#sidenote i hate the tagging system now
floatingpetals · 3 years
Yup, youuu guessed it. Here’s another list of Wattpad users stealing works from tumblr and posting it to their accounts without asking for permission.* If you’ve given the person permission great! But chances are most on this list have not. Please don’t send unnecessary hate to these people, just inform them if your work is stolen and report their links. Also, please reblog to boost. Chances are this will not show up in tags and it needs to get out there. I will also not add a read now, because everyone needs to see this no matter how bulky it is.
Urls might have also changed/ they’re not on tumblr anymore in this too so if you know what they’ve changed to or if they left please let them know! Now on to the list! 
First we have this one!
Cant stop by @lokirels 
Black lace for Beginner, Dog tags and storage units, by @moteldwelling 
Lost Control by @navybrat817
On his Shoulder by @whateveriwant
Pretty face on a pretty neck @whistlingwillows
Around your neck, That black tee by @beyondspaceandstars
Two Servings by @marvel-diaries
Next we have this collection. It’s mainly Bucky x reader HOWEVER they have stories for other fandoms as well. There’s a lot here so I’m only going to list the people, they are titled by what assume your one shot probably was title with I’ll put how many times too.
@ gaybybirth (can’t tag them) @poeticblissme @221bshrlocked (2x) @bitsandbobsandstuff (2x) @stuckydealer @ugh-supersoldiers @notimetoblog @jaamesbbaarnes or jjamesbarnes (maybe? Idk there were a few of ya’ll that popped up in this and it might be another person) @buckybarnesstar @prettyyoungtragedy @redgillan @avasparks @ceruleanbucky @ xmidnight-moonlightx (can’t tag them either) @ cleolemonfanfiction (might not be there url anymore) @nev3rfound @ agent-styleson (might not have the url or left) @ thottybarnes (can’t tag/i think their url changed) @revengingbarnes (2x) @ babybarnesy (can’t tag) @melodramaticfanatic @borkingbarnes @sinner-as-saint @ jewelofwinter (can’t tag) @baroquebucky @sincerelymlg @ jupiterbucky (can’t tag) @ flightofthefantasieson (can’t tag) @ fatbottombarnes (can’t tag) @sebbystanimagines (5x) @sergeanttucker @ hannie-writes-marvel (can’t tag) @ spacemansam (don’t think that’s their url anymore but they have a bunch) @ fandommaniacx (can’t tag) @littledarlinwrites (2x) @becs-bunker (3x) @the--sad--hatter @thebuckboibarnes @angryschnauzer @heavenbarnes 
On to the third list. Once again there’s a lot however most of the people in the list I can’t tag/ they’re url isn’t attached to them anymore. So either they didn’t credit properly or it’s been long enough they original authors have changed their names.  Make sure you check their other ‘works’ because they also have stolen stories on their page.
And then lastly is a user that was in my last post that still has their story up with a bunch of stolen work too. 
I’m sure there’s more out there, but that’s what I’ve found for now at least in the marvel fandom. This isn’t including the like four others I found for other fandoms. Please do not take our work and post it some place else unless we specifically state it’s alright. 
*this is also only stuff I’ve found where they’ve blatantly stated they took it from Tumblr and that they didn’t write it. The only way you can tell if your work has been posted some places else is to look it up on a plagiarism site like Quetext.
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Today I will be addressing SuperCorp and some of the issues that have been floating around about fandom. And I will be saying some stuff that both is for it and could be used against it even though I am ultimately a super big supercorp fan. Like it says in the tags you're free to express your opinion but they will not be changing mine but I am always open-minded to opinions that can actually be explained and eloquently expressed (receipt's needed) and aren't just basic. Also just so what is noted I have been a part of this fandom since the first episode I have literally shipped Kara with everyone from Lucy to Cat even James.But Lena has just stuck out the most for me but I'm Equal opportunity.
Number #1, Lena's character in no way shape or form has ever been xenophobic she has never once shown any hate towards aliens her problem with Kara in season 5 Wasn't because she was an alien it was because she was a "Super" like Kara could have been a flying purple fucking octopus from the planet of shzjxfdf and Lena wouldn't have gave two fucks but no she was a "Super"but let's dig deeper on that point if we really look at why she was mad it wasn't even the whole alien aspect it was because she wasn't told and no I don't think she's entitled to it but I do think it played into the fact of a trust issue she has with the fact that people would think she would be just like Lex if she had been told Sooner. Which is disproved in 5x13 (also personal note: I also think she wouldn't have reacted half as bad if Kara had just told her that night at game night or the next day when she wanted to probably still would have been pissed but not to the same extent). But okay with that being said I do disagree with the kryptonite entrapment torture scene and basically half the s*** she did in season 5 it was shown that she truly can tap into her Luthor side and be dark when wanted but fortunately she does always return to the light and in all fairness it has been shown several times that Kara has a dark side of her own that could rival the luthors.
Number #2, I do disagree with the abuse of actresses and actors just because of a ship and or character they play don't blame them it's just a job they have I think Melissa and Katie do a beautiful job of bringing Kara and Lena's characters to life couldn't imagine anybody else playing them.
Number #3, I also will say about the reason bombarding of comments on Nicole's social media at least I saw the video via tiktok in that video was fucking hilarious I love Nia, Dreamer,and Nicole in general she's funny and beautiful and is an advocate for everything good in life and well it is normal to even ask other actors if they have the scoop on anything it does not mean we need to be bombarding them in videos on something relating to their character or their love of something a simple comment or so maybe but what I saw NO.
Number #4, The William of it all well I think though his character seems like a nice gentleman he also seems to be bland as hell also I did not know he was a POC to be honest I thought he was a tan white man and we'll be doing further research on people in the future as I can learn from my ignorance also but unrelated I did not know that the woman who played Maggie was apparently just a tan white woman I thought she was of some sort of Hispanic descent but apparently not according to various things I've read on here tonight... But anyways back to William I feel like a lot of people might have perceived him as a white man therefore that might play into the whole scenario of people hate that they just want two white woman together when it proves if she was a man they wouldn't give two f**** about it whether that's true or not I don't know but mine two cents.
Number #5, I will never bash someone for being for or against a certain ship and or character and well I am allowed to certainly disagree with their opinion all opinions are valid because we all see the world a different way some see it bright and shiny and others like I'll admit myself see it through the glasses of trauma. And I think that's why we all have the opinions we do most of the time when you like a shipper character it's because you relate to them somehow even if it's the most minor thing to someone else it might be huge for you. You never know what the person on the other side of the screen is going through in those characters or ship or fanfiction might have literally saved their lives.
Sidenote: Like okay personal story I was been both mentally and sexually abused as a child so I relate to both Kara and Lena respective childhood trauma so that draws me to them. And I kind of see them both as the opposite attract trope (two side of the same coin) because well we never fully get over trauma Kara had a great support system with the Danvers whereas Lena didn't get that with the luthors I mean sure she had Lex at first but even that was only to a certain extent because of his psychopathy that was starting to manifest he couldn't perceive human emotions the same as Lena who in my opinion is just a big mushy nerd who can be a badass when needed as evident by the season 6 episodes after she's quit L-Corp she's constantly trying to help out inventing new stuff and she's wondering how Nia's suit works and it just shows that she just has a curious mind and also she looks happier even with the guilt she feels over Kara's phantom zone incident when Nia called her a part of the family that smile could lit up a city all she's ever wanted is to belong and I can relate to that therefore to her.
Number #6, I feel like this should have been addressed in earlier number but as far as sexuality goes I would want to believe Kara is pansexual because of everything I've ever read and saw I don't believe she perceived sexuality like humans do because of her Kryptonian upbringing for the first good chunk of the life. Like even though she says she's not gay in the first episode, A. It was the first episode so they didn't even know where the story was going in future seasons if they got them also that means maybe she just didn't perceive herself as the Earth's definition of gay. B. Even in the first season she made a comment about how she bought Lucy was gorgeous and hell she would date her. C. She made some comments about Irma and other woman that don't sound totally heterosexual and don't get me wrong women can admire the beauty and intelligence of other women without it being sexual but as a bisexual woman it just struck a cord in me you can tell the difference when it's coming from a straight woman mouth. Now on the subject of her and Lena strictly I do think there are instances of "queerbaiting"because just because you perceive they haven't been promised to us doesn't mean that some of us haven't picked up on things or the fact that they're simply queerbating because somehow they do hype up Kara and Lena to keep a nice chunk of the audience who ships them mainly those of the gay variety interested in the show which is also considered queerbaiting. Also the fact that they've been called sisters or family or my personal favorite "that's what friends are for"doesn't mean crap because honestly at this point the overuse of friends just sounds more like they're trying to convince themselves than us.*** Also I don't know about you but even on the basic level of things they've done I've never shown half those feelings towards my friends and the ones I have it's because I started to think of them as more than friends.
Now with Lena's sexuality no they have never shown her as anything besides straight canonically but don't get me wrong she totally sends off that college experimentation vibe especially with Andrea for some reason but that may just be me.
Number #7, my main point is let's just be kind to one another because guess what there is toxicity from every ship in a fandom there will always be shitty people on both sides and then there will be those of us who just want to see the characters together for one reason or another and yes I'm not afraid to admit that part of my reasons I want to see two gorgeous woman kiss sue me LOL.
Number #8, the conclusion of my rant is that how about we leave the hating to the ones who want to do that and the rest of us like adults or whatever your age is in the fandom that has any type of maturity behave because I truly do wish the best and in the end well I hope they end up together I'm realistic that they probably won't especially due to the CW Network motto of "homophobia and racism"because they've already broken up several good gay and interracial couples on that show. But at the end of the day my true wish is just that all of the characters end up happy and healthy.
Best of luck to all shippers out there anti and supercorp and or any other couple alike may we try to make it out of this with a modicum of sanity and even if they fail us we always have fanfiction thank you and good night.
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zigtheeortega · 4 years
out of time
✿ pairing: sienna x danny
✿ word count: 3354
✿ warnings: death, loss
✿ author’s note: well, i thought i’d just flesh out what we didn’t get to see, since i highly doubt they’ll expand on it since it’s off screen. it’s not my best work, but it was written out of spite so hopefully that makes up for the lack of quality LMAO. anyways, i tagged everybody who liked this post and added it to the end since there were quite a few! [sidenote: i wrote this post after i’d started this fic so if you see similarities, that’s why] i really hope you like it and that i did both sienna and danny justice!
She sprinted down the hallway, pager still beeping erratically on her hip, the weight of the numbers enough to make her feel like she was slugging through wet concrete.
No, no, not him, please, not him, she chanted to herself, vision blurring with tears before she had the chance to let the negative possibilities set in.
He’s gonna be okay. It’s okay. We’re okay.
Thankfully she was only one floor away, taking the steps two at a time, shoes squeaking against the waxy floor. Sweat formed on her brow as she shoved through the stair’s exit door, pushing past every intern in her way.
Normally she’d stop to apologize, but not today. She didn’t know how much time she had. It could be minutes, and she wasn’t going to waste even a second apologizing when someone’s life was on the line.
She saw the small crowd forming outside of the room and barrelled towards them without a second thought, tearing her way to the front.
When she saw Spencer’s terrorized gaze, her chest tightened involuntarily. Her body covered the entrance to the room, so she could barely see into the room, but she did catch a glimpse of something that made her blood run cold.
A purple pant leg strewn across the floor, ankle relaxed, unmoving, peeking out behind Spencer’s side.
“Sienna, stop. You can’t go any further,” Ethan murmured, gently holding her in place with his arm.
“But I have to – Danny – he’s –” she struggled against his grip, lip wobbling.
“Please,” he said, more of a statement than a question, like he was holding back, too, the strain in his voice enough to stop her in her tracks.
She watched, helpless, as Spencer and Rafael scrambled to seal the room, Bobby convulsing on the ground, Travis passed out, and Danny getting weaker and weaker by the second.
It was like turning on the news and seeing tragedy after tragedy – she always felt absolutely helpless. Her empathy always felt like a curse in those moments. She couldn’t stop herself from feeling everything, whether she wanted to or not.
She wrapped her arms around herself, digging her fingernails into her side, rocking from foot to foot. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from Danny’s frail form on the ground.
“Hey, I came here as fast as I could,” a voice huffed at her side. She turned, met with Jackie’s concerned gaze, hands on her hips as she panted, tiny sweat stains dotting her teal scrubs.
“It’s… All of them, Jackie, –” she couldn’t find the words to quite describe the soul crushing weight of the situation.
Bobby, Rafael, Spencer, and Danny… people that had been her emotional rocks through the lowest points of her life.
Bobby was her unsung hero. He’d keep guard while she cried in the supply closet so she wasn’t disturbed, in return for a dozen of her chocolate chip cookies. After the first few times, she brought him baked goods weekly regardless of whether she had a breakdown or not.
Rafael was her empath twin, as weird as it sounded. She’d branded them that as a joke, between giggles, on her late night break at the cafeteria. Despite it being stated jokingly, it was true – they found themselves confiding in each other each time they faced a difficult situation, bonding over the fact that their jobs took a lot more out of them than the normal person.
Spencer was her late night confidante, the person who she’d crawl into bed with at 3 a.m. after having another detailed nightmare where she was cursed with endless terminal patients. There weren’t that many people she’d platonically cuddle and sob until she was a snotting mess next to.
And Danny… he was the future. He was a vision of what she’d always wanted.
It took her too long to break away from Wayne’s hold. She knew he was toxic, but she didn’t want to admit it – how was she supposed to admit that she’d been wrong for that long?
With Danny, she was comfortable. He got her in a way no one else did. He had the potential to be every single role that her friends played simultaneously.
God, and she’d told him she needed time. She hadn’t properly healed from Wayne so she needed some time before she moved on and –
Now it’s too late, she thought to herself as she watched them wheel out Travis and Danny in glass cases.
And Bobby in a body bag.
“Holy shit,” Jackie breathed, eyes widening. “Fuck – Oh my god, Sienna –”
The tears were already flowing as she slammed her face into Jackie’s chest, body wracked with inconsolable sobs.
She’d never hugged Jackie like this before, as she hated physical affection unless it was… PG-13.
Jackie stiffened, but wrapped her arms around Sienna’s shoulders, patting her back, slowly melting into the embrace.
“We’ll visit him as soon as we can,” she said in her ear, holding Sienna up as she nearly crumbled.
Danny’s body was still, the only movement his heaving chest as he took shallow, labored breaths, his normally warm skin tone muted, drained of color.
“Hey, it’s me,” she called as she closed the door behind her, voice shaky, tote bag at her side. “I hope you can hear me.”
No response.
“Uh… I brought some of our favs. Secret of Ninradell and some music to play so hopefully it makes your dreams a little sweeter – ” she forced a laugh, trying to keep her brave face. “I brought some cookies that I baked last night – uh, I’m sorry they’re not fresh – I –”
Her voice cracked, and she rolled her lips together to keep her chin from trembling. She dragged a nearby chair closer to the glass box, sliding into it, never taking her eyes from his face.
God, why did it have to be you? She thought to herself, covering her mouth with her hands as she cried, her soft sobs muted by the loud machines monitoring his vitals.
She popped open the cover of the hardback, highlighter in hand. “I’m gonna read this to you, if that’s okay? I’m highlighting passages that remind me of you,” she smiled sadly, watching his eyes roll underneath their lids. He was dreaming.
“I know you hate when I mark up books. That’s the librarian speaking, huh?” She giggled, remembering the time he told her about his job in the campus library, and his deep hatred for the Dewey decimal system.
She began reading, trying her best at different accents, failing miserably, but it distracted her from reality if just momentarily.
Her year had been full of blow after crushing blow, both professionally and personally. Losing Wayne, breaking the news to terminal patients, dealing with the toll it took on her mental health, as well as dealing with an intern that was using her – she wasn’t stupid. She just would rather suck it up than have someone upset with her that was supposed to look up to her. Stupid, but she couldn’t handle the thought of disappointing another person.
Hours later, voice hoarse, pages and pages marked up, her hands stained with neon yellow ink, she was drifting off to sleep where she sat – but a groan startled her awake.
“Uhhhhhh,” he moaned, visibly in pain, writhing uncomfortably.
“Danny? Hey, I’m here,” she rushed forward to the box, pressing her hand up against the side, hoping he could feel the warmth of her hand through the glass.
“Sienna…?” He asked, eyes fluttering open and closed. He couldn’t focus on her face.
“I’m here. I’m not leaving.”
“Good,” he croaked, weakly flopping his hand to touch the glass.
He didn’t know it, but those two words were enough to strengthen her withering resolve. She fell asleep cradling the glass, arm slung over the top.
She was ripped from her sleep by intense beeping from the machines surrounding Danny, and she glanced down, peering through the glass at Danny’s quivering form, switching between violent shakes and gentle shivers.
She slammed the emergency button and quickly went to work trying to find the source of the issue, waiting for the nurses to come as back up.
“Danny. Danny, stay with me. Listen to my voice. Hold on, alright? Nurses are heading here now, and we’re going to take care of you,” she said calmly, betraying her shaking hands.
They set to work immediately, trying to keep him from slipping into unconsciousness, all four nurses working swiftly, nimble fingers and precise movements, never getting into each others’ way.
Sienna watched from outside as they worked, glass box open, desperately wishing she had a hazmat suit. Ethan and Jackie observed, giving calm commands.
She turned, eyes red rimmed from crying and lack of sleep, startling Elijah as he rolled to a stop next to her.
“Jackie asked me to send an intern up to bring you a hazmat suit… but I thought I’d bring it myself, to check on you,” he said, eyebrows furrowed, handing the folded hazmat suit from his lap to her arms.
“Don’t feel like you need to talk to me right now, alright? I’ll wait out here, if you need me.” He gave her a sympathetic smile as he patted her arm.
“Thank you,” she mumbled, hastily throwing on the hazmat suit and ripping at the zipper, growing more and more frustrated as it caught on her clothes. “Come on. Come on, come on –”
“Here, let me help,” Elijah offered. “Bend down and I’ll zip it up.”
She followed his instruction and squatted as Elijah glided the zipper upwards, patting her back softly when he was done.
And like before, she had no time to thank him. She didn’t want to miss one second with Danny.
She burst into the room, not disturbing the hive-like efficiency of the nurses.
She watched as they poked and prodded and worked tirelessly to keep him conscious. There was an undeniable tension in the air, stretched so thin it could snap at any moment.
The strained atmosphere of the room didn’t come from the doctors – it came from the nurses. Sienna knew how much Danny meant to his coworkers. He was always the first to resolve conflict and make people feel at ease.
They were tight knit; losing Danny would be a crushing blow.
“Please, Jackie, tell me what’s happening,” she said between panicky breaths, unable to contain her anxiety. “I need to know.”
“We’re trying to stabilize him… but we’re not sure what’s causing him to go into shock in the first place,” Jackie said, brows furrowed.
Three long, painful minutes later, his heart rate returned to normal, his whole body in a feverish sweat.
“That took a lot out of him,” Sienna whispered, watching a nurse press a damp, cool cloth to his forehead and neck.
“You know we have to get rid of your bag, right? It’s contaminated,” Jackie grimaced, motioning to the nurse that was zipping it into a sealed bag, about to throw it away.
“No, you can’t – I didn’t even get to finish reading Ninradell to him last night,” Sienna pleaded, rushing forward to the nurse.
“You can’t take it out of this room,” Ethan shook his head, his statement dismissive, but his tone of voice sympathetic.
“Can I at least finish reading it to him? I promise I’ll dispose of it properly. I just… I need some more time with him.”
“I don’t think –” “I’ll stay with her,” Jackie nodded, holding Ethan’s gaze. “Don’t worry, I’ll page you if anything happens.”
With one firm tilt of his chin, he left the room, presumably towards Spencer and Rafael.
“We think he can hear what’s going on around him, so it’s actually a great idea to read to him,” Jackie said, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “It might help pull him through this.”
Jackie grabbed the bag from the nurse wordlessly, handing it back to Sienna. “You can take a break,” she said to the group of nurses anxiously huddled next to Danny. “We’ll watch over him.”
One of them started sealing the box, but Sienna stopped them with a frantic “Wait.”
“Keep it open. I’ll seal it later,” Jackie ordered gently.
She slipped into the seat next to him, holding firmly onto the edge of the glass.
Jackie must’ve noticed she was debating whether or not she should touch him, so she confirmed it for her. “You can touch him. Don’t be afraid.”
“But I am,” she said, voice cracking, tears threatening to spill. It was tiresome how much she’d cried over the past twelve hours.
She was thankful he’d held on for that long, but she had no idea when it was coming. From his steadily declining health as well as appearance, it was inevitable.
“I’m so scared,” Sienna whispered, refusing to look at her, eyes trained on the rise and fall of his chest.
“You have every right to be, babe. I’m so sorry,” Jackie said, striding over to rest an arm around her shoulders.
“I… told him I needed more time to be me, you know? I needed to figure out more about me because with Wayne and with surviving last year and the stuff with Spencer and Mrs. Martinez and – and –” she cut herself off, trying to regain her composure.
“You lost sight of who you were.”
“Yeah, that’s exactly it. Everything I thought I knew was thrown out the window and it’s like I haven’t even had time to recover,” she said, her voice still wavering.
“I did the same thing last year. But you can’t beat yourself up about it. You never in a million years would’ve guessed that this could happen.”
Sienna took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to unravel the tight coil in her chest. “But he was the only thing making coming to work worth it. I like him a lot and I just… told him to wait.”
“If he had a problem with that, he would’ve moved on.”
She glanced up, met with Jackie’s soft expression, sympathetic and kind – so much different than the tough exterior she was used to. “Don’t blame yourself, Sienna. It’ll break you.”
She knew she was right, but the nagging voice at the back of her mind wouldn’t allow her to let it go. 
She cracked the book open, flipping to the last page she’d read from, about two-thirds into it. But before she could start reading, Danny stirred.
His hand twitched, his fingers flexing like he was grabbing for something. Without a second thought she grasped his hand between her glove-clad palms, the book clamoring onto the ground.
“Sienna…” he whispered, trying to open his eyes, but they fluttered shut, like a weight pulling at his lashes.
She wanted desperately to see his bright eyes again, to hear him to reassure her that it’d all work out. That she’d be okay. That he’d be okay.
“Hey, I’m here,” she said, lightly squeezing her hand.
He moaned, presumably in pain, wiggling like he couldn’t stay still.
“How bad is your pain on a scale 1-10? I’m gonna count up and you squeeze my hand to stop me, alright?”
He gave a weak tilt of his chin, a single nod the only thing he could muster.
She began counting. “One… two… three…”
She kept counting, feeling a weak squeeze when she said “Nine.”
“I’ve never felt this bad before,” he whispered, Sienna having to lean in to hear him.
“Danny, if it’s a ten, you need to tell me,” she chewed the inside of her lip, already racking her brain for the best pain medicine that wouldn’t react with the mystery poison.
“It’s not at a ten…” He stirred, wincing, managing a weak smile. “Because you’re here with me.”
He sighed, like it took a lot out of him to say two sentences.
“That was so sweet,” she said, glancing up at Jackie, knowing her haunted expression would ruin the moment if she let him see it.
Jackie looked equally as upset, her jaw set, fists clenched at her side.
“Stop it, Dr. Varma… you’ve done –” he took another deep, shuddering breath. “You’ve done so much for me already.”
“So have you. You’re a trooper,” Jackie nodded, looking up at the ceiling. Sienna couldn’t tell if she was trying to hold back tears or keep herself from thinking about it. “Thanks for holding out for us, Danny.”
“I don’t know how much longer I can, though,” he said, gripping Sienna’s hand, opening his eyes unexpectedly.
She shook her head, holding his hand to her chest. “No, don’t think like that. You can hold on for a while longer. I believe in you.”
“Sienna… You’re my favorite person,” he breathed, looking up at her with a spark of life in his eyes, a contrast from the gaunt look of his face. His dark circles gave the allusion that his eyes were sunken in, a skeleton of who he was less than 24 hours ago.
It scared the hell out of her how quickly he changed – and how content he looked with slipping away.
“You have to let them test on me,” he squeezed her hand. “It’ll help.”
“No, you’re gonna be fine –”
“It’s okay,” he reassured her, a soft smile adorning his lips, pale and cracked. “You’ll be okay.”
He craned his neck, trying to hold his head up. Sienna slipped her hand underneath the nape of his neck, supporting him. He tilted his head forward, lightly pressing his damp forehead against her hazmat suit.
She leaned forward, pressing hers against the loose protective fabric, feeling the warmth of his skin through it. 
“You can’t go, I – your family hasn’t even gotten to visit you –” She choked, the warm tears dotting the thick plastic screen, streaking down to fall farther into her suit.
“They couldn’t get here in time,” he said, matter-of-factly.
They sat there like that for a while. Her concept of time was thrown out the window as soon as she got the initial page, so it could’ve been ten seconds or ten minutes.
“Thank you for reading to me.”
She laughed, sniffling. “We spent all night talking about Ninradell, so it was only fitting I stayed up all night to read it to you.”
Another little while passed. Talking took so much out of him, that he had to take a few breaks between his speech so he wouldn’t pass out from exhaustion. “Don’t blame yourself,” he said, cutting through the silence. “You couldn’t have stopped this.”
She stared at her hands, clasped around his own, drained of color. He’d closed his eyes, so thankfully he couldn’t see her pained expression.
“I know. I can’t help but feel responsible for everything, even when it’s out of my control… I’m so sorry,” she said, voice breaking for the millionth time. She could barely form words without choking on them.
She cursed herself for not being stronger. Overwhelming emotion was enough to render her speechless, meanwhile Danny was pushing through searing pain in order to leave her with words she’d carry with her forever.
He’d mustered his last bit of energy to tell her to be kind to herself.
The machine behind him beeped. His heart rate had slowed to a crawl, and he was gone before Jackie could spring to action.
And when his hand went limp in between her palms, she let out an inhuman wail that no one, not even Spencer, had heard before.
tags: @saintniceguy ; @part-of-the-circus ; @vandalasal ; @dudebro-lahela ; @averysheart-raleighsdick ; @cptnvers ; @bringing-back-socks-with-sandals ; @la-huerta ; @ironysyndrome ; @anotordinarygoldfish ; @pumpkinbutt ; @browneyedmissy ; @soo-empty ; @anonymous2094 ; @lumpyspaceprincessismybitch ; @lady-stirling ; @papinaveensbitch ; @writinghereandthere ; @unusualvisionsblog ; @beccadavenport ; @messofakind ; @violinet ; @serafinedupont ; @raleiighcarrera ; @pixeljazzy ; @pixelsandkink ; @altairadtaz
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blacknerdwrites · 4 years
hey andrew! i hope you're well and that you won't mind me wondering what is your take on something, you just usually have such good insight. there is someone in the tags right now who is saying that white-passing or light-skinned poc should not occupy 'poc only' spots in rp and that these should be only for underrepresented poc. in a way, i feel like this is wrong as it erases a lot of people not being white but i'm also white myself so my opinion isn't what matters. what do you think? Thank you
I see how this is a complicated issue. 
On one hand, most people in the RPC are just as guilty of colorism as Hollywood is. You use light skin and white-passing people as ‘good enough’ diversity because they are easier to humanize, they’re easier to identify with and in some worst cases, you’ll use it as an excuse to ignore their culture and just play them white because they’re half white so that’s okay. 
sidenote: I’m here to tell you if you’re out here doing any of these things you’re an asshole and it’s not okay. Not only are you ignoring a whole side of a person by disregarding their culture, which is disrespectful in itself, but you’re also reinforcing the message that dark skin people are already told over, and over again in life that they’re less attractive, they’re less valuable as people, and they deserve to be ignored, dehumanized and thrown away by everyone else because they are darker. That is what you’re doing and hopefully me pointing this out will help you to stop doing this but I won’t hold my breath over it.
Now, on the other hand saying POC spots shouldn’t include light skin people is messed up, because you’re saying they’re not dark enough to be counted as POC. You’re counting them as white and punishing these people of color because white people wanna skam the system and get diversity points for keeping dark skin people out of the rpc for their own comfort. So I don’t support this. 
If you want to keep people from skaming the system and using light skin people for diversity points, you need to advocate for dark skin fcs in a way that’s not harmful to light skin fcs.
Put dark skin fcs on your most wanted lists and on the main
When someone asks for fc suggestions include dark skin fcs in your suggestions, MORE THAN ONE OR TWO OR THREE. 
when someone asks you to choose between two light skin fcs, pick one but also suggest a dark skin fc that would also fit the vibe they’re gpong for if someone asked “hey who would you want more Lucien Laviscount or Rome Flynn” you have the option to say, “Those are great choices, personally I like -pick one- but have you ever considered Jordan Calloway or Brandon Mychal Smith? they have a similar similar look.”  If you say that, you at least put the idea in their head that there are other choices and more variety without discouraging them from joining. 
if you notice you have a high flux in light skin fcs POINT IT OUT PUBLICALLY (subtle shame people into feeling guilt) AND GIVE EVEN MORE SUGGESTIONS FOR DARK SKIN FCS 
You also have the right to refuse to open your rp until you have a certain amount of dark skin fcs in your inbox because it’s your rp and you should be allowed to be like there’s more to diversity than light skin people and I’m going to stand by that without punishing light skin people for the color of their skin,
Y’all have options that aren’t isolating to similar minority groups you just have to get creative and lead people. Now that I’ve said all of this and put it out here I am begging you if you’ve read this far Please don’t send hate to me for this which is MY OPINION. It’s just an opinion I’m not here to argue with you. someone asked for my thoughts I gave them, that’s that. I’m not here to get flooded with how I’m being unfair to someone’s feelings by pointing out something they do whether it’s unconscious or not. It’s an opinion read it and move on with your life, don’t harass me.
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scribeofmorpheus · 5 years
Dangerous Liaisons Part 6
Catch Up here!
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
Words: 3888 (It’s a long one guys)
Rating: L for Strong language! Is that even a rating?
A/N: Okay, this took me a while to finish because I kept getting distracted. Editing? What editing? Just ignore my errors for now! But! I really enjoyed the dynamics in this one. Writing for Karen and Ward was the most fun I’ve had in a while. Especially, the dark side of our heroine! Not a lot of Billy sadly, but he’s front and centre in the next chapter... and so is the prickly family dynamic! (I also tagged some new people to this update, hope you don’t mind). Don’t be afraid to ask to be tagged! Sidenote: I’ve been waiting forever to use this gif.
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You made your way through the busy offices of the Bulletin. The room was buzzing with life. Employees in middle-class dress smarts hovered around from desk to desk. Some had files in hand, others typed away brutally at the clunky, old computer keys. The atmosphere was electric… productive. As a kid, your father had spent many hours dealing with interviews and alike, but always in the comfort and security of his own home. He always liked having the high ground, made reporters feel uneasy in unwelcome spaces. Except for this one reporter, Ben Urich.
You had been barely out of your teen years when you had watched through ajar doors as your Father lost his iron-clad composure after being accused of something malicious by the straight-shooting reporter. You had never seen anyone rattle your Father to that extent. Ben Urich had gained your respect in that moment, and it wasn't until this very moment that you realised just how much you admired him for that. The irony of Karen Page working for the same newspaper as the one reporter you respected did not escape you.
"Can I help you?" asked a balding man with a salt and pepper beard and drooping eyes. He was cleaning his glasses using his tie as he stood like a man of authority next to a door labelled:  'EDITOR' with a name underneath written: 'Mitchel Ellison'.
"Mitchel Ellison, I presume?"
"Just Ellison," he extended his hand once his glasses were fixed back onto his face. You shook it. "Still haven't answered my question." He said plainly.
"Ah, yes sorry. My name is Y/N Y/L/N." He raised a brow at the mention of your last name. He recognised you then.
"Ah, the elusive heiress to Armistice Security," he said knowingly.
You shouldn't have been surprised. Your Father was Carl Kurogawa, CEO and founder of one of the leading military contracting companies. The press loved him and after Henry's death… well, more and more people were digging into your family's history. That's one of the reasons you legally changed your last name to your mother's maiden name.
"Since my Father and I don't share the same last name, I'm inclined to correct you on that front. I have no affiliations with Armistice Security," You said rather harshly.
"If that were true you'd have sold your shares a long time ago," he retorted quickly. No doubt Ellison had a hard time trusting people, but at least he called things as he saw them.
You sighed, "I'm here to see Karen Page. I called earlier about giving her an exclusive."
"What about?"
You smirked, "Sorry, that's privileged information. You'll just have to find out about it in the editorial room." Ellison huffed lazily, you amused him a little.
"Her office is right through there," He pointed down the hall and to the right.
"Thank you." You smiled flatly.
You knocked on the door with a sign covered by masking tape with the name Karen P. written on it. It was obscuring the name of whoever owned this office space before her.
"Just a second," a soft female voice spoke out.
Impatient, as always, you opened the door anyway. Karen was about to speak from behind her laptop screen, but upon seeing you, her face had a confused look plastered on it.
"Who?--" She squinted her eyes trying to remember. She didn't seem to recognise you. Being in a room full of reporters who usually could pick you out in a crowd, this was certainly a refreshing first. A laugh tried to trickle out of you but you held it back and instead chose to introduce yourself.
You held out your hand, "Y/N Y/L/N. We have an appointment today..." Karen still had a hard time placing you, this time you did giggle. "The Rand Enterprise exclusive about expansion in Hong Kong."
And suddenly, like lightning hitting its mark, Karen finally put two and two together.
"Of course, sorry," She returned your handshake. "I've been swamped lately, and as you probably deduced for yourself, I'm a little new at this." She gestured to her desk filled with overflowing, loose paperwork.
"Reporting or an efficient filing system?" you joked. She laughed awkwardly.
"Both," she sat down and gestured to the chair in front of her desk for you to have a seat. "Which is why I am a little apprehensive as to why you chose me to handle such a story. In fact, why the New York Bulletin? Isn't the Hong Kong expansion something a business magazine would kill to get an exclusive on?"
You smirked, "Oh, it is. Which is why I'm not giving the exclusive to a business magazine. Also, I read some of your other stories. You tend to be discrete about who your sources are when they want to keep things hush, hush."
Karen pulled out a notepad and pen, clicking it once to jot down something on her notepad.
"Why the secrecy? It's not like you're reporting on anything the company doesn't want the world to know… right?"
"I'm just… beating a colleague to the punch," You felt proud at the prospect of Ward reading this exclusive in a small newspaper after he had spent months preparing to give this exclusive to the Wall Street Journal. The look on his face when he finds out he doesn't have an exclusive anymore filled you with delight.
"Sounds alarmingly ambiguous."
"It sounds like an exclusive."
Karen took hint of your tone and cleared her throat, "Okay, so what can you tell me about Ward Meachum's new merger deal?"
You crossed your legs and leaned back, but made sure not to look too comfortable. "For starters, I can tell you it's not Ward Meachum's merger. He shook hands and posed for photo ops but they were my contacts and it was my project. I worked in Hong Kong for several years before I returned. Suffice to say, I had the means, Ward had the poster boy look."
Without skipping a beat, Karen jotted down on her notepad in shorthand. You were curious to read what she had written down, but this story wasn't what was important right now. You needed to gain her trust and get her guard down before asking about the incident with General Schoonover.
"Why did you leave Hong Kong?"
"I'm sorry?"
Karen plastered on a genial smile, "You mentioned your posting in the Hong Kong offices as being your primary qualification for spearheading this merger. If you managed to accumulate such good connections, why leave such a promising post? Wasn't accepting the post at Rand a step down?"
Karen was a sly one, this explained why someone with no background in journalism got ahead so quick. She was fishing for two stories in one interview. The Rand scoop and why you were offering her the Rand scoop. You made a mental note not to underestimate her. "This story isn't about me, Miss Page."
"Is it not? You’re not a disgruntled employee as far as I can tell. And giving a small newspaper access to such an exclusive doesn't make much sense unless you're trying to gain all the credit, but that wouldn't exactly help moral at the workplace if they found out you leaked the story. And unless you're Mr Meachum's scorned lover--"
You snorted a little at the insinuation of you being Ward's scorned lover. "You want to know what I get out of this. What my angle is."
"To be frank, yes."
"That's easy Miss Page. An ally at a respectable paper. That's something of great value in my line of work."
"In corporate legalities or military law?"
You smiled. Karen had just given away her ace in the hole. She had done research on you, which meant she knew exactly who you were when you walked into her office. She really was a sly one. "In a competitive corporate world."
You both exchanged a look that carried the fake pleasantry smiles not uncommon with most of your social interactions, but both you and Karen's eyes held a glare that spoke volumes. It was a look of respectful rivalry and cautiousness.
"Look, Miss Page--"
"Karen is fine."
"Okay, Karen. We can spend hours going round in circles, continuing this verbal detente with one another, or you can ask what you really want to ask me and save us both some time."
"It's the same question. Why me? And no bullshit. Why come to me, out of all the other more qualified and respected reporters? Why come all the way down to Hell’s Kitchen?"
"To be honest. My father hates this newspaper. And my boss is an ass. So if I can manage to serve a big ol‘ 'fuck you' to the both of them, it's a win-win for me." Karen seemed pleased with your answer. "But, there is one other reason."
"The Punisher."
Karen froze for a second, you noticed her battling for control to remain unreadable.
"Whatever do you mean?" She asked, trying to seem oblivious to what you were implying.
"You are the one who wrote of his demise, did you not? It was quite the… unexpected angle. You framed his narrative to be more sympathetic than most other news outlets."
"I wrote Frank's story. Everyone else had already written about the Punisher."
"And weren't you assigned his case when you worked for… Oh, what was their name again? Murdock and Neilson?"
Karen's brows knitted together and she straightened her back to appear slightly taller than you, "Nelson and Murdock." Karen huffed. "And here I thought I was the one conducting the interview here."
Strong-arming Karen was proving to be ineffective. It was time to play a different angle. You sighed and stood from your chair, gathering a file from your purse and presenting it in front of Karen.
"Look, Karen. I'm not here to accuse you of anything. If anything I commend you for writing the real story about Frank Castle. It shows your willingness to bring the truth to light. It's the reason I thought you could help. You worked with him and I know you were at the scene of General Schoonover's murder."
"How?" Her eyes skittered between you and the file.
"I also know that you've read up on me. You and me have something in common." Karen broke eye contact for a brief moment. "I just want closure. And I think… I think you knew the Punisher better than you let on. And everything that happened, all the people he killed… I think they were part of something bigger. Schoonover, Frank and… my brother’s death." You had to pause to take a breath. "It's all connected. And I've hit a dead end. You're the last thread I can pull. I know you know something. I'm just hoping..."
Karen looked at the file you gave her. It had your brother’s name printed on the yellow jacket. She sighed and slid it back to you. "I don't know anything. I'm sorry."
You smiled with disappointment, sliding the file back to Karen. "I've got more copies. Keep it." You grabbed your bag and headed for the door. "My numbers on the back. In case you suddenly remember something." As you walked out the door, you caught a glimpse of Karen burying her head in her hands and whispering a soft "Fuck" under her breath. That made you smirk slightly. Now you just had to wait and see if she'd call.
Even though you knew full well that you and Karen had kept your voices more than professional, you couldn't help but feel eyes on you as you walked out of the Bulletin's doors. Specifically, the judgmental eyes of Mitchel Ellis.
When you got into your car, you finally let the tough as nails act slide away and suddenly you felt limp. You closed your eyes and looked up at the car's roof feeling particularly aimless. As the seconds turned to minutes, your mind kept trying to make sense of all the puzzle pieces that didn't fit together in your investigation. Then, your phone chimed from inside your pocket. You half expected it to be Cecil and the other half… well, you reprimanded yourself for wishing it was Billy. What you didn’t expect to find was an email from Ward. Not just any email, a letter of notice.
He was firing you.
Over a fucking email.
The damn merger story hadn't even been put to print yet, even if it had, your name would remain anonymous. Which leaves the very probable reason for your contract termination being the result of a hurt ego and rejected advances.
"Asshole!" You swore. Rage bubbling to the surface, you typed away at your phone and sent a message you knew you'd come to regret, but your anger had gotten the best of you.
"Karen. About keeping my name anonymous, don't bother." You hit send and without missing a beat, you dialled Cecil's number. If Ward wanted to play dirty, you had no problem playing it his way.
"Heyyo," Cecil answered in a drowsy tone.
"Hey, I need a big favour."
You stormed your way up to Ward's office, ignoring the protests of his assistant clomping after you in heels she wasn't comfortable running in.
"Ma'am!" She whisper-shouted frantically after you as you burst into his office. Ward had turned to you with a shocked expression mid-sentence. A room full of important busy-bodies craning their necks to look at who cause this disturbance. Ward glared at you menacingly and then eyed his assistant who swallowed loudly. "I'm sorry Mr Meachum. I tried to stop her."
"That's quite alright. We're just finished in here," Ward buttoned his three-piece suit-jacket and motioned for the men to exit the room. A fake smile tugging at his lips. When you were finally alone, Ward closed the door behind him before walking over to his desk. He leaned his tall frame against it languidly. When he didn't speak, you did.
"A fucking text, Ward? You don't have the balls to fire me yourself, you had your assistant type up the fucking thing?" You tried to keep a handle on your temper. "What was the reason? Please tell me there's a better reason than your hurt pride!"
Ward gave you a cheeky smile, enjoying your anger a bit too much. "Well, you mean despite you showing up late to the meeting the other day, then feeding me some bullshit excuse of traffic being the reason you were late? And don't even get me started on all the other times you've put off work hours to do God knows what!"
"You're firing me for tardiness? I'm the one who spearheaded this expansion project in the first place. Without me-"
"I'm firing you for unprofessional conduct. You can do whatever you please after office hours, but social calls the same day you're late to the closure of the project you were in charge of? That's unacceptable."
"So this is about your dumb fucking ego!"
Ward's eye twitched and you could all but see his professional disguise begin to crack, "I expect you to remove yourself from the premises immediately before I call security. You can collect your things from rece-"
Before Ward could finish his threat, you took out your phone and pressed send on a video file. In an instant, Ward's phone chimed from his desk. He glanced over at it and saw your name on the email.
"The fuck is this?" Ward asked, an eyebrow arched.
"This is me choosing to stoop to your level, Ward." Your words were saturated in disgust.
"Is this a threat?" He gawked at you, completely surprised.
"Open it and find out."
Ward did as you suggested and his face went pale. The video showed him rifling through his desk drawer and pulling out a small tin, before proceeding to empty it of its contents and snort the white powder that came from it.
"I think that camera angle suits you. Does those cheekbones of yours the justice they deserve." You held up your own phone which played the same video.
"You bitch!" Ward snarled.
You took a step back and held up a single finger, "I'd be very careful about what you do next, Ward. One press of a button and I send this video to a very respectful reporter whom I was just in talks with a few hours ago. Then the whole world will know that the respectable and business savvy, Ward Meachum has a coke problem."
He clenched his fists till they went white, "How the fuck did you get your hands on that? Are you spying on me now?"
You laughed, "I have better things to do, Ward. But don't forget, I'm great at making connections. And this is a video from your security cameras in your office. I just know a guy who's good with computers."
"What do you want," Ward's words came out hesitantly.
"My job back for starters. I've worked too hard for someone like you to get in the way of it. Shouldn't be too hard to do, I'm guessing you hadn't consulted anyone about it. We can just keep your email between you, me and your lovely assistant."
Ward folded his arms and took a tentative step forward. He was trying to reassert his position of power, but you didn't budge. "And how do I know you aren't bluffing? I have a PR department available around the clock. We can spin this video however we want."
"Read tomorrows paper," you said snidely. "And once you realise I'm not bluffing. Add a raise while you’re at it." You added before walking out of his office. Adrenaline soaked your muscles and you felt powerful. As the door closed behind you, you heard a crash coming from Ward's office. His assistant looked at you with wide-eyes.
"Might want to hold off Mr Meachum's appointments for the day. Something tells me he won’t be in a very cooperative mood today." You winked at the assistant and rode the elevator to the carpark.
As you walked to your car, your phone rang. You sighed and rolled your eyes. "Jesus, I can't catch a break today." When you saw the caller ID you were pleasantly surprised. "Mom?"
"Honey, hey! I was worried I wouldn't get a hold of you, busy schedule of yours and all that," she rambled quickly in that shaky tone that had become her new default in the last couple of years. "I- Uh…"
Your heart began to race with worry, "Is everything okay?" You interjected.
"What? Oh, oh, yes! Everything's fine. Why wouldn't it be? I'm calling because there's something important I have to… Umm. Why don't you come home for a bit and I'll explain everything."
"Mom, what is this about?"
"See you soon," she said hurriedly, cutting the line straight after.
"What?" You stood dumbfounded and slightly worried. You made your way to your car at a jogging pace and set off for the family mansion.  
When you arrived, you were surprised to find a car parked by the driveway. You didn't pay it much attention, you were more preoccupied with finding out what that weird phone call was about. You rang the doorbell and the house butler answered the door. He seemed baffled to see you. To be fair, you were surprised you hadn't talked yourself out of driving through that accursed gate brandished with your father’s initials.
"Weathermire." You greeted him professionally.
"Miss Y/N. It's been a long time. I last saw you at the--"
"Gala. My mother called me. Do you know where she is?"
"The kitchen I believe, miss."
"Thank you," you made your way through the grand opulent mansion with familiarity.
"Would you like me to inform your Father-"
"No," you said almost instantly. "It’s better he doesn't know."
When you got to the kitchen, you were greeted by the image of your mother and several cook staff preparing food.
"Oh, Darling. You got here quicker than I expected," your mother said gleefully. She walked over to hug you, wiping her wet hands on her apron. She looked elegant as usual. Weathermire entered the kitchen just then and with a simple glance, she instructed him to go off and do something. He complied with a simple bow.
"Mom, what's all this? When you called, I thought…" You didn't know what to say, you honestly didn't know what to make of her phone call. You shook your head. "Why did you call me here?"
"Oh, well I figured we could have a little family dinner. I have been sat at an empty table for weeks now. Your father always has his meetings, you always have yours. I figured today there would be no excuses for you to be antagonistic towards each other."
You snorted, "Whatever brought that idea on?"
Just as your words escaped your mouth, Weathermire opened the doors to your father's study and your father and his guest stepped into the kitchen. Everyone's expression -except for your mother's- was that of being caught unawares.
"Billy?" You asked in shock. But as soon as you said his name, you regretted it.
"Do you two know each other?" Your father asked with a stiff tone.
You shot Billy a look you hoped mirrored 'Don't tell them about us'.
Billy, like the chameleon he was, flawlessly kept his composure and replied, "Yes, we had the pleasure of meeting at your Gala a few weeks ago." He smiled at your parents dashingly.
"You never told me you knew my daughter," Your father said.
"Your daughter?" Billy pretended to be caught off-guard. Now it was Billy's turn to shoot you a knowing look, "It never came up."
"We only talked for a brief moment. There wasn't any polite way to bring up my parentage to a complete stranger." You said through gritted teeth.
Your fathers eyes squinted in your direction and your mother cleared her throat, "Come now, we can all get to know each other better over some food."
Billy and you simultaneously tried to object but your mother interrupted, "Hush, you're both staying for dinner and that's the end of it."
You put on a painful grin. Something in Billy's expression found this whole exchange humorous.
"You two go set up the table, we'll be right over." You mother ushered them out of the kitchen.
You sighed when it was just you and your mother in the room. "How long have you known?" You asked her, not even bothering to deny you were more than acquainted with Billy.
"Since I saw the two of you leaving the Gala together." She had a smile on that showed she was proud of her meddling. "When he came over to discuss business with your father… well, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to have a reason for the both of you to be civilised and enjoy a meal with your mother while she got to know this very nice man I've heard nothing about, by the way."
"There's nothing to say. We went out for drinks once."
Your mother eyed you for a moment, not believing you for a second.
"Okay, maybe twice. But he's not--"
"I'm not what?" Billy asked.
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Chapter Seven!
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Tags:@songtoyou @rainyboul @itsjaynebird @delusionsofnostalgia @andreiaafaria @500daysofbecky
Permatags: @thechickvic @gruffle1 @notawarriorjustyet @electroma89
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waqasblog2 · 5 years
Wix SEO vs. WordPress: 6.4M Domains Studied
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Let’s face it: Wix’s reputation amongst SEO professionals isn’t great. Most believe that WordPress is not only superior but also that Wix is inferior to, well, pretty much any other CMS out there.
Wix is doing everything in their power to change the negative perception amongst SEOs.
That’s why, in 2017, they launched a contest challenging the world to outrank them for “SEO hero.” The prize? A cool $50,000.
But the question is, is Wix really that bad? Is all of this hate justified, or is it more just gossip? And is WordPress any better?
To answer this question, we studied 3.2 million Wix websites and 3.2 million Wordpress websites.
In this post, I’ll run through our findings, and then you can decide for yourself which CMS is best for you.
Before I get to the findings, I want to talk a bit about the source of our data and the metrics we studied.
The sample
For our sample of 6.4 million websites, we used BuiltWith—a service that shows you the different technologies behind websites.
If you’re curious as to how this works, head over to their site, enter any domain in the search box, then check the “Content management system” section. It’ll tell you whether the site runs on Wix, WordPress, or something else.
BuiltWith shows NewYorker.com running on WordPress.
Because doing this manually for 6.4 million domains would have taken forever, we pulled our sample using BuiltWith’s API.  
We excluded subdomains from our sample because other technologies or custom setups could have been done there.
The SEO metrics
For each of the 6.4 million domains in our dataset, we pulled four key Ahrefs SEO metrics:
From here, we sliced and diced the data to try to understand more about the SEO implications of these two platforms.
The study
To kick things off, we segmented the dataset into two “buckets” relating to organic traffic:
Here’s what we found:
46.1% of WordPress websites got at least some monthly search traffic, compared with only 1.4% of Wix sites.
Now for our second bucket, 8.26% of the WordPress sample gets more than 100 monthly search visits, whereas our Wix sample is down to 0.06%.
So according to our data, it’s pretty clear that on average, WordPress sites get significantly more organic traffic than Wix sites.
But this data alone doesn’t prove that one platform is superior to the other.
Reason being, numerous factors influence organic traffic… and many are unrelated to the CMS of the site itself.
Case in point: backlinks.
Previously, we studied almost one billion web pages and found a clear correlation between the number of backlinks from unique websites and organic search traffic:
So, for our sample of Wix and WordPress websites, we decided to check the average Domain Rating, the number of dofollow referring domains, and monthly search traffic for each platform.
Some key observations:
But here’s the thing: looking at the average in isolation can sometimes lead to misleading interpretations of a dataset.
So we also decided to grab the median for each of these metrics.
You can see that the difference here is way less noticeable. But what does that mean?
Here’s what our data scientist had to say:
When measuring the central tendency of data, it’s best to calculate both mean and median and compare the two values.
Generally speaking, if both values are not too different from each other, we use the mean. But a considerable difference between them indicates that the data is skewed.
When the data is skewed, large values have an ENORMOUS impact, making the mean larger than the actual distribution that the data suggests.
In this case, the median is a more appropriate idea of the data distribution.
Loveme Felicilda, Data Science Ahrefs
To better understand this concept, imagine that we only had a sample of 10 websites. Nine of them had 0 monthly organic visits, and the one outlier had 1,000 monthly search visits.
The mean, or average, would be 100 search visits per month.
The median, on the other hand, would be 0 organic visits per month.
Or, in plain English:
Most sites get little or no search traffic and have weak backlink profiles regardless of whether they run on Wix or WordPress. But there are clearly a few high‐traffic and high‐authority WordPress websites in our sample that are skewing the average.
Going deeper
Next, we wanted to run a deeper analysis of both Wix and WordPress websites with search traffic.
But before doing that, we felt that we needed to level the playing field by eliminating as much bias as possible from our samples and pulling some extra data.
So we added three extra layers to our analysis.
#1. We leveled the sample sizes across the board
There are only 44,600 Wix websites with traffic in our sample, compared to 1,475,147 WordPress websites.
That’s a big difference, so we randomly selected the same number (44,600) of WordPress domains as Wix domains to ensure an apples to apples comparison. After all, there’s no point comparing a whole army to just a few soldiers.
#2. We found the number of top 10 keyword rankings
For each site in our sample, we pulled the number of keywords that they rank for in Google’s top 10 search results.
We also summed up the amount of organic traffic each site gets from those keywords.
#3. We excluded exact‐match keywords
If the domain was xyz.com, then we removed the keyword xyz for that particular website. This was to exclude traffic from branded queries.
Here are the results for all domains with >0 organic visits:
You can see that WordPress beats Wix when it comes to the average number of top 10 keyword rankings and the traffic these keywords account for.
But, once again, the mean (average) is drastically different from the median, which indicates that outliers heavily skew both samples. So, unfortunately, we can’t read too much into these results.
Having said that, things start to get a little more interesting when we look only at websites with over 100 monthly visits.
You can see that the mean and median closely align when it comes to the number of top 10 keywords for both WordPress and Wix.
So, our data seems to indicate with some certainty that WordPress websites typically have a marginally higher number of top 10 rankings than Wix sites.
But, when it comes to the organic traffic from those keywords, Wix comes out on top.
Basically, WordPress websites rank for more keywords in the top 10 than Wix sites, but Wix sites get more traffic from their top 10 rankings than WordPress sites.
Looking at the data for this “bucket” a little deeper, you’ll see that Wix Websites have a higher Domain Rating, but a lower number of dofollow referring domains.        
This graph only includes median values because the dataset included a lot of outliers.
This tells us that the Wix sites in our sample might get more search traffic due to non‐link‐related factors, such as ranking for and getting traffic from branded searches.
For example, Long John Silvers, a popular restaurant chain, is a website that uses Wix.
And according to Ahrefs’ Site Explorer, they get around 133,000 organic visits per month.
But if you take a look at their organic keywords report, you’ll immediately see that the majority of their traffic comes from branded queries as opposed to generic keywords like “seafood restaurant.”
The conclusion
Unfortunately, the data is somewhat inconclusive.
There’s just no way to say whether one platform is better than the other based solely on the results of our study.
Having said that, we did learn a few things in this study:
To reiterate, it’s impossible to say if either of these platforms is “better” from an organic traffic perspective than the other.
So why does Wix get a bad rap?
Let me start by saying that when it comes to the absolute basics of on‐page SEO like adjusting title tags, meta descriptions, URLs, etc., Wix is okay for the most part.
It’s pretty easy to edit these things in the backend, much like it is in WordPress.
Still, one small annoyance is that the blog URL structure tends to utilize the /post/ prefix.
That isn’t so much of an SEO issue per se; it’s just annoying.
So it seems that Wix gets a bad rap due to the limitations that arise when trying to customize anything advanced or technical.
Let me give you a few examples.
Wix doesn’t support the hreflang tag at the time of writing this post.
Contrast that with WordPress, where there are quite a few free plugins available for doing this. Here’s the one we use on the Ahrefs blog:
Another technical limitation related to SEO is the inability to modify your robots.txt file, which is quite important for larger sites.
Same goes for .htaccess.
Javascript & code bloat
Finally, a big one in the technical SEO space relates to Javascript.
Here’s what Barry Adams said in a Twitter thread about this:
One word: JavaScript.
Wix relies in client‐side JS to show content & links in most cases. No JS = no indexable content & no crawlable links.
Which, as you know, is terrible for SEO on multiple levels.
— Barry Adams (@badams) May 8, 2019
Furthermore, if you take a look at the source code for some Wix websites, there’s a lot of code bloat—much of which is Javascript. Code bloat is bad because it slows down your site and Pagespeed is a ranking factor.
Here’s the Google Pagespeed Insights score for one Wix site I found:
This screenshot doesn’t prove that all Wix websites are this slow. It’s doubtful that they are. However, this was literally the first random site I checked.
Final thoughts
If you care about SEO, should you use Wix, WordPress, or something else?
The truth is, there’s no definitive answer to that question.
It all comes down to what you value.
If your SEO requirements are quite basic and minimal, and you care about an easy‐to‐use CMS, then Wix is probably fine. After all, our data shows that Wix sites don’t have a hard time ranking on Google.
Wix is great for launching and maintaining a basic website, even if you don’t have a technical bone in your body. I know a few people who use Wix for this very reason.
But if you plan on using SEO as a long‐term strategy, or you’re hiring an agency to do SEO for you, it may be advantageous to look into other platforms (not necessarily WordPress) for scalability and customization.
This content was originally published here.
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It has been a year since Jubiemon and I decided to start The Drama Files! Time has flown by so fast! So much so that it feels like just yesterday we were getting all set up for this blog. We thought about what we wanted to do for a special “One Year Anniversary Post” and we decided to write about our Kdrama blogging journey. It has been quite an experience and some strange things have happened to us in this virtual reality since starting this blog ranging from getting hated on on Twitter for our “unpopular” opinions to discovering that fangirls come in all kind of shapes and sizes and can be found in the unlikeliest of places! So, we decided to answer some questions about what this year of blogging has been like for us.
Actual footage of Jubiemon and RedRosette making plans
Why did we start this blog?
RedRosette J: This is such a funny question to me. This blog was born out of Jubiemon and I’s constant bitching and complaining about how awful Scarlet Heart Ryeo was. We found ourselves with so many thoughts and opinions about it that we felt maybe others would share and decided to start a “drama review blog”. We really wanted it to be a unique blog where we didn’t filter our opinions and thoughts to please the masses. We wanted it to be real and uncensored opinions about dramas by real people. We decided on a “law-themed” reviewing system because we are law students and live and breathe these structures everyday. It was definitely more fun to apply these techniques that we were learning in school to reviewing dramas than it was to doing actual school work!
Jubiemon J: I think we were sitting in a boring class as well when we were complaining about Scarlet Heart Ryeo. Then we suddenly went, “Why don’t we blog about this but make it a bit more interesting by taking it through a legal writing point of view?” Obviously, we comforted ourselves by saying that we were practicing our writing. Hahaha. Ironically, I think it did push us to be more concise and to focus on areas where we were lacking. Later, we wanted to point out some issues in legal dramas so people aren’t misinformed. Sadly, there haven’t been any interesting legal dramas going on nowadays. We’re still waiting for the next hit legal drama!
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Us thinking about blogging like…
What expectations did we have about blogging?
RedRosette J: I have blogged sporadically before so I wasn’t a complete newbie to blogging but I did have certain expectations of what blogging would be like. I thought it would be quick and take up little time. I mean how hard is it to type stuff up on a page and hit publish right? I also thought that doing screenshots of dramas takes little to no time and that I would have tons of time left. All in all, in my head, blogging seemed like an afterthought rather than an actual thing that you do as a hobby.
Jubiemon J: I had a few blogs here and there; however, I was never committed to any of them. I got bored of them very easily and found that other parts of my life took over. Oddly, this blog has kept going. I think it’s because RedRosette is there too so it’s easier when there’s two of us! Two = better than one!
I don’t think I’ve ever had expectations for any of the projects that I’ve been through. I’ve always been the sort to jump into it and do things!
RedRosette J: I agree with Jubiemon. Doing this blog together really makes a difference!
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Us thinking that blogging would be a piece of cake
What was the reality of blogging like?
RedRosette J: The reality of blogging is so different from my expectations of what blogging is actually like. I spent an obscene amount of time take screenshots while watching dramas. Sometimes I’d end up spending about 2 hours on a 45 minute drama! It took even longer to edit the screenshots. I was not expecting that. I was also not expecting to spend so much time writing. Although we have been a bit slow with posts in the past few months, mostly because a) Jubiemon and I had real life commitments and b) the dramas have been such crap and not worth writing about, at the beginning of the blog, getting used to writing all the time took a really long time. I was spending most of my downtime during school writing for The Drama Files. It became my hobby and turned into something totally fun to do when I wasn’t worrying about school!
Us trying to balance school and blogging like…
Jubiemon J: The reality of blogging . . . is a lot more hard work and dedication than I thought like RedRosette mentioned.
It’s funny. I never time my posts, probably because I’d freak out on how long it takes me to complete a post. I think, generally, it takes a good one to three hours to pump out a post; this doesn’t include taking screenshots and watching the clip. If RedRosette is there to help out with the post, then the time gets reduced. If the post has a lot of deep/philosophical concepts, then sometimes I might dedicate at least half a day to three days to the post (i.e. the Boku no Unmei no Hito desu posts and the BTS posts).
I think the toughest posts I’ve made have been related to BTS’s “Blood, Sweat & Tears” Japanese MV because I had to not only read “Demian” and scholarly articles about the concepts within “Demian“, but also think about how all the past BTS MVs relate to “Blood, Sweat & Tears”. I even had a little diagram I made to figure out what each character represented.
What I didn’t expect was how I worked, in terms of blogging. I end up being the sort that would have to sit down and plough through everything in one go without any breaks. If I take a break, then I lose my train of thought and then I get lazy and don’t feel like writing.
Us when we finish reviewing a drama
Why did we decide to branch out to reviewing Kpop?
RedRosette J:  If you guys follow us you will know that the only Kpop we review is related to BTS. I think its because a) we (and by that I mostly mean Jubiemon ;)) are huge fans and b) BTS has content in their music that is most of the time not shallow, pretty philosophical and engages with issues that impact young adults. On an intellectual level, BTS provides excellent blogging fodder!
Jubiemon J: The other backstory was that for the “Spring Day” post (our first BTS review), RedRosette and I both felt that this song was about reminiscing a friend who had disappeared/committed suicide, but then we didn’t see any theories about this. RedRosette suggested that I could start a post, so I did. That post surprisingly . . . led to far more views than I expected and I had a lot of fun analyzing the song and the MV.
Yes, we’re both fans of BTS because of their music, talent, and personalities. I love anything that makes my brain work and like RedRosette mentioned, BTS’ music and MVs intellectually stimulate us.
  What impact has Kdrama blogging had on our real lives?
RedRosette J: I think for me, it became an outlet to share my thoughts about the dramas that I was watching and that I really enjoyed. My close friends (with the exception of Jubiemon) and family do not watch dramas, so for me, it was a nice way to talk about what I enjoyed with others who like dramas as well. It is also very nice to have a hobby that is completely unrelated to the things you do in real life in most ways LOL!
Jubiemon J: I grew up in a household where I watched dramas as a hobby. It’d be the reward my mom would let me have after I finished homework. I started off watching mostly J-dramas and Chinese dramas. Later, I started watching K-dramas too. However, we never really talked about the dramas in detail, so blogging became a good outlet!
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Us, pre-Drama Files
Has blogging changed our perception of Kdramas?
RedRosette J: I think it has. After starting the blog, I realized that I was looking for themes and content in dramas more than I had before. I was also constantly looking for cute shots that I could capture for screenshots for the blog, even if we weren’t reviewing the drama LOL! In the grand scheme of things, my thoughts about Kdramas haven’t really changed though. I still love makjang dramas even though they are absolute trash and I could rip them to shreds in a blog post. I do however feel often that I don’t want to review a drama that I enjoy watching because I find that if I had to review it, I’d end up taking it apart and nit-picking and end up not liking it as much. So in that sense, dramas changed for me.
Jubiemon J: I think nowadays, Redrosette and I will always think . . . is this new drama going to be something that we’d review? Like Redrosette, I’d always think more about themes and symbols now.
Us, trying to think of themes 10 seconds into a drama
Why did we decide to branch out to J-dramas?
Jubiemon J: I was watching Boku no Unmei no Hito desu and I remembered telling RedRosette how great this drama was and how I’d love to review it. RedRosette encouraged me to do a review and I just went all out. This was also the first time I did a drama series review by myself, so I realized how much dedication and time RedRosette has put into screen shotting. (She usually takes care of screenshots when the two of us review and generally, I’m the one that starts the post and adds the tags.)
What drama did you enjoy reviewing?
Jubiemon J: I really, really enjoyed reviewing Boku Unmei no Hito desu, even when the ending was kind of disappointing. The drama had a lot of interesting symbols and themes, which I loved analyzing.
RedRosette J: I really enjoyed reviewing The K2. Mostly because it was an absolute shit show (ramen dancing, underground super computers and incessant running) and awesomely fun to review. It was also the first drama that I reviewed on my own so it was fun to learn about blogging through this drama.
Sidenote: I also really enjoyed reviewing Shopping King Louie because I loved how every 10 seconds was something super cute. I remember constantly whining to Jubiemon about how I had way too many screenshots for this drama LOL!
What do we hope to do in the future on the Drama Files?
RedRosette J: We want to keep reviewing dramas and BTS Kpop and we hope that people will continue to read out mish-mashed thoughts on it. Although time has become an issue this year, we hope to review as many dramas as we can in our available time. Huge thanks to everyone who has been following us and reading our posts too! ❤
Jubiemon J: I’m hoping to review a few more J-dramas if I find one that really captures my attention. I’ve been thinking about doing movie reviews as well, but not sure when that’ll happen. Of course, I will continue on reviewing the BTS MVs and albums!
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        THE DRAMA FILES CELEBRATES ONE YEAR! It has been a year since Jubiemon and I decided to start The Drama Files! Time has flown by so fast!
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