#silence of the lambs references have abounded
pallanophblargh · 4 months
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I’m so blessed to meet this little lady, the first of my 7 cecropia caterpillars from last summer to emerge. I wasn’t counting on her to come so early! I’m hoping to find her a mate, but I don’t know how good her odds are in this neck of the woods. I found her mother in the suburbs about 5-7 miles from here, so I don’t know how many cecropia find their way close to the urban (but still residential) core.
For those wondering: she is every bit as soft as she looks and she sounds like a bird when she beats her wings. Also she has a strong smell; kinda like musty chocolate and old leaves.
If I am fortunate to get fertilized eggs out of this group, I would love to raise the next generation of caterpillars. They have brought me so much joy and I missed them so much during their long pupation.
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mlobsters · 4 months
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supernatural s1e7 hook man (w. john shiban)
(this is a rewatch, so spoilers abound)
as i see the tail end of skin again just reminded thank goodness green screen in the impala was only s1
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chains on his hook, he fancy. come get this piece of shit boyfriend who doesn't understand the word no
DEAN Your, uh, half-caf, double vanilla latte is gettin’ cold over here, Francis. SAM Bite me.
real men drink coffee that doesn't taste good, duh
DEAN Sam, I’m tellin’ ya, I don’t think Dad wants to be found.
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laughing at the link on the side about police campaign targeting unruly pedestrians lol. also top tip, just don't include the top of the window so we can't tell we're in a picture viewing app! it's a nice little mockup. still on the random skateboard resting on a chest/trunk thing for the background
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just workin on my beamer with a half eaten banana in my face???
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FRAT BOY Do me a favor? Get my back. Big game today. DEAN (pointing to SAM) He’s the artist. Things he can do with a brush. -- DEAN You missed a spot. Just down there... on the back
dean can't resist making sam paint this random frat boy. also, dean's reading "backside" magazine. "bottoms up! [something]'s best backside, bobbi brenner, shows off her assets" lol nice one, design team. also i don't think i'd ever heard the term skin mag before this show.
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s1e7 dan butler as reverand sorenson / the x-files s2e14 as jim ausbury / the silence of the lambs (1991) as roden
okay he's been in a lot of things i know. frasier (recurring then main character for a minute?) and roseanne specifically. however! he was also in an episode of the xfiles and he was in that scene about the moth in the silence of the lambs
REV SORENSEN Our hearts go out to the family of a young man who perished. And my personal prayers of thanks go out as well because I believe he died trying to protect my daughter.
more like got interrupted trying to sexually assault her but potayto potahto
also show being real subtle with them walking into the church and reverend's daughter looks back and makes meaningful eye contact with sam while he flashes a half dimpled sympathetic smile. i wonder if they're gonna try to push sam and the girl getting together!! lol
also real subtle with the, dean doesn't care about religion/church whatever with sam needing to nudge him to get him to bow his head. he surely knows better how to play along :p
SAM I kind of know what you’re going through. I-I saw someone..get hurt once. It’s something you don’t forget.
echoing that moment in 1x03 when sam gets to hear dean talk about mary
from s1e3 dead in the water DEAN You're scared. It's okay. I understand. See, when I was your age, I saw something real bad happen to my mom, and I was scared, too.
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laughing at how squashed together they had the boys stand. i imagine it's so they're not blocking the woman's shot, but it makes me chuckle nonetheless
DEAN So, this is how you spent four good years of your life, huh? SAM Welcome to higher education.
establishing the correct number of years being away at college :p
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j2 tell a story that they got the spotlights taken away because they were being obnoxious with them, wiki says they were taken off because of camera placement for an episode ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
SAM If it is a spirit, buckshot won’t do much good. DEAN Yeah, rock salt. SAM Huh. Salt being a spirit deterrent. DEAN Yeah. It won’t kill ‘em. But it’ll slow ‘em down. SAM That’s pretty good. You and Dad think of this? DEAN I told you. You don’t have to be a college graduate to be a genius.
huh! didn't remember this was something they.... invented. within the past few years. again with my impression them being this little isolated family of lone hunters vs the world
DEAN Saved your ass! Talked the sheriff down to a fine. Dude, I am Matlock.
was gonna say this feels like an old reference, but i watched plenty of matlock and dean and i are about the same age soo :p
DEAN Dude, sorority girls! Think we’ll see a naked pillow fight?
per wiki
Reference to National Lampoon's Animal House where in a scene the character Bluto, played by John Belushi, gets to see some sorority girls in a naked pillow fight.
still rolling my eyes. like the whole porky's 2 is dean's favorite movie
DEAN Yeah, that’s classic Hook Man all right. (He taps his nose.) It’s definitely a spirit. SAM Yeah, I’ve never smelled ozone this strong before.
huh. another thing that got dropped. ghostly ozone!
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DEAN Man, you’ve been holding out on me. This college thing is awesome! SAM This wasn’t really my experience. DEAN Let me guess. Libraries, studying, straight A’s? What a geek.
LORI I saw you from upstairs. What are you doing here? SAM I’m keeping an eye on the place. (LORI looks at him.) I was worried. LORI About me? SAM Yeah. Sorry. LORI No, it’s cool. I already called the cops. (She smiles. SAM laughs.) No, seriously. I think you’re sweet. Which is probably why you should run away from me as fast as you can.
listen. i know he's cute and dimpled and all, but GIRL! hell no. she's just been traumatized significantly, twice, there's no way some rando literally watching her house isn't going to freak her the fuck out, i don't care how sweet and fuckable he seems
LORI It’s like I’m cursed or something. People around me keep dying. SAM I think I know how you feel.
oh sammy you don't even know the half of what's coming down the pike
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oh hey, this was the second thing i drew for spn! couldn't quite figure out dean's face but the angle and lighting does straight up make him look a little different so i think that was part of it (pretty sure i could "fix" it a lot faster now but i'm trying to not fiddle with stuff after the fact.) i gotta remember to change up the color palette more often, it was fun
also i think an interesting thing about jackles is he has these really broad shoulders that seem almost too big for the rest of him. and they sit a tiny bit forward (kind of like joaquin phoenix, but less pronounced) along with the bow legs and the very conventionally attractive face, he's an interestingly constructed human
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all right we need the boys kissing someone, sure this works. right in front of angry preacher dad's salad. oh but no! i can't, i am still too broken up over jess actually. whatever :p
music is pleasantly xfiles adjacent not eyeroll inducing, so of course it's christopher lennertz
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hey, brother 🙋‍♂️lol
SAM Did you get the hook? DEAN The hook? SAM Well, it was the murder weapon, and in a way, it was part of him. DEAN So, like the bones, the hook is a source of his power. SAM So if we find the hook... SAM and DEAN We stop the Hook Man.
another relatively basic to how ghosts work on this show thing that they're apparently just figuring out right now
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thought about painting this too, just would be a lot of work
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padalecki and his veins poppin out at every opportunity. there's a hug that i've thought about painting that his arm would be so much texture because of it lol
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pretty sure "reaping with joy" made me laugh the first time too
not me looking up the melting point of silver and how hot a wood burning stove might get
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DEAN We could stay. (SAM shakes his head. DEAN watches LORI looking sad, through the mirror. He shakes his head in disappointment and drives away
so i definitely took screenshots of this and talked to someone about it the first time, how i thought it was notable dean was willing to hang around for sam to be with this girl. in hindsight though now i see it as more, we could stay long enough for you to get into her pants because she's clearly interested! and maybe that's what that little gesture that the transcriptionist calls disappointed is about
i just wasn't in enough of the mindset the first time that there is no possibility of staying anywhere more than a handful of days and dean's sheer investment in getting sam laid
feeling the trudge on writing up this episode - purely i think because i have too much to say, constantly. i do delete stuff from these too. like i was talking to my brother recently and he was saying how he didn't know how i could talk like i do in my youtube videos and i'm like dude. it's often 45+ minutes of talking i'm trying to whittle down to 10-15
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seekfirstme · 4 years
The following reflection is courtesy of Don Schwager © 2020. Don's website is located at Dailyscripture.net
Meditation: John the Baptist's life was fueled by one burning passion - to point others to Jesus Christ and to the coming of his kingdom. Who is John the Baptist and what is the significance of his message for our lives? Scripture tells us that John was filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother's womb (Luke 1:15, 41) by Christ himself, whom Mary had just conceived by the Holy Spirit. When Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth John leaped in her womb as they were filled with the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:41). The fire of the Spirit dwelt in John and made him the forerunner of the coming Messiah. John was led by the Spirit into the wilderness prior to his ministry where he grew in the word of God and was tested in preparation for his prophetic mission. John's clothing was reminiscent of the prophet Elijah (see Kings 1:8).
Called to hear and obey the Word of God
John broke the prophetic silence of the previous centuries when he began to speak the word of God to the people of Israel. His message was similar to the message of the Old Testament prophets who chided the people of God for their unfaithfulness and who tried to awaken true repentance in them. Among a people unconcerned with the things of God, it was his work to awaken their interest, unsettle them from their complacency, and arouse in them enough good will to recognize and receive Christ when he came. Are you eager to hear God's word and to be changed by it through the power of the Holy Spirit?
Jesus tells us that John the Baptist was more than a prophet (Luke 7:26). John was the voice of the Consoler who is coming (John 1:23; Isaiah 40:1-3). He completed the cycle of prophets begun by Elijah (Matthew 11:13-14). What the prophets had carefully searched for and angels longed to see, now came to completion as John made the way ready for the coming of the Messiah, God's Anointed Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. With John the Baptist, the Holy Spirit begins the restoration to the human race of the "divine likeness", prefiguring what would be achieved with and in the Lord Jesus.
Let the Holy Spirit purify and transform your mind and heart
John's baptism was for repentance - turning away from sin and taking on a new way of life according to God's word. Our baptism in Jesus Christ by water and the Spirit results in a new birth and entry into God's kingdom as his beloved sons and daughters (John 3:5). The Lord Jesus comes to baptize each one of us in his Holy Spirit so that we may walk in his truth and holiness and radiate the joy of the Gospel to all we meet. God's word has power to change and transform our lives so that we may be lights that point others to Jesus Christ. Like John the Baptist, we too are called to give testimony to the light and truth of Christ. Do you point others to Jesus Christ in the way you live, speak, and treat others?
"Lord, let your light burn brightly in my heart that I may know the joy and freedom of your kingdom. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and empower me to witness the truth of your Gospel and to point others to Jesus Christ."
The following reflection is from One Bread, One Body courtesy of Presentation Ministries © 2020.
“In His arms He gathers the lambs.” —Isaiah 40:11
The Lord plans to comfort His people (Is 40:1). However, it’s hard to comfort a person on the move. When my children were small, they often fell and hurt themselves. I would gather the screaming child in my arms (Is 40:11) and attempt to “give comfort” to them (Is 40:1). Sometimes they would get stiff as a board and refuse to be comforted. Other times, they would squirm relentlessly and would not accept comfort. When they allowed me to comfort them, I placed their head against my chest, and they rested, becoming still enough to hear my heart beat.
This is God’s plan for us. He commands us: “Quiet! Be still!” (Mk 4:39) If we let Him, He will gather us in His arms and attempt to comfort us. Like the child, we can squirm away from Him or become stiff and make “no room for” Jesus (Lk 2:7).
Conversely, we can decide to become still enough to hear what the Lord says (Ps 85:9). We will then rejoice to hear the beating of His Sacred Heart as He speaks to us. When we are still, we are in position to be able to hear Him as He patiently tells us to repent and change our hearts (2 Pt 3:9).
Are you feverishly preparing for the “holidays,” or are you daily setting aside “still time” with Jesus? “You have only to keep still” (Ex 14:14). Be still and know He is God (Ps 46:11). Then repent and confess your sins (Mk 1:5).
Prayer:  Jesus, help me to still and quiet my soul (Ps 131:2). “When cares abound within me, Your comfort gladdens my soul” (Ps 94:19).
Promise:  “He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit.” —Mk 1:8
Praise:  “For if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Rm 10:9). Praise You, Jesus!
Reference:  (This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)
Rescript:  "In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from December 1, 2020 through January 31, 2021. Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio January 14, 2020"
The Nihil Obstat ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the Nihil Obstat agree with the contents, opinions, or statements
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wheresmyvisa · 7 years
The Road to Loibor Siret, 7 August 2017
Our last day in Kenya we packed up the safari vehicle with our carryon bags at 7 am and took off to head toward the border town of Namanga on the way to Loibor Siret, Tanzania. We took an immediate detour to see a 1-month old cub that had been lost in the Selenkay Conservancy for a week and just found by its mother. It was emaciated since it had no milk for a week. Mom and Dad (Marty, the King) had meanwhile lost hope and mated. Mom likely won’t have any milk for cub, so it likely won’t survive.
We continued to Namanga with our amazing Maasai guide “Wilson” and met our Tanzanian driver at Kenya immigration. It was very crowded with tourists and locals aiming to avoid probable chaos that would follow the next day’s presidential election. Word is that whoever loses contests the results, and his supporters get ornery.
We had come to Kenya 3 days prior via Nairobi. Our hotel was just outside of the city center, a good launch point for safari. We asked the hotel personnel about going into the city center for a short stroll in the city before dinner. They strongly advised against it due to the final rallies that were going on.
While Kenya immigration took about an hour, there was no one in line at the Tanzanian immigration office. We’re not sure where everyone went. We got on the road in Tanzania around noon, and the flat, dry savannah of Kenya instantly made way for green rolling hills. It seemed quite odd that a political border would cause geography to change, but the perceived observation was later confirmed by a resident Tanzanian.
Unfortunately I cannot recall the name of the driver with whom we ended up spending almost 7 hours. Let’s call him Luke. So while Luke waited about an hour and a half for us to cross both immigration offices, he stopped on the side of the road for lunch a half hour after we finally got on the road. “It’s time to stop for a bite.” So Luke had his homemade meat stew and chapati pancake from the driver seat while we waited and looked out the windows.
It wasn’t too long after we started up again that Luke was pulled over by a speed trap. He exchanged some dialogue in Swahili with the officer before getting out of the car to go across the street and shake hands with the other officers who were sitting on a log watching it all. Smiles, laughter, and conversation with dynamic hand gestures abounded. Then finally Luke pulled out the cash and tried to force it into the hands of the designated bribe collector while both laughed and dodged for dominance.
The officer finally accepted the bribe and approached the car to check us out while Luke re-occupied the driver’s seat.
“Where did you come from?” “Amboseli” “Where are you going?” “Arusha” “Where are you from?” “America” “Ah Mr. Trump! You are the Trumpettes”
All we could do was shrug with waiter tray hands and smirk/smile before he sauntered back to the log to wait for the next speeder.
After about 2 hours we arrived in the more metropolitan area of Arusha. Luke showed us his house as he took the local roads around the city center. We were starving since we weren’t fond of the boxed lunch we brought form the camp. So we stopped at a store that looked like a small grocery but was actually a liquor store with a few snacks. We purchased the most incredible chili dusted potato chips and popcorn with an speckling of neon rice puffs.
Once we were began to exit the city center of Arusha, Nick realized that we should buy a new camera chip. This required a u-turn into city traffic and search for an electronics store. We found one after navigating the traffic “queue”, parked, and turned off the car for the first time since we left Namanga. Chip purchase successful, but restart of car not.
Luke opened the hood to investigate. Jiggled a few things and tried to start again. Nothing. Luke called in reinforcements. A cable jump start had no impact. Silence upon a turn of the starter key.
It was time for eager bystanders to pounce on the hood to help with an uphill push jump start. About 4 men gave it all their might to move the car a few inches before Nick jumped out to join them. They mobilized the car into the midday Arusha traffic with a reception of car horns. Luke did whatever he had to do and got it running again. Nick hopped back in to a car that would not be turned off again for another 4 hours for fear of getting stuck again.
Before we left the US, our host in Loibor Siret had asked me to e-introduce him to the car service so he could give them directions to his remote village. He assured me that the driver had detailed directions before our journey. Upon encountering the first decision point after leaving Arusha, at an outer village with its own road, our driver pulled over and beckoned the closest adult to come to his window. They had a long conversation, in Swahili of course, and then we set on our way again. We asked him what the conversation was about, and he told us that he wanted to make sure he was going in the right direction. He was pretty certain that he knew which way to go, but it was a custom to stop and ask directions when entering a new village.
We continued on and pulled over at the next village that was along the road, ie nowhere to turn off. Another long Swahili conversation. We asked again what they said. “Go straight.”
This event happened at each and every village that we encountered along the way, and each time the interpretation of the conversation was “straight.” There was only one road, so there were no other possible results. Luke always made the villager come all the way to his window rather than shout his request for directions (or whatever it is that they talked about). Seemed like a power move to me.
At about 4 pm, Luke finally couldn’t ignore his wife’s calls anymore and he pulled over to check in with her. She sent us her prayers that we would not lose our direction on this one road and that we would arrive at Loibor Siret before dark.
Although the journey was long, it was full of stimulation with Luke’s conversations and antics, continuous sightings of giraffe and zebra grazing by the road, and children walking home from school in their solid colored sweaters, long full skirts for girls and knee-length shorts for boys. We saw them walking home until late afternoon as some of them could walk up to 10 kilometers each way with lots of playfulness along the route.
After Luke’s conversation with his wife, we stopped for another check in and conversation with whomever was at the village entrance. This was the point where we thought we had to be there, as it was almost 5:00 and we had been on the road since 7 am. When we asked Luke what the result of the conversation was, he said 50 to 60 kilometers left. I figured he must have said 15 to 16, so I echoed “one five, right?” He said “five zero to six zero”. So we settled in to look for more school children and giraffe.
At 6 pm, out of nowhere we came across a pickup truck that said “Tanzanian People & Wildlife” on the door, the name of our hosts’ NGO. (Note: a previous post about our visit with TPW references it as African People & Wildlife, which is the name of the American 501(c)(3) fundraising and awareness arm.) Luke gripped the steering wheel hard and sighed “God is great!”
Neo of TPW greeted us warmly and took us to the ward constable to sign in. All visitors must check in with him and exchange pleasantries.
A huge colorful market still open shortly before dusk greeted us with fanfare. We were ready to meet our hosts and wash up from the long dusty drive when Neo said to follow him another 12 kilometers up the hill, which took another half hour to navigate the deep divots and curvy path.
At the top, our hosts Laly and Charles, founders of TPW, greeted us warmly. The Maasai sentries led us to our tottages (a cross between a tent and a cottage) and then to Laly and Charles’ beautiful home at the top of the hill. A fire and Serengeti beer eased the length of our journey, and a leg of lamb grilled over an open fire filled our empty bellies.
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canaya96 · 7 years
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As I walked last night along the main highway that passes through the Hjaltadalur Valley, making my way by moonlight reflected on snow, I reflected on my first 100 days in Iceland and how I have adjusted to this exciting new life.
Nature, 360
It is hard to look around Iceland and not be captivated by the scenery no matter where I am. I have been captivated every day since arriving and the scenery never gets old. While hiking in Iceland, I cannot help but be aware of the landscape. Without the distractions of being on the lookout for snakes and mountain lions (a normal part of life in my home-state of California), calling birds, or hordes of insects (my life in Oklahoma), one is much more aware of the plants, the mountains, and the silence that abounds. My only hope is that the scenery does not become a background fixture as I settle in further during my stay!
One of my favorite places to walk is the forest behind Hólar University College where I live. Now in the winter, I hike with snowshoes to balance myself atop the 5-24 inches of snow and ice that has accumulated. I am on the lookout for Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) while treated daily to glimpses of the rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta) in its white, winter colors, and glimpses of a resident owl that is one of only three owl species in Iceland. So, it is either a long-eared, short-eared, or snowy owl! Its preference for the forest habitat and winter coloration suggests long-eared.
The forest, after two feet of snow.
Snow-covered Christmas trees. Anyone can come and select their Christmas tree here. The trick is carrying it to your car.
Order up!
I must admit, I found food to be expensive after saving at chains like Wal-Mart and Aldi in the U.S. The benefit is, however, that nothing is wasted, and you learn to live within your means (especially as a student on a limited budget). This may be one of the reasons Costco has done so well since opening in the spring of 2017 in Iceland. I splurged on the $40 membership to stock up and indulge in a little taste of home such as Costco pizza every few months! If a four-hour trip to Reykjavik is not feasible, there are other local options. Fall was the season of sláturtíð, the time when lambs are slaughtered after being gathered from their summer homes a couple of months earlier. The local store then features a big sale and is the best time for locals to stock up for the long winter. Horse meat, beef, chicken, and even fermented shark are also locally available.
Fruits and vegetables are also a staple in Iceland because of the flourishing green houses that abound, although some fruits/vegetables are shipped in such as the avocados from South Africa or Mexico. The local market in Saudárkrókur is typically where I shop during the week and my basket is filled with the same items each week (because of my select diet -o.k., my pickiness!): coffee, chicken breasts, rice, Tabasco®, bell peppers, lettuce, cheese among a few other items). A typical week of groceries may cost $100-120 for a single person. But be sure to get there by 7 p.m. during the week, when the store closes and 4 p.m. on Saturdays.  If you get tired of the same old food and want to head to your local restaurant or fast food, your choices are limited. The closest thing to fast food in Saudárkrókur is fried chicken, hamburgers, and fries at two local gas stations, which are not bad to satisfy a craving. Each day locals flood the grocery store for lunch from 11-1, where the butcher counter is transformed and offers premade pastas, and hot foods including grilled chicken, fish, and French fries.
I am grateful for the selection of fresh fruits.
Assorted lamb parts available including head cheese.
Hi-ho, hi-ho…
My drive from Hólar University College to the lab in Sauðárkrókur where I work, is a short 31 km drive (25 minutes at 80-90 km/hr). This drive, however, can take me an hour because I am always compelled to stop to take pictures of the pastoral landscape dotted with sheep and horses in all directions. This is because I might not be able to get that same picture ever again (the amateur photographer’s dilemma).
The work day in Iceland is shorter than the U.S. We typically arrive around 8:00 a.m., have breakfast, drink coffee. At 10 a.m. it is break time, more coffee and on Fridays-cake day! This is where each week, someone is selected to provides cake or breads to share with everyone. Noon is lunch, and everyone takes their full one hour, and no one sits alone. In fact, everyone, everyday has lunch together. Our large fully stocked kitchen is perfect for cooking your lunch or big holiday dinners!
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The beautiful landscape on my commute is filled with the most amazing patterns of color. In fact, if you stare at the scenery long enough, the colors will change before your very eyes with a new photo opportunity every minute.
What I pictured
Leave your shoes at the door
I have also adjusted to standard living practices in Iceland. A customary practice is to wear inniskór (inside shoes), usually slippers, to avoid bringing things inside on wet and dirty shoes. This is standard practice in schools, workplace, and even in the lab where I work. To embrace my surrogate country, I practice this same tradition. It does seem practical when you come into the office in boots covered in snow but try giving a serious scientific seminar in your slippers!
 At home, I love making my bed in Iceland. Most beds are a simple duvet and cover—no flat sheet! And no need for a blank because the duvet and cover provides all the necessary heat you need. Making my bed takes 10 seconds-fluff the pillows and fold the duvet lengthwise voilà! This was standard at all the hotels I have stayed in, too and I have to say, I will carry on this tradition when I return to the U.S.
 In Iceland, it is common for households to only have a washing machine. No dryer although the “drying rooms” are quite adequate for drying clothes. My apartment came equipped with a drying and storage room, where, with radiators, clothes dry in less than a day—but be sure to open the windows throughout the house for airflow to alleviate mold growing in the seams of the window. Mold prevention is why you will often find heaters blasting and windows open. I will spare you any pictures of my laundry drying!
Yay, shoveling to unbury my car.
It is a lot easier to walk in snowshoes than hiking boots.
The dark times
Winter has been both a challenge and a blessing. The trade-off for nearly perpetual darkness (only 3 hours of light and no sun in the valley) is the scenery. (See last week’s article). The benefit as a scientist is you cannot be out doing field work, so you get all that much-needed writing done. It does, however, put a damper on my field work which will be remediated soon as the light (by the time this article is published) is already growing. In the coming months, this darkness will be mitigated for by the reciprocal “light times” where, in the land of the midnight sun, (as Iceland has affectionately been referred to) the sun will hover higher and longer on the horizon. This will give me the opportunity to work or take in the majestic scenery around the clock!
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The Hjaltadalur valley. Sunset after 3 of daylight.
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  This is just a glimpse of my life here in Iceland. I will say however, that I appreciate the slower pace of life and make sure my day is scientifically productive but counterbalanced by a walk to experience nature’s majesty, which is impossible to ignore because it surrounds me every step I take.
Coming soon: Elves and trolls in Iceland, the power of women in Iceland!
100 Days in Iceland As I walked last night along the main highway that passes through the Hjaltadalur Valley, making my way by moonlight reflected on snow, I reflected on my first 100 days in Iceland and how I have adjusted to this exciting new life.
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