#sick Genesis Rhapsodus
strayheartless · 7 months
genesis is sick seph and angeal are taking care of him
There is a severe temptation to Rag on Genesis and make this crack, but I Im too much of a sucker for Angst and Hurt/comfort😅. I have accepted my role really, and I love it. Never come to me for Crack, I always just make it sad.
CW for: vague descriptions of vomiting, discussions of childhood sickness, discussions of experimental poisoning/ testing.
Angeal stares at the steam rising from the cettle as it boils. He's exhausted and if he's honest with himself he's terrified. This doesn't happen to them, they don't get sick! And even on the odd ocassions they do, it is never like this.
when Genesis had complained of a headache the afternoon before, Angeal had rolled his eyes at the man and sparingly suggested he rest his eyes from reading. when the complaints of it getting worse hadn't stopped he'd snapped at Gen to go lay down in a dark room if its so bad. Only to be shocked when Genesis had swayed like a stick of bamboo the wind unon standing up.
Gen had gone quiet after that, Lying on his own office couch with the lights off and not moving. By the end of the day, when Sephiroth had swung by both of their officed to collect them for dinner, Genesis had developed a cough... and then the cough got worse.
... and worse.
When Gena was little, Angeal remembered he was sick a lot. Flu, Scarlet fever, colds, migraines, it didn't really matter what it was Genesis seemed to get it. Usually he'd just complain and sneeze and be obnoxious. But other times ha remembered his mother being called for when Gen wouldn't get out of bed, wouldn't speak or move much except to cry or struggle to breath.
Now felt like one of those times.
They had been up all night with him, taking turns to whip his brow and sooth him through the endless coughing fits, vomiting and barly cognazent concious moments. Sephiroth had Tied up his own hair and then Gena's when the stress started getting too much, and angeal had winced when Genesis had whimpered at the preasure on his scalp... But it was better that then trying to sponge sick out of his hair.
After twelve hours of pure torture for everyone involved, Gena's fever broke and he gained a little bit more licidity. Now it was just making sure he made a full recovery.
Angeal made up a two cups of coffee and placed a clean rag over the bowl of Chicken noodle soup he'd warmed. He doubted Genesis would be able to keep all of it sown, but they at least needed to try. Placing it all on a tray he trecked back to the bedroom.
"How are we looking?" He asked upon entering. Sephiroth was sat in the squishy reading chair that usually sat in the Corner of Gena's room, looking only maginally less tired than Angeal felt. The man was used to insomnia.
"he woke up for only a minute or two. I managed to get him to drink some water," Seph whispered back, taking the cup that was handed to him.
Angeal sighed and sat on the end of the bed. "I never thought I'd say this but i think I need to hear him being dramatic,"
Sephiroth hummed and looked back at Genesis on the bed. He didn't look peaceful exactly, there was too much sweat and signs of distress about his person for that, but he he no longer seened to be in active discomfort and stress. angeal watched Seph scan his eyes over their lovers face and body, taking note of everything he could.
"What are you thinking?" he asked softly, placing a hant on Sephiroths thigh and squeezing.
Sephiroth twitched his nose slightly, a little stress tell they'd long ago realised he was considering variables that he didn't like. It was upsetting how often those variables were the truth.
"I'm thinking, we may need to pay a visit to Hollander once he is not in danger any more" Angeal blinked at him.
"You think Hollander did this to him?" he asked, with a note of scepticism to his voice. "Seph, babe, I know you have reason to mistrust scientists, but this is Hollander we're talking about here. He's not Hojo, he doesn't do things like this!"
"No? Angeal, consider for a second. Genesis goes down to the lab for a pre mission check up" Sephiroth bracketted the words with air quotes, and Angeal would have snorted at how very Zack the gesture was had he not started to feel sick himself. Sephiroth continues.
"And when he comes back from the lab he complains that he has a headache; something he has not complained of since he was a third, I know because I checked -"
"you accessed his medical records? seph tha-"
"Hush. complains of a headache and then all of a sudden the mission is cancled due to prioritising and Genesis does not even have the time to feel angered at any kind of usually percieved slight against his skill before he's going down - in a single afternoon Angeal- with a severe fever, sickness, apparent chest infection and the worst migraine he has had since he wat fourteen."
Layed out as plainly as Sephiroth had put it, it did seem awfully convenient that Genesis had not been sent away as this was developing. in fact Angeal could track Sephiroths logic almost perfectly with little room to suggest conicidence. But this was Hollander .The man was a bastard, that Angeal would fully admit, but he had never purposfully poisoned them before, not in the ways Hojo had done to Sephiroth.
"Could you two discuss the conspiricy of my death a little quieter please?" came a rough voice from behind him, and when he turned to follow Sephs redirected gaze he saw Genesis attempting to pull himself up into a sitting position.
He got up to help, but was flapped at irately when he went to support Gena's back.
"How do you feel?" he asked softly, and Genesis sighed.
"Like I went round for round with the Midgar Zolom and then decided to train with Sephiroth as a masocistic treat to myself," Sephiroth snorted as he moved to Gens other side, sitting on the bed with him and pulling the red head to lean against his sweater clad side.
Gen leaned into it with a comfroted hum, reaching for Angeal who came easily. winding his ams around the both of them and placing his chin on Gen's head.
"If you wanted to fight me like this, i would have been bored by your sloppyness." Sephiroth pokes fun and Genesis squawks indignintly. Angeal chuckled.
"So mean!" Gena weakly punches Sephiroth in the thigh. "I could have very well died!"
Angeal sobered a bit, and from the shit in Sephiroths posture, so did he.
"yes, you could have," he murmered and Genesis' anger Deflated. He coughed into his fist as he relaxed against them, and when his breath caught, the two sat him up straighter so that he could breath better as he Coughed harder.
"S-sorry" he weezed.
"It's fine love," Ageal whispered handing him the glass of water. Gen Gulped it down and sat back again.
"I have not missed being this ill." he commented. "Reminds me of of the time I had scarlet fever, though I confess I don't actually remember a lot of the experience. mostly the pain,"
They sat there for a while in silence, Seph playing with the promise ring on Gena's left hand while Angeal combed out some of the knots out from his hair. after about half an hour, Genesis spoke; his breath rattling in his chest a little.
"Do you truely think Hollander did this to me?" he asked, not looking at either of them.
"I do," was all Sephiroth gave him, and Angeal sensed that Genesis din't know what to do with that information. what were you supposed to say when the man in charge of you medically was suspected of trying to kill you?
There was nothing anyone could say that could ever make that okay.
"I made you soup, if you're up for eating?" he offered instead and Genesis seemed to welcome the distraction, making grabby hands at him, like a child, as he reached for the still warm bowl.
As Angeal and Sephiroth watched him eat, they glanced at each other, a silent agreement being made. It this was Hollander -and Gods above did Angeal hope it wasn't - Then they would do everything in their power to hunt that man down and end him before he had the chance to make Genesis suffer further.
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strayheartless · 7 months
will the witch boyfriends ever get married? and become witch husband's?
Ahhh the age old question.
Angeal and Zack are the ones who have thought about marriage the most. The others are not really bothered by it. Gens never really seen the point in needing a hand fasting to prove he loves his partners and Sephiroth just doesn’t think about it past it being something that people do. Clouds probably the most against it but that’s because his mother was married and his father left when Cloud was very little. He thinks marriage is as fickle thing and a waste of time.
However Zack really really wants to be married to them. Angeals the easiest to win around. He suprises Zack with strawberry milk tea boba at work one day and Zack blurts “marry me” and Angeal very seriously says “okay”.
Convincing Sephiroth is the next easiest, Zack and Angeal talk about how it’s something they really want and Sephiroth says “if it’s something you want then okay, we can do it. We have the money,”.
Genesis takes some wearing down. Arguments of it being a waste of time upset Angeal and once Sephiroth points this out Genesis deflates and says “oh what harm could it do.”
Cloud is a pain in the ass about it. At one point Geal and Zack fear he will leave because of it. He is so disproportionately angry about it. It’s the first and only time he and Zack have a screaming match with each other. Not because they want to force him, but because he’s being unnecessarily cruel and rude about something they want.
He walks out and disappears for two weeks. Turns off his phone and goes to the burned out remains of his village. While he’s there he does a lot of frustrated crying because the thought of loosing them makes him feel sick. It’s while he’s stood looking at the old remains of his home that he realises that is the point.
His father obviously never felt like that. If he had he wouldn’t have left. He thinks that he didn’t want to be without them and if they wanted to be married then what is the difference between not wanting to loose them as boyfriends and not wanting to loose them as husbands. Either way he feels more for them than he’s sure his father ever did for his mother.
He comes home in the middle of the night and crawls into the middle of the puppy pile that is their sleeping arrangements. It wakes Zack up and cloud just presses their noses together and says “I-I’ll marry you” really vulnerably. Zack kisses him and whispers thank you because he knows that this is huge for Cloud.
Min terms of the wedding:
Summer, around Beltane.
Colour scheme is Beltane colours (green, red, white and silver)
There’s a may pole
They do a specific ancient hand fasting that is their family covens ceremony but also they do a more private Nibelhiem ritual in the lake at midnight.
Gillian officiates
The have a Cèildh in a field and the baby witches of the larger coven make them flower crowns!
They all have one to one first dances. It would take too long to list each dance individually but if you really want to know I can answer it in a separate ask!
They get firefly’s in the evening and everyone is very suprised to see cloud and Genesis are the ones on their knees showing the wee baby witches how to handle ones that land on them.
Their honeymoon is a tiny quiet French village.
The do take a name. They hyphenate Strife-Crescent. It was decided because Rhapsodus, Hewley and Fair would all continue via cousins and siblings. Cloud and Sephiroth were the last of their name.
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