gogenevieveart · 2 months
Ciel Phantomhive and Jughead Jones on twin thrones 👑👑 Patreon commission for @shymeg
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daphnefangirling · 2 years
Happy birthday
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Aww thank you so much @shymeg
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imreallyloveleee · 4 years
Okay, Bughead, they go and get Toffee. I need that cat to be okay. On the way back, Jughead pulls out a cat toy from nowhere and says, "We need to stop for food and drink for the cat and I" Betty looks at him funny, and he says, "Well, Toffee and I know you will just have a milkshake and fries Betts" she's all of a sudden taken aback because he called her Betts playfully. She hasn't heard that in so long. Or something like that???
 A plaintive yowl sounds from the backseat, and Betty’s heart clenches.
“Halfway there, Toffee-toff,” she coos in the high-pitched voice she uses to talk to her cat. She deliberately avoids Jughead’s gaze in the rearview mirror. It’s the same voice she used with Hot Dog back in high school, so it’s not like he’s never heard it before; more importantly, he has no right to judge her. But…still. She feels silly. “Three more hours, you can do it.”
“Do you think she wants this?” Jughead pulls something out of his jacket pocket – one of Toffee’s toys, a shiny orange fish made of fabric that crinkles when touched. Betty hasn’t seen it in months.
She looks at him askance. “Where’d you get that?”
“Found it under the bed.” He crunches the toy between his fingers. “Sorry, I know you wanted them all in the duffel bag. I just figured she might want one to play with on the drive up.”
Betty keeps her eyes on the road as a strange sensation swells in her chest. It’s a sweet thought, albeit one that’s very far off-base for a cat like Toffee.
“I think she’s too freaked out by all this to want to play.”
This meaning, well, this: the fact that Toffee’s long-lost guardian had finally swooped back into town with a strange man in tow, packed up her apartment, shoved Toffee into the much-hated cat carrier, and then piled it all into her car before starting the six-hour drive back up to Riverdale.
When she’d mentioned she was making the trip down to Virginia at happy hour the other night, she hadn’t expected Jughead to offer to accompany her. Even when he had offered, she hadn’t expected him to actually follow through. But there he was, standing in her driveway at eight o’clock the next morning with his hands tucked into his pockets, just as she’d asked.
Now that they’re back on the road, she’s grateful that he came – packing her things would have taken her twice as long as a solo activity. She just doesn’t really understand why he’d volunteered to do so in the first place.
Jughead twists around in his seat to look at the cat, smushed up into a little ball in the back of the carrier. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
When he tucks the toy fish back into his jacket, she says, “I thought you hated cats.”
“Hate is a strong word.”
“I remember the phrase beasts from hell being used more than once.”
“That was just my grandparents’ cat,” Jughead says dismissively. “That cat was an asshole. I had a roommate back in Iowa who had a cat, and he was great.”
Betty is glad her ears aren’t mobile like Toffee’s are, because otherwise they’d perk up at the sound of the word Iowa. He’s mentioned his college years only a handful of times in the few weeks they’ve been talking again, and never in any detail. She’s curious to fill in those blank spaces.
“We should stop soon,” he continues, before she can tug on the Iowa thread any further. “Get some food. Give ol’ Toffee a chance to stretch her legs in the fresh air.” At Betty’s look, he laughs. “I’m joking, Betts.”
Her heart leaps into her throat. It took several weeks of carefully avoiding one another in Riverdale before he’d even addressed her directly as Betty. She hasn’t heard him speak with this sort of affection since…well, it’s been years.
“Not about the food part, I bet.”
“Nope.” She doesn’t look, but she can hear the smile in his voice. “Never about the food part.”
(send me a prompt. literally any prompt!)
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@violet1429 is super fun. We may agree to disagree sometimes. Yet I enjoy her pov and how she's willing to see others. So, sending her good vibes!
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sweetsfuckingpea · 4 years
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you
Sweet pea
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How I feel about this character: I AM IN LOVE
All the people I ship romantically with this character: me. only me. myself. no one else.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: FANGS
My unpopular opinion about this character: uhm i dont have one i have a popular opinion which is more screen time. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: he’d have a loyal girl
my OTP: Swangs
my cross over ship: uhm him and malia from teen wolf would be fun
a headcanon fact: HE IS A SOFT BOI AND CUDDLES YOU.
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For being so nice and cute, copy this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going and make other feel beautiful ! 💕💗💓💖💞💘
You know who’s nice and cute, and all-around wonderful? That’s you, dear @shymeg! How lovely of you to send this! 💖💖💖
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sabs1d · 3 years
Hugs my friend
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You’re so sweet, I don’t deserve this, but sending hugs and a lot of love for you
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djgrannyglasses · 4 years
for being so nice and cute, copy this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. 💕✨💖💖💕❤💕❤💖💕💖💕💕💖
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mrreggiemantle · 4 years
Bughead smug for the mood board
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edamamechips · 4 years
Send this to the 12 nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get 5 back you must be pretty awesome!! 💖✨💖✨
thank you so much love!! it’s always nice to see you on my dash especially with the recent events of Supernatural. never watched the show but i can share your pain <3<3
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sending so much love and a billion hugs lovely!!!💖💖💖
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thetaoofbetty · 4 years
Before the beginning
Hello you beautiful begonia! 
BEFORE THE BEGINNING – three sentences (or more) about something that happened before the plot of my current project
Nothing really. I just continually notice the similarities between Dawson’s Creek and Riverdale characters and decided it needed to be done. And the soulmate fic, yeah, I really need to just get some ideas out of my head sometimes otherwise they become things I’ll always feel like I should have done. And tbh, this soulmate thing could have haunted me so I might as well get it out. 
Thanks for the ask! 
Writing Meme
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gogenevieveart · 2 years
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Kiki riding Haku the dragon from Spirited Away, with Gigi and a Soot Sprite on her bag. A fun Ghibliverse Patreon commission for @shymeg 🐈‍⬛🐉🌚🧙💼🧹
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daphnefangirling · 3 years
Happiest of Birthdays to @daphnesvieira
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Thank you so much @shymeg!
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theheavycrown · 4 years
Hello @theheavycrown For the pride month can I have squares or hearts #5 and I with Jughead I'd love the one from Season 1 where he's eating the milkshake haha but a moody Jughead would do. I know you are good at this and trust you to decide that. This is a great idea and thanks so much.
Thank you for this @shymeg! You are always so kind and supportive. I’m hoping this is the season 1 moment you meant. He takes the cherry from the adventure scout’s sundae and then eats the sundae... and is very smug looking then very moody looking. Hope you enjoy!! XO You can find your request HERE!
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@sweetsfuckingpea is amazing. She makes me laugh. She's got great ideas. She's always bringing positively to everybody else. K
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sweetsfuckingpea · 4 years
rants about random things that are bothering you
honestly, right now i am just bothered because i want a yummy dessert and i dont have any ingredients to make one. cause my house caught on fire and we had to throw out ALL food-related items and now in the rental house i dont even have baking staples and its just annoying i cant just whip out some brownies or something. ridiculous.....
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