#silk sea hybrid
3zethe3zr · 3 months
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Off course, Thecosomata (designed by @shimmering-wof-blog ) gets her annual ref overhaul for this coming artfight
Been tweaking her design to not only more accurately be my idea of a silkwing seawing hybrid, but also fit the sea butterflies she was named after more
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So I've been drawing an OC once every day, it's been three weeks so I'm gonna start sharing them, some are more thought out then others and there's a point where I stop digitally drawing them and just say fuck it.
First is Alpine, A pure Skywing, he was born missing one of his back legs, he is currently engaged to two of his best friends.
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Next Paperbark, she is a painter living on one of the Islands in between Pantala and Pyrrhia, she lives with a roommate
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Island is one of the princes of the Seawings, he doesn't really have too much of a personality other then he's a good brother.
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Next up is Sparkling, he's a pure Sandwing with distant Rain heritage, him and his half brother were raised in a crime family, to get away they faked their deaths, he know runs a small bar in a town (man's also has 3 husbands)
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Chinchilla, one part of a group of three assassin's, he's Albino usually mistaken for a Ice hybrid, he's smaller then most and uses knives mostly
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Isopod a Silk/Sea hybrid, she's Paperbarks roommate and the first dragon born on one of the in between islands, she's a jewellery maker and is the best on the island
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Startrapper the adopted princess of the rain kingdom, she loves to invent things
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First, not digital is Sapote, A Leaf/rain hybrid, he lives with his boyfriend and his half brother.
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Now Fridge, he's not to thought out he travels a lot, he's chill
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And finally Lemur, she's apart of the same crime family as Sparkling and is Sparklings half brothers half sister, she's fine with taking over the family business.
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And that's all for now more soon
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Everyone please be nice to my baby Orchid <3
Meet Orchid ! A Silk/Sea hybrid, WOF oc !
She’s a future oc for when Saguaro is older :]
『 B A S I C I N F O 』
「 Character Name 」
「 Gender 」
「 Age 」
༺°•°•°•☾5 years☽•°•°•°༻
「 Sexuality 」
༺°•°•°•☾undefined yet !☽•°•°•°༻
「 Tribe(s) 」
༺°•°•°•°•☾Sea/SilkWing hybrid ☽•°•°•°•°༻
「 Rank in Tribes 」
『 A P P E A R A N C E 』
「 Main Scale Color(s) 」
༺°•°•°•☾Warm Yellow to Green☽•°•°•°༻
「 Secondary Scale Color 」
༺°•°•°•☾Light Yellow, Blue☽•°•°•°༻
「 UnderBelly Scale Color(s) 」
༺°•°•°•☾Light Yellow !☽•°•°•°༻
「 Wing Membrane Color(s) 」
༺°•°•°•°•☾Pink to Blue☽•°•°•°•°༻
「 Eye Color(s) 」
「 Tongue Color 」
༺°•°•°•☾Yellow !!☽•°•°•°༻
「 Inside of Ears 」
༺°•°•°•°•☾Blue with a dark like blue and white splotches. ☽•°•°•°•°༻
『 R E L A T I O N S H I P S 』
Name? ⪼ PondHawk
Tribe? ⪼ SeaWing
Dead or Alive? ⪼ Alive
Name? ⪼ Ambrose
Tribe? ⪼ SilkWing
Dead or Alive? ⪼ Alive
Name? ⪼ Saguaro
Tribes? ⪼ Rain/SandWing
Dead or Alive? ⪼ Alive !
『 L I K E S / F A V S 』
「 Quotes 」
༺°•°•°•°•☾"Oh you don’t get it, you just don’t get it !"☽•°•°•°•°༻
༺°•°•°•°•☾"I think all dragons matter in a way or another, except me."☽•°•°•°•°༻
「 Dragon 」
༺°•°•°•°•☾ His pet snail ! ☽•°•°•°•°༻
「 Food 」
༺°•°•°•°•☾ Insects and Fishes. ☽•°•°•°•°༻
「 Song 」
༺°•°•°•°•☾Beggin’, 19’s version. ☽•°•°•°•°༻
「 Movie 」
「 Tribe(s) 」
༺°•°•°•°•☾Nightwings, SilkWings☽•°•°•°•°༻
「 Color(s) 」
『 D I S L I K E S 』
「 Dragon 」
「 Food 」
༺°•°•°•°•☾Any sweet food☽•°•°•°•°༻
「 Song 」
༺°•°•°•°•☾None !☽•°•°•°•°༻
「 Movie 」
「 Tribe(s) 」
「 Color(s) 」
༺°•°•°•°•☾None, all colours are beautiful !☽•°•°•°•°༻
「 C r e d i t s 」
༺°•°•°•☾ [Template] ☽
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marshmallowcat666 · 2 months
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Smaugust prompts list by pencil cat!
Smaugust days 1-5;
Day 1 From a Book, Glory from Wings of Fire sitting in the branches of a tree
Day 2 Teeth, an oc named Bumblebee bearing sharp teeth
Day 3 Magic, two wof ocs, Blacknose enchanting his daughter Calyptra’s necklace
Day 4 Sword, wof oc King holding a decorated sword
Day 5 Snooze, wof oc Baltic taking a nap on the sea floor
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aesdragons · 1 year
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man i can't wait to draw her more
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transbeamrooikat · 1 year
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I will make as many pastel coloured ocs as I can. no one can stop me
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rimecrystal · 4 months
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Sea-Silk Hybrid OC Commission
Work from October 2023
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Mlp wof!au but only they are all hybrids
Rarity - ice/rain, her father is an icewing who was tired of the difficult life in the Ice Kingdom so he ran away to the rainwings
Rainbow Dash - sea/rain, her father is a blue seawing with a rainbow crest
Applejack - mud/sand, Apple family - mudwings, Pears - sandwings
Fluttershy - leaf/silk
Pinkie Pie - silk/ice, Ignous Rock is a "boring" brown-gray silkwing, his daughters look more like their icewing mother, except for Pinkie she looks more like a silkwing, her pink coloring comes from her paternal grandmother
Twilight is the least hybrid, being three-quarter nightwing and one-quarter icewing. Her father is nightwing, her mother is ice/night hybrid
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Celestial Dragon (Tianlong)
Legends of the Dragon
The myriad legends of the Chinese Dragon permeate ancient Chinese civilization and shaped their culture even today. Its benevolence signifies greatness, goodness and blessings. Instead of being feared and hated the Chinese dragons are highly respected creatures of good fortune that bring ultimate abundance, prosperity and good fortune. Chinese mythology says dragons control the rain, rivers, lakes, and seas. Many Chinese cities have pagodas where people used to burn incense to ask the dragons to favor their crops or change the weather. Dragons are referred to as the divine mythical creature.
As an animal possessed of magical abilities the Chinese dragon is able to shrink to the size of a silk worm; and then swell up to fill the entire space between heaven and earth. It can make itself visible or invisible, as it so chooses. It can take on human form or that of another animal to carry out some secret mission.
Everything connected with Eastern Dragons is blessed. The Year of the Dragon that takes place ever twelve years is lucky. Present-day Oriental astrologers claim that children born during Dragon Years enjoy health, wealth, and long life. (1964 and 1976 were Dragon Years.
Dragons are so wise that they have been royal advisors. A thirteenth-century Cambodian king spent his nights in a golden tower, where he consulted with the real ruler of the land a nine-headed dragon. Eastern Dragons are vain, even though they are wise. They are insulted when a ruler doesn’t follow their advice, or when people don’t honor their importance. Then, by thrashing about, dragons either stop making rain and cause water shortages, or they breathe black clouds that bring storms and floods.
Types of Dragons
There is more than one type of dragon depicted in Chinese art. In early times there were four main kinds of dragon with many other sub-divisions:
The heavenly or celestial dragon (tian-long) was the celestial guardian who protected the heavens, supporting the mansions of the gods and shielded them from decay. The Tian-long could fly and are depicted with or without wings they are always drawn with five toes while all other dragons are shown with four or three toes.
Spiritual Dragon
The spiritual dragons (shen-long) were the weather makers. These giants floated across the sky and due to their blue color that changed constantly were difficult to see clearly. Shen-long governed the wind, clouds and rain on which all agrarian life depended. Chinese people took great care to avoid offending them for if they grew angry or felt neglected, the result was bad weather, drought of flood.
Earth Dragon
Dragons that ruled the rivers, springs and lakes were called Earth dragons (di-long). They hide in the depths of deep watercourses in grand palaces. Many Chinese fairy tales spin yarns of men and women taken into these submarine castles to be granted special favors or gifts. Some of the di-long even mated with women to produce half-human dragon children.
Treasure Dragon
Believed to live in caves deep in the earth the (fu-can-long) or treasure dragon had charge of all the precious jewels and metals buried in the earth. Each of these dragons had a magical pearl that was reputed to multiply if it was touched. This pearl was as symbol of the most valuable treasure, wisdom.
Over the ages many other forms and hybrid animals related to the Chinese dragon have emerged as part of dragon lore. There are said to be nine distinct offshoots of the dragon that are carved as mystical symbols on doors, gates, swords, and other implements as means of protection and as harbingers of good fortune.
The Dragon Pearl
The luminous ball or pearl often depicted under the dragon’s chin or seen to be spinning in the air, pursued by one or two dragons is thought to be a symbolic representation of the ‘sacred pearl’ of wisdom or yang energy. Pearl symbolism, like lunar symbolism arises from Daoist roots and the connections, are extremely The dragon's pearlcomplex. This pearl can be said to stand most often for ‘truth’ and ‘life’ – perhaps even everlasting life which is made available to those who perceive the truth and attain enlightenment.
The dragon’s pearl can also be thought of as a symbol for universal Qi the progenitor of all energy and creation. The dragons seem to be depicted in attitudes of pursuit. He is seen to be reaching out eagerly to clutch at the elusive object, mouth open in anticipation and eyes bulging with anticipation of achieving the prize afforded by clutching the pearl.
In connection with the dragon the pearl has been called the image of thunder, of the moon, of the sun, of the egg emblem of the dual influences of nature, and the ‘pearl of potentiality’. The pearl is most often depicted as a spiral or a globe. In some paintings it is sometimes red, dragons eggsometimes gold, sometimes the bluish white of a true pearl. The pearl is often accompanied by little jagged flashes that seem to spark out from it, like flames; and it almost always has an appendage in the form of a small undulating sprout, not unlike the first young shoot from a bean.
In Daoist concepts the moon, pearls, dragons and serpents are inextricably linked. Like the snake that is reborn when it sheds its skin, the moon is reborn each month, and both are symbols of immortality. Like the dragon, the moon is always associated with water; its undeniable power over the tides is believed to extend to all liquids on earth. The dragons that lived in the sea were said to be inordinately fond of pearls and collected them and watched over them in great submarine palaces. -The Dragons of China
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missingalo · 8 months
I've started the 121 WoF hybrid challenge!
I'm not really a person for words but this will be a fun project I'll work on leisurely, so enjoy Part 1
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stoats-n-wires · 6 months
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BFB screenshot redraw with four and flower as wof dragobs i did for fun to test out deesigns :]
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ramble beelow
for my wof x bfb/tpot dragon designs i wanted to have all the algebraliens come from pantalla whereas contestants come from pyrrhia but i quickly realized some tribes just Fit with some characters and i couldn’t do that (leafy = leafwing for obvious reasons)
i originally thought of having four as a sea/night hybrid so i could make them extra blue but i realized i could just make a blue tinted nightwing instead
i also debated making them a night/silk hybrid and i’m still thinking about it. anyways dragon!four is a mind-reader nightwing with animus powers
flower i definitely just made her a rainwing straight off the bat. no questions asked
i tried to make her frills look like flower petals and i was gonna keep it purple like her actual object design but i liked yellow frills better
tried to have a lotta curvy lines to evoke her petals, i think she’s a pretty rainwing!!
i’m gonna make a post compiling object show characters and what dragon i think they’d be
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teethwitheyes101-blog · 8 months
OK SO I had so much fun w the last poll, soo
NEW POLL !! 😍🤭🤞
Ok that’s a lot of options.., have fun :)
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kakajoju · 7 months
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They call him Eel because he's a SeaWing without wings, haha, get it
Hake is an adult Silk/Sea hybrid who never metamorphosed on account of him being a hybrid. Instead of smooth, his silk is razor sharp and he uses it as a weapon.
Him using it as a weapon landed him in prison where he holds a high position of power because he doesn’t let anyone push him around.
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afalconfromalcyoneus · 6 months
WOF Dragon Taxonomy
I was kind of thinking of doing a semi rewrite of the WoF backstory / lore. No new species would look as different as Wof dragons do in that short amount of time (come on drastically different dragons in roughly 5k years?). For my rewrite I'd say the scorching was actually at least 1 million years before the first book starts. Probably still not enough for the drastic changes, though since the different tribes can still breed with each other (hybrids exist after all) I would say they're either still the same species (or subspecies) or closely enough related because breeding (with fertile offspring) is still possible.
I'd also say Nightwing, Icewings, and Skywings existed in some form when the scorching happened since I believe they're the "common ancestors" for most of the other tribes.
Since I believe the dragons are subspecies of an "original" species of dragon that existed way before the scorching here are some hypothetical scientific names! The basic scientific name for all of them would be Draco Sapien (The Wise Dragon). Here is the list:
Nightwings: Draco Sapien Noctis (Wise Dragon of the Night)
Icewings: Draco Sapien Nivis (Wise Dragon of the Snow)
Skywings: Draco Sapien Caeli (Wise Dragon of Heaven, just thought this sounded cool)
Mudwings: Draco Sapien Terrae (Wise Dragon of the Earth)
Sandwings: Draco Sapien Solis (Wise Dragon of the Sun) or Draco Sapien Desertum (Wise Dragon of the Desert) Couldn't choose between the two.
Rainwings: Draco Sapien Silvae (Wise Dragon of the Forest)
Seawings: Draco Sapien Maris (Wise Dragon of the Sea)
Hivewings: Draco Sapien Wasp (Wise Wasp Dragon, since they kinda look like wasps)
Silkwings: Draco Sapien Serico (Wise Silk Dragon)
Leafwings: Draco Sapien Folium (Wise Leaf Dragon)
Wow, that was a lot. I'm not exactly a professional in species names, but I tried my best. I would say the WOF dragons would be most closely related to Birds! They're definitely reptiles, and I think it makes the most sense for them to be related to Birds. So WOF dragons would be part of the Archosauria (Ruling Reptiles) Clade which in the real world is made up of Birds and Crocodiles. For extinct members, it also includes Non-Avian Dinosaurs, Pterosaurs, and extinct Croc species. In my opinion, the WOF dragons would technically be more closely related to Dinosaurs, but their closest living relative would be birds (which are dinosaurs technically).
Did Dinosaurs even exist in the WOF universe? I mean, birds are a thing so I'm guessing that's the case.
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introverted-kittycat · 8 months
what do y’all think the coolest looking wof hybrids would be?
i personally think: sky/night
silk/rain (VERY PRETTY)
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goitale · 14 days
LONG YAP AHEAD!!! ++NOT ALOT OF LORE mostly whos what tribe(s) and a bit of stuff for lore munchers to ponder of :3
also i pasted from discord so ermmm oopsies
wof mcsm au!
notes: dom/rec for hybrids. for admins, like Freedom, they are no specific tribe, but first generational dragons.
reminder that beetlewings are the generation behind hive/silk seperation
jesse- nightwing
petra- skywing
axel- mudwing
olivia- rainwing
lukas- seawing
reuben- scavenger
dragons around beacontowns' area r very mixed tribes but rainwings r considered primary due to cultural impact
jack- sandwing
nurm- rain/silk
vos- seawing
ivor- sand/sea/ice mix (hes cool enough for 3) (65%/25%/10%)
gabriel- icewing
sorren- rain/sea
ellegaard- sky/ice
magnus- sky/night
ender dragon = very deranged darkstalker, "THE DARKSTALKER is a horror myth where þe shadows of þe ender world came to life and made a horrible huge dragon!!"
romeo- primarily night, sky, sand genetics
xara- primarily rain, ice, leaf genetics
fred- primarily sea, mud, beetle genetics
stella- icewing
lluna- scavenger from the rich scavanger kingdom i forgot þe name but lluna hates champion city AND þat kingdom
~ after the bedrock...(no beetles)
freds keep has muds, ices, seas, silks
binta- sea/mud genetics
romeoburg has hive, night, leaf genetics
xara's oasis is deserted with mostly sandwings and rainwings hiding in the deserts
the warden- night/sky with a tail prosthetic due to explosions fun fact
the admin favors his genetics so the institute is primarily his grandx999 children that disappointed him because he þought nightwings and skywings were so cool
old builders
harper- beetlewing, in her episode the townsfolk r sands and a few sand/silks
purple suit guy- hivewing
blue hair girl-leafwing
harper's friend guy- silkwing
cassie rose- deranged rain/leaf, with lots of sloths
sky island dragons are primarily beetlewings and the mythical spider tribe
founder- hivewing
youtubers (fun fact, ices and rains have accents)
dantdm- ice/night
ldshadowlady- ice/sand
stampycat- rainwing
stacyplays- sandwing
sparklez- rainwing
þe first one þat died- skywing
"the white pumpkin"="the darkstalker", cassie pretends to be darkstalker myth :3
nell- sea/rain :3
em- sand/sea :3
*they communicate in aquatic! rest of their group r seas or sea hybrids for þis reason, Kelp team btw*
jesse gets random premonition dreams (aka a dream you have þen later on turns out to be true/þat dream happens irl) like every 6 monþs and therefore has sm fun stories to tell and every time it happens she IMMEDIATELY has to tell olivia and þeyre a duo ever
she isnt exactly a seer nightwing and petra is initially very confused by þis when jesse is like "yeah dont give your sword to a lady from anoþer city, petra!" þen it happens. and jesse explains
if yk jerboa and jerboa II's story, it relates to þem and þeir in-universe counterparts :3
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