comexawayxchild · 5 years
Just Razzin’ Ya
Wirt was far from your ordinary teenager, oh he had been once upon a time, but not after taking up the mantle of Guardian. Ever since this happened he had been able to sense other beings that were more supernaturally inclined as he was. Although he did have trouble a lot of the time differentiating from his usual acute anxiety and the sense of More he got from others.
“Hey-uh hi! Um, oh gosh, uh are yooooou? Hah, this is awkward. No nevermind it’s nothing.” Wirt said retracting his greeting and his desire to curl up in a corner and never be seen again growing.
The poor teenager took a deep breath and tried to awkwardly excuse himself. Wirt was just terrible with social things and attempting to protect the humans of his town from other supernatural beings was difficult and exhausting. Wirt was at least 90% sure this person was something but he was also 1000% sure he just embarrassed himself and flubbed this whole Great Fae thing.
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xrevenantxechox · 5 years
Lost In Life? Lost in Death? Come on Down to the Arby’s
“Um...E-excuse me but...could you give me directions to the Valentine Science Center?” Echo asked somewhat timidly. He could not discern the person he was approaching’s mood after all, he was unable to see them. He could only sense that they were there and smell a sort of unique and unfamiliar sort of scent from them.
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victeux · 5 years
@shoyuyaku​ asked for a cat.
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   Bronze eyes remain planted on the man that sat on the park bench nearby, the cat standing as still as a statue a few feet away to one side of the bench. It was a bit late, so the park was certainly lacking in people she could bother. One paw moved forward only rarely, perhaps every few minutes or whenever the man turned his head completely away from her direction. She was waiting for something; probably some sign that she wasn’t going to be kicked away as soon as she was within distance.
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sonderrow-moved · 5 years
@shoyuyaku​​ liked for ✴️ 
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The bat snarled in a high pitched screech, ready to pop right into a more monstrous form if needed. This is his territory, the nearest, pristinely taken cared of forest from the metropolitan area. The one place where you could trade crowd of people with wildlife, take a deep breath with no industrial fume... and it was his territory this creature was trampling on.
No matter the size difference between the bat and the dragon, it is only about animal language. A warning to one predator to another. You are in my home. Behave.
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reincarneth-moved · 5 years
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...She sure had met some strange humans working at the inn but never before had she met one so odd. “I’m sorry, sir, I can’t understand what you’re saying.” She had a certain robotic quality to her voice - it wasn’t just the mechanical overtone, but her voice was completely flat, too.  
A shame that Hei wasn’t here right now, he was so much better with people.
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“I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.”
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lrper · 5 years
@shoyuyaku cont. from x
“A-Are you sure it’s alright?” A worry was showing through the human-like girl’s brown eyes while looking up at the man that was assuring her.
“Do you need me to do anything as of right now?”
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hxrmcny · 5 years
@shoyuyaku​ liked x
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   His first reaction, without meaning to, was to blurt out a sharp no before the other could even open their mouth. A part of the man scolds him for not allowing the stranger to speak. Another part of Jiang Cheng just doesn’t care enough and he inches towards the left despite it.
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purxhxarted · 5 years
💰 (saving fellow dragon from slave auction while trying not to burn down the entire building? yes? yes. yes please--?)
Send 💰 for your muse to buy my muse at a slave auction
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One would think he’d learn, eventually, not to trust so easily and to recognize when he’s being deceived and to see past the false smiles and into the greed hiding beneath. And yet…
His head is turned this way and that to show off the feathered ears ( the unmistakable characteristic of his kind ) and all Sousuke can do is let them manhandle him, too exhausted, too drained and in pain to even attempt to protest the treatment. He knows what they’re doing. And by the sudden rise in bids, it seems to be working. 
Dulled green eyes flicker over the crowd, past the bidders so excited to own a dragon as a pet, as property, as a playmate, as a…
A shudder ripples down his spine and he feels nauseous as he remembers what the guards had told him while he’d been locked in his cage. He doesn’t want to believe that anyone would be so cruel, so willing to look past the wants of someone else in order to satisfy their own desires, but, as he looks at the crowd and sees the way they look at him, it’s difficult to stay firm in that belief. 
“–sold! To the gentleman–”
Sousuke jerks his head up, horrified to find that the auction has finished. He’s dragged off the stage before he has the time to blink to make space for the next ‘item’, the chain around his neck digging into his skin and he has to focus on breathing, on not stumbling and choking himself. That’s why he doesn’t notice until he’s standing right before his new ‘owner’.
The scent hits him, then. It’s familiar yet not and it makes his eyes go wide in shock. Dragon. This man is a dragon too. And he’s just bought him.
Has just…
Confusion and relief and exhaustion and an overwhelming feeling of everything floods him all at once and Sousuke shudders, breath catching in his throat and green eyes filling with tears and it takes him all he has to not burst out crying.
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dckxn · 5 years
"Ye obviously can’t be trusted to take care of yerself, so let me do it for ye."
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Howl blinked, tilting his head to the side not unlike that of a dog and stepped back from what he had apparently been doing wrong; however, his brows were still furrowed in apparent confusion. He’d seen a human man do this before, so was it really so wrong? While Howl himself did not truly know, he’d given it a try anyway.
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merrickals · 6 years
“Jeez, it’s f—er, hecking cold,” Merrick grumbled, peering around the dark field over his even darker lenses.  The sunglasses were an annoying precaution, but a necessary one; Merrick hadn’t really thought about the risks of having to disguise his bioluminescent sclera while out with strangers in the dead of night.  He’d simply volunteered to host the town stargazing night straightaway.  Thankfully, the chilly weather seemed to have put a check on turnout; tonight’s only attendees were a sleepy pair of elementary schoolers, their equally sleepy father, and a solitary young man who looked to be about Merrick’s own age. Merrick sighed.  He wouldn’t be able to count on much audience participation, but at least his secret would be safe. Probably. He drained the remaining hot chocolate from the styrofoam travel cup in his hand, set it down on the ground beside him, and switched on the karaoke machine microphone.
“Hello, everyone!  Welcome to the third weekly Community Cocoa and Constellations! My name is Merrick, your host for this evening, or alternatively, your guide to life! The universe! Aaaaaand EVERYTHING!” It occurred to Merrick that the joke was too dated to land for at least half the audience, but it was too late to worry about that now.  He continued,  “…Or, well, just the universe for tonight, but the rest of it’s 42, in case you were wondering.  Anyway!  If y’all would come grab one more cup o’ cocoa and settle on down, that’d be fantastic.  We’re just about to get started, and it’d be real nice if we could just soar on through without toooo many interruptions.” The smoother Merrick’s presentation, the sooner its end.
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ethereallyloved · 5 years
“it’s just blood” for my muse to find your muse bleeding
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“ I can see that! What did you do?! You didn’t kill anyone right? Stay away! “
He spoke, actually taking out a small knife. He was ready to use it if necessary. Nimat wasn’t going to hold himself back.
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noircisaint · 5 years
❤ Dating Sim Tropes ❤
REPOST and fill in with details about your muse as if they were a character in a Dating Sim. (Inspired by Huniepop)
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Name: Jeanne Bauchard ( In Modern verses ) Their Profession: Art Major Graduate / Freelance Artist Where they can be found: Coffee Shops, or at home. Favourite food type: Doesn’t have much of a preference, but spicy food does well. Favourite alcoholic drink: Wine Favourite trait (romance, passion, sexuality, talent, flirtation, sentiment, joy): Passion and Sentiment. Where they would go on a date: Anywhere quiet usually works. Ideal gift: Art supplies / Simply spending time with her. How many dates until they go to bed: Difficult to say. Her interest in sleeping with other is fairly low unless she feels connected to the person she is dating. 
tagged by: @grassgrown​ tagging: @rcmnv, @memorylost, @caemthe, @lostpurplebutterfly, @cupidscales, @clarentblood, @fionnfiana, @vulpcsglaciei, @sheruption, @elfhelt, @teethtm, @fxrgottengxddess, @hehowl, @cmndsl, @hitxuzen, @chldca, @eiriini, @elusivemaster, @wisesteyed,  @beaststrands, @shoyuyaku, @umrtiia, @fateswept​, @tyyrant, @kamangir, @ardenssolis, @vnsainted, @champizard, @crypted, @tofh​, @burekudaun-kyu​, @charmeise​, @flcmedriven​, @noirenfer​ & who else wants-
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distantxlight · 5 years
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01.    nickname: ??? 02.    real name: Cherry 03.    zodiac: Leo 04.    height: 5′10″ 05.    what time is it?: 7:13 AM 06.    favorite musician / groups: Nightwish, anything Disney 07.    favorite sports team: yeah sports sports are exciting I can name all the sports like ball catch and ball thow-- 08.    other blogs: Too many. But @shoyuyaku, @crystalismagi, and @fillodalua​ are my more active ones rn. 09.    do i get asks?: ...Uh... Occasionally. 10.    how many blog do i follow?: wat 11.    any tumblr crushes?: so many crushes that I can never remember the names of 12.    lucky number: 13 13.   what am i wearing right now: Blue nightgown 14.    dream vacation: Disneyworld without getting sick 15.    dream car: If I could get another Kia Rio5 I would die happy 16.    favorite food: Food. But mostly meats. 17.    drink of choice: Cream Soda 18.    languages: English, a little bit of German 19.    instruments: Violin 20.    celebrity crushes: Pretty much anyone from the MCU movies. 21.   random fact: My cat plays fetch.
TAGGED BY: @sonderrow​ TAGGING: Everyone
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lrper · 5 years
♞ - physically pick my muse up and carry them
Manhandling symbol starters
A small squeak came out from a butterfly girl when a tall, brown-haired male picked her up from the ground and carried her. She was confused as to why he had done that, looking around to see if there was something that was connecting to his motives before looking back at him.
“U-Um...hi...?” Was all she could say upon an odd moment.
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dckxn · 5 years
starters/replies list.
@wanderingmechanichick S
@airxn S 
@hordeofmuses, hex S
@bucketfullofocs R
@fandensflytrap, devon R
@shoyuyaku /Plotting or R
@violetviolxnce R
@kcnkei R
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noircisaint · 5 years
Rules: you can only say “guilty ✔  ” or “innocent  ✘ ”. you are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages or asks you. repost, don’t reblog!
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Asked someone to marry you? — ✘   Kissed one of your friends? —   ✔ Danced on a table in a bar / tavern? — ✘   Ever told a lie? — ✔   Had feelings for someone you can’t have? — ✘   Ever kissed someone of the same sex? — ✔ Kissed a picture? — ✘   Slept until 5pm? — ✘ Fallen asleep at work / school? — ✘   Held a snake? — ✔ Worked at a fast food chain / restaurant? — ✘   Stolen something? — ✔ Been fired from a job? — ✘   Done something you regret? — ✘ Laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose? — ✘   Caught a snowflake on your tongue? — ✘ Kissed in the rain? — ✔   Sat on a roof top? — ✔   Kissed someone you shouldn’t have? — ✘ Sang in the shower? — ✔ Been pushed into a body of water with all your clothes on? — ✘ Shaved your head? — ✘   Slept naked? — ✔   Made a boyfriend / girlfriend cry? — ✘ Shot a gun? — ✘   Still loved someone you shouldn’t? — ✘   Have / had a tattoo? — ✔   Liked someone, but will never tell who? — ✘   Been too honest? — ✔   Ruined a surprise? — ✔   Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? — ✔   Stalked someone? — ✘   Thoughts about murder? — ✔   How about mass murder? — ✔   Cheated on someone? — ✘ Gotten so angry that you cried? — ✘ Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? — ✔ Thoughts about suicide? — ✔ Had a girlfriend / boyfriend? — ✔   Gotten totally drunk during a holiday? — ✔    
Tagged by: @royaltyfated / @homeport Tagging: @kiildria, @maeriiberii, @floraprin, @memorylost, @hancfubuki​, @cmndsl​, @hitxuzen​, @chldca​, @unladylikc​, @heavcnlyone​, @shoyuyaku​, @umrtiia​, @niitheful​, @vnsainted​, @grassgrown​, @charmeise​, @flcmedriven​, @gateskey​, @hariolor​, @ketsuekki​, @candiism​, @providism​, @jinruinokibo​, @dadadaemons​ and everyone who sees this and haven’t done it yet-
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