kinnisvarakool · 2 years
1Partner: oksjonid trepikojas ja ulmelised hinnalipikud on minevik
1Partner: oksjonid trepikojas ja ulmelised hinnalipikud on minevik
Tallinna korterite keskmine ruutmeetri hind on pool aastat paigal püsinud, suure hinnapralle järgne pohmeluski on vaikselt taandumas ning sellega koos kaovad päris mitmeks aastaks ka trepikojaoksjonid ja “üle võlli” hinnad, millega mõned müüjad sogases vees suurt kala püüda lootsid, kirjeldab muutusi 1Partner Kinnisvara elamispindade tegevjuht Meelis Ränk. “Kui näiteks tänavu kevadel oleks keegi…
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marcusmettalus · 1 year
When to Smile, How to Breathe, and Where to Love. (Part 1)
(Side Story featuring @rowscara 's Ostia and R'tan cause why not?) 
"R'tan, I'm fine. I have told you a thousand times now. These Midgårdians haven't tried to hurt me, if anything they are way too courteous towards me." 
Ostia sighed while giving the Nocturne native a soft pat on the arm, the Salamander Astartes had given the Scion a firm hug in public, something that in Imperial space would be most certainly frowned upon. And he didn't seem inclined to let go just yet though. 
It had been roughly a year since the duo had last physically seen one another, and some months since the last communication via the 'Net or Astropath relays. It took some coercing to allow R'tan even access on board the Rogue Trader vessel bound to Midgård space, and even further work to ensure his stay would be sanctioned by the kingdom. But it eventually seemed to simply solve itself with no further pushing from Dame Noémie or Ostia. 
"You left me a message after you had already boarded Lady Durand's vessel and on-route to this Sector. You left me a message before you traversed through a Warp Phenomena, and out of Imperial Space." R'tans eyes smoldering as he spoke, not relinquishing his grasp about the ashen-haired woman in his arms. 
The son of Nocturne had enough stress from his combat deployment, dealing with heretic Astartes or cults or whatever beastie crawls out from the darkness. Suddenly having sporadic messages from his partner, messages which indicated that Ostia was now traveling with a faction that was not integrated with the wider Imperium, and was traveling out of the already broken borders,, R'tan was anything but calm-n-collected. 
Ostia Haldus grumbled a little under her breath, trying to avoid the firm gaze from the Astartes as she was being reminded of the her actions. Though,, the dark green gauntlets seem to relax suddenly, holding onto Ostia's arms more delicately, giving the Scion pause. Turning her eyes back to R'tans face does she see the change of expression from one of scolding and frustration,, to one of relief and care. 
"But we're here now,, I was worried and high-strung, perhaps even a little over-eager and over reaching to get myself to you," R'tan chuckles dryly, a gauntlet reaching up to scratch the back of his neck, "yet that is now past. Though now I've more than likely angered my superiors and clan for this.." 
Ostia was somewhere between overjoyed and reluctant to be enjoying herself. She has had now over a year and a half without conflict, without constant stress, without having to deal with Imperial bureaucracy. And now that her partner is here,, she is torn wanting to share these days of relative comfort with R'tan alongside her, or to return with him back to the ongoing war in the Imperium,, and the backlash that could follow. 
"Ostia cheri, will you be introducing us to your petit ami?" Ostia jumps a little before remembering suddenly that she was on a walk with Noémie when R'tan had suddenly appeared down one of the many boulevards and rushed over to her. 
"Oh! Right uhm, yes so, this is Sergeant R'tan Esatar of The Salamanders Chapter. He is uhh,," 
“Your lover?~" Noémie smirks with steepled fingers while the rather demure Ostia stammers with flushed cheeks. 
(Will continue this more properly when Tumblr stops being a bugger and let me use the Hellsite. Sorry for the dust!)
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ok zdá se mi to anebo většina ostraváků má pocit, že by jinde prostě žít nemohli
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dead-philosophy · 2 years
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I'm experimenting with a new rendering technique, so I thought I'd try drawing @rowscara's badass lass Ostia. Her signature swoopy hair was an absolute joy to draw.
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vezimira · 11 months
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this one took ages :'D featuring my chaos knight pilot Susurra and Ostia Haldus, who belongs to @rowscara
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444names · 3 months
Names generated from dunmer male forenames from TES, excluding the letter "N"
Aathiil Adalis Adilivas Adrak Adralphes Adram Adrel Adrilos Adros Adrulithres Albalirar Aldalame Aldil Aldur Alisfal Amthaleras Aravil Arelah Arius Artis Athel Athelvals Athyr Avoril Avrys Azaralvam Azarvelath...
Balia Balmylemer Balsevis Baremeras Baris Bedovos Beival Belay Belms Belros Belrosi Belver Belvul Beras Bereril Bereros Beril Beriles Bertirvil Besil Bethas Bethur Bevas Bilader Bivar Boderivus Boldil Boldis Bolos Boris Bothys Bradas Bradelil Braril Braros Braveth Braylbar Brebar Brebil Breldrie Brellam Breythaur Brisil Brovos Burylas Cadath Casimarys Chaltis Cruethrus Dalar Dalas Dalasorol Daldels Dalis Dalmis Dalviluris Damthiam Darikpalam Daril Darilov Darilvaldil Daruls Darvas Darves Darvevileth Darvil Dasovar Dathrethals Davaevus Daval Davlaythil Davrolur Delashalo Delis Dellar Delmuss Delures Delvil Derar Dethil Devur Diroth Dirviv Doledril Doloth Dradrus Dralm Dralms Dralmus Draltis Draram Drart Drarvys Drasi Drathalas Drathys Drelaril Drikimar Drilis Drimaddus Drueldus Durovos Edarolmer Edrel Eithis Elodradram Eloris Elvys Erevur Erilmuril Erisalavasi Erour Ertispar Erval Ervil Ethis Ethoriiras Evads Fadsar Falik Farel Faril Faros Farvic Fathyr Favasiluros Favis Favus Felms Felvolo Femil Feval Fever Feves Fevos Firadres Firol Firtirvas Folarisiel Folas Folrothys Folvulmil Fothrelpar Fovos Furam Furidavas Fyras Gadil Gaelam Galas Galgadavil Garas Garatos Gavaves Gaver Gavilas Gavir Gavos Gavruk Gavythelas Gedrir Gelvar Gerebival Gethavrolas Gilvam Girelas Girevus Girevyril Girvadas Golexad Golver Gorvisil Gorviso Gothil Govam Govaril Govas Govavis Graym Gular Guros Haldus Halos Harvar Helas Helsevals Heraras Hlath Hlorel Ildsaras Ilimaril Irerar Iruss Irvlos Ithys Kemilam Kimalms Kresi Krolvoliam Kuriirvelos Kyler Laath Larils Llarik Llaris Llarvus Lledril Llethiros Llevoril Llivavuro Llortol Madrak Malas Malbar Maliz Mallodolso Malms Malodru Malos Malvil Marak Marer Maris Marpar Masparus Medarpar Medavus Medsavus Medul Medulerar Melosi Merebal Merer Merilis Mevos Mevys Midam Miiru Miladar Milms Milpar Miluril Milver Missar Mivru Modolos Muralos Murikseth Murol Muvral Odrales Oldurpar Omaros Orirvys Pareithalas Pareralam Partilyr Raguredar Ralreth Ralvo Relads Reldris Rellil Relmeril Relos Relothath Relveluris Rethis Reveth Rhadaravad Riidralms Riskar Rivam Rivis Roldrerodra Rolvis Romas Ruels Sadoldsar Saelis Saemis Saeros Salms Sarak Sararwil Sarebimar Sarpar Sarvalpal Sarveras Sarvs Sathekvis Sathus Saval Savarys Saver Savilves Savrorothos Seldu Seldur Selivas Selmevul Seril Sethas Sethe Sethis Sethrelis Sethyr Seves Sevis Sevurdhia Sevusil Sevyr Sharis Shurius Silis Slildeth Sthal Stlevor Stolvas Storimal Strilvilos Sularos Suleth Surerevas Suriris Suvalar Tadil Tadilov Tadovis Tadras Tadros Taler Talur Talus Talvor Taral Tareldir Tares Tarilvuvas Tarosethrer Tarril Tedrus Tedvys Telar Teldus Telmis Telms Telpar Telythis Terel Teril Tervulis Teryo Thaleth Thalms Therimalos Therur Thiat Tidariil Tirseth Tirus Tolmis Traris Treldus Treledethis Trevar Turas Tureth Turiel Turis Turvos Tythal Uleth Ulethir Ulmasi Ulmerebikil Ulothis Ulras Ulvak Ulvalamals Ulvos Urolader Vadar Valas Valemer Valimas Valms Valvis Varas Varos Vavras Vavularel Velsel Verelos Veril Vevis Vilik Vilvel Visivys Viver Vodral Volvuls Vosel Vulerevis Vulmil Zarar Zarelvis Zarseth Zarvos Ziralos Ziram Zirarol Ziray Ziros Zirtisam Zirvarvar Zirvil
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innov80 · 4 months
IT-juhtimise valdamine: edu strateegiad
Tänapäeva kiiresti areneval digitaalsel maastikul on tõhus IT-haldus konkurentsieelist säilitada püüdvate organisatsioonide jaoks ülioluline. Alates väikestest alustavatest ettevõtetest kuni suurte ettevõteteni on IT-infrastruktuuri haldamine, turvalisuse tagamine ja tehnoloogia innovatsiooniks võimendamine tugeva IT-strateegia olulised komponendid. Selles artiklis käsitletakse eduka it-haldus peamisi strateegiaid, keskendudes infrastruktuurile, turvalisusele ja innovatsioonile.
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IT-infrastruktuuri optimeerimine Tõhusa IT-halduse alus seisneb hästi optimeeritud IT infrastruktuuris. See hõlmab riistvara, tarkvara, võrguressursse ja ettevõtte IT-keskkonna toimimiseks ja haldamiseks vajalikke teenuseid. IT-infrastruktuuri optimeerimiseks kaaluge järgmisi strateegiaid.
Pilveintegratsioon: pilvepõhistele lahendustele üleminek pakub mastaapsust, paindlikkust ja kulutõhusust. Pilveplatvormid, nagu AWS, Azure ja Google Cloud, pakuvad tugevaid taristuteenuseid, mida saab kohandada konkreetsete ärivajadustega, võimaldades organisatsioonidel ressursse vastavalt nõudmisele skaleerida ja maksta ainult selle eest, mida nad kasutavad.
Virtualiseerimine: virtualiseerimistehnoloogiate rakendamine võib oluliselt vähendada riistvarakulusid ja parandada ressursside kasutamist. Virtuaalmasinad (VM-id) võimaldavad mitmel operatsioonisüsteemil töötada ühes füüsilises serveris, optimeerides riistvara kasutamist ja lihtsustades IT-haldust.
Automatiseerimine: rutiinsete toimingute (nt tarkvaravärskendused, varukoopiad ja süsteemi jälgimine) automatiseerimine võib vähendada inimlikke vigu ja vabastada IT-töötajad keskenduma strateegilistele algatustele. Sellised tööriistad nagu Ansible, Puppet ja Chef suudavad automatiseerida keerulisi IT-töövooge, suurendades tõhusust ja töökindlust.
Tugeva turvalisuse tagamine Ajastul, mil küberohud muutuvad üha keerukamaks, peab IT-juhtimine seadma esikohale turvalisuse, et kaitsta tundlikke andmeid ja säilitada töö terviklikkus. Tugeva IT-turvalisuse peamised strateegiad on järgmised:
Põhjalikud turbepoliitikad. Töötage välja ja jõustage kõikehõlmavad turvapoliitikad, mis hõlmavad kõiki IT-infrastruktuuri aspekte, sealhulgas andmekaitset, juurdepääsu kontrolle ja intsidentidele reageerimise protokolle.
Tekkivate ohtude ja regulatiivsete muudatustega tegelemiseks värskendage neid eeskirju regulaarselt.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): MFA rakendamine lisab täiendava turvakihi, nõudes kasutajatelt süsteemidele ja andmetele juurdepääsu saamiseks kahe või enama kinnitusteguri esitamist. See vähendab oluliselt volitamata juurdepääsu ohtu, isegi kui sisselogimismandaadid on ohus.
Regulaarsed turvaauditid: Regulaarsete turvaauditite läbiviimine aitab tuvastada haavatavusi ja tagada vastavus turvastandarditele. Tungivuse testimine, haavatavuse hindamine ja turvaauditid peaksid olema osa rutiinsest turbeprotokollist, et ennetavalt võimalikke ohte käsitleda.
Innovatsiooni edendamine IT kaudu it juhtimine ei seisne ainult süsteemide hooldamises, vaid ka innovatsiooni edendamises, et edendada ettevõtte kasvu. Tehnoloogia kasutamine uute võimaluste loomiseks ja protsesside täiustamiseks on konkurentidest ees püsimiseks hädavajalik.
Kaaluge järgmisi lähenemisviise:
Agiilsed metoodikad: paindlike metoodikate kasutuselevõtt võib tõhustada koostööd ning kiirendada uute toodete ja teenuste väljatöötamist. Agiilsed tavad, nagu Scrum ja Kanban, soodustavad iteratiivset edenemist, pidevat tagasisidet ja kohanemisvõimet, mis viivad uuenduslikumate tulemusteni.
Suurandmed ja analüütika: suurandmete ja analüütika võimsuse kasutamine võib anda väärtuslikku teavet klientide käitumise, turusuundumuste ja tegevuse tõhususe kohta. Täiustatud analüüsitööriistade rakendamine võimaldab organisatsioonidel teha andmepõhiseid otsuseid ja tuvastada uusi innovatsioonivõimalusi.
Koostöötööriistad: kaasaegsete koostöötööriistade, nagu Slack, Microsoft Teams ja Zoom, kasutamine võib parandada suhtlust ja koostööd meeskondade vahel, eriti kaug- või hübriidtöökeskkondades. Need tööriistad hõlbustavad reaalajas suhtlemist ja teabe jagamist, edendades innovatsioonikultuuri ja meeskonnatööd.
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Details of the details 
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This week, we will take you deep into the world of materiality through hand-crafted piece of furniture in the Bliss project. From the selection of materials, to the making and finishing of the crafted details, lets see how the furniture comes alive!
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Ar. Jeenus, who kick started his 1st Materiality lecture at WCFA last year, worked side by side with Prof. Anne on this project. The pattern design of the bed's headrest draws inspiration from the existing crafted stone façade.
We further selected a series of timber varieties at the Bliss: Mango, Nepali Pine (Sallo), Sal, Haldu and Chaap. Set into a rosewood base, the five beautiful timber varieties are encircled by a 5 mm thick copper rim.
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After the setting out of the voronoi pattern by pencil Jeenus supervised the actual cutting of the timber pieces and the bending of the copper strips. Once the final layer of protective lacquer had dried up we had forgotten about the painstakingly precise job of embedding the individual pieces into the rosewood base.
We continue to explore the art of materiality and celebrate the beauty of crafted details!
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kinnisvarakool · 2 years
Justiitsministeerium: Riigikogu võttis vastu korteriomanikke puudutavad seadusemuudatused
Riigikogu võttis kolmandal lugemisel vastu seaduse, mille eesmärk on lahendada korteriomandite ja -ühistutega praktikas ilmnenud probleeme. Korteriühistutes tekkinud vaidluste kohtuväliseks lahendamiseks antakse kohalikele omavalitsustele õigus luua vastav lepitusorgan. Korteriomandite loomise ja jagamise tingimused muutuvad rangemaks, hüpoteegi muutmine lihtsamaks ja odavamaks. Muudatustega…
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marcusmettalus · 1 year
When to Smile, How to Breathe, and Where to Love. (Part 2)
(Continued from Here. Again, R'tan and Ostia belong to @rowscara)
"I hate her,,,"
"You've said this before Ostia. And no, you don't."
The gray haired Scion grumbles and scowls with her arms crossed over her chest, positively huffing with irritation. R'tan couldn't help but compare this puffed up woman with a puffed up kitten, an amused chuckle sneaking out as the mental image appears.
"She is insufferable,,"
"From my interactions with her, and the way she holds herself among her companions versus her peers, I believe she is quite competent and is a skilled diplomat." R'tan leans back in his seat, silently praising the craftsmen who could make an entirely wooden chair who could handle the weight of an Astartes.
The establishment the duo were taking refuge in was a manner of restaurant, the locale semi-filled with fellow chattering customers, clinking of cutlery and drink glasses while the kitchen emits savory scents and fresh cooked meals. In the background was only the numb rumbling of heavy rain and echoing thunder in the distance. Lady Noémie and Lieutenant Lukas had taken the couple here to get some peace from the paparazzi, and to get a more casual area to speak openly.
"Dame Noémie is a competent leader of her people aye, her Council Advisors bring wise words and opposing views to help shape the future of her growing worlds," Lukas spoke quietly, taking a sip from a steeped drink smelling of something spiced but faintly alcoholic ", yet Lady Ostia, you say you despise her?"
",,, not like that. She behaves so care-free around me, acting like there are no troubles or wars going on. Taking me round the city, purchasing clothes and meeting new faces,, I am not some fething Nobilis Diplomat!" Ostia glares at Lukas as her voice raises a little, R'tan reaches over to lightly place a hand over Ostia's shoulder, attempting to ease the volume.
"No, you are not. And that is exactly why she is treating you like this."
Ostia blinks briefly, caught off guard by the rather short and strange response. The previous mag-train of thought suddenly halted as Ostia tries to make sense of the answer.
"Were you an official Diplomat, like Herr Celtos, you would be treated not as a person but as an item or prisoner of war. Strict protocols of handling, communication, how much of our worlds and facilities are shown, limiting their access to various regions of their temporary abode, armed guards and the like. You would be treated fully, wholly as an Outlander, and not welcome." Lukas sets down his mug slowly while elaborating his spartan response, adding a small curl of spiced bark into the still steaming drink, stirring the burgundy beverage all the while he avoided Ostia's gaze. Those amber eyes a stark contrast to the dark oaken locks tied back in a tight braid, gazing down into his little task.
"Wait,, Ostia is not seen as an Imperial Agent? How was she allowed then to enter your Realm?" R'tan raising a brow, still trying to figure out the fellow Astartes across from him.
"Noémie simply listed Lady Ostia as her guest of the Realm. Ergo, Ostia is a guest of Karseille who is simply is tagging along while Noémie is attending her meeting with the High King." Lukas took a slow sip from the mug, breathing in the spiced fumes as if savoring a morning blossom freshly plucked from the meadow. Those cursed eyes that Ostia can't quite get over, despite everything, turned now to gaze at the Scion.
"The High King, who you will meet come dawn."
"Watch your tone whe-"
"Here we go everyone; one serving of stektfläsk o raggmunk med råröda lingön, one of Croque Madame with soft poached gåsägg, one half serving of poulet rôti, and one Nasigören'. Enjoy your meals~"
R'tan's retort getting cut off by the waitress arriving with a wide serving platter, setting down each meal before the respective seats, the wide set of colors and smells hitting all three persons. Whilst the waitress peeled away to take care of other customers, Noémie made her reappearance and took her seat by Lukas.
"Apologies, had to take a short call, but look at this divine assortment we have~ hope you have a good appetite." Noemie clapped her hands excitedly before digging into her meal. Ostia gives a short glance over to R'tan before looking down at her meal.
An actual hot meal. Not rations, not food made in a mess hall, nor wild greens scavenged from the field. Half of a roasted fowl with some manner of sauce, rough cut vegtables and greens along with,, what are these golden wedges? Picking one up with her fingers, Ostia bites into it,,, a brief crisp crunch and a pillowy interior greets her.
Its delicious.
And then dips the wedge into the sauce.
(Will try and see if can make a Part 3 for this mini-series, so long as its cool with Rowscara that is.)
(Characters involved; Lt. Lukas Tova, Grand Dame Noemie Durand, Lady Ostia Haldus, and Brother R'tan Esatar)
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tiaraahotels · 1 year
What is an interesting fact about Jim Corbett National Park?
If you are a wildlife and nature enthusiast, then you just can’t take Jim Corbett off your must-visit places list! Spread over an area exceeding 500 sq. km, Jim Corbett rests in the state of Uttarakhand and is the oldest national park in the country. The park signifies diverse landscapes captivating enough to allure people on the strength of its tranquility.
Jim Corbett, a famed hunter-turned-conservationist, has played a significant role in serving as a national reserve for Bengal Tiger, an endangered species. So, without any further ado, let’s have a look at some of the most interesting facts regarding Jim Corbett National Park.
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Jim Corbett is home to around 580 species of birds, 110 species of trees, 50 species of mammals, and 25 species of reptiles.
You can witness large deciduous forests with Peepal, Rohini, Mango, Haldu, and Sal trees accompanying you everywhere. 
One of the most interesting facts about Jim Corbett is that over 73% of the area under the name of Jim Corbett is covered by trees, and only 10% of the area is comprised of grasslands. 
Jim Corbett National Park has the title for being the first National Park created during the British regime of the United province back in 1936. 
The place was selected for the launch of Project Tiger in 1973 by the conservation campaign.
Jim Corbett National Park has had its name changed thrice. It was first named Hailey National Park in 1936. After independence, the name was changed to Ramganga National Park in 1955. The third time, the National Park got the name of a famous wildlife conservationist.
You will only find Pine in the name of coniferous trees, which makes sightseeing in Jim Corbett so interesting.
Some of the most prominent plants you can find in the Jim Corbett National Park are Semal, Dhaka, Kacharan, and forest fire. 
Dhikala is the most prominent option if you want to enjoy beautiful landscapes while covering the National Park.
Corbett is home to leopards apart from tigers, and other mammals, including barking deer, sambar deer, chital, jungle cat, Himalayan black bears, otters, sloth, and langurs. 
The area is covered by the WWF for Nature under their Teraio Arc Landscape Program, curated to protect the Asiatic Elephant, the Bengal Tiger, and the Great One-horned Rhino.
If you are planning a trip to Jim Corbett, then the best hotel in Jim Corbett for you would be Tiaraa Hotels and Resorts as the property features lush greenery, scenic views, top-notch hospitality, and delicious dining cuisines.
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Explore Your Dream Location in Saputara Hills
Saputara hills are located in Gujarat’s Dang district. Saputara hill station and valley is the main attraction of this place.
This place has natural beauty, majestic temples, and well-maintained viewpoints. So, every tourist must visit the mesmerizing beauty of this place during their Gujarat Tour.
Here, we are going to mention some beautiful locations of Saputara hills:
Gira Waterfall
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Gira Waterfall is one of the most popular tourist spots in Gujarat and one of the most beautiful waterfalls in India. It is located in Wanarchod village near Waghai. The ideal time to visit this place is monsoon, as this waterfall becomes more elevated during this season.
Sunrise Point
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Saputara Valley offers many spellbinding views, and the Valley Viewpoint, or Sunrise Point on of its top attraction. You have to trek 1.5 km toward Waghai to reach the peak, and you can see the entire valley with green forests, hill stations, and villages from there. This place's natural beauty attracts many tourists; however, the sunrise view from the sunrise point is the top tourist attraction.
Sunset Point
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The Sunset points, also known as Gandhi Peak or Gandhi Shikhar, is located near the famous Saputara Museum at Sunset Point Road. This peak offers incredible sunset views, which is the main attraction of this place. The granary of Dang Forest, the uniqueness of many tribal villages, and many other unique nearby places attract many tourists.
Saputara Lake
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This lake is located near the hill station of Saputara and is a top picnic spot. Saputara tour offers you boating activities in the lake, and the children's park and the greenery of Saputara Valley make this place one of the top tourist attractions. The opening time of this palace is 9:00 am to 8:00 pm, and the entry fee is 35 INR per person.
Nageshwar Mahadev temple
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The Nageshwar Mahadev temple is situated on the Saputara Lake's southern banks. The old snake temple is also located within this temple. Tourists all over the country visit this sacred temple to worship one of the prime deities, lord Shiva. Shivratri is the best time to visit this temple. The opening time of this temple is 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.
Table Point
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The table point is a flat surface located on the top of the Governor's hill. The mesmerizing beauty of mountains and valleys from this point makes this place more intriguing for tourists. Many fun and adventurous activities are available here, such as bike tours, horse and camel riding, zip lining, etc. The best condition to visit this place is daylight.
Vansda National Park
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This national park is spread across 23.99 sq Km and near Saputara. This is a tropical forest, and you can spot many tropical plants sisam, dudhkod, timru, kakad, kalam, humb, modad, haldu, etc. This jungle has a massive collection of various reptiles, such as wild boars, sambars, and antelopes with four-horned and multiple kinds of birds, which is one of the major attractions of this park. The opening time of this temple is 6.00 am to 5.30 pm, and 500 INR is standard entry free, including a guide and Vehicle.
Conclusion So, these are the dram places of Saputara Hills that every tourist must visit during their holiday tour in Gujarat.
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gingerhotelsindia · 2 years
What To Do Near Pantnagar And Where To Stay?
Pantnagar, one of two airport towns in Uttarakhand's Kumaon Region, is regarded as an industrial town with one of the finest agriculture college campuses in India.
 Pantnagar is home to India's first agricultural institution, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture Technology (GBPUAT). In recent years, the town has evolved as an industrial zone in the Kumaon region, however, it still has a long way to go before it becomes a popular tourist destination in Uttarakhand, as other parts of the state have. A number of well-known corporations, including Tata, Bajaj, Dabur, Nestle, and Britannia, are located near the campus.
 Another topic of discussion is the Pantnagar Airport, which is the busiest airport in Uttarakhand's Kumaon region. There are also many good hotels near Pantnagar airport. Furthermore, the town has a number of nearby attractions. Nearby tourist attractions include Corbett National Park, Nainital, and Mukteshwar.
 Because of its closeness to the Himalayas, Pantnagar has a lovely climate all year. The period of February through April is ideal for a visit because the temperature is mild. Temperatures vary from 5 to 22 degrees Celsius all year. Monsoons are mild in terms of rainfall, while winter evenings can be rather cold.
 Let’s see the best tourist places along with a good hotel in Pantnagar.
 Firstly, Haldwani is close to Pantnagar, and a very beautiful place to visit. Haldwani, the 'Gateway to Kumaon,' is situated in the Nainital district. It is thought to be the biggest city in Uttarakhand's Kumaon region, and it served as a market for the people who lived close to the hills.
 Over a period of a few years, the city grew into a major commercial port and transportation hub. This lovely resort in Uttarakhand acquired its name from the Kumaoni term Halduvani, which alludes to the forest of Haldu trees that can be seen all throughout the area. Furthermore, the city has a distinctive place in the Bhabhar region, which is located in the foothills of the majestic Himalayas and on the north bank of the Gaula River.
 Also, Jim Corbett Park is an extremely attractive and interesting location. If you want to be immersed in nature and get away from the hustle and bustle of city life, Jim Corbett National Park is the place to be.
 This popular wildlife tourism destination in Uttarakhand is a treasure for wildlife aficionados and nature lovers. This wildlife refuge is surrounded by dull greens and grasslands and is home to a diverse range of flora and species. This park represents the first Tiger Reserve in India and is situated in the Nainital region of Uttarakhand. It is also in close proximity to good hotel in Pantnagar.
 Mukteshwar is near Pantnagar and is an equally appealing destination. Mukteshwar, located in the Kumaon Hills in the Nainital District, captivated Corbett when he came here to hunt a tiger.
 Many people come here today and feel the same thing that a mountain lover feels when visiting after a long time. Mukteshwar, surrounded by sky-kissing green hills, is an ideal location for both a honeymoon and a family vacation. The sacred Hindu temple built on the top of the mountain from which the town gets its name adds to the beauty of this place. The Mukteshwar Dham temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, is the principal feature of this hill station in Uttarakhand's Kumaon Region.
 Finally, Ramgarh, a lovely hill station in Uttarakhand's Kumaon area, is surrounded by verdant apples, peaches, pear, and apricot orchards. It is also in close proximity to good hotel in Pantnagar.
 This lesser-known hill station in Pantnagar features breathtaking views that provide a visual feast, making it a great contender for being named one of India's most beautiful sites. Those looking for a respite from the popular and crowded hill town can undoubtedly plan a vacation here, as the hills and terrain at Ramgarh are still untouched and full of stories to tell.
 With so much to explore and discover, a well-timed trip is needed for sure. To increase the quality of your stay, a good hotel in Pantnagar with excellent services are a must.
 Ginger Hotel Pantnagar in Uttarakhand is located near the Pantnagar railway station and offers 98 beautifully appointed rooms to the discerning, budget tourist.
 Spacious rooms, a fitness facility, and other amenities are available at the Ginger Pantnagar, Rudrapur. The 24-hour front desk of the hotel provides luggage storage. The hotel features a tour desk that can help visitors with trip reservations and car rentals. A small business space with internet access is available.
 The property is near the Metropolis Shopping Mall. The property's interiors are colorful, well-lit, and artistically pleasant. On-site, the resort offers a restaurant, bar, and café.
 Ginger Hotels are surely everything good you can ever wish to see and experience in a budget stay. So, what are you waiting for? Book your stay at Ginger for the perfect hotels near Pantnagar airport today!
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sietovka · 2 years
Daniel Hevier - Píšem, aby bolo napísané
Koho by už zaujímalo, ako píšem a prečo píšem? Pripomína mi to scény zo životopisných filmov o spisovateľoch, keď sa scenárista i režisér usilujú znázorniť, ako tvoril Majster Sto rokov samoty alebo Hľadanie strateného času. Majster obhrýza ceruzku a na čele mu navierajú žily od rozmýšľania, alebo naopak, divo sa vrhá na haldu papiera, ktorý nestačí prijímať záplavu jeho slov. Najfascinujúcejšia…
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snaptours · 2 years
Places to Visit Near Jim Corbett National Park
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The Jim Corbett National Park is located in the Nainital district. Founded in 1909, it was the first national park in India. In this dense, moist deciduous forest, sal, haldu, peepal, Rohini, and mango trees dominate the landscape.
The park is not only famous for the Jungle Safari, but also for many other attractions and places to visit. With many magnificent hill stations, rivers, waterfalls, and pilgrimage sites hidden in the Himalayan foothills, this is the perfect place to visit.
Read more: Places to Visit Near Jim Corbett National Park
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444names · 3 months
Names generated from dunmer male forenames from TES
Adralyr Adrath Adrolvon Alarvys Aliubdil Alkimar Alvak Alvalos Alynis Amider Amilos Analayn Andrar Anerryn Anurisalas Areso Arlimaril Arolman Arthynik Artis Arultidril Arvam Arvanile Arylexad Athlos Athrus Avalos Avedet Avlos Avulventan Azartilus...
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