#shurke art
gay-catastrophe · 1 year
Just your local king of crime and edible man~
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digeethegenie · 7 days
The Dragon, The Lady, And Fray
Day 07 - Morsel Heavensward (3.0) - At the End of Our Hope Spoilers - DRK 50 - Our Compromise CW - Swearing, Mental Illness.
It had been a hard won fight to gain entry into the stronghold of The Heretics. The bodies of the a number of heretics lay on the ground, all of little import as far as their fitness for a fight was concerend.
What happened to them next- if they were even alive, after the slopy and out of form strikes of her martial artes had become since the last time she had to use them- was Artoriel's problem.
She was just the weapon, after all.
She stood in the small main haul and observed how much it resembled the main hall of the Waking Sands. That was, besides the guady dragon statue with candels in the middle. Presumably some offensive idol for these idiots to worship the stupid beasts that would eat them whole if they had a chance.
Saying nothing, she looked up to the cealing, lost in her own mind.
What was she even doing here?
"Looking for me, I presume."
Yujo, still not quite used to not having a handle on the lower level of awareness that Midgardsormr's convent had imposed on her, jumped into form, her Mogfists inflating just as Iceheart came into view.
Saying nothing, Yujo stayed in form. Truth be told, she rellished for an excuse to punch Iceheart's head clean off her sholders and call it a day. One movement out of place and Iceheart wouldn't even know what had hit her.
Iceheart scowled. "There is something diffrent about you. Warrior of Light…"
Yujo's scowl didn't change.
"Ahhh," rumbled Midgardsormr's aetherial voice. "The child who glimpsed the truth."
Without Yujo's permission, the Dragonic All Father's tiny form flashed into existance.
It took a second for Lady Iceheart to reconise him but the shock of the revelation flashed across her face the second she did.
"No! It can not be!"
The dragonette flew between the two.
"As did thou, she cameth unto me. Alike in gifts but set upon diffrent paths…"
Yujo looked at the dragon and shook her head. She did no such thing. She was told to go investigate the source of the dragonsong in The Lake of The Keeper. Then HE attacked and then entered into a convent with her without her permission, and with it, shattered her Echo.
"He speaks the truth, Warrior of Light. Like you, I have been blessed with the Echo."
'Good for you.' Yujo thought coldly to herself.
"The visions scared me at first. Left me wondering what I had done to deserve them. But I had no time to ponder such things once the Calamity came."
Yujo could feel her teeth grinding against each other as she forced herself to listen to the woman's sob story about how Falcon's Nest had been burried in the hours after Meteor and how Ishgard had largely left her to wonder into dragon territory, meet one of the great dragons, Hesvalger, and through the Echo come to learn of her destiny, or whatever rot was spewing out of her mouth.
'Gods, do you think I care?!'
"I was chosen to deliver the revelation of Lady Shiva to the people- to bring dragon and man together, as once they were, and should ever be!"
Upon hearing that Yujo’s mind could could only see the destruction the attack on The Steps of Faith had wrought on Ishgard. The same destruction they were still clearing six months after. The homeless and destitute with nary a morsel to eat in the freezing cold.
She felt one of her teeth push itself deep into its socket and her mouth split open from the pressure.
"Don't give me that self-sanctimonious bullshit!" she cried out, swinging her hand wildly. "What good is your message to the innocents who were killed in your attack on Foundation?!"
At that, Lady Iceheart shurked back, shaking her head.
"It wasn't supposed to be like that! You have to beleive me! It was… beyond my controll…"
Yujo had a look of pure contempt on her face. It gave Lady Iceheart one command.
"The children of Ishgard were taught to fear the skies as they see their loved onces slaughtered. Yet the Dravanians- thoguh they know with whom the fault truely lies- fall upon them with such fury."
Midgardsormr interjected with his own explanation. "Men die, and their children forget. But we are everlasting. To us, then is as recent as now. Thou canst comprehend the violantion. The Outrage. The Fury."
Yujo looked at him, not quite sure what he ment by that and, to a ceratin extent, she did not care. It wasn't her fault that the lifespan of dragons meant whatever happened then felt as fresh as it had happened yesterday.
Yujo looked at the two of them and felt nothing but contempt.
Lady Iceheart looked like a child who had been scolded.
"I… I will make this right."
She took a moment to regain her composere and continued.
"I am nether a saint not savior. Just another sinner. Yet I will not forsake my cause. I can not, will not leave this cycle of war unbroken. I will see peace restored. I… we can do naught else, for we, I and the Lady Shiva, are as one…"
A silence fell between all three of the people in the room.
Yujo was the one to speak first.
"OK. You know what? No."
Out of nowhere, Fray roared as he rushed past the lalafell and thrust his unopened Magitek Claymore towards Iceheart's chin. Causing her to look at Yujo with panic.
"I have heard this sort of self serving shite from out the mouths of people like you for far too long!" the dark knight growled as he held his sword. "I have had enough of the games, of the cruelty your sort infict upon your protectrate. Those who you claim you're giving some sort of holy word. Shite to your holy word! I say I cut you down here and now and let the lordlings have their moment of celebration. Mayhap the people can have a morsel then."
"Child!" Midgardsormr called out to Yujo who just stood there and watched as Fray held his finger over the button that would cause the Claymore to spin open and skewr itself through Iceheart's chin.
"All I need is the word from Yujo, and it is done."
Iceheart looked at Yujo with panic in her eyes.
She stood there. Thinking wether or not she should just let Fray have his way with the woman. She was clearly tempered by Shiva, maybe even claimed by the dragons. They could weaken the Echo so who knows what else they could do.
Fray's finger slipped closer to the button.
Then she realised. This would acomplish nothing. Like Gaius before her, killing Iceheart would just give the lords of the houses an excuse to forgo anything but their own self intrests.
"Yujo?" the dark knight asked.
"Let her go." she said.
The dark knight looked back at her before he sighed and withdrew the sword, allowing Lady Iceheart to breathe again.
"Run." Yujo commanded.
The fear of the Lalafell was writain on Iceheart's face.
"If I, or Fray, ever catch you again, mark my words, I 'will' make sure that you don't get the dignity of trail by combat."
Understanding, Iceheart nodded and turned to leave, walking away out of a secret back entrence but not before turning around to look at Yujo one last time and then walking faster.
Fray simply muttered a "humph', and promptly vanished.
Left alone, Midgardsormr turned to face the lalafell. "I do wonder what that was about…" he said, entirely insincerly.
"Mind your own godsdamned business" Yujo uttered dismissively as she turned around and made her way back out from whence she came.
The dragonette chuckled to himself. As he vanished into the thin air, his musing, "Virtue and Vice… Most intresting", hung in the pocket of air left behind.
= = =
Ysayle, Lady Iceheart, snuck away from the building and out of the sight of the guarding knights. When she was clear. She put her hand on her chest to regain her composure.
"Seven Hells…" she uttered to herself, trying to put the memory of what had just happened out of mind.
But it was no use, she was not even an ilm from being impaled with the sword that was in Yujo's hand. The look on the lalafell's face, like she wasn't even there in mind, as she contempted killing her left her in shock.
It was like the lalafell was playing the role of two people and she wasn't even aware of it.
"What happened to you, Warrior of Light?"
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darkmaga-retard · 19 days
By J.B. Shurk American Thinker
September 3, 2024
Negotiation is the art of getting an opponent to advocate for your position.  You want one thousand dollars for an old car.  You ask for two.  The buyer works you down to one, and you shake on the “deal.”
Parents employ similar skills.  A toddler who is unhappy about being put in the stroller might be given a choice: we can either go to the park or take a nap.  Cries often disappear when the alternative to play is less fun.  Of course, children quickly learn this game, too.  Some will double-down on crying until mom throws up her hands and offers to renegotiate: and we can stop for ice cream on the way!  Teenagers realize that either-or offers invite workarounds.  “Do your homework or you’re grounded” succeeds as a negotiating position only if Junior can’t climb out the window after dark.
From an early age, we grasp that successful negotiations take advantage of (1) asymmetric information and (2) asymmetric authority.  Individuals who know more than their opponents and who are capable of restricting the range of available outcomes to any dispute are likely to get what they want.
Governments use such asymmetries to maintain control.  By knowing more than the public and by exercising complete authority over what is permissible, their bargaining power far exceeds that of the lowly citizen.  In the United States, the Department of Justice maintains an almost perfect conviction rate.  Is that because prosecutors pursue only the guilty?  Or is it because lone defendants are up against federal law enforcement agencies with huge bureaucratic workforces and immense investigatory resources?  When the “United States of America” is a party to any case, the underdog sits on the other side.
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nomorenormalcy · 3 months
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Just gonna slap this here.
Art not done by me, but a good friend I know as Lulu! I don't know what she's up to these days. I think she nuked her Discord due to various outside reasons/factors so I can't contact her anymore.
I am proud of her for doing such a good job for my orc gal I commissioned from her to make for me. This is Shurke Stonetooth! (Yes, Shurke as in the German word for Rogue as of Google Translate.) She's a brash lady who's proud of her scars and having fun in fights. Even if it gets her in trouble with the local authorities a lot...
Wanted to put this here so I had a link for my TRP so folks can see her!
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wyrmwood-arts · 2 years
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Got super inspired by Drawfee again and gathered my friends to draw some fake pokemon..might of gone a bit wild here haha
I love all these little lads, even the yippy little dog Hamonette
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zillabean · 4 years
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Felt like doing a little scribbly doodle of SharpySketch's (twitter) shark designs because they are just so much fun! I know I'm completely inaccurate but I just wanted to capture his fun and essence :)
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thedumbassartblog · 7 years
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A little Shurk head
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swevenfox · 7 years
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The Reanimation of Shurk
Last second deadline request work done for twitter@ShirkOfficial as a collective of their yearly achievement through their music and themes.
This one was a true blast to work with since the first time the angle revealed a lot more of the skeleton under the mask I was always hoping to bring out better one day. Beside the talent behind the songs I must admit I am very happy to be partially involved in their journey with my artworks of this amazing mascot. I remember how it back then started and the joy I felt when he asked me to be their official artist for their covers.
This was one of those reasons I always felt worth keep on going with my art path. Keep improving, keep developing - never giving up and for this opportunity I will be forever grateful!
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slythian · 6 years
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I know their are people out their who wonder what its like to know what someone in certain situations think and maybe this can in someway help someone else out there someday so if you see my post please share it so it spreads out there so people can see it and hopefully learn something from the pain I go through.sorry about any terrible grammar I’ll try my best but i suck at that…I’m going to put what my are issues out their that led me to being the way I am today and share my thought on my depression and suicidal tendencies.I know two of my closest friends will see this either stop here and skip this post all together or continue to read it past here to know some of my thoughts and y'all may know parts and you may not know other parts.this is to help share my mind and my issues where even of I end up failing to continue my fight that most days I feel like I will fail at maybe this post could help others out their or give others perspective to learn from where I failed to.I know I’m putting this in place where I know my family can’t see it though and that is for my peace of mind on purpose.I know theirs alot of people on here and a lot of people do go here for fun art or sharing/try to deal with their problems maybe someone will be able to learn from where i can’t and truly find a way to continue their lives……I have what most people would consider a great life over all.I have a roof over my head,food on the table ,even family and friends that love the hell out of me,I even have a job where I make money to do things I wanna do even with paying bills.I grew up with a loving family that tought me to care with all my heart and treat everyone you can with the best respect you can manage. to live life with your heart and care about everyone. This resulted in me growing up a sarcastic dick head of a friend that most people love to have around in their lives.But I’m one of the most caring persons I know which when u care as much as I do about everyone that can lead to many issues and problems and caring as much as I do has led to many of the problems I plan to talk about here in a few. Since I love and care about people as much as i do this has the unfortunate side effect that when people have messed you over so bad you stop caring completely and or hate them someone can’t come back from that with me normally.most of my life was great and yah I didn’t really have a lot of issues surfacing and any I did just stayed buried to where they didnt effect me to much but growing up a.d.h.d. and a.d.d. and being told your bipolar always taking meds for it all kinda sucks.especially since meds never helped any growing up so always taking them kinda shurked me away from medication. I had to find the things that could help with these things and for me this things I was able to get lost in was art and drawing,music, video games,and the biggest one that always was my favorite thing above all else reading fictional books and stories with things like magic,dragons, faries ect. For me these were the escapes to help me deal with the disorders I was diagnosed with at an early age.my mom and dad were never married and wernt together really after I was born as I was born through them breaking up ironically so kinda a mistake to begin with.but both my parents didn’t live together but have always been in my life and as a kid I loved and lived with my mom and worshipped the ground my father walked on. Now I have three siblings one middle older brother on my dads side we share different moms and my oldest brother and younger sister on my moms side we all share different dads.I lived with my sibling on my moms side and barley saw my brother on my dads side.my dad tried to act like a father to me and my siblings on my moms side which growing up I have kinda realized that my father never really cared about me as much and the kids that aren’t his as he wouldnt pick me up for custody appointed times if he didnt get the other kids which is where of my problems began when I was younger always seems like noone cared about me when it really mattered and always chose other people over me including the father who I worshipped and cared about more then anything as a young child.only people I have always had that never doubted they cared about me even till an adult was my mom and my siblings looking back until these last few years.so I had the issues when younger of disorders I couldnt do much about and a father who didn’t really care about me.now wish those were all the problems I had to deal with.I was born in 1995 and until 2010 you could say my life was great overal compared to what followed but when I was really young my mom dated a guy that ended up creating my sister but was an abusive prick so had that to deal with till he went to jail few years after my sister was born in 1998 other then that was great till I was 15. so when I was 15 years old I decided I wanted do be an idiot and have the father I always worshipped go for custody of me to try and make my relationship better with everyone I currently lived with at my moms better bc during the time period of living with her she married my step dad and all which was great to an extent but always fighting with sibling step dad and mom got old I cared about them so much and hoped by moving out that things would get better.things did and didn’t bc my dad going for custody of me which was my decision even though he wanted it to I asked him to do so.things that went bad for this decision was my mom went back to stripping to help pay bills at the time for losing money to pay on the house we lived in that was going to trying to fight me moving in with my dad since my mom knew my dad was a piece of crap while I had no idea.which when she was driving after wards one night of stripping got into a wreck that crippled her for the rest of her life.I always feel responsible for her wreck and her death that followed a few hears later bc it all extended from a choice I made even if they made their owe choices to.its something I’ve always partially felt responsible for and feeling responsible for the death of your own mother takes a toll after awhile too.but she was crippled in the sense of everything from the neck down she couldnt use right and she couldnt live and survive on her own after that.I went to live with my dad seeing her for custody appointed times after that.for the following three years thats how my life went….going to school living with my dad and seeing my mom on weekends after a decision I made costed her most of her life after that point ever being the same.I know that its not entirely my fault but still always have felt I share some blame for it all too.my dad actually turned out to be the kind of dad whose their your entire life but really doesnt care about you at all just what he gets out of the equation of you being alive and me living with him meant he didnt pay child support anymore.I learned what type of person he was those following three years.my middle brother whose older then me lived with us for awhile till my father put his hands on him and that’s not okay after what I had gone through when I was younger.two of my biggest pet peeves in this world is never cheat on a person and never lay your hands on a women or children both are destructive as hell one is physical abuse and the other is more mental abuse but both can fuck you up so much more then almost anything else.this was when I started learning who my father really was and things got worse after that.. my father ended up stopping me from seeing my mom for weeks at a time when she was sapposed to have me for weekends and stuff which costed me alot of time with her the last few month of her life in 2013.my mom ended up passing away right before I turned 18 and graduated high school bc of complications from a nursing home she was in at this point.after losing time with my mom I moved out of my dads.at the point we had her funeral I learned that she had tried to kill herself twice few months before she passed away and had written me and her other two kids suicide notes and to this day I carry the note I was written by my mom in my wallet everywhere I go.this was my second time facing these types of situations as when I was young family friend commited suicide.so at first my main perspective on suicide was the same as most people out their. That suicide is idoitic,selfish,a cowards way out,a way to hurt those around you,a lot of wrong opinions.when I found out my mom had tried to do so my maine opinions were even though I missed her even if she had done so I couldnt bla.e her for the way her life was at that point I had a different view on suicide which had changed my earlier views on it all to thinking sometimes people dont see another way out all you can do is accept that they did what they decided to do.since then when my mom died my world was turned to he’ll since then my life to me has slowly gotten worse and worse for the last 5 years to now 2018. I had lived with my step dad and sister afyer moving out of my dads and at a certain point in time everything with my mom just started destroying me along with the loss of my grandmother I lost 3 months before my mom.my biggest fear I have learned are loosing the people closest to me to death. It absolutely destroyed me and I havnt been able to heal from any of them can’t deal with pain a big part of how much I care adds to the fact that the loss on the end side is so extreme I cant handle it.so in 2013 I had lost both my grandmother and my mom.fast forward to half way through 2017 I ended up looking both my grandfathers to cancer which messed me up a lot more then I was already while never being able to deal with the previous losses.I ended up being to messed up to deal with life itself I didn’t even know what was happening to me at all to begin with except I was fucked up in the head and wasnt able to feel anything but pain anymore after dealing with everything I have including being abondened at the time by some of the people that meant the most to me since at the time my brothers and sisters wernt talking to me and my step dad had left me to live in his house by himself and my sister went to live with our older brother I had felt abandoned by every one I cared about.it turns out that I have depression and anxiety just having been diagnosed with it recently along with being suicidal when I tried to kill myself by downing a bottle of pills a year ago.I had really good friends ive fucked up everything I used to have with and others I barley saved a friendship with.even if they probably are better of in the end without me around from my point of view.I just dont see why people decide to deal with me a depressive and suicidal problematic person even if they decide to stupidly care. it turns out that depression and anxiety effect everything within your mind from how things effect you to how your brain can interpret things and makes your brain tell you lies like noone cares about you when clearly people do but you can’t run from whats in your own mind so you start to believe the lies that your own mind is telling you.you start to believe that the only escape from the pain is to end your life especially when nothing makes you happy anymore and everything in you life you used to enjoy you can’t enjoy anymore.nothing seems to have any impact but to make you miserable. Your brains tricks you and a lot of people can get help with this.you can talk to people wether a professional or just friends and family..try taking pills that are prescribed by a doctor for depression or anxiety and sometimes that can help for some people like me no matter what I have done nothing does any good for me it has no impact for me.the thing that sucks the most is the day I gave up on life and decides to commit suicide I failed which meant I had to live with the consequences of my actions including the suicide notes I left to friends and family in some cases I almost lost friendships bc of decisions I made and words I put in those letters and thankfully I still have that person in my life but I almost ended that by being stubborn and stupid for feeling things and not keeping it to myself.their are some things though no matter what you do you can't get rid of feeling things for certain people you either learn to live with it being their or hid it from the people who dont want to know its there at all.that's what I deal with now for three people who have mattered the most to me in a different way then everyone else.the biggest thing I have to live with as long as I still do live is the fact the day I decided to kill myself I gave up being their for my younger sister which destroyed her and I have to now deal with the pain I caused the people I love by being me.I always no matyer what others tell me feel like I’m a problem in everyone’s lifes and in the end just hurt the people I care about.but the sad thing is it has been true but the people that care about me have still tried to be their for me even though I think in the end its just a waste of time for those who care about me bc I feel like in the end I’m just going to keep failing everyone around me.the people who love you and are around will tell you your not a failure and you won’t fail.I won’t tell you this since it may not help.the thing from someone in the headset of being exactly here is you may feel the same way I do try your best to find a reason to live for be it a person a hobby an animal if these things work for you find what helps.my problem is nothing helps me even in my situation I’m still fighting to try that’s all anyone can ask for even if you fail in the end you at least tried don’t let anyone make you feel bad for trying to fight.that’s all I will promise anyone anymore not that I wont fail but that I will do my best even if its not good enough in the end.I care and love everyone in my life but the problem is the pain is great and in most cases to much for me to handle pain from withing your own mind is a pain that’s different then any other kind I will always try and I hope everyone out there will try their best but everyones best is of different levels so is everyone’s ability to deal with levels of pain. I try evsrything I used to enjoy and even tried new things nothing really works hopefully I will find something that does something for me but I’m not really sure its possible to be fixed when you are to broken to heal but who knows either one day ill find a way or ill be gone either way that’s life just try to fight to survive no matter who you are out their that’s all I ask from someone who is their themselves is to try.its not selfish to fail but its selfish not to try at all. I dont know if this will ever help someone else but its a chance it will this is my story and I’m still living it at this moment in time. ✌😸✌September 17 2018
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headgreebo · 7 years
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PTP 068 - Gynecosmological Possibly the worst show we have ever recorded we fail being interesting but succeed at being offensive while securing liberty, ghost yetis, dye a Shurk Hat into the next big thing, discover the North-South sexy divide, become friends with a dog toy, get all hairy and unsexify erotic toys. Thank you to our community contributors John K, Doc Mantis Toboggan & Aussie Dan for their topics. Album art this issue is inspired by the least sexy sex toy ever. #podcast #comedy #uk #lewisham
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thedumbassartblog · 7 years
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This is my personal rendition of Shurk’s character (He’s an awesome musician, check his stuff out here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR1u56ZSXrlqx582LfGA_tw) Very simplistic compared to the previous drawings but I still like it :)
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