#shsl painter
caranoelle · 1 year
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It took me WAY too long to get the motivation to actually finish this ;-; I'm just glad I finally did lmao
Character belongs to & was designed by me !
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despair-island · 2 years
Let The Games Begin! ; Prologue
You had received a letter in the mail, the envelope crisp and white. Upon opening it, it delivered a wonderful message to you! It reveals that you had been randomly selected from a handful of contestants to win a free island vacation to Jabberwock Island with all expenses paid!
When you showed up on the island, you were immediately greeted by a woman.
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"Oh, hi there! You must be our prize winner, right? Welcome! I'm Chisa Yukizome, the former Ultimate Housekeeper and now a teacher at Hope's Peak Academy. And I'm also the one supervising the kiddos here. Since your prize was Hope's Peak sponsored, that also makes me your chaperone. Now follow me, I'll take you to the beach."
(( Feel free to ignore, interact if not tagged, or ask for your tag to be removed! Blogs with Kokichi or Kotoko as a muse DNI! This blog is spoiler-free, being a separate Killing Game than the canon! ))
@human-monokuma @unknown-ultimates @smol-princess-bby @lilmessycloud @deranged-danger-sisters (Mikan or Celestia) @ask-the-ultimate-cosplayer @ask-ultimate-fashionista @ultimate-investagter-graduate @shsl-bosozoku-mondo-oowada @theultimatemoralcompass @theultimateactress @despairisthenewhope @ask-daimon-things @ask-hiyoko @traditional-dancer-hiyoko @hatchet-wielding-maniacs @ask-shsl-scribe @ryoko-reblogs @bikerandbreeder @restoringhopeau @yui-samidare-returns @oddblogfullofoddmuses @iroha-painter-missing @mikado-sannoji (or anyone else!), @ask-timid-makoto-naegi @floral-samurai @multitalentedsweethearts @bitter-bitter-panic
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twisted-lies · 1 year
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༊·˚ Rantaro Usernames
| ranmami | aamataro | taro-amami | taro-amami-tea | ultadventurer | ultsurvivor | rantarsuro | nail-painter-rantaro | bejeweled-taro | ramamii | aamantaro | not-sus-guy | brother-rantaro | mysteriouss-adventurer | shsl-adventurerr | shsl-survivorr | taro-teamami | green-survivor | endless-searchings | amamixrantaro |
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¡Bienvenidos a un nuevo juego!
Welcome to a new game!
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¿Qué es Danganronpa 11: Esperanza Desesperada?
Danganronpa 11: Esperanza Desesperada (DR11) es un Danganfic/Fanganronpa hecho por mi y algunos amigos por diversión y en broma, sin ánimos de que se tome en serio. Esta basado en la saga de videojuegos Danganronpa, con la misma sinopsis y base, pero con personajes originales.
¿De que trata DR11?
En cuanto a la sinopsis y el resto es todo igual al Danganronpa original, lo único que cambia es los personajes y un poco la historia en si. En resumen: La historia gira alrededor de 16 estudiantes que se encuentran atrapados en una escuela bajo el control de un robot con forma de oso llamado Monokuma. Para escapar, los estudiantes deben «graduarse» de la escuela. Para ello, tienen que asesinar a un compañero de clase. Los estudiante en este caso son todos de nacionalidad Chilena, hay veces en la que los estudiantes no se toman nada en serio, y hay veces en las que ellos se toman todo seriamente como es debido.
Cast de DR11:
Ester Aguilera - Fan de K-POP Definitiva
Margarita Arias - Tecladista Definitiva
Javi Arriagada - Diseñador de Moda Definitivo
Catalina Badillo - Streamer Definitiva
Alex Bustos - Grafitero Definitivo
Andrea Chandia - Estudiante Definitiva
Maximiliano Contreras - Bocetero Definitivo
Seba Giménez - Entusiasta de Futbol Definitivo
Nivea Huilipán - Gamer Definitiva
Matías Labra - Desafortunado Definitivo
Alexandra Lara - Pintora Definitiva
Andrés Medel - Compositor Definitivo [Protagonista]
Leonor Medina - Leterista (Lettering) Definitiva
Gabriel Meyer - Editor de Videos Definitivo
Jared Montecinos - Cantante Definitivo
Betsabé Reyes - ??? Definitiva
¿Dónde puedo leer DR11?
Planeo subir el fanfic a Ao3, primero en Español y luego en Ingles. Todo será igual al Danganronpa original, un Prologo, 6 capítulos y un Epilogo. Acá subiré avances, las presentaciones, tiempo libre y mucho contenido extra.
Y eso, si tienes alguna duda, puedes mandarla sin problema!<3
(ENG VER under the cut)
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What is Danganronpa 11: Desperate Hope?
Danganronpa 11: Desperate Hope (DR11) is a Danganfic/Fanganronpa made by me and some friends for fun and as a joke, without intending to take it seriously. It is based on the Danganronpa video game saga, with the same synopsis and base, but with original characters.
What is DR11 about?
Regarding the synopsis and the rest, everything is the same as the original Danganronpa, the only thing that changes is the characters and the story itself a bit. In summary: The story revolves around 16 students who find themselves trapped in a school under the control of a bear-like robot named Monokuma. In order to escape, the students must "graduate" from school. To do this, they have to murder a classmate. (fountain) The students in this case are all of Chilean nationality, there are times when the students don't take anything seriously, and there are times when they take everything seriously as they should.
Cast of DR11:
Ester Aguilera - Ultimate K-poper / SHSL "K-POP fan"
Margarita Arias - Ultimate Keyboardist / SHSL "Keyboard Player"
Javi Arriagada - Ultimate Fashion Designer / SHSL "Fashion Designer"
Catalina Badillo - Ultimate Streamer / SHSL "Live Broadcast Producer"
Alex Bustos - Ultimate Graffiti Artist / SHSL "Graffiti Artist"
Andrea Chandia - Ultimate Student / SHSL "Student"
Maximiliano Contreras - Ultimate Sketcher / SHSL "Sketcher"
Seba Giménez - Utimate Football Enthusiast / SHSL "Soccer Lover"
Nivea Huilipán - Ultimate Gamer / SHSL "Gamer"
Matías Labra - Ultimate Unlucky / SHSL "Unluck"
Alexandra Lara - Ultimate Painter / SHSL "Painter"
Andrés Medel - Ultimate Composer / SHSL "Composer" [Protagonist]
Leonor Medina - Ultimate Letterist / SHSL "Writer" (Lettering)
Gabriel Meyer - Ultimate Video Editor / SHSL "Video Editor"
Jared Montecinos - Ultimate Singer / SHSL "Singer"
Betsabé Reyes - Ultimate ??? / SHSL "???"
Where can I read DR11?
I plan on uploading the fanfic to Ao3, first in Spanish and then in English. Everything will be the same as the original Danganronpa, a Prologue, 6 chapters and an Epilogue. Here I will upload progress, presentations, free time and a lot of extra content.
And that, if you have any questions, you can send it without problem! <3
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shslweeklyfreebie · 1 year
SHSL Painter?
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I sure wouldn't want my hair loose if I was going around painting things.
Be the first to hop into the askbox and request em, and the design will be yours! You can also enter the blog’s bimonthly lottery to have em lined and colored!
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salt-apple · 1 year
how about 1, 4, 7 and 8 for the Danganronpa ask game?
What was your first exposure to Danganronpa?
First EVER was in a world records book. First time actually deciding to get into it was a Kubz Scouts playthru. idk why
Which character can you absolutely not stand?
You get the chance to reassign five characters new talents. Who do you choose, and which new talents do they get?
Gundham's the SHSL Animal Handler or Veterinarian now bc. im immature. Andou is the SHSL Baker now bc. yeah. simpler for tiny brain. I'd probably change Angie's title to be a little more specific? like painter or sculptor or the like. same with Mioda (maybe Guitarist?) (these r both in sdra2 skull emoji) and finallyyyyyy idk. fours enough
Who is your favorite protagonist?
Hajime . sdr2 supremacy (for fangans my favorite is prolly Sora bc im basic)
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cupidsbow57 · 1 year
A lil something i made, her name is Kozu Akongi and she's the SHSL Painter, she's one of my Danganronpa OCs
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chiropila · 5 years
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when u. in love
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degenerateflesh · 5 years
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Mikan as the Ultimate Painter!
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dr-epitome · 3 years
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NAME: Mallory Anand PRONOUNS: he/they AGE: 16 [DOB 6/30/20XX] HEIGHT: 5'4" [164 cm] BUILD: Basically a pencil BLOOD TYPE: B- LIKES: Hamsters, visual kei DISLIKES: Mechanical pencils, roses
When mysterious paintings started appearing throughout Canadian art galleries, they were traced back to high schooler Mallory Anand. His painting style is both detailed and suggestive at once; a mix of surrealism and fine detail draws the eye to what's most important in the piece while leaving the rest undefined but understandable. Mallory claims he has no idea what he's doing, and in fact that he had no clue that his siblings had submitted his work to so many galleries, but is extremely grateful for all of the attention… he thinks.
Mallory is just trying his best. A wallflower in a somewhat literal sense of the term, he’s more than content to just let himself be dragged around by louder  personalities. But that doesn’t mean he’s totally aimless, as he’s often got his own plans brewing in the background - he just would rather not be pulled to the forefront. Even if people say his ideas are good, he doesn’t know if he’d actually like to be recognized for them, so this Ultimate thing is. A lot.
Mallory uses primarily he/him pronouns, and occasionally they/them.
DANGANRONPA EPITOME: CROSS YOUR ACHING HEARTS Premieres April 11, 2021 | Check blog description for Discord link!  
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peachypandaart · 4 years
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Me and my friend and making a Danganronpa Rewrite together! These are the characters I got to design and I absolutely adore them.
If you want to read about them you can do that here.
I also made a video of their voice claims owo
I expect to draw more of them soon <3 
(yes I slept astrology wrong dont @ me and some of the behinds are super off lmao)
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croshroom · 5 years
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I’ve had this concept in my head for a while! Finally got it down.
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hopeful-symbols · 2 years
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"You cannot ne serious! of ALL times the camera starts to screw tug me, it's NOW!?"
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"Ah! There we go!"
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"Alright! Apologies for that outburst a moment ago. But anyways, I'm Makoto Naegi, the Ultimate Lucky Student!"
Makoto looks down at the golden necklace he is wearing. He rubbed the green 4-leaf clover charm on the necklace.
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"May I—we get a promo?"
@yui-samidare-returns @morals-and-florals @askasheranything @ask-timid-makoto-naegi @werewolf-makoto-naegi @human-monokuma @so-sleepy-chiaki @chaoticblogofmuses @oddblogfullofoddmuses @ask-the-ultimate-cosplayer @iroha-painter-missing @unknown-ultimates @shsl-bosozoku-mondo-oowada @bikerandbreeder @project-ultimate-childen @sweetdrugs-and-introverted @adventurer-with-a-detective (MY BOY RANTARO! ^_^) @shsl-despair-ishimondo @morals-and-florals (Taaaaaakkkkkkaaaaa!) @theunderestimated (MY BOYS NAGISA & KARMA!! :D) + anyone else!
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the-beautiful-worl · 2 years
…Could we have a promo…please?
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'Stand by…' was what the Tv said. Confused, you looked carefully at it, and then suddenly, you hear the sound of a camera being hit.
"COME ON, YOU F***ING CAMERA!!" A masculine voice said, annoyed. He must’ve been the one bashing onto the camera. "Shozo-kun, please bro, stop! I REALLY don't wanna have to get another camera, this one was *really* expensive!"
Eventually, the camera finally starts to work and shows a *huge* group of studnets.
Finally, after a few moments, a woman who had short brown hair and was wearing a lime-green dress that had a thick red stripe on the stomach area of it emerged from the group. She had a computer with her.
The girl sat the computer down at what resembled a coffee table, and pressed play on it before she went back to the couch and sat down, with a boy with short, dark-blue hair, almost black colored hair and had pinkish-orange colored eyes nyooming over to sit next to her almost immediately after. The boy was holding a soft, plain-white colored blanket he used to cover himself at, he was also holding with him a fennekin plush toy.
Suddenly, the computer began speaking.
Hello, people of this site. My name is Shizukoto Hayashi, but everyone just calls me Yoshi. According to the teachers here at Heavenly skies talent training Academy or HSTTA for short, I’m known…as the SHSL Virtual Therapist. The blue-haired boy you see beside me is my friend, named Watanabe Kazuki, it's actually our 2nd day here, and everyone else here are our classmates. Anywho…can we get a promo…please?
The brown-haired girl, known as Shizukoto, seemed shy, but she looked very calm and sweet too. This should be interesting.
@morals-and-florals @ask-timid-makoto-naegi @chaoticblogofmuses (Mikado, pls) @theultimatemoralcompass @askasheranything @oddblogfullofoddmuses (Do Gintoko, if you don't mind) @human-monokuma @yui-samidare-returns @shsl-mycologist @unknown-ultimates (Rp with me, pls) @werewolf-makoto-naegi @iroha-painter-missing + Anybody else!
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salt-apple · 2 years
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sdra2's Void x edds/ellsworld neighbors!
void spoilers under the cut if it wasn't obvious enough
eduardo as makunouchi (shsl boxer)
marci as magorobi (shsl actress)
todd as yomiuri (shsl journalist)
jenny as nijiue (shsl painter)
everything else is the same, just felt like making a little au ajdhskje
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chiropila · 5 years
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shsl painter! chiyo bukaro!
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