#sierra jayanti dharmaraj
morelikesin · 3 years
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Hot girl shit ✨
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morelikesin · 3 years
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Sex pot 💕✨
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morelikesin · 3 years
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Wives huggin bc I said so 💕💕
A redraw from this 5 year old drawing! How time flies, man
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morelikesin · 4 years
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"How we met? Well," Selena began, laughing softly to herself as she raised a sharply-manicured hand to pull her hair behind her ear, "We were travelling - Sierra and I. At the time there were strict border controls in Europe, and we needed to pass from Poland into Russia. In 1919, Poland bordered Russia, if you can believe it."
Lyan snorted.
"Anyway, we were in the border line to Arstotzka. Because this was on business, we were to pass back and forth quite a bit between the two territories."
Sierra hummed with a smile. "And have it be known that nearly every single time, including our first trip through, that Elle happened to be the one checking. That first interaction together was...surprisingly- oh, vhat's that vhord?"
Selena leaned towards her slightly, "Flirtatious? Yes. That's entirely my fault - I couldn't help myself. Not that any of us are complaining, clearly."
"I think every time I saw you two coming through, I blushed," Elle admitted. She sported a blush even now, thinking back on it.
"We figured it was the cold, but..." Selena mused, "We always hoped that maybe it was a little more than that. It was probably both."
"It was," Elle confirmed.
"Vhe even started passing through occasionally just to see her." Sierra folded her arms and looked away, looking a bit sheepish yet in fondness. "One thing lead to another, and.."
Selena smirked, "The three of us got married later that year." She adjusted her bracelets, checked her nails, threw her purse over her shoulder and turned back to finally say "Have been since."
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morelikesin · 4 years
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Day 1: Poison
She hacked and coughed as the substance burned her throat - the poison searing her mouth as it came up through her desperate efforts. Shakily wiping at her mouth with her hand, the honey-thick green liquid smeared and bore a sharp smell of iron.
"Think you'll be okay?" Selena spoke nervously - stare moving between the poison and her eyes.
"Fine," Sierra croaked, wiping her hand on her overalls. Her voice sounded rough, as if she had some trouble talking. She made a small gag and proceeded to turn away, hunching over a bit.
Selena rubbed her back, silently cursing herself and the others for allowing the worst-off person of the group to try an assumed expired medication.
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morelikesin · 4 years
which oc do you relate to the most :O ??
What a question 😳 In a way I relate to all of them??? I love all their styles and would love to dress like any of my characters irl, but knowing I probably can't dress like a god or goddess irl without getting looks, I would love to have the confidence to dress like Lyan. His style I would wear in a heartbeat if I was cuter LMAO,, but all of my characters styles are desirable for me 💕 I think I dress like Celestyna and Sierra in real life, when I'm going out. Otherwise if I'm chillin with a friend or at home I am sweatpants and a baggy tee LMAO
Personality-wise, again there's a part of me in every character, some parts bigger or smaller depending on the character. I'm sorry I can't answer the question properly, but that's the truth of it :') None of my characters are perfectly like me or anything, but again I incorporate something of me into my characters. I guess if I had to choose who I'm like the most, it'd be Lyan :') I'm a bit of a glass cannon, I can dish out shit but definitely can't take it, have a deep genuine fear of bugs (unless they're outside), a bit of a crybaby, bad temper, and I love luxury shit 😎 Lyan definitely has 1000% confidence while I have like 10% though KSNDKLSM,, Obviously we aren't exactly alike but those few traits in particular make me lean towards Lyan being more like me than the others.
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morelikesin · 4 years
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Like wet flowers in bloom 🌺🌸
Part one of a seven part series 🌸🌺
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morelikesin · 4 years
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✨ a collection of formal outfits ✨
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morelikesin · 4 years
🖊 give me some TEA 👀
I'll give you TWO teas only bc I'm so nice 😳 But one of them is gonna be sad so I'm telling two to make up for that sad one LMAO
Sad one out of the way, I have plenty of beyond-repair damaged characters (they have support systems and Lots Of Love so no worries but Still), but if I had to cherry-pick the ones I feel the utmost heartache for, they would be Charis and Aspasia. Their specfic traumas, not the shared CPTSD & depression they share w the rest of the Roses, are so tragically unique that it makes me feel just a little softer for them for.
Individually, Charis used to be outwardly a hopeless romantic, still a little stern bc of his military stuff but that's expected. He lost a lot of that spark after he experienced the (once thought) death of the person he first ever fell in love with. While this person, his name is Nanouk, turned out to not be dead after the few myriad of years he was previously thought to be, and the two eventually get their happy ending (along with @endy-dragon 's character Endy, who helped Charis learn how to love again before Nanouk was discovered Not Dead, and is a part of a polyam relationship w the three). However, Charis will never really go back to his optimistic side. He forever remains a realist-pessimist due to this trauma, but he does happen to have the most extensive love song playlist anyone could ever hope to have, so some part of that romanticism fortunately hasn't died. Plenty of that was a huge run-on sentence, I'm sure, but this is my blog and I don't have to follow stupid grammar, dammit.
Regarding Aspasia, her pain is a little more complicated. Throughout her life, until recently (which I will explain later), she hasn't felt any sort of special way about anyone - besides obvious family love. She's kind of always known that she wants love, like a real true relationship, but she couldn't understand it completely and therefore would deem herself to just not be able to have a relationship at all. She's been able to receive sexual gratification from fun little sex parties and brothels and such (to which I have to admit, a lot of my ancient characters have taken a part of more times than they can brag about), but besides that she's always struggled finding it in herself on how to truly, romantically love. @endy-dragon 's character Elios and her do end up in love, and despite her truly struggling with how to express her love, he understands her expressions completely and whole-heartedly. She also gave herself the scar on the right half of her face by trying to scratch out her eye a few myrietes ago, but that's some trauma I could explain another time :')
This post is already long enough and that was more depresso espresso than I planned to do so let's get into happy :>
I'll describe Celestyna and Sierra's first ever date. Not official date, as they don't end up dating until they're young adults, but the first ever one they consider a date - this goes back to when they were ~14 years old, mid-1800s. During a routine visit to China, given Celeste and Sierra's eldest sisters, Fang and Rajni respectively (aka empressess of China and The Philippines (Fang) and India (Rajni)), the two left their siblings to hang out while they went off into the city. In case it's wondered, though this is my blog so I can talk about whatever I please, Fang and Rajni are found family + technically in-laws if you squint (they're both with a Rose sibling). Anyway, when Celeste and Sierra got together to hang out when they were little, they were always hyper and never really wanted to leave each other's company. Well, on this specific day, the sun was just peeking over the horizon as it set - leaving a sort of misty layer over the city, where the sky was a muted purple admist thin clouds. Celeste commented about how nice it was out, and without a second thought, Sierra suggested they climb a roof to get a better view. Of course, they did, and after making an impressive scramble to the top of an herbalists store, they sat on the shingles of the roof and soaked in the view. I'm talking picture-perfect dusk, with a slightly warm and simultaneously cool breeze, backs facing the sun, feet dangling over the people who were shopping and such - that type of deal. Sierra and Celestyna talked seldom for a long while, but at one point Sierra said something along the lines of they should be heading back - where Celeste quickly answered that he'd "prefer watching the sky with her." It was around this moment that they both sort of realized how inherently romantic this situation was, and without thinking Sierra gave him a kiss on the cheek. They didn't say anything about it, climbed down the building, and walked back to Fang's palace without saying as much as a "Goodbye" when her and Rajni finally went to leave later that night. I can promise that when those two tried to sleep that night, they both couldn't because they couldn't stop thinking about the other - and while embarrassing then, it makes the two of them all mushy inside when they recall that night nowadays.
Anyway this was so absurdly long thanks for reading this far if you got here LMAO have a treat 🍜
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morelikesin · 5 years
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🌼Sierra and Celestyna doodles
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morelikesin · 5 years
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Red and Gold
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morelikesin · 5 years
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They're rad girls !!!
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morelikesin · 5 years
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Page of doodles ✨💖
[[Click for better quality ✨✨]]
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morelikesin · 5 years
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morelikesin · 5 years
Pop a Cherry 🍒
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morelikesin · 6 years
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She's making a real cute face,,wonder what she's up to?
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