#shun ibusaki x zenji marui
stars-in-a-jam-jar · 6 years
Shokugeki OTP Week Day 2: Future
Sunshine and Zinnias
It wasn't Shun's fault. Zenji had to keep reminding himself of that. Shun didn't want to leave him. At least Zenji hoped not.
"It's okay Zenji." Shun's gentle voice did little to lull his anxieties. "I know Texas is a long way from Greece, but we can still chat and call."
Zenji's heart tensed. The two of them had worked hard to make it through Totsuki Academy, and during that time neither had really made a move. It was only occasionally Zenji caught glimpses of affection from his reserved and stoic dorm mate, but both of them knew something was there. Thinking about it just made the whole situation that much worse.
"I..." Zenji shook as he reached out to take Shun's rough, calloused hand. "I don't want you to go. I want to stay with you."
Shun looked from their hands to Zenji's taut face and back.
"It's alright Zinnia." Shun gave him a soft smile and that's when Zenji just couldn't take it anymore. He mashed their lips together almost as though it had been reflex, breathing in Shun's scent of wood, smoke, and strangely citrus. Shun took a moment to respond, but when Zenji felt the other boy's hand caress the back of his head, he felt like all was right with the world. The two of them detached their lips from each-other and Zenji carefully pushed the hair from Shun's eyes.
"When did you start calling me Zinnia?"
"Now. Unless you don't like it."
"I love it, please don't stop."
"Never, Zinnia."
Zenji briefly pressed another kiss into Shun's lips. The wonderstruck look on Shun's face when he pulled away once again, fully visible thanks to Zenji's hand still pinning back his bangs, made Zenji feel like he was floating, completely submersed in the sort of sweetness and sublime tenderness that comes with seeing someone look at you like you're the most beautiful thing in the world.
"I think I'm going to faint." He quavered. Shun chuckled a bit and ran his thumb over Zenji's cheek.
"A delicate flower."
"Shut up." Zenji said, leaning into his touch. "I don't want you to go. You can't just disappear."
"I don't want to leave you. But we have to. We have futures ahead of us."
"But I want a future with you."
"I know."
"I just wish I had worked up the nerve to say that... before it was too late."
"... Promise you'll stay in touch?"
"We can work out the other stuff later then." Shun pecked Zenji's lips lightly. "I'll miss my flight if I don't go now."
He turned and started out the gate, stretching his arm as far as it would go until he had to let go of Zenji's hand. They looked at each other a while as Shun continued down the walk.
"Goodbye... Goodbye sunshine!"
Shun paused a moment before smiling a pure and genuine smile.
"Goodbye Zinnea. I'll message you as soon as we land!"
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shokugekiimagines · 7 years
Hi! The Polar Star members trying to cheer up Erina who has a cold? Add a bit of SouEri if you're okay with that. c:
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Y’know when you’re sick and everything hurts to the point little tears fall from your eyes?
Erina had never been THIS sick
She just lay in her dorm room as she stared at the ceiling and let quiet tears stream down her face
Shoji and Daigo would try to make her laugh
When she did, she’d wince at how bad her head hurt, so they left her to sleep
Ibusaki and Ryoko would just change towels and ask her how she’s feeling
Ryoko was hesitant to leave her but Ibusaki convinced her saying Erina needed rest
Yuki dragged Marui with her
They tried to have small talk with her, lighten up her mood
She’d doze off sometimes and Marui had to drag Yuki out so Erina could sleep
Isshiki would visit her like a normal person instead of traveling through the ceilings
He was quite brotherly and would ask her how she’s feeling and pat her on the head gently
Megumi worried 24/7, the poor girl
She brought Erina lots of teas and soups
Erina was grateful though
Erina felt quite disappointed Soma didn’t visit her though
He’d try to get her to laugh and stuff and when she would slowly doze off he decided he’d let her be
Erina, though, grabbed his hand and asked him to stay with her for a little while longer
Soma didn’t let go of her hand
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polar-stars · 3 years
some random Shokugeki breakfast headcanons
(SnKimiko-Verse related)
Breakfast Headcanons for the different families in my “Shokugeki no Kimiko”-Verse. For...some reason. 
The Yukihiras (SoRina Family)
When Hiraku & Kimiko were still going to the local school, Soma and Erina always had a competition every night after the restaurant closed over who’d get “Bento-Rights” the next morning. Whoever won got to make the Bento obviously ahdh. 
Soma really loves to make them all kinds of Onigarazu, while Erina has developed her own kind of honey-pork dumplings, that Hiraku in specific loves a lot 
During the week, while the children get their bento for school, the adults usually each make an individual, quick breakfast for themselves at different times. Although with Soma and Erina of course they are proud enough of their creations to urge the other that they should have a taste as well. 
Once they’re old enough, Kimiko & Hiraku tend to take over breakfast on weekends as the family is more prone to breakfast together on these. 
EGGS, lots of EGG-DISHES. What household do you think this is?
The Nakiris (RyoAli Family)
Back when the Nakiri-Twins were smol, Alice & Ryo made a great effort to be around them as much as they can...so they usually also ate breakfast as a family. When the twins are older and can take better care of themselves it decreases a little but ultimately this family still does eat breakfast together at least once a week.
Usually it’s prepared by one of the cherry-picked chefs working in the Nakiri-Mansion, but being great chefs themselves one of the family-members tends to prepare breakfast as well at times.
Once Akio Hayama moves into the the Nakiri Mansion he sometimes prepares breakfast as well, but more on that later.
They tend to have a rather sumptuous breakfast, with a lot of options to pick from: Various types of cheese, croissants and other pastries, freshly-baked bread, fruit...etc. Some Instagram-worthy stuff.
Despite all these luxuries, Mona and Lola Nakiri never fail to voice that they prefer when their parents cook breakfast.
Rest (AkiSako, IsaMegu, ShuYoko and so on) under the cut
The Hayamas (AkiSako Family)
Akira and Hisako both don’t like other people preparing their breakfast. Whenever the Hayama-Family is staying at a hotel, these two are sulking at the hotel buffet. 
Akira & Hisako quite frankly love to prepare breakfast for their children and, while not always, they do tend to do it together. With these two teaming up it’s usually a very healthy, energizing breakfast. 
But despite the teamwork, these two also have some competition going on every morning as Hisako prepares tea, while Akira prepares coffee. The competition is about which drink their children will pick up (who like both). Real fancy tea blends & coffee-combinations are born in this competition. 
Kaori & Akio pick up a lot from their parents. It’s become common knowledge around the E10 that Akio makes the best tea, while Kaori could 100% work as a barista if she wasn’t a cook. And they both have a lot of breakfast-recipes stored in their head.
Once Akio moves into the Nakiri-mansion because of Hiraku, he actually does prepare breakfast from time to time. At first he usually eats on his own, because he feels awkward sitting at the same table as the headmistress but Alice’s pushy nature get him to sit with them in the end. 
The Japan Aldinis/Aldini-Tadokoros (IsaMegu Family)
Megumi and Isami prepare breakfast together almost every day. It’s a great way of bonding for them. It usually turns out to be a pretty rural-breakfast but it’s very comforting and their children love.
Yes, they bake their own bread. I believe in this firmly. 
Hiroshi Aldini-Tadokoro, when old enough, also tends to help out with breakfast or he goes out to pick some berries. Maja and Nino Aldini-Tadokoro often end up settling the table. This is more for weekends though. 
During the week, Megumi & Isami make bentos. Bentos for the kids and Megumi also makes one for Isami, while Isami makes one for her. He even came up with an “Italian-Styled Bento” just for this. 
The Tuscany Aldinis (TakuIku Family)
They don’t always manage to, but really try their best to eat together as a family. In Summer specifically. They always eat outside when the temperatures are warm enough. 
There’s three kinds of breakfast: When Ikumi prepares it, it’s usually the very healthy, nutritious kind that actual athletes would eat. Like idk, greek yogurt with fruit and chia-seeds, avocado-sandwiches...meep. 
When Takumi prepares it, it’s a sumptuous but also cozy European breakfast including lots of freshly picked tomatoes, egg, sausages etc. 
And then there’s the times when their daughter Mika prepares breakfast, even bringing it to her parent’s bed when she’s awake before them. Mika usually finds a middle ground between her mother’s breakfast style and her father’s breakfast style. 
The Ibusakis (ShuYoko Family) 
Ryoko makes very traditional bentos on weekdays. 
On weekends, she goes out even more and sets the table very lovingly. Shun also involves himself and smokes some bacon, eggs or so. 
Ryoko has found herself a hobby in jam-producing. In the nearby forest (the Ibusakis live close to one), she tends to pick berries (or Kasumi does that for her), or gets some fruit from the market in their small village and she makes jam out of them. She came up with some truly delicious combinations on her own. Yuki always takes at least 10 glasses with her, whenever the Maruis are over. 
Shun probably also bakes bread himself at times, idk I can just picture him doing that. 
The Maruis (MarYu Family)
Yuki makes Bentos for Takahiro (and back when Chieko wasn’t on Totsuki, also for her ofc) during the week. And she always includes some animal designs. Because she’s Yuki. 
They don’t always breakfast together on Saturday but they sure do on Sundays. This is a sacred tradition to Yuki. If it’s sunday and all of the family-members are home...They will have breakfast together. 
Zenji gets send out to get bread and usually he also buys some pastries or cakes for the children (and Yuki). 
Yuki meanwhile prepares the best (according to Takahiro) hot chocolate for Takahiro & Chieko (and herself). 
Zenji drinks coffee or tea meanwhile. 
Chieko really loves to have blueberries at breakfast. So sometimes Yuki incorporates them into pancakes. She likes making pancakes. 
The Hojos (Terunori Kuga x Miyoko Hojo Fam)
They tend to end up eating together. Suzume & Miyoko wake up the earliest usually and while Suzume goes for a morning-jog, Miyoko often begins preparing breakfast. Takayuki comes down to drink tea closely after and lastly Terunori wakes up, when everything is finished usually. 
Suzume loves having smoothies for breakfast, especially since she’s already being active early in the morning. 
Miyoko, like Ikumi, tends to go the healthy, energizing road for breakfast but she does also prepare buns which everyone loves. 
If Miyoko can’t prepare breakfast because she’s out or so, it’s either Terunori’s call or the kids go out themselves to eat out because they got too tired of waiting for their dad to wake up. 
The Eizans (EtsuNe Family)
This family struggles to find time to breakfast together and when they do it’s usually on vacation, or on weekends.
Nene is the one who pushes the most for a breakfast together and when she sees the opportunity, she’ll go full out in preparation. And when the family sits together, no one is allowed to even look at his phone and ruin Nene’s precious family-together time. 
Normally though, Nene & Masashi individually tend to prepare Miso-Soup or something for themselves, while Etsuya & Shigeo have gained a habit of eating out by getting something from a bakery, sit in some café or Etsuya lets his personal assistant get him (& whenever Shigeo has come to the company with him, him of course as well) something. 
Kei alters between either getting something from his mom or Masashi or getting himself something outside as well. 
The Saitos (SoMomo Family)
Momo often ends up making breakfast on weekends, although Kiyoko Saito later takes on the task as she’s awake earlier. Anyway this is some very sweet, Instagram-worthy stuff. 
Waffles, yogurts with fruits, macarons, croissants, fine jam.....That kind-off stuff. Though Momo never fails to prepare one miso-soup and a bowl of rice, as this is all Somei asks for. 
In the week, Somei is the one preparing bentos. His daughter Moe ended up helping him out at a rather young age, as she thought that the bentos could be a lot cuter. Moe ended up developing a passion for bentos through that and on Totsuki she always wakes up early and makes one for her big sister Kiyoko & also Shigeo. Moe’s bentos are legendary. 
Whenever Kiyoko is in any-sort off city, she really likes eating breakfast at various cafés. Sometimes she takes Masashi with her. 
The Tsukasas (for @blas-i-us *blows kiss*, but yes EiRin Family)
I think I’m gonna make it a running gag that this family rarely eats breakfast at a table, much to Eishi’s frustration. They often end up sitting on the couches in front of the fireplace or the children bring breakfast into their parent’s bed or so. When they do sit at a table, it’s usually outside during warm weather. 
They do always eat together though. And they prepare it together as well. The Tsukasa children started to participate at breakfast-preparation. In fact they often end up starting the preparation as they’re awake first.
Lots of cheese, because they live in Switzerland. 
Tsubame Tsukasa also tends to collect ingredients from the outside by running out into the morning rays and picking berries, mushrooms etc. 
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roleplayfinder · 3 years
24F, looking for a partner to do a Food Wars rp with. 18+ only! I’m uncomfortable roleplaying with minors. Oc x Canon, willing to double. Female Oc, looking for one of the following pairings:
Isami Aldini
Shun Ibusaki
Zenji Marui
Megumi Tadokoro
Yuki Yoshino
Out of all these I would most prefer Isami, but would be ok with any of them. :)
Please message on Discord at Monokuma#3611 if interested.
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shokugekinospice · 5 years
Pet names for iburyo ,Ryolice, marui x yuki and hayama x hisako,please
HELL YEAH, MY DUDE!! Pet names are hella nice!
Shun, to Ryoko
♥ Concept... Ibusaki calling her My Rose sometimes. IT’S ROMANTIC AND IT FITS A BEAUTY LIKE HER.
♥ Love
♥ Idk I see him with the sweet pet names that obviously states HE’S IN LOVE WITH HER
Ryoko, to Shun
♥ Dear
♥ LISTEN. Sweet pet names are their thing
Ryo, to Alice
♥ Mi Lady because well... it fits her
♥ Princess because she likes it
Alice, to Ryo
♥ Darling
♥ Sweetie
♥ Also honestly ya know those goofy nicknames sometimes too
Zenji, to Yuki
♥ SUNSHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
♥ Okay sometimes but rarely VERY RARELY... BECAUSE HE DIES WHEN HE DOES... Angel... or bunny...
Yuki, to Zenji
♥ lISTEN... all cute nicknames.
Akira, to Hisako
♥ Petals because I headcanon Hisako likes flowers and when HE NOTICED THAT... the nickname started.
♥ Honestly, yeah. That’s the only one I can think of right now, I believe he’d prefer calling her by her first name than nicknames!
Hisako, to Akira
♥ Honestly, I see her calling him by his first name too more than anything so yeah
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riplizz · 7 years
Fandom Tag!
my sister @mooniva tagged me for which I'm grateful
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (random order) and answere the questions and then tag friends!
I choose:
1. Haikyuu
2. Boku no hero academia
3. Shokugeki no Soma 
(it was tough not including assassination classroom lol)
The first character you loved:
1. Kageyama , god he is amazing
2. KACCHAN, my explosion devil
3. Soma, duh how can you not immediately love him
The character you never expected to love so much:
1. Probably Daichi or Bokuto
2. Tenya,, he seemed like a square but he's so much more
3. god so many but mainly Ikumi Mito
The character you relate to most:
1. fuk either ennoshita, tsukki, or oikawa
2. Aizawa all the goddamn way
3. Zenji Marui my little stressball who just wants to be left alone haha
The character you’d slap:
2. MINETA FUK id punch him
3. ummmm none?? 
Three favorite characters (in order of preference):
1. shit this is too hard,,, um this isn't in order of preference but Suga, KAgs, Tanaka(shit these are the first to pop to mind because i love much more)
2. KACCHAn, tsuyu, and deku (actually in order)
3. Shun Ibusaki(he hardly gets screen time tho), Soma, and JUN SHES SO PRECIOUS
A character you liked at first but not so much anymore:
1. probably kenma? idk don't get me wrong i still love him but not as much as others
2. mineta,, at the beginning i actually thought he was funny until he became vvvvvv problematic
3. shit idk everyone keeps growing on me
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you:
2. `once again tenya for sure
3. oh for sure Erina Nakiri,, she just needs to be a normal girl pls give her normal love
2. Ururaka x Mina !!!
3. shit ummmm i guess soma and ikumi mito,,, i just want them together bad
aight thats the end and this was super fun,,, anyways ill tag @tobio2turnt and @im-fluent-in-sleep 
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recentanimenews · 6 years
"Food Wars! The Second Plate" Anime's English Dub Cast Listed
  With less than a month to go before the complete collection home video release of Food Wars! The Second Plate, Sentai Filmworks is here to line up the full English dub cast. The second season of the anime adaptation will be available in both a standard edition and a premium box set on February 13, so let's see who's playing who. 
  The list below includes a bunch of returning cast members along with newcomers like Rob Mungle as Subaru Mimasaka. 
  ADR Director:
Kyle Colby Jones
ADR Script:
Marta Bechtol
Kyle Colby Jones
Christopher Bourque
Soma Yukihira                             Blake Shepard
Erina Nakiri                                 Stephanie Wittels
Megumi Tadokoro                       Jad Saxton
  Akira Hayama                             Kregg Dailey
Ryo Kurokiba                              Leraldo Anzaldua
Alice Nakiri                                  Christina Kelly
Subaru Mimasaka                       Rob Mungle
Joichiro Yukihira                          Jay Hickman
Hisako Arato                               Brittney Karbowski
Yuki Yoshino                               Luci Christian
Ryoko Sakaki                              Kelley Peters
Takumi Aldini                              Bryson Baugus
Isami Aldini                                 Clint Bickham
Senzaemon Nakiri                       John Swasey
Chapelle                                     John Gremillion
Mitsuru Sotsuda                          Patrick Poole
Kakinoshin Oizumi                      Marty Fleck
Abel Blondin                                Joe Daniels
Aoki                                            Andrew Love
Sato                                           Corey Hartzog
Etsuya Eizan                               Anthony Hunter
Fumio Daimido                            Joanne Bonasso
Gin Dojima                                  Ty Mahany
Hinako Inui                                 Allison Sumrall
Ikumi Mito                                   Rachel Landon
Jun Shiomi                                  Monica Rial
Kojiro Shinomiya                         Benjamin McLaughlin
Leonara Nakiri                             Emily Neves
Lucie Hugo                                 Hilary Haag
Fuyumi Mizuhara                         Chaney Moore
Seishu Saotome                          Jeremy Gee
Satoshi Isshiki                             Scott Gibbs
Shun Ibusaki                               Houston Hayes
Sonoka Kikuchi                           Molly Searcy
Taki Tsunozaki                            Kira Vincent-Davis
Gao Wei                                     Genevieve Simmons
Urara                                          Jennifer Gilbert
Yua                                            Margaret McDonald
Zenji Marui                                  Greg Ayres
Mamoru Mitamura                       Gabriel Regojo
  Also with                                     James Belcher
                                                  Karlii Hoch
                                                  Kara Greenberg
                                                  Juliet Simmons
                                                  David Wald
                                                  Patricia Duran
                                                  Chris Gibson
                                                  Mark X. Laskowski
                                                  Steven Finley
                                                  Jovan Jackson
  Here's a look at that box set: 
At the Tohtsuki Culinary Academy, the first rule is survival of the fittest, and if you don't have what it takes to become a master chef, you need to get out of the kitchen before you get burned. With the wheat of first-year students separated from the chaff, cocky former diner cook Yukihira Soma is one of the handful of kitchen whizzes still standing. As the next round of the Autumn Elections gets underway, can he survive a brutal bento boxing match with the chemistry-obsessed granddaughter of the Academy's director? And which of the other contenders; Megumi, Ryo, Akira, Hisako, Takumi or sinister dark-horse Subaru; will advance to fight for the gold medal? Get ready for another cut-throat season of eat, beat, and defeat in FOOD WARS! THE SECOND PLATE!
Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his webcomic, BIG DUMB FIGHTING IDIOTS at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox. 
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shokugekiimagines · 7 years
you say that everyone in Polar Star expected Marui and Yuki to end up together? That sounds quite funny actually, could you write a little one shot maybe about how the two told the their dormmates that they're dating?
Yeeees! I actually have an idea of how it went.
About Time
Marui played with his fingers as both he and Yuki stood before all of the Polar Star Dorm members. “Everyone, we have an announcement!” Yuki shouted, being her usual cheery self.
“Make it quick. I want to go to bed.” Ibusaki said. Yuki shot a quick glare at him. She cleared her throat and pulled Marui beside her, who was still playing with his fingers.
“Me and Marui-”
“It’s Marui and I-”
“Don’t interrupt me! Anyways, Marui and I, have recently gotten into a relationship!” the orange-haired girl revealed. Marui felt his breath get stuck in his chest. The room was quiet for a few seconds, the only sound coming from the crickets outside.
“That’s it?” Once again, Yuki shot a quick glare at Ibusaki. He was yet again unfazed. 
Erina chuckled quietly as Ryoko smiled. “It took you both quite awhile.” she said as Ryoko nodded in agreement with her. Yuki gasped and felt her face heat up.
“What do you mean it took us a while!”
Megumi decided to chip in, “Well…it wasn’t hard to notice what was going on between you two.” 
“Not you too Megumi!’
Soma went up to Marui and patted him on the back while laughing. “Bout time!” Marui could only respond by turning even more red. His heart was ready to burst and his fingers looked like a blur due to how much he was playing with them due to his nervousness.
“Please don’t-”
Isshiki looked at Shoji and Daigo and smiled as he held out his hand. “Time to pay up! I clearly won this bet.” Shoji and Daigo groaned as they gave Isshiki what they bet. Ibusaki had long left to his room. He did not need to stick around and argue about something they all already knew about. 
“You guys even bet on this?!”
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shokugekiimagines · 7 years
qwq Can you do the domestic meme for Ibusaki x Ryoko and Marui x Yuki, please? I would love to read that..
Ahhh, these ships are cute. Need more moments.
IbuRyo (Ibusaki x Ryoko):
Who’s more dominant: Ibusaki
Who’s the cuddler: Ryokooo
Who’s the big spoon/little spoon: Ibusaki is the big spoon, Ryoko is the lil spoon
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: They walk around the lake near the dorm
Who uses all the hot water: Ryoko
Most trivial thing they fight over: Ryoko tries to convince Ibusaki to get a haircut every now and then
Who does most of the cleaning: They both do equal amount of cleaning
What has a season pass on their dvr/Who controls the netflix queue: Neither
Who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working:  Ryoko
Who leaves their stuff around: Neither, they’re both pretty organized
Who remembers to buy the milk: Ryoko
Who remembers anniversaries: They both do
Who cooks normally: Ryoko, she likes to cook for Ibusaki a lot
How often do they fight: They rarely fight
What do they do when they’re away from each other: They video-chat a loooot because Ibusaki can’t go a day without seeing her face
Nicknames for each other: Darling, honey, sweetheart.
Who is more likely to pay for dinner: Ibusaki
Who steals the covers at night: Neither. They’re both pretty calm sleepers.
What would they get each other for gifts: Ryoko likes to buy scarfs for him because he just looks so damn good in them.
Who kissed who first: Ibusaki
Who made the first move: Sexual activity wise, Ryoko did. Ibusaki couldn’t believe what was happening.
Who remembers things: Both do.
Who started the relationship: Ryoko
Who cusses more: Ibusaki, lmao
What would they do if the other one was hurt: Ibusaki would become overprotective and Ryoko would take care of him
Who is the dirty talker: Ryoko, I can just imagine the look of shock on Ibusaki at the unholy things she whispers to him
A head canon: They like to have kissing sessions frequently, and what makes it more fun for them is if whoever started it gets both of them caught has to do whatever the other says for a day.
MarYu (Marui x Yuki):
Who’s more dominant: Yuki. She has animals in her room for gods sake.
Who’s the cuddler: Yuki, Marui has no idea what couples do
Who’s the big spoon/little spoon: Yuki is the big spoon, Marui is the lil spoon
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: Yuki likes to go visit animals at the zoo or something and Marui loves the look of happiness when she sees them
Who uses all the hot water: Yuki
Most trivial thing they fight over: TO GET SLEEP LMAO RIP MARUI
Who does most of the cleaning: Marui has to clean his dorm a LOT
What has a season pass on their dvr/Who controls the netflix queue: Yuki
Who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Marui
Who leaves their stuff around: Yuki
Who remembers to buy the milk: Marui
Who remembers anniversaries: They both do, Marui more often.
Who cooks normally: Marui
How often do they fight: They fight only on occasions when Yuki wants to throw parties in his dorm.
What do they do when they’re away from each other: Yuki talks to her animals about Marui. 
Nicknames for each other: Bunbun
Who is more likely to pay for dinner: Marui
Who steals the covers at night: Yuki
What would they get each other for gifts: Marui gets her little stuffed toys 
Who kissed who first: Yuki out of frustration at how dense Marui can surprisingly be
Who made the first move: Yuki, Marui can’t do anything without getting nervous
Who remembers things: Marui
Who started the relationship: Marui. He had to do something, right?
Who cusses more: Yuki
What would they do if the other one was hurt: In cases that they’d do something reckless, they’d scold each other gently and quietly saying how worried they made the other.
Who is the dirty talker: Yuki
A head canon: Everyone in the Polar Star Dorm expected them to get together, causing Yuki to get all defensive and Marui to turn into a cherry.
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polar-stars · 5 years
PSD Quartet plz?
 Ofc, fellow PSD-Stan
Shun Ibusaki
Why I like them - I like how mysterious he is and it also adds great comedy how emotionless he always is when surrounded by the PSD-members who more than often get utilized for reaction shots and are therefore pretty expressive. I also loved seeing his hidden depth and ambitions, shame that there was no work done with it.
Why I don’t
Favorite episode (scene if movie) - Episode 23/Chapter 55 (AE Premlins), Chapter 96 (This is where he has the moment with Ryoko), Chapter 116 (That’s the Stagiare-Moment of his)
Favorite season/movie - Season 1
Favorite line - “Like hell I can give up! I’m turning things around…” (Chapter 116)
Favorite outfit - I’d say his “Prince of Smoke”-Outfit
OTP - Him x Ryoko Sakaki ❤️ 
Brotp - Him and the Rest of PSD, mainly Zenji Marui ofc. For someone outer-PSD: Akira Hayama and/or Ryo Kurokiba and him sound like a nice friendship.
Head Canon - His favorite song is “Bring Me Back To Life” by Evanescence, no you can’t change my mind on that. 
Unpopular opinion - uuuuUH, a few fanworks (x-Readers) tend to portray him as this straight-forward, smooth guy and I can’t really see that? He strikes me as a shy bean, who would be really unsure about confessing his love for a great amount of time.
A wish - I mean, it’s all over now but….It would have been nice if his obvious grudges from the Autumn Elections would have been explored with more depth. 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen - Exactly what happened, he never got to do anything ever again ; 7 ;
5 words to best describe them - Silent, Mysterious, Stoic, Ambitious, Blunt
My nickname for them - “mop” ahhdhdGHG SORRY, I LOVE YOU SHUN
Ryoko Sakaki
Why I like them - Ryoko is just such a gentle and caring soul, how can you not like her? I like how mature she is in comparison to most of her classmates, but is still made out to be a person you can have fun with. She just has an insane amount of grace and elegance to her in all of her sophisticated calmness and I love her established role as big-sister-figure within the dorm and how it shows specifically when she interacts with Yuki and Megumi.
Why I don’t
Favorite episode (scene if movie) - Episode 23/Chapter 54 (AE Premlins), Chapter 63 (She helped out Soma for his Shokugeki against Alice and it was interesting seeing them interact o3o), Chapter 96 (This is where she had the moment with Shun)
Favorite season/movie - Season 1
Favorite line - “…is that what you’re thinking?” (Chapter 96)
Favorite outfit - hmmmMMM…Maybe that one dress she wears when Erina joins the dorm ovo?
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OTP - Her and Shun
Brotp - Her and the PSD Members, most notably Yuki Yoshiko ofc. Outer-PSD, I’d say Ikumi Mito (+ Erina wether or not you count her into PSD)
Head Canon - Has shampoo that smells like cherry-blossoms and therefore carries the fragrance of cherry-blossoms around at all times. 
Unpopular opinion - Don’t oversexualise her please 🙃 Also in a few works, she tends to be portrayed as rather lewd or the girl who had everyone in their bed already, and I could never really see that. She kind off strikes me as someone who would want to “save herself up” for someone special so to speak and also needs a bit of time before agreeing to get physical.
A wish - Again, too late now but welp, it would have been great to see her cook again. 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen - *mutters* the thing that happened…her never getting proper screen time again
5 words to best describe them - Mature. Calm. Friendly. Gentle. Patient.
My nickname for them - Meep, I like to call her a “Lady” but that’s it ;w;
Yuki Yoshino
Why I like them - How can one not like Yuki? She’s such an adorable, supportive, little sunshine girl! Her bubbliness and joyful attitude are just very endearing and it’s always massive fun to watch her. She also has a bunch of funny moments and I enjoy how overdramatic she can get sometimes. To me, she’s a very fun and lovable example of an energetic character. 
Why I don’t
Favorite episode (scene if movie) - Episode 22/Chapter 56 (AE Premlins, though I think her part was done better in the anime), Chapter 60 (First time of her crying, because bby didn’t made the AE and still she throws a party for her friendos afterwards…BBY), 70 + 69 (Her supportiveness for Megumi in her match with Ryo was just the cutest thing ever, change my mind) Chapter 141 (This is where she breaks down crying in-front of everyone), Also Chapter 63 because this is where she asks Zenji if his glasses are just for show and that’s ✨ OTP ✨(next in line for “Great OTP Moments” would be Episode 13/Chapter 28)
Favorite season/movie - Season 1
Favorite line - “I really don’t like this! I don’t want the Polar Star Dorm to be gone!! I wanted..to be with you guys and together….I…I wanted to, cook more with you!” (Chapter 141) + “We of the Polar Star are so fearsome even kids stop crying!” (Chapter 14)
Favorite outfit - Her “Red Riding Hood”-Outfit is hella cute, if it’s something casual I’d say this outfit from that one chapter cover
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Brotp - Her and PSD, most notably Ryoko Sakaki. Outer-PSD, Ikumi Mito and Alice Nakiri would be my picks (+ Erina Nakiri, depends on where you count her in -w-)…also hear me out……Her and Kuga. (Or her and Nene for my self-indulgence, hi)
Head Canon - She likes fruit-patterns, tropical fruit-patterns. Especially those with citrus-fruits. 
Unpopular opinion - Hm…I am sure there’s something, but idk as of now
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen - (I actually kinda like seeing her in the world of business in Les Dessert so kudos for that I think),  AHEAM her being reduced to a mere reaction character 
5 words to best describe them - Energetic. Spunky. Supportive. Childish. Overdramatic.
My nickname for them - Sunshine bby, Precious Sunflower
Zenji Marui
Why I like them - *deep breath* I like smart characters and his very role in Shokugeki is to be the smart guy, but there’s more to that…I like how he’s still shown to be a hard-worker who studies hard to survive in Totsuki’s harsh environment where he’s surrounded by natural geniuses and how he truly excels in the intellectual area. He’s also just great fun to watch wether he’s onto explaining something solemnly or greatly upset about something. I also do like the “Everybody’s-Doormat-Character” who complains about that status a lot because….that’s quite literally my life. Zenji is very relateable for me, because I too have to deal with people who never listen to me and I too am DAMN EASILY EXHAUSTED. Zenji has both serious moments and comedic moments and both work for me and I ju ST LOVE HIM SO MUCH. 
Why I don’t
Favorite episode (scene if movie) - CHAPTER 23/55 MY DUDES (AKA. AE PREMLINS) I GET EMOTIONAL EVERY SINGLE TIME, Chapter 152 (He has some damn nice panels in this, don’t judge me), Chapter 235 (listen, I also just get enjoyment out of my fave-glasses-person explaining the villainy of my other-fave-glasses-person, doNT JUDGE ME) also once again….Chapter 63 + Episode 13/Chaoter 28 because ✨ OTP Moments ✨
Favorite season/movie - Season 1
Favorite line - “I don’’t have an outstanding cooking sense, and my physical strength is below average. That’s exactly why I have a strong desire for ‘knowledge’. All so that an ordinary man like me can fight against all those geniuses!” (Best Chapter Chapter 55)
Favorite outfit - That one shirt he always wears I guess + his “Professor of Taste”-Outfit because he SMART !!
OTP - Him 👏 and 👏 Yuki 👏 Yoshino
Brotp - Him and PSD, most notably Shun Ibusaki. Outer-PSD, as I’ve said…I would have loved to see him interact with Alice Nakiri some more, given that I’d say they’re the smartest members in their Gen. Him and Hisako Arato also sounds like a nice duo. (Also hear me out, his interactions with Etsuya Eizan would be hilarious, I deserve to see t h a t. Someone give it to me, pls. Additionally…..Nene. Just give me the Glasses-Characters-Of-SNS-Spin-Off come on)
Head Canon - I’ll just pretend he also went into the world of business in Les Dessert, because he kind off does in SnKimiko as well….Try to Stop me. Fumio and him have occasional, but intense battles in chess.
Unpopular opinion - *DEEP BREATH* My son tends to get underestimated a lot and be brushed off as just a comic-relief and no-E10-Material and I just…..*sighs* People in the past, did consider Shun E10-Material and Zenji had the exact same score as Shun in the AE Premlins, so I can’t see why he shouldn’t have the same potential. I mean it doesn’t matter because we never got to see any of the two in the Elite 10 so meep, but I am just….sad about the fact that barely anyone is giving Zenji even a chance. 
A wish - *cries* I just wanted to see him cook again*
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen - *LOOKS STRAIGHT AT LES DESSERT 3 IN CONTEMPT*, (also honestly him (+ Daigo and Shoji) lusting after those two “hot” judges in RDC felt really out of place, out of character and just cringe…and I hate it.)
5 words to best describe them - Intelligent. Cautious. Calculated. Whiny. Serious. 
My nickname for them - NUMBER ONE SON
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polar-stars · 5 years
A,B,L,X please :))
Thanks for asking <3 (I hope me doing it on mobile won’t mess the formatting up too much. If it should, I apologise)
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
My first OTP in SNS is this ship
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I went through the entire pixiv and fanfiction Tag of Shokugeki back in 2016 to find any content for these two ahshdhdh (I found one picture on pixiv).
Now in 2018, my brain thought it was time for a second OTP that I would love with the same amount of love that I have for MarYu.
It ended up being another rare pair but now with the fun addition that it’s a rare pair opposing another ship so yeah. I really don’t know what’s wrong with me either.
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So yah, my two major OTPs. I have tons of other ships I absolutely love but these two I am most passionate about....are, welp MarYu (Zenji Marui x Yuki Yoshino) and EtsuNe (Etsuya Eizan x Nene Kinokuni)
Listen, I also wish I could have just gotten myself this intensely invested into more normal and popular ships but that’s just now how I work I guess. I am a mess.
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
Funny that you ask me that, Asuka because without your existence I would still feel rather “:/“ about IsshiNene.
My reasons for initially not really being into IsshiNene is not that I ship Nene really passionately with someone else, please just believe me on that. When Nene and Isshiki has their major moments in the manga I wasn’t even that invested into EtsuNe (my investment came majorly with San no Sara), so yeah.
It’s mainly about the fact that I find it hard to picture Isshiki in a romantic relationship and he’s honestly just more of that kind off character I prefer to see alone ;w; There’s a few little things but I don’t need to go into that now.
However, I did always think Isshiki/Megumi is cute and Asuka ( @isshinene ) defiantly got me to think that Isshiki/Nene is also cute ! So yeah ! Kudos to you and your beautiful work you write them excellently 💕
There’s also quite some other ships, like IsaNao for example brought to you by stabbing child @polar-star-dorks but I honestly would sit here till the night falls if I were to list them all.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
Eishi Tsukasa has tons of beautiful panels and his moments of stress and panicking are adorable (and relateable)
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He’s my precious. My baby. Look at him, I love him.
2. Sunshine bby
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3. TheProblematicFavTM, literally the worst but I still love him somehow ?! (He’s just so evil and I am here for it)
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So yeah those are my childsTM (the list could possibly be a bit ship-influenced)
My precious children who I will fight for and who I love with all my heart and hnnnnnNNNNNN
Further Listing would be:
6. Momo Akanegakubo
7. Shun Ibusaki
8. Ryoko Sakaki
9. Takumi Aldini
10. Satoshi Isshiki
Lol what is this thing called “main characters” y’all are talking about
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polar-stars · 6 years
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So yes, here is the Rest of the mattering part of the 115th Generation
More Next Gen Stuff, as I said on the first post already
feat. some odd ships btw. Because......I just can’t help myself
I’d recommend to click on the images btw.
First Row: Two Ryoali Fanchildren, twins to be exact, Lola (black-haired) and Mona (white-haired) Nakiri
Second Row: Kazuo Mimasaka (Fanchild of Subaru and Nao) and Takayuki Hojo (Fanchild of Terunori Kuga and Miyoko Hojo)
Third Row: Yasu Ibusaki (ShuYoko/IbuRyo Fanchild) and Chieko Marui (Marushino/MarYu Fanchild)
Fourth Row: Hideyoshi Kawashima (Fanchild of Shoji and Urara) and Daisuke Aoki (Fanchild of Daigo and Yua)
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polar-stars · 6 years
Erina, Souma, Yuki, Ryoko, Shun, Zenji, Megumi, Hisako, Ryo, Alice, Takumi, Rindou, Uraraka, Ikumi for the character thing please? (I already sent one but I think tumblr ate it so I'll try again)
Ahhh….Gosh, I am so sorry about this being so late. I also received your other message but I really am a turtle. 
Also, I hope you don’t mind me only doing Erina to Megumi for now and doing Hisako to Ikumi tomorrow. It’s just that my Laptop is not in the best conditions and can randomly shut down sometimes and then a lot of work would be lost…which would really kill my motivation. 
So okay then. let’s go!
(Original Meme)
Erina Nakiri
favorite thing about them
- Her development I think!! She came such an incredible long way, I am so moved. She started out as an untouchable queen with a limited idea of cooking, slowly opened up to the people around her,  was shaken to the core as her father came back to Totsuki, found courage at a place where she’d have least expected it, became a strong leader who’s going up against her father who scared her so bad to save the people dear to her. I honestly just love this progress and what she grew into.
least favorite thing about them
- I always liked Erina, but I have to say that she was pretty mean in some of the earliest chapter. I think her cruelest moment is during the Breakfast Challenge tbh.
favorite line
-“If you all really have the drive to remain here, then I swear on my God Tongue, I will support you all! […] Come! If you all truly are proud chefs, follow me!” (Chapter 172); “I am no longer a queen content with sitting pretty on her throne!” (Chapter 247)
- Erina & Hisako, Erina & Alice, Erina & Polar Star Dormitory Students (mostly the girls)
- Erina x Soma
- Erina x uhm Azami or Jouichiro I think :/
random headcanon
- Her favorite movie of all time is James Cameron’s Titanic
unpopular opinion
- There probably is something but I really don’t know
song i associate with them
-“I Won’t Say I am In Love” from Hercules; “Paper Crown” by Alec Benjamin
favorite picture of them
- Yo this is the main heroine of a manga that is absolutely beautifully illustrated. Aka. It’s awfully hard to actually find my favorite picture…because she is gorgeous at all time!
It came down to these four:
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Rest (Soma/Yuki/Ryoko/Shun/Zenji/Megumi) under the cut!!
Soma Yukihira
favorite thing about them
- I absolutely admire his optimism and how he never even considers giving up no matter the situation and always tries to come up with a solution. As someone who immediately goes into panic-mode as soon as one thing doesn’t goes as it should, I hold great respect for this guy who was able to turn his situation at the Breakfast Challenge around due to his coolness in the situation.
least favorite thing about them
- This is not really his fault but more on Tsukuda’s part…but most recently I am really tired how he takes victory after victory. Like…can he please struggle again, Tsukuda and experience an actual loss?
favorite line
-“The journey’s no fun if you know where you’re going.” (Chapter 170); “Tomorrow you’ll defiantly have to open your restaurant, that’s what it’s like to be a chef.” (Chapter 89)
- Soma & Megumi, Soma & Takumi, Soma & Zenji & Shun, Soma & Hisako are probably my faves
- Soma x Erina
- Soma x Jouichiro….Also honorable mention to Soma /x/ Ikumi
random headcanon
- Likes both cats and dogs but prefers dogs a little bit more
unpopular opinion
- uuuhhh…There must be something but I really can’t come up with anything right now
song i associate with them
- Right now, all I can come up with is “St Elmo’s Fire” by John Parr
favorite picture of them
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Yuki Yoshino
favorite thing about them
- Embodiment of sunshine! Cheerful and full of laughter at almost all times. It’s such an incredible joy watching her!! She’s just so positive, cute and energetic! I just can’t help but to feel happy as well when I watch her getting excited about luxury, her friend’s accomplishments, her dorm etc. Adding to that she also get’s me to laugh with her adorable, over-the-top reactions.
least favorite thing about them
- I know it’s played for comedy and it’s also hard to blame her on that matter but I am sad that she’s actually shown to be insecure about her looks. Like, my god, Yuki you’re very pretty. Don’t think other wise.
favorite line
- “I really don’t like this! I don’t want the Polar Star Dorm to be gone!! I wanted..to be with you guys and together….I…I wanted to, cook more with you!” (Chapter 141); “We of the Polar Star are so fearsome even kids stop crying!” (Chapter 14)
- Yuki & Ryoko
- Yuki x Zenji
- Yuki /x/ Shun
random headcanon
- Into Baseball.
unpopular opinion
- Surely there is something but again…I can’t come up with something right now
song i associate with them
- “Girls Just Want To Have Fun” by Cyndi Lauper; “
Wannabe” by the Spice Girls tbh for some reason
favorite picture of them
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Ryoko Sakaki
favorite thing about them
- GRACE !! This lady is so mature and elegant, gosh what a woman! She’s just so calm, patient and sincere but also able to tell someone off when they deserve it. I really can see why they call her “Older Sister”. Again, she’s just so caring and graceful. Defiantly a person one can look up to imo.
least favorite thing about them
- Except for that she doesn’t appears enough….I really….really don’t know. Does she have any bad quality??
favorite line
“…is that what you’re thinking?” (Chapter 96)
- Ryoko & Yuki
- Ryoko x Shun
- Ryoko /x/ Zenji
random headcanon
- Secretly writes her own romance stories.
unpopular opinion
- Some fan works interpret her as pretty lewd. You know the girl who slept with nearly everyone, is very open about that as well and yadda yadda. I can’t see that. At all.
song i associate with them
- /sigh” I’ve been skipping through my phone for a good while now, but all I can come up with is “She’s a lady” by Tom Jones (they’re probably way, way, way better fitting ones)
favorite picture of them
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Shun Ibusaki
favorite thing about them
- I have to say, I absolutely love this stoic and reserved character! He’s calm and doesn’t talks much or shows a lot of emotion which adds a layer of mystery to him only supported by that hairstyle of his and the smoke that’s always around him. Considering that he’s hiding quite the passionate and determinded mind hidden behind this shell makes him all the more interesting. And well his seriousness and straight expression while surrounded by chaos really add a good level of comedy for me as well.
least favorite thing about them
- Not Shun’s fault but I really wish his bitterness about the Autumn Elections Outcome would not only be addressed on the side but actually be explored. More screen time for my smoky son please!
favorite line
“Like hell I can give up! I’m turning things around…” (Chapter 116)
- Shun & Zenji
- Shun x Ryoko
- Shun /x/ Yuki
random headcanon
- Writes Online Reviews on movies.
unpopular opinion
- I really can’t see him being as flirty and straight-forward as I have seen him being portrayed here and then. I actually think he’s very shy when in love.
song i associate with them
- “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” by Green Day for some reason….
favorite picture of them
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Zenji Marui
favorite thing about them 
- Everything!? Haven’t you noticed by now that I love this guy with all my heart? I think I mostly appreciate how hard-working he is. Despite saying he has no outstanding sense for cooking, he studies very hard and grew into a very competent chef that way. I know a lot of people love to forget it, but he’s, on-par with Shun, the best chef out of the ones who didn’t passed the AE Premlins (if we go after the scores). 
least favorite thing about them 
 - That one Chapter that I will ignore for all existence. Hm, I dunno. He could appreciate the Miyazato Seminar a little more I think. At least in the Manga (The Anime showed him to care about this Seminar). But this is really just a little thing. 
favorite line 
“I don’’t have an outstanding cooking sense, and my physical strength is below average. That’s exactly why I have a strong desire for ‘knowledge’. All so that an ordinary man like me can fight against all those geniuses!” (Best Chapter Chapter 55)
- Zenji & Shun
- Zenji x Yuki
 - Zenji /x/ Ryoko
random headcanon 
- The period in European History that interests him the most is antiquity.
unpopular opinion - 
I now could write a very long, whiney text about how misunderstood my son can be sometimes, but I’ll keep myself short and just answer with: I honestly think he gets underestimated a lot, a lot of time. But it can easily also just be my point of view so /shrug. 
song i associate with them
- All I have right now is “Wouldn’t It Be Good” by Nik Kershaw and kinda “Welcome To My Life” by Simple Plan
favorite picture of them 
Welp, I do have an mobile folder with only pictures of him. I just….Cherish every time he is on screen! And I got a great ton of favorite pictures. But for the sake of this….I was able to pick out my absolute, absolute favorite ones. 
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Megumi Tadokoro
favorite thing about them
- CUTEST & PUREST CINNAMON ROLL! Gosh, Megumi is just such a good person with such a warm heart, I am truly in awe. Her care for others is so heartwarming to watch and I absolutely love how she truly thinks about the person that’s going to eat her dish. I really don’t understand how anyone can hate her, tbh. 
least favorite thing about them
- This is not at all Megumi’s fault but Tsukuda’s, but we’ve seen Megumi grown from the very beginning on. And it still didn’t really payed off, as she didn’t truly won something on-screen yet. Everytime there is just talking about her “potential” going on. My god, “show don’t tell” is the rule, please showcase her skills finally. /sigh, I just hope that when she’s finally gonna take a victory it’s going to be absolutely huge and grand. 
favorite line
“Just make it while thinking of a person important to you, if you do that, your dishes will become a lot tastier.” (Chapter 61
- Soma & Megumi, Megumi & Erina, Megumi & Ryoko & Yuki
- Megumi x Isami
- Megumi /x/ Kojiro
random headcanon 
- Loves “Animal Crossing”
unpopular opinion 
- I don’t know at the moment
song i associate with them
- “Firework” by Katy Perry
favorite picture of them
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Again…Rest will be answered tomorrow…Thanks for the question !
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polar-stars · 6 years
Destined for each other
Soulmate AU (The one where everyone is born with heterochromatic. One eye being their natural eye color and the other one being the one of their soulmate)
Pairing: Shun Ibusaki x Ryoko Sakaki, but some mentions and hints of other side pairings specifically Zenji Marui x Yuki Yoshino
For ShokugekiOTPWeek 2018 - Day 2
Prompt: Soulmate
Author’s Note:
So yes. This is actually the first fan fiction I ever wrote for Shokugeki, so please excuse some potential OOCness here and there as I was just beginning to write these characters back then.
It’s originally written in German and I spontaneously decided to translate it for ShokugekiOTPWeek.
Hope you like it I guess. 
One last time Ryoko Sakaki straightened the new, naval-blue uniform. She adjusted the striped ribbon and took a glance into the mirror.
There she stood, the new student for Totsuki Culinary Academy: Ryoko Sakaki.
It had been her dream to attend the school for years. Totsuki was the most acclaimed Culinary School in the entirety of Japan. Famous for throwing out a ridiculous amount of student during the six years they had to walk through to make way for the absolute Elite. The graduates could be count off by hand.
It was not going to be an easy journey, but the Koji-specialist was willing to face the challenge and give it her all.
And well, maybe the academy would also turn out to be the place where she would meet him. Her-
"Ryoko! It's time! You don't want to miss your first day, don't you?“ Ryoko turned around to look into the amused eyes of her mother. "Come on now slowpoke. Or your soulmate has already graduated when we arrive.“ Ryoko blushed and protested: "Mom!“ But then she followed her mother outside where her father waited with the car.
And as she sat in said car and looked at her reflection in the window, she just couldn't help but to let her thoughts trail to her soulmate once again.
Totsuki was not just famous for being a cooking school. No, it was also said that a good bunch of people had found their soulmate on this very school grounds. According to a ton of blogs and TV-Shows there was a 75 % chance that Ryoko's soulmate would visit the school as well.
Everyone on the planet had a soulmate. A true love, a completion of one's soul. You just had to find this certain person. To make this easier, every human was born with two eye colours. One eye held their own eye color, while the other eye had the color of their soulmate's eyes. When the two destined for each other would meet and look into each other's eyes, they would sort off exchange their eye colors and both would have two eyes with the same color then.
Ryoko's reflection showed a pair of eyes that did not met her soulmate yet. Her right eye was orange. The left one however held a slate blue which she did not inherited from her mother who had fresh forest-green eyes. No, this blue defiantly belonged to her soulmate and like many people who were yet to met theirs, Ryoko often wondered who this person might was.
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"Goodbye, my dear." Ryoko's mother sobbed while holding her daughter in her arms. "I wish you the best of luck, Ryoko. We'll see us then during the holidays." Smiled her father. Ryoko answered honestly: "I will give it my best but I will miss you two a lot."
A last time Ryoko's mother runned her finger trough her daughter's long, purple hair before placing a kiss on her forhead. Her father hugged her as well before the two let their daughter go.
Now Ryoko was alone in a school full of hostile classmates, strict teachers and other dangers. But she did not feel cowed. Rather curious.
With a smile she took a piece of paper out of her pocket. "So, first an opening ceremony and then they already start with the lessons. Alright."
Together with the other newcomers Ryoko then started to move to the place where the opening ceremony would be held. Here and there she already spotted students who immediately had all looks on them with their mere appearance. .
A white-haired girl with glowing red eyes, who was accompanied by a tall, black-haired guy with the same red eyes. A blonde girl with tanned skin. One of her eyes was shining in green, while the other one had a beautiful, bright blue. A tall boy with white hair and brown skin, one green eye and one brown eye.
Suddenly the crowd parted to let a girl with long honey-blonde hair pass. She had closed her eyes and almost glowed of pride and power. A pink-haired girl carrying a clipboard followed her. Her eyes had the same combination that the boy with white hair had.
"Nakiri Erina." "The legendary God Tongue." She heard around her and while the majority of the students was was still staring at the walking beauty, Ryoko had already turned away. A student with orange and blue eyes she didn't saw yet.
"Hiya!" She suddenly heart a high voice. Slowly Ryoko turned her head into the direction the voice had come from and looked right into the beaming face of a girl her age.
The girl was quite short and build rather petite. Her amber hair she had styled into two cute buns. Her right eye shone in a bright teal color while her left eye held a dull grey.
"Ehm...Hey." Ryoko answered and it turned out to be enough for the girl to hold out her hand. "Name's Yoshino Yuki."
A little unsurely Ryoko took the hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you, Yoshino-san. My name is Sakaki Ryoko."
Yuki giggled. "You can call me Yuki. May I call you Ryoko-cchi?" "Ryoko-cchi?" Ryoko repeated a little taken a back. Yuki's grin only got wider. "Ryoko-cchi is it then."
Once again a jolly laughter escaped Yuki's lips and she continued to talk without even taking a second to breathe „So what brings you here to Totsuki? I honestly would have expected a harder exam given the school's reputation, but maybe all it's cruelty is yet to come. But in the end everyone who makes it ends up being a legacy! This might be the chance to get a glimpse of what heaven might look like, or what do you think?"
Ryoko answered her question with a friendly smile. Yuki might was a little hyperactive but defiantly seemed sympathetic. She probably would have chatted for ten hours straight if the headmaster had not just appeared on stage to give a speech.
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"You used the rice perfectly, it's worth an A. You may go now." A relieved sigh escaped Ryoko. That had been her last lesson for today.
Now she just had to find her sleeping place. Her parents had assigned her to a dorm. Polar Star was it's name if she remembered correctly. The more important question right now was it's location. Adding to that she had to buy some ingredients, since the sheet handed to her read that there would be some sort of entrance test.
The sun was already setting as Ryoko finally arrived in front of the building she had searched for. A big, western house almost overgrown by ivy. From the outside it looked a little like a haunted house.
A bag full of ingredients in her hands Ryoko dragged herself into the dormitory.
In a big entrance hall, that looked surprisingly neat and comfortable given the dorm's outer appearance, a small group of students had already collected. It was mostly silent except for the very loud conversation between two boys. "You stepped on my foot!" "I will step on something entirely different if you blockhead don't get out of my way right now!" "How did you just called me, runt?!" „Did you just call me runt?!"
But the argument between the black-haired boy and the blonde boy was interrupted by the shrill voice of an old woman. "This is no good!"
A girl with deep blue hair ran out of a room that Ryoko suspected to be the kitchen. Tears were shimmering in her eyes and she rushed out of the door, so that Ryoko had to jump out of her way.
It was now entirely silent and the woman, who that voice belonged to, stepped out of the kitchen. Her strict look shifted to the two boys who had just bickered loudly and barked. "The next one!"
„Ryoko-cchi!" Ryoko suddenly heard a familiar voice. Yuki runned towards her with that ever-lasting grin. "So you're in this house as well! How nice. Fumio-san said that we could repeat the test as much as we please. I hope Megumi-cchi is going to make it as well." She looked to the door with a worried look, before beaming. "Then we would be three girls."
Ryoko smiled unsurely "Good day, Yuki-chan. Yes, looks like we're going to live in the same dormitory." Yuki nodded eagerly. "Just a question." Ryoko said and looked around. „What exactly is happening here right now?"
Immediately Yuki's eyes grew wider and she exclaimed. "An entrance test. We have to pass to even get in here. I don't even have ingredients with me!" "Oh, that." Ryoko mumbled understandingly and took a look at the bag in her hands. "I have bought some things. Way too many to be exact, I can lend you some if you want."
Happiness spread on Yuki's childlike face as she questioned. "Really?" Ryoko nodded and began to sort the things she did not need out to hand them to Yuki.
"Is that of any use?" "Oh yes it is! Thank you a bunch, Ryoko-cchi!"
"Not enough, try tomorrow again." They heard the old lady's voice again. A second later, the black-haired boy who had just fought with the blonde was walking out of the kitchen with an upset look on his face.
"Is there an order?" Ryoko asked Yuki who quickly shook her head. "No, you just have to be fast enough. Now that I have ingredients, I'll give it a try I guess."
"Next one!" The woman was calling out.
Yuki gave one last smile to Ryoko before moving forward. But she was not the only one who wanted to prove herself apparently. And so she ran right into a lanky, black-haired boy.
Vegetables, packed meat and other ingredients fell to the ground as the two crashed. Yuki and the boy both lurched backwards and a tingle could be heard as something else hit the ground as well.
Yuki quickly looked up with an upset expression. "Can't you watch your walk?"
But then addressed lifted his head as well and their eyes locked. Ryoko, who had run forward with the intention to help her new friend up, gasped as she looked at the boy.
She had seen the eyes of the boy already. One a bright teal, the other one a dull grey.
It was the same combination that Yuki had.
The two who had bickered earlier also stepped forward to inspect the scenery. Even the old lady had become silent and only watched with calm eyes.
Ryoko looked to Yuki who was blankly staring at the boy in front of her.
And suddenly she closed her eyes. One look to the boy, revealed that he did the same.
Ryoko held her breath as she watched Yuki, waiting for something to happen. And then Yuki finally opened her eyes again.
And there they were. Two brightly, shining teal-coloured eyes.
Immediately Ryoko swung around to take a look at the boy. He now had a pair of grey eyes. One of the two guys behind her whistled. The old lady smiled a little, while Ryoko heard whispers emerge behind her. "Have you seen that?" "Of course I did! The two are soul mates."
While Yuki had seemingly lost her voice, the boy was sheepishly scratching his head before saying. "I...I am sorry, I should have payed more attention. Are you hurt?"
The boys behind Ryoko exchanged a confused look. "Wait...does he even know?" "Is that seriously how one greets his soulmate?"
"Wait, I'll help you up." The boy announced and bend down. "Just a moment." He started to feel the ground, clearly in search for something. And a second later Ryoko saw what he was searching for. The round glasses laying on the floor. They had probably fell off as the two had crashed.
"I don't think he has seen her eyes clearly yet." Ryoko mumbled. The boy had reached his glasses by now and was now putting them back on.
"Oh, you did not fall down." Were the first words he directed to the utterly pale Yuki. She had found her voice again.
Her shivering hand pointed to the boy in front of her and she whispered. "Y...Y...You're...my" „Your what?"
"My soulmate."
Now it was the boy's turn to be speechless. His eyes had grown wide behind his glasses and after a little silence, he finally asked. "Did you just said...I am...I am...y...your..."
The Old lady was speaking up again. "Four eyes. She's your soulmate!"
Behind her Ryoko could hear the approval. "Yep.", "We've seen all of it."
The woman pulled a hand-mirror out of her pocket and handed it to the boy. Stunned he looked into it. His pupils shrank and he stared at Yuki. Then at the mirror again. Then Yuki. Then Mirror. Then Yuki. He seemed to have understood.
"Y...Y...You're my..." "Soulmate." The old lady ended the sentence to shorten the situation. "Does any of you two wants to cook now, or what?"
"Fumio-san." A male voice suddenly said. A blonde boy, one year older than Ryoko, stepped out of the kitchen. A shock went through Ryoko as she saw that he was wearing nothing but an apron.
"Look at them." He said to the old lady and Ryoko would not have been surprised if he had just started crying. That's how happy he seemed to be. "Two young souls have found themselves in our wonderful dormitory. Give the two a little time." Fumio let out a little sigh, before turning to the other blonde in the room. "Alright then, you are the next one!"
Yuki had blushed immensely in the meantime. She did not like it how everyone was looking at her. Embarrassed she looked to the ground where all her ingredients were spilled.
She then sank to the ground with a sigh and started to pick up her things. "Wait, I'll help you." The boy called out and bended down likewise to assist her.
"I am...uhm...Marui Zenji, by the way." He then introduced himself. "Yoshino Yuki." Yuki answered, but Ryoko noticed the small smile that formed on her lips. With a smile on her own she turned around. She was happy for Yuki. It seemed she had gotten a decent guy with a good attitude.
So that's how it looks like when soulmates encounter. It's...so romantic. She thought for herself. But before her thoughts could travel to her own potential soulmate once again she heard the sound of an opening door.
In wonder who could possibly be even later than her, she swung around and her eyes fell on a boy in her age. But there was something odd. He was taller than Ryoko, wore the school uniform with an opened coat and had shaggy, auburn hair. And this very hair hid his eyes perfectly. Not even a brief look on them was possible. How should he ever find his soulmate that way?
Suddenly he seemed to cast a look to her. At least Ryoko suspected that he did, but she couldn't be for sure of course.
❥ · ❥ · ❥
Time Skip - Three years later
"Now that I am here the top spot is mine."
The rest of the transfer student's speech was not graspable anymore because of the loud, angry yelling of the student's body that emerged afterwards.
"What do you think?" "Get lost!" But suddenly one voice threw a quite interesting information into the crowd. "Wait a moment people. I heard rumors that he is in fact Erina-sama's soulmate!"
The name 'Erina-sama' alone silenced the crowd immediately. The transfer student with two golden eyes and fire-red hair only scratched his chin. "Oh yeah, right. That Nakiri-Girl. Yeah, she's my soulmate. But that does not really interests me to be perfectly honest." He grinned. "This here is all about cooking!"
While the famous Erina Nakiri now stormed on the stage and fumed that she did not wanted to be connected with this incredible airhead, Yuki turned to Ryoko with a smile. "First day of highschool and so much action already, hm?"
The two were standing right in the crowd together with their dormmate Megumi Tadokoro. Today was the day on which them and the other survivors of the 92nd Generation would start their first year of highschool.
During the three years they had spent on the school already, they had grown from childs into teenagers. Ready to take on the endless, culinary battle.
And how many have hoped Totsuki had also united many souls already. But Ryoko was not one of them. She was still looking at an orange and a blue eye.
"That concludes the opening ceremony. Please move to your classrooms now." Between the many students who started to walk towards the many school buildings Ryoko, Yuki and Megumi also got moving.
"Hey!" Yuki then exclaimed. "There are the guys!"
She pointed to a group of boys and pulled Ryoko with her. With the other hand she waved and called out. "Zenji!"
Yuki's soulmate turned immediately and so did his companions. There were Shoji Sato and Daigo Aoki, Polar Star's ever-bickering musclemen. And of course, how else could it be, Zenji's best friend Shun Ibusaki. Dubbed "the one without soulmate" by some students.
Sometimes Ryoko couldn't help but to agree. She didn't know why, but for some reason it annoyed her that she did not know how Shun's eyes looked.
Zenji and Yuki were the only couple within Polar Star for now. They had grown closer and closer by each day during the three years. They were destined for each other after all. Now the two were laying in each other's arms while Ryoko and Megumi greeted the rest of the boys.
Shun, she greeted a little more festive. "Hello, Ibusaki-kun. Did you had nice holidays?"
"Can't complain." Was the short-cut answer.
"Well, here we're all united back again." Shoji grinned, but Daigo added. "Well, minus Isshiki-senpai." .
"And what do you think of the transfer student?" Yuki asked now. "Well he must have quite the balls to hold such a speech." Was Daigo's statement and Shoji nodded approvingly. A rarity by the way. Megumi only looked to the side.
"Well, the aspect I find the most interesting is that he apparently is Nakiri Erina's soulmate." Yuki said. "She didn't looked all to happy though." Ryoko deadpanned.
"I really don't want to disturb our reunite party, but we should really get moving now. Or else we'll be late for class." Zenji now spoke up.
"You're right." Yuki then replied and grabbed his arm afterwards. "See ya all later in the dorm. Then we celebrate a party in Zenji's room."
"Why in MY room?" Was the last thing they heard from the two, as Yuki pulled her soulmate away to get to the lessons.
❥ · ❥ · ❥
"Welcome back to school." Professor Jun Shiomi smiled. "Please search yourself a partner for this task."
Ryoko scanned the classroom, while slowly pairs formed around her. Then she suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and had a boy with red locks in front of her. He was an unfamiliar face to her eyes. "Ryoko-Chan, wanna work together?"
Confused about the sudden first-name-basis from a stranger, she asked. "Oh...uhm...Do I know you?" But then she noticed that the boy's eyes were only focused on one thing: her chest. Immediately she felt uncomfortable. The older she had got, the more her breasts had grown. And now she could show off quite the respectable bust. Not that she wanted to badly.
Often she felt lusty looks burning on her and just wanted to sink to the ground.
"I am..ehm..." She just wanted to deny the offer as suddenly an arm laid around her. A blonde guy was now standing beside her and wore a prideful grin. "Sorry, but Ryoko-Chan already works with me."
"Excuse me, but could you please let go off me. I don't even know you" She said politely, but sharply. To her dismay, the grip of the boy only tightened. "Let go off me!" She demanded a little louder this time. But the boy was seemingly deaf to her voice. With shock Ryoko watched how his hand slowly but surely moved to her breast and she prepared to scream.
"Hey!" Another voice suddenly reached her ears. A familiar one. She turned her head and saw Shun Ibusaki, with an emotionless facade as always and crossed arms. The two guys had turned as well. "Don't you two twats see that she's uncomfortable and does not want your company? She clearly stated it."
For the redhead, Shun's cold and sharp voice was enough to run away immediately. The blonde though was harder to impress.
"And? It's only a girl?"
Shun calmly took a step forward. "Maybe you know that I am an expert in smoking. I suggest that you let go off her right this instance, apologize to her for the audacity to even look at her and next time you keep at least 3 meters away from her. Or I will smoke your disgusting, perverted ass right here and now."
"You goddamn-" The blonde wanted to growl some threat but was interrupted by the light voice of Professor Shiomi who had approached their table without making a sound. "Is there a problem here?"
All colour went out of the blonde's face and he stammered "No...No.." "Well then, Daishi-kun, I would suggest that you begin searching for a partner then. I think Sakaki already has one." She smiled into the direction of Shun.
Reluctantly Daishi took his arm from Ryoko who sighed in relief. Daishi threw a last hate-filled look towards Shun before disappearing.
Professor Shiomi gave the pair one last nod before continuing her stroll.
Ryoko turned to Shun. "T...Thanks, Ibusaki-kun." But Shun only shrugged. "No big deal. We are dormmates after all. Adding to that, Yoshino would shrew me into pieces if I would not help in a situation like that."
Ryoko nodded. "Of course." Still she felt a mild disappointment gleaming in her. "So, do we work together now?" Shun asked then, which made her let out a surprised: "Hm?"
"Well, you're the only one here who has talent." Shun answered as if this would be totally obvious.
Slowly Ryoko nodded. "Alright then, when you put it so nicely."
In front, Professor Shiomi clapped her hands. "So now that you all have found your partner, I'd like to ask you to cook up a Curry dish."
Immediately the students got uneasy. Professor Shiomi was an acclaimed expert when it came to Curry after all. She certainly would not be easy to please. Ryoko was not all too ecstatic about this task either.
"Curry? I barely worked with that." "Hey." "And this is Professor Shiomi after all!" "Hey!" "No way, I'll be able to please her!" "HEY!"
Suddenly she felt how two hands grabbed her cheeks and then her head was turned to the emotionless face of Shun. "Hey, calm down. Look at me." "Well, I don't have another choice don't I?" Ryoko mumbled.
For a short moment Ryoko believed to see a small smile forming on Shun's face. But no, her eyes must have tricked her. He looked as stoic as ever.
"Listen." He stated calmly. "This will probably not be the last time, we'll have to work with curry. This is highschool after all Sakaki. Shiomi did only say that we shall use Curry, not that it has to be the main factor. If we use our specialities correctly we'll surely be able to cook up a good dish. What do you say?"
Ryoko nodded and Shun let go off her. "Alright, first we have to get ourselves some meat."
❥ · ❥ · ❥
"The curry could honestly be better, but this smoked chicken coated in rice malt is absolutely delicious. You two have earned yourselves a B." Professor Shiomi praised after laying away the spoon. "You two will surely make it far."
Shun mumbled a Thank you, while Ryoko bowed. "Your praise means a lot to us, Shiomi-sensei. We're glad you liked it."
„You two are done, you can go."
The two simultaneously turned to leave the classroom while they felt the looks of the others burning on them. As they were outside, Shun already wanted to walk away but Ryoko grabbed his arm and stopped his walk. "Ibusaki-kun. I just wanted to say thank you again."
"Again, no big deal." But Ryoko smiled at him, warm-heartidly. "It was fun working with you. You're really talented. We should do that more often."
Something seemed to spread on Shun's face. Was that...Red? Ryoko could not recognize it properly as he turned his head at the speed of light away from her. "You're also a really good chef, Sakaki. See you later."
And then he walked away.
❥ · ❥ · ❥
Totsuki was actually a school that was great at offering distraction. But no matter how many cooking tasks were thrown on Ryoko that day, she still couldn't help but to think over and over again about her first lesson.
She had never realized how much Shun has grown over the year. His stoic voice also had some calming aspect in it. Adding to that he was really attract-
"Ryoko, is everything okay?" Startled Ryoko whirled around to look into the confused face of Yuki. "You're so absent the entire time. We still have to finish our dish." "Oh. Yes. Of course. I was distracted, I am sorry."
That's how it went for the entire day and even later in Polar Star her mind trailed again and again to Shun Ibusaki.
Sighing she stepped out of the bathroom. She had quickly made use of the girl's time and took a shower. Now she was about to get the rice juice for the party from her workshop, as suddenly Megumi stepped in her way.
The poor girl looked very defeated. "Megumi, everything okay?" "Oh, it's nothing." Megumi shook her head. "I just need a fresh bath, that's all."
It did not sound all too convincing, but Megumi had always been like that.
And so Ryoko only answered with an "Alright then" and let the petite girl pass.
As she then walked through the hallways she suddenly saw smoke crawling out of one of the doors. She knew instantly who it was. She also herd a wild herd of animals, Yuki's yelling, books loudly falling to the ground, Zenji's whining and how Fumio scolded room 208, 116 and 205 through the speaking pipes, but her entire concentration laid on the smoke which was now slowly fading.
The door went open and like she expected it Shun stepped out of it. "Used one of the empty rooms for smoking again?" She asked.
He nodded, but didn't said anything and so Ryoko had to continue."I want to get the rice juice from downstairs." After a short pause, she finally asked. "Do you want do help me?"
For a few seconds it was silent, before he said. "Well I can't smoke anyway, so why not?"
She felt a warm happiness spreading in her body and smiled. "Thanks. Well then, follow me."
❥ · ❥ · ❥
Time Skip - A few weeks later
"Would you like to go on a date with me?"
One should think that this was an emotion filled question, but Shun managed it to convey it as stoically as ever.
In return Ryoko almost bursted from all the feelings and questions that raised within her as she stared at Shun with wide eyes.
Did he just asked me...to...Alright calm down Ryoko. Everything's alright. I can't believe it! He really asked me! He wants to go out with me! Wait a moment. This is not my soulmate. But is that even important?
The first word she could vocally get out then was. "What?"
"Would you like to go on a date with me?" Shun simply repeated, but she noted that his voice didn't sounded as apathetic as usual. More serious with a glimpse of...hope? He held out his hand.
A part of her wanted to. Right this instance. That part wanted to jump into his arms and clamour: "I thought you'd never ask me." But there was also another part. This part lectured: "Shun is not your soulmate. Ryoko, remember that your destined for someone else. Isn't it one of your biggest dreams to meet him? The man who is going to complete your soul? What you feel for Shun is probably not true love. Just hormones playing a prank on you."
The smallest part of her whispered. "How do you want to know that it's not him? You did not saw his eyes."
Ryoko brought up all her courage and spoke. "Ibusaki-kun. On the one hand, I want to go out with you really badly, but..."
Shun pulled his hand back and asked with an timid undertone. "And on the other hand?"
She averted his face. "Well you know. We live in a world in which we are all destined for someone." "And you care about that?" Shun suddenly crowed, making Ryoko flinch a little. Not understandingly she looked backt to him "Of course I do. That's nature. Just look at Marui-Kun and Yuki. They're happy together, it can only be right  thing to find one's soulmate."
"And what if you don't?"
Ryoko gave him a shocked look. There were people who did not find their soulmate. It was one of her biggest fears.
"I...I need to."
Shun did a step backwards and his voice swung back into it's emotionless tone. "I understand."
"Listen." Ryoko called out. "I really would like to-" "I did understand!" Shun barked, making Ryoko flinch a second time.
He was just about to exit the room, as the smallest part of Ryoko finally called louder: "What if it's him after all?"
"Ibusaki, wait!"
Right in front of the door Shun stopped. He did not turn to her though. "What is it?"
"Let me...", she took a deep breath , "let me see your eyes."
Now he swung around and seemed to be utterly aghast. "Why...Why would you want that?"
"I...I.." She stammered. "Maybe there is still a chance. I just want to know."
She took a step forward. "So?" "No!"
Now she heard it clearly. Panic.
"Please Ibusaki. I need to know." "No way!"
Anger started to raise in her. "Why not?!"
"You just...can't..." Shun tried to explain, but Ryoko immediately snapped back. "Why?! I really don't understand why you are hiding your eyes! Are you...are you scared of meeting your soulmate?"
"No...it's..." Ryoko now walked right to him and crossed her arms in front of him. "Of course you are." She accused.
"No!" Shun threw back and his voice had gotten a little louder now as well. "If there's no problem, why can't I just take a look at them ?!" "No means No."
Slowly but surely Ryoko had enough. What was that guy's deal? She did not understand this hiding of his eyes from the start on.
"By god, Ibusaki! What's the matter?!" "That's none of your business!" "Gosh, just tell me Why? Why? Have you met your soulmate already and try to hide it from the world?" "No, of course not!" "Then what? What are you afraid off?!"
Now he was actually shouting. "That it's not you!"
Instantly all her anger was gone in the wind. Her brain was now way too busy to comprehend the information she had just received.
Angrily he turned his head away but repeated much softer this time. "I am afraid that my soulmate might not be you."
She stared at him blankly. His auburn shaggy hair, the green turtleneck, the white jeans, the gritted teeth, simply everything.
And then she knew what to do.
Gently she lifted her hand and slowly turned his head back to her. Now she lifted her other hand which came nearer and nearer to Shun's bangs in slow motion.
As her hand was directly in front of his bangs, she paused for a second. He wanted to turn his head away quickly, but it was too late.
She lifted his hair and exposed the widened eyes underneath.
Ryoko's heart stopped beating and her breath got stuck in her throat.
What looked at her there, she had seen often enough in her life.
One slate blue eye. One orange eye.
The two looked at each other, waiting for something to happen and the time seemed to have stopped.
Ryoko's heart pounded up to her throat and millions of voices inside her screamed: "Please! Please! Please!"
Suddenly it was like a heavy weight was put on her eyelids, nearly pressing them shut.
No...I need to stay awake...I can't.
But all resistance was useless. A second later she found herself in total darkness. But then she felt something. Something warm. Her eyes seemed to tingle and a feeling of freedom and happiness came over her. As if she could fly.
But the feeling left as quickly as it had come, leaving Ryoko alone in the dark and the unknown.
But her eyelids now felt refreshed and awake. Shun came back into her mind again and immediately she teared up her eyes.
A pair of slate blue eyes was looking back at her.
"Ibusaki?" Ryoko asked. But it was all she could say before Shun pressed his lips on her's and pulled her closer.
She was surprised and her eyes widened. But then she put one and two together.
The beautiful realization spread in her body like a warm sun:
Shun is my soulmate!
She closed her pair of orange eyes then and returned the kiss.
To say that she was happy did not even came near it. No words could be used to describe the sheer joy she was feeling right now.
The kiss took a while until they let go of each other and gazed deep into each other's eyes with reddened cheeks.
Then Ryoko broke the silence. "Well, looks like we are destined for each other."
Shun's hand went through his hair and he hid his eyes again. But that did not bother her anymore. "Looks like it." He replied.
One question was still burning on Ryoko's lips however. Calmingly she took his hand. "About what you said..."
Shun sighed. He already predicted that he would have to talk about this. "Since I've heard of this soulmate-stuff, I wanted to have nothing to do with it. I did not want someone who 'completes my soul'. I was absolutely sure, I would be better off alone. And to keep it that way, I let my hair grow that way. Over the time, I even nearly forgot that my soulmate was still walking around somewhere probably...But then"
He looked directly at her.
"Then I saw you. As I stepped into Polar Star the first time and you looked at me with your big two-colored eyes. Never before I had seen my combination on another person and first I wanted to ignore it but..."
His cheeks took a red color.
"You have always been so gentle and friendly. Also you were always so calm right in between this circus that we daily reside in. I always forced myself to look away but when you let out that warm laughter of yours and play with your silky hair. I just couldn't anymore. And I think I just fell in love with you over the time."
While Ryoko's heart accelerated once again and she tried to resist the desire to put her lips on his again, Shun turned his head away again.
"I wanted to talk to you and tell you that we might be soulmates but then the fear hit me. No way, we are the only ones on the planet with a pair of orange and blue eyes. What if your blue eye had belonged to someone else and not me? So I really didn't wanted to know anymore if we were destined for each other or not. Because it would have hurted if we would have not been."
She lifted her hand once again and gently turned his face back to her's. Warmly she smiled at him. "But we are."
His hand reached for her's and he began to softly caress it. Then he smiled as well. It was a small, timid smile. But for Ryoko there had been nothing more beautiful.
„Yes and nothing could make me happier."
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polar-stars · 6 years
For the Alphabet Meme, A, B, and V??
(Original Meme)
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
*picks up microphone*
Okay! Since I am atm with most of my soul into Shokugeki, first thing I am going to bring up are of course the Four Main OTPs, which are MarYu (Zenji Marui x Yuki Yoshino), IbuRyo (Shun Ibusaki x Ryoko Sakaki), Sorina (Soma Yukihira x Erina Nakiri) and TakuIku (Takumi Aldini x Ikumi Mito)
Don’t get me started on my BrOTPs…We’ll be here till the morning. However the bonds between the PSD students is one thing I enjoy a ton. My fav is the friendship between Shun Ibusaki and Zenji Marui though. Another BrOTP that owns a great piece of my heart is defiantly the trio Daigo, Shoji and Hisako! Also Alice and Erina, as well as Isami and Takumi are one huge blessing.
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Oh there are a lot. It’s not rare for me to discover a ship via the fandom and not having thought of it while reading/watching the manga/anime. Example for that would probably be Somei x Momo for example. 
V - Which character do you relate to most?
In Shokugeki?
Zenji Marui, Hisako Arato and (a little) Megumi Tadokoro. 
Yah, I guess.
Thanks for the question qwq
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polar-stars · 6 years
Ryoalice, Sorina, Isamegu, Yuki x Zenji and Ryoko x Shun for the kids thing, please?
Yes !!! Thanks for asking !!
(Original Meme)
Ryo Kurokiba x Alice Nakiri
their child’s name and why they were given that name: They have twins and their names are Lola & Mona. It was Leonora’s idea (who really likes these names) and Alice loved it. She asked Ryo about it and received a nod. Ryo got to decide who would be named Lola and who would be named Mona by the way. one thing their child always begs for in the store: Mona doesn’t really begs for anything. Sometimes she would hold some toy or something into her parent’s face (and would immediately get it), but it does not happen really often. She most of the time just gets gifts without asking. However when she gets older she does shyly ask for certain things a little more often. Lola is a little bit different. She often wants stuff and doesn’t even considers hesitating asking for it. Most of the time she asks for CDs which Ryo most of the time gladly buys her. Unless he does not approve the band/muisc, then a discussion begins. their child’s favorite toy and why: Right on their birthday, Leonora got into the hospitals with two plush wolves. One was white and one was black. The black one was gifted to Lola and the white one to Mona. They treasure these wolves immensely. Lola does also own a plush fox, that she got her father to buy her. It’s name is “Shimo” (Frost), while Mona has a collection of porcelain dolls, that Leonora highly encourages, with who she loved to play. their child’s first word: Mona’s was “Mom” and Lola’s was “Dad”. Mona spoke first by the way. Actually Alice was right in-between telling Lola to say “Mom”, but she just remained silent as Mona suddenly spoke “Mom”. Later as Ryo came in, Lola suddenly exclaimed “Dad!”. their child’s least favorite food: The two refuse to eat dishes that lack an “idea”. Put short, if you just cooked after a recipe and followed it strictly, they immediately think of the dish as boring. No matter how good it might be. the thing they brag about whenever they talk about their child: Ryo loves to ramble about his childs. Like oh my god. Want to get him to finally talk? Just mention his daughter’s names and he won’t shut up for ages. His favorite topic are his daughter’s great skills and their great inner strength. Alice mostly brags about her children’s intellect and creative minds. the most likely reason their child is having a meltdown: I will not reveal that yetwhether they’re a strict, overbearing parent or a laidback parent: Ryo and Alice both try to be strict time to times, but they do end up being more laid-back parents. something their child does that they find youtube-worthy: Everything. how their child would react if they told them they ate all of their Halloween candy: Mona would refuse to talk to anyone and walk around with a straight death-glare to anyone, while Lola would throw the greatest fit ever. 
Soma Yukihira x Erina Nakiri
Since I have already done Kimiko Yukihira, we’ll now go for Kimiko’s older brother Hiraku instead.
>their child’s name and why they were given that name: Hiraku Yukihira. I hope I am correct on this, but Hiraku means something in the way of “pioneer” and it’s a name that Erina and Soma chose together with the idea behind it that Hiraku will bring a complete new form of cooking into the world and they want to wish him luck on this long path. one thing their child always begs for in the store: Squid. Always. And Soma gladly takes out his wallet, while Erina shakes her head. their child’s favorite toy and why: A plush dog that Jouichiro won on an amusement park for his grandson. Hiraku, who admires his grandfather a great deal, treasured it immediately and wouldn’t let go of it for the entire day. their child’s first word: “Disgusting”, followed by a laughter. It showed two things: Hiraku inherited the God Tongue and also his father’s strange humor. their child’s least favorite food: Everything that is plain and boring and makes his tongue feel numb. the thing they brag about whenever they talk about their child: Soma loves to say over and over how, despite his critical taste sense, Hiraku is not in the least afraid to go the disgusting-road time to time. He always stresses what a great guy Hiraku grows into. Erina mostly brags about Hiraku’s skills and how more detailed his critics get by each day. the most likely reason their child is having a meltdown: I’ll leave that out for nowwhether they’re a strict, overbearing parent or a laidback parent: Soma is more laid-back and Erina is a bit more strict (especially when it comes to those straight creations)something their child does that they find youtube-worthy: His early judging-sessions. how their child would react if they told them they ate all of their Halloween candy: He would gasp and be like. “How dare.” Afterwards he would ask for a detailed description on how they tasted. 
Rest is under the cut
Isami x Megumi
their child’s name and why they were given that name: Hiroshi Aldini-Tadokoro. Trusting the internet, it means something in the way of “tolerant, generous” and was chosen by Megumi, who really likes the name and always wanted to name her child that way. Isami found it really fitting and agreed to it. one thing their child always begs for in the store: Stuffed Animals are the one thing that can make Hiroshi weak. He doesn’t voices it a lot of time though, since he doesn’t wants to annoy his parents. However, Isami knows that one look he casts to the plush animals. their child’s favorite toy and why: A blue, plush rabbit who is named “Yuki” (not the Yuki, as in Yuki Yoshino (her name means princess) but in the way of the Yuki that means snow). It was the first plush ever given to him and used to be Megumi’s who gifted it to her child after he was born. He holds it very dear. their child’s first word: “Mommy”. Megumi was having a quite rough day and looked awfully tired as she sat down next to Hiroshi in his child-seat. As she didn’t looked all too happy, he called out his first word and made this one of the best days of her life. their child’s least favorite food: He does not like incredibly spicy things that do nothing other than burn his tongue. the thing they brag about whenever they talk about their child: Isami often proudly talks about how much Hiroshi grows each day, how he inherited his mother’s good soul and how helpful he is. Megumi often dubs him “the light of her life”, is mostly in awe with the little things he’s doing and she greatly appreciates his hard work. the most likely reason their child is having a meltdown: Gosh…The list is endlesswhether they’re a strict, overbearing parent or a laidback parent: They are both both somehow. Megumi is a little, little bit stricter though. something their child does that they find youtube-worthy: Learning every vegetable’s and fish’s name in the fastest amount of time. As well how often he approaches Megumi’s mother in the Ryokan and asks: “Can I help you?”how their child would react if they told them they ate all of their Halloween candy: He would be paralyzed for a good portion of time. 
Zenji Marui x Yuki Yoshino
as Chieko was already done. We’ll go for her little brother Takahiro for this one. 
their child’s name and why they were given that name: Takahiro Marui. His name means something in the way of “big great valuable” (I hope) and chosen by Zenji (Yuki gave him this one as she already named Chieko). Zenji’s idea behind the name is that his son should never feel like he isn’t of any matter, other than he did sometimes. one thing their child always begs for in the store: Takahiro begs for all sorts of things, to Zenji’s dismay it’s most of the time novelties (Takahiro loves playing pranks) and Yuki doesn’t even hesitates to buy them most of the time. A second thing Takahiro often begs for is a new pet. He does not beg for books or stuffed animals, as he does know that his father will gift him book after book none or less, while Yuki continues her tradition of handing out millions of stuffed animals to her kids. their child’s favorite toy and why: A plush duck named Ren (which means Lotus). As Takahiro was born he got tons of plush animals from the people visiting. However his grandmother, who had taken care of Chieko, brought this duck. This duck was bought on the way to the hospital and was chosen by Chieko. their child’s first word: “Nee-Chan”. Yuki and Zenji were both trying to get the baby to say either “Mommy” or “Daddy”, while Chieko was just quietly reading on the coach. At some point Takahiro just turned to her and called out “Nee-Chan.”their child’s least favorite food: He completely agrees to his sister that Fast-Food is the worst. the thing they brag about whenever they talk about their child: Yuki is mostly excited about Takahiro’s Wild Game skills, since he hones that a little more than Chieko does. She will brag about his dedication when going hunting with her. Zenji mostly talks about his son’s cheerful and bubbly attitude that fills the whole house with light, as well as his intellect (Takahiro does more than fine in school as well). the most likely reason their child is having a meltdown: If his family would break apart. He really shakes when any of them is having an argument. whether they’re a strict, overbearing parent or a laidback parent: Yuki is still the laid-back one, while Zenji is more stricter. In Takahiro’s case he has to be, as he’s much more hard to tame than the law-obeying Chieko. something their child does that they find youtube-worthy: The way he bonds with Yuki’s  animals from a very young age on. He talks to them and they start to trust him. how their child would react if they told them they ate all of their Halloween candy: This is unacceptable. Takahiro would be upset for days and never hesitate to call his parents out on it. 
Shun Ibusaki x Ryoko Sakaki
their child’s name and why they were given that name: Yasu Ibusaki. If I am not mistaken, Yasu means something in the way of “piece” or “quiet”. And was given by Ryoko, who like Megumi, always wanted to name her child that way, since she really liked the name and thought of it as a way of wishing good fortune to her child. one thing their child always begs for in the store: Yasu shakes his head at kids who get all tear-eyed and scream through the entire store that “they need this”. He does never ask for a lot of things. The only thing that can make him weak are wooden ornaments or toys made out of wood (like building blocks). However, he asks for them with dignity.their child’s favorite toy and why: Of all the plush animals aunt Yuki already gifted him, he likes the deer the most. Other than that, Shun one time carved him an entire zoo out of wood and boy does he love playing with it. their child’s first word: It took an eternity by the way and was “quiet”. Shun and Ryoko were having a small argument about something and he wanted to sleep and they were disturbing him. their child’s least favorite food: As soon as you used poor fermentation products or clearly have no idea about smoking but doing it anyway, you will get a death glare from him and he will gladly point out all your mistakes. the thing they brag about whenever they talk about their child: Ryoko goes on and on about the fact how patient her son is and how useful it is for fermentation. She also will gladly remind you how polite he is and what a great help in the kitchen he is. Shun most of the times talks about all the traits Yasu inherited from his mother and his dedication he shows when asking his father to teach him something new about smoking. the most likely reason their child is having a meltdown: Bringing dishonor to his family is Yasu’s biggest nightmare. whether they’re a strict, overbearing parent or a laidback parent: Ryoko and Shun can certainly be both. Each of them is laid-back or strict in a different fashion. However Ryoko is a little bit stricter with Kasumi (Yasu’s little sister) and more laid-back with Yasu, while Shun is the other way around. something their child does that they find youtube-worthy: Sometimes popping up beside his mother and exclaiming “It’s going to ferment!”how their child would react if they told them they ate all of their Halloween candy: Stoic expression, a sharp “I am disappointed.” and going up into his room afterwards. 
Thank you so much for asking again!
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