vanagasdraws · 6 months
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drkkwv · 1 year
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knightofchariot · 1 year
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lucemaria · 1 year
Tarocchi e sibille. Domande e risposte, prenota il tuo consulto! - Medium Luce: divinatrice ed esoterista
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damanascosta · 4 days
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Mi scuso ma è un problema che non dipende da me.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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The squad of all time has arrived on scene.
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kkyos · 5 months
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Those who partake in dragon communion will one day shed their humanity
(Messmer and godwyn twins AU)
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flavoredmagpie · 1 month
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1: Ben’s death… we don’t know what happened
2: The monsters inside of him did it
3: History is going to repeat itself if we don’t
4: Ben didn’t know, its not his fault
5: He’s still my brother, I’m not giving up on him
6: Its under my skin, I’m ready to burst
7: Not this time
[Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5]
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grumpyghostdoodles · 4 months
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Frisk: "Oh, so you make fun of Asriel for not telling humans apart very well, but then you go and do this? Shame on you"
The character design for the new kid of "The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish" is so unintentionally hilarious. Hazel looks like a very sweet kid, and retired Cosmo and Wanda was a nice surprise, but holy shit out of all the fandoms they could accidentally reference, im wheezing
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Today's tarot ,22.10.05
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Valami véget ér egy korszak lezárul.El kell búcsúznod attól ami már nem szolgálja a javadat.Fogadd el és ne emészd magad.Ha vége van hagyd menni.Ez a természetes körforgás.Új dolog lép a helyébe aminek teret kell hagynod.Borúra derű jön,tartja a mondás.Csupán rajtad áll,hogy beengeded az újat vagy ragaszkodsz a megszokotthoz.Meg ragadod-e az új lehetőséget vagy saját magad útjába állsz.Tudni kell örülni és tudni kell elengedni.Minden állapot múlandó.A jó a rossz egyaránt.
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jasmines-library · 10 months
Could you maybe write a platonic Damian x sibling reader (younger but not hy like a lot). And they had a nightmare and go to Damian in the middle of the night. And they're scared that he's gonna get mad that they woke him up, but they didn't know who else to go to
No pressure, of course!! I hope you have a wonderful day/night/afternoon or whatev!!! 🫶🫶🫶
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Hold Me Like A Grudge
Summary: Ever since you joined your father at his home, Damian Wayne had despised you. He tries to spend his time as far away from you as possible, until one night you seek comfort in him after a nightmare and everything changes. (gn reader :))
Note: Thanks for requesting lovely! this was so cute to write and a much needed break from the angst for you all (kinda...)
Warnings: Being ignored by Dami, nightmares, none really it's a fluffy fic!
Word count: 1.4k
Damian had never been one for comforting tendencies. He often chose to seclude himself away in a corner, brooding in his own self pity or grumbling about his early-teenage misery. Apparently it had gotten worse since you arrived; having another sibling to pester him didn’t sit well on his behalf, so each time the sound of your small feet pattered into the room, he would turn his gaze away or collect his belongings that he had strewn across the room and left. You weren’t entirely sure what you had done to receive the silent treatment from Damian. Dick, the eldest of the bunch, had tried to reassure you that it was nothing personal. That he had acted that way towards him when he first arrived sending his cold glares from across the room or barging past him in the hallways, but something about the way his face contorted and his lip twitched revealed something else. 
Damian Wayne was jealous. Despite the fact he would rather die than admit it, he couldn’t stand having someone else in his way. You were his biological half sister. The only other person related to the one and only Bruce Wayne. And he hated you for it. He hated Bruce for it. He hated himself for hating it, but that didn’t stop his grudge from lingering. It didn’t help that your charm meant you got along with the rest of the boys better than he did; you had shown them kindness where he had shown them coldness. 
When Bruce told him that he was responsible for you whilst the others were out on patrol he did very little to hide his disdain; rolling his eyes and stomping off to his room but not before snarling at you as he pushed past. 
The manor was eerily quiet that night. It was dark and without the obnoxiously loud antics of your older brothers the place felt empty. Damian was off sulking somewhere and Alfred was monitoring the computers so you were left alone to navigate the endless rooms and high ceilings. You hadn’t been at the manor long so you were still a bit unsteady when it came to navigating the maze of walls but without anyone to help you when you turned a wrong corner, it took you much longer than it should have to find your room. There were a few lights on in the halls, but all of the rooms were dark and vast and the condensation building up on the cold glass didn’t help your feeling of unease. A shiver crawled down your back and you tugged the hem of your hoodie over your hands. You breathed a heavy sigh of relief when you pushed open the door and collapsed onto your bed, burying yourself under the sheets and squeezing your eyes tightly.
Sleep didn’t come easy, much to your dismay. There were too many odd sounds drifting through the house; something clicking, the wind whipping around outside, tree branches tapping on the glass, a dripping tap in your bathroom that stopped for a few blissful minutes before starting up again with a monotonous tempo. Tucking your knees and head to your chest you tried to bury yourself deeper into the bed and drown out the sounds that to someone who had lived there a while wouldn’t even bat an eye at. 
When your tired body finally dragged sleep into it’s clutches it was restless. You tossed and turned with a furrowed brow. The images were dark and disturbing; twisted figures of your new family being captured, of strange figure looming over you in the dark reaching out a cold, bony hand that could have easily been mistaken for a claw until it was only inches away from, reaching and reaching until the icy digits brushed the surface of your skin.
You shot up, kicking off the sheets and clutching your skin where the hand had touched you; you could have sworn you could still feel it there so cold that it felt as though it were going to burn a hole into your delicate skin. Tears rolled fat and ugly down your cheek and your forced yourself out of bed with trembling legs. Your feet carried you down the hall and before you knew it had planted you outside of Damian’s room. Like the others it was dark and silent, but you knew it was his. You had walked past it too many times, itching to just catch a chance of talking to him. Despite your state, your hand hovered above the frame unable to bring yourself to knock. What if he yelled at you or turned you away like he usually does? You supposed you could go and find Alfred instead- no. He was busy. The idea was gone from your head almost as soon as it had appeared and with a shaky sob you rapped your knuckles against his door. 
“What do you want-”
He opened the door much quicker than you thought he would. His jostled hair and cantankerous stare loomed over you, but he changed very unexpectedly when he noticed your sobbing and dewy eyes. Without thinking twice you wrapped your arms around him bawling into his chest. His body relaxed slightly as he frowned sympathetically, wrapping an arm around you and bringing you closer to him. It was odd even to him that there was something special about the moment. Damian wrapped you and led you over to his messy bed, settling you on the edge. The dampness that has seeped into the middle of his shirt didn’t bother him as he crouched down on his toes in front of you. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked, uncharacteristically tenderly. 
“I…i-” You stuttered trying to force the story out but only failing which just ended up causing a fresh bout of tears to fall. 
The boy cupped your hands in his, getting your attention. Tilting your head up, you saw his softened gaze. 
“Calm down, kiddo. You’re okay.” He gave you a gentle nod of reassurance. 
It took a few moments but soon your blubbering slowed into something of a calm, only interrupted by the occasional hiccup that pushed it way past your lips. 
“That’s it kid.” He rubbed your back “You’re okay.”
“I’m so-rry.” You hiccupped. “Please don’t be mad at me.”
This made Damian pause as a feeling of being humbled washed over him. 
“Tt. Why would I be mad?”
“Because I woke you up.” You pushed yourself up to stand, wiping away tears and making your way to the door. “I’m sorry. I’m being stupid.”
Everything seemed to hit Damian all at once. He had been so caught up in his own jealousy that he had completely refused to think about how you felt and it occurred to him that you had so much more in common. You were a scared kid who had just been thrown amongst the most complicated family in Gotham. You were in need of love and guidance and he had failed to do that. The dark haired boy began to feel very guilty. It was his responsibility as your older brother to show you the ropes and he had point blank refused. 
He pushed himself up and settled down on the bed gesturing for you to follow. For a moment he thought that he had completely ruined everything; that you were going to leave and just suffer in silence albeit you walked over to the bed and perched on the end enjoying the way that the memory foam sank down slowly around you.
“I’m so sorry that I haven’t been there for you. It was selfish of me, I understand now that-”
“It’s okay.” You cut him off with a smile.
He nodded contently and pulled you into a hug. 
After a while you meekly broke the silence. “Dami?”
“Can I stay here tonight? Please?”
Damian grinned down as his little sibling proudly for the first time since you had arrived. He then shuffled across the bed and opened up the duvet for you to clamber in next to him. He slung an arm over you protectively. 
“You can stay whenever you need, Little Bat.” 
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lucemaria · 2 months
Se hai paura di sapere, non chiedere.
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damanascosta · 4 days
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trick-trash · 7 months
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Roier: Am I the one who has lag or is it you?
Leo: I dunno
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Lo edité un poquito xdxdxd Debí editarlo antes de subirlo aquí---
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fadeintoyou1993 · 2 years
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fantein · 2 months
i absolutely love them...
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finally finished a gift for my super cool friendo @aghostnamedcalamity! 💖
mordecai, go get your children!
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