illnessandinjury · 5 months
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@sickandvomiting and I got to hang out yesterday and go hunting for these adorable bad boys!! 🤍✨ we found a few, and then came home and they cooked em up for me to try for the first time! 🥰🍄
I grew up hunting these guys, my brothers and dad LOVED them, but I was always such a picky eater I wouldn’t even dare touch them after they were cooked lmaooo - I just enjoyed scampering through the woods finding them 😂 BUT I must say… they were pretty fucking good 😋
Thanks again to G for an amazing day out in the swamp lands hahaha!! ✨
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kaiunkaiku · 8 months
i've scrolled my blog and my likes back to mid-2017 now still in search of that one goddamn post which i still haven't found, and while i haven't found what i've been looking for, it's reminded me of Some Stuff
wow did not remember all the ways tumblr has managed to fuck up their site
seeing my 20-ish y/o self describing me as constantly angry and almost always pissed off is... so fucking weird tbh. like i recognize i definitely was those things but i'm mostly pretty zen these days and it feels so distant. idk if it's just getting older or starting medication or getting a dog or a combination of all three, but like... not constantly wanting to smash my fist through a concrete wall is pretty amazing.
@sickandvomiting @plotmatsu and @emetoandotherthings you're so fucking cute
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jojowritesstuff · 5 years
🐶 adult vibes 
🌹strong vibes
☀️ tall vibes
Sorta am kinda between young adult and adult. And about the height thing, while not that common but I still know people who are taller than I
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feelingsick · 5 years
sickandvomiting replied to your post “I’m on Day 3 of slowly detoxing from my psych meds, and my body only...”
Oof that shit fuckin sucks. Best of luck mate! I’m on day two without Ambien myself but only because my doctor didn’t respond to the refill request in a timely manner so I’ve been waiting since Thursday... which means no sleep and a killer headache so I feel ya haha
Ah, yikes, that sucks :c I hope they can get your ‘script sorted soon! 
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lickstynine · 5 years
Jace and Liz with 5! Whoever is clinging onto the other is feverish and pathetic haha
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Two versions because I couldn’t decide whether I wanted Big Doofus or Whumpy Angst energy.
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empresskaze · 5 years
Multiples of 11 for the ask meme!
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Uh... 7 maybe and they're all black? I'm totallly not a shoe person. I wear my sketchers in the winter and sandels all other seasons, or barefoot.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
Nope 👼😊
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
Cereal if I have any. I don't like eating in the morning so "breakfast" is usually closer to lunch time.
44. Do you have a strong accent?
If you mean my plain as hell mid western/great lakes accent in which I say "melk" not milk, then yes I do. Honestly I wish I had an accent, I don't even have a cool American accent.
55. Most used phrased?
I'm not sure, I say "What the hell/what the fuck" a lot 😂
66. Do you like long or short hair?
On me or other people? On me I prefer short but can't really pull it off since my hair has a life of its own. I like short hair on other people too mostly.
77. Have you ever drank underage?
Twice, once in highschool, I had like one beer and it was gross. Second time was college and I got so fucking drunk, it was awful. I've never been that drunk again because I remember how I felt the next day and swore it would never happen again.
88. What do your parents do?
All are retired now (I have a step parent) but all were teachers.
99. Color of your bedspread?
Thanks @sickandvomiting!
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emetoandotherthings · 5 years
I see “Subtle Melancholy” and “Without a Heart”, and they should really change the names to more uplifting things. I mean no offense by the names haha
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I absolutely love these two! 💙 They’re gorgeous colours.. and to be fair, subtle melancholy and without a heart are pretty apt descriptions of me 😂😂 (I get they could change the names, but I think it’s meant to be profound 😂😂) Thank you so much for telling me!!
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ginger-and-mint · 6 years
Multiples of 6!
6. ivory - describe your pajamas?
Old T-shirts and loose-fitting pajama pants.
12. dimples - most attractive features of a person’s face?
Are we counting hair? Because I’ve noticed I’m definitely drawn to nice-looking hair hehe. If not, I’ll go with the totally cliche “eyes.”
18. honey - favorite term of endearment?
Haha I’m honestly more likely to use an affectionate insult than a term of endearment! (“Nerd” is absolutely a term of endearment in my vocabulary.) But if one slips out of me it’s probably gonna be “sweetheart.”
24. backyard - did you ever have an imaginary friend?
Yes! They were a cat and a horse and they were best friends, and they would follow me around school and I would imagine what they were doing when I was bored! The cat’s name was Smokey, I don’t remember the horse’s name.
30. aphrodite - favorite actress/actor?
Honest to goodness I can’t think of anyone specific! I don’t follow celebrity culture much or watch a ton of TV.
36. sapphos - favorite poet?
As a kid I loved Shel Silverstein’s poems. On the rare occasion that I write poetry myself, it’s in that same style – light-hearted, whimsical topics and a strong rhyme scheme.
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emetoing · 6 years
Thoughts on seasickness?
i love it! i’m a big fan of motion sickness stories, and while (in my opinion) it’s not as fun as certain other types of motion sickness (carsickness has the element of being in an enclosed space, planes are enclosed and very public, etc) it’s definitely still up there on my list!
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kaiunkaiku · 4 years
Top 5 Star Trek characters (any series!)
i am about to be really fucking predictable here for a moment
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feelingsick · 5 years
sickandvomiting replied to your post “My arrhythmia’s been acting up lately, which makes me want to go get...”
That’s what’s been happening with me too!!! I’ve had those same tests, all they showed was that an arrhythmia exists, and I’ve been trying meds for it and they’ve been doing nothing, then this week it got bad again.
Yikes! Sorry you’re feeling bad, too. Yeah, the doctors all pretty much said “yup, it’s an arrhythmia but it probably isn’t dangerous”, but I feel like the fact that it makes me lightheaded/breathless/faint isn’t great? Idk
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lickstynine · 5 years
Red, orange, purple! And pink, but I already consider you a best friend
Red:  Your blog is really good
Orange:  I could stay on your blog for hours
Purple:  we have so much in common
That’s fuckin gay. Same to you hoe.
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empresskaze · 6 years
Crow, cinnamon, pumpkin, flannel!
crow - which school subject do you wish you had an aptitude for?
God how I wish I had been good at math. Like my brain just shuts down for even basic alegbra. I’m better at geometry but I just suck all around at math.
cinnamon - if you had to live in a time period different than the present, which would you choose and where?
I answered this already but I also would love to have lived in Edo Japan.
pumpkin - do you think that humans are inherently good or bad?
Goddddddd I really want to believe that humans are good but when you hear about some of the shit we do, I don’t know….
flannel - have you ever gone on a bad date?
Ha, no mostly because I’ve never actually gone on a date where you like meet someone for the first time.
Thanks @sickandvomiting!
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emetoandotherthings · 6 years
Happy birthday my love!!!!! I wish you all the best in the coming year! Hopefully 2019 is kinder to all of us,,,, Reminder that you’re the absolute best and you are so so loved!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aw, G, you’re the best! Thank you ever so much! I really hope that 2019 is much, MUCH better for all of us! Fingers crossed anyway! ily lots 💙 thank you! 
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i-am-too-sick · 6 years
I feel like Blooming fits you really well for some reason
I do like the colors on that one.
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ginger-and-mint · 7 years
Multiples of 8!
8. Oldest WIP
Hmm, probably a novel I started writing in 11th grade (for perspective, I’m currently engaged in a desperate struggle to finish my master’s thesis by May.) At the rate it’s being written, I’ll probably proudly complete it at age 86.
16. How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied with a project?
I don’t really write in drafts, honestly. I jump around a ton. Some bits come naturally in their final form, others I revise over and over until I’m happy.
24.  Favourite genre to write and read
Low fantasy and story-driven sci-fi. Particularly children’s literature, because I feel children’s authors actually pay more attention to characterization. I love the tropes of speculative fiction, but the characters can be so exaggerated and archetypical in books meant for adults, as though once we grow up, we only care about thematic concepts and big gun fights and aren’t interested in people anymore. :P
32.  Most difficult character to write
In the G&M universe… hmm… probably Kara. She’s easy to write as long as she’s just bein’ a bro, but as soon as she has to do anything else I’m like “uhhh.” I feel I don’t have a solid handle on her voice yet.
40.  Share some backstory for one of your characters
Bramley has four older sisters and is very good at knitting. He also needs glasses, but doesn’t know it yet.
48.  What’s the most self-insert character/scene you’ve ever written?
Hehe, well… I have to admit that when I wrote the scene where Malia pesters Elliott and he starts snapping at her, I was struggling to come up with his dialogue until I thought, “hey, I’m an extremely stressed student, what would I say in this situation?” The first thought that came to me was “I DON’T HAVE TIME,” so I shoved that in his mouth, made it more Elliott (i.e. more aggressive) and presto!
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