silly-lion-art · 2 months
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some caring sparkle
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parsleysparlor · 1 year
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There’s so fucking much
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sparklepos · 8 months
This is not the only thing that makes me love the comic but it’s an added bonus:
I love the idea that kiddos don’t need to rely on romantic or sexual attachment, so anything is possible. Even if only for my character design fueled ass, that’s very special
Also in terms of shipping: the dynamics don’t have to be limited to sex or romance. You can basically throw anyone into a little terrarium just to see how they do. The bugs are scurrying and I am taking notes.
Exactly! The ships are so interesting, with each having their own unique dynamics. My fave is Doolly, but I like Carroomi, Barruni, Jorange, Melcyn, and Moodies too!
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vanillabeenflower · 1 year
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Here’s three more cometkid fankids! Barrel, Janroline, and Jorange this time! These are so fun to make
Quizzy’s a jackal-cat, Flurry’s a cabbit, and Sheila is a horse-hyena
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callme-adam-iguess · 2 years
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(Also this will be in my intruder's blog lol)
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Johannes Cabal - Jonathan L. Howard Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Leonie Barrow & Johannes Cabal, Leonie Barrow/Johannes Cabal Characters: Horst Cabal, Zarenyia (Johannes Cabal), Johannes Cabal, Leonie Barrow, Frank Barrow, Other Character Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: I'm erring on the side of caution here, ratings and tags subject to change, Non-Canon ReDo of Canon Events, i thought it would be fun, Post Fall of The House of Cabal, There will be Water Summary:
If Leonie had a nickel for each time she'd been asked to pretend to be Johannes Cabal's lover on an international journey, she'd have two nickles. Which is really far too much odd currency for someone who has yet to visit the United States.
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Sick of it all. Sickness. Collection of notes.
Sickness is a language
Body is a representation
Medicine is a political practice
— Bryan S. Turner, The body and the society
"What I lack is words that correspond to each minute of my state of mind."
— Antonin Artaud, The nerve meter
"Desmesurado enfermo Bárbaro limpio de rutinas y caminos marcados No acepto vuestras sillas de seguridades cómodas Soy el ángel salvaje que cayó una mañana En vuestras plantaciones de preceptos Poeta Anti poeta"
—Vicente Huidobro, Altazor.
"I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked" —Allen Ginsberg, Howl.
"First, we believe that the world must be changed. We desire the most liberatory possible change of the society and the life in which we find ourselves confined. We know that such change is possible by means of pertinent actions". —Report on the Construction of Situations
"In his 1954 book Mental Illness and Personality Foucault combines the subjective experience of the mentally ill person with a sociocultural historical approach to mental illness and suggests that there exists a reciprocal connection between individual perception and sociocultural development. (…) what I call a historical phenomenology that combines the subjective experience of the mentally ill person with a sociocultural historical approach to mental ill-ness." —Line Joranger, Individual perception and cultural development: Foucault's 1954 approach to mental illness and its history
"The former, a lovely maiden in the broad daylight, rocked its cradle, endowed it with a charm and glory of its own. Presently it fell sick, lost itself in the darkness of the Middle Ages, and was hidden away by the Witch in woods and wilds: there, sustained by her compassionate daring, it was made to live anew. (…) Are we quite sure of what has been so often repeated, that the gods of old had come to an end, themselves wearied and sickened of living; that they were so disheartened as almost to send in their resignation; that Christianity had only to blow upon these empty shades? (...) By a vow my mother made in her sickness my youth and my life are bound for ever." —Jules Michelet, La Sorcière.
"At the point of departure, then, one may place the political project of rooting out illegalities, generalizing the punitive function and delimiting, in order to control it, the power to punish. From this there emerge two lines of obiectification of crime and of the criminal. On the one hand, the criminal designated as the enemy of all, whom it is in the interest of all to track down, falls outside the pact, disqualifies himself as a citizen and emerges, bearing within him as it were, a wild fragment of nature; he appears as a villain, a monster, a madman, perhaps, a sick and, before long, 'abnormal' individual. It is as such that, one day, he will belong to a scientific objectification and to the 'treatment' that is correlative to it." —Michel Focault, Discipline and Punish
Nastasya was overcome with a fit of laughter. She was given to laughter and when anything amused her, she laughed inaudibly, quivering and shaking all over till she felt ill. "And have you made much money by your thinking?" she managed to articulate at last. "One can't go out to give lessons without boots. And I'm sick of it." "Don't quarrel with your bread and butter." "They pay so little for lessons. What's the use of a few coppers?" he answered, reluctantly, as though replying to his own thought. —Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment.
"What I’d felt there was true, no doubt about that. The experience had revealed to me, in a brutal way, the unreality of this world, the realized abstraction which is the Spectacle. The whole metaphysical – and thus total and filled out all the way to the existential sphere– dimension of this concept had appeared clearly to me in this private mode of disclosure, and could appear as it really is, as something really strange, posing a problem the essence of which is absolute foreignness, only insofar as it is lived as an experience, as a phenomenon. Habit makes phenomena be forgotten as phenomena, that is, the supra-sensible – must I add that Hegel’s famous affirmation too took on a kind of dazzling conreteness, the power of a revelation? And yet, habit is precisely the characteristic means of commodity metaphysics, its manifestation, which never manifests anything but the forgetting of its character as a manifestation… That’s how the bulging intuition of Absence also reveals that it’s already transcended as such, since it presents itself as a manifestation of the forgetting of the manifestation as such, meaning as the revealing of the commodity mode of disclosure, as the revealing of the Spectacle." —Tiqqun, Phenomenology of Everyday Life
"17.- Sense is the element of the Common, that is, every event, as an irruption of sense, institutes a common. The body that says "I," in truth says «we." A gesture or statement endowed with sense carves a determined community out of a mass of bodies, a community that must itself be taken on in order to take on this gesture or statement.
50.- Empire exists "positively" only in crisis, only as negation and reaction. If we too belong to Empire, it is only because i is impossible to get outside it .
52.-At first glance, Empire seems to be a parodic recollection of the entire, frozen history of a "civilization." And this impression has a certain intuitive correctness. Empire is in fact civilization's last stop before it reaches the end of its line, the final agony in which it sees its life pass before its eyes." —Tiqqun, Introduction to Civil War
"For Americans are finding more and more that they lack muscle and children, that is, not workers but soldiers, and they want at all costs and by every possible means to make and manufacture soldiers with a view to all the planetary wars which might later take place, and which would be intended to demonstrate by the over-whelming virtues of force the superiority of American products, and the fruits of American sweat in all fields of activity and of the superiority of the possible dynamism of force. Because one must produce, one must by all possible means of activity replace nature wherever it can be replaced, one must find a major field of action for human inertia, the worker must have something to keep him busy, new fields of activity must be created, in which we shall see at last the reign of all the fake manufactured products, of all the vile synthetic substitutes in which beatiful real nature has no part." —Antonin Artaud, To Have Done With the Judgement of god
"A study published in the May 2021 issue of the British Journal of Health Psychology looked at health-related guilt in relation to having chronic pain. (…) The research turned up three major themes that had been reported on in the previous research. These included the following.
-Management of chronic pain -Diagnostic uncertainty or legitimizing pain -How the person impacted others by their action or inaction. -The health-related guilt that many people with chronic pain experience is from coping with the condition and the decrease in quality of life that it often brings about. (…) Those who have chronic pain may feel guilty because they are unable to do things they want to do. They may feel that they are letting others down, or they believe they are doing something wrong or intentional. The guilt can lead to more issues, such as depression, making it something that should be addressed." —Steven H. Richeimer, The Impact of Health-Related Guilt and Chronic Pain
"No soy Pasolini pidiendo explicaciones No soy Ginsberg expulsado de Cuba No soy un marica disfrazado de poeta No necesito disfraz Aquí está mi cara Hablo por mi diferencia Defiendo lo que soy y no soy tan raro Me apesta la injusticia y sospecho de esta cueca democrática Pero no me hable del proletariado Porque ser pobre y maricón es peor Hay que ser ácido para soportarlo (…) ¿Van a dejarnos bordar de pájaros las banderas de la patria libre? El fusil se lo dejo a usted que tiene la sangre fría y no es miedo El miedo se me fue pasando De atajar cuchillos (…) Aunque después me odie Por corromper su moral revolucionaria ¿Tiene miedo que se homosexualice la vida? Y no hablo de meterlo y sacarlo Y sacarlo y meterlo solamente Hablo de ternura compañero." —Pedro Lemebel, Hablo por mi diferencia
"In late 2014, I was sick with a chronic condition that, about every 12 to 18 months, gets bad enough to render me, for about five months each time, unable to walk, drive, do my job, sometimes speak or understand language, take a bath without assistance, and leave the bed. This particular flare coincided with the Black Lives Matter protests, which I would have attended unremittingly, had I been able to. I live one block away from MacArthur Park in Los Angeles, a predominantly Latino neighborhood and one colloquially understood to be the place where many immigrants begin their American lives. The park, then, is not surprisingly one of the most active places of protest in the city.
I listened to the sounds of the marches as they drifted up to my window. Attached to the bed, I rose up my sick woman fist, in solidarity.
I started to think about what modes of protest are afforded to sick people – it seemed to me that many for whom Black Lives Matter is especially in service, might not be able to be present for the marches because they were imprisoned by a job, the threat of being fired from their job if they marched, or literal incarceration, and of course the threat of violence and police brutality – but also because of illness or disability, or because they were caring for someone with an illness or disability.
I thought of all the other invisible bodies, with their fists up, tucked away and out of sight. If we take Hannah Arendt’s definition of the political – which is still one of the most dominant in mainstream discourse – as being any action that is performed in public, we must contend with the implications of what that excludes. If being present in public is what is required to be political, then whole swathes of the population can be deemed a-political – simply because they are not physically able to get their bodies into the street.
(…) The Sick Women are all of the dysfunctional, dangerous and in danger, badly behaved, crazy, incurable, traumatized, disordered, diseased, chronic, uninsurable, wretched, undesirable and altogether dysfunctional bodies belonging to women, people of color, poor, ill, neuroatypical, differently-abled, queer, trans, and genderfluid people, who have been historically pathologized, hospitalized, institutionalized, brutalized, rendered unmanageable, and therefore made culturally illegitimate and politically invisible." — Johanna Hedva, Sick Woman Theory
"I’m all for the death of capitalism, but what the hell was this? Sick, pained, expensive, sensitive: these were not words that inspired any revolutionary fervor in me. My anarchism had always been a thing of life, vitality, and beauty. When I think of it energetically, I feel strong rivers of red force, unbridled kinetic power moving reality. It’s a verb, something you do.
My heroes didn’t go to General Assemblies to talk, they robbed banks and shot fascists. They burned down houses or construction equipment instead of engaging in sit-in’s or camping sessions. My anarchism is unapolegetically violent, even gleefully so, and I long for the acrid smoke of a riot like junkies long for meth.
Here appeared to be the quiet, soothing politics of the ill. Anarchist therapy. I was happy to see those confined to a hospital bed could display solidarity in their own way, but I walked away firmly convinced I’d taken a stroll through a world that had no bearing on mine.
Some people’s revolution involved care and love and feelings. Mine involved bullets and fire and blood.
Yet…something lingered, some subtle shift deep within my mind. I began to realize that just because the response of the ill to capitalism might be different from mine, that did not mean the exploitation they lived under was any less brutal." — Dr. Bones, Too Weird to Live: The Case for the Individual in a Sick Woman’s World
"And, left to themselves, men lived long before they understood that they all ought to, and might be, happy. Only in the very latest times have a few of them begun to understand that work ought not to be a bugbear to some and like galley-slavery for others, but should be a common and happy occupation, uniting all men. They have begun to understand that with death constantly threatening each of us, the only reasonable business of every man is to spend the years, months, hours, and minutes, allotted him—in unity and love. They have begun to understand that sickness, far from dividing men, should, on the contrary, give opportunity for loving union with one another." — Leo Tolstoy, Work, Death and Sickness
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lamyaasfaraini · 5 months
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Ke trigger liat komen ini.. Iyak bener aku dan suami kaya gini juga ko. Pas aku liatin ke suami video dan komen ini blio jg heran knp emg kan udah suami istri pasti begitu bukan? Hahahaha iyaa makanya, terlepas dari ke sosweetan mereka berdua kami jg kadang dibalut oleh candaan. Aku ataupun suami saling heureuy aja gt, ngga hanya di dapur atuh.. Apalagi kalo di dapur di kelikitikin lah, tiba2 di cium pipinya atau di peluk jg atau ya minta peluk gmn sikon weh wlpn kita berdua teh barau kesang, barau bawang bumbu masak, dasteran, baju belel yg udah pw dipake tidur. Akupun sama kalo suami lg masak dan ngga bantu samsek, tiba2 pas mau selesei aku peluk lah sama sniff2 bau acem khasnya khas suamiku doang yg punya haha.
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Lalu nemu lg komen ngga kalah lucu dan jorang yah heuseus untuk yg udah halal dong tentunya wkwkwk.
Yaampun baca replies sama quote repost nya bodor2 pula. Iya bener relate loh heeeyyyy! Tangannya teh camal bgt atuh bukan hanya di dapur. Kayanya lg diem jg ujug2 di colek, di tepak gitu. Kadang risih kadang dah biasa saking seringnya hahahaha.
Kalopun suami lg nyuekin istrinya, aku selalu minta sih. "yang ko kayanya hari ini aku belom di peluk yah? Peluk dong 5 jam!" hahaha canda 5 jam. Yakalo nyolek pantat mah hemm gosah ditanya deh. Tapikan dipeluk lebih kerasa tatih tayangnya yahhh hwhwhwhw.
Dan kami jg punya kebiasaan physical touch bgt. Pas mau berangkat kerja sun tanganku, sun jidatku, cipika cipiki, smooch 💋, sehabis tiap solat berjamaahpun sama kaya pas berangkat kerja, pas mau tidur lebih mesra lagi cuddling dulu suami usap2in apa aja yg bisa diusap, punggung, pantat (yailaaa pantat lg), kepala, lengan jg yg penting ada sentuhan fisik lah. Trus suka tiba2 di sun akunya tuuhhh pas udah mau merem bgt jd mesem2 tp dah mau tibra haha.
Gedean dikit nih nemo pasti enek ngeliat kemesraan kita, mumpung msh kecil ya nak haha. Etapi ttp ya kalo depan anak mesra kami sewajarnya yg harus diliat anak2 dong yaa. Lagian kami kalo mesra jg ngga mengandung nafsu. Kalo udah nafsu mah ya beda cerita lain lagi di wkt yg tepat jg dong wkwkwk. Oiya seumur nemo mah msh suka liat ibu ayahnya begitu kadang ngingetin jg "ayah itu ibunya cium dulu" atau nyuruh peluk, atau pernah nyuruh pegangan tangan di tempat umum hahaha dasar. Tapiiii jangan salah nemo jg suka ada aja cemburunya, kadang cemburunya sama ibu atau sama ayah. Kadang ibu sama nemo rebutan ayah wkwkwk.
Di tengah badai juga namanya rumah tangga ada warasnya jg dong. Malah kalo kami lg berantem itu kami kaya lg ngga mengenal satu sama lain, lohhh siapa sih kamu ko kita saling menyakiti padahal kita semesra itu loh, ketawa bareng, sayang2an, secinta itu.. Begitulah pahit manisnya rumah tangga yg baru seumur jagung ini.. Semoga yg manisnya akan terus bertahan bahkan semakin bertambah, yg pahitnya bisa dimininalisir kalo boleh minta mah ilangin aja ya Allah. Yang pasti ya Allah tolong selalu jaga kami yaa.
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packisbackhuh · 6 months
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shout out to the korean packer fan I found on twitter who just posts jlo and cat content all the time. the translate button always romanizes however they type 'jordan' to 'jorang' so that's his name now sorry I don't make the rules
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sharky-unknown · 1 year
I don't know why but the only way I can tell yin and jin apart is because I once said jorange and it's been the only thing I think of when I see jin
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eyeexe · 9 months
my proposal for orange side ship names
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flapjackoctolover · 1 year
I need a situation in which I can curse at someone so I can say, "I hope you brush your teeth before breakfast, forget, and drink orange juice," but I know I'd fuck it up and say, "I your hope you...you...FUCKING JORANGE OUICE. FUCK."
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forty5sixty · 1 year
Mais si, mais non // The Questions Surrounding the Second Coming
In one corner, there's the part where Leo's story at FC Barcelona is already written. In the other, there's a final chapter that didn't get written. Team sports is littered with a host of stars who returned home to retire. From Dwayne Wade to Gigi Buffon, there's a romanticism to going back to where it all started. But what's left to do for Leo Messi at FC Barcelona? For the diminutive Argentine, it might be more than just tying a bow on his decorated career. His return will unlikely see Barca return to the days of European supremacy. Maybe they can squeeze another La Liga title? Maybe two. As for European Cups? Even with a stacked roster, nothing is guaranteed. Although invested in youth, Barca's current squad seems held together with spit and chewing gum. And like other stars in the latter stages of their career, will he be happy being carried along for a ride? But maybe everyone's reading it all wrong.
Perhaps Leo Messi's potential return isn't entirely about football. What if it's about having a final signature moment? A moment like passing the torch to his successor like Ronaldinho Gaucho did to him in the video above? Such a moment seems unlikely and even contrived should it happen during his mariage de complaisance with Paris Saint Germain.
Alternatively, could a run at the FC Barcelona presidency be on the cards? While not as transparent as Gerard Pique's ambitions, could Messi's future lie upstairs? While moves to Miami and back to Argentina have been touted, a move back to his adopted and spiritual home could likely be a move for both his business, family, and what's left of his stellar career.
article: Sam Lloyd video: Danirai Jorang
(297 words)
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kobongkastrol · 1 year
Unggahan di Instagram Kang @brother_sae tanggal 14 Juli 2023 seperti biasa selalu memancing banyak komentar netizen . Konten kreator dengan spesialisasi Sunda Inggris ini selalu sukses menyuguhkan senyum bagi pengikutnya yang hampir selalu membanjiri postingannya . Tema yang diunggah pada hari itu kebetulan ihwal perkanjutan yang bagi tak terlalu familiar akan terasa reuwas sebagaimana unggahan yang tiba-tiba tanpa aba-aba jol "nongtot bool". Hahaha . Di unggahan itu Kang @brother_sae menyodorkan tiga peribahasa Sunda yang didalamnya disebut kata "kanjut". Seperti " Kanjut dina tarang", "Kanjut dina punduk", dan " Ngetrukeun eusi kanjut" . Bagi yang tak paham atau baru pertama kali mendengar peribahasa tersebut barangkali akan mengerutkan dahi dan terasa seperti jorang. Padahal tak ada jorang-jorangnya sama sekali . Kanjut dina tarang artinya eraan atau pemalu. Kanjut dina punduk artinya sieunan atau penakut, dan ngetrukeun eusi kanjut artinya menikahkan anak terakhir . Dan jika pun kita melacak kata "kanjut" dalam Kamus Sunda Inggris yang disusun oleh Jonathan Rigg misalnya, maka tak ada kata itu di lema huruf "K", yang tersedia hanyalah kata " Kanyut" yang diterjemahkan Rigg sebagai "a bag, a sack, a purse" yang artinya adalah tas, karung, dan kantong atau tas kecil . Sedangkan dalam Kamus Basa Sunda besutan RA Danadibrata, didapat bahwa arti dari "Kanjut" adalah wadah duit receh tina lawon, di luhurna make kolor. Dan menurut Danadibrata dipersilahkan melihat juga arti dari "rajut, kantong, endong, koja" yang sedikit bersinonim dengan "kanjut" . Danadibrata bahkan mencontohkan kata seperti tai kanjut yang artinya duit atau mupugkeun tai kanjut atawa mupugkeun kanjut kundang yang artinya ngaluarkeun duit nepi ka koredas pisan. Dan dalam Kamus Danadibrata kata " Kanyut" ternyata  tak ada sebagaimana yang dicatat oleh Rigg dalam kamusnya . Jadi, siap-siap saja reuwas jika mampir ke unggahannya Kang @brother_sae. Hahaha
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goriaucom · 2 years
Tingkatkan Produksi Migas, PHR Akan Bangun Jembatan Permanen di Rohul
PEKANBARU – PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) tahun ini akan membangun Jembatan Jorang yang melintasi Sungai Rokan Kiri, di Desa Bonai, Kecamatan Bonai Darussalam, Kabupaten Rokan Hulu (Rohul). Jembatan Jorang tersebut dibangun untuk memaksimalkan potensi migas, selain itu juga untuk membantu akses masyarakat yang selama ini terkendala karena terpisah aliran sungai. http://dlvr.it/ShTGX2
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emsleyanbluejay · 2 years
jorange (jean orange)
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