edmunderson · 2 years
hmmmm... i can't decide whomst my main commander would get together with it's a three way tie and they're all good options......
like, Vaq's first two loves are already decided: gavin (my dearly detested), and malyck (give us closure anet)
Vaq's thing w/ gavin ended in tears because vaq wanted the duel to end without any needless death and gavin adhered to his honor code a little too strictly. So when vaq was the clear victor he begged gavin to yield, but gavin being gavin wasn't having it, his pride and honor would not allow it so he physically forced vaq to run him thru. Which, yknow, left newly awakened from the dream vaq p traumatized (something something caithe and faolin first love parallels something something)
With malyck tho, it's a case of "never the right time, ships passing in the night." Like, they clearly have strong feelings for each other, but vaq is still kinda reeling from gavin and he's also got his wild hunt, and malyck can't stay because of the nightmare court and because he needs to find the tree he came from. They share a kiss goodbye and that's all they get. Even if anet brought malyck back (and i wish they had), it still wouldn't change the "never the right time" dynamic; always a what if?
And i know i said a three way tie (between canach, braham, and yao) but i just thought of a surprise fourth contender (bloody prince edrick thorn) but that one would probably just be a halloween au fic i might write lmao
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legendaryskyscale · 7 months
Anet went and touched up on Dungeons whaaaat!
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Ascalonian Catacombs
Fixed an issue that caused a Disarm Traps lever to be out of the reach of players.
Fixed a bug that caused King Adelbern, as well as various immobile enemies across Tyria, to be knocked down despite an active defiance bar when struck by knockback attacks.
Fixed a bug that could cause markers on active traps to not clean up after the patriarch's defeat.
Fixed a bug that could cause Tzark to interrupt himself while resetting essence collectors.
Fixed an incorrect marker on the cave troll encounter.
Caudecus's Manor
Fixed a bug that allowed Sigfast to be attacked by Separatists and potentially knocked around the area while sleeping.
Fixed a bug that caused Zojja to not be wearing her headgear during a cinematic.
Fixed an issue that allowed the “Search for the captured sergeant” objective and goals to appear before the “Overwhelm the bandit defenses” objective was completed.
Several houses no longer close their doors after the nearby gate is destroyed, to prevent players from being trapped inside.
Bandit archers now apply confusion, matching their description.
Fixed an incorrect marker on the Bridgette encounter.
Fixed an incorrect marker on the Prototype Golem encounter.
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Twilight Arbor
Fixed an issue that caused the Ooze Font Waypoint's name to appear incorrectly.
Fixed a bug that could cause the Unstable Nightmare Husk to fail to become vulnerable after being hit by four Nightmare Essences.
Fixed a bug that could cause Sparki's Ground Bloom skill to continue launching fireballs after Sparki finished spinning.
Fixed a bug that could cause an airship to be untargetable with EMP skills during the bonus objectives of the Aetherblade path.
Sorrow's Embrace
Fixed a bug that could cause the Elite Dredge Resonator near the beginning of the dungeon to not retreat when players approached after choosing a path.
During the "Help Rasolov free workers by defeating foremen" event, the last four foremen will not reveal themselves until Foreman Kreutzerova has been defeated.
Fixed a bug that could cause Tarleov to fail to begin working during his event.
Fixed a bug that could cause an Elite Dredge Rifleman to overzealously announce the presence of intruders.
Fixed health bar and marker display issues during the final confrontation with General Zadorojny.
Fixed an incorrect marker on the General Molradovich encounter.
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Citadel of Flame
Gaheron Baelfire no longer resets his health when the party wipes during the finale battle in story mode, preventing a desync between his health and attack pattern.
Collision has been removed from a number of flame turrets to prevent players from being stuck inside them.
Honor of the Waves
Fixed a setting that caused Honor's Voice to move erratically during combat.
Fixed a bug that caused Kulag the Fallen's Ice Storm attack to not drop ice crystals if the target was out of Kulag's line of sight.
Lowered the level of some enemies that exceeded level 80 in explorable mode.
Fixed an incorrect marker on the Champion Icebrood Goliath encounter.
Fixed an incorrect marker on the Kodan's Bane encounter.
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Crucible of Eternity
Fixed an issue that allowed players to enter the Crucible of Eternity dungeon from Mount Maelstrom even while the dungeon was contested.
Fixed an issue with the front door and teleporter exits that allowed them to be used before the dungeon was completed, allowing players to escape to Mount Maelstrom before receiving rewards.
The Ruined City of Arah
Added poison aura to Risen Defilers that were missing it.
Added a teleport mote that will let players join their party if they fell behind before Alphard, Serpent of the Waves was engaged.
Adjusted Simin, High Priestess of Dwayna’s heal skill to start its recharge when her heal effect ends instead of potentially being able to immediately restart a healing phase.
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tricos-here · 11 months
🖋 × faryen 😳?
ahem. info dumps you about her family
-her mother, Jodis, used to be a pirate that primarily operated in the Far Shiverpeaks and the Janthir Bay, taking after her father. She’d already been trained as a Shaman of Wolf like her own mother, which she used to empower her crew - she returned to Hoelbrak when her mother fell ill and took over her responsibilities as a Wolf Havroun. She’s taught the kids (Faryen, Aelfsi, Rafe, Revna) about everything and anything, from sailing to stalking prey on land, how to use a bow and arrow as well and make them, how to make improvised weapons from the land and survive in the harsh climate of the Shivepeaks and so on
-her father, Einar, is a fisherman and a hunter, comes and goes from Hoelbrak, venturing out as far as the Bitterfrost Frontier, often accompanied by his own mother who’s a seasoned hunter. Though he’s bought into the ideology of Wolf after meeting Jodis, he’s mainly a follower of Bear. He’s likewise taught the kids a lot, like fishing and hunting, but with his profession and taking care of his mother who’s stubbornly continuing to live out in Frostgorge, he’s absent a lot
-Faryen and Aelfsi were born on 1308AE only minutes apart, despite their differences in personality they were inseparable growing up, until Fary left Hoelbrak with Eir in 1325AE, something Aelf is still salty about because she stayed behind to become Wolfborn alongside Rafe
Aelfsi is a ranger, she has a pet wolf and raven, named Hallie and Arne respectively, Hallie she adopted and raised as a cub from one of the many Wolf shrines they’d visit with their mother, and y she found injured in Borealis Forest once, which she mended back to health and have been inseparable since
-Rafe was found at the age of 10 (in 1313 AE) by their father, wandering around the Shiverpeaks by himself after his home was ransacked and his parents killed by the Svanir. With no other known family he was taken in and he readily picked up the role of the older brother to the girls. At some point he fell in with Skarti and Sigfast, joining the Wolfborn and would later vouch for his Aelf and Revna to join as well.
Before Fary left around 1325AE after gaining the title of Slayer of Issomir, he argued with her about staying in Hoelbrak and to not split up the pack, gifting her an arctic fox kit and alpine wolf cub in an attempt to convince her, but she flipped the argument on him and how they should join her instead, rather than sit around waiting for some prophesized hero to crack the Tooth of Jormag. Neither Rafe nor Aelfsi joined her though
- Revna was born in 1315AE, she was a timid girl growing up, preferring to stick close to their mother and observing the various rituals she’d perform as a Havroun. All three, Fary, Aelf and Rafe did pick up the mantle of the older siblings and would teach her anything they could, taking her out to hunting parties and moots etc. She’d join the Wolfborn too, fighting as a ranger though instead of utilizing any pets in combat she’d instead channel animal spirits
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brightwingedbat · 7 months
Patch notes under readmore, all core game content
Ascalonian Catacombs
Fixed an issue that caused a Disarm Traps lever to be out of the reach of players.
Fixed a bug that caused King Adelbern, as well as various immobile enemies across Tyria, to be knocked down despite an active defiance bar when struck by knockback attacks.
Fixed a bug that could cause markers on active traps to not clean up after the patriarch's defeat.
Fixed a bug that could cause Tzark to interrupt himself while resetting essence collectors.
Fixed an incorrect marker on the cave troll encounter.
Caudecus's Manor
Fixed a bug that allowed Sigfast to be attacked by Separatists and potentially knocked around the area while sleeping.
Fixed a bug that caused Zojja to not be wearing her headgear during a cinematic.
Fixed an issue that allowed the “Search for the captured sergeant” objective and goals to appear before the “Overwhelm the bandit defenses” objective was completed.
Several houses no longer close their doors after the nearby gate is destroyed, to prevent players from being trapped inside.
Bandit archers now apply confusion, matching their description.
Fixed an incorrect marker on the Bridgette encounter.
Fixed an incorrect marker on the Prototype Golem encounter.
Twilight Arbor
Fixed an issue that caused the Ooze Font Waypoint's name to appear incorrectly.
Fixed a bug that could cause the Unstable Nightmare Husk to fail to become vulnerable after being hit by four Nightmare Essences.
Fixed a bug that could cause Sparki's Ground Bloom skill to continue launching fireballs after Sparki finished spinning.
Fixed a bug that could cause an airship to be untargetable with EMP skills during the bonus objectives of the Aetherblade path.
Sorrow's Embrace
Fixed a bug that could cause the Elite Dredge Resonator near the beginning of the dungeon to not retreat when players approached after choosing a path.
During the "Help Rasolov free workers by defeating foremen" event, the last four foremen will not reveal themselves until Foreman Kreutzerova has been defeated.
Fixed a bug that could cause Tarleov to fail to begin working during his event.
Fixed a bug that could cause an Elite Dredge Rifleman to overzealously announce the presence of intruders.
Fixed health bar and marker display issues during the final confrontation with General Zadorojny.
Fixed an incorrect marker on the General Molradovich encounter.
Citadel of Flame
Gaheron Baelfire no longer resets his health when the party wipes during the finale battle in story mode, preventing a desync between his health and attack pattern.
Collision has been removed from a number of flame turrets to prevent players from being stuck inside them.
Honor of the Waves
Fixed a setting that caused Honor's Voice to move erratically during combat.
Fixed a bug that caused Kulag the Fallen's Ice Storm attack to not drop ice crystals if the target was out of Kulag's line of sight.
Lowered the level of some enemies that exceeded level 80 in explorable mode.
Fixed an incorrect marker on the Champion Icebrood Goliath encounter.
Fixed an incorrect marker on the Kodan's Bane encounter.
Crucible of Eternity
Fixed an issue that allowed players to enter the Crucible of Eternity dungeon from Mount Maelstrom even while the dungeon was contested.
Fixed an issue with the front door and teleporter exits that allowed them to be used before the dungeon was completed, allowing players to escape to Mount Maelstrom before receiving rewards.
The Ruined City of Arah
Added poison aura to Risen Defilers that were missing it.
Added a teleport mote that will let players join their party if they fell behind before Alphard, Serpent of the Waves was engaged.
Adjusted Simin, High Priestess of Dwayna’s heal skill to start its recharge when her heal effect ends instead of potentially being able to immediately restart a healing phase.
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tyriantics · 2 years
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Verthandi returns home to Hoelbrak for Dragon Bash and tries to chat up Sigfast.
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i-mybrunettelady · 3 years
More ask things, yeet! 21 from the angst ones for whoever you want: “You can’t just act like nothing's wrong when it isn’t!” -kerra-and-company
Thank you for submitting an ask <3
Eye of the North, 1333 AE
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Nyra knows all too well that there is no time to mourn during war. It’s battle after battle, plan after plan, skirmish after skirmish, all bloody distractions from the weight of the hole in your chest that forms when someone you love dies. This war against the twin dragons takes twice as much time as the others have; she sits in meetings, runs to save as many lives as she can when danger strikes, tends to the wounded and there simply isn’t space to think of the sword standing in Jora’s Keep.
But at night, there is so much space to think of Almorra that Nyra can barely stand it, so she doesn’t. She leaves her bedroll, gives Trahearne a kiss on the head (because she likes him near after the Maguuma debacle), thanks the Gods she is able to do so and puts on scrapped winter wear for a long, lonely night beside the planning table.
That night in particular she is surprised to find Logan has beaten her to the spot.
“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be sleeping?” she questions, shaking her head.
“I should ask you the same thing,” he answers back with a frown of his own. “So I solved the mystery of you always being earlier than the rest of us.”
Nyra looks away. “Logan, it’s fine. Remember that attack Sigfast suggested? Well, someone’s gotta plan it. I’ll have something ready by the morning. Go to sleep.”
“And do you remember the last plan you made while lacking on sleep? Had Almorra not interjected-”
“Just go to sleep, Logan,” she says harshly, “I got this!” She really doesn’t want to yell at him, not at night, not at a person who’s been there for her even before she was just Hero of Shaemoor, but she also doesn’t want to hear Almorra’s name mentioned when she is running from it.
“I couldn’t sleep either,” he responds and Nyra can’t help but appreciate the firm gleam in his green eyes, so neatly Ascalonian her family would be proud, in spite of her annoyance. “And no, you don’t. Nyra, you can’t pretending this is fine anymore. You’re falling into habits you promised you would break.”
“I didn’t know I’d be fighting two elder dragons at once, did I,” she responds, pressing towards him, “nor did I know my general would be killed by her idiotic, self-serving Imperator!”
“But you have the world by your side,” he states gently. His hand gingerly reaches to wrap around her shoulders and Nyra takes a deep breath as she digs her face in his neck. “You’re not alone.”
“I know,” she whispers, closing her eyes. There’s a familiar heaviness that settled in her chest years ago, an ever expanding list of names she sacrificed in name of Tyria, that fate took from her. She remembers her early days among the Vigil, Forgal’s stern instructions, a derisive princess when she stated her lineage, Almorra’s paw on her shoulder as a job well done. She hasn’t yet seen Laranthir to give him her condolences, but her letters must have reached him.
“Let us carry some of the burden,” he continues. “The world will not fall apart without you at the helm of it at all times, I promise.”
“It sometimes feels like it,” she grumbles. “But I really don’t want to sleep now, and I don’t want to be unproductive.” She wipes away a little tear that slipped past. “And someone has to plan that attack. So, help me?”
“If there’s no other way with you tonight,” she feels him nod.
“Afraid not, Marshal. Thank you for indulging me.” A burden shared is a burden halved, so the saying goes, and Nyra hopes it’s true.
But it doesn’t hurt to try, does it?
I try being angsty, it turns into comfort welp
I love Logan and Nyra’s friendship and I wanna write more of it in the future <3
Also edit: I forgot I had actual Nyra and Logan screenshots... So I'm adding one here, just for flavour
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A Game
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Requested by a lovely anon. Hope you like it love! x
Ivar x Reader
Taglist: @steadypiepsychicflower  @cbouvier23 @holydream@fireismysaftey @funmadnessandbadassvikings @attorneyl ​ @tephi101 @thoughtsmeander2tumblingblindly
Warnings: NSFW, smut
You hummed warmly as you watched your eldest son try to awkwardly chat with the girl from Haffangar. She wasn't too far away, just a village over from Hadeby...if Asgeir really liked her perhaps she could even-
"My love?"
"Hmm?" you asked, turning your head slightly. You refused to give him your whole face. Admittedly, you were eager to see if the girl would laugh. Asgeir was witty and sharp; hopefully he worked on a bit of humor in his time being a sarcastic son of Ivar.
"You're staring that girl to stone. Why not pay me a bit of attention hm?"
"Asgeir has never liked a girl before," you replied quietly, as if saying his name would alert your son to know you were watching. He was your eldest son, 13 and nearly a man, but your only thought was...girls? Already?
"My son has liked girls before," Ivar scoffed. He ran a soothing hand over your dress where your leg was. "Just none he would bring to his mother..."
Your hands remained folded in your lap; Ivar sought to undo them. He wiggled and pried while you clasped them tighter. He would not distract you even if he faced a bit of neglect.
"Ivar, hands off. I'm listening," you snorted. This contorted his face into a frown of irritance.
"Am I not to enjoy my wife?"
"Perhaps later," you replied shortly with a little innocent shrug. Ivar growled and dove a hand under the table to look for the hem of your skirt. With this you leaned forward, effectively trapping his hand while you picked up your chalice. When you sat properly up, you gave his hand a small pinch, making the viking warlord nearly yelp like a dog with its tail stepped on.
The whole night you spent watching, nestled into your husband's lap as the party unfolded. Ivar was never much for feasts like this. He was never a very social person unless talking about war, and even if he was, moving around in crowded spaces was difficult and his pain would become so much worse by bedtime. So he opted to stay in his chair, and you in his lap...it was almost perfect. But he had to watch you. Feel you shift on his lap, see your hair bounce every time you laughed, watch your lips shape around your cup. His perfect little wife, perched in his lap, every curve and tight angle in her body accentuated in that dress...and he couldn't have any of it. His pawing continued but you did not give in. In fact, he could swear by the gods he caught you smirking at him at one point... It wasn't mockery. It was a game.
A game you loved to play not because you would win...but because Ivar refused to lose.
“Ivar, what is it?” you asked sweetly, popping berries in your mouth. Ivar grit his teeth, wanting to kiss those reddened lips. They were practically his after all... He took your jaw in his hand but you wriggled away with a wave of your neck.
As the night wore down and everyone became either too drunk, or managed to stagger out of the hall, that was your cue. You stood up from your spot in Ivar's lap quiet dramatically. He swallowed watching you bow to some of your guests and carefully skip around the hall gathering up your boys. Once you had all three of them in your clutches you went up to Ivar and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Coming along, husband?" you asked playfully. Ivar stared up at you with a seething look. For a moment you thought he was angry, but that couldn't be. He smiled and flicked his hand.
"You go. Let me finish."
You grinned and knew what that meant. With your train of boys, little Sigfast (only 3 at the time) in your arms, you strut home across from the Great Hall. As their mother, you tucked each of them in and spent a bit of time with Asgeir trying to weasel out some information on the little blonde girl he was chatting with, as a mother does...
After they were all sufficiently snoring and you blew out the last candle, you went to the living quarter at the front of your giant home. Ivar built this place himself with a little brotherly help. You reminisced about the stone he spent days layering around the fire pit when a candle sparked to life near the front door.
Ivar flicked out the ash and stomped it once on the floor. Cinders in the fireplace hissed, and that one candle gave just enough light for you to see his face.
"You're lucky you didn't frighten me," you said with a tilted chin. Ivar kept an axe above the fireplace, always.
"Like you could fear me..." he said.
"Maybe I do."
"Why?" he asked with a bored smile. He knew why.
"Because you've escaped my embrace all night? Because I haven't been able to taste," he took a step forward, "or touch my wife all night?"
You didn't want to laugh. The sound did not emit, but your lips shifted into what would have been a giggle. With this Ivar carefully walked towards you, stopped to lift your chin so you could face him.
"You think its funny I am so desperate to have you?"
"You have always been relentless, my love," you replied thoughtfully. "I just prefer you...more relentless tonight."
Ivar shrugged. "Wish granted."
His lips crashed onto yours rather forcefully. His kiss was tender and hot, gentle to start out...then you felt his tongue, his teeth, his hand grasping the front of your dress and yanking it so hard the strings loosened. The green wool fell off of you in a pile while you pulled away Ivar's vest. His crutch collapsed with your dress somewhere; you both slid over fur lain in front of the fireplace, Ivar on top of you.
"My beautiful wife..." he sighed into your mouth. You shift to help him out of his pants, crawling on top of him at the opportunity. The fire crackles behind your profiles as you grin down at him.
"The game is not over my love..." you lowered your head to be closer to him. Having the advantage of top was always fun for you.
"Isn't it?" Ivar whispered. A quick pull of your wrist and suddenly you land on your back, Ivar leaning over you on his elbows. He shifted his hips against you and smiled as how wide your eyes became. And how wet your thighs were.
"I have wanted you all night," he grunted. "And now I have you..."
With that, he nibbled on your ear to distract you and entered you in one stride to the hilt. You grunted, moaning quietly between your bitten lip. Ivar's thrusts remained deep, rocking his hips against you in a frenzy. Whispers of "mine" accompanied by swearing sang in your ears as you sunk your teeth into Ivar's neck in gratitude. His flurry of movement sparked your orgasm. Over and over it sparked within you, crackling to life as you began to breathe faster and tighten around him. One leg came over Ivar's lower back in encouragement; your husband kissed you hard for it.
Before you even had the chance to concede in your game, Ivar came with a roar, sitting up and pulling your hips to him bruisingly tight. Heat spread within you like wildfire. You bit your palm, quivering and whining in protest. You were nearly finished...so close, and he was so deep...
"You know...what I want," he growled breathlessly, his animal state still yet to settle. Ivar stayed deep inside, taking a finger to your clit and pressing down.
"Ah ah..." He pinched your clit, making you cry out in a mix of agony and pleasure.
"I am yours," you squealed. Ivar smiled widely, voraciously...he'd won. Just like he always did.
"You will..." he grunted, thrusting in as his fingers circled your clit hungrily. "Never." Your eyes rolled back as your orgasm returned with a fury, washing over you like your skin was on fire. "ever, ignore me again."
Twitching and shuddering while you breathed you managed to slowly come to reason. Ivar had pulled out of you and slumped to your side. Curling around you like the cusp of the moon, he brushed some clinging hair from your face. 
“Never,” you sighed in agreement. Ivar kissed your forehead peacefully. He’d tame you time and time again...perhaps you’d listened this time and learned not to tease him again. 
Either way, he loved you, obedient or not.
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jo-returns · 7 years
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Hey guys! Sigfast is streaming Read Only Memories! In honor of ROM2064 launching on Playstation4, a SteamKey for ReadOnlyMemories will be given away each hour! Head over to https://www.twitch.tv/sigfaststrong if you’re interested!
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utrianlax · 11 years
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Rune stone - U 221 - Vallentuna kyrka & socken
The lower part of the rune stone was found in 1939 at grave diggings, 40 meters southeast of the church, in the cemetery. The fragment is now raised at the eastern cemetery wall. The stone is of grey granite. 
*..ifkn f... ...ftiʀ sikf...*
"...efter Sigfast..."
"...in memory of Sigfast..."
  © utrianalax 
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