#Sephiroth Cresent
icycoldninja · 7 months
Rapunzel (Sephiroth x Cloud)
A/N: Inspired by a post made by @meru-chanowo. Please note that this isn't going to be exactly like Tangled or the Rapunzel fairytales. The story is different; altered to fit the characters' personalities. With that short disclaimer out of the way, I hope you enjoy. 💜
Sephiroth sighed as he stared out the window, taking in the lush scenery before him. The sky was a gorgeous light blue, dotted with fluffy white clouds; the grass was a shining green, and the dewdrops that had accumulated overnight were glistening brightly in the shining morning sun whose bright rays also illuminated the entire tower through the window.
"I wish I could go out there,"
He mumbled, folding his arms and resting his face in them. He'd spent his entire life confined in that tall, tall tower in the middle of nowhere; all he knew was the dull brick walls and the little snippet of the outside world provided by his tiny window.
"But Mother wouldn't let me..."
Mother Jenova was a strict, strict woman, who always insisted the outside world was a cruel, dangerous place full of evil people and disgusting creatures. Throughout his childhood and adolescence, she repeatedly told him that the safest place he could ever hope to be was within that tower, safe and sound. Sephiroth had believed her for most of his life, but recently, he began to wonder: Was the entire world that terrible? Was that small meadow visible from his tiny window the only part of the Earth that wasn't corrupted? These kinds of questions created curiosity; curiosity created hypotheses; hypotheses need to be tested.
Sephiroth wanted to leave the tower more than anything. He wanted to explore and see the world for himself, rather than rely on Mother Jenova's words. Not to mention, he was lonely. So, so lonely. The only person he'd ever spoken to was Mother Jenova, and as stated before, she was a strict, strict woman. She would never indulge in fantasies, theories, or even speak of "what-if's", she was all about facts, figures, and more importantly, Sephiroth's safety.
"This tower is the safest place you'll ever be in, child," She would tell him, while brushing his hair out as she did every night before bed. "Here, you'll never want, never need, and never fear. This tower is your home. Don't ever think about leaving it."
But that was the problem, Sephiroth wanted to want, he wanted to need and to fear; he desired so strongly to experience things for himself, to live his own life.
In short, Sephiroth wanted freedom.
"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair," Shouted a voice. Sephiroth turned to the window and saw Mother Jenova waving to him from below, her curvaceous, blue-skinned figure wrapped in a blue shawl, a basket of groceries under her arm. Sephiroth let out a low chuckle, as this was an inside joke between him and his mother. The length of his hair as well as his ethreal beauty made him quite similar to the fairytale princess. In reality, he did not use his hair for climbing purposes; Mother Jenova possessed the ability to levitate into the tower on her own.
"Did you miss me, child?" She asked, setting down her groceries on the small wooden table. "Very much so, Mother." Sephiroth answered, quietly. He had learned over the years that Mother Jenova expected a very specific reply to certain questions, and that if she didn't get it, she would scream and shout for hours, even after her throat turned hoarse. Sephiroth knew what she wanted: To be seen as the perfect, loving mother, the ultimate provider and the only person upon which he should ever depend. In order to keep the peace, he would have to make sure that his words convinced her this was true.
"Oh, while I was out getting groceries, I came across this lovely-looking book and thought you might like it." Mother Jenova fished a thick, hardcover book out of her basket and handed it to Sephiroth. "Thank you, Mother," He said, graciously accepting it. "I shall read it right away." Mother Jenova nodded proudly before heading to the window. "I'm afraid I must go away again," She said, though Sephiroth doubted she was actually afraid. For someone who held such a dark view of the world, Mother Jenova sure enjoyed traveling through it. "I have another errand to run, this one a bit long, so don't expect me home for several days." Sephiroth kept a placid smile as he responded, "I understand, Mother, I'll simply busy myself with this book." Mother Jenova smiled widely before leaning forward and planting a kiss on his hair. "I love you so much, my child. Be well, and know that the world is a dangerous place."
With that, she was gone, having leaped out the window and levitated off somewhere. Once she was gone, Sephiroth let out a loud sigh and leaned against the wall, the new book in his lap. Several times in his childhood, he'd asked to go with her on these errands, and each time, he'd been slapped across the face and told he was an ungrateful child. "When will I get to be free?" He wondered, absently fanning himself with his book.
The answer to his question was soon; very, very soon.
Sephiroth was leaning against the window, his long hair actually trailing out of it, reading the new book Mother Jenova had gotten him. It was an adventure novel, believe it or not, and reading it increased Sephiroth's desire to explore the world himself. He was so lost in the book, he never noticed the man on horseback speeding towards his tower-prison. "Hey!" The man shouted, causing Sephiroth to jump. Mother Jenova had always told him to avoid being seen by humans, should any stumble upon his residence. At this point, it was too late, as Sephiroth and his hair were perfectly visible by this strange blonde stranger, and his horse.
"You live here?" The guy shouted, nervously glancing behind himself for a moment. Sephiroth nodded, throwing aside his book, leaning out the window, and staring at this person intently. "Who are you?" The blondie scratched his head; his horse, which was an unusual bright red, neighed loudly. "I'm Cloud," He finally answered, sounding rather afraid. "Cloud Strife, merc-for-hire. But not right now." He cast another wary glance behind him and continued, "I'm being chased by The Turks. Think you could let me hide up in that tower?"
Several questions flashed across Sephiroth's mind. Who were the Turks? What was a "merc"? And why was he talking to this suspicious, yet oddly cute stranger? He was defying every rule Mother Jenova had ever set for him--and he was liking it!
"Sure, you can hide in here," He said, gripping the windowsill excitedly. "Except...I don't know how you'd get in." Cloud groaned and ran his hand down his face.
"How do you get in and out?"
"I don't. I live with my mother who does all the errands for me."
Cloud raised an eyebrow. "Well, how does she get in and out?"
Sephiroth shook his head again. "Levitation."
"Ah." Cloud frowned thoughtfully, looking around for something he could use to scale the tower. Then, he caught sight of Sephiroth's incredibly long, shiny hair. "Hey, how strong is that hair of yours?" He asked, completely serious. Sephiroth was taken aback for a second, his brain working to process this information. Eventually, he understood what Cloud meant.
"You want....to climb up my hair?" Cloud nodded; he didn't see any other way to get up into the tower.
"Alright...umm...come a little closer, then." Cloud obeyed, making the horde trot up to the tower wall where he was met with a very long, almost rope-like coil of shimmering white hair. Clearing his throat, Cloud grasped the long bundle, put his feet on the side of the wall, and began pulling himself upwards.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow," Sephiroth winced; having a full grown man climb up a 40 foot tower using only his hair was more painful than he'd thought. However, he gritted his teeth and stood there, waiting until Cloud reached the window. Then, he took the mercenary's hand and pulled him through.
"Nice place you got," Cloud remarked, once he was inside.
"Thank you," Responded Sephiroth, as he gathered up his hair and flung it over his shoulder.
"You said you live with your mom, right? Where is she now?"
Sephiroth sighed. "She's out...running errands. Or so she says."
Cloud turned around, a curious expression on his face. "What do you mean?"
Sephiroth folded his arms, feeling both guilty and excited. He knew he shouldn't be telling a guy he just met all about his personal life, but he couldn't resis. For the first time in his life, he was talking to a real human--someone other than his mother.
"She leaves to travel and collect things, and never tells me what they're for. She won't take me with her either. I've...been stuck in this tower since the day I was born."
Cloud frowned; his brow furrowed. "Really? Wow...that sucks. If...if you like...I could get you outta here." Cloud had no idea why he said that, especially considering that he was a wanted criminal in most major cities, but something about this strange, beautiful man struck him and made him want to help him out of this trapped life he seemed to be living. Cloud watched with bated breath as Sephiroth's glistening green eyes lighten, feeling his own face heat up in the process.
"You'd do that? Take me away? Why? You don't even know me." Cloud shrugged, not sure of his own reasoning himself. "I dunno... I just kinda want to. So....uhh.?.you interested?"
Yes. Yes, he was. Sephiroth was so interested that he would have flung himself out of the window if he could, but then he remembered something Cloud had mentioned earlier.
"Aren't you being chased by...turkeys, or whatever you called them?"
"Turks," Cloud corrected, "And yeah, I am. But it's OK, cause I'm hiding up here with you, and if we do get spotted, Red XIII can outrun them easily."
"Red XIII?" Sephiroth inquired, confused.
"My horse," Cloud clarified, pointing to the window. "He used to be a warhorse--very fast and very strong. The Turks got nothin' on him."
"So who are the Turks and why are you being chased by them?"
"The Turks work for the royal family, y'know, King Vincent and Queen Lucretia. They're after me cause I'm a mercenary--someone who performs odd jobs, usually violent ones, for money. I've pissed off more people than I can count, most of em upper-classmen." He turned to Sephiroth and realized that the long haired beauty had no idea what Cloud was talking about. "Uhh...you probably don't know what any of that meant, huh?" Sephiroth shook his head, retreating to the shadowy corner and folding his arms tightly across his chest. "No worries, once things calm down a little, we'll leave this place and I'll show you what the world's like." A wide smile spread across Sephiroth's face, one of genuine happiness that filled Cloud with a sense of warmth he'd never felt before.
"That would be lovely," Sephiroth said, a tiny blush beginning to form on his face. "I'm honestly quite excited to see the world...for myself." Cloud bobbed his head in agreement, placing his hands on his hips.
"It's settled then." Cloud stuck his head out the window and surveyed the ground below. "Looks like the Turks have given up the chase--I don't hear their horses anymore." He turned back to Sephiroth, a mischevious glint in his eyes. "Let's make our escape." Sephiroth nodded excitedly--perhaps a bit too excitedly, and sidled up to the mercenary, who leaped out of the tower and landed on his horse, who neighed loudly, but was otherwise unaffected. "Jump," Cloud instructed, holding his arms out. "I'll catch you." Sephiroth clambered onto the windowsill and hesitated; the drop was long and if he missed...
"Just jump," Cloud shouted again. "Red XIII's a tough dude, he can handle it!" That wasn't exactly what Sephiroth was worried about, but whatever. Sucking in a deep breath, Sephiroth took the leap, soaring out of the tower and literally crashing into Cloud's arms. Their eyes met; for a split second, Sephiroth thought he was staring up at a handsome prince.
"Right....should we go?" Cloud asked, looking rather anxious. Sephiroth blinked, then remembered the seriousness of the situation.
"Ah, yes, of course..." He allowed Cloud to lower him to the ground, then circled over to the back of the horse. With some difficulty, he managed to scramble onto it and wrap his hands around Cloud's lean waist.
"Ready to go?" Cloud asked, his face practically on fire.
"Yes, of course."
Though there was much he had left to learn about the world, the way things worked, and Cloud, the mercenary, one thing was certain: After years, and years of longing, Sephiroth was finally free.
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strayheartless · 7 months
genesis is sick seph and angeal are taking care of him
There is a severe temptation to Rag on Genesis and make this crack, but I Im too much of a sucker for Angst and Hurt/comfort😅. I have accepted my role really, and I love it. Never come to me for Crack, I always just make it sad.
CW for: vague descriptions of vomiting, discussions of childhood sickness, discussions of experimental poisoning/ testing.
Angeal stares at the steam rising from the cettle as it boils. He's exhausted and if he's honest with himself he's terrified. This doesn't happen to them, they don't get sick! And even on the odd ocassions they do, it is never like this.
when Genesis had complained of a headache the afternoon before, Angeal had rolled his eyes at the man and sparingly suggested he rest his eyes from reading. when the complaints of it getting worse hadn't stopped he'd snapped at Gen to go lay down in a dark room if its so bad. Only to be shocked when Genesis had swayed like a stick of bamboo the wind unon standing up.
Gen had gone quiet after that, Lying on his own office couch with the lights off and not moving. By the end of the day, when Sephiroth had swung by both of their officed to collect them for dinner, Genesis had developed a cough... and then the cough got worse.
... and worse.
When Gena was little, Angeal remembered he was sick a lot. Flu, Scarlet fever, colds, migraines, it didn't really matter what it was Genesis seemed to get it. Usually he'd just complain and sneeze and be obnoxious. But other times ha remembered his mother being called for when Gen wouldn't get out of bed, wouldn't speak or move much except to cry or struggle to breath.
Now felt like one of those times.
They had been up all night with him, taking turns to whip his brow and sooth him through the endless coughing fits, vomiting and barly cognazent concious moments. Sephiroth had Tied up his own hair and then Gena's when the stress started getting too much, and angeal had winced when Genesis had whimpered at the preasure on his scalp... But it was better that then trying to sponge sick out of his hair.
After twelve hours of pure torture for everyone involved, Gena's fever broke and he gained a little bit more licidity. Now it was just making sure he made a full recovery.
Angeal made up a two cups of coffee and placed a clean rag over the bowl of Chicken noodle soup he'd warmed. He doubted Genesis would be able to keep all of it sown, but they at least needed to try. Placing it all on a tray he trecked back to the bedroom.
"How are we looking?" He asked upon entering. Sephiroth was sat in the squishy reading chair that usually sat in the Corner of Gena's room, looking only maginally less tired than Angeal felt. The man was used to insomnia.
"he woke up for only a minute or two. I managed to get him to drink some water," Seph whispered back, taking the cup that was handed to him.
Angeal sighed and sat on the end of the bed. "I never thought I'd say this but i think I need to hear him being dramatic,"
Sephiroth hummed and looked back at Genesis on the bed. He didn't look peaceful exactly, there was too much sweat and signs of distress about his person for that, but he he no longer seened to be in active discomfort and stress. angeal watched Seph scan his eyes over their lovers face and body, taking note of everything he could.
"What are you thinking?" he asked softly, placing a hant on Sephiroths thigh and squeezing.
Sephiroth twitched his nose slightly, a little stress tell they'd long ago realised he was considering variables that he didn't like. It was upsetting how often those variables were the truth.
"I'm thinking, we may need to pay a visit to Hollander once he is not in danger any more" Angeal blinked at him.
"You think Hollander did this to him?" he asked, with a note of scepticism to his voice. "Seph, babe, I know you have reason to mistrust scientists, but this is Hollander we're talking about here. He's not Hojo, he doesn't do things like this!"
"No? Angeal, consider for a second. Genesis goes down to the lab for a pre mission check up" Sephiroth bracketted the words with air quotes, and Angeal would have snorted at how very Zack the gesture was had he not started to feel sick himself. Sephiroth continues.
"And when he comes back from the lab he complains that he has a headache; something he has not complained of since he was a third, I know because I checked -"
"you accessed his medical records? seph tha-"
"Hush. complains of a headache and then all of a sudden the mission is cancled due to prioritising and Genesis does not even have the time to feel angered at any kind of usually percieved slight against his skill before he's going down - in a single afternoon Angeal- with a severe fever, sickness, apparent chest infection and the worst migraine he has had since he wat fourteen."
Layed out as plainly as Sephiroth had put it, it did seem awfully convenient that Genesis had not been sent away as this was developing. in fact Angeal could track Sephiroths logic almost perfectly with little room to suggest conicidence. But this was Hollander .The man was a bastard, that Angeal would fully admit, but he had never purposfully poisoned them before, not in the ways Hojo had done to Sephiroth.
"Could you two discuss the conspiricy of my death a little quieter please?" came a rough voice from behind him, and when he turned to follow Sephs redirected gaze he saw Genesis attempting to pull himself up into a sitting position.
He got up to help, but was flapped at irately when he went to support Gena's back.
"How do you feel?" he asked softly, and Genesis sighed.
"Like I went round for round with the Midgar Zolom and then decided to train with Sephiroth as a masocistic treat to myself," Sephiroth snorted as he moved to Gens other side, sitting on the bed with him and pulling the red head to lean against his sweater clad side.
Gen leaned into it with a comfroted hum, reaching for Angeal who came easily. winding his ams around the both of them and placing his chin on Gen's head.
"If you wanted to fight me like this, i would have been bored by your sloppyness." Sephiroth pokes fun and Genesis squawks indignintly. Angeal chuckled.
"So mean!" Gena weakly punches Sephiroth in the thigh. "I could have very well died!"
Angeal sobered a bit, and from the shit in Sephiroths posture, so did he.
"yes, you could have," he murmered and Genesis' anger Deflated. He coughed into his fist as he relaxed against them, and when his breath caught, the two sat him up straighter so that he could breath better as he Coughed harder.
"S-sorry" he weezed.
"It's fine love," Ageal whispered handing him the glass of water. Gen Gulped it down and sat back again.
"I have not missed being this ill." he commented. "Reminds me of of the time I had scarlet fever, though I confess I don't actually remember a lot of the experience. mostly the pain,"
They sat there for a while in silence, Seph playing with the promise ring on Gena's left hand while Angeal combed out some of the knots out from his hair. after about half an hour, Genesis spoke; his breath rattling in his chest a little.
"Do you truely think Hollander did this to me?" he asked, not looking at either of them.
"I do," was all Sephiroth gave him, and Angeal sensed that Genesis din't know what to do with that information. what were you supposed to say when the man in charge of you medically was suspected of trying to kill you?
There was nothing anyone could say that could ever make that okay.
"I made you soup, if you're up for eating?" he offered instead and Genesis seemed to welcome the distraction, making grabby hands at him, like a child, as he reached for the still warm bowl.
As Angeal and Sephiroth watched him eat, they glanced at each other, a silent agreement being made. It this was Hollander -and Gods above did Angeal hope it wasn't - Then they would do everything in their power to hunt that man down and end him before he had the chance to make Genesis suffer further.
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I would pay good money to see a fight between Sephiroth, Ultimecia, and Caius Ballad
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hollow-vergil · 2 months
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up-sideand-down · 1 year
ffvii hades-like au?
1.) Sephiroth is the waward son of the god of the underworld. He's never taken neatly to his own role, but he flourishes in learning to fight and what to fight for under the mortal spirits his father employs. He also just hates his father. He leans much more closely and much more affectionately to Jenova, night herself. Jenova is stern, but holds much more warmth than his father ever could. And Jenova usually tells him the truth. Sephiroth believes the house would collapse if Jenova was gone. Most others do too.
Jenova tells him the truth when Sephiroth finds undeniable proof that she is not, in fact, his real mother. She tells him what she can of Lucretia. Literally no one will say why Lady Lucretia left. Sephiroth's father forbids it. So Sephiroth goes to find the one person who can.
Jenova agrees to help Sephiroth reach Lucretia however she can.
2.) Sephiroth's father is furious when Sephiroth tries to leave. He manages to turn most of the house against Sephiroth, because technically he is in charge. But Sephiroth fights anyway using the weapons his own family once used to best the Titans and boons from their family itself.
He feels a little bad when he has to face Genesis...his ex. Their relationship had ended badly before and this didn't help things. Genesis is pretty much convinced Sephiroth is going to bring ruin to them, but he has to keep going. He has to know why.
He feels worse when he faces Cloud, death himself. Cloud claims to understand his friend's plight, but Sephiroth knows he doesn't, but appreciates the help.
Progress is slow, but he is able to brush up against the surface more and more often.
3.) Sephiroth is finally able to reach the surface, bribing Zack the hellhound with his favorite snack to avoid a final fight. Except now he faces his own father.
It's shocking how little love he has for him as they fight. Sephiroth realizes he may be a fool, throwing away a loveless parent for one that could possibly just hate him.
But she might love him too. She might love him more than Jenova ever could. He just needs to know why she left. His father will not say.
It takes more than one attempt, but finally Sephiroth stands over his father as he goes to the Styx...and Sephiroth steps out into the real world.
4.) He finds it cold, but strangely beautiful. He finds a garden at last, just like Jenova said. The woman tells him it's private and he explains he's looking for Lucretia...his mother.
She is furious, angry he would bring up such a name...until it clicks for her.
"You died," she says, "you died. He said you were beyond saving. How can you be here." Their reunion is wonderful, but brief. Sephiroth knew it would only be temporary, that he is tied to the underworld forever.
"I'll be back soon," he says weakly. Lucretia holds her son in her arms. "You must!" she tells him.
He does. To the wonder of all, he keeps reaching his mother learning the cruel truth of her marriage. That his father bargained for her, that she thought she did love him. That his father lied to make her leave because the house held more power for her than it did him.
The final time she is waiting at the docks by Angeal's boat.
"I'm going with you, Sephiroth," she tells him, "things are going to be different."
5.) If fighting to get out was hard enough, fighting to overthrow the god of the underworld was harder. It was easier since everyone was more or less on Sephiroth's side.
The thing that really turned the tide was the figure in red who appeared and disappeared at whim. Jenova recognized her brother Chaos, but not the man with him.
Sephiroth met him. Vincent.
"I'm still Chaos," he said, "just the part that humans would understand, the less...primordial one." With Chaos's boon Sephiroth managed to best a god for good.
But leading isn't at all what he wanted. He passed that to Lucretia and Jenova...still feeling like...history was going to repeat itself.
At least he did until his mother gave him a new job: security expert. He had to try and escape the underworld over and over.
"So you can protect the house and get out all that restless energy," she said with a smile.
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altocat · 1 year
Hojo: Dr Cresent it's time to continue our researc-
Lucrecia: I fucked the alien.
Hojo: What?
Lucrecia: I fucked Jenova, Hojo.
Hojo: ... Surely this can beneficial to our work.
9 months later...
Lucrecia: *gives birth to Sephiroth*
Hojo: Procreating with the alien is the best thing you've ever done.
(I am so sorry)
Lucrecia is the queen of bad decision-making.
She forgot the #1 rule of ANY sci-fi/horror story: Never, EVER, EVER have weird sex. EVER. Don't do it. Because it never ends well lmao.
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existential-muffin · 1 year
FF7 really just out here to shine a light on how parental issues will make kids villains.
I'm looking at you Sephiroth-mommy-issues-Cresent and Rufus-daddy-issues-ShinRa.
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nekopara-riri · 1 month
Lol snow fucking white wasn't that bad. There are ppl who deserve my hate more than her. 🤣
I have to focus on my religious life more. Dunno how long I am gona live so I better prepare myself so I can tell ppl on the other side that I have not come empty handed. 🤣
P. S. Probably join Red Cresent society in my spare time as a volunteer and help ppl out. 🤣
So the angels on the other side won't underestimate me and if they do? I have hell lots of good deeds to show them like "Outta my way I have been angelic on earth"
And they be like "This is impossiblrrrr.. " so awestruck 😆
So I be me like get outta my way you stupid traffic jam you stupid rush hour.. I've got more important things to do man now more than ever.
So the first thing Ima do soon as I enter heaven is gona be find out these stupid girls they call themselves hoors of some sorts.. it said her head scarf is better than anything in this universe.Thats how beautiful she is as legend and stories goes about them.
But not for long these stupid concubines have got their ultimate competition now. Ima be like lady Sephiroth to this concubines.
Now a concubine is of secondary class. She could never compare to the queen. And you don't have to maintain her as you would do for your queen. 🤣
And they have to be reminded that. Again and again. These peasants.. 🤣
We can never be friends sorry that's not how things work. And as for these traffic jams? These gigantic towering angels??
These guys think being human is easy.. it's not. Not especially in this world. They don't know much since they have not been on a trial on earth. We were fools since we chose to be humans. 😆
Being a human is not even easy. You have to work hard and make yourself useful in some way to the society to earn your living. And this law applies to each and every human being.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 6 months
Yandere sephiroth x Jessica true pacifist au:
Hojo: *captured Jessica* well well if it isn't Jessica cresent formally known as Jessica Hewley
Jessica: piss off hojo
Hojo: now now *holds up a shock control controller* you wouldn't want to hurt your sons now would you?
Jessica: *growls*
Hojo: that’s what I thought
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sephirothcresent · 6 years
Self  Promo Time! Here we go!
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                                   I will never be a memory
                            Independent Sephiroth Cresent Rp Blog
                                              Final Fantasy 7 
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Final Fantasy prompts no 52
1. Cloud getting swarmed by orphans who proceed to put make up on him, Tifa, and Yuffie.
When they are "revealed" to eachother, Cloud asks, "Am I pretty?" With a blank face and monotone voice.
2. Clouds reaction to different people saying, "I have a crush on you"
That exact phrase. No other wording or phrases.
3. #2 but its everyone in AVALANCHE saying this to Cloud one at a time, once a day.
Example: Yuffie on Tuesday, Tifa on Wednesday, Barret on Thursday, etc.
This is because they were trying a misguided attempt at making Vincent comfortable enough to actually confess.
When Vincent does confess, however, Cloud doesn't believe him. Oops.
4. Palmer was being a prick again. Ever since the "Incident" in the conference room when they discovered Sephiroths...relationship...with laser pointers, Palmer had been sneaking them in and teasing the poor man with them.
Scarlett had been the most recent victim, having the small red dot travel across her breasts without her knowledge. When she noticed the general staring at her cleavage, a whole host of questions flittered threw her mind, the most prominent being, "Am I about to get laid?"
By the time she noticed the dot it was too late. Catboy pounced.
Her last thought before she was squished by hard muscle and leather was "Oh, no."
Later, there was a mysterious surge in people writing fanfiction about Sephiroth pouncing on people...
5. Cloud chunking a ceramic vase full of catnip grass at Sephiroths head and yelling, "Happy birthday, asshole!"
6. Yuffie often observed how cat-like Cloud was, and just never questioned it.
Years later when Tifa says something about it, Yuffie was like, "You guys never noticed? He's always been like that."
Additionally, Vincent trailing his fingers through Clouds hair as the blond rests his head in the gunman lap. All was well and good until Cloud began purring in his sleep.
He wasn't sure what to do with this information.
7. Time traveler Cloud lands in the Shinra building and immediately gets spotted. He fights his way down with First Tsurugi until he's confronted by a familiar mop of spikey blond hair.
He has a blond moment of, "Oh, that's me. Oh- I'm shooting at myself. Lovely." He then proceeded to kidnap his younger self, much to Zacks dismay.
Now Cloud has Zack, Sephiroth, and two people he doesn't know hunting him like a wild animal.
It doesn't help that his past self is uncooperative
8. Zack as the hero instead of Cloud.
They made it to Midgar, but Cloud remained in a coma at 7th heaven. There was even a big rescue scene where he woke up and saved Marlene when the plate fell. Everyone thinks they're dead, but they find refuge with Elmira after AVALANCHE leaves Midgar.
Zack being referred to as "puppy" by Sephiroth in the same way Cloud is referred to as "puppet"
Also, Zack with green cat eyes
9. A group of scientists working under a mysterious organization managed to obtain samples of Clouds DNA, thus managing to revive the SOLDIER program.
But they made a mistake.
Cloud was made using large amounts of S and J-cells. Cells that mutated and changed him. He feels the new SOLDIERs as they change, as they are reborn. He feels them as they come alive with his cells, senses them like blinking lights on a sonar. The pull of REUNION has never been this strong before, but strangely, the blond didn't feel drawn anywhere.
When he first saw them he knew. He knew immediately what had happened and what the scientists had done, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was that he had babies and they needed him.
Needed their Mother
And so Gaia cries for another twisted hero
10. Someone from the Silver Elite writes romantic fanfiction of Sephiroth and Genesis and it starts a shipping war with people writing fanfiction about their favorite pairings.
A particularly...mature... piece of romantic high fantasy fanfiction involving himself and some blond named Cloud actually makes it to Sephiroth and he reads it.
He admittedly becomes curious of, "The pretty little fae" that has a solid hold on a significant amount of people in the Silver Elite.
Too bad the blond is avoiding him, like the plague and blushing as red as a beet the moment he sees him. He must have read something the fangirls made.
(Its funnier if you add time traveler AC Cloud but cuter if its CC Cloud. Idk which one I like better)
11. Angeal tries to teach CC Zack and Cloud how to build a bookshelf.
Cloud does pretty good, but Zack...actually, Angeal isn't sure what that is.
Zack called it art, so they were gonna go with that.
That's how they spent the rest of the evening, making wierd art that makes people stare in wonder and confusion.
12. Time travel shenanigans where Genesis's Jenova powers interfere with Clouds and now all the SOLDIERS that were in the Shinra tower with them when it happened have been turned into catboys.
It doesn't really change anything. It's still business as usual, just with a few extra appendages.
Angeal, who wasn't there at the time, has to muffle his laughter everytime he sees his friends.
It doesn't help that the company is pushing for Sephiroth to do a commercial showing off his new assets.
AC Cloud escaped and is on the run, but it's so much harder to blend in when you have cat ears on your head 24/7. Maybe he could wear a hat, but he wasn't sure what to do about the tail.
13. You remember that part in advent children where those monsters came out of the shadows that the remnants sent after Cloud?
Yeah, Cloud can do that. Not the, "summon eldrich monsters" thing, though he can probably do that too. I mean the "sinking into your own shadow to travel at high speeds/ through cracks in walls".
He finds this out by getting out of bed and falling into his shadow and slinking around like that until someone notices him.
He can't speak, so Barret and the others think the little shodow thing ate their blond friend or something.
Cloud is so frustrated and confused from being stuck in his shadow. Poor guy.
14. Gang leader Cloud x Mafia boss Sephiroth
15. Au where most things are the same, but Cloud and Sephiroth are both demons.
Sephiroth was raised in Shinra and frequently studies his dead race, believing he is the last of his kind and these books were all that were left of his people.
Then he found Cloud, who hated him on sight. As it turns out, Sephiroth is from the Cresent family. A clan of notoriously powerful and cruel demons with silver hair. What's worse is that the man was from the Strife clan, his family's enemy.
They had been at war for eons, with the Cresent family often becoming infatuated or obsessed with a Strife. They even had a phrase, which translated to, "Little song bird, you would look so pretty in a cage"
Needless to say the blond wanted nothing to do with him. So naturally, Sephiroth kidnapped him.
Demon Vincent is kind of there in the background, hiding himself like a smart person and watching over his blond friend and his deceased lover Lucricia's nephew. He allows most things, but ninjas his way in when he feels things are going too far.
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Voice Claim(s): Jacques Cresent
Sephiroth - George Newman (English Voice Claim)
I’m sure many people can guess the reasoning behind our lovely dragon having this particular voice claim. People who know where Jacques originally came from well there ya go. For those who do not, Jacques was originally from a FF7 story that I was writing alongside a friend and he was Sephiroth’s son. He got his ‘dragoness’ looks from his mother who was a dragon because I’m totally original okay... plus this was back when I was a wee youngen so... you know... I wasn’t exactly the MOST original thing out there :P
Jin Kazama - Isshin Chiba (Japanese Voice Claim)
When it comes down to it Jin’s voice actor has the perfect voice that I see for Jacques. It’s got the right sound to it and it ultimately fits in my mind. I had dabbled about with the potential for Kazuya since he’s older but I don’t know if that is a fitting voice for everyone’s favorite dergin man here. Regardless, Jin has quite the pleasant voice to listen to (at least to me) and it’s one that I find fitting for Jacques given his personality and character. Though one could argue that Sephiroth’s Japanese voice is equally as fitting :P I’ll let you decide really
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hollow-vergil · 2 months
Canonically, it's Lucrecia's birthday today. Assuming they didn't retcon it.
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heroic-endeavors · 3 years
Eden sips coffee as sephiroths words echo in his head 'hes a puppet' as olette gives everyone muesli and greek yogurt with lemon. Pence makes waffles with rai. Roxas and Xion set the table. Eden sits as he looks to the tv as vivi hugs him gently as he says bad man gone dont worry as eden smiles as setzer smiles "hes right he saw himself in you but alas he saw wrong your a person." Eden smiles happily as stars glow on his keyblade. (Starseeker form change gained Cosmo arrows and cresent bow)
Lea poured himself some coffee. "I think Xemnas would try to kill him if he tried anything." Since he didn't witness the event he didn't see the keyblade. He probably would have been shocked if he'd seen it.
Isa make his place. Mostly pancakes with a side of fruit and bacon to go with a cup of black coffee.
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allurascastle · 6 years
I've seen a sharp rise in Sephiroth Cresent since I made my one post- which did get reblogged by someone more popular, and who also rambled about it as well afterwards- and that makes me feel very happy.
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kyouminaine · 7 years
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sometimes i rewatch advent children and youtube clips just to study how cloud fights, particularly when i have to write something that involves action on his part. tsusurgi / ken is so complicated, it’s not easy to break down how each part works. separate, yes, it’s no brainer which part cuts and which doesn’t. all together, same thing. but cloud is able to fit the blades in different ways. 
the most prominent is when he fits the hollow blade with tsurugi. (i know that’s more of a fandom name than official but i like it so i’mma use it.) but what about the back saw blades, or the cresent blades? (there are no official names for them, so this is what i’ll be using to describe them.)
as i watch (and try not to get distracted by prettiness), i try to see how the different swords fit together to shape tsurugi’s true form. no matter the combination, it seems that the blade is never imbalanced. i’ve wondered about the mechanics about it before, and it’s always an adventure to imagine the various ways cloud can fight if he uses, say, the back saw with the crescent blade, or the hollow blade with the back saw blade, or whatever. 
i want to say it’s first tsurugi (the main blade) that’s the answer to that question. we see that first tsurugi is capable of two modes: standby and battle. because of that interchangeable feature, it’s possible that the core (i’m going to call it a core even though it’s just the sides of the blade) is flexible. cloud can easily make it change modes (like when he "greets” reno at the lodge) without any sign of pressing anything or turning a latch (see also omnislash v5 and v6). 
i’ve always played that tsurugi is like an extension of cloud, and it requires little thought or motion to change the sword’s shape or combination. a small turn of his wrist can engage and disengage battle mode, and the right motion can lock and unlock the smaller blades (like the hollow blade) without disassembling the whole weapon. 
i doubt many others see this, but it’s a neat little trick that connects cloud to his weapon and shows the dexterity he possesses. he’s grown quite a bit since cc and bc, and even in the original game. we get to upgrade him with swords of different shapes (yes, even the nailbat), and perhaps tsurugi is a reflection of cloud’s ability to handle various weapons. (i’m mainly talking about swords, not rifles and whatnot from his cadet days.) 
granted, i could just be talking out of my ass. still, it’s a neat thought to run with.
also, something a little off topic --- 
it’s pretty common nowadays for cinematics to slow down a piece of action in order for the audience to get proper look at what’s going on. in watching ffvii:ac, i’m reminded of the impossibility of their movements. taking into consideration actual physics (which square likes to ignore more often than not), these people are moving very quickly. cloud in particular is moving at an incredibly fast pace when he fights. 
dodging / deflecting bullets, aerial fighting, even the fight with sephiroth as shinra hq is crashing down... how fucking fast are you moving, bro? (and don’t forget the bike scenes --- that’s some serious cruise control.) 
it’s very impressive in its impossibility. without the handiness of warping like in ffxv, or other limits / overdrives / trance / etc. that display an augment of natural abilities, cloud is already that fast. is it an attribute of his mako enhancement? possible. that’s a hc worth exploring. 
what i would like to try sometime is play advent children, or (i know it’s not possible but it would be nice) youtube clips of him fighting in real time. that’s probably at like x120 speed but hey, if that’s how it is, hot damn. you’s a badass, man.
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