#fatu harbingers
f-ai-n · 2 years
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(Fatui Adopt Kaeya AU) Happy Birthday Kaeya!
You know those stupid videos of people slamming the birthday person's head to their birthday cake? Yeah, it's that butj Dottore. And he missed. Or it's on purpose, who knows.
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azumitaragashi · 2 years
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Mi harbinger favorito, en fin 
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fatuismooches · 9 months
Allow me to feed you more brainrot!!
Hey! I saw that you liked my writing about the ending where the Fragile!reader doesn’t make it in time, so why not give you some thoughts of mine on what sort of habits or tendencies the ill reader has gained? This is supposedly a few centuries into it, though no time is specified really. (Note : Let me see what I can cook in a few days with the ‘broken heart’s ending. Stay tuned!)
1.The desk is [name]’s bed now. As many years have gone by, the duties of the second harbinger has been mostly assigned to you as you are(were?) the lover to II Dottore. The sparrow tended to work on paperwork’s until their hands felt numb, shaky handwriting only stabilized with a use of a machine or primarily writing with a typewriter. The sparrow goes on missions, though internally craving to stay near and only focus on the revival of the fallen crow. The desk is where they tended to spend most of their time at, either for research or paperwork when they were free. Though the sparrow was treated with some sympathy, their unhealthy habits haunting them to the point they passed out on the desk or even harbinger meetings. Their fragile and porcelain like body was beyond pushed to their limit, but they will not stop. Though around their fellow allies such as the dove, they will ease on it to ensure that the sparrow’s allies are not overly concerned. The sparrow does not want anyone to be concerned more than the sparrow had pushed them away. Even by the time when no Fatus under the Fatui Harbingers command no longer recognize the name of the Doctor, only to recognize yours instead, you never take credit for the work you’ve done yourself. You always stated that the work you have done should be credited to II Dottore himself—The research and notes he had left behind was the starting foundation to your own search, afterall.
2.Dragged to rest. By the time the sparrow is remotely close to finding something that would give the first major step to the resurrection to the great II Dottore, they had taken supplements, no matter how bitter, to force back and silence their illness though it only ever managed to be temporarily. The rare nights where one of the harbingers that were your friends were free to check you from their busy nights—wether it be the Damsellette, the Regrator, or Tartaglia, you’d be dragged to your bed even with how much of your mental stubbornness would try and argue back. Your physical stubbornness is not well due to how your fragile body is, already at a melting point with how you are treating your body, the rebellion of yours falls into silence as the harbinger pulls a blanket over you as they give a light threat that they better not see them snooping around to study. Your body agrees even though your mind is exactly the opposite, but you wish them a goodnight’s rest as you close your eyes. That night, you ended up passing out for little more over 12 hours.
13.Flinch at sudden contact, and protectiveness. With your lover dead, the sensation of touch has become almost unbearing. Especially to your now scarred body from your experiments, anyone who dares to even tap your shoulder might become the next test subject to see if they could be resurrected with the next concoction you create for the sake of the unmoving frozen corpse of the Doctor. Your face is the most vulnerable—most possessive of the mask your lover once wore every day, almost every hour of the night. So you keep it close, it is important as your life and you’d defend it till the very end. With the cause of the Crow’s death, the fox-fur wearing Sparrow has taken a distaste to anyone who may pose a threat to the Crow. Especially with the Golden Comet, now you have become the underlying term of ‘overprotective’. Overprotective to someone who wasn’t even breathing anymore, safely encased in permafrost in the hidden depths of the lab. If any word of something or someone that can end up harming your lover ends up getting into the sparrow’s ears, be prepared for the threat to be wiped from existance in record time. Such thing shall not exist anymore under the sparrow’s gaze, and they will not escape it.
4.To ramble to something inanimate. With the death of the segments and Prime himself, [name] had gotten the habits to ramble off in one of the segments’ rooms or snuggle in the bed of Prime’s. How you spoke and rambled away as if they were still with you, perhaps maybe they were. Somewhere, someway, you could even bring the segments back. Though your primarily focus was on Prime, you still mourned for each copy and clone there ever was of Dottore. The Sparrow loved each and every version of the Crow there was to offer, from the small hatchling Zandy to the original Zandik. Omega, Beta just to name a few.. it was not too uncommon for a Fatui Harbinger or Fatus for business just to see the lover of the Doctor ramble against a object that one segment may have owned, or them snuggling into a clothing they may have wore.
(Should I write some ideas if Dottore did eventually get resurrected?? Perhaps your thoughts on it would be great. I also think when Dottore does get resurrected, Dottore might also be frail because your body sort of just weakens from a lack of use and he was dead for a while too.. so now you got Frail!Reader and Frail!Dottore just collapsing together, PFT.)
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hoonietual · 2 years
i got so excited at fatu harbinger mention that i mistook capitano for pierro 😔
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monokerous · 21 days
Week after agonizing week passes. Diluc goes through the motions of his everyday life. Breakfast with Adelinde. Meetings with Elzer. Don't think about Fawn. Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork. Bartending with Charles. Don't think about Ajax. Night patrol.
It's exhausting, but it works. During the day, he stuffs his brain so full of numbers and figures that he couldn't possibly think of anything else. He sees the classroom he'd set up in the mansion, full of empty desks and materials, and he buries his head into his work. Elzer has taken to shooing him out of the manor around dusk to 'take a break', as if he were a child. It's an evil plot to make Diluc reflect on his life, he's sure, but he's found a loophole. He simply makes his way to the Angel's Share and busies himself with new, complex drink recipes. If the recipes become more complicated and mind-boggling whenever he catches a glimpse of fire-red hair, well, that's his own business.
Things are good. Charles gets a few well-deserved nights off. The drunkards have never been happier with the new influx of tasty alcohol, though Kaeya has begun to make pointed comments that sound too close to concern for comfort.
And when the bar closes, well... This is what Diluc looks forward to the most. Only with a claymore in his hand can he truly empty his mind. He patrols the city, then expands his area of coverage. He fights until he's too exhausted to think, until the pain of his wounds finally overshadows the hollow feeling in his chest. Then he stumbles home, uncaring of the blood that oozes through old, reopened wounds, and passes out. If he is lucky, he does not dream.
Tonight's patrol had been particularly grueling. Several Abyss mages, closer to the city than he'd seen in months, and a whole legion of hilichurls besides. The mages' pyro shields were impervious to his elemental energy, so he'd spent hours hacking away at their defenses with sheer brute force. Surely, he'd exhausted himself enough for dreamless sleep. His feet bring him closer to the city's side gates, when he spots a glimpse of fire-red.
A Fatui Harbinger, sneaking around his city under cover of the night. A small part of Diluc shrinks away. Hasn't he done enough? (When will he ever be enough?) But a larger part of Diluc, the part that's captivated by the way Ajax shines under silvery moonlight beholden to his duty, forces him to stay.
"Tartaglia," Diluc says, voice rough. He's too tired for pleasantries, but he grits them out anyways. They're in public. It wouldn't be becoming for him to lose his temper and cause a diplomatic incident without attempting civility first. "What are you doing out? It's well past midnight. Are the accommodations at the Goethe not to your liking?"
Mondstadt was a small city.
This much Ajax knew even when he was merely a boy. However, he couldn’t quite imagine the true scope of mediocrity until planning an indefinite stay in the city of freedom. He grew bored by the third day, his affairs with the lower ranking fatus wrapped up quickly. With no Diluc or Fawn to pass the time, he’d taken to listening.
It was quite adorable how easily the people of Mondstadt gave information up, all eager and bright eyed to discuss some seemingly well loved neighbours.
That’s how he found them, nearing the edge of the city gate as the night grew darker.
Sara from the good hunter claimed Fawn to enter from the southern most gate every Thursday at half passed eleven after a long day spent in Springvale. The intel proved to be right when Ajax managed to finally corner them after weeks of only catching a few glimpses in the street.
Unlike Diluc, poor sweet Diluc. Fawn was easy to forgive. And they would as soon as he was able to sit them down for long enough to listen to the truth.
Ajax whips his head around at the gruff call of his name, for a moment his attention stolen away from Fawn who postures uncomfortable beside him. Their body pressed flush against the stone walls of the city. In the dim, flickering light that illuminated the gate, a familiar, fiery figure looms in the shimmer moon glow. Diluc.
Blood drips off him in delicious rivulets that makes his heart stir within his rib cage. A trail follows after him as he dares to step closer. Fawn steps further away, shrinking away when they too realise who stands just over yonder.
“I’m simply enjoying the night Master Diluc,” he calls back, resting his hands in his hips, “I did not know that the streets had a time limit.”
Fawn grabs at his coattails, tugging his attention away for a moment, “Do not provoke him,” they hiss, their eyes wide and filled with something akin to anger, “Master Ragnvindr will not hesitate to put you in your place.”
Shifting uncomfortably, they press their fingers into their temples.
“I do find it cute that you believe he could do such a thing.”
Trailing his fingers over their exposed shoulder blade, he carefully adjusts the strap of their dress.
“I said no such thing,” Diluc’s voice echoes around the empty streets, “I simply do not trust Harbingers who prowl around my city under the dark of night.”
“Your city, hah!” Ajax mockingly laughs, brushing off Fawn’s worries.
Running his fingers through his wind tussled hair he forces a smile onto his lips.
“Why don’t you come join us.”
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the-daiz · 3 years
A monster's wish | Scaramouche
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Genre: angst
Pairing: Scaramouche x reader
Warning(s): hints of death(reader), fire, somewhat confusing
Side note: in all honesty, I have no clue what this is?? It's just a mashup of words. I just finished the poppy war maybe that's why.
Not proof read
Posted on 16 /January /2022
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The blazing fire surrounded the short being. It looked as if it were joyfully dancing, circling around him. The only thing he could hear were the loud hissing sounds coming from the flames, but Scaramouche would've sworn that he had heard something else, something high-pitched and pain-filled, like the screams of someone who was being burned alive.
Scaramouche's shoulders tensed up whilst he helplessly tried to get away from the sizzling fire. It burned him, even though he was no mortal, no ordinary being, it stung him. Normally, fire wouldn't affect the balladear, he could take a bath in a firey pit if he wanted to, but here, in this haunting realm, he could only sense what mortals sensed, only see what mortals saw, only feel what mortals felt.
In this world of unknown, he was not the all mighty sixth fatue harbinger, Scaramouche. He was only Scaramouche.
His eyes widened ever so slightly at the faint call of his name. His eyes darted around him, desperately searching for something in the flames.
He heard it again. That familiar voice. Your familiar voice.
When the two of you locked on to each others gazes, he felt an overwhelming emotion overflow his tiny form.
"(Y/n)!?" He called, turning his head from left to right, twisting his body in every direction, but everything he set his eyes on was aflame. And all of a sudden, the fire scattered to the side, piling up against itself to create a long path, and in the end of the path, there was you.
Was it fear? Was it panic? He wasn't sure. It was only something mortals could feel.
"(y/n)!" He began walking towards you, then broke into a run. The path was long, and stretched far and yet he could make out your face so vividly it felt unreal. A large grin spread across your features. Your face, once in a state of shoke and confusion, was now shining more brightly than the glowing blaze around you.
Then you took a step forward, wanting to be reunited with fair-skinned boy.
Then your figure erupted in flames, consuming your whole body. The fire feasted on you like a starving beast, and with a matter of seconds you were reduced to mere ashs.
It happened so fast that he still hadn't comprehended what he had seen, and when he did, he wish he hadn't.
This cannot be real. He demanded, he didn't know if he was speaking out of logic or out of fear.
This isn't real!
Then he fell.
And he fell.
And he fell.
Then he was awake.
He had both his arms outstretched on the ground beside him, and felt the dry grass under his cold fingers. His eyes fluttered open, gazing exhaustedly at the unique constellations in the sky. It reminded him of you.
It only took him a few moments to remember his dream.
And he found himself wanting to go back.
He wanted to sense, see, feel what mortals did again. Not because he was interested in them, it was only because he was interested in you. He wanted to see the world how you saw it. He wanted to see himself how you saw him.
There were so many things he wanted to ask you, but alas, it was too late for that.
It was his mistake, he shouldn't have gotten so close to a human knowing that they live short, pathetic lives.
But why did yours have to be so short? Why couldn't it have lasted a little longer?
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imagine this with me for a moment, okay, Aether(as the traveler) has done SO MANY THINGS for everyone, and he's vibing somewhere with Jean, Amber, Kaeya, Venti and Diluc. they ask him to do another thing and he goes
everyone looks taken aback. "Aether, I-"
"What are you doing?" Diluc asks.
"I'm going to speak with the Fatui. I met the 11th harbinger in Liyue, so-"
Diluc's eyes widened, and everyone could have sworn to see sweat forming on his face. "Just why would you involve yourself with the godforsaken Fatu-"
"They seem to have better intel," Aether said coldly. "Besides, that Childe fellow has helped me with my personal interests before, unlike you lot. Goodbye."
"Aether, wait we can help-"
"You should have said that at the start."
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dearemilia · 3 years
Fatu Harbingers AU, Tokyo Revengers
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TAGS/NOTES: Fem! Reader, Tsaritsa! Reader, mentions of one weapon, reader is cold hearted. If you want more check out my wattpad <3
You blankly stared at the man who kneeled in front of you, begging for mercy as the other members whispered. The cries and pleads go deaf to your ears.
You wanted to help him, really. After all, what kind of leader are you if you ignore his suffering. But at his point, he's going to die anyway, any day. So why bother on saving him.
Yuzuha's blade is inches from cutting his skin "Please..." The man pleaded once more, coughing out blood.
Hina already dealt with him but she had to leave early due to her mom calling her for dinner since it was getting late.
"You helped the traitor, giving out information to other gangs even going as far to threaten our lower members, why should her grace help you?" Yuzuha's tone sends shivers down the man's spine.
The man begged again "Please! Please!" He sobbed "I know I've committed a sin worthy of death but please forgive me your grace!"
"Then die" You spoke as the air began to get cold.
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heyitslanesl · 3 years
i would like to introduce you to another one of my ocs!! :D
her name is snowy and she’s around 10 years old! She was quite literally frozen in time as a result in the aftermath of the Celestial War in Khaenriah. She was found by the fatui centuries later and was taken in by them under the tsaritsa’s orders, but she wasnt treated kindly there and in fact they treated her quite harshly
but luckily, by some chance she was able to escape from their grasps to dragonspine
she has no vision but she will get one eventually and just like the pyro fatu skrimishers, she uses a gun
she is incredibly observant and mature, and does not hesitate to call someone out whether they like it or not
(fun fact all of the fatui harbingers had to watch her at some point ! :D)
who entrusted the care of a child with Sandrone bro
bad choices all around
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futurefind · 2 years
//There’s smth v funny abt Sa having 0 clue nor care for the details abt the Fatui beyond ‘smth smth Harbingers make good fights?’ while, like, anyone ~25 years ago From the fatui would Instantly Recognize Her as daughter of presumed kia harbinger while shes just. 
sb: you, fatui? sa: fatu-who-y?
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dearemilia · 3 years
in one of the posts you wrote that you see Emma in a signora costume, but since the fate of both of these characters is quite tragic, I would like to ask if you could write a hedcanon about how the Queen of s/o breaks into the battle between Toman and the Celestial Empire, and her reaction to Emma's death
TAGS/NOTES: I'm making this short considering how I already have a book for this hc <3 angst, mentions of violence, weapons, small hint of misogyny, character death, Tenjiku arc manga spoilers. I apologize if the characters are OOC. Stay safe and healthy! <3
Izana smirked watching Mikey fall “It’s not my fault, no?” Mikey kept his gaze on the floor, heavily breathing as everyone watches the two brothers fight “I thought my sister would at least fight but...She was really weak...” Izana held a disappointed expression.
“Why aren’t you speaking?” Izana asked, not liking how quiet he is “Aren’t you upset that Emma was killed?” Izana held his hair roughly, leaning towards his face.
Mikey then raises his head as he spoke with a low tone “You’ve angered her...” Everyone got confused, what does Mikey mean by that? And who is ‘her’ he is talking about.
They were caught off guard when lower members from Tenjiku started screaming in agony. The heavenly kings including Izana looked at where the scream was coming from as the rest of the Toman members trembled in fear.
There standing in front of Draken’s bike was none other than [Name] or better known as the Tsaritsa of the Fatu Harbingers.
Hakkai’s eyes widen, seeing Yuzuha behind you with a scowl. While the other Tenjiku members were either excited or afraid. Izana held an interested look plastered in his face.
Izana tilted his head, letting go off Mikey’s hair as he squints his eyes at you “So we finally meet Tsaritsa...Still can’t believe a girl like you managed to be a leader” You raised your head to stare at the sky and noticed stars. Remembering how you and the other girls would go out at night for fresh air.
Your eyes has always been dull but now instead of the usual icy cold stares, your eyes held anger “Izana...You dare to let those fools kill your own sister...” You pointed a katana at him, catching everyone off guard excluding Yuzuha and Hinata who knew something like this would happen.
Izana grinned from ear to ear “Shall we dance, Tsaritsa?” He stretched his right arm out while you cracked your knuckles.
A battle between a king and queen, how ironic.
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