the graveyard.
As you approached the archway you felt an urge to turn around. It was strong, like someone whispering it directly in your ear. Glancing over your shoulder you saw someone crouching over his grave, exactly where you were mere moments ago. The flower you placed in the figures hand as they stood up. An involuntary gasp left your mouth, and then the figure was gone. Vanishing into thin air.
The sun beamed down on him reflecting his silver hair as he stepped into the river. Niki turned to you with a giant smile on his face, his hand up covering his eyes from the son. Strangely you couldn't make out his eyes. You let out a laugh watching as the bottom of his jeans got soaked by the water where he hadn't pulled them high enough. He looked down at the flowing water, a pout on his lips.
The water seemed to continue rising, as fear shown in his eyes. Just like the day the car hit him. You tried to scream at him, tell him to get out of the water, but no words left your mouth. A wave rose out of the water and hit Niki. A gurgled noise filled the air as you ran to the river. You ran into the river, desperately looking for him when you something grab your leg and yank you under the water. You were met by dark red eyes, and a fanged smile.
He let out a laugh as the water filled your lungs. When your vision started to get blurry he whispered in your ear.
"Be back soon love."
No fucking way. Your stomach dropped as you read the text.
Niki Niki 💞
Hi baby
Your hand shook as you quickly blocked the number. This was a sick fucking joke. Nausea flooded your stomach, and you felt bile rise in your throat. Dropping to your knees you started to get choked up. Covering your mouth you tried to quiet the sobs leaving your mouth.
Who the fuck would hack a dead persons phone? Why would you think that was okay?
Seeing Niki's contact appear made your heart drop. Memories flashed through your mind.
His face lighting up after the goal, when he looked at you in the bleachers and knew that he wanted to make you proud. His smile shining brighter than the sun. Whining when he pulled you into his arms after, laughing as he rubbed his sweaty cheek against yours. His hair stuck to his forehead when he leaned down to you, placing a kiss on your cheek.
Hearing the sound of his body hitting the ground. Holding him tightly to your body, begging anybody to help you. Feeling his blood soaking through your jeans, sticking them to your skin like paper mache. Watching him open his mouth as he tried to talk to you. The panic in his eyes as his breathing got more ragged. A gurgling noise presenting itself as his lungs filled with blood. Seeing his eyes becoming glazed over as you held him to your chest, begging him to stay awake.
You should've held him tighter that day. Kissed him a little harder. Not bothered worrying about his sweaty jersey. Just cherished the time that you spent with him.
this looks weird I know but please listen to me
meet me in the place where we first met
I need to see you love
Tears streamed down your face as you held your legs close to your chest. Your skirt was covered in mud and grass stains. The bottom of it was torn where it had snagged when you tried to run away from them. Quiet cries left your mouth as you hid under the bleachers, praying that the bullies would leave you alone. You covered your mouth as you heard them getting closer, chants of your names.
"Come out piglet."
"Yea piglet. You love to play in the mud right?"
"Come out come out piglet." Their laughter got quieter as they walked further away. You slowly relaxed. You just had to wait out here til the bell rung. Only flaw in your plan was that you had no clue what time it was.
"Are you okay?" You jumped pulling your legs closer as you heard someone. Turning to your right you saw a boy with dark brown hair, hanging shaggily over his eyes. He held out his hand, attempting to help you stand up. When he realized you weren't gonna grab it he sat down beside you, not caring about the mud getting on his clean uniform. "My names Niki. What's yours?"
Niki didn't seem bothered at your silence. Taking off his jacket he handed it to you.
"I see your uniforms dirty. You can wear my jacket for the day if you like." Reluctantly you took his jacket, slipping it over your arms as he watched you with a smile. You stared at him weirdly as the bell finally run. Recess was over and you had successfully escaped your bullies.
Standing up Niki held his hand out to you again. This time you took it.
"Thank you." His smile only grew larger.
"Of course. I think we're gonna be friends."
"This is fucking stupid." Your words got sucked into the quiet of the night. You knew the Niki was dead. You witnessed his death. Held him in your arms as he died and choked on his own blood. Even spoke a eulogy for his funeral. He was dead as doorknob.
Here you were though. Pacing back and forth underneath of the bleachers. Sneakers crunching the dry grass. It was the middle of December. Instead of studying I was waiting to see who hacked my dead boyfriend's phone.
And what specifically was I waiting for? To have them appear then force them to apologize? They have no morals if they could hack a dead teen's number. What makes me think that any useful would happen from this.
"Fuck!" You growled as you crouched down, tears burning at our eyes. "He's not fucking coming back." You tried to convince yourself. "Everyday was supposed to get easier without you, but they're only getting worst and worst." An uncontrollable wail left your lips. You grabbed your hair, pulling it as you tried to ground yourself.
Nothing made sense anymore. Niki died at 15. It's been 2 years and you're still holding on to him.
"He isn't coming back." You wiped your tears with the sleeve of the hoodie, sniffling as you stood up.
"Who's not coming back?" Whirling around your mouth went dry. A gasp left your mouth as dizziness overcame you. "Are you okay? You look pale."
Him screaming your name was the last thing that you heard before you fainted.
"How could you bring her here? She has no fucking clue?"
"And leave her there?"
"He's right this is the best choice."
"Bringing her here is dangerous for all of us. Especially here."
"If you guys even touch her I'll kill you."
"We would never."
"What if she finds out what you are?"
Your eyes flickered open at the sound of harsh whisperings. Sitting up slowly you looked around the room. It was a stereotypical boys room, posters on the wall and clothes scattered across the floor. Turning to the nightstand something caught your eye. Picking up the picture frame you saw it was a picture of you and Niki.
Freshman year homecoming. First dance since you started dating, almost 5 years after you met for the first time. Our parents forced us to take pictures, changing up our poses every couple of photos. This was ironically the most hated one from that day.
The sun was blazing, beaming down as your parents snapped photo after photo. His arms wrapped around your waist, chin resting on your shoulder. He whispered jokes into your ears, causing laughs to flow freely. Every picture was almost the same. Niki's lips close to your ear, a wide smile on your face as you laughed.
Tears started to blur your vision as you set the picture frame down, albeit with a little bit of a thunk. The whispers went quiet outside, obviously they all had heard it. Someone turned the doorknob with a click before pushing it open, peeking their head in. Light in the hallway shone behind them, obscuring their face. They closed the door quickly, the whispers starting back up.
What the fuck was happening? You pulled your knees to your chest, pulling the blanket tighter around your body. This had to be another nightmare. Yea. Just a silly little dream. Where my dead boyfriend rose from the dead, texted me, and then took me to some strange house. Of course totally normal dream behavior.
Suddenly someone quickly stepped into the room, closing the door behind them with a resolute thud. You threw your hand over your eyes, covering them from the harsh light that abruptly turned on. Blinking a few items, you looked at the person as your vision cleared.
"This is a sick dream." Tilting his head to the side Niki started to walk over to you. Throwing your hands up you stopped him in his tracks. "Stay the fuck away. You are not Niki. I saw him die." His face softened as he stood in the middle of the room, brown eyes showing sadness.
"I am Niki."
"You're fucking not! I saw him die! I held him as he fucking died!" He jumped at your screams, looking taken aback as tears streamed down your face.
"Love. Please let me explain."
"Don't fucking call me that! Only Niki can call me that!" With a sob you curled yourself into a ball. Praying for this nightmare to end. There is no way Niki is alive.
Thud. Warm blood. Gurgle.
Thud. Warm blood. Gurgle.
He was dead.
Another guttural sob left your mouth, holding yourself tighter in hopes that you could just disappear. You flinched as you felt at the feeling of getting touched, a hand placing itself on back. He rubbed soothing circles as he whispered into your ear, words reassuring you that it was truly him.
"I'm sorry love." At the sound of that, overwhelming thoughts to go to sleep flooded your mind. You opened your eyes, confused at what was happening as you gripped onto Niki's shirt. An apologetic look on his face before everything went black for the second time that night.
"I know that you pity me. Some of you feel bad because of what I witnessed. The death of my best-friend, and boyfriend. But you shouldn't. I've known him 5 years but he has made the greatest impact on me. I look at everything in a positive light because of him. I work my hardest because he constantly encouraged me to. Niki was the best person that I know and I feel as if we should all live in his honor. I'm happy that he isn't suffering. I know that Niki is happy wherever he is. And if there is a Heaven he is definitely there. Niki if you can hear me I love you. I'm so grateful that I got to know you. I'll be with you again someday. The sun will shine on us again."
Niki Niki💞
I took the liberty of unblocking my number
when you wake up please text me
if you give me the chance I will explain everything
Here we were. Niki sitting on the opposite side of the bed from, just looking at you. Apart of you wished that this was real. That Niki was really in front of you. Drinking in his appearance you let a sigh leave your mouth.
Niki was in front of you.
His hair hung messily in his face, now grey instead of his signature purple at the time of his 'death'. Every other part of him looked normal. A hoodie hanging off of his skin frame, the same one that he wore for soccer practice with his jersey number on the back. He hasn't aged a day.
"I know you're confused," His voice broke the silence, seemingly the only thing that has changed. Having heard it multiple times you hadn't realized that it had gotten deeper, "please just let me explain. If you want nothing to do with me afterwards I'll let you go. I just missed you."
He ran his fingers through hair, before pulling the hoodie over his head. A nervous trait of his. It's nice to see that some things never change.
"I died. I remember the fear that I had that day, how you held me tightly in your arms, choking on my own blood. I remember all of it, and I truly did die." You stared at him, more confusion after part of his explanation than you had before.
"I was scared when I woke up here. I had all of the memories of my death, but woke up with no scars. No physical sign of the accident. Heeseung was the one that comforted me. He told me that I was chosen. Talked about fate's arrows and connecting two worlds. My memory of the speech is hazy after two years." Scooting closer to you he grabbed one of your hands, intertwining your fingers.
"You've been here this whole time?" Regret shone in his eyes as he nodded, "Why didn't you tell me?" His face dropped at your voice. Desperation was clear in the way that your voice cracked.
"I couldn't. They told me I would put in danger. That you would reject what I am now."
Niki cupped your cheek wiping your stray tears. Sighing you nuzzled your face into his palm. His hand was cold. The same coldness that filled you for years after his death.
"I missed you so much. I fought myself day and night. I needed you too. I'm sorry love."
All the nights filled with tears, sobbing until your throat was sore and your head felt like it would explode from the pressure. School days filled with people staring, whispering to each other about the poor girl that witnessed her boyfriends death. Bile rising in your throat every time you ate, thoughts of Niki bleeding out in your arms, remembering scrubbing the blood off of you in the shower. You never could keep food down, rushing to the bathroom after every meal. Tears flooding your eyes as you gagged, constant flashbacks.
But Niki is here. In front of you. His hand cupping your cheek, whispering apologies into the air between you. Maybe everything would be okay.
It's been two years. Two years since you've found out that Niki was still alive. As a vampire, but 'alive' nonetheless.
Leaving town was always your plan. After Niki's death what was left for you in Okayama? You always thought about going to South Korea, or maybe even to America. Somewhere to get a full fresh start. Not being known as the dead boy's girlfriend. Who wasted away due to grief. Who died 3 years after his death, a brutal suicide that raked the town.
You were the real Romeo and Juliet. Two young lovers separated at 15, death forcing them to part. You never recovered from his death, so at 18 you followed him. After your funeral your family left town, not being able to bare the pain.
It was a fresh start for you. And Niki.
Your love Niki. Who laid now on your chest as you watched a movie, a cult classic funnily enough. The other members spread out on various couches. Looking down at Niki you ran your fingers through his hair, a sigh leaving his mouth as he relaxed. Grabbing your other hand Niki placed a kiss on it, a smile blossoming across your lips.
In the dead of winter, under countless moons you were together again.
thank you for reading this, I really hoped that you enjoyed it. I tried to make it the ending as fluffy as possible without ruining the vibe I had going for the whole oneshot. underneath of this is the alternate ending if you want to go insane read it. it does contain mentions of insanity, and self harm. you have been warned
It's been two years. Two years since you've found out that Niki was still alive. As a vampire, but 'alive' nonetheless.
Leaving town was always your plan. After Niki's death what was left for you in Okayama? You always thought about going to South Korea, or maybe even to America. Somewhere to get a full fresh start. Not being known as the dead boy's girlfriend. Who wasted away due to grief. Who died 3 years after his death, a brutal suicide that raked the town.
You were the real Romeo and Juliet. Two young lovers separated at 15, death forcing them to part. You never recovered from his death, so at 18 you followed him. After your funeral your family left town, not being able to bear the pain.
That’s what your parents told everyone at least.
The truth is police found you under the bleachers, writhing on the ground as you nonsensically spouted about vampires and curses. Telling everyone who listened how Niki was still alive. They would tut, turning around while mentioning how the accident affected you. Ruining you mentally. Your parents' concerns only grew when you would speak to the thin air. Claiming it was Niki. That he missed them, and wished they would allow him in the house.
You would claw at yourself to ‘feed’ Niki, blood dripping from your arms. It came to a halt when your parents walked into the house, crimson surrounding your mouth as you happily told them you had turned. You were now a vampire. You could now be with Niki forever.
They shipped you to the farthest asylum. One in Virginia, hidden away in the mountains. Far are from them. Far away from Niki.
Maybe after countless moons you’ll meet again one day. When the insanity no longer claimed your mind, and shrouded your reality.
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An Old Life Meets A New (Pt27)
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Pairing: Jensen x Daughter, Danneel x Stepdaughter, Jared x Niece
Warnings: Slight Cussing, Angst, Fluff, Death Mentioned, Car Accident Mentioned, Anxiety/Depression, Arguing, Panic Attacks, Yelling, Fighting, Sex Mentioned, Child Abuse, Drunk Abuse, Relationship Abuse, Alcohol
Summary: After the recent death of her mother, Harper must adjust to her new life in the Ackles home, this includes a new stepmother, half-siblings, and reconnecting with her father.
A/N: It’s time! Dennis vs Harper and Jensen. ONLY 3 CHAPTERS LEFT!!! No hate on Danneel or Jensen please. Feedback is greatly appreciated!
***ASK OPEN***
An Old Life Meets A New Masterlist
Chapter 27
Harper stood abruptly from the bench, as did Jensen. They stared at the man walking towards them. Jensen could see the panic on Harper's face.
"I thought it was you," Dennis spoke as he walked towards them, "Though I'm surprised to see you in New York. I could've sworn I heard an old friend of your mothers say you moved to Texas."
Jensen quickly moved Harper behind him to protect her, "Don't you dare come any closer, you piece of shit. I know what you did to her."
"And I know what you did to her, Ackles. You left her. Last time I checked you didn't even care to give her a call anymore," Dennis continued to walk towards them, "But this isn't between me and you. I have some...unfinished business with the brat."
Harper peeked out from behind Jensen, stuttering her words, "Wait, I-I thought y-you were in jail?"
Dennis let out a deep, dark chuckle, "I was. But I got out early on good behavior. Been out for about a week and a half now."
Harper flinched at his words as he spoke, all the memories of him, her mother, and her. All the pain she felt. All the sleepless nights. The tears, the sadness, the fear of what was to come next.
She shuddered behind Jensen, but tried her hardest not to show fear. Jensen saw that she was trying to hide and knew if he didn't try to do something, Dennis might try to hurt her again.
Jensen and Harper exchanged a worried look as Dennis continued to talk.
"I was planning on visiting you and your mother when I got out, but I recently heard that she passed away. Car accident right?" Dennis asked.
"Sh-she was hit by a drunk driver, barely survived the ride to the ambulance. She's been gone for a little over a w-week," Harper replied.
Dennis gave her a fake pout as he rolled his eyes, "What a shame. I would've loved to see her again."
That sentence set Harper over the edge. All her fear and sadness ran out the door. Now she was furious. She knows his intentions, she's known for years now.
Harper stepped out from behind Jensen and got right in Dennis's face, "Even if she was alive, your drunk ass shouldn't be anywhere near her. She hated you-"
"She loved me, you brat!" Dennis screamed back at her.
"She was afraid of you, dickhead! Everyday she was afraid to come home, knowing what was going to happen. She knew that the minute she stepped into the house, she was going to get hurt. She knew when I stepped into the house I was going to get hurt. All she wanted to do was protect me. And when you went to jail and she filed the restraining order, we were finally rid of your lazy ass," Harper stated.
Dennis slapped a hand across her face, making Harper fall to the ground, "Don't you ever talk back to me, you bitch!"
Dennis looked up at Jensen, "Oh and what's this? Did your Daddy come to fight your battles for you, Harper? Guess I'll have to show him all the fun that we used to have."
Harper watched as Dennis swung at Jensen, but Jensen dodged the punch. Dennis continued to throw punches and kicks at Jensen, but Dennis couldn't lay a finger on him. Jensen dodged every shot.
"Come on, Ackles. Be a man! Fight me!" Dennis yelled out.
"This is what you think being a man is, Dennis? Well I hate to break it to you, but you are dead wrong. I'm not going to hit you and I'm not going to hurt you," Jensen spoke softly.
"But I will," Harper yelled as she kicked Dennis in the side of the head. Dennis stumbled back, his hand on his head as he felt blood dripping.
"Why you little brat!" Dennis swung at Harper, but missed. Harper swung at him, and connected with his cheek. She then swiped his legs out from underneath him. Dennis fell down with a thud.
"There's something you don't know about me, Dennis," Harper said as she punched him in the eye, "After you went to jail," another punch to the lip, "Mom set me up with some kick boxing classes," one punch square in the nose, "And I was top of my class."
Harper pinned his arms down as she continued to punch Dennis in the face. Jensen stood back and watched, afraid if he stepped in she'd punch him by mistake.
Harper stood up after a minute and brushed herself off, her knuckles red from punching Dennis. Dennis's face was covered in bruises and blood. Harper showed him what he did to her for years, and she was proud to not be afraid anymore.
Just then, Dennis swiped her legs out from under her and she fell to the ground. Dennis jump on top of her and reared his fist back and punched her in the eye. He reared back his other arm, ready to strike again.
Unfortunately for him, Jensen was not going to have him doing this to Harper again.
Jensen grabbed his arm and pulled Dennis off of Harper. Harper sat up and saw Jensen and Dennis fighting and wrestling on the ground.
First Jensen had Dennis pinned, holding his arms down to prevent any punches. Dennis then had the upper hand, holding Jensen down as he punched him.
But Jensen wasn't going to let Dennis win. Jensen gathered all the strength he had and pushed Dennis off of him. Jensen kicked him in the throat and watched Dennis fall to the ground, coughing up blood.
Both men had cuts on their faces, blood on their knuckles, and were definitely bruised. Jensen continued to have the upper hand though, pinning Dennis's arms behind his back.
"Let me go, you big shithead!" Dennis yelled at Jensen.
"Why? So you can hit my daughter again? I don't think so, asshole! You're dealing with me now!" Jensen yelled back at him.
Harper took the opportunity when Dennis was pinned and not focused on her to call 911. Jensen continued to pin Dennis to the ground. He wasn't going to let him go.
Harper walked up to Dennis and crouched down to his face, "I hope you enjoyed prison. 'Cause that's exactly where you're going back to."
Dennis wiggled his arms, trying to get them free, "You dumb ass little bitch, you have no idea who you are dealing with."
Harper looked up at Jensen and smiled, "Yeah, I think I do. I'm dealing with a man who bullied my mom and I for years. And I just happen to finally be able to stand up to him. It just so happens that Jensen here," she pointed at Jensen, "doesn't exactly like bullies. Or anyone messing with his family. He's very protective of me. You just happen to cross a line that you weren't ready to cross."
Dennis continued to wiggle and try to get his arms free of Jensen's grip. But Jensen wasn't easing up. He had Dennis down, and Jensen wasn't moving.
It wasn't long after that the cops showed up at the park and arrested Dennis once again. Jensen and Harper were escorted to an ambulance to get looked over.
After Harper was taken care of, one of the officers walked up to her and Jensen, "Mr. Ackles, is there anything you can tell us about what was going on? A statement perhaps?"
Jensen, who was currently being looked at by an EMT, shrugged at the cop, "My daughter and I were just sitting here having a conversation when that man walked up, recognized her from when he was dating her mother, and just started hitting her. I stepped in to make sure he didn't hurt her."
The officer looked at Harper, "Is that true, miss?"
Harper nodded, unable to speak.
The officer wrote something down, "Well, I'm glad you caught him. You see, Dennis escaped from prison about two weeks ago."
Jensen and Harper sat there wide eyed at the officer, shocked at his statement.
"He what?" Harper asked.
"Yes, he escaped and we've been looking for him since then. A few of our sources say he somehow got out of state, but I see now he was hiding in plain sight," the officer replied.
Jensen sighed, "But you're taking him back right?"
The officer nodded, "He'll be going to prison for the rest of his life. There's no chance of him getting out again. I can assure you that."
Harper and Jensen nodded a thanks to the officer as he walked away. Harper sat down next to Jensen in the back of the ambulance, laying a hand on his bandaged arm.
"I'm really sorry for all of this, Dad. I had no idea about Dennis. I thought he was gone for good. But I put you in danger. He could've killed you," Harper rambled on.
Jensen sighed, "Babygirl, you had no idea about any of this. It surprised both of us. Just be lucky it's a few bumps and bruises."
Harper sat up and hugged her dad, who grunted from the pain.
She pulled back, "Sorry! I'm sorry."
Jensen chuckled, "It's fine. I can take a little pain for a hug."
Harper and Jensen exchanged a hug. They stayed like that for a moment until the EMT came back and told Jensen just to take it easy for a few days. Jensen thanked him, and the EMTs left along with the cops.
Jensen thought for a moment before looking at Harper, "So you took kickboxing?"
Harper chuckled and nodded, "Mom thought I needed to learn to defend myself. What she didn't think was when I'm motivated enough, I can defend myself just fine."
Jensen laughed, "Just remind me to never get on your bad side. I don't want to end up like that."
Jensen and Harper walked back over to the bench and sat down. Harper picked up the notebook she was writing in earlier.
Jensen was curious, "I saw you writing something when I got here. If you don't my asking, what was it?"
Harper sighed and leaned back on the bench, closing her eyes, "I, um, I didn't speak at Mom's funeral. I really should've but I couldn't make myself do it. So I came here to try and find some inspiration to write a eulogy for her. I finally wrote everything I needed to say, I just feel bad that I didn't say anything that day."
Jensen smiled, "Well, if you want, we can go visit her grave. Maybe you can say it to her now."
Harper looked down at her notebook then back to Jensen, "I don't know. I think it's too late."
Jensen shook his head, "It's never too late. Harper, let's do it. I'd like to say a few things as well, if you'd let me."
She looked back at her notebook before standing up and grabbing her backpack, "You're right. Let's go."
She and Jensen jogged over to the street to hail a cab. Jensen held out his arm, yelling for a taxi. One stopped almost immediately, and they jumped in. Harper told the driver where to go and they were off.
My Cherry Blossoms
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@mangueweaschester @unicornmadness2444 @emery--nicole--morrison @starchildwild​ @deans-baby-momma​ @spnbaby-67
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