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If you go far back enough on this blog (or you've got two braincells to rub together) you'd see that Nate's story was originally inspired by Cuphead. A friend of mine does really good screenshot edits, and posted a tutorial, so I thought I'd give it a shot!
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monerelluvia · 4 months
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picking berries at midnight
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muffin-birdcr · 4 months
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Phighting Sona Moment
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swiftcast-selene · 19 days
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solidifying rp character designs~ I added a couple ibuprofen around him because I thought he would enjoy them
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akysi · 3 months
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I've had a few ref sheets in the works lately, and I got another one done today. :D Even after I decided to add her to Columba's pirate crew, I'd been stumped for a LONG while on what direction to actually take with the design in general and FINALLY I have one that I really like, especially after giving her a more harpy-ish treatment to add more variety to the many bird constellations. Pretty proud of the symbol integration on this one too, some are easier than others! She's the first I've fully completed of this group so things are bound to get tweaked later on, but this is a good start.
The name Apus means "without feet", as apparently these birds were once thought to not have any, and I thought that would fit perfectly into a double peg-leg to match the pirate theme. A bird-of-paradise could be any number of species under that name though, so I've incorporated attributes from several here, particularly the sicklebills and the various species that have those distinct tail feathers, of both the long and curly varieties. Colour wise, she predominantly resembles the ribbon-tailed astrapia.
Columba's crew isn't exactly evil per se, but they have lost their way a bit after losing their former captain and their ship. Apus loves combat, not for the sake of the outcome, but for the act of combat itself. If you were to lose your weapon during a fight with her, she'd gladly give you one of hers just to continue it! She'll also use her long talons to fight with, but only if she has no other weapons left. Hope you like her. :) ------- The constellation symbol for Apus was originally designed by Denis Moskowitz and released to the public domain.
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hirochuu · 1 year
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𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖕 𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝕾𝖔𝖜
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truthdawn · 3 months
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I was inspired
dagger (top left) belongs to @viperrfish, falchion (top right) belongs to @metdrantom, kusarigama (bottom left) belongs to @simpwhoneedsalotoftherapy, and sickle (bottom right) belongs to @cattsarts
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vipsaniasickle · 13 days
hi Gigi! welcome to the fandom! i would love to hear more about your trio athena, aelia, and achilles and what sort of adventures they get into if you have any ideas to share!
Hi! I'm so glad you like my headcanons!!
For those of you who don't know who Athena, Aelia (ay-lee-uh), and Achilles (uh-kill-eez) are, Athena is Festus Creed and Persephone Price's daughter, Aelia is Felix Ravinstill and Clemensia Dovecote's daughter, and Achilles is Arachne Crane and Livia Cardew's son!
Without further ado, here is my list of some of Athena, Aelia, and Achilles' shenanigans!
When they were babies, they'd play together and babble at each other whenever they see each other.
They got lost in the Presidential Mansion (Aelia's grandpa is the president) once and ended up finding a bunch of rooms the President didn't even know about. They were lost for five hours and Felix & Clemensia, Livia & Arachne, Festus & Persephone, and the President were absoloutely freaking out, but thankfully they knew that their kids were still in the mansion, because they found Aelia's black ribbon and Athena's blue one lying on the floor.
All 3 children find a window, and climbed down, and goes to the mansion's entrance and they find their parents two seconds away from going feral.
In the academy, they're all straight A students, just like their parents, of course, but Aelia and Achilles are extremely competitive. (just like their parents!) So, when Io Jasper and Urban Canville's son got a higher score than Aelia in Math, Aelia almost rips her hair out, and when Dennis Fling and Iphigenia Moss' daughter gets a compliment by the debate teacher and Achilles doesn't, he breaks his pencils <3
Festus may be competitive, but Athena's mom is literally Pippa, I mean she's the sweetest soul ever! So, of course Athena is just like her mom.
Aelia definitely gets Felix's sass and Clemensia's personality, and Achilles gets Arachne's wit and Livia's charm.
Aelia and Achilles are scary. Athena is a cutie patootie who gets mad at them when they kill ants.
Achilles' favorite color is gold, Athena's favorite color is green, and Aelia's favorite color is red.
Aelia's nickname is 'Aelie' (pronounced ay-lee), Achille's nickname is 'Chilles' (pronounced kill-eez), and Athena's nickname is 'Thena'.
Achilles wants to grow up to be a politician, Athena wants to be a doctor, and Aelia wants to be a psychologist.
Once, 15 year old Athena, Aelia, and Achilles babysat Rose Snow (Coryo and Lucy Gray's 8 year old daughter) and they ended up sleeping before she did.
Aelia ends up with Plutarch Heavensbee, Hilarius and Vipsania's son.
Achilles and Athena end up together <3
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sharkbaitju1ce · 23 days
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Cycle nuts oc. She is stupid. Must be put into containment NOW!!!!!
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Nate has come full circle, as I am now shoehorning him back into Cuphead for my own amusement.
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ibara-lullaby · 1 month
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Soul Eater Au for my ocs
Step siblings who work poorly together but they're so uncooperative that they can really only work with each other. Their joint power comes from pure spite.
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muffin-birdcr · 2 months
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felixravinstills · 16 days
do u have any headcanons of felix ravinstill ? (who doesnt die!!!!!)
like his best friends, who he would marry, his kids, etc. etc.
A lot of people (2 whole people) have been telling me that Felix doesn't die lately, and my uno reverse card to you is that I actually believe that all of Snow's classmates probably die of untimely deaths so... It's not like Felix is getting preferential treatment just because he's my favorite!
Anyway, here's my attempt at walking around the grim reaper shaped elephant in the room:
Okay, in my oc fics (non-oc fic hc stuff in next paragraph), I do have him best friends with Festus and my oc, Artemisia whom he also marries. They have a kid named Diana whose character ranges from grumpy, passive defeatist (probably complicit in lesbian situationship's war crimes), realist trying to be an optimist (who poisons her lesbian situationship for attempting to commit war crimes), and future dictator of Panem (who wants to avenge her lesbian situationship) depending on the fic. Somehow, that last one is the result of a universe where Felix Ravinstill lives, so be careful what you wish for with me!
In my weird attempt to make my oc's canon complaint universe's fate mean something (RIP Artemisia Click dead before her time at age 4 in the tbosas canon according to me), Felix is probably friends with Festus still, but I don't think they become that close until later in the Academy unlike in my other verse.
Instead, Hilarius gets to be friends with Felix, because they can bond over being from very prestigious families. (I headcanon that a Heavensbee is the actual first president of Panem). This probably makes Felix tangentially friends with Pup Harrington and Vipsania Sickle (although they don't hang out as much bc I hc that Vipsania is friends with Livia, and Livia and Felix didn't get along as much as kids). I imagine that all the Academy kids are at least friendly acquaintances/school friends to some degree, so there's that too.
He's also friends with Arachne, because in my mind, everyone loves to talk shit with Arachne. You know you can always go to her to vent. Like, she's definitely also talking shit about you behind your back, but she's not really trying to hide it.
Um, marriage and kids, huh? Wow, it looks like I can't see you past this giant elephant with a scythe that's in the middle of the room. Oh no! It looks like my cursor is creeping towards the "Post now" button!
(In all honesty, having the entire Ravinstill family get absolutely destroyed from the War (that keeps the Districts under the Capitol), assassination attempts either directed at them or the President, or as collateral in Snow's rise to power, speaks to me in showing that all the privilege that the Capitol enjoys within their corrupt system won't protect them in any real way. It compels me, and I can't remove myself from it without forcing Felix to probably endure other horrors to prove this point.)
Anyway, someone else asked for more Felix hcs in another ask, so I have to get to that! Thanks for this ask! Unfortunately, I am an angsty writer
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cattstep · 3 months
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I suppose I could show rhis
Barely comprehensible sketch of sickle during his time in thieves den 👍🏼
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coolattasclown · 2 months
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mmm hungry
i think part of the reason olmi ends up in the situation they do is bc as soon as a marmor tries to inspect their ship and sticks their hand inside theyre biting the shit out of them.
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dragonfruitghosts · 6 months
currently I am sick with my Mystery Illness but I got some more Cometweatures done
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Pollrange (Polly x Orange) and Jorange beasties, I love them
Also apologies that I haven’t updated the ask blog in a while, the Mystery Illness is kicking my ass and also I’ve been more focused on making the rest of my Cometkids but I’ll update it soon
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