feelingsick · 7 years
Rory, 6, E
nauseous + lost in a corn maze
“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” Rory moaned as he followed Foster through the maze of corn. They’d been wandering for nearly half an hour now and were seemingly no closer to finding their way out.
“Relax. At least it’s not a haunted corn maze. Or is it?”
Rory smacked him in the arm as Foster laughed.
“Come on. You can’t tell me you’re not having even a little bit of fun,” Foster said, nudging him.
Rory huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. “We’ve been in here forever. My stomach hurts.”
“We haven’t been out here that long. And that’s what you get for eating three caramel apples.”
“You ate three, too!”
“Yeah, but my stomach can handle it.” He paused at a fork in the path, waiting for Rory to catch up. “Damn. I think we’ve already been this way. What do you think?”
But Rory was having a hard time thinking at all. His stomach felt uncomfortably full, churning sickeningly with each step he took. A burp caught him by surprise, and he cringed at the sweet taste of caramel on the back of his tongue.
“Foster, I really don’t feel too good,” he whimpered, his hands curling around his stomach. “Please, just pick a path so we can get out of here.”
That made Foster turn, looking at him seriously for the first time. “Your stomach’s really bothering you, huh?”
Rory nodded miserably. “My stomach feels sick.”
Foster’s gaze softened. “Alright. We’ll get you out of here.” He wrapped an arm around Rory’s shoulders, guiding him down the left path. “Just hang tight. I think the exit is this way.”
Rory desperately hoped he was right.
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lickstynine · 7 years
The Star, The Moon, The Sun and The Wheel of Fortune in Reverse for the Di Romas
The Star: When has your character been most hopeful?he’s… honestly not a hopeful person. I don’t know if he’s had a most hopeful moment.
The Moon: When has your character’s path been unclear?pretty much constantly. he bullshits everything on the spot.
The Sun: When does your character sit back and enjoy themselves?school, home, pretty much all the time. he’s super lazy.
The Wheel of Fortune in Reverse: When has your character felt their life was no longer under their control?when he got dragged around to New House #5 and realized he was basically a constant source of chaos who can’t even control it himself
The Star: When has your character been most hopeful?when he got accepted to college
The Moon: When has your character’s path been unclear?when he and his brothers were left to be cared for by David
The Sun: When does your character sit back and enjoy themselves?pretty much never. he’s too anxious and high-strung for that
The Wheel of Fortune in Reverse: When has your character felt their life was no longer under their control?when he realized his home and source of education was determined by how much Asher fucked things up
The Star: When has your character been most hopeful?when they met Nate and realized someone might genuinely care about them
The Moon: When has your character’s path been unclear?when they realized they weren’t at all cut out for college
The Sun: When does your character sit back and enjoy themselves?pretty regularly. they’re a strong believer in the “treat yo self” mentality
The Wheel of Fortune in Reverse: When has your character felt their life was no longer under their control?when they were really deep in a muddled mess of body dysmorphia and gender dysphoria
The Star: When has your character been most hopeful?when Luke was finally old enough to take custody of the younger bros so David could gtfo
The Moon: When has your character’s path been unclear?when his mom first died
The Sun: When does your character sit back and enjoy themselves?whenever he can get away from his family and responsibilities for any extent of time
The Wheel of Fortune in Reverse: When has your character felt their life was no longer under their control?when he realized he was stuck taking care of his brothers for the foreseeable future
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i-am-too-sick · 7 years
I haven't had a chance to utilize it myself but I LOVE sickies saying they don't feel good AFTER they've already been sick.
I love this one! I use it every chance I get!!
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sickenedfiction · 7 years
I’ve been thinking about possibly writing stuffing fics. I’ve written overindulgence fics before but, not gonna lie, I really like when it’s on purpose. I’m not sure if anyone would want to see that it furthermore if anyone would want to see my current characters with it.
Maybe I should make a separate set of characters?
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illnesssecretsanta · 7 years
Name/Tumblr url: https://sickenedfiction.tumblr.com/
I go by Ali as well
Character/s you would like to receive art/stories of: https://sickenedfiction.tumblr.com/characters 
Any of these characters are fine but I do have a bit of a preference for Morgan with Avery (Either one being the sickie) or Vanessa as the sickie with Atlas, Cyrus, or Clarisse as a caretaker.
Do you prefer visual art or written gifts or is there no preference?: I have no preference, anything is chill with me. I’ll be pretty jazzed by pretty much anything.
What would you like to receive: I’m crazy for lots of belly noise and tummy rubs. I also like sickies resting their head in their caretaker’s lap. If Vanessa is used, I do kinda want there to be angst of some sort regarding the whole incident from her past. (For clarification, just in case, the incident is back from when Vanessa still dated Cyrus. Atlas kissed her as a prank, Cyrus saw and wouldn’t listen to reason, they went through a bad break up. Vanessa is still pissed, Cyrus and Atlas both hide how bad they really feel about it.)
Anything you don’t want?: I’m not super big on injury prompts unless it’s a concussion or something. I’d also like to steer away from scat or omo with my characters. Though both of these things aren’t things I’m really strict with.
Have you read and understood our rules and guidelines?: Yep~! ^u^
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sickandvomiting · 7 years
I was tagged the lovely @builder051. Thank you so much!! I’ll tag @jojowritesstuff @plotmatsu @tokyoemeto and @sickenedfiction. But also if anyone else wants to do this one feel free!! I just feel bad tagging like 20 people every time bc I feel like I’m being annoying or something but like pls do this if you want!!!!! ❤️
what’s your favourite song(s) to sing/hum?
Feed the Birds from Mary Poppins. But also What A Catch Donnie and Can’t Help Falling in Love With You and also Beyond the Sea and also also ShBoom and ALSO ALSO ALSO Blue Skies and I also tend to make up pieces in my head. Pieces without words, just notes. And lots of others. At any given time I’ve got like five songs stuck in my head.
what are your favourite flowers/trees/plants?
I really like weeping willows, especially Cherry willows. They’re so beautiful in the springtime, and standing under them when in full bloom is a magical experience. I also like Lilies of the Valley. They smell really good.
favourite colour(s)?
Black, but also like a lot of other colors??? The colors of the clouds at sunset is a fave. The muted teal of new blue spruce sprigs is another fave. Dark red is good...
what do you always doodle (if you ever do)?
Lots of people. I typically just doodle characters or pics of myself doing different facial expressions based on how the class is making my feel in my notes.
how do you take your coffee/tea? If you don’t like those what’s your fav warm drink?
My favorite coffee is an iced coconut vanilla latte with like three or four espresso shots. Not a huge tea person. Otherwise, I’m a sucker for good lemonade haha
favourite candle scent?
CINNAMON. I am such a slut for anything cinnamon. But also I like kinda woody, spicy, tobacco-y scents. And smoky things. But also things that smell like clean laundry. And sweet berry smelling things haha But CINNAMON IS THE TOP OF THE TOP
sunrise or sunset?
Sunset, because I’m always angry in the mornings and can’t enjoy the sunrise.
what perfume do you wear if any?
Things that smell like cinnamon. But also Vivid (Liz Claiborne), Chanel No5, and Euphoria (Calvin Klein) and like a lot of different body sprays that I have. I am really scared of smelling bad for some reason and also just really really like good smelling things? I can’t see, hear, or feel things super well so my favorite things typically smell good.
what’s your go to dance move when you’re alone?
I don’t really dance, even when alone... the closest thing I really get to dancing is aggressively bobbing my head or swaying back and forth. Or like conducting the music but that’s not dancing that’s just what I do.
favourite quote?
I don’t really have one. Like there are so many I can’t pin down just one.
favourite self care thing(s) or routine(s)?
I am Very Bad at self care and don’t really have a routine other than brushing my teeth and hair before I wake up and when I go to bed. When I’m really stressed I have eucalyptus mint hand cream that I use but that’s really only when I’m stressed.
what colour are your eyes?
Green with brown flecks in the middle.
what’s your favourite eye colour on others?
I really like blue with central heterochromia. They’re so pretty.
favourite season? why?
cheek, neck or nose kisses?
Ummmmm none? Probably cheek though, since those are what I give to people occasionally. My fave is not listed tho. I like forehead/top of the head kisses a lot. Again, giving. I’m not huge on receiving.
what does your happy place look like?
A little rustic cabin in the woods, with a nice wood fire burning in the hearth, with a big comfy chair and a lot of books and a few cats. And it would be snowing outside.
favourite breed of dog?
It’s a tie between Leonberger, Pitbull, Alaskan Malamute, Great Dane, Husky, and German Shepherd. (I know. Big tie)
do you ever want to be married? If so what colours would you pick for your wedding theme?
Ehhh probably not. I don’t really think I’m one for marrying. But who knows where life will take me? I’ve never even begun to think about weddings though... which I’ve heard is odd for a 20 yo girl....
silk or lace?
favourite weather?
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builder051 · 7 years
Pierce in college
@sickenedfiction Here’s the next installment of Hildur and Pierce (you’ll see Hildur for one second at the end).  This is mainly some solid backstory for Pierce; I’m planning on doing something for Hildur, but she’s really a challenge for me to write at the moment.  I’ll probably have it out sometime next week.
Warning for test anxiety/panic attack symptoms, plus vomit
Pierce stands outside the classroom, bouncing foot to foot as he waits for the clock to tick down the remaining two minutes and let out its current group of students so he can rush in, take his seat, and attempt to settle before the exam.  He looks down at the blue book in his hands, already neatly labeled with his name and the date of September 27, 1996.  A slight patch of wetness is leaching into the light sky-colored paper from his clammy hand.  Pierce scrubs his palm on his jeans and gingerly pinches the blue book between two fingers.
Other students are beginning to congregate in the hall, some clutching paper and pens like Pierce, and others flipping feverishly through handwritten notes or dog-eared copies of Wuthering Heights.  Some are chattering, asking each other practice essay questions.  Pierce remains silent, tightly pressing his lips together.
The large clock in the hallway ticks to 9:50am, and doors all along the hall burst open and streams of students spill out into the narrow, brightly lit space.  Pierce flattens his back against the wall and even sucks in his non-existent stomach in order to take up as little space as possible.  He can feel the scrambled eggs and dry toast he’d choked down in the dining hall earlier sitting heavily at the bottom of his rib cage.
As soon as the mass of people have cleared a path, Pierce swings open the classroom door and scurries to his preferred chair at the right-hand side of the room and two seats from the back.  He sets his backpack on the floor and carefully places the blue book in the center of his desk with two brand new ballpoint pens poised beside it.  Pierce lays his palms flat on the laminate desk top, feeling steamy moisture accumulate between his skin and the hard surface.
He’s read the book.  He’s actually read it twice, if you count the glorified skim and Cliff’s Notes he perpetrated back in high school.  He’s completed all the homework assignments.  He’s going to do fine.  Ninety minutes for a single essay question should be no problem.  Pierce has written more in a shorter chunk of time.
But that doesn’t reassure him in the slightest.  Exams are by default terrifying situations.  His misspellings and crossings out are going to be obvious on the shaky handwritten pages.  Regular schoolwork is so harsh and black and white compared to art, where errors can be blurred over and anything less than perfect can be explained away as stylistic.  Pierce has a feeling this English professor is going to be one of those who demands extreme specificity.  He’s probably one of those who deducts for bad penmanship too.
At 9:58, the short, plump professor makes his way into the classroom.  He has a stack of exam sheets under one short arm.  Pierce is tempted to lean forward and squint at the text as the teacher passes him, but he thinks better of it.  No use in being accused of cheating in his very first college exam.
“Books away,” the professor barks.  He slaps a handful of crisp white exam question sheets onto the first desk in each column, and the students begin passing them back automatically.  Pierce’s hands are shaking when he gets his paper, and he nearly forgets to hand one to the person behind him.  He flips back the cover of his blue book and creases it sharply so it lays open.  He uncaps a pen, and sets the start question sheet beside the blue book’s lined pages.
First question.  Pierce takes a deep breath and tries to slow the quick pounding of his heart.  How does Heathcliff…  The words go blurry after that, and Pierce lifts his glasses an inch off the bridge of his nose to scrub at his eyes.  He blinks down at the question, trying to make sense of it, but the text stubbornly refuses to get any clearer.
How is he supposed to write when he can’t even see?  Pierce puts down his pen.  He removes his glasses completely and buries his face in his hands.  An ache is thrumming behind his forehead, and anxiety is blooming into panic under the current of his heartbeat.  What’s going to happen to him?  He’s going blind, he’s having a heart attack…
How can anyone concentrate when it’s so swelteringly hot in here?  Pierce pushes up one sleeve on his sweatshirt and tries to take a deep, cooling breath, but he can’t seem to force an inhale to go past the growing lump in his throat.  The exam question sheet doesn’t even look like it has words on it anymore.  Pierce looks up to level his gaze with the blackboard, but the deep green surface seems to be sliding onto the side wall, running away from him as he tries to glue his eyes to it.
He’s going to fail.  How is he going to write anything when he can’t even read the questions on the page in front of him?  He’s going to fail, but first he’s going to die.  Pierce’s throat is tight and his jaw is hanging somewhere around his stomach.  There’s not enough oxygen in the dingy classroom; he’s choking on his own saliva…
Pierce nearly overturns the desk as he stands up and stumbles into the aisle.
“Take your seat,” the professor says sternly.
“I—”  Pierce claps his fist to his mouth against a surge of hot coffee and bile.  He trips over his own feet as he sprints to the heavy wooden door.
“You may not leave the classroom during an exam.”
Pierce fully intends to apologize, but the moment he opens his mouth, he knows words won’t be what comes out.  Thin fluid and nervously undigested breakfast spill onto the floor.  Pierce retches hard, catching his shoes and the bottoms of his jeans.  The students seated nearest erupt into a flurry of revolted scrambling.  The professor appears at pierce’s shoulder, yanks the door open, and all but shoves Pierce out into the deserted hallway.
Pierce leans into the wall for support and braces weak arms on bony knees.  He hangs his head and lets painful vertigo wash over him.  He heaves and another torrent of vomit rushes down the front of his sweatshirt and into a puddle on the floor.  Pierce coughs on the horrendous taste and wonders if, once he can move his trembling legs, it would be better to go and die in his dorm room or in student health services.
Pierce feels his cheeks redden, and he looks away from Hildur’s face as he picks up his coffee mug.  Her cheeks are still tinged pink, but her pale face and white-blonde head betray that she’s been empathizing with the insurmountable anxiety as he tells the story.
“Wow, that’s really awful,” Hildur murmurs.  She lightly taps her fingers against the handle of her own mug.  “That’s, I mean, obviously you were ok, but…”
“That’s, um.  Yeah.  I decided I didn’t want to be an English major.  I dropped the class.  I, uh, thought about dropping out of school,” Pierce admits.
“But you didn’t.”  Hildur’s warm, pale hand comes to rest against Pierce’s.
“I didn’t.  I stayed in.  Got my art degree.  Became a teacher.  And, uh, I’m pretty glad I did.”
“Me too,” Hildur whispers.
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feelingsick · 7 years
☂️ 🐾 🐉 🌷 🍎
What’s your favourite type of weather?
I love when it’s stormy and the sky’s dark, but it’s still weirdly sunny??
What’s your favourite animal?
What’s your favourite mythical/extinct creature?
I’ve always loved fairies
What’s your favourite flower?
Lillies or poppies 
Favourite fruit?
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lickstynine · 7 years
Cappuccino, Jasmine Tea, Iced Cafe Mocha, Mint Tea, and Herbal Tea for both you and any one OC of your choosing.
Cappuccino : What’s your middle name?Teddy!
Jasmine Tea : If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?Japan, because I think the country is beautiful and I’ve studied the culture for years. I’m also trying to learn Japanese cause I’m a fucking weeb.
Iced Cafe Mocha : Favorite thing to do on rainy days?Sit inside in the dark and listen to the rain.
Mint Tea : How do you relax?Alcohol, music, jerking off.
Herbal Tea : You’re at a candle shop, what scented candle do you buy? Uhhh I don’t really do scented candles? I live in a dorm-regulated apartment, so we’re not allowed to have candles because “waaaah fire hazard”
Cappuccino : What’s your middle name?Augustus
Jasmine Tea : If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?That’s kinda hard… I’ve already traveled a lot. One place I’d really like to go back to though is Germany. Beautiful country, and even better-looking women. Plus, the alcohol is fantastic.
Iced Cafe Mocha : Favorite thing to do on rainy days?Rain puts me in a creative mood, so I usually draw or write music.
Mint Tea : How do you relax?I like to just work my rage out? Like I either skateboard or ride my bike or play music until I just don’t have any energy left to be stressed.
Herbal Tea : You’re at a candle shop, what scented candle do you buy? Probably something floral, I can’t stand cloyingly sweet scents like “vanilla cupcake” and “pumpkin butter asshole” and all that shit.
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emetoandotherthings · 7 years
☂️ 🐾 🐉 🌷 🍎 ☕️
IOooh thanks for asking!
☂️ What’s your favourite type of weather?  - Ooh, I like it when it’s cold and crisp, especially in autumn, so low sun and frosty! 
🐾 What’s your favourite animal?  - I have a real affinity with hedgehogs, so I think they’re my favourite animal! 
🐉 What’s your favourite mythical/extinct creature? - I am slightly obsessed with mythical creatures... especially Scottish ones, like kelpies, gillie dhu and wulvers.. I think kelpies might just be my favourites though! 
🌷 What’s your favourite flower?  - I absolutely adore snowdrops... and African Violets! (that’s pretty much going to be my wedding bouquet!) 
🍎 Favourite fruit?  - ejhfakadsgfjsg so hard!!! I love fruit! At the moment it’s definitely mango! 
☕️ Tea or coffee?  - Absolutely definitely tea! I am the MOST ridiculous tea person you could ever meet!! 
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i-am-too-sick · 7 years
🐾 , 🐉, 🌲, 🌷, 🍪, ☕️, and ⛸
🐾 - What's your favorite animal? Cats and penguins.
🌲 - What's your favorite plant? I really like succulents. They're easy to care for and come in cute little pots.
🌷 - What's your favorite flower? Roses.
🍪 - Favorite sweets/candy/snack? Chocolate chip cookies/Kit Kat/Apples and peanut butter (aren't I just incredibly healthy?!)
☕️ - Tea or coffee? Tea, preferably iced and sweetened.
🐉 and ⛸ have already been answered!
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jojowritesstuff · 7 years
45-48 for all your characters and you if you feel like it.
45. From 1-10, rate your singing ability.
Raya: Maybe a solid 7
Hazel: Somewhere around 6-7
Cassie: 5
Jake: Maybe a 4, it’s clearly not one of his talents
Kayla: 8, she’s pretty good at it
46. From 1-10, rate your dancing ability.
Raya: 5 maybe? She doesn’t like to dance
Hazel: 7, she can do some of the standard dance things
Cassie: somewhere between 6 and 7
Jake: 8, what he lacks in singing he definitely makes up in dancing
Kayla: 7
47. From 1-10, rate your cooking ability.
Raya:8-9 her cooking skill is pretty solid
Hazel: 5 but she’s trying to learn
Cassie: 3-4 this girl pretty much depends on microwave dinners
Jake: 4, it’s enough to feed himself if he has to but that’s about it
Kayla: 6, she’s always eager to try new things though
48. From 1-10, rate your driving ability.
Raya: 7-8
Hazel: 9
Cassie: 6
Jake: 9, he tends to drive /very/ responsibly
Kayla: 0, she doesn’t have her license yet
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sickenedfiction · 7 years
Soo, I just hit 100 followers the other day and I want to do something for it. An actual fic with a few chapters to it. I'm sorry I haven't written anything recently, I've been busy and focusing my time on getting my gift for the Illness and Injury Secret Santa done. But to celebrate, I want to write a longer fic for this blog so if any one has suggestions for characters or scenarios, please let me know. Thank you all for the support, I really do appreciate it ^u^
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illnesssecretsanta · 7 years
Tumblr media
This is my submission for @sickenedfiction I hope its okay
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emetoandotherthings · 7 years
Cappuccino, Jasmine Tea, Iced Cafe Mocha, Mint Tea, and Herbal Tea for both you and any one OC of your choosing.
Thank you! I’m gonna try and do these for me and Eden (cause I’m missing him rn)
Cappuccino : What’s your middle name? - So I have 3 middle names, and for some reason I’m not too keen on popping them up online, so I’ll give you one: Sylvia.Eden’s middle name is Peter! 
Jasmine Tea : If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? - I’ve kind of already been to my “anywhere in the world” place, it was New Zealand and I went last year! I was just fascinated by the Maori mythology and the landscape and just everything.. If I had to pick somewhere else, it’d be Japan - and for similar reasons, culture and landscape!Eden has always wanted to visit South Africa... he’s not really got any idea why, it’s just stuck in his mind that he wanted to go there.
Iced Cafe Mocha : Favorite thing to do on rainy days? - I write!Eden bakes, or reads, or plays his saxophone.
Mint Tea : How do you relax? - I’m gonna sound like I’m repeating myself, but I write to relax.Eden draws intricate designs mostly, but sometimes he bakes - he finds that pretty de-stressing too! 
Herbal Tea : You’re at a candle shop, what scented candle do you buy? - I’m incredibly boring and it’d probably be cotton or something plain. Eden would get something floral, like patchouli or violets! 
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emetoandotherthings · 7 years
Actually you DID know me before now. This blog is a remake of a sideblog of the same name. You sent me a message when I was ready to give up writing sickfics so I ended up making the decision to restart rather than disappear entirely. So thank you for that message back then. It showed me that someone actually did care if I just up and left.
YES!! I REMEMBER!  (I think I was just sad that I wasn’t following you for some reason, but I definitely am now! 😄)   And thank you so much btw, you are super sweet! 
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