#silenced fire
angel-inked · 10 months
Silenced Fire - Master list
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Chapter 1: Wasted
Chapter 2: Flower petals
Chapter 3: Revenge on my mind
Chapter 4: Picking fights
Chapter 5: Thorn in the side
Chapter 6: What do I do
Chapter 7: Kidnapped
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gg-ladybug · 6 days
Apparently, desktop can support 30 images in a single post… I could become 3 times as insufferable if I wanted to be. (Take another group collection while I find frames for a Husk centred version.)
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Alastor: (Part 1)
Lucifer: (Part 2)
Random Groups / Duos / Ships: (Part 3) (Part 7 - Here)
Charlie: (Part 4)
Adam: (Part 5)
Angel Dust: (Part 6)
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sage-nebula · 2 months
Sonic fandom, if we could muster enough energy to get Paramount to fix ugly Sonic for his crimes of being ugly, then we can muster that same energy to get them to fire James Marsden from all future Sonic Movie projects after 3 for his crimes of writing a letter defending a self-admitted child rapist and then not bothering to say as much as "I shouldn't have done that, my bad" almost a month after his defense of said child rapist was made public. We can do this. I believe in us.
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writerjodie · 7 months
me: i'll put my writing playlist on while i write!
me, instead of writing, singing every word:
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ki11j0y11 · 5 months
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Remember to boycot! and if you cannot donate, USE YOUR ART palestine will be free! your silence will be noticed.
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zeb-z · 10 months
fave moment of the day was cellbit dealing with literally everything all at once - richas painting mystery, federation nonsense and other mysterious circumstances attached to that, whatever is going on with what happened in the nether, luzu’s computers reappearing and trying to triangulate something from their location, and bad pulling him aside to talk to just him about something incredibly important, so cellbit is ready for another issue, another puzzle, or something relevant to the cases at hand - only for bad to just be like ‘I just wanted forever to see us and get jealous. I haven’t seen him all day so I’m giving him a taste of his own medicine. do you think he’ll get jealous?’ and cellbit just
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androids-insides · 2 months
Your Narrator is so silly goofy I'd like to a) put him in a microwave or b) put him inside a big concrete box and shake the ever-loving hell out of it
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yayforocs · 3 months
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i started listening to imp and skizz
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frogintheair · 6 months
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i miss rhys................................ oh and shinon's there too
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doctorkinktraveller · 7 months
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angel-inked · 1 year
Silenced Fire, Chapter 6: What do I do
Things are getting interesting
*I've missed a couple wip Wednesdays, so now you guys get a whole chapter!*
@vvkingofgaybisciutsvv @thequeenofthewinter @thedevilshardy @mollybegger-blog @wandawiccan60 @cameleonhardyfan63 @liliac-dreamer @potter-solomons
Rose showed up for work the next day, wearing a short black, off the shoulder dress. Her chocolate brown curls glistened in the sun, Howard said she was beautiful and he wasn't the only one to notice. Forrest found it hard to teare his eyes away from the brown eyed firework that had walked into his world no more than twenty-four hours ago. She hummed a jaunty tone as she cleaned, her cream colored flats made a tapping noise against the hardwood as she neared the table her new boss was sat at, smoking a cigar. "Like whatcha see?" She grinned playfully. Forrest cleared his throat, avritting his eyes to the floor. "Someone's in love" Howard exclaimed in a sing-songy voice. Forrest grunted in annoyance "even if I was, she's too good for me anyway" he countered, glaring at his big brother. "Who told you that?" Rose asked, taking the seat across from Forrest. Forrest, still avoiding eye contact, grumbled something unintelligible that he had no intention of repeating. Rose plucked Forrest' hat from the table and placed it on her head, it may have fallen over her eyes because she pulled it down or because it was two sizes too big, most likely a case of the latter. Rose paused for a moment, before sticking out her tongue and wiggling it around. Forrest let out a faint but audible chuckle "I don't think that belongs to you" he said smirking a little. "I'll grow into it" Rose replied smiling. "I don't think so" Forrest explained, standing up, picking his hat off Rose's head and placing it on his own.
"You're lucky, Forrest smacked me the last time I touched his hat, and I was trying to hand it to him" Jack exclaimed. "Shut up, both you and Howard" Forrest muttered gesturing to his little brother, before walking out the front door. "He likes you" Howard explained, walking towards Rose's table, leaning his hands on the chair previously occupied by his brother. "How can you be sure?" Rose asked, leaning her head into her hand. "He's my brother, I can tell" Howard explained, sounding like he thought it was obvious. "You should go with Forrest to the store later, get some alone time if ya know what I mean" Jack snickered. Rose rolled her eyes "whatever" she replied, standing and going back to work. Surprisingly, the brothers did the same. Sure Forrest Bondurant intrigued her, but she wasn't sure if she'd say she was in love with the guy. Forrest was a mystery, at best. Rose is a well-off from, what was considered in the area, a wealthy family. Forrest is an outlaw, who ran moonshine, he was notorious even. Rose was sure her family would throw a fit if she shacked up with someone like Forrest, but it would be fitting considering she was the black sheep of her polished family. Her sister Maggie, attended dance school and sewed her own dresses. Rose preferred working the dive scene, she felt comfortable around the brothers. She felt more like a Bondurant than she did a Beaufort, Beaufort was a well regarded, middle-class name but Rose, according to her daddy, had too much interest in her grandpa's rifle and his stories of bootlegging. If she did end up changing her last name to Bondurant, well, she certainly wouldn't be the one complaining.
Meanwhile, outside. Forrest wondered over towards Cricket, who as usual was buried under the hood of his truck. Forrest folded his arms and leaned his elbows on the vehicle, waiting for Cricket to notice his presence. It didn't take long, Cricket began feeling around for a tool, jumping when his hand felt Forrest' hand. "Ugh" he groaned, rubbing a spot on the back of his head, that Forrest was sure would have a bump on it, considering how hard he smashed it against the car hood. "How can I help you Mr. Bondurant?" Cricket asked. "Help huh?" Forrest said, turning his head to the side to stare off into the distance "Well, I'm not sure you can" he mumbled. "How's Becky doing?" Forrest questioned, turning back to the young boy. "She's good, her daddy is always hollerin' at me and Juniper for one thing or another" Cricket explained shrugging. "That's nice" Forrest said, going back to staring down the grassy hillside. At this point, he might as well be a professional. "Did the new girl piss you off or somethin'? I find it hard to believe you came out here for smalltalk" Cricket asked, raising a brow at Forrest. "How did you know?" Forrest blurted, answering the question with a question of his own. "Know what?" Cricket exclaimed confused. "Becky. How did you know you liked her?" Forrest clarified. "Well, Juni was the one to set us up, why do you ask?" Cricket explained. Forrest usually didn't care much about what Cricket and his little brother Juniper got up to, all he cared was that Cricket didn't slack off at work, so all these questions were cause for suspicion. "I can't believe I'm asking you this.. but I for sure as hell ain't asking Howard and Jack for advice on this" Forrest began, Cricket was now wondering if he needed to clean his ears out, surely he misheard Forrest. "Rose is.. well" Forrest wasn't sure how to say it. "You like 'er?" Cricket exclaimed, putting it into words for him.
"I don't know" Forrest grumbled, "not sure I like anyone to tell ya the truth" he added. "Wait, let me get this straight. You, Forrest Bondurant, came out here to ask me, Cricket Pate, for relationship advice?" The mechanic exclaimed. "Well, I'm no good at this stuff and you really think I would ask either of my brothers?" Forrest explained, "besides your pretty much the only person I know who's relationship isn't falling apart at the seams" he added, adjusting his hat and stance. "Wow, you must be desperate for some help" Cricket began, "well, I'm no love doctor but I'd say ask her how she feels about you, other then that I ain't got much in the way of advice to give" he explained. "I'll keep that in mind" Forrest replied, beginning to wonder off. Cricket went back to work, thinking the conversation was finished "tell Jack I said to give you a raise and you say anything about this to him or Howard and you're throat is gonna be lookin' about like mine, you understand?" Forrest called back over his shoulder. "More than understood" Cricket called back, knowing better than to cross Forrest if he wanted to keep his hide attached to his back.
Forrest wondered off for real this time, still not sure what to do about his situation. He walked and walked, until he found himself on a secluded dirt road. He sighed sticking his hands in his sweater "what do I do.." he asked himself. Forrest met two men walking towards him, one was blonde with shoulder length hair paired with all black attire. the other wore a wide brim black hat and a suit, he definitely wasn't from around here "Forrest bondurant?" The blonde man asked. "Do I know you?" Forrest questioned, not recognizing the blondie, he couldn't see the other man's face through his hat. "No.. but we know you" the suited one explained. Before Forrest could figure out what that meant, he was hit, in the head, hard. And everything went black.
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paracosmicparadox · 7 days
I was jamming out earlier today, and it's not the first time I've had this epiphany, but Loud(y) by Lewis Del Mar is very Neil-coded. Just the vibes. Some of the lyrics, too, esp the intro, but the ENERGY throughout is just. It's perfect for him. My perception of him, at least.
Anyway, thought I'd share. Neil's been on the brain lately (tho he never leaves, if we're being honest) so here we are. I picture him ripping Riko to shreds with this as the backing track and suddenly the world is a little brighter.
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sheepfish03 · 1 month
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The salmon when it's big, or something...
Hermit a day may 1, Beef!
Laughed out loud when I realized his day was the first one, since last year I joined mid challenge, when it happened to be his day as well.
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mirensiart · 22 days
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I can see it in your eyes
You want to leave
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itconsumesyou · 8 months
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a grave mistake // meat & great
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blaiddydbrokeit · 1 year
I'm thinking about this gif (credit to @unxpctedlygreat ) and I'm actually very amused by the subtle details I'm noticing.
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Felix is using very basic techniques and cuts. This supports my theory that this isn't a spar, but an awareness drill. His initial stance allows him to quickly prepare a basic overhead cut, and capitalizes on his speed (his greatest asset) to immediately fold his grip and do a very fast upward lapel cut.
Dimitri is able to catch the first strike, and is pushing forward his footwork in order to take the impact at his core and legs rather than putting his own force into blocking or putting his balance at risk.
But because Felix is so fast, Dimitri actually chooses to pull back to dodge the second cut entirely, because he can read Felix faster than he can prepare another action, and will likely not be able to block in time.
He also slightly hops backwards to do this, and does it twice - something also seen in Three Hopes. Even if one hop puts him out of immediate striking range, his lance has a much larger effective range than Felix's sword, meaning that two hops gives him the advantage - he is out of Felix's striking range, but he is also able to use the time that is needed to close the gap read the combat situation and strike before Felix enters striking range.
I love this entire scene so much just for what it can tell you about their combative styles and attitudes.
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