#shout out to masahiro ito
flutt3rb4tz · 7 months
the two biggest things rotting my brain recently. honey toast
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maytheratseatureyes · 1 month
fav Silent hill game overall? Also which has your fav plot, protag and monsters?
That's difficult to answer. I love the first three games equally, but if I had to pick one, I'd have to go with 2.
And that's because 2 has my favorite plot. I still remember the first time I beat the game. The dialogue during the long walk down the hallway before the final boss was like a punch in the gut. I just remember crying. It was the first time I ever got that emotional over a game before, and it didn't help that my first time through I got the In Water ending (still my favorite ending to this day) It wasn't even the plot twist that hit me the hardest, but the way the devs told the story. I could go on, but I'll try to keep this brief, lol
Favorite protag goes to Harry Mason. I just love him to bits. He gets the best dad ever award. Guy went through literal hell just to find his adopted daughter, and I broke down sobbing when he died in 3. That messed me up so bad.
Best monster award goes to Silent Hill 3! I know Masahiro Ito didn't create all of the monsters by himself this time around, but the ones he did make were amazing. My top 3 favorite monsters are in this game, the Closer, Valtiel, and it has my favorite version of the nurse. Seriously, where the heck is the merch for the SH3 nurse? I want a statue of her! All of the monsters in 3 were so messed up looking, I loved it! The Slurper, Pendulum, and Insane Cancer were all so freaky! But the Split Heads were meh, and the Numb Bodies were too cute to be scary.
As for the bosses, not many stood out aside from the Memory of Alessa, which is my favorite boss in the series. Lenord was pretty cool, but also a pain in the butt since you have to fight him in water.
And I'm giving a shout-out to Silent Hill 4! I know you get crapped on a lot, but I love you! Also, the Twin Victim is an S-class monster design!
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friendlystarfruit · 2 years
look at this deviantart gallery my friend found yesterday where this guy has uploaded like a thousand pictures of edited versions of barney the dinosaur in increasingly eldritch demonic configurations like don't message them or anything but don't you think that's kind of crazy? https://www.deviantart.com/jmp529/gallery/all and kind of scary too but honesltly as i've grown up on the internet i've learned to respect this sort of obsession with things even if it doesn't really make sense to me i don't know the consistent themes of punishment are interesting and i really like the pictures . i think anyone would be lying if they said they didn’t feel intrigued by deviantart accounts like this. what do you think?
Ill be honest that art is pretty rad and really creative , which reminds me have you seen the trailer for the whinnie the poo horror movie?
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I dont have deviant art but shout to that account that art looks cool ppl shouuld check out their stuff , my fav peice of there is this
I like morbid art and I am not a morbid person this is very tame compared to the art I like, love David Firth , Trevor Henderson ,,, Junji Itos , Masahiro Ito, Francisco Goya (I did a painting inspired by his titan) Francis Bacon , ..........Idk why because I am far from a morbid person like far from it
bellow cw body horror (manga by Junji Itos)
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