#siebold pokemas
3627889 · 5 months
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jadeazora · 8 months
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Reminds me of the curry cake I made once in SwSh.
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outfitpolls · 5 months
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lollitree · 2 years
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So close to having them all...
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lorekeeper-backset · 11 months
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firecodex · 1 year
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Grant: I get along really well with Siebold, one of the Elite Four of Kalos, where we're from.
Grant: He and I are a lot alike in that we're both completely devoted to bettering ourselves and what we do.
Grant: I'm sure he's on a deep dive into Pasio cuisine right now, honing his skills as a chef.
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Grant: All this talk about Siebold is making me miss his delicious cooking.
Grant: I'll have to ask him to whip me up something tasty the next time I see him.
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bouncyenvos · 2 years
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these two lmaoooo
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Alright, now that I’ve calmed down a bit, while jamming to the sick tunes of the Master remixes of Kalos Elite Fours, I’m gonna note down things to prepare for Kalos Champion Stadium, based from Absol’s notes. This is only for personal references because I was screwed up so hard in Sinnoh CSMM that I had to make these notes for Hoenn CSMM (though very brief notes) and that helped me a lot in order to prepare for what’s to come. However, feel free to check as well, as I unintentionally made this post from brief notes to detailed notes because there are just so many things to watch out for.
Tl;dr bring your debuffers, at all time.
1. Diantha
Flying-weak Diantha: She has Critical Shield, possibly she’s gonna use that before her sync move, taking her down two turns earlier is mandatory. She also has Discourage 2, Trip Wire 2, and Stout Heart 3. Debuffing her attack and the sides seems like a great choice. Luckily she doesn’t seem to have Sentry Entry x2 or such, so I can use Anni Steven against her.
Ground-weak Diantha: Has Head Smash with Recoil Removal 9, it’s gonna hurt. And Ramming Speed, to hurt even more. She also has Team Debut Dash 1, possibly a passive to buff herself and her team’s speed during entry? So Ramming Speed is a free multiplier for her. Her team partners also have Ramming Speed. She also has Satisfied Snarl 9, coupled with Ripple Effect 9, along with Trip Up 4 and Weigh Down 4. She’s possibly going to screw up Naomi, as she’s very reliant on special attack and speed buffs. Debuffing her is a great choice, but needs to be careful of her debuffs as well. Basically, this is gonna be a very tough fight. Oh, and she also has Tough Sync 3. And Impose 1, not sure what Impose 1 does. All in all, a lot to watch out for, and using Naomi doesn’t seem to be a great idea. Gotta look for alternatives.
Steel-weak Diantha: Towering Force, and Tough Cookie (Tough Cookie applies to her partners as well). With Healthy Advantage 4, Team Pinpoint Entry 1 and Team Sentry Entry 1. She only has Lessen Paralysis 5, so paralyzing her is a good choice, and of course debuffing her defenses as well. Moves are Iron Head, Icy Wind, and Hyper Voice. Moves-wise hopefully not too threatening? But it’s still a challenge, especially for Steel-types who are mostly very physical-oriented.
Poison-weak Diantha: Has Fairy Zone, possibly she’s gonna use it before her sync. Has Draining Kiss with Master Healer 2. Lessen Poison 7, so poisoning her is a way to go. Also has Trained Mind 3. I forgot if it’s less resistance on Defense or Special Defense, but yeah whatever it is, adjust accordingly. Fall Iris might be great for this though.
2. Wikstrom
Fighting-weak Wikstrom: Steel Zone, but his movesets doesn’t have Steel Zone. I’m assuming it’s the passive called “Steel Surroundings” that he has, possibly setting up Steel Zone on entry? Aura Cynthia is the best answer here. He has Metallic Power 3 (his sides also has this one passive alongside gauge acceleration) to buff up his Earthquake, Thunderbolt, and Flash Cannon. Lessen Confusion 5, Quick tempo, Team Pinpoint Entry 2, and less resistances on Defense, Special Defense, and Speed debuffs. Although the game recommends defense down, it seems like this stage wants you to use Knight Diantha, if you have her. One of the sides has Steel Beam so gotta be careful of that.
Fire-weak Wikstrom: Hah, trying to stop Anni N and SS Red, I suppose. He doesn’t stop you if you have SS Hilda, though. Has Struggle Bug, and Discourage 1. Weak to burn as he only has Lessen Burn 7. Has Sentry Entry 1 AND Stoic 9, coupled with Towering Force and Tough Cookie. He also has Special Shield+X Attack All+X Defense All, possibly set up before sync. The sides have Satisfied Snarl 9 and Ripple Effect 9, to discourage you from using Special Attackers even further. So, yeah. He buffs defense upon entry, can consistently keep his defenses buffed, and he has multipliers to take advantage of that. This stage needs VERY aggressive defense debuffs. Otherwise, finish the stage really quick and bring a tank that can take lots of hits as it’s gonna be painful without aggressive defense debuffs. Physical-build Silver might be needed here.
Ghost-weak Wikstrom: Remember SS Morty’s  Group Afflicter's Advantage 1? I don’t remember the effect because I’ve been using SS Morty on autopilot mode basically, so I’ll restate the effect: “ Raises the Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.”, gotta be careful of that. Not just that, he has Wise Entry 2, Sentry Entry 2, Tough Cookie, Smart Cookie, and the best part? Rising Tide. Yes, that’s right. He mostly uses physical moves, and has less resistances on defense debuffs (both defenses). This is...a very dangerous stage. Seeing this much buffs he can apply on himself with DPS multiplier and Rising Tide as the icing of the cake? I don’t even know if I want to use Morty for this. Anyway, aggressive debuffs. That’s the name of the game here. Actually, a lot of these Kalos stages need aggressive debuffs, huh?
(these three are the only stages for Wikstrom as of now, because he’s fighting-weak again at Week 4, maybe it will be updated if/when there’s other stage of him)
3. Malva
Water-weak Malva: What is this, Moltres CS version? Everyone has Charging Sun 5, one of the sides have Terrify 1. 
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There are just too many passives there so I’m just gonna put the screenshot. Get rid of the sun. She sets it upon entry and after sync. Her Special Attack cannot be debuffed and she has Overheat, so be prepared for huge hits. Strangely she has Lessen Trap 7 but the game only recommends to increase crit rate which means “good fucking luck” so...yeah. Get rid of the Sun, careful of the burn, and sweep this stage fast.
Dark-weak Malva: A little less extreme than the previous one, but she has Acute Senses 4, and Lessen Confusion 5, so bring someone who can confuse to take advantage of that. Oh, and make sure to confuse the sides too, they also have Acute Senses 4. She has Team Pinpoint Entry 2 to ensure moves hitting, and Catalyst. This is possibly to encourage using Sidney.
Rock-weak Malva: Oh boy, Sentry Entry x2. A lot of passives to take note for so here it is: (note that the sides all have Charging Sun 5, and one of them has Sunburst to set up Sun upon entry)
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Surprisingly she’s...weak to Bertha’s Stealth Rock? Finally there’s a use for that. This stage basically screams for Bertha to be used. Classic Blue is good for this fight, but be careful for his poor defenses.
(these three are the only stages for Malva as of now, because she’s Rock-weak for Week 1 and Week 3, maybe it will be updated if/when there’s other stage of her)
4. Drasna
Psychic-weak Drasna: Here are the screenshots for Drasna’s passives alongside the sides:
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(The other sides have same movesets and passives except X. Sp. Def All is replaced with X Speed All)
Poison is absolutely going to land in this stage. There’ll be lots and lots of poisons this stage. Either your tank has to have infinite Full Heals or other means to clear statuses, or make everyone immune to it (like using Bede’s trainer move on them). Speaking of Bede, he might be a good answer for this stage, but Drasna also has Trip Wire 2 and Slow-mo 9 to hinder your gauge further if you bring Bede (because Bede is very slow). Flinch and generally Sp. Atk debuffer are good answers for this, and anybody who can counter statuses. Probably Sycamore+Bede is a good answer for this?
Dragon-weak Drasna: Bring your special attackers for this. No, she doesn’t have Sentry Entry x2, but she has Terrify 2 to discourage your physical attacker, she and everyone has Smart Cookie, Drasna herself has Wise Entry 2 and Brute Wits. Everyone in this stage is using special attacks as well, so bring your SS Brendan, and Bede too if he’s not used yet. Cyrus, Zinnia, SS Serena, are great for this.
Ice-weak Drasna: SHE HAS 15 PASSIVES?? ARE YOU FOR REAL?? Anyway, here it is:
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And here are the passives for the sides:
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With weakness to paralysis and Atk+Sp Atk+Speed debuffs, and passives that increase damage  this is likely meant for SS N. Of course, SS N by himself is too slow to debuff, so better bring auxiliary debuffers for this. Or, just, you know, don’t die...?
Fairy-weak Drasna: Why does Drasna have tons of passives? Here it is:
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Not as extreme as Ice-weak, but anyway, this is for SS Wally. If you have him, then go for it and use his Buddy Move as soon as possible. And quickly confuse her as well. If Drasna sets up Dragon Zone (possibly before sync), replace with Fairy Wish. All the sides also have multipliers accounting for Dragon Zone, accelerating move gauge and powers up moves by 20% when the zone is dragon. One of the sides have Dragon Shift Hyper Voice. So, yeah, this is SS Wally’s stage, but you gotta be quick.
5. Siebold
Electric-weak Siebold: Lots of passives again, so there you go:
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I think this stage is for SST Red? Not that SST Red cannot solo the entire game by himself anyway, but still. 1/5 SST Red should be good for utility here, as he can apply paralysis to disable Healthy Advantage 4. As an additional note, everyone in this stage has Healthy Advantage 4 and Tough Cookie, so debuffing defenses are mandatory. Siebold cannot buff his Special Defense and he has low resistances of special defense debuffs, so this is meant for special attackers again, though maybe not as extreme as Electric-weak Aaron? Who knows. Siebold can debuff everyone’s speed consistently though, so Hau might not be a great idea here. Dunno if my 1/5 SST Red can do it here or if this forces me to invest on him. If you have Ash, then the stage is set for you too.
Bug-weak Siebold: At long last, Sentry Entry x2. This is a stage that Subway Bros cannot cheese easily. I mean, I guess you can if you just brute force it since SC Emmet is so powerful anyway, especially if you have him 3/5, but who knows if it’s different on practice.
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But this is, above all else, a stage for SS Hilbert. The sides don’t have passives, only Siebold that you need to watch out for. Crit-ing is important because Siebold has barriers that won’t leave, or get rid of them with Defog. Make sure to outdamage his gradual healing too.
Grass-weak Siebold: Okay, I gotta put screenshots of Siebold and the sides’ passives here, because the sides are also important to watch out for in this stage.
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On a Roll 1 Muddy Water, on everyone. Yeah, you’ll be suffering a lot of accuracy debuffs in this stage, which is very annoying. Everyone is mostly using special moves, so bring your special tank like SC Jasmine and such. Siebold is vulnerable to special attack and special defense (and speed I think?) debuffs, so it’s recommended by the game to use special attackers. I kinda want to try using Erika, but it’s a bit difficult with constant accuracy debuffs like this...
(these three are the only stages for Siebold as of now, because he’s Electric-weak for Week 1 and Week 3, maybe it will be updated if/when there’s other stage of him)
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kuro-sama-xx · 2 years
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M-me?! 😳
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Well jokes on you Siebold, it’s 4:55 pm and this is the first thing I’ve done all day.
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iruludavare · 2 years
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     Serena might not have much of a sweet tooth but she is a simple girl-- give her crepes with wepear berries and a caramel sauce and she is content with the state of the world. Nothing could possibly ruin her day in that moment.
     And it might have been the first recipe she asked Siebold to teach her how to properly make.
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jadeazora · 10 months
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When Sycamore was smelling coffee, I thought we were gonna get a Lysandre cameo for a sec, like how we had Cyrus and the Commanders showing up in last year's Holiday event, but nah, it's just Rosa and Siebold.
But Sycamore seeing Viola having so much fun at the party gives him the idea for the perfect photo.
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My Kalos collection. For the anniversary.
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outfitpolls · 6 months
BONUS POLL: Siebold Holiday
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skuntank · 22 days
My partner is not at all into Pokemon but was curious about pokemas when I was playing last night and when they saw siebold they lost their shit so I might have a siebold to go with my diantha when I cosplay her?? Extremely exciting
Either him or valerie, but either way, exciting to get to cosplay with them
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spatio-rift · 5 months
do you guys even remember the kalos elite 4 pokemas remixes
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