danrenouf · 8 months
Colby always gets new programming for the rookies. Not, like, full-on, complete wipe and reinstall, but tweaks. Patches. Each rookie has distinct needs that require different responses and impulses. He’s used to it by now. It’s not like it hurts, anyway - his pain sensors only register physical damage.
With Sid coming in, though, the process of adjusting his programming is more extensive than usual. This rookie’s in the NHL, for one. Different pressure there versus Wilkes-Barre, or juniors.
He’s in the lab for weeks prior to the start of training camp, though. They don’t power him down while they’re talking about the process, so he knows why he’s been there for so long. Generational talent, they say. Face of the franchise. Other things, too, like. People-pleaser and sensitive kid.
Bots don’t ever get that kind of recognition, of course. It makes sense. The league tightly controls what bots can do on the ice, how well they can perform. Colby doesn’t have feelings about it. They’re a few years away from being able to program feelings. But he can turn data-points over, can prod at them with an approximation of curiosity, of empathy. Assess his own array of reactions to a sensitive kid.
He meets Sid at training camp, and the kid seems about as normal as a rookie can be, at least with the amount of attention he’s getting, which must mean the adjustments they made to Colby’s programming were successful. It’s not difficult to anticipate Sid’s responses or reactions. That comes later.
“There’s no way.” Sid is sprawled on his bed, laughing. Laughter means he’s relaxed and comfortable, which will equate to better rest. Better rest tonight will equate to better performance tomorrow.
Colby tosses the empty water bottle in his hand and catches it. “Sure it is. I’m going to bank this off the corner,” he points to the doorway corner of their cramped hotel room, “then the TV, and into the garbage can.” He’ll have to be very precise with the velocity and spin on the bottle, but there’s a more than sixty-percent probability he can make the shot.
Sid laughs again, getting pink in the face. “Okay, hot shot. Do your worst.”
Colby lingers on Sid’s face for a moment. There’s something there that catches him, makes it hard for him to select the right reaction. He winks, though, and turns around. He makes the shot.
“No fucking way.” Sid gets off the bed, bodies Colby out of the way for his own turn.
Colby leans against the wall and watches Sid evaluate his options. Competitive index. Strong driver of motivations. “You gonna pick something, there? Or are we going to stand here all night?” Friendship index. Strong driver of self-worth.
Sid points to the far corner. “Off the ceiling, off the desk, into the can,” he says. Statistically, the odds are very favorable for making the shot. Ninety-percent or more, as long as Sid doesn’t flub.
“Okay, hot shot.” Colby elbows him, which typically elicits a favorable response. “Do your worst.”
Sid’s focused now. Eyes tracing the path the bottle will take, hand tilting the bottle back and forth. Each brand of water is different, bottles having varying shapes and weights. He throws the bottle. It bounces off the ceiling, off the desk, and into the garbage can. A five degree angle change could have made it all go differently, but as it is, Sid whoops and throws his arms in the air, right in Colby’s face. “Eat that, buddy.”
Colby doesn’t need to eat. He must make a face, because Sid’s laughing at him, now. Sid’s face is very close, and the pink in his cheeks has turned into two deep spots over his cheek bones that would likely be hot to the touch, if Colby put his fingers there.
Sid blinks and starts to lean closer. Colby doesn’t have a reaction, models colliding and breaking. His culture and media database tells him him that there’s a high probability that Sid is going to kiss him, now, the way his eyelids have slipped shut again and he’s leaning up with his face angled at the right way to touch their mouths together.
The kiss is brief. There’s pressure against his mouth, and then the pressure is gone. Sid pulls back and looks at him. “Was that okay?” he asks.
Colby stands there, whirring through possible responses. He wasn’t programmed for this possibility, all of his code flexing to find a solution. “I don’t know,” he says. “I don’t—”
Sid’s backing away, though, hands pressed to his mouth. “I’m so sorry, Army. I forgot - I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. That’s stupid.” Colby knows how to react to this, how to pull Sid out of distress and back into comfortable territory. “Your breath wasn’t that bad.”
“It won’t happen again, I promise.”
It doesn’t need to not happen again. It was just pressure on his mouth. It didn’t hurt. It didn’t cause damage to his body or his software. “It could, if you wanted to,” Colby says.
Sid stares at him. Colby can’t identify the emotion in his face. “I think we probably shouldn’t.”
“Okay,” Colby says, easy. He throws himself down on his own bed and turns on the TV. “Think Ellen is on right now?”
Sid laughs, though it’s not quite normal. “Guess I’m about to find out.”
It takes Sid longer than usual to fall asleep that night. Anyone else, a human being, would have believed Sid’s performance. Things are never quite the same after that.
for @ticklefighthockey - just a lil variation on a theme
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suiheisen · 9 months
“we haven’t done this in a while”... sid and army have 100 hundred percent explored each other's bodies
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suicide-bullet · 4 months
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reader comforts johnnie, when he is crying.
female reader, fluff as fuck
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the warm water, dripped down her soft, yet calloused hands, as she scrubbed at the white plate. "i fucking hate doing this shit." she complained, hating the feeling of the soggy pieces of food touching her bare skin. she couldn't wait to get back into her warm, fluffy sheets, and cuddle her boyfriend. after she had finished the dishes, she quickly fed her sphynx cat, angus, of whom johnnie was allergic to. he didn't mind though, not at all. as long as it made her happy. although angus clearly doesn't shed his fur, making his allergies quite alright, if you asked y/n.
"good boy." she mumbled, scratching the underneath of his chin. she stood up, her knees cracking, before she walked over to her and johnnies shared bedroom. her, now cold, hands pressed against the door handle, opening it quietly. upon walking into the room, she noticed it was pitch black, all that could be heard were light sobs. her heart melted, her hands shaking. "johnnie?" she called out into pure darkness. his heart dropped at her voice, wiping his smudged eye shadow.
y/n walked up to his side of the bed, switching on the small, antique lamp. "oh, baby." she frowned. he looked fucking shattered. his makeup was smudged over his face, his nose and cheeks red. she cupped his cheeks, placing a kiss on the tip of his nose, before wrapping her arms around him. he melted into her touch, his surprisingly cold hands pulled her on top of him.
he opened his mouth as if to speak, but nothing came out. "you don't have to tell me now, only when you're ready." y/n spoke softly, reassuring him. "you're not embarrassed?" johnnie questioned, afraid to make direct eye contact with her. "embarrassed of what, you? no. you're allowed to have feelings, johnnie. you shouldn't feel embarrassed, you're human." she answered, running her hands through his hair.
"but boys dont cry." he said, looking up at her. she smiled, "did you just quote the cure, johnnie?" he cracked a smile, making her heart explode. "no- yes- maybe." he laughed. "you're so silly." she giggled, straddling the raven-haired man. she twirled his hair around her pointer finger, admiring the man below her. she placed a kiss on his forehead, moving to his temple, then to his cheek, then to his nose, to his jawline, and finally, to his lips. "you're so handsome. my handsome boy."
"yeah?" he replied, tilting his head slightly to the side. "oh yeah. my favourite lady." she joked, he rolled his eyes sassily. "you are so a part of the sassy man apocalypse." she smiled, flicking his forehead. "ouch!" he shouted, catching the small girl off guard. "did that actually hurt?" y/n asked. "yes, a lot." he spoke sarcastically.
"awh, sorry. c'mere." she awed, grabbing his forehead and planting a fat kiss on it. "do i get kisses now?" he questioned. y/n hummed, "maybe, why were you upset?" johnnie looked up at her, his hands on her hips, rubbing up and down her waist. "i'm just- tired, you know? i feel as if i'm not doing enough." he admitted.
"johnnie, you're doing more than enough. for everyone. you've been working your fucking ass off, for weeks. you need a break sometimes, and that's okay. i love you, and i always will. and you'll always be enough for me." y/n reassured, holding his hands in hers. "fuck, you're so perfect. jesus. i love you" johnnie smiled, crimson spread across her cheekbones.
"now, let's do face masks!" she exclaimed, pulling him up by his hands and dragging him to the bathroom. he hated face masks, but he loved her. so it didn't really matter. y/n placed two clips in his hair, moving it out of the way. "not my forehead." he groaned, she rolled her eyes. "shut up." she groaned back, dragging out the up. she dipped her brush into the bright pink, peel off face mask, before dragging the cold cream across his skin. "shit, that's fucking cold."
"you're such a drama queen, oh my fuck." y/n commented, continuing to paint his face with the pink face mask. "it's actually cold, baby." he spoke, the pet name melting her heart. "you're shitting my dick, it's not even- oh!" she started, but was soon cut off to johnnie wiping the mask on her face. "ugh. johnnie. why would you do that? i'm gonna break out now. fuck."
"it's fine, you'll still look beautiful." he smiled, grabbing her face. she rolled her eyes, a smile still planted on her face. "yeah?" she mimicked his words from earlier.
"oh yeah, my pretty girl."
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nottodayjustin · 5 months
January 25th 2024 best hockey tweet of the day
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girlfriendline · 8 months
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colby was ready to risk it all
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icedbatik · 5 months
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Sidney Crosby Colby Armstrong Pittsburgh Penguins Night of Assists January 24, 2024
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coffee-at-annies · 8 months
Colby just said Sid was trying to show off Gilbert’s new haircut in regards to them scrumming
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ullybug · 4 months
"This can't be a good idea." [your choice of people!]
"This can't be a good idea."
Despite himself, Sid still hasn't rolled his pants down to cover the smooth, shaved skin of his ankle — only worried at where the hem rests on his knee, flushing pinker and pinker under the florescent light.
Colby's smile is as loose and easy as ever, like he spends nights sprawled across hotel bathroom floors fondling razors and disassembled pens all of the time. He must know as well as Sid does that if neither of them have backed out of this stupid dare by now, they aren't going to.
Capitulating, finally, Sid tries not to look like he's grinding his teeth as he delicately sets his calf across Colby's thighs. "Just– don't give me a dick or anything, alright?"
With a quiet chuckle that sends his warm breath rushing over Sid's bare ankle, Colby doesn't say anything — just meets his eyes with a sly look as he brings the needle to Sid's skin.
send me the first sentence of a fic and i'll write the next five!
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hearty-an0n · 6 months
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iateyourparents · 7 months
Idk if request are open but.. can i request “cant stop kissing you” prank on colby or just you being super clingy? I feel like he would EAT IT UPPPP
(Can i be 🌟 anon?)
so kissable | c.b.
pairing: colby brock x fem!reader
summary: your boyfriend is just soo kissable, so how could you stop yourself?
warnings: pure fluff, suggestive ending(?), bad writing and grammar(I'm sorry, english is not my first language)
an: hi 🌟! this is such a cute idea, thank you! I hope it's good <3
pictures are from pinterest:)
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Today's weather wasn't perfect. It was raining, the wind was blowing as crazy and you're pretty sure you heard the weather girl saying that there is a possibility of a storm.
So obviously none of you were up for going out.
Currently you were sitting with Katrina in her and Sam's room while your boyfriends were watching something downstairs.
"I love her" Kat said showing you some tik tok edit of Taylor Swift with her newest boyfriend. It was so cute.
"I'm kinda bored" you stated after the next few minutes of mindless scrolling through tik tok.
"Me too." Katrina pouted "Should we prank boys?"
You perked at that idea and looked at the girl with a mischievous smirk just to see her sporting the same smirk.
"Do you have something in your mind?" you asked and she nodded vigorously.
"Some time ago I saw it on tik tok. There was this boy who pranked his boyfriend. But was it really a prank? I feel like Sam and Colby would love it..." she wondered.
"Tell me what it was first" you laughed.
"So he 'couldn't stop' kissing his boyfriend. Like literally every time he was next to him, he had to kiss some part of his boy's body and then when they were sitting he was just like a koala and stopping him from playing with kissing." she explained and started looking for said video on her phone.
"How did the boyfriend react?"
"That's the thing, he was annoyed! But I honestly don't think that our boys would be annoyed. They are clingy so I think they would actually love it." you both laughed at her words.
You and Katrina decided to separately prank Sam and Colby in your rooms so it wouldn't be suspicious when you both started kissing them nonstop.
So now you were in your room laying in bed waiting for Colby to come out of the bathroom.
When he finally came out and saw you in bed he didn't waste a minute before jumping on a space next to you.
"Hi love, watcha doing?" he asked and then smiled when you kissed his cheek.
"Nothing much, I'm just bored." you shrugged and he faked a gasp.
"Oh no! Can I help you somehow to stop the boredom?" he asked and you sat on his waist straddling him.
"I just wanna kiss you." you just said while kissing his jaw, and then cheek, then the other one, then his forehead, then nose and then finally his lips. This kiss lasted longer and Colby was more than glad to reciprocate this one.
Then when you stopped kissing, you were back to peppering his face with little kisses and what can you say? Colby wasn't opposed to it.
Colby's love language actually were little things like kisses, touches and cute gestures, so of course this was like a reward for him.
You knew this for sure wouldn't annoy him so you decided that when he will try to do something later, like playing, editing or just chilling on his phone, you would also be there, kissing him.
You laid there for a few more minutes with you kissing every inch of his face, neck and hands when he finally decided he's hungry so you both went to the kitchen.
While you sat on the counter, he started making crepes for you two. And every time he was next to you, to reach for something, you stopped him for a moment to place kisses on his lips, cheek and nose. And every time he only smiled and kissed your forehead.
And basically the rest of that day looked like that and Colby not once was annoyed so you decided to take it to the next level.
When Colby was sitting at his desk to start editing you sat on his lap straddling them and just hugged him while leaving a cute kiss on the side of his neck. Colby again just smiled and with you on his lap he started editing. All this time you were kissing some part of his body. Face, neck, his arms and chest, just everything that was in your reach.
When you were leaving little kisses on his chest he finally addressed you.
"Baby, you know I love it when you kiss me but I can't focus on editing." he said while holding your chin away from his chest.
"Aw but you're so kissable today, just can't help it." you shrugged while pouting a little.
He laughed cutely and kissed your nose "You will be the death of me." he didn't waste a moment to pick you up by your thighs and with you in his arm he went to your bed where this time he was the one straddling you.
Needless to say how it ended.
And well, maybe you should consider this prank as a failure since he wasn't annoyed at all but how could you be disappointed when you ended up like that?
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suicide-bullet · 4 months
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female reader and jake, halloween (i know it was so long ago but i wanted to do this) , if the description doesn't match you, feel free to change it up!!
strangers to lovers, cheating, cliche at the end!!!
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the air between y/n and her boyfriend, kristian, was thick. the awkward silence making her squirm in her seat. the pair were on the way to a halloween party. they were sid vicious and nancy spungen, quite fitting to them. y/n and kristian were toxic, all of their friends knew it. hell, even y/n knew it. but she wouldn't leave him, she was too in love with him. no matter what he did, she'd still love him. as the couple arrived at the party, y/n rushed in, dragging herself over to the drinks. she picked up a random cup, downing the liquid inside. "what the fuck, y/n? do you even know what was in that. are you fucking stupid?"
"no. why does it matter?" she questioned, shrugging her shoulders. "because you don't know what was in it, y/n. god do you have any common sense?" he began to get agitated with his girlfriend, like he always did. tears pricked her eyes, as her face screwed up. "what the fuck, kristian." she commented, spinning around, and dragging herself away from the situation. "i'm not even going to deal with your shit tonight, come back to me when you're not being such a brat." he yelled, walking off to make himself a drink.
meanwhile, y/n walked throughout the large house, her boots thudding against the wooden flooring. her hair stuck to her forehead as it was so motherfucking hot. the smell of sweat, sex, alcohol, and drugs was enough to make her heave, but somehow comforted her simultaneously. she eventually, found an empty couch to sit down on, gripping her red, plastic cup full of vodka in her right hand. she sighed, looking around the room, at the multiple couples practically fucking right in front of her. her heart ached, at the thought of her boyfriend being accompanied by another girl, another nancy.
she felt the couch dip down next to her, turning her head, to be faced with a black haired man, he had a black leather jacket on, a graphic tee, black jeans, combat boots, and a black studded belt. "you good?" he questioned the blonde girl, she nodded, taking a swig from her cup. "nancy spungen?" the man questioned. y/n smiled and nodded, "how'd you know?" she asked in response. the man shrugged, "i don't know man, you kinda look like her."
y/n gasped, "no i do not. do not compare me to her, she is beautiful." the man laughed, "you do! it's the hair, and just like your overall face." y/n blushed, flashing him that million dollar smile. "you matchin' with someone, a sid vicious?" he questioned, y/n nodded. "my boyfriend." she sighed. the man furrowed his brows, "you don't seem happy about that, how come?"
she took a sip from her cup, rearranging how she sat, so she could fully see the man. fuck he was beautiful. he had beautiful brown eyes, and his arms were covered in tattoos. "it's just. we're really toxic, and i don't know what to do. people tell me to just leave him, but i love him, you know? and it's destroying me. i always wonder what i could do to make us happy again, like we used to be." the man nodded, "i get that. but if it's destroying you, then it's not love. with the right person, you don't have to work so hard to be happy, it just happens."
"i don't know what to do, fuck." she groaned, placing her head in her hands. he sighed, "don't worry about it now, just have a good time. it's halloween, nancy." she looked up, smiling. "my name isn't nancy, dipshit." he grinned, "then what is your name?" she hesitated, "y/n l/n."
"y/n l/n, what a pretty name, for an even prettier girl." he complimented, she laughed, making his stomach fill up with butterflies. "that was so cheesy. what about you mr therapist, what's your name?" he smiled down at the girl, "well how do ya do ma'am, my name is jake." jake replied in a southern accent, making her cackle, her laugh now making his eyes widen. "your laugh is fucking crazy, dude."
'mr bright side' by the killers, began playing on the speakers. y/n rushed her from her seat, her mouth falling agape. "oh my god, jake. you have to dance with me, i fucking love this song!" she exclaimed, grabbing his large hands, interlocking them with hers. jake laughed, "i don't dance." she shook her head, "you do now!" she yelled over the music.
she dragged him to where everyone else was, screaming the lyrics in his face. he laughed, she laughed. it was perfect, all the thoughts inside her head were quiet. she was at peace. jake didn't believe in love at first sight, neither did y/n. but fuck jake wanted her, he wanted her so bad. she was beautiful, the way her blonde curls bounced, the way she spun around, her brown eyes locking him in a trance.
his eyes flickered around her face, from her dark red lips and back to her eyes. the song slowed to a hault, turning into a slow, romantic melody. she smiled up at the boy, placing her hands on his shoulders. "feel like i'm in a fuckin' movie." jake admitted, placing his hands on her waist, they fit just right. a flush crept up on her face, keeping her head down.
"don't look away, please." he asked, she smiled, looking up at him, scanning his face for any kind of rejection. jake was in complete and utter awe. she looked as if she had been sculpted by angels, he wanted to sit and map out every single part of her body, for hours.
as the music stopped, she frowned. she wanted to stay like that with him forever, it was perfect. "you know, for someone who doesn't dance, you're pretty damn good." jake rolled his eyes, "you're only saying that cause you think i'm beautiful." he flicked his hair, making y/n laugh. "you are." she smiled up at him, her pupils blown with lust. she gawked at him, searching his face for anything and everything. the two talked for hours, about random ass things. their favourite food, their favourite shows, fuck anything you can name, they talked about it.
"what time is it?" y/n questioned, to which he replied, "2 am." she sighed, "i think i should get home. it's pretty late, and i have work in the morning." jake knew this moment was going to happen, he was dreading it, he just didn't know it would be so soon. "shit, yeah. you need a ride?" he offered, hoping she would say yes, and he could spend more time with her. "i would, but you know, kristian. i need to find him." she informed him with a clearly tired look on her face.
fuck he forgot about him, "i'll help you find him, don't want you getting lost." jake smiled, grabbing the girls hand. y/n took the lead, dragging jake throughout the house, looking for her boyfriends head of hair. she peered into an empty room, spotting what seemed to be a couple making out, but that hair looked too familiar. a melancholy feeling filled the air, a dry, sharp feeling engulfed her throat, all she could do was stare. "what is it, what's the matter?" jake questioned, leaning down to her level, pulling her to face him.
"it's kristian." she mumbled, a devastated look on her face. tears pricked her eyes, jake felt his heart wrench for the girl. "come on, let's go." he spoke, wrapping his arm around her, embracing her in his touch. sobs racked throughout her body, he just wanted to hold her, to let her know everything would be okay. "is it okay if we go to my place? i don't know where you live, sweetheart." he asked her, opening his car door, and buckling her seatbelt. she nodded, wiping her eyes. he had only known her a couple of hours, but it broke his heart to see her like this.
he sped off, wanting to be able to make sure she was okay as soon as possible. she winded her window down, the cold breeze hit her skin, drying the tears on her face. jake wanted so badly to admire her, to watch the beautiful girl sat next to him. but he also didn't want to crash. jake pulled up to his house surprisingly fast, getting out and opening her car door. her mascara and eyeshadow was all smudged down her face as the two walked into his house.
a much smaller man, with dark hair and piercings looked y/n up and down, his face screwing up. "shit, jake. what did you do to her, dude?" jake flipped him off, "shut the fuck up, go to your room." the man rolled his eyes, walking away. the house was empty but full, it smelt weirdly tropical, almost fruity with a tinge of marijuana. "listen, y/n," he started, pulling her down next to him, facing her.
"you deserve someone who's gonna treat you like you matter everyday, not just when it's convenient for them. you deserve someone who texts you boring little details of their day, just so they have a reason to talk to you. staying in a relationship just because you love somebody is not worth it. love is not all you need. respect is what you need. time is what you need. reassurance is what you need. happiness is what you need, a best friend is what you need. you deserve someone who chooses to make you a priority because they value you, they understand you and they want you. not some fuckin' asshole who doesn't see this beautiful, amazing, thoughtful girl right in front of him. if he's okay with losing you, stop fighting."
his words sunk deep into her wounds, all her past memories and thoughts of her relationship simply shattering. we cannot sit and stare at our wounds forever, we must move on.
"thankyou." she sobbed, wrapping her arms around him, he held her as she cried, littering kisses all over her face and neck. "he never deserved you." he was an unexpected surprise, the defining moment. the collision of starts that slammed into her hard and sent her neat little world plummeting into the ocean, jake was going to fix that. he was going to recollect the pieces, and puzzle them back together.
he knew from the moment he met her, he wanted her, and he was going to get her.
"you may now kiss the bride." with those words spoken, he enveloped the small girl into a kiss, their lips connecting, the world disappearing around them. she smiled into the kiss, her hands in his hair. the crowd screamed and congratulated the couple, as y/n threw the bouquet into the crowd, her best friend catching it.
y/n smiled from ear to ear, watching everything unfold around her. she was so fucking happy. with the man of her dreams, forever and ever. "jake?" she spoke out, he turned to her, smiling widely, "yeah?"
"i feel so lucky to have stumbled upon someone as special as you." she said, wrapping her arms around his neck, his arms around her waist. every part of him loved every piece of her, his soul was practically tangled with hers. "you are the best surprise of my life." he spoke.
"are you sure you're ready for this, jake? you won't get tired of me will you?" she inquired, he shook his head immediately, cupping her face in his hands. "no, baby. i choose you, and i'll choose you over and over and over and over. without a phase, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. i'll keep choosing you."
during the after party, y/n stumbled upon a couch, sitting down, and drinking from her red solo cup. her combat boots tapped a beat against the floor, as she ruffled with her blonde, messy hair. her brown eyes scanned around the room, looking for her husband. the couch suddenly dipped beside her, she turned her head to spot a familiar face.
"nancy spungen?" he questioned, y/n grinned. "how'd you know?" she fiddled with her fingerless gloves. "i don't know, you kinda look like her." jake smirked, she rolled her eyes. "you matchin' with someone, a sid vicious?" he asked, leaning closer to her. "i actually am." she raised her head, a proud look on her face. "yeah, where is he?" jake raised his eye brows. she smiled, "right here." she connected their lips, once again. yet, everytime they kissed, she still felt like it was their first time, getting those same butterflies.
'mr bright side' played and the two shot up, "its our fucking song!" she exclaimed, rushing to the dance floor. she knew in that moment, she was happy, she was finally at peace. his love was kind, gentle and pure. at the same time as being her husband, he was her best friend. he reassured her, cared for her, and loved her. he gave her everything she deserved, she gave him every ounce of her. they were practically soulmates.
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yourmommygay · 10 months
Faking it all.
Summary: high school au where colby is the popular guy and y/n is the shy good girl. Will they fall in love im not sure.
Pairings: colby brock x plus size!chloe sanchez (aka you reading this) , sam golbach x Amanda sid, jake webber x Tara yummy.
Warnings: explicit language, smut, mutual pinning, bullying, fighting, mentions of abuse, colby being kind of a dick at first, Amber being a bully (I love Amber so much, she would never pick on some1 I know but it's just for the story)
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It started off as just another day, walking through the school halls when chloe reached her locker. Trying to balance her books in one arm while opening her locker with the other, she heard heels clicking on the floor which could mean one of two things, either chloes day was about to go south or her best friend was coming.
"Hey nerd" she heard Amanda behind her, rolling her eyes at the nickname chloe finally got her locker open. " hi Amanda, where's Tara?" Chloe asked her friend while shoving her books into her locker, "here she comes with jake, sam and colby" Amanda said. Chloe could see Amanda push up her boobs making the non-existent cleavage appear, making chloe giggle closing her locker turning around to lean on it looking at the group coming towards her and Amanda.
"Hey sam" Amanda said playing with her hair, "hey baby, wanna go get some breakfast?" Sam asked her putting an arm around Amanda's shoulder, she nodded and they walked toward the cafeteria, "hey girly, I missed you over the summer" Tara said pulling me into a hug, "you look so different but you look beautiful." She said pulling back to admire me.
Chloe was wearing minimal makeup, a slipknot band shirt, ripped jeans and combat boots and her glasses. "What do you guys think?" Tara asked the guys turning back to them, "oh yeah, I like your outfit" jake said smiling then pulling me into a hug, "yeah you look nice chlo-" colby started but got cut off "oh hi colby!" Amber said walking over.
She gave colby a hug and then pulled away to give me a dirty look "why are you hanging with this freak? Do you feel bad for her? Aw you've always been so sweet" she said praising colby but also insulting me, "go away Amber, I'm hanging out with chloe cause we are friends" colby said shrugging Amber off his arm coming to stand next to me putting his arm around me.
"But colby we are supposed to be together, your the most popular boy, apart from sam and I'm the most popular girl, apart from Amanda. We should be together like sam and Amanda." Amber said trying to persuade colby. "Everybody in this hall, do you like Amber more or chloe!" Jake shouted, a chant of chloe's name started along with people saying things like "she helps me with homework", "she's a good person, Amber isn't", "she always listens to me and gives me good advice".
Chloe started to smile and tear up hearing that she had a good effect on these peoples lives, "you heard them Amber, if I should be with anyone it's gonna be chloe, it makes sense. Jake and Tara, sam and Amanda, me and chloe. Just makes sense" colby said pulling her closer to him.
Truth be told, she had always had a thing for colby ever since they met when they were 3 and their dad's became work buddies, colby had never been a total dick to her. He would make jokes that made him sound like a dick but he was also a dick to those that hurt chloe.
Chloe wouldn't know it yet but colby had felt the same as chloe that's why he would always joke around with her but also protect her, chloe may not remember a thing colby promised her at the age of 6 but colby did and he was always gonna stick to it,
Colby and chloe had been playing all day outside in the park, their mother's sitting at a bench with each other laughing at some story they were sharing, as chloe and colby were playing tag chloe bumped into another kid, his name is zach. He was the main bully in the school, taking kids toys and keeping them, hitting teachers and throwing things when he wouldn't get what he wanted.
As zach turned around he looked at chloe as if he was about to hit her, as he went to hit her colby pushed him out of the way and kicked him grabbing chloes hand and rushing over to their mom's.
In the back of his mom's car he turned to chloe "are you OK?" He asked chloe moving over towards her, she nodded and quietly replied "yes, thank you for what you did back there".
Colby chuckled "I promise you I will always protect you and I will love you forever" he said grabbing her hand and kissing it fully locking in the promise.
*end of flashback*
Colby made sure to keep to his promise but now loving chloe in a different way he had when they were younger. All colby new was that this year was the year he made chloe his.
A/n I hope you liked this, this was part one of the series I'm not sure how many parts there will be, I might also put this on my wattpad.
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icedbatik · 4 months
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Realizing that Sid's is an outer coat and Colby's is a suit jacket ... same color/fabric, very similar neckties ...
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genosigned · 4 months
they are not our slowburn romance guys and they also aren’t colby speaking with tender innuendo about young sid BUT tonight I have felt that the announcers have that unhinged edge that I’m always seeking
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tblueger · 1 year
i love that colby's job seems to just be turn up to various events and gush about sid with whoever sits still long enough
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teekays · 2 months
one more from logistics anon, lol the stereotypes about women's college teams especially hockey and rugby are so true, lots of young women in a non-comphet setting for the first time in their lives, lots of experimentation. i went to college with someone in the pwhl and her love life was crazyyyy
one thing I don't get tho is do nhl players not share hotel rooms on the road anymore? in the old days it was a big part of their dynamics like sid and colby armstrong were road roomies and that was talked about like a big bonding thing esp between younger guys. but i feel like in fic and behind the scenes stuff these days it's not mentioned that guys are sharing rooms, did that go away with a newer cba or something? i'd be interested too if anyone knows!
this is warming my heart... i love you baby gay college athletes.... forever and ever...
and YES i do know this one actually!!! i'm not sure when exactly it happened but i know that now it's really only rookies who share rooms on the road, which, honestly, very sad to me!! there's still a lot to work with wrt being rookies who are also road roomies and that dynamic your first year and then what happens when you're like, not roomies anymore but also. so much is lost!!! so many iconic (to me) behind the scenes nhl stories (and some of my absolute favorite concepts to rotate fic-wise) revolve around guys being roommates on the road. i'm sure it's nice for them to room alone but also what about MY feelings!! what about what i want!!!
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