blankbusen-sw · 10 months
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sonnwehr · 2 months
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fieteontour · 1 year
2.-4. Juli Käsmu, Sillamäe, Maardu. Km 3.509
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Ein letzter Spaziergang an der menschenleeren Ostseeküste, dann nix wie weg: Sturm, Starkregen und Gewitter aus Südwest sind angesagt.
Auf der Fähre gabs lustige Schilder und schreckliche Hotdogs.
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Käsmu, ein kleines Dörfchen an der Nordküste ( im Windschatten des Sturmes) beherbergt uns für zwei absolut ruhige Nächte, wir ganz allein auf einem winzigen privaten Platz. Die einzigen Geräusche machen der heftige Regen und Möwen, die auf unserem Dach spazieren gehen.
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Hier kann ich in aller Ruhe unseren „Wurstfänger“ basteln, bei Rainer und Bärbel konnte ich dankenswerterweise eine Schablone abstauben.
Wir genießen kleine Spaziergänge in den Regenpausen am Wasser und im Wald.
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Heute wollte Hans unbedingt in die verborgene Stadt und endlich mal wieder Golf spielen. Die drei letzten Versuche gingen schief: Geschlossen wegen Johannisfeier, zu heiß, zu viel Wind.
Sillamäe, heute fast an der russischen Grenze, war 1944 durch die rote Armee völlig zerstört worden, anschließend in neoklassizistischem Stil wieder aufgebaut. Zumindest das Zentrum. Alles andere sozialistischer Plattenbau. Die Stadt konnte auf keiner Landkarte gesehen werden, sie wurde vor der Weltöffentlichkeit verborgen. Der Grund: Uranabbau in großem Stil, angeblich nur für die friedliche Nutzung der Kernenergie.
Heute werden seltene Erden für unsere Handys abgebaut. Der Atommüll liegt in Beton gegossen auf dem Grund der Ostsee, die EU versucht mit Millionen Euronen, den Müll zu bergen. Gruselig.
Super ausgebaute Straßen Richtung Osten, durch die kriegsbedingte Grenzsperrung aber so gut wie kein Verkehr.
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Blick auf den Prachtboulevard und das verfallene Kino Rodina.
Zurück wieder Richtung Westen (nach St. Petersburg wären es noch knapp 200 km gewesen). Tief in den Weiten des Landes treffen wir auf einen verlassenen Golfplatz, er sieht eher nach einem großen Gartengelände mit Fähnchen aus. Mist, wieder nix mit sportlicher Bewegung.
Kurz entschlossen fahren wir weiter Richtung Tallinn / Reval zum Estonian Golf- und Countryclub. Dort dürfen wir übernachten und morgen gehts über 18 Löcher direkt an der Ostsee bzw. am Finnischen Meerbusen.
Noch ein paar Tage in Tallinn und dann gehts rüber über den Busen.
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tagoteenetoutfit · 1 year
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New Sillamäe Kalev Sport Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop from Tagotee.net 🔥 See more: here
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kinnisvarakool · 2 years
EOKL arvamus Sillamäe muinsuskaitseala kaitsekorra kehtestamise osas
EOKL arvamus Sillamäe muinsuskaitseala kaitsekorra kehtestamise osas
Arhitektuuripärandist kuulub lõviosa (80%) eraisikutele. Ehitismälestistest kodude omanikke on kokku ligikaudu 105 000 inimest, keda osaliselt esindab Eesti Omanike Keskliit. Omanike Keskliit osaleb Paide muinsuskaitseala töörühmas, kuid lisaks jälgime kõikide muinsuskaitsealade kaitsekordade menetlusi. Vaid kahel muinsuskaitsealal ongi omanike või kohaliku kogukonna esindaja(d) vahetult töörühma…
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random-brushstrokes · 3 years
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Nikolay Dubovskoy - Cottage in Sillamäe (1907)
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chanzestonia · 3 years
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Our staff likes to travel all around in Estonia and other countries, as you propably have already figured out from our blogposts! This time we visited the city of Sillamäe, which was long known as the “Forbidden city”.
Sillamäe is located around 180 km from Tallinn in Ida-Virumaa. It takes littlebit over 2 hours to drive there, and when you are heading there, you can also visit Rakvere, Narva and Viivikonna! Definetly worth a daytrip.
In Sillamäe, there is is about 14.000 people living at the moment, and in the 2011’s census over 87% of them were russians and only under 5% estonians. Sillamäe was basicly closed and forbidden city to enter until 1991 by russians because it was producing uran for nuclear power and other importan metals for the soviet.
Currently the city is open, and is well taken care of. You can find the usual shops, cafe’s and restaurants. In the area you can visit Langevoja and Ukuoru waterfalls, and nearby there is the abandoned city Viivikonna.
There is a nice promenade, that starts from the seafront, and ends with the stairs that leads to the church, park and the mainstreet. The park and its monument is dedicated to the Estonian Singing Revolution, that took place between 1987-1991. At the end of the revolution, Estonia finally claimed back its independency.
You can download the map of Sillamäe from here.
More information about the sightseeings in the area can be found from here.
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croatianstan · 5 years
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kosmosesygis · 6 years
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arhitektuurimuuseum · 4 years
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Sillamäe sports hall in East-Estonia. Design by Ilmar Puumets, completed in 1972. Photo by Johannes Külmet. #arhitektuurimuuseum #arhitektuur #architecture #arhitektuurifoto #architecturelovers #archilovers #ilmarpuumets #sillamäe #idavirumaa #sillamäespordihoone #idaviru #archiphoto #architecturalphotography #architecturephotography #1970s #1970sarchitecture #sovmod #estonianarchitecture #johanneskülmet #sovietmodern #sovietarchitecture #modernistarchitecture #modernarchitecture #archistory #architect #architexture #blackandwhite #sportshall #recreational #wintersports (at Sillamäe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGSvKnYpNfV/?igshid=1a8ombm9x86b1
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ristokask · 4 years
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Sillamäel küpseb uus rannapromenaad. Järgmisel aastal lõikame linti. . . . . . . #sillamäe #ristokask #rannapromenaad (at Sillamäe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBf2LMODKxv/?igshid=fbzs43u4xlbw
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Toma nota de tendencias y puntos importantes para saber cómo elegir las Sillas del comedor: Espacio: El tamaño de las sillas de comedor es muy importante, puesto que no se pueden colocar y que no quede ni un centímetro para sentarse cómodamente. Ten en cuenta que una silla suele ocupar unos 50 centímetros, evidentemente esta medida varía según el modelo, si incorpora brazos o no, si apuesta por las líneas rectas y estilizadas o redondeadas. . . @inversionesyjhefrainn #cerrodelasilla #sillastiffany #sillar #sillas #sillaacapulco #sillatolix #sillamäe #lesillashoes #sillasacapulco #sillasderuedas #sillanslacascade #sillaargentino #sillasymesas #marinalesilla #silladeruedas #sillage #sillat #sillaseames #sillaeames #lesilla #silla #sillascomedor #inmylesilla #houseofsillage #silladepaseo #sillagamer #naysillamirdad #sillaca #sillastolix #sillagaming (en Caracas) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvAqswRnnfB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6k6qfr4z1aqq
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wolveswolves · 2 years
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“Dog” rescued from an icy Estonian river is a wolf
February 2019 -  A group of young Estonian construction workers rushed to rescue a “dog” that had fallen through the ice on the Pärnu River, but the vets later established the animal was, in fact, a young wolf.
The incident happened near the Sindi Dam, close to the namesake Estonian town, according to the Estonian Union for the Protection of Animals.
The union said in a statement that at 8 AM on Thursday morning they received a phone call from a young gentleman called Robin Sillamäe, who said he and his colleagues had “rescued a dog” from the Pärnu River.
The men had noticed a panic-stricken animal in the middle of the icy river and immediately sprung into action. They managed to push ice chunks away and clear a path for the animal, who had enough strength to swim about 100 metres to the shore.
Once safely on the shore, the animal was stiff from exhaustion, low body temperature and cold, its fur covered with pieces of ice. The men quickly brought a towel from their nearby car, wrapped the dog-like creature in it – and took the animal to a car to be kept warm.
The animal protection union quickly found a pet clinic in Pärnu – Estonia’s fourth largest town, about 10 kilometres (six miles) from Sindi – and advised the men to take the animal there for a medical check-up.
Once in Pärnu, while transporting the animal from the car to the pet clinic, the vets began to suspect that the “dog” might, in fact, be a wolf. They asked for advice from a nearby hunter, who confirmed their suspicion. In the light of this new fact, the animal protection association advised them to muzzle the wolf.
The vets later said the wolf was uninjured and was recovering quickly from its desperate fight for survival. The wolf was a young male, born in 2018, and, according the vets, would have most certainly drowned had the boys not rushed to its rescue.
According to the Estonian Environment Agency, after a GPS tracker was attached to the neck of the wolf, the animal was released back into the wilderness on Thursday evening.
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anleispiach · 5 years
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arhitektuurimuuseum · 4 years
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Sillamäe sports hall in East-Estonia. Design by Ilmar Puumets, completed in 1972. Photo by Johannes Külmet. #arhitektuurimuuseum #arhitektuur #architecture #arhitektuurifoto #architecturelovers #archilovers #ilmarpuumets #sillamäe #idavirumaa #sillamäespordihoone #idaviru #archiphoto #architecturalphotography #architecturephotography #1970s #1970sarchitecture #sovmod #estonianarchitecture #johanneskülmet #sovietmodern #sovietarchitecture #modernistarchitecture #modernarchitecture #archistory #architect #architexture #blackandwhite #sportshall #recreational #wintersports (at Sillamäe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGSvKnYpNfV/?igshid=1a8ombm9x86b1
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