#signora is in there but only her cryo shards
f-ai-n · 2 years
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(Fatui Adopt Kaeya AU) Happy Birthday Kaeya!
You know those stupid videos of people slamming the birthday person's head to their birthday cake? Yeah, it's that butj Dottore. And he missed. Or it's on purpose, who knows.
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dutybcrne · 5 months
Thinkings thinkings of Fatui!Kaeya have been reawakened in reviewing Arle's teasers/animations
#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//Whether it's Dad!Pierro or not; I do love the idea of him being left in the care of the Fatui/House of Hearth#//Tho timelines considered; he prolly would be in Pierro's personal care while Arle goes through her Traumatic Matricide Experience#//Doubt the man would want to leave him out of his sight; Khaenri'ahn/Alberich ties considered#//Or maybe he was raised/trained to fight under Signora. Or even for Columbina (her namesake's ties to Pierro's; considered)#//Tho also do LOVE the idea of Kae and Taru growin up together in the Fatui ranks and being the disastrous + shy boi duo#//Tho Kae'd prolly have less to hide/fear with them when it comes to his heritage. The strictness he'd be raised with though...#//Eh; Taru could bring him out of his shell even still jdbgfkf. If anyone can; he deffo could. His little wintry sunshine#//So maybe he'd grow into his peacock self a little more naturally; even if perhaps still out of necessity/for ease of his missions#//Less of a facade to hide his grief/missing pieces tho; more like the way Taru is charming & goofy to lower people's guards#//Still has his little habit of testing people deffo is Much worse and much more sadistic when it comes down to it#//Particularly towards fellow Fatui who disrespect him or their comrades; or just someone he ends up disliking in general#//Does 'test' new comrades; but is more willing to step in & help them if need be. Wants UTMOST trust; determination & loyalty in his men#//So will only ever take those who push to complete the mission at all costs; even themselves/willingly ask him for help when they need it#//Dislikes those who run; & LOATHES cowards who abandon comrades to save themselves; he WILL deliberately make sure they don't make it back#//Still employs his intel gathering methods as normal verse; but has preying mantis tendencies when it comes down to it nbcfjgf#//ESP if they try to take advantage of/blackmail him in some way. Or worse; those who betray him. He is meticulous & VERY ruthless abt it#//His signature is decapitation & an unmelting (Abyssal energy-laced) ice shard through the heart; around which he'd carve a stylized one#//If those informants keep being useful to him; they are safe; and treated so lovingly by him; spoiled rotten with gifts & favors aplenty#//Once they lose their usefulness...well; regrettably he cannot leave any loose ends. These become frozen as statues for him to keep#//'Precious mementos of lovers & conspirators'; he'd call them. He'd keep them in his private home in Snezhnaya#v; glacialis pavonis (fatui!kaeya)#//If he had to have a Harbinger title/name (maybe bumped up for when Scara erases himself); he'd prolly be l'Innamorato#//Fitting of his methods (is also the remaining role of Commedia dell'arte lololol). He is saccharine sweet; pretty & deadly as a belladonn#//Deffo would have tango-based motifs rather than waltz; would favor frost-laced roses. Might even leave those with his victims too#//Can you tell I listened to Rondo Across Countless Kalpas as I wrote this up jhbfjgkfhf#hc; kaeya#//I mean yeah lol. I have so many more thinkings abt this verse aaAAAA#//Am torn if I want his to use a Cryo Delusion; or have him with Cryo Vision and an Anemo Delusion. Do like that for Cryo Swirls#//Then his rage/scorn could be likened to a Blizzard. Do like that image. Deffo favors his Abyssal powers more tho; maybe THAT'd be better
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marcusakito · 9 months
I had a dream about the majority of the Fatui Harbingers being playable, along with some details but since it's a dream I only remember so much. But I thought I'd share!
Remember, this was only my dream!! Nothing is based on concrete facts and if there are similarities it only a coincidence.
So in my dream I was bitten by a snake and had to recover at the hospital. But instead of normal hospital things on the wall there were seven posters. It was about the seven harbingers that have yet to appear/be playable minus Signora and Pulcinella. It had possible materials, release dates, weapons, bursts and skills along with a theme.
Pierro's theme I believe it's called "The Director." Or something similar, just related to being the head of the Harbingers. It said the release was version 7+ so that would mean it'll be in the Khaenri'ah chapter. His weapon was a catalyst, and he was a cryo but he doesn't have a vision. His skill was similar to Lisa's but it rains ice shards, and his burst was similar to Gepard's (From Star Rail) but it was an attack where the iceberg(?) He creates hits the enemies. I didn't know his materials so it's most likely a new enemy from Khaenri'ah.
Dottore's theme was "Madness and Folly." And for some reason he was a claymore?? I don't see him as a claymore but I guess my dream did. Release date 6.4+ so in the Snezhnaya Chapter. He's also a cryo, but with a vision. His skill was similar to Rosaria's burst, but I couldn't remember his burst, all I know is that the animation is him snapping his fingers with a smirk on his face. His materials were dead ley lines (the ones abyss mages dropped.)
Columbina's theme was either "Fallen one" or "Downfallen" and she uses a bow. I don't know her element since her playstyle in my dream was that she's meant to be physical damage and a healer. Her attacks were throwing daggers instead of arrows (Like Lyney using cards) and her skill was rushing at enemies and unfurling these sharp, white wings and using them to slice the enemies. The animation for the burst was her putting a finger to her lips and telling us to "Hush" and similar to Qiqi enemies will be marked so if you hit them you'll heal. In the background while the burst is active you'll hear Columbina singing. It said she'll be released during the Natlan Chapter, 5.8 iirc, and I didn't recognize her materials.
Arlecchino's theme was "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing." I think. Similar to the leaks she's a pyro polearm and she'll be released 4.6 as well. Her skill was like Tartaglia's, it switches polearm and her using claws to attack the enemies. Her burst was only one kind though no matter which phase, it'll be a close-up of her face and I think she said "The games are over." Or "The show's over." Before it zooms out and an explosion happens behind her. Her materials are the Fatui operative's pocket watches.
Sandrone's theme was "Cog in the Machine." And she's a sword user, but I don't remember her element. I think it said Version 6+ so her release would be during the Snezhnaya Chapter. When she gets hit, her robot protects her like Svarog to Clara in Star Rail but there's no counter attack. Her skill would be summoning her robot (the one where she sits on the arm) and it auto attacks the enemies. The burst would be her robot releasing rockets on the enemies just like ruin guards do. Her materials are what you'd expect, it's the ruin drakes' drops.
Unfortunately, Pantalone is the one I remember least about. His theme was "Mora and Power." And he's a hydro catalyst. I don't remember his skill and burst though. His release date is also in the Snezhnaya Chapter and his materials are the treasure hoarder insignias.
Capitano's theme is "Rebellion." Or "Rebel Forces." And his release is between 5.4-5.6 and he's a pyro sword user. His attacks are similar to fencing maneuvers. His skill is similar to Tanjiro's water wheel in Demon Slayer but it's pyro. I remember his burst was called "Hellfire." And it rained lava meteors like Navia's burst. His materials looked like broken swords of a new enemy in Natlan.
And that's about it! Thanks for sticking around to read all of my dream ramblings, I just thought it'd be nice to share these possible concepts!
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queenphanessa · 7 months
Yandere signora who kidnaps immortal reader to "keep them safe" and she half expected them to resist or fight back or Celestia forbid leave her but they didn't and no matter what precautions signora puts in place, no matter how many chains or guards or hell even beasts she leaves to stop reader from leaving everytime she returned she was met with all her defenses destroyed, her guards knocked unconscious and even the rift hound she left to guard your room is currently snuggled up against you on the couch while you read a book and despite everything reader just treats her like a normal lover
Reader: Oh Rosalyne, your home [pets the rockfond rift hounds head making it growl in content] I gonna name him Julius
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Note: This is my first time writing something yandere related! I hope you'll like it! AND PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR HOW LONG I TOOK
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In the centuries since losing Rostam, shedding her humanity, and being turned on by the nation she once tried to protect, La Signora had given up any hope that happiness be had for her in the old world. No, any happiness for the Fair Lady would only come from helping the Tsaritsa realize her goal of bringing down the tyrannical gods of Celestia.
And then she met you.
A sweet and charming immortal being—a cursed Khaenri'ahn perhaps?—whom she had met during a diplomatic venture had somehow managed to snake her way into the heart she had long frozen. A pretty little thing, one who she just wanted to scoop up and bring back with her to Snezhnaya.
And that's exactly what she did!
In the 500 years since the Cataclysm, Teyvat had only become more dangerous, especially for someone as delicate as you. She had already lost one love of her life, she was not going to let any harm befall your precious head. That's what she had told you after shackling you in ice and taking you to the land of Cryo. Somehow, on the way, you had gotten free from your restraints. Puzzling, since you were literally by her side throughout the entirety of the trip. But no matter; you soon arrived with her at Zapolyarny Palace and were immediately sequestered into her quarters. You complained about being bored, but a bit of dullness was a rather small price to pay for your safety, wasn't it? Before she left to handle some affairs, she placed some Fatui agents outside your door to stand guard and gave them some "incentive" in the forms of ice shards to make sure they didn't let you out. But when she returned, she found the guards knocked out cold, the door to her quarters open, and you, nowhere to be seen. The seal her Cryo delusion had on her Pyro abilities was dangerously close to breaking until she heard your cheery voice right behind her. "Oh Signora, you're back!" You ran up to her, completely ignoring her look of bewilderment, and practically tackled her in a hug, going on about how you left the room to venture out and had to knock out the Fatui agents when they were being "difficult". Clearly Signora needed to make some adjustments, starting with replacing the incompetent guards. Now she had Electrohammer agents posted and even had chains placed on the doors for good measure. And yet, she would later return to see broken pieces of chain on the floor alongside battered Electrohammer agents, their hammers nothing more than shards of Electro crackling on the carpet.
That's it. Time for more "abnormal" measures.
Signora didn't like this. She detested it, hearing your pleas to be let out of your shared room as she not only locked you in there, but placed a rifthound outside to stand guard. She made sure to use the Geo variety, the rockfond rifthound, for resilence against any and all who would approach. As someone who had burned these Abyssal creatures to cinders when they invaded Mondstadt, Signora loathed having anything to do with them now. But for you, her precious jewel, it was worth lowering herself in such a manner to make sure you stayed safe. So confident was she in her latest attempt to make damn sure you stayed put, she ventured to the land of Anemo full of vigor. After returning to Snezhnaya with the Anemo Gnosis in her grasp, she contentedly made her way back to her quarters where you would be waiting ever so patiently for her. She was so eager to share the news of her victory that she didn't register the fact that the chains were no longer on her door when she opened it and the rifthound was nowhere in sight. But she certainly noticed you, her precious darling. Her sweet, adorable, frustratingly defiant darling. You were sitting on the couch reading a book, one of your favorite Inazuman mystery novels. And curled up behind you was that very same rifthound she had placed to guard the door. "Wha..." Signora could barely utter a word at this bizarre scene and did a double take between the door and at the couch where you were scratching the rifthound behind its jagged ear. When you noticed her, you were nothing but bright smiles. "Rosalyne, welcome back! Julius has been keeping me company!" "...Who in the Tsaritsa's name is 'Julius'?" "Him, of course!" You gestured to your newfound pet. "He's a bit of a handful, so come help me with him!"
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wesimpforxiao · 4 years
Say My Name and I’ll Be There: 9.3
Childe elected to ignore your groan of pain when he yanked you to your feet.  "No hard feelings, comrade."
"I-I'm gonna kill you," you breathed.  "I'll kill you and that damned witch if it's the last thing I do."  A cold hand pressed to your side while the harbinger threw your other arm over his shoulder to escort you inside.
"I suppose I'll have to train you then if that's your goal."
He wasn't joking; the two of you would remain at a stalemate until your strength grew.  He taught you--what you assumed was--almost everything he knew, though for you to reap the full benefits of his knowledge would take years of training.  Despite this he pushed you over and over again, every day, after the wound he gave you closed.  He didn't give you the courtesy of healing completely before initiating fights with you.  He didn't go easy on you either--but it's not like you would've wanted him to in the first place.  At least your sparring sessions gave you an outlet to take out your frustrations on.
You didn't count the days that passed.  You didn't call for Xiao.  You didn't rely on him to save you when all is said and done.  It was time to rescue yourself; if you overran the palace on your own, then other nations wouldn't need to get involved on your behalf.  If the palace fell, no one except you would be held responsible.  You were okay with that.  If it meant Xiao, Aether and Zhongli would be excluded from the wrath of the cryo archon, then your struggles were more than worth it.
Yet with every passing day, more and more Fatui agents were injected with the serums that contained your blood--and survived.  The only thing that made their successful adaptation possible was the sealing of your and Xiao's bond.  With that thought in mind, you were growing increasingly impatient.  You were the one that insisted upon training for most of the day, not Childe.  You were the one looking for a fight.
"Why're you doing this?"  You asked one day while your hand absently trailed down to the fresh scar on your side where he had impaled you.
"Doing what?"
"Training me.  Isn't it a stupid move to train someone how to fight when they're intent on killing you?  If I was you, I would've just let me bleed out in the snow back then."
"If I didn't train you, I would be missing out on one of the best fights of my life."
"Is that supposed to flatter me?"
"It's the truth.  Where else am I supposed to find a worthy opponent?  At my current power level, I'd have more luck with creating one."  Childe conjured his bow and twirled it in his hand, seemingly debating something that was on his mind.  "With your improved skills, I think we'd be able to take the other harbingers."
You froze.  "What?  Why would you say that?  Whatever happened to your undying loyalty?"
"My loyalty for the Tsaritsa and my respect for my coworkers are two entirely different matters.  What I really care about is fighting.  It's been so long since I've had an exhilarating battle, even after Aether showed up.  I would give anything to feel that thrilled again.  And that, dear ojou-chan, is where you come in."
"I'm not fighting you for the thrills.  I will kill you, I'll make sure of it."  It's insulting that he'd even look at your anger as a type of entertainment!  The nerve of this guy--
"Well until then I think we could stir up quite the trouble, you and I, don't you think?"  His eyes finally left his weapon and locked onto you.
"...What exactly are you implying, Tartaglia?"  Narrowed suspicious pupils returned his mischievous ones.
He didn't answer, instead leaving you with an ominous smirk and returning to the palace walls.  Why should you trust a word that fell from his mouth after the Lantern Rite stunt he pulled?  Maybe a small part of you wanted to believe he had some inkling of good in him, but you forced that wishful thinking down into the depths of your soul.  Childe betrayed you so many times; it was in his nature to do so.  He would never be done deceiving you either.  You were sure of it despite the doubts that weighed on your mind.
"Bow before Her Majesty, the Tsaritsa."  La Signora crossed her arms over her chest when you just glared at the dark throne that sat beneath the shadows.
"I think not."
The clicking of the harbinger's heels echoed in the silent room as everyone held their breaths.  No one dared stand up to the cryo archon; it was unthinkable, even considered treason to question her actions.  This would be the first meeting with the god since you formed a contract with her.  And yet despite your quivering knees, you didn't remove your disrespectful glare from the throne.
"I wasn't asking."  Fingers gripped your chin and forced you to look Signora in the face at an uncomfortably close distance.  "You know the drill.  Bow."
A beat of silence hung heavily in the air and then an awkward cough came from one of the Fatui advisors to your far right.  You didn't blink.  "Did I stutter?"
Signora's lips curled into a half-amused smirk before her fingers let go of your chin and were replaced by a palm slapping you instead.  Her nails broke skin, but your expression never changed even when the stinging pain rang through your ear.  "Have you forgotten who you serve?"
"She's not my god."
"Maybe not the one you worship, but I am the one you serve," the Tsaritsa leaned forward from her place on the throne and gestured for the Fair Lady to return to her side.  "Tell me, why did you request to see me?"
A quick glance was sent Childe's away as if to check yourself.  You had decided it best to at least try the peaceful way out before throwing yourself into a suicide mission.  If worse came to worse, at least you'd be able to put your new knowledge to the test.  "I'm no longer working for you."  The archon's silence urged you to continue.  "You don't need me here anymore.  You got what you wanted.  I'm going to return to Liyue."
"Is that so?"
"I will leave regardless of your answer."
"And you think I'd just let you walk out of here after all I've done for you?"  The temperature dropped, but it displayed an emotion that you couldn't put your finger on.  "I gifted you your vision, spared your life and that of your friends, and you insult me in return?"
What is this feeling of dread in my stomach?  Your fists tightened and you took a deep breath to steady your nerves.  "The trials are over now that Dottore's injections work.  That was our deal, was it not?  You want to break our contract?  I thought you were more credible than that," you tested.
"I know what you've been thinking," the archon's thin lips formed a sinister grin.  "I know you're plotting to cause an uproar, and I am telling you now that you will fail.  Heed my words, Mezzetin, you are and always will be under my control."
"Wh-What did you just say...?"  Your heartbeat drummed loudly in your ears and you knees felt like they would give out beneath you.  This...This happened before.  When did she say that?  Where did I hear these words from?  Cold, desolate eyes watched you carefully as the room spun beneath your feet.  "Stay...away..."
"You work for me, not the other way around.  If you leave now, I'll give the order to kill those friends of yours.  You're not done until I say you're done."
"You wouldn't--!"  Bile burned the back of your throat, and a shaky hand covered your mouth in case you suddenly couldn't hold it in.  "You...you..."  An unsettling realization came to light.
"Do you understand the position you're in, Mezzetin?"
"It was...You gave me those nightmares!  Those were all you?"
"You don't think I'm oblivious to your desires, do you? You will always be under my control."
"If you dare touch him I'll--!"  Hundreds of shards manifested behind you and simultaneously shot at the throne.  The more that shattered against the seat and back wall, the more that manifested and replaced them.  
The ones that barreled nearest to the Tsaritsa diverted their path and shattered against the back wall like they had a mind of their own.  Signora used her catalyst to redirect the remaining shards to you.  Luckily none of them landed a strike on your skin, but a charged arrow of Childe's landed before your feet and you slipped on the forming ice.  His hydro blade was immediately at your throat, along with Signora hovering over you with an annoyed look on her face.  The three of you were surrounded by Fatui officers in an instant; despite their capabilities, they were slower than the harbingers.
"If she makes a move, kill her," the archon calmly ordered, completely unbothered by the commotion.
Signora had her men drag you away to the all-too familiar exit that led to the cells beneath the palace.  They forced your head forward so you didn't see the Tsaritsa recline back in her seat and into the shadows.
The archon swiped her finger across her pale cheekbone and warily inspected the fresh blood that had run down the side of her face.  I missed one?  One of your shards did manage to hit her.  Such a measly attack shouldn't have injured me, she thought as she stared at her fingers in awe and concern.  While your power had grown to a certain extent thanks to Childe's training, it was by no means anywhere near equivalent to his--much less equivalent to a god's.  Your strikes, while powerful, shouldn't have been able to hurt the cryo archon.  Yet here she was, staring at the blood you drew from her.
She recalled the wild look in your eyes when you decided to attack her.  Such a beautiful, pitiful sight that held an immeasurable lack of sanity and rational thought.  Your rage was feral, but just like a wild animal, so was your fear of being caged.  She could see it in your stance;  you were all bark and little bite.  The soft interior within her hardened heart actually admired your bravery...only a little, though.  If she were to achieve her goals, that flame of admiration would quickly be extinguished since it had no place in such a cruel world.
Her thumb smoothed over her bloodied fingers while she thought quietly to herself.  It shouldn't have been possible to harm her.  Not on your own, not even with your vision.  It was then that it dawned on her the true meaning of your bond with Morax's sole-surviving warrior adeptus.
So this is the power of the Vigilant Yaksha.
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space-dragon-ace · 3 years
Omg im invested pls tell me moree
Inspiration is from @clouds-rambles, as the Leader of the Winds is their blog OC. When they had their 100 followers event, I brought in an interaction about him losing memories. And then I wrote a story about him. And then the others came into existence.
Cael (he/him) - Leader of Winds, God of Time, Anemo. A boy a bit smaller than Venti, always smiling and cheerful. While Venti plays music and sings, Cael dances. He loves everything cute and sweet, and tries to be friends with everyone. A great listener, not pushy, and never condescending. His long life taught him that pain is relative, and that even if someone's problem seems small, it could be extremely big to them. His long life also brought darkness. While he loves his human friends, he knows he's bound to outlive them, and has to be careful when he appears. After all, he's not aging like them, and doesn't want to cause drama. He also never learnt to forgive himself, and even now, 500 years later, he blames himself for being unable to do anything during the calamity, among others. Since Signora used to be a friend of his, it's one of the things he took the hardest. Very much in love with Venti, Xiao and Zhongli, since he was close to Zhongli before Decarabian came, Venti is his best friend (in the story, his husband) and Xiao is close to all three of them. Yet he also holds some resentment towards Venti, since the latter slept for a millennia, leaving Cael alone in Mondstadt. Cael is actually more bitter and jealous than he lets on, and has long lost all faith in the Ancient Ones and Archons. Trans-masculine, very gay. Autistic and dealing with ADHD.
Ara (she/her) - Leader of Petals, Goddess of Words, Dendro. A tall woman with a mysterious aura around her, always wearing a big smile. She lives deep in the forests of Sumeru in her cottage, having taken on the mantle of the "Flower Witch". She offers her service to anyone searching somebody, using her kin to locate the person wherever they are. Has an open ear for everyone, but prefers others come to her than seeking them out. In the past, she was extremely shy, not able to properly speak to humans and always surrounding herself with wildlife. While she still has a large pack of animals that rarely leaves her side, she now adores humanity, and has no problem talking to them. Yet at the same time, she keeps isolating herself, preferring to keep humans at arm's length. She's scared of being hurt, and doesn't want to lose control. Married to @clouds-rambles OC Selene, who somehow managed to tear down Ara's walls. What Selene couldn't expect though, was that once someone manages to get close to Ara, she gets greedy. She wants that person's entire attention and time, and gets pouty when she is denied such. But she also doesn't want to make herself seem better than she actually is, and is scared of driving people off when they see her not so bright sides. Genderfluid, but she only falls for women. Definitely has something mental going on, but never tested herself (read: I have no idea what it is bc I don't wanna offend anyone)
Noe (he/they) - Leader of Shards, God of Fate, Cryo. A quiet man who does not speak much, but always has this strange smile on his face when asked specific questions. He runs a bakery in Liyue Harbor, though he is originally from Snezhnaya. If asked why he left, he simply states he wanted to be close to his wife. If he is not in his bakery, he can be found at the docks, starring to the horizon for hours, until his wife comes to pick him up. Many find him strange, since he does nothing unless someone tells him to do it. Yet he seems to be always eager to help, but never actually does before being told. It's as if he's scared to mess up, even if the task at hand is impossible to mess up. He always cites something in his past as a reason for this. Married to Shi, and in love with her since the begining of his life. Doesn't think he deserves her love, as he feels useless with this paralyzing fear of messing up. Feels the need to prove himself every day, scared she'll leave him otherwise. Also blames himself for the death of the former Cryo Archon, and for how the Tsarita turned out. Demiboy, only interested in Shi. Deals with depression and cripling Anxiety.
Shi (she/her) - Leader of Crystals, Goddess of Death, Geo. A librarian in Liyue Harbor, and knows everything about Liyue's history. She prides herself in this, seeing herself as better than people like Lady Ningguang and stronger than Rex Lapis himself. True to this, she defeated him in battle, but both are on good terms with each other. Her long life taught her patience, for while some things change within seconds, a lasting change is only achieved over time. She saw the rise and fall of things long forgotten by others, and knows that little things are made for eternity. Which is why she is so amused my Ningguang's Jade chamber, finding the idea of it quite silly. No one but her husband gets to see her silly side though, because she doesn't want her public image of a stern, composed woman to be ruined. Married to Noe. He's the one thing in life she feels insecure about, afraid something could happen to him. Her greatest fear is him leaving her, even when she knows it's a dumb fear. They have been together for longer than the countries exist, why should he leave now? It's confusing her, as things she doesn't know are one of the few things she's honestly scared of. Non-binary, only interested in Noe. Slight God-complex and Anxiety, but she'd never admit so.
Euve (she/her) - Leader of Droplets, Goddess of Life, Hydro. Everyone and their mother can see that this woman means trouble. She has tattoos, piercings, her left eye is missing and no one ever saw her in anything other than her armor. Then again, people rarely see her to begin with. She's cold, snarky and sarcastic, the walls around her heart are made of diamond and platinum. There's no hiding how little she thinks of humans, seeing them as nuisance, a stark contrast to how fond she was of them in the past. The only exception are children, who she'll play with and help without hesitation. She also shares with those in need, but Celestia help if you if you try to thank her. Where others don't like change, she is deathly afraid of it and sees all changes as bad. The only thing she's more scared of than changes is not being in control. She has made her own arch hidden in Fountaine, where she keeps animals and plants long extinct. Also messed with Beidou and her crew on more than one occasion. Gal pal of @clouds-rambles OC Chrissy. The doctor's clumsy attempt at a first conversation was actually good enough to make Euve listen, and because she doesn't really understand what draws her to Chrissy, she wants to investigate. Just hopes she finds out before Chrissy dies, since she wants an answer. The only Leader who doesn't mind outliving humans. Female, pansexual. Extreme control freak, depressed and apathetic to most things.
Dio (he/him) - Leader of Lights, God of Relations, Pyro. Sunshine incarnated, this boy brings positivity and happiness wherever he goes. The smile on his lips never leaves, even when he's asleep and dreaming. No taller than an eight-year old child, he easily weasels through crowds, infecting the people around him with his kindness and laughter. Yet at the same time, he is not fully honest. His happiness is half a facade, as he holds deep insecurities about his performances. Thinks he's not even half as good as his twin sister, and feels the constant need to get better. Even more so because, while he lives in Inazuma, he is originally from Natlan, having fled a long time ago. Now he is convinced he needs to give more than 250% in his new home, so his sister won't throw him out. For all his age and all his happy acting, he's a scared little boy. Twin brother of Fura. Doesn't like leaving her side, only does so to get food. A big eater, you can instantly win him over by offering him snacks. While he feels inferior to his sister, he adores her over everything, and will protect her with all he has. Male, AroAce, he prefers to watch others. Inferiority complex.
Fura (she/they) - Leader of Sparks, Goddess of Emotions, Electro. Cute but deadly, this little girl keeps up a facade of innocence and pureness, only to strike down those who drop their guard. She has a temper, and the face of a sweetly smiling child can quickly become that of your worst nightmare. A mischievous girl, playing pranks left and right, just for kicks and giggles. She doesn't go by a normal morale of good and evil, rather, she follows her own. Those who amuse her and are kind to her family are good, those who annoy or bore her and hurt her family are bad. You don't want to be on her bad side, she know 101 ways to make you regret whatever you did to piss her off before she ends you. Very surprisingly, she can be more than patient when something or someone is important to her. With everything else on the other hand, she is more than just short-sighted. Thinks her Archons were funny for wanting to enforce eternity. Twin Sister of Dio. She sees her only purpose in life to be with him and make sure he's happy, as she had done so when they were still only with the other Leaders. Never trying to find a "real" purpose in life, she now feels horribly dependent on him, and fears he will leave one day. For all she acts tough and if nothing can get her, she is a scared little girl. Demi-Girl, AroAce. Inferiority complex.
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archonssun · 3 years
Uhm.....Hello!i love your writes,can i request little sister headcanons for Childe, Xiao, Noelle, and Mona....?
Of course! 
Little Sister HCs
characters: Childe, Xiao, Noelle, Mona
notes: oh. my. god. I got so carried away with Childe’s and Xiao’s, then Noelle’s and Mona’s are so short 😭😭😭  again, I AM SO SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG TT^TT I’m worried I didn’t write Noelle or Mona well, so I’d appreciate it if you guys would let me know what you thought about their parts 👉👈
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Ajax is the Shit-head Elder Brother, but everyone knows it’s all done with love is it tho
He spoils you
archons does he spoil you
like him, you’re the middle child (only two years younger than Ajax himself), and in his mind you two have to stick together against your older and younger siblings
And with your Cryo vision ...
well, let’s just say that when the two of you are fighting, Ajax ends up frozen more than once
as your older brother, he has a knack for pushing your buttons, inciting violence in his sister that is usually the most passive of people -- and he lived for it
On more than one occasion he would scare away potential lovers -- they all knew what that red mask meant and chose to stay away as soon as they saw it
You were his only younger sibling that knew of his Harbinger status, and for good reason -- having been blessed with a vision from the Tsaritsa herself, you had been recruited into the Fatui around the same time as your brother
Surprisingly, it was the Tsaritsa herself that taught you how to utilize your vision, showing you how best to call forth ice and snow and testing you with various weapons before you ultimately chose to fight with a bow like brother like sister kajslhdfs
As soon as Ajax rose to Harbinger status, you were placed under his watch more like you had to watch him, and had even traveled to Liyue with him
and when the whole Golden House incident happened?
You had never wanted to kick his ass so much
which is exactly what you did after he failed to summon Osial: you took him to a field far from the harbor and thoroughly handed him his ass
"Slow down, would ya?!” Your brother parried every strike you sent his way, which only proved to enrage you further. You scowled at the man, picking up the pace and striking him faster than he could counter or dodge.
“You are a verifiable dumbass! Did you really think that the Qixing and the Adepti would forsake the city they pledged their lives to protect?!” Your scowl deepened into a snarl as your fist connected with Ajax’s cheek, sending him tumbling to the dirt. “Or were you so blinded by your loss to the Traveler that you weren’t thinking?”
“Now that’s a little much, dontcha think, sis?” Ajax smiled. It was a smile you had seen thousands of times before, and it took you no time to know it was fake.
You leveled him with an icy glare, and he actually felt his body grow cold.
Oh wait, that was the ice you were currently encasing him in.
“You will be stuck here, frozen, until I deem you have learned your lesson,” you said simply, stuffing a hand in your pants pocket as you slipped on your Fatui mask and turned your back to your brother.
“Aw, come on, lil’ sis! That’s so cold!” Ajax whined, and you had to take a few deep breaths before you looked at him over your shoulder.
“That’s the idea, dipshit,” you growled, reveling in the fact that he flinched at your tone. With that, you turned back around to head back to the harbor when your brother’s whispered words drifted to your ears.
“You’re just as cold as Signora. How could I have let this happen?!”
Ajax yelped as a shard of ice thwacked him in the forehead, blood trickling down into his eye. He managed to catch the dangerous look on your face before you disappeared from view, and he swallowed past the fear he felt rising in his throat.
Uh oh. Think I might have teased her too much.
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he is the Over-Protective Elder Brother
he is immensely bitter that he missed such a substantial portion of your life, losing the chance to watch you grow up into a strong warrior
Xiao was taken from you when you were barely old enough to wield a weapon properly, so you grew up without him, until Morax had liberated your brother
before that point, you had survived under Morax’s watchful eyes, and the god was the one to teach you how to fight, even gifting you a Geo vision to wield as your own
when Morax freed your brother, you were the first person Xiao asked about. It had been many years since he had been taken from you, and he could only hope you were still alive.
“Xiao.” The sound of your voice had the Yaksha jumping to his feet, wide amber eyes meeting your own. Although you hadn’t grown up with him, you knew he wasn’t one to let emotions get the better of him. And yet, you noticed the tears welling in his eyes as you stood before him.
You approached him slowly, as if he were a scared animal, a gentle smile tugging at your lips. You stopped just a few feet in front of him, about to speak when your brother’s body barreled into you. His arms wrapped tightly around your back, the fingers gripping the back of your shirt trembling.
“It’s okay,” you whispered, the two of you sinking to the floor, just holding one another. You could feel his tears soaking into your shirt and you lifted a hand, running your fingers through his hair. It was something Guizhong would do to calm you when you were a child, and you r actions had Xiao sobbing even harder.
Xiao rarely let you leave his sight after the two of you were reunited
he was adamant that he go with you, no matter where you were going or what you were going to do
he knew you were a capable fighter, wielding a pole arm and a Geo vision much like your teacher
but he had already lost so much time with you
he didn’t want to lose any more time
Xiao would train with you, fight by your side, would listen raptly to all the stories you had been a part of while he was gone
he made promises a lot: promises to protect you, to stay with you no matter what
you were the only one other than the Traveler that he willingly stayed around
when you would wake from nightmares, Xiao was there to help chase them away
but when your older brother was the one suffering from nightmares, it was always you that helped ease the pain, whether it be by singing a soft tune or training with him to get his mind off of the nightmare
when Rex Lapis, ahem ... “died”, it had fallen to you to make sure Xiao didn’t completely shut himself off from others
and suffice it to say that when the mortal Zhongli appeared at Wangshu Inn three weeks later, you had immediately recognized your teacher.
“Xiao!” You beamed, tugging at your brother’s sleeve as a wide smile split your face. “Xiao!”
“What?” he growled, sharp amber eyes flitting to you. But your gaze was set on something else, something in front of the both of you, and when Xiao looked he felt his breath catch. Standing before you was a man Xiao would recognize even in death.
“It is good to see the both of you doing well.” Morax gave the both of you a delighted smile, resting a hand on your head. You were vibrating from the excitement that seeing your teacher -- alive -- brought, an excitement that, for once, was reflected in your brother’s smile.
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you were just a few years younger than your sister, and just like her you had been blessed with a vision
you couldn’t remember your parents; for as long as you could remember, it has just been you and Noelle
you worked with Lisa in the library, mostly organizing and reorganizing books and papers, as well as practicing using your Electro vision with the librarian
but every day, without fail, you and Noelle would meet for lunch. sometimes you had to drag your older sister away from work, but it was the one thing that never changed as you grew older.
you would help her get into the Knights of Favonious after all you had a few connections ;)
it wouldn’t happen right away nothing ever does :( but you wouldn’t give up until Noelle had a place with the Knights as something more than a maid
the two of you would be fiercely protective of one another, and would gladly maim someone if they were to endanger you
more often than not, it is Noelle’s Geo shield that protects your team from your haywire Electro manipulation
“Noelle!” You shouted over the thrum of battle, and in an instant everyone on the team had been shielded by your sister. Just as quickly, a wicked smile adorned your face and you coated your pole arm in Electro as you charged the gang of slimes.
In the time it takes someone to blink, you traversed the entirety of the battlefield, striking every enemy as you went. That is, until you hit one of the Pyro slimes, the resulting explosion knocking you from your feet. 
You cursed yourself, readying your weapon just as Noelle’s shield disappeared and the slimes that hadn’t been culled attacked you. You locked eyes with your sister, giving her a nod as she shielded herself and your teammates. You breathed a sigh of relief before steeling your nerves, coating your weapon in Electro once more.
Electro crackled in the air around you, bolts of it arcing off of you and your polearm and traveling to the ground. You didn’t have long, and so you struck the remaining enemies quickly.
As soon as the tip of your weapon touched the first slime, Electro energy exploded forth from your body and touched every slime surrounding you. You willed the energy to keep shocking the slimes until they had disappeared, and by then you could feel your skin prickling; could see the jagged markings appearing on your hands -- no doubt they were present on your legs, as well, but you didn’t have near enough energy to keep yourself standing.
Noelle was the first to reach you, one hand grasping your shoulder and helping you sit up. She frowned at the dazed look on your face, and immediately pulled you onto her back as she and the rest of the team made their way back to Mondstadt.
“You did amazing, (Y/n).”
Your eyes struggled to stay open, your brain fried from using too much Electro, and so you barely heard the praise fall from your sister’s lips. But it had a small smile tugging at your lips before you drifted into darkness.
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Oh boy...
Okay, so: both you and Mona were taken in by her master, but only Mona decided to learn under them. you were content as you were
you weren’t blessed with a vision like your older sister, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t fight: you had learned how to wield a blade by watching others around you
You would frequently travel with Mona when her master sent her on errands, chattering and laughing with her without a care in the world
but every time the two of you would run into trouble, the both of you would fall silent as you battled
There was only one time in all of your travels where you had come close to death
You had elected to jump between Mona and a Cryo slime, taking a hit to your side that momentarily made you freeze, and the slime had taken that opportunity to charge into you, sending you flying backwards into a tree
“(Y/n)! Are you alright?!” Mona was at your side in an instant, her gray eyes wide with worry. You tried to laugh, to alleviate her worries, only to fall into a coughing fit.
Your sister became increasingly worried as her eyes drifted down to the ice covering your wound. Just as she reached to touch it, something caught the sun and blinded her for a split second.
“(Y/n), what is that?” As your sister pointed towards your closed hand, you finally registered the cool feel of metal on your palm, and as you unfurled your fingers you were greeted by a Dendro vision.
A tired smile tugged at your lips as you looked down at the pulsating vision, a wry laugh falling from your mouth.
“Huh, guess nearly dying does have it’s perks,” you chuckled, delirious from both the cold and the hit to your head. You heard Mona screech at your words, and you could only chuckle as you turned to meet her eyes. “Don’t worry, Mona. I’ll be fine.”
“Don’t joke about dying, you stupid little sister!”
Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list for Genshin Impact!!
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