kinnisvarakool · 1 year
EfTEN: EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS-i erakorralise üldkoosoleku otsused 15.12.2022
EfTEN: EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS-i erakorralise üldkoosoleku otsused 15.12.2022
15.12.2022 toimus Radisson Collection Hotel II korruse konverentsikeskuses aadressil Tallinn, Rävala 3, EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS-i aktsionäride erakorraline üldkoosolek. Koosolekul osales 135 aktsionäri, kellele kuuluvate aktsiatega oli esindatud 2 747 187 häält, mis moodustab 54,16 % kõikide aktsiatega esindatud häältest. Neist 9 aktsionäri, kellele kuuluvate aktsiatega oli esindatud 17…
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danskjavlarna · 22 days
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Source details and larger version.
Vintage Native American art.
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stularsen · 4 months
S O L I T U D E • Postcard from Whare Kohu • Misty Morning (demo) • January • New Zealand • 🇳🇿
This has been my home for January 2024. Kohu Cottage is nestled in along the Whanganui River in New Zealand’s North Island. There is no phone connection or internet, just the surrounding peace and quiet and the opportunity to completely disconnect from the outside world.
Kohu means mist in Māori. Kohu was also the name of the original owner, you can glimpse a photo of her above the fireplace in the video.
I spent the days reading books, playing guitar, walking along the river road and soaking up the hum of nature around me. This video is my little postcard from Kohu Cottage and the soundtrack is the song I wrote while I stayed here. It is just a little demo version for now but someday it will be recorded properly and released everywhere.
If you ever want to stay in this cute little Cottage in New Zealand, you can email Lois for bookings - [email protected]. Lois is one of the most beautiful souls I ever met and she has always welcomed me with open arms.
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pulsethebabyoctopus · 5 months
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Asparagopsis taxiformis
Redbubble link
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jeintalu · 4 months
Ukraina uskumatu silmakirjalikkus
Ukraina silmakirjalikkus on uskumatu.
Nad tahavad Venemaalt raha saada selle eest, et Venemaa kaotas Krimmi koolides ukrainakeelse õppe.
Aga samal ajal Ukraina ise kaotas Krimmist ära elektrienergia ja magevee.
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suomalaistavihaa · 11 months
Maalittaminen on SoMen syöpä
Erika Keski- Korhosen Opinnäytetyö tutkii huumekorruptiota ja sen mahdollisia vaikutuksia. Hän on myös ollut eduskunnan turvallisuustarkastaja vuodesta 1987. Kansalaisaktivistina hän selvittää nimenomaan tässä tapauksessa Helsingin kaupungin epäselvää toimintaa Loviseholminpuiston keinukaupoissa. Eli ymmärrätte että kyseessä on koulutettu asiantuntija jonka erikoisalaa on korruptio ja hän on…
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compotemkin · 5 months
Pressavaalilaput jo vastaanottaneet saattoivat huomata lapun takana mallinumerot ja niiden kummalliset muhkuraiset muodot ja terävät kulmat:
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Nämä voi löytää myös äänestyspaikoilta ja kyllä häiritsee, aiheuttaa typografista tuskaa. Muhkujen taustatarina kutakuinkin:
2004 otettiin kouluissa käyttöön uudet mallinumerot, joissa ei ollut poikkiviivaa seiskassa –> Vaara sekoittaa seiska ykköseen, jos ykkösessä on lippa –> Jos on epävarmuus numerosta vaalilipussa, lippu hylätään.
2011 aiheesta nousi kohu, kun joka tuhannes ääni oli hylätty epäselvien numeroiden takia –> virkailijat ruoskittiin ratkaisemaan asia äkkiä.
Oletettavimmin jokin virkamies taiteili itse vanhojen mallinumeroiden pohjalta vektorigrafiikkaversion vuoden 2012 kunnallisvaaleihin, ja teki vähän osaamatonta/huolimatonta työtä, poimien splineihinsä aika hintsusti pisteitä eikä huomioinut teräviä kulmia.
2016 opetushallitus julkaisi uudet mallinumerot perusopetukseen, mutta näitä ei ole koskaan jaksettu päivittää numero-ohjeistukseen. Tähän päivään käytetään siis vähän huonosti kopioituja versioita vuoden 1986 mallinumeroista.
Menkää äänestämään, katselemaan mallinumeroita ja harmistumaan!
Sama pidemmin jos jäi kiinnostamaan:
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Dissociation ID Pack
Requested by Anon
Achlys, Aud, Babel, Babylon, Barren, Blanc, Cassian, Cassius, Darcy, Haze, Hmone, Hollis, Hun, Inara, Itzal, Izhi, Kasumi, Kasumu, Ka’awa, Kgodi, Kiri, Kohu, Kora, Lilione, Mazin, Meglena, Miglė, Mihika, Misty, Mok, Muggur, Nebula, Niara, Nihari, Nihilo, Nihira, Nirav, Nix, Oytuman, Pujoq, Raven, Rinan, Rinku, Rūkas, Sanoe, Senka, Shunya, Sierra, Sumu, Suong, Taktuq, Terhi, Thoka, Tomanbikä, Tuban, Usva, Vacara, Vacio, Xihir, Yogiri, Zero
**/**s, -/-s, 0/0s, ??/???, _/_s, blank/blanks, blur/blurs, daze/dazes, dizzy/dizzies, empty/emptys, float/floats, fog/fogs, forget/forgets, gone/gones, gray/grays, haze/hazes, hush/hushes, miss/missing/missings, o/os, shush/shushes, space/spacey/spaceys, static/statics, stuck/stucks, un/uns, vague/vagues, void/voids, zero/zeros, 0️⃣/0️⃣s, ⏺️/⏺️s, ☁️/☁️s, ⚪️/⚪️s, ⚫️/⚫️s, 🌁/🌁s, 🌫️/🌫️s, 👤/👤s, 💨/💨s, 💭/💭s, 🔇/🔇s, 🔲/🔲s, 🔳/🔳s, 🕳️/🕳️s, 😶‍🌫️/😶‍🌫️s, 🪶/🪶s, 🫥/🫥s
A Foggy Thought Process, The Dizzy Thinker, The Fogged Up Brain, The Foggy Thoughts, The Lost Soul, The Lost Soul In The Fog, The One Who Isn’t Here, The One Who’s Mind Is Foggy, The One With A Foggy Mind, The One With The Lost Mind, The Spaced Out (Person/Creature/Any Noun), [prn] Who Doesn’t Feel Right, [prn] Who Doesn’t Know What To Do
Arutido, Blurslightic, Brainfoggender, Croafogin, Dissocialunarocera, Dullained, Dyscognigender, Existinaught, Fogfluidflux, Foggender, Foggyagin, Foggyenigmatic, Foggyvoidflux, Galain, Genderfog, Genderhaze, Hazeneu, Identityfoggender, IDKgender, Mevirasic, Mistigender, Mystxfoggic, Nebbiagender, Noconfusic, Nothinggender, Vaguelexic, Vagusgirl/Vagusboy, Vastspaceic
Other mogai
Alderpitch, Emproque, Vesivague, Voistaldernic, ∅ Omninoun, ∅perspesque
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linxianmew · 5 months
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Kohu is an oc from a server I am in : ) I really enjoy fan clans fr fr. She is my baby girl
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viohra · 6 months
Ancient Iru
The following is my final constructions for pre-proto-iru, proto-iru, and ancient Iru. PPI is the language that existed before writing and with the lost logograms. PI is what was recorded when the (loosely) featural alphabet was created. Ancient Iru is what the language sounded like by the time it made contact with the proto-Ryashi language.
So to reiterate: PPI is the ancestor, PI is the way it’s written, AI is how it’s pronounced.
Romanisation is pretty straightforward but here’s the special characters
PII: q /q/ ȝ /ʕ/ ` /ʔ/ ng /ŋ/ r /r/ y /j/
PI: q /q/ ȝ /ʕ/ ng /ŋ/ r /ɹ/ ā /aː/ (all vowels) y /j/
AI: ch /tʂ/ sh /ʂ/ q /tɕ/ x /ɕ/ ng /ŋ/ r /ɻ/ f /ɸ/ y /j/ ö /ø/ ü /y/
TONES: a /a˦/ ạ /a˨/ á /a˨˥/ à /a˥˨/ ǎ /a˦˨˥/
Under the cut is 50 generated words, they have no meaning (yet):
hi`unino => hiunin => sünin
tinangimi => dinngim => qìngyuin
kingo => ɡing => yǐng
ma => ma => ma
neharo`u => nārou => nǎshò
`ihoqo => yok => yó
mapora => mapor => máshọ
mangaru => mangar => mǎngǎ
kahari => kār => chǎ
hahoriqa => haorik => hǒsì
pipikora => bipkor => xìcho
wi => wi => yui
tiharani => tiaran => qashạn
tihora => tior => qo
ngipanari => ngipnar => ngínǎ
fahara`a => fara => fashạ
mafatare => mahtar => mǎcha
ko => ɡo => kọ
kerira`u => ɡerrau => chẹrǎo
fo`e`ira => hoeir => hoya
nona`o`a => nonaoa => nonawa
yi`otati => yiotat => yọtà
tahoro => taor => chǒ
horari`a => horria => hǒya
tiki`ata => dikiat => qiyá
mamaki`a => mamkia => manqa
mihara => mār => mǎ
meȝihuyi => meȝiuy => mehǚi
teharafa => tearah => qashà
yokotiti => yoktit => yóqí
woharoti => farot => fashò
kahiraki => kairak => kěishà
hahoru => haor => hawa
tiȝiri => diȝir => qịhia
kawa => ɡaw => kǎo
huhawika => huawik => wayúi
kaha`inge => kāing => chěng
kohu`ita => kouit => kowí
haȝara => haȝar => hahǎ
mahorara => mōrar => mǒshà
takaka`u => dakkau => tàkǎo
ti => di => qị
karita`a => ɡarta => chata
to`oti => dōt => tso
hi`itoha => hītoa => sịtua
ngahuri => ngūr => nguwa
pipotika => biptik => xìqí
`a => a => a
kuhopa => kuop => kuó
ȝahoroha => haoroa => hǒshua
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kanelinsuomi · 2 years
Kirjakieli and puhekieli
When you open Lord of the rings in Finnish and read the first sentence, you come across this:
“Kun Repunpään herra Bilbo Reppuli ilmoitti, että hän piakkoin viettäisi 110. syntymäpäiväänsä suurin ja arvokkain juhlamenoin, alkoi hobittilassa puhe ja kohu.”
However, if I ever were to say this, and not just read it out loud from the book, it would probably be more like:
“Ku Repunpään herra Bilbo Reppuli ilmotti, et se pian viettäs 110. synttäriään suurin ja arvokkain juhlamenoin, alko hobittilassa puhe ja kohu.”
From a quick glance they might not actually look that different from each other. However, if you look closer, you might start to wonder:
Why do I say ku and not kun? Why ilmotti and not ilmoitti? Et or että? Se and not hän? Viettäs and viettäisi, synttäriään and syntymäpäiväänsä, alko and alkoi. Why are there so many differences in the way I speak and the way the book uses Finnish?
Finnish was standardized at some point when its writing was being invented. There are many dialects of Finnish, but standard Finnish was made to unify all Finns. “One language, one folk” as they say.
However, no one really speaks the standardized language. Don’t get me wrong, it is everywhere, from books to official letters and notifications, newspapers and video games (if we’re lucky enough to get a translation). Basically any Finnish in written form is in its own dialect, its own language even. In Finnish the standard Finnish is called kirjakieli, literally book language. It is the language of the books.
But people do not communicate primarly in written form, we speak of course (believe me, even though Finns are very shy). And when Finns speak, we speak puhekieli, literally speech language. I like to call it casual Finnish. It is considered to be a shortened version of Finnish, in some way. The rules for both casual and standard Finnish are basically the same, with some exceptions and casual language shortening and glueing words together.
For example, instead of saying “missä sinä olet” (standard Finnish), I would say “missä sä oot” (casual Finnish) or even “missoot” (casual Finnish). The way the words are shortened also depends on the local dialect.
The difference between kirjakieli and puhekieli is also very ingrained in Finnish speakers. Speaking in kirjakieli (standard) sounds cluncky and uncomfortably formal. Writing in puhekieli (casual) feels... wrong. Like trying to sound young and hip– unless it’s online. Now that a lot of casual communication is done by writing, this has changed a little.
Okay. This is kinda a cool feature in a language, and not totally uncommon. English for example has different types of registers, though I feel that they are not so distinct, and Japanese has levels of politeness that can both kinda be compared to this.
However, language learning materials are in kirjakieli. Always. (With maybe a few exceptions.) If you study Finnish, you might be able to read a book, but probably would not understand people speaking very well, although Finns claim that casual language is just “a logical derivative” of standard Finnish.
But when “En minä halua syödä” becomes “emmä haluu syyä”, it is not as easy as native Finnish speakers think. And I think that it’s time Finnish learning materials start to consider actually teaching spoken language so people learning Finnish can actually have a conversation with native Finnish speakers. Because the Finnish that people learn, is not Finnish used for communication between people, it’s Finnish for communications between an author and an audience.
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kinnisvarakool · 1 year
Kinnisvarajurist Evi Hindpere: Mida teha, kui üürnik jääb võlgu? Osa I
Kinnisvarajurist Evi Hindpere: Mida teha, kui üürnik jääb võlgu? Osa I
Elus tuleb ikka ette olukordi, kus mõned arved jäävad tasumata. Seda kas hooletusest, raha puudusest või pahatahtlikult. Mida siis teha? Üürilepingut sõlmides võtab üürnik kohustuse tasuda üüri ja teisi asja kasutamisega seotud makse kogu üürilepingu kehtivuse aja jooksul. Üürniku toimetulekuraskused ei vabasta teda tasu maksmise kohustusest ja üürileandja ei ole sotsiaalabi pakkuja. Kui üürnik…
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stella-ignis-rosea · 1 year
[ TEARS ] [From Natsu @ignis-venenatus ] aka yes destroy me & Natsu {For Kohaku obv]
His mind was fuzzy, his vision was blurry, the last thing he could remember was a pink burr surrounded by bright blue flames, pain..pain was all Kohaku felt, he felt like his whole body was burning beyond comprehension. He can’t tell what happened…he can’t remember other then feeling like his body is in a constant state of agony and panic..
And then….the pain subsided, his vision went black, his body felt numb, limp..lifeless even..all he saw was black…but what he ears shook him to the core, he heard a girls voice…about his age…she sounded…so familiar, he can’t put his finger on it
‘You promised to live….didn’t you?…’
Her voice…he wanted to see her, again….his eyes welled up with tears, despite physically being unconscious, if he was hearing her voice…he’s gotta be at deaths door right?…she’s supposed to be dead…
‘Live Kohu…live…for him..’
He responded to her as he could feel her warm glow, as if he was confronted by an Angel, the pitch black was overwhelmed by the comforting golden glow….he felt himself being pulled back into reality, to the world of the living, he felt pain once more…the urge to breathe…did he stop breathing? He couldn’t tell…but he didn’t want to leave her…
This all felt like a dream…a dream he didn’t want to wake up, but he did…her warm glow was gone…this…was a dream right? His sense returned…and what he said..when he told her not to go…he wasn’t aware…that he said that out loud..however, he could feel warm arms holding him, his body was still in pain…but it seemed bare-able now…right? He couldn’t tell…he could once again smell ash and blood…hear the sounds of fire…and…the first thing he sees is…Natsu?….what was Natsu doing here…? And…why…was he crying…
To be honest…Kohaku also has tears pouring down his face…his tears mixed with the blood spatters all over his face….
He was so confused….and everything hurt…if that was a dream…he wanted to go back to sleep
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Like Claire, I too, had heard about Leonzales' art theft accusations. After Claire went through their entire instagram accounts, and I having helped with some of the overlays, it's uhm, it's not looking pretty for Leon. He's apparently targeted and harassed small artists out of the fandom, and traces off of big name artists, thinking if he shifts it ever slightly, they won't think differently. They also think that if they credit the artists, they can get away with recoloring.
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@xxtc-96xx never gave them permission, TC even told me personally that Leon never asked, nor had permission to recolor their old art. That hyena is also Kohu-arts' artwork as well.
What throws me for a loop is that an account is already fighting Leon's war for them. They're pulling up all the stops, using all the tactics in the DARVO ammo.
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This neurotic stan even accused KingSimba for someone's death in the comments. Like, actual fucking yikes on trikes, bruh. I've been around the block in this psycho fandom, trust me when I tell you that I've seen people fake their deaths and claim fake deaths before for sympathy, many of the times as an excuse to steal. This one just turned up the psycho volume. Fucking yikes is all I can say, man. Yikes. Yikes. Yikes.
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Nyt AOC:lta myös tukea Sanna Marinille 😃 (tsekkaa video Twitteristä)
Kuten tässä Hesarin jutussa sanottiin niin bilekohun ansiosta Marinista tuli melkoinen megajulkkis myös Suomen ulkopuolella 😎
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