#silliest lad i ever did see
alex-the-anxious-2 · 30 days
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Au where everything's the same there's just a masky plushie
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Also, a family because when I first drew him he looked goofy. He lost his tape :(
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evren-sadwrn · 7 months
Omg It's a Marquis simp <3
Evren!! hi hi hi did you know your literally one of the coolest people ever? i got your ask and 1) FUCK YOU i am sobbing now who gave you permission to be so nice?? /lh 2) I'm being nice back to you.
Okay your literally so talented. I need you to know this. Your writing is just fantastic to read whenever I see you post I end up smiling like an idiot because I enjoy reading your stuff that much. Also your art! your art is so appealing to look at, would eat it 10/10 art. your style is just <333 and I love your designs.
And your so nice as well??? I love talking to you when I get the chance your so awesome even if timezones fucking hate us?? your just a really fun person<33 ALSO JOHN WICK! would have never watched that if not for you.
Keep being such a simp for a pretentious French bitch your awesome!!
STOPPPP (<- her ass is crying out of happiness) AHDBDJWKJD FAIRY thank you so much youre like the most silliest funniest little lad I’ve ever met even if were like in different continents YOURE SUCH A NICE PERSON FAIRY your writing also makes giggle and smile like a little bitch your comfortember has me kicking my legs and giggling lmfaoo i just dont know how to describe it into words?? like your stuff actually makes my day anyways yes, i will continue simping for a pretentious french bitch boy<3
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imkylotrash · 3 years
Black And White (5)
Pairing: Saul Silva x reader
Summary: You go on the date letting Harry know that there was nothing between the two of you but you’re not ready to forgive Saul so you become petty.  Contains a request given a long time ago regarding sparring partners. I won’t be writing the request because it would give away the entire chapter. 
Series Masterlist
Tagging: @grey-girl @intoanothermind @anreeixcobra @kingunder221b @lflores2008 @alexiapayne12 @quuenofblacks @quarterback-5 @estelmei @bitchwhytho @music-of-melody @artsyle​ @baueoud​ 
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All the way through getting ready for the date, you feel absolutely sick to your stomach. You don’t want to go on a date with someone else but your ego is hurt badly from Saul telling you to go. You wanted him to tell you the opposite, you wanted him to get upset at the mere thought of someone looking at you the way he does. You never expected him to tell you to go. Once again, your phone buzzes letting you know that another message from Saul ticked in. He’s been texting you every five minutes since you left his room but for you his decision to stay away from your room says more than any text message he might send you. 
Once you finish getting ready, you wait another 5 minutes giving Saul time to come stop you but he doesn’t. You try not to feel too hurt but it’s hard not to when your partner won’t even fight for you. Instead you text Harry to let him know that you’re good to go. He texts back the meeting spot and a bunch of inappropriate smileys that you can’t help but laugh at. He’s a little bonkers that one. 
“Hey, I’m Y/N.” you introduce yourself to the stranger waiting for you out on the lawn. He smiles showing all his pearly whites and somehow, you already hate him. He’s too slick knowing he’s objectively pretty and thinking it’ll substitute for an actual personality. You see why Harry would like him though. He’s probably one of the lads always up for a good chat about the ladies. 
“I’m Jared. Can I just say you look absolutely stunning tonight?” he starts and it gives you the creeps. It’s not so much what he said but the way he said it. He’s been with you for two minutes and it feels like he’s already picturing you without your clothes on. 
“Should we get going?” you ask deflecting the question ungracefully. He holds out his arm to lead you through the portal to Solaria. It’s a beautiful restaurant and the food is amazing but you predicted his personality so accurately it’s almost painful. He doesn’t ask you a single question but goes on and on talking about himself and how he always considered himself better than what Alfea could offer which is why he transferred to private tutors right here in Solaria. The wine glass seems to empty quite often in order for you to survive the night. 
“I’ve had a great time tonight.” I bet you have, you think to yourself panicking when he leans down for a kiss. In a moment of complete brain freeze, you decide that a sneeze is the best way to avoid it. 
“Sorry, I should probably get inside.” You hurry away leaving him hanging outside. Rather than going to bed, you head to Harry’s room and knock on the door. 
“What the hell were you thinking?” you ask once he opens the door. Luckily, his room appears empty so you push past him ready to take off your shoes and get comfortable. It’s been a while since the two of you had a sleepover but tonight, you could really use it. 
“You didn’t like him?” he asks closing the door before coming over to sit next to you on the bed. 
“Like him? How could anyone like him?” you ask making Harry laugh. 
“Honestly, I have no idea. I never thought you’d go through with it,” he chuckles confusing you even more. Why would Harry set you up with him if he doesn’t even like him? You narrow your eyes looking at your best friend with a suspicious feeling growing in your stomach. 
“Why wouldn’t I go through with it when you vouch for him?” Does he know? How could he know when you and Saul have been so careful not to reveal anything in public? Everything seems a little backwards right now and what you really want is to cuddle up next to Saul and forget all about this but your pride won’t let you do that. 
“You tell me?” he smirks and he definitely knows. 
“Saul told me to do it.”
“Saul?! You’re dating Saul Silva?!” He’s so shocked that you quickly realise that he definitely didn’t know you were dating Saul. 
“I knew you were dating someone and hadn’t told me but... You’re dating Silva?” He can’t believe it and you can’t believe you just told him that you’re dating your teacher. Could tonight get any worse. 
“Whatever I just said, I blame it on the wine.” But the damage has been done. There’s no way Harry will let you forget this and while you worry about what Saul might say, you have to admit that it’s really nice to be able to tell someone. You get keeping it a secret until graduation, but you wish you didn’t have to. And lately that feeling have only gotten worse. 
“You can blame admitting it on the wine but not the fact that you’re dating our teacher.” He goes to high five you but the look in your eyes is enough for him to abandon that idea. 
“So, you sent me on a date that you knew would be horrible to make me confess I was already seeing someone?” you ask trying to figure out exactly what went down tonight. 
“I really thought you’d back out before you guys even left Alfea. I felt a little bad.” He holds up his thumb and index finger to indicate the measurement of how bad he felt. It’s not much. 
“You’re a dick,” you laugh deciding that you won’t be upset about this. If you hadn’t been fighting with Saul, you might even have thought it was a fun prank. Instead you opt for climbing under the duvet and going to sleep. Harry stays on the floor not even considering the idea of you two sharing a bed which you really appreciate. He can be a gentleman for the right person. 
“Wake up.” The sun has made a reappearance way too soon but you know you can’t go back to sleep. Classes will be starting soon where you’ll have to face Saul. 
“I have a plan that might make up for last night. But it’s very petty.” Your ego likes petty at the minute. He fills you in as you head towards the training grounds. When you arrive, you don’t even look in Saul’s direction instead focusing on Harry. 
“Have you been working out?” you ask touching his biceps even though everything in you is screaming for you to stop, you keep going. Harry is like family and while this feels so wrong, his smile tells you that someone else is definitely annoyed by it. Your back is to Saul but that means that Harry can watch him. 
“Tightening his grip in the staff,” he informs you at the same time letting you know that you can up your game. 
“Fight me,” you whisper crawling into the ring. It’s the silliest training you’ve ever done. Instead of actually trying, you and Harry just roll around laughing and having fun. None of you put anything more into it than wanting to piss Saul off but it’s still weird. 
“I surrender,” you scream when he starts tickling you. 
“You two, my office!” he snaps and you have to bite your lip from laughing. Harry’s plan worked a charm and while you probably should feel a little bad for agitating him like this, you’re mostly just satisfied that you finally got the reaction you wanted him to have when you told him about the date. 
“I’ll be expecting to see you in detention for the next three Saturdays. Training is not a joke and I refuse to let anyone behave the way you two did out there.” You can’t even look at Harry in fear of laughing out loud while Saul is screaming at you. He’s clearly very upset but you don’t feel bad. He started this. 
“Harry, you’re excused.” He sends you a look when he gets up to leave which you return with a wink. 
“See you,” he says letting his hand rest on your shoulder for just a second longer than necessary. Don’t laugh, you tell yourself wanting to enjoy jealous Saul a little longer before you admit what really happened out there. 
“What the hell was that?” he sneers very upset. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Harry is my best friend, we were having a laugh.” You try to ask innocent secretly swooning over just how hot he is when he’s jealous. 
“Don’t play dumb with me. Why were you flirting with him?” There’s a fire burning in his eyes that you’ve really missed. All you want is for him to admit that you’re his and he’s yours. You know it’s wrong and that no one can claim another person but somehow, you and Saul have anyway. 
“Sorry. I just thought it would act as a good cover. You know, so people don’t ask any questions.” You’re enjoying this far too much but really, it’s just your bruised ego talking. 
“Well, that little stunt just cost you me.” That wipes the smile of your face. 
“What?” you ask thinking that you can’t have heard him correctly. He can’t seriously mean that he’s willing to end things over this. It’s an argument and sure, it’s one of the big ones but you figured you’d get through it like you have with anything else. 
“I’m not doing this childish thing you’re trying to do,” he says with a hollow tone. 
“I’m done.”  
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Real Love Myself Hours are at 5AM Apparently
I got tagged by @halogalopaghost and @endae so I guess it’s real love myself hours. (5am is a good time for that, right?)
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 8 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work!
I’m gonna get really sappy right here in the first half... I was in a huge rut before June this year. Yeah, I made a Whole Entire Hobbit costume... but it’s still lacking a jacket so I’m not gonna count that as finished yet. BUT... in June I watched Gravity Falls and fell into the fandom so hard I think my head is still spinning. To date I have written 22 works on AO3 (to the tune of over 79k words), plus my 50k+ unfinished NaNo project, and drawn more in the past two months than I have in the past two years.
And it’s all thanks to Gravity Falls and the wonderful people I have met through this fandom. ANYWAY *cracks knuckles* here’s my 8 top hits of 2020 (and boy was it hard to pick.
1. Age is Just a Number and Gender an Illusion This one takes the first spot because it’s the first fic that I wrote in the Gravity Falls Universe. I was just looking for fics where the main characters were enby and there weren’t a lot of Stan. So I made one of my own. There are a lot of inconsistencies with this fic because I was still getting a feel for the universe, but I still love it a lot.
2. A Small and Trusting Thing I wrote most of this in a insomniac fever dream on my phone at like... 3am. And then the image of Mabel floating in front of the open black maw of the portal wouldn’t leave me alone so I drew it. This takes such a high ranking because... it’s the first legitimate art that I made in well over 3 years. I hadn’t regularly drawn anything since I kinda... dropped out of The Hobbit Fandom, so this was a huge accomplishment for me.
3. Soosly 2020 Entries Ok, so this is kind of a cheat but I honestly couldn’t pick just one. Soon after I rejoined tumblr (after being functionally gone since 2016), I discovered Soosly and... well... I had to celebrate my favorite lad. Of these four works... “There’s Wisdom in the Delicate Art of Punching” and “A Real Family Man” are my two favorites. I feel like I really got the tone of Stan and Soos’s son-ployee relationship down in those two pieces and I... I’m just so soft for them, yall.
4.The Invitation Another thing I did as soon as I returned to Tumblr was create an AU because that’s what all the cool kids seemed to be doing. XD So I came up with my Professor Stan AU... and promptly wrote nearly 10k of utter chaos. I love my little robot dino mayhem disaster with all my heart.
5. Packing Heat This is still one of the silliest, plotless little bits of domestic mystery trio nonsense I have ever written. It requires minor knowledge of gender affirming devices but like... what’s funnier than yeeting your gross homemade ding dong at someone who is vexing you? Nothing. That’s what.
6. how do I feel by the end of the day I said I was gonna do it and by golly I did it... to the tune of 14k words. So far this is my longest FINISHED fanfic of all time and I couldn’t be prouder of it. It was a wonderful chance to examine all of Stan’s years on the road and write about his family caring for him.
7. Imposter Bill Cipher We’re getting into the art now and there’s... not much yet, I hope next year there will be more. But this dumb Among Us Bill Cipher is kinda... I love him. He’s shaped like a potato. A murderous potato with homicide on the brain.
8. No thoughts, head empty. Just a girl and her pig. I drew this as a reaction to being told my art was getting better. And. Yeah. With this drawing I started to see it. I love Waddles’ lil cheek squish, I drew my favorite Mabel sweater, I drew a hand I didn’t immediately hate. I... somehow got 400+ notes which hasn’t happened on anything original of mine since I made that stupid Forcibly Escorted meme format post about the One Ring. XD I hope to improve more this coming year... but for now this simple art of a girl and her pig serves to remind me that I CAN do it. And that means a lot to me.
Honorary mentions: This Hand and What it is Attached To I refuse to link the actual image because tumblr nerfed it the first time, but it’s the best Stan I have ever drawn. In a similar vein... all the smut that I have written this year also goes in honorary mention. I like all of it too much to pick a favorite.
Thank you so much for tagging me in this, it was a wonderful walk down memory lane. I’m always weird about tagging people in stuff like this but... @avi17 and @singing-sorrowless, you were the two people that immediately came to mind. You don’t have to do it, but I wanted to tag you just in case you wanted to. ^^
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just-some-gt-trash · 4 years
The prompt list was made by @hiddendreamer67
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AN: I really love this and it’s very fluffy and cute even if the beginning is trash but it’s worth it in the end I swear
Thomas took a deep breath as he opened the doors of the throne room “King Emile, I have news for you” Dee growled as his conversation with the king was interrupted “Would you mind? We´re in the middle of something”
“It’s okay Dee, we can continue later” Emile looked from Dee to Thomas “Did king Remy replied already?” “It´s better than that your majesty” Thomas turned to the door “You can come in”
Patton walked into the room, wearing the wig and outfit from before, officially impersonating Roman.
Both the king and his advisor gasped simultaneously “Roman!” Emile stood up and ran to ‘his son’ to hug him “Don’t you dare to ever do something like that again, I was so worried”
The human sized borrower got startled from the sudden movement, but he hugged back after some seconds “I’m sorry for running away, it wasn’t the right choice”
Emile broke the hug and looked at Patton “promise me you’ll talk to me when something bothers you”
Thomas noticed Dee´s mad expression “What’s the matter, aren’t you relieved prince Roman is back?”
“Of course I am” he lied.
“This means prince Logan’s visit is still on foot right?” asked Thomas.
“Of course!” said Emile smiling “But right now I want to hear everything about how you found Roman”
Thomas smiled “I’ll be glad to share every detail”
Emile, Patton and Thomas got out of the throne room and into the dining room while Dee went to his son’s room, he had to make sure this was not a scam.
”Now tell me, where did you find my son Thomas?” Asked Emile as he sat on one of the chairs, being followed by the other two men.
”I wanted to deliver the letters for King Remy and Prince Logan myself, to explain the situation better, I found him on the way to their kingdom, he wanted to talk to the prince, right Roman?” Lied Thomas.
Patton nodded ”That's right, he always gives me good advices, and I didn't want to disappear without him knowing”
The king smiled softly and cupped Patton's cheek with his hand ”Oh hun, I can't believe I didn't notice something was bothering you, I'm such a terrible father”
”No” said Patton, not even thinking on what he was doing ”Of courses you're not, you have always been there for me, I guess I'm just pretty good at hiding how I truly feel, and I promise I won't do it anymore, you're an awesome father, never doubt it again”
Emile smiled and did his best to hug his son once more without standing up ”My god since when are you this wise? You have really grown up a lot”
Patton smiled back, he couldn't remember the last time he had a dad who loved him, if felt king of nice.
The rest of the day was normal, Patton had the best dinner of his life, there were tons of plates and food, he even felt bad when he didn’t finish part of his food because he was hungry, even if Thomas told him it was fine.
Then he went to sleep, he wanted Thomas to stay with him, he was a little afraid of staying alone in a place so big as Roman’s room, once again his teacher reassured him everything was fine and he was right, Patton slept like a baby on Roman’s huge bed.
 The next morning, one of the maids went to leave the prince’s breakfast to his room, waking Patton up “All of this for me?” Asked Patton and the maid nodded “B-But, don’t you want something?”
“Me? I could not your highness I just-“
“Please, there’s a lot of food, here” Patton took one of the pieces of bread and handed it to the maid “take it”
She smiled slightly as she took it “Thank you” the maid was about to go but turned around when she got to the doorframe “Your bath is being prepared, do you want bubbles, mineral salts or flower essences?”
“Everything!” said Patton smiling.
 After having breakfast and taking a bath, Patton got dressed and waited for Thomas to appear, he knew prince Logan was coming today and he didn’t want to mess it up, he waited for hours and nothing “C’mon Thomas… I can’t do this without you”
There was a knock on the door “Come in” said Patton, but his hopes of being Thomas who was behind the door went away when he saw the royal advisor, Dee, he remembered he was called.
“Good morning your highness, the king sent me to escort you to the throne room to meet with prince Logan”
“He’s already here?” Patton asked and Dee nodded “Alright” Patton took Dee’s arm and they walked to the throne room.
Dee opened the doors “your highness, Prince Roman”
Patton walked inside, he saw two more people than yesterday, who he assumed where king Remy and prince Logan, since Patton wasn’t wearing his glasses, Thomas asked if he could see without them and he could even if everything was a bit blurry so they decided to leave them while he was supposed to be Roman, he didn’t notice a small bump on the carpet and tripped, almost falling to the floor if it wasn’t because someone caught him.
“Since when are you so clumsy Roman?” Patton looked up, blushing when he noticed he was just a couple of inches away from Logan “You have to be more careful”
“I’m sorry” Patton stood straight but didn’t let go of the others arms “Thank you for catching me”
“Prince Roman” said king Remy “The last time I saw you, you were just a kid, I can’t believe how big you are now”
Patton chuckled slightly and got apart from Logan “It’s a pleasure to see you again too king Remy”
Emile smiled “King Remy and I need to arrange some issues, so we’ll leave you two alone” he stood up and guided Remy out of the room.
“I want to show you something” Logan grabbed Patton’s hand and took him to the music room, in the middle of it, there was a huge white and golden piano “Remember when we stayed here after our music lessons, we wrote the silliest songs”
“I do, it was fun” lied Patton.
Logan sat at the stool in front of the piano “well, I wrote a song for you, It’s not quite silly, but I hope you like it”
The prince let his fingers dance trough the keys of the instrument, a sweet melody could be heard as he accompanied it with his serenate yet beautiful voice “Once a guy met a lad, you're a gentle one, said he” he looked at Patton, as quoting something Roman had said before “In my heart I'd be glad, if you loved me for me”
Patton looked at Logan’s eyes as he sang, resting his arms on the side of the piano and leaning on them “Could I be the one you're seeking? Will I be the one you choose? Can you tell my heart is speaking? My eyes will give you clues”
Logan had closed his eyes on the second verse “What you see may be deceiving, truth lies underneath the skin, hope will blossom by believing, the heart that lies within” He opened them and blushed slightly as he caught ‘Roman’ looking at him.
“I'll be yours” he continued as he moved to one side of the stool, making space for the other one to sit “together we shall always be as one” Patton sat next to Logan as he continued singing, his eyes never left the prince’s.
The human sized borrower rested his head on Logan’s shoulder, closing his eyes and singing the next line with him “if you love me for me”
Logan smiled and lifted Patton’s chin delicately with his finger “If you love me for me” they sang together before kissing.
Their lips touched and their tongues danced on each other’s mouth delicately, both of them trapped on a sweet and innocent but still passionate kiss.
Patton got away from Logan’s lips, the only thing he wanted was to go back to them and continued, but Logan wrote, played and sang that for Roman, not for him, Logan loved Roman, the person he was pretending to be, and he started to wonder if it really was the best choice, he started to regret taking Roman’s vacant.
To be continued...
Here’s the song in case some of you don’t know it (I ommited a couple of lines(and yes, barbie princess and the peuper again))
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estnormalis · 4 years
Chapter One: Apertio
IF EVER HUMANS DID NOT EVOLVE, Trevor Inskeep conceived, the world might be a whole searching for power; creating wars and hostilities to claim territories for exploration and research, studying beyond what should be, resulting in a world of chaos. But favorably, the world he lives in got everyone their unique abilities; except him; yet.
Trevor is seated upright at his desk. In front of him is the scene of the outer world from his window. A sunny Tuesday afternoon at Florence, empowering the beautiful view of Palazzo Vecchio over a golden settling skyline. Nervous that he's turning 16 in nine days, and he cannot figure out what his ability would be or if there is.
"There must be something I can do."
He rummaged through his memories of a conceivable thing he can try. Trevor remembered the boy who killed three civil guards by penetrating a metal coin through their skulls. There he laid a coin over his old-fashioned desk and sharpened his look on it, trying to make it float. And nothing happened.
Then he looked at the right side of his room, pointing a gaze at his twenty-gallon aquarium with one full-grown goldfish in it. "Hey." Thinking he might have the ability to communicate with the whole fauna. And nothing happened, again.
"Maybe I can talk to non-aquatics. Haha." Shortly kidding himself until he realized that if he has no gift at all, everything will be different.
Since 1896, when the last Homo sapiens died, there is just an inadequate number of people that are born without any special ability, and all governments detain them for research purposes- asking why would an advance specie produce an ancestral copy of itself. With the current world population of 5.13 Billion, Trevor only recalls 3 people he saw over the news that has no power. That is less than the massacres broadcasted. What a misfortune.
Then without knocking the door, Trevor's mom, Meilyn Calder-Inskeep, who luckily can arrange her larynx cells, changing her voice and copying anybody's, used her original sweet and soft voice to tell her son to continue reading the requirement book- a book required by the government for each of its citizens to read- "Historia de Humanus" by Elizabeth Patrihamm. It is printed in Meilyn's utterance that she, too, is nervous for her son who couldn't discover his gift.
"Mom, how did you discover your ability?" Trevor asked; almost mumbling. Meilyn knew that his son is afraid, and so is she.
"When I was eleven, I accidentally copied my mom's voice while she's singing her favorite song. And you know, the silliest thing I did after that is using her voice to trick my big sister to give me extra money for school." Trying to change the mood of his only child. He smiled and cautiously obeyed her mum. Maybe he can see through the past just like the author of the requirement book while he's reading.
Elizabeth Patrihamm, a French writer, is a notable Homo sanctus, classified as an Opsilon level individual. With the ability to see through the past three hundred years, she wrote the book "Historia de Humanus" giving a detailed sight of how mutation is currently accepted and be a part of human history, and also how the first gifted humans suffered.
Homo sanctus are classified into six different levels. The Classes are identified and named by an Asian scientist named Jhechell Almore in 1870.
First is the Rho(roe) Classification. Non-combative type of mutation. It can pass easily to the sight of society, meaning, no or not major physical gene alteration. Subtle and low use abilities. Faint powers. Includes Meilyn's voice changing ability, alteration of retina pattern, reworking machines without being told or even fully understanding how they work, and telepathy of just vicarious transmission of information. An estimated 51% of the population is classified as Rho.
Second is the Delta(del-tah) Classification. Non-combative but unlike Rho, their gene inheritance made their appearance different from any other Homo sanctus and it cannot be concealed. Subtle and low use abilities. Examples are Zebra skin, thick fur, lion mane, overgrown or very huge muscles, and others just have strange markings just like tattoos. An estimated 30% of the population is classified as Delta. They make up the blue-collar workers.
The third class is the Psi(sigh) Classification. Combative type of mutation. Physical characteristics are altered by the ability-casting gene and cannot be concealed. Examples would be a prehensile tail, and hands and feet membranes that can make someone cling to surfaces. It makes up the estimated 13% of the population.
The fourth is the Zeta(zay-tah) Classification. Humans with a combative type of gene inheritance and altered physique but can conceal it or can pass for a human being, but careful scrutiny reveals they have some strange trait. Once there was a human with slightly-like porcupine gene inheritance but all the spikes are retractable and are hidden beneath his skin. Makes up the estimated 5% of the population.
The fifth is the Upsilon(oop-si-lon) Classification. The high-end use of gene inheritance. Concealed power of an individual. No physical characteristics altered. This includes Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, Energy Absorption, Weather Control, Elizabeth Patrihamm's ability to see past, and furthermore. They are almost 1% of the world population.
The sixth and the last is the Epsilon(ep-si-lon) Classification. Not specific if physical attributes are altered by the gene inheritance or not. A human that is classified as Epsilon has continental to planetary scale ability. Rarest gene inheritance; Not even 0.1% of the world population. This classification did not exist until 1987. Epsilon Classification is not discovered until the 24th of September, 1986, when a telekinetic male named Benjamin Petrov attacked the Russian Government House in the middle of peace meetings with several world leaders. He made the brain freeze- literally and intentionally- of all people in the radius 2 miles. Petrov will not be identified if the Russian secretary Shaira Henric did not send flash memories to the police 2.1 miles away before she was killed. Benjamin Petrov was never captured. Another identified Epsilon Individual is Kath Bolivar, who had control over non-organic matter at the atomic structure within the range of her vision. She tried to rearrange the city of Birmingham and execute its people just a week after Benjamin Petrov did the attack. She was killed by a single bullet, shot from the back of her head. There is no known connection between the two. Individuals under this classification are considered the most serious threats if not a benefit and are capable of wide-scale destruction if not creation.
After the massacre, all governments required each people to register their citizenship and genetic inheritance at birth if the mutation is already visible, right after they discover it, or until they turn 16 which when the gene inheritance takes its last chance to manifest. Each one must submit their birth certificate and DNA Reading Certificate that is obtained after a Laboratory has read and classified an individual's gene inheritance. If not fulfilled, there will be valuable consequences: months or even year-long court trials and a substantial fine.
Any minute from now, Trevor can discover his ability, but until the time he did or till he turns sixteen, then he will only be allowed to have his DNA read and see what's ahead of him. He paused with reading. He looked at the view of his window. At the other side of the street, there plays Mattia. A neighbor's  seven-year-old son with elf-like ears that can sense sound waves lower than 20 Hertz. Already filed as Delta individual. Mattia's ability is not a great gift, yes, it comes handy sometimes, but not as substantial as Elizabeth Patrihamm's. But Trevor still deems that the lad is as lucky enough as the famous writer of the book he's reading.
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pinkrocketimagines · 7 years
Issues & Tissues : PART 1 ( Tom Holland x reader)
(Zendaya x  Tom Holland x reader x Cole sprouse )
SUMMARY : You have the biggest crush on your co-star Tom Holland. Although there has always been rumours of him and your other co-star Zendaya dating, you’ve always ignored it. You liked him a little too much to just let go.Too much to even notice another co-star, Cole, looking at you the same way you look at Tom. But what’ll be the outcome of your immense likeness for Tom? Will it be worth it? Or will you be left heartbroken when the fan theories of him and Zendaya prove to be true?
A/N: I’m sorry it took me so long to post! Hopefully, you’ll like this one :) Love you guys x
Since the day he first called you ‘darling’ to the day he shared his cup of tea with you, you were absolutely smitten. You were very much aware of the fact that he simply called literally everyone by that word and he liked sharing tea because he’s a kind man BUT you couldn’t help it, I mean, c’mon look at him! With his messy brown hair and his cheeky smile.. oh that handsome smile. One thing was clear- you were smitten. This quackson guy got the best of you this time.
The fact that you got to work with Tom every single day for 4 months didn’t help your case much either- everyday you found yourself falling more in love with him and his little ways. The other actors on set were Zendaya and Cole Sprouse. Yeah, that’s right- Tom’s ideal match Zendaya. They got along really well, their chemistry was inevitable, no wonder fangirls and the press shipped them so much. You would ship them too, had you not been so hopelessly in love with Tom. Seeing him and Zendaya do scenes together or even interact ! made you sore. Maybe they did like each other but eh, it’s easier to come in set, make-believing they don’t. It has almost been 3 months since you first met and I have to say, you did a pretty good job in hiding your hots for Tom. Nobody knew about it. Well, nobody except your best friend on set- Cole. Cole caught you way before you even admitted to your ownself that you were falling for Tom. You hate how easily Cole reads you. Best friends’ intuition, I guess.
Anyway, you and Tom got along pretty well too. He was always his goofy self, cracking stupid jokes every opportunity he got, doing 100 things at the same time but nonetheless, making sure everybody was having a good time. Work didn’t feel like work when you were with him. He would always give you the warmest hug- and to everyone as well. 
He made horrible attempts to break you out of your shy shell and in doing so, you found yourself falling for him. You don’t know when you started getting butterflies for this young South-west London lad. You found yourself searching for silly excuses to go see him or give him his tea. You would usually end up chatting with him about the silliest things on the red sofa which was placed in the middle of the set for..you were not sure why it was kept there but it had been there since the first day. It became your spot. You and Tom’s, to be precise. You would hangout there almost every 5:30pm because you and his free-time coincided at this hour only. Days when you didn’t have a single scene with him were the ones you dreaded the most. However, you always got to catch him on the red sofa over your mutual love for tea at 5:30pm.
You’re not sure if Tom has the same liking towards you, I mean, he’s just so nice to everyone! When he’s with you, he woud make you feel like you’re the only girl in the room. Pretty sure, everybody in the room feels that way when they talk to him. He’d always make the warmest cup of tea during your 5:30 couch time and tell you stories about his family and his sweetheart Tessa. Tom also had his way of making you blush by telling you how ‘wonderful’ you look every now and then. Yeah, it’s hard to tell if he likes you but you would like to think that he does..even if it’s just a little bit.
Right now, you’re lazily sitting on the couch with Cole. You have few minutes of break before heading for an interview.
 “I think he’s doing an interview with Z in the other room,” you nag as you rest your head on Cole’s shoulder.
He scoffs,”Geez, (Y/n), don’t be that girl”
You abruptly sit up straight,”What girl?”
“You know,” he nervously utters,”The green eyed monster bitten g-“
“Ufff, I’m not jealous,” you sigh and turn towards the other room where Tom and Zendaya are supposedly get interviewed,”I was just saying…” you drop your head.
“Aww,” Cole chuckles as he lifts your head up with his finger,”You’re adorable. I wish he knew how you felt,”
You move away and roll your eyes,”Like he’d ever like a slob like me when he has this gorgeous Z all over him,”
You meant it. You don’t think you have any chance with Tom. Regardless of the wonderful bond you shared with Tom, you always felt like Zendaya had the upperhand since she’s the one who got  to spend most of the time with Tom. She also has millions backing her ship with Tom.
“(Y/N),” you hear one of the crew assistants call out,”You and Cole are up next for  the interview,”
“That’s our cue,” Cole blurts before ruffling your hair.
“Hey!” you hit his arm. He chuckles in response.
You head towards the interview room.
”After you, ma’am.” Cole opens the door for you like a pro-butler.
“Thank you, Mr Sprouse” you chuckle at his fake courtesy.
Little did you know that in a few seconds time you’d be wishing Cole hadn’t let you in first.
Your heart drops. You lose your breath for a second.
On entering the room, you’re greeted by the sight of Tom and Zendaya kissing.
Something you had always seen coming.
Something you wished would never happen.
Something you dreaded.
Something that made your heart break more than you thought it would.
Suddenly all the butterflies in your stomach seem to have fallen dead.
The touch of Cole’s hand on your shoulder made you step out of the blackhole you were putting yourself into. “I’m sorry, I can’t-“ you run out of the room. You don’t know if Tom had seen you since you left so abruptly.
4 hours since the vague scene at the interview room. 4 hours since you covered your mouth and held yourself together as you bawled your eyes out on the bathroom floor. Much to your contempt, shootings were usually 6-7 hours long so that meant you had to stay here for few more hours. Other days, 7 hours felt like 7 minutes but today it feels like a lifetime. You’ve done a pretty good job at holding yourself together and ignoring Tom. You know you have no right to be mad at him, he wasn’t even yours in the first place. But it..hurts.
You thought he liked you. Maybe you were only fooling yourself but you really thought  he did. Maybe you got your hopes up too high but a part of you always felt like he did like you back. The way he’d always make you feel at home, the time you’d spend laughing and talking about everything on the lounge, the way- No, (Y/n), maybe all of those things meant a lot to you because you liked him, or even loved, but it doesn’t matter now. It shouldn’t matter. Because it clearly meant nothing to him. It meant nothing to Tom.
You still can’t get the image of him and Zendaya kissing. It’s funny how you can get your heart broken the same time the other person’s heart collides.
You’re now in Cole’s temporary trailer on the set. He spent the whole day making sure you weren’t alone and invaded the thoughts of Tom and Z. You have few minutes of break before your next scene. Cole has already left for his. You haven’t seen Tom since that incident. And you’re glad you haven’t. You even missed the 5:30 red sofa ritual you shared with Tom.
It meant nothing to him, you remind yourself.
You hear the door click open. You pull yourself up from Cole’s couch, “Cole, I was just-“
“Thought I might find you here,” Tom smiles lovingly.
You feel your stomach tighten. You open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out. You can’t even look at him, “I  was just leaving,” you quickly utter as you see yourself out.
“Wait, (Y/n). I didn’t see you the entire day! Where were you?”
“I was just-“
“And you didn’t show up at the red sofa either. You know that’s our thing,”
The last sentence made your fist tighten and your heart weak. Why, why does he do that?
“I’m busy. See you later,”
It took everything in you to walk past the guy you had loved for so long and pretend that your heart wasn’t breaking when you did.
“(Y/n)..” you could almost faintly hear him but you didn’t turn back. No, you weren’t turning back for him anymore. You had been a fool for too long. How could you have not seen this coming?
You continued to love him even though it was you against all the fangirls and the press. I did this to myself.
You spent the next hours of the day keeping yourself busy and avoiding Tom. Somehow you kept bumping into him more than usual. You ignored every attempt of his to talk to you. You played it cool and mellow to make sure you weren’t giving off any awkward vibes. You continued to remind yourself that he wasn’t even yours to begin with, so you don’t have any right to be mad at him.
           You were just shooting your last scene when you saw Tom walk into your area. Tom was well-known to have the most hectic schedule out of everyone so you have no idea why he was here and not somewhere else shooting his scene.
Just dropping by, I guess.
“And cut!”
“That was a great scene, (Y/n)” Emma, one of the producers, applauds you.
“Thank you,” you warmly smile as you grab a bottle of water to hydrate yourself, completely ignoring the fact that Tom is in here too.
“Great shot, (Y/n)” you hear another familiar voice approach towards you.
“Thanks, Tom” you quickly reply and try to leave-abruptly, again.
He’s too close for you to ignore anymore. “I’m getting late, I have to-“
“I can drop you home,” he says in a low tone, sounding almost melancholy.
“That’s okay, I have a ride! I’m sorry, I have to lea-“ you quickly make another desparate but successful attempt to leave.
You walk towards the changing room to grab your stuffs and go home. You quickly collect your bags  and walk yourself out of the set.
You were just about to get into your car when you heard someone call out your name again.
You turn around to find Tom, again.
 This has never happened before. In all these months of shooting, he has never made himself this available.
“Oh, Tom. I told you I have a-“
“So I’m guessing you saw, huh?” he bluntly utters.
“Saw, what?”
“You know what,”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Tom. I’ll see you to-“
“You know exactly what I’m talking about,”
You take a deep breath and a long pause. You’ve been trying to avoid him the entire day to avoid having this conversation but here he is, pestering you for the same. You know he doesn’t feel anything for you, he never did, but hearing him actually say that would be even more torturous. You’d rather pretend your heart didn’t break when you saw him kiss Zendaya and that you didn’t really love him just so you could get past the next days of shooting without wanting to breakdown everytime you see him. It’d be easier to pretend nothing happened.
“So what, Tom?” you sigh,”So what if I saw you and Zendaya kiss?”
“Is that why you’ve been ignoring me the whole day?”
“I wasn’t-“
“Please. I know the way you used to look at me but today you were just-“
“JUST WHAT?” you increase your tone out of frustration,”SAD?HEARTBROKEN? DEVASTATED? Is that what you want to hear? You want me to tell you that I could feel my heart sink and that  I wish that I’d never entered the interview room in the first place? God, I wish I could tell you. I wish I could tell you what you want to hear so badly but trust me, ‘hurt’ would be an understatement to the way I felt when I saw you kiss Z. And as for walking into the interview room, I’m glad I saw it.”
“(Y/n), I’m sorry, I-”
You cut him off. You hold back your tears and gather up all your guts as you complete your sentence,” You’re not the one of blame here, you weren’t even mine to begin with. You made me think that maybe you did like me, or maybe that was just me fooling myself. And there is nothing worse in the world than thinking you have a chance..,” you choke,”.. when you really don't.”
And with that, you leave.
“(Y/n),”He immediately grabs hold of your hand.
“Let me go,”
“Let me..,” you abruptly pull out your hand from his grip, “..go”.
And he did.
A/N : Please, it doesn't have to end like this!!! PART 2 coming up  soon ;)
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batfamq-blog · 7 years
Quiet Regrets
Alfie Solomons wasn't always intense. 
That cold hard and somewhat lost expression that now settles on his face wasn't always there. You knew him before the war, before that last shred of innocent left him. You remember when he used to laugh at the silliest thing, when you guys first got together and would sneak out to go smoke and occasionally drink. Granted, you were young and didn't take much for the drink to affect you both. But still, you both thought you were being proper badasses.
You remember your first kiss and the first night you spent with him. You cherish those memories as they got you through hard times, especially when it seemed everyone you knew had gone off to war. Not knowing if the people you loved were even alive, ripped you apart daily. Every time a new letter arrived your hands shook and your mother had to calm you down and read it to you. When her eyes finished scanning for bad news but never actually found them, a relieved laugh would slip from her lips and with caring eyes she would say: “That boy will come back to you, Y/N. I know it.”
When he first came back, it felt like time had stopped and both of you were fifteen once more. You couldn't recall ever being so happy to see someone before as cliché as it sounds. Your heart kept trying to get away from its place as soon as your hands made contact with his skin. His arms tightened around your form, squeezing you tight against him. Hearing his laughter again so closely filled you with the purest joy.
A few seconds went by until you felt his head seeking shelter in the crook of your neck. Alfie couldn't believe you were right there, in his arms, he had pictured that exact moment in his head so many times but nothing compared to the real thing. 
"I missed ya" he said, while trying to kiss your neck and talk at the same time. "so fuckin' much." 
All you could do was cry in response.
The first sign that hinted the shift in his behavior and ultimately personality occurred when you first slept over at his house. The nightmares were common, along with the overall drinking mixed with aggressiveness; you knew it came with the fallout of the war. Of course you knew that, but it was still a lot to handle. You weren’t going to lie, it frightened you sometimes. The raised voices, the slamming doors, bleeding knuckles as a result of too many fights in the local pubs…All of it put together…You didn’t know what to do or what to say. The worse part was that you could see, he didn’t mean it. He didn’t mean any of it.
Alfie tried to hide it; he tried to be the person he was before when he was around you. He knew it wasn't fully working because you kept insisting that he could vent to you, if he wanted to that is. A part of him hated that you were so understanding, it made him hate himself even more for putting you through it all.
He attempted to hide the anger, the nightmares were the thing he found the most frustrating since he couldn't control them. There was one week in which he didn't sleep at all. It worked for the most part but in the end he just passed out exhausted with his head on your lap. 
You didn't continue your relationship right away, you decided to give him time to readjust to his new routine. It didn't mean you weren't still present in his life. In fact, he had mentioned a handful of times how good you were for and to him. You decided a casual thing was the best route to take since it wasn’t too demanding but still private. 
After a while you too had parted ways, neither of you said goodbye. It just...happened. Like it had slowly been building up to it. Alfie had changed, he became secretive and mysterious which was new to you. You guys didn't lie to each other and there wasn't a part of your life that couldn't be shared. You could understand the memories of the war but this was something different. When days began to pass without you guys exchanged a full sentence between you that's when you had enough. 
A full year went by when you and Alfie had found each other again. One morning a man named Ollie showed up at your work, you weren't surprised that Alfie knew where your new job was. You were, however, surprised (and disappointed) that he didn't showed up himself. 
"Mr. Solomons wants to know if you would see him tonight." You almost rolled your eyes at him. 
"If Mr.Solomons wants to see me then he can come by himself. I'm sure he still knows where I live, right?" You said before you excuse yourself. The nerve on that man. 
You woke up in the middle of the night with someone pounding on your front door. You quickly put something on before you went to see what that fuss was about. 
You were about to open your mouth when a voice cut you off. Well, mumblings more like it. 
"Open the door Y/N." You closed your eyes momentarily, before taking a deep breath. God! Well, I guess I asked for this, right?
 Taking a step back you unlocked the door. You could feel your pulse on your wrist, you weren't quite sure what to expect. Will he be Mad? Happy? Excited, even? Were you supposed to be the one who's mad? You never quite knew what to feel when it counted to him. 
"You always had impeccable timing." 
He scoffed entering your home. Alfie closed the door behind him, your eyes followed him closely as he sat on your sofa. "Don't act like you didn't miss me love." 
You did always admire how he made himself at home, no matter how uneasy he might be feeling on the inside. You also did admire his confidence and how he was a bit mad as well. Which seemed to help in certain situations ever since he was a young lad.
"I'm not actin' like anything." A tired sigh escaped your lips and you weren't sure if you were still dreaming or not. Next thing you knew, you were sitting next to him. "You woke me up." 
 Alfie watched you quietly with a small smile playing on his lips. He saw you trying to keep your eyes open, the current state of your hair that confirmed you indeed had just woken up. He let himself feel just how much he had missed you. 
"I can tell." he replied. 
You threw him a glare in response. "Why are you here? Why now?" 
"You told me to come, didn't ya? He easily replied. 
"It's the middle of the night maybe you should go, yeah? We can talk tomorrow." You intended to get up when you felt a hand upon yours. Bastard.
His gaze didn't dare to leave yours. "Do you really want me to leave, Y/N?"
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pentomic · 7 years
The parchment map was spread on the rough table, and Hektor looked over it carefully, a small prickle of fear raising the hairs on the back of his neck.
The Zones of Control were carefully marked out in green ink, and the No-Go Zones outlined in red. Modin was squarely in the largest of the No-Go Zones, a stronghold of heresy. The Hoplite at his shoulder followed Hektor’s gaze and grimaced. 
“It’s a bit of a jaunt, eh?”
“Yeah” responded Hektor uneasily. The Hoplite clapped a heavy hand on his back.
“Don’t worry, sir. We’ll be travelling by the secured roads. And I’ll tell you-- if the natives get restless, we have all we need to make a scene even the gods won’t forget.” He winked and patted the kopis at his belt. 
Eyes still fixed on the map, Hektor nodded. The Hoplite was a bluff man, and his men were battle-hardened and well-trained, but somehow his words weren’t reassuring. This would mark the first time Hektor had been outside the wire, on some sort of religious mission to the town of Modin. There would be a sacrifice, and a pig, and a meeting with a local functionary. Routine stuff, nothing that hadn’t been done by others a million times.
Still, the stark red lines of the No-Go Zones stood out against Hektor’s vision, and he was about to close his eyes and offer a silent prayer to Ares when he became aware of Hoplite still standing behind him, waiting to be dismissed. Half-turning, the Lochagos growled something about how the Hoplite should see to the transportation, hoping his voice wasn’t shaking, and then turned his attention back to the map. 
Modin was a tough one, if he remembered the briefing correctly. Word was the heretical fervour there was reaching critical heights, and Pacification/Conversion missions were becoming necessary to prevent the whole thing from boiling over. Hektor scowled unconsciously. Why on Earth couldn’t these Jews just see the light? Yes, it was likely that Antiochus IV-- Epiphanes, as he wanted to be known-- wasn’t any kind of god, but he was certainly a great man. If he wanted to be worshipped, what business was it of anyone else’s? He was king, after all.
Hektor remembered the conversation in the mess, shortly after his deployment.
Invisible! the portly Syntagmatarchis had chortled. They actually believe their god is totally invisible! At this point, Hektor, who had been nursing his beer, had joined in, curiosity piqued. You mean they direct their prayers to empty air?
Sure they do! the Syntag laughed. Silliest damn thing I ever heard. They think he’s invisible and all-powerful, that he created the whole world and knows men’s thoughts. They have a special book that he talks to them through, and they spend all their time studying it.
Seeing Hektor’s incredulous grin, the Syntag had straightened up. But don’t think that just because they’re backwards that they’re harmless. They mutilate their male children in their lord’s name, they cover their natural bodies out of shame, they confine their women and children. Their life is one of constant fear of their god-- they can’t even say his name! Never underestimate what they won’t do for this god of theirs.
It was so strange, reflected Hektor. Confined to the past, living by the book. One would think they, or at least their youth, would jump at the chance to explore a world outside their own, and indeed many had. A great deal of Hellenized Jews now mingled with others in the capitals of the Syrian-Greek empire, but more had refused the blessings of society, preferring to remain trapped in their synagogues and houses of study. What caused fanaticism of this sort?
It was not, reflected Hektor, for humble Lochargi, such as himself, to reason why. 
He turned towards the door of the tent, gathering his things and preparing to inspect the horses and wagons that would carry him and his men to Modin. As he did so, he tried to put the map, and its ominous markings, behind him. Yet try as he might, the fear stuck.
Modin-- known to the locals as Modi’it-- was a nothing town, a tiny collection of huts surrounded by the requisite small farms and olive groves. The town’s synagogue had clearly been hastily converted into a temple of the gods, with crudely cast statues of Zeus, Hera, and Epiphanes stuck into the ground by the entrance. Hektor chewed on a thumbnail as he surveyed the town square from the portable dais he had brought from the camp. The Hoplites had set up a perimeter, and the citizens were trickling in, with the reluctant step of men being forced. There were no women, he noticed.
The local functionary was a short and overeager Hellenized Jew who was the sort of representative of Greece in the town. He had greeted them warmly, but there was a sharp note of panic in his voice as he described the town’s makeup. Most of the inhabitants were peace-loving people who had instantly and truly accepted the Pantheon, but there were-- he had lowered his voice here-- “significant disruptive elements”.
Still, as long as the Hoplites kept an eye on the crowd, no trouble was expected. Modin had endured ceremonies like this many times, and as it was noon, the reluctance of the town’s citizens could simply be explained as unhappiness at being torn from their lunch.
Hektor eyed the muzzled pig securely strapped to the portable altar beside him. At least, that’s what I’ll tell myself.
If Hektor had been nervous before, now he was legitimately afraid. The citizens of Modin were staring him down like he’d never been stared down before, and when he tried twice to start reading the Sacrificial Proclamation and Loyalty Oath, he’d discovered his mouth was so dry he could barely get the words out.
The worst was a curious old man, surrounded by younger lads who had to be his sons and leaning heavily on a stick. The man was massive, clearly very old but certainly no slouch in his time. His gaze, steady and unwavering, had a sort of terrifying force behind it. Not a force of fanaticism, but something else-- a force of nature, almost. It was as if the world was looking at him.
Hektor swallowed again and began to read. His words fell like pebbles hitting an empty jar, echoing hollowly. He stumbled through it, reaching the end, where he swore all glory to Zeus and his companion, Antiochus Epiphanes. Then he asked for volunteers for the sacrifice. 
The local functionary stood, and another man, one of the farmers, with him. Together they advanced to the dais. Hektor found himself unaccountably tensed, and almost of their own accord his eyes slid towards the old man, and--
The old man moved. He began to walk, with a steady, determined step, towards the two Jews who had volunteered for the sacrifice. Bile rose in Hektor’s throat. Something terrible was about to happen. Suddenly, a short knife flashed in the old man’s hand.
The local functionary met Hektor’s eyes just once, terrified, and then he was on the ground, his blood soaking the earth. One of the Hoplites shouted STOP, but nothing happened. As Hektor watched, the old man grabbed the farmer by the hair and slit his throat like he was cutting a branch off a tree. Out of the corner of eye, Hektor could see the man’s sons doing horrible things to the Hoplites. It was over.
The man ascended the dais, and Hektor suddenly had a feeling he was standing in front of a duly sworn representative of something beyond ancient and wise and all-powerful, something that could express the greatest love and the greatest anger in the universe. It was angry now, and it anger burned so brightly the Hektor wanted to close his eyes.
The old man spoke in a voice that rumbled from the depths of his beard: “I am Matityahu ben Yochanan, and I am a high priest of the Kadosh Baruch Hu. You are an idol-worshipper and perverter of Hashem’s truths.”
He leaned in close, and gripped Hektor’s hair tightly in one hand. Tears slid down the Lochargos’ cheeks. Matityahu’s whisper paralyzed him.
“On your corpse, we will build the revolution.”
Then it was over.
Matityahu ben Yochanan let the Greek’s corpse go, and it collapsed in a pathetic heap in front of the plaster altar he had brought. He was an old man, and this had taken a lot out of him, but as he faced his people-- Hashem’s people-- he knew had one more thing to do today.
He thrust the bloody knife aloft, and with every scrap of strength he had left, he roared 
The townspeople gave a resounding shout in response, and Matityahu allowed himself a grin. He could almost see the lights of Jerusalem over the hill, filled with people for the yearly celebrations that gathered all of Israel to Hashem’s city. 
Soon, the Beit HaMikdash would be theirs again.
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A Reign On My Night
I was shocked. Flabbergasted. If that was even appropriate.
There he stood, with a new haircut and a fitted suit. Sounds like I'm describing the Doctor, I know. Can't really help it though can I? It felt like time slowed down, looking at him in the lobby of the office. I stood there like fish out of water, a deer in the headlights, a doe-eyed little idiot.
He looked at me with surprise, began to take a step towards me but was halted by my boss, Steve.
"Hello chap! you must be Leith Callahan!" Steve exclaimed with a hearty laugh, patting him on the back.
Quickly, he turned around, gained his composure and began conversing with Steve.
I couldn't hear anything, my mind was just not processing anything. I slowly backed away and went into the studio. I could hear some scuffling behind me to see my colleagues follow me in. one came to my side the other closed the door so no one could hear us.
"That's him isn't in?!" Nia asked excitedly.
"Did you know he was gonna be here?" Sammy asked.
They had a faint idea as to who he was, but even they didn't know exactly what happened. "Uh, yeah that's him." I continued more to myself this time. "But what the hell was he doing here? He would have mentioned he was moving here wouldn't he, unless he didn't want me to know. But that makes no sense either. What the hell is going on?!?!?!"
"Ayla, what’s wrong?" Nia asked, here eyebrows scrunching up.
"It's just- I mean- I didn't" I took a deep breath and composed myself. "I don't know what he's doing here but we should probably get back to work before they realise that we're gossiping instead of being at our desks." I smiled at them.
Nodding, they went back out to their desks. I could faintly hear Steve introducing Leith to the rest of the staff. I composed myself, and went back to fiddling with the Pinterest Page open on my screen when the voices got louder.
Soon there was a small knock on my door and in he came. His eyes were almost sparkling, accompanying a smile so big I couldn’t help but return it.
"This is Ayla, our head of creatives." Steve mentioned. He went on to explain what the studio was all about and what I did there, but my eyes just stayed on him. extended my hand and he gingerly took it and gave a little shake. He wasn't letting go.
"Ayla" He said with a heavy breath. "Nice to meet you"
"Pleasures all mine" I replied.
Almost in a trance I was taken back to that night.
We had been visiting London on a conference. It was the three of us. Nia, Sammy and myself. We had been there for almost 5 days and it was a productive week. We decided to check out the nightlife, and so we met with a few colleagues and went to a local pub. There was a lot of shouting and music. Seemed like everyone was in that tiny pub. We got our drinks and settles down in a small booth in the corner.
The night went on and I couldn't sit still. I wanted to go and dance, pulling up one of the girls we went onto the dance floor and began dancing. Soon a lovely old jive number came on and I felt someone take my hand. I looked to the person attached and thanks to the few drinks I had, I was feeling chatty.
"Could I get a dance?" He asked already pulling me into position. I glanced around for my friends but only saw a glimpse of her nodding as I was pulled back into this stranger's arms, and damn did he have those big muscly ones. I was a little tipsy, if you couldn't tell, and that made me a little more spontaneous.
"You know what?" I said cheekily, pulling him closer. "Sure" I stage-whispered in his ear.
That was all it took for him to pull me into a full swing jive. We twirled and danced for what seemed like at least 5 songs. 
When we finally settled down I only then realise that all the alcohol has burned off, I was fully sober and completely delighted. He ushers me towards the bar and I gander at the clock on the wall. It was 2 in the bloody morning. Gulping down the glass of water that was placed in front of me I quickly headed over to find my friends. They were chatting away and heartily clapped at my return. I sat back down and we laughed along at something for another hour. The guy that I had danced with was across the bar and our eyes kept making contact. We'd share small smiles and return to the conversations at hand.
"Ooh la la" Frida let out a low whistle. "Looks like Ayla might not be going to the rooms tonight." She said to the rest of them, as a waitress came by with a drink.
She smiled sweetly at me and set it down in front of me. "It's from the lad across the room. Asked me to pass this on too" She said as she handed a napkin with some scribbling on it.
"T'was a great dance. Would the rest of the night together be too much of an ask?" P.s. Drinks is not poisoned I swear.”
I took a small sip of the glass and it tasted normal. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Frida looked over and read the napkin. "Well?" She asked "Are you going?"
"I don't really know. Should I? That would be very unlikely of me. At the same time I wanna see where it goes. But should I be leaving these two alone?" I just rambled on for a bit while the others tried not to laugh.
"Go have your fun" Nia said. "We'll be fine." She almost seemed as excited as I was feeling.
Quickly grabbing a sticky note pad from my bag and scribbled a reply. I quickly called the waitress and passed the note with her. I watched as he received the note and lit up. He quickly gave his friends some money and walked over to our table. Instinctively I stood up.
"Ready?" He asked with almost what is considered a bad boy smile.
"I guess I am" I gathered my things and handed the room keys to Sammy, got my bag and took his hand.
He began to pull me away and I took a final look back at the table in disbelief. All of them were mouthing good luck and things like keep sending me your location. Quickly nodding I turned back and we were out into the cold air.
"By the way I'm-"
"Let's not use real names" I cut him off. "I don't know why but let's not. I don't know if you're a serial killer, you don't know if I'm one. Let's keep it unknown for now."
He gave a hearty laughed and said "Okay sounds good. Then in that case I'm Francis"
"Like De Valois?" I asked in jest.
"Exactly" He nodded eagerly, almost surprised that I pulled that reference. "Then I guess I'm Mary" I smiled.
He held out his arm and off began our adventure.
Steve had turned back to us and I was pulled out of the daydream. I chuckled and unwillingly let go of his hand. It felt like we were about to get caught, which was silly because standing in front of me was Leith not Francis.
"It’s awfully cold in here" Leith said with a small chuckle, as if he remembered something.
"I prefer the cold to the heat" I shrugged "Keeps me more alert."
"Might have to stay in here for my first few days to get used to the temperature" his smile turned sly.
I couldn't help the look of astonishment, seeing what he was trying to pull.
"Now THAT sounds like a fabulous idea!" Steve replied with delight, not even a glance at me. "It'll also put you right in the epicentre of all the work that goes on."
I couldn't move a muscle. Fran- Leith would be working in the same space as me? I would have liked to say that this would be interesting but I genuinely couldn't for the life of me say it would go well.
"Sure!" I responded slowly. "That would be great."
Soon Steve headed out saying something but I couldn't take my eyes off Leith...he was just looking at me like he was trying to decide something. I walked around the table the same time he set his bag down.
He turned as I set my hand on the handle to let him leave, he was close. Heavy musk, that smell of winter nights with a hint of roasted chestnuts. He was moving closer and I couldn't stop myself. I looked up at him through my lashes and all hell broke.
His lips were on mine in a second, it was quick but it was so good. His hand caressed my neck as if to pull me closer. I was so glad that my curtain was pulled over the glass door, so no one saw that.  A small knock at my door sprung us apart. His lips were ever so lightly tinted with my lipstick, I wiped it off as quick as I could. He pulled the door open and walked out perfectly composed
Working together was going to be interesting all right. Just had to make sure some work would actually get done.
We began to talk a little. Some part about ourselves, the lives we lead yet not giving any definite clues as to who, what, where, etc. The conversation seemed easy enough. We were just walking around the streets, we had wandered near Camden. The smell of all kinds of street food wafted through the air.
Small sounds of grumbling emanated from both our stomachs and we share a laugh. He asked me if I was allergic to anything, and if there were certain things that I didn't eat, I simply replied that there wasn't and suggested that I would get us some drinks. I found a small shop that sold homemade alcohol and picked up a fancy wine blend sort of thing, had a little taste before buying it. It tasted a little of peach and was slightly tart but had a really nice aftertaste. The man at the store said that it was a bit string so to drink it slowly.
I went back to where we split ways and waited, within seconds he was bounding up the street with bags of food and a goofy smile on his face. He suggested going to Primrose Hill, and having a small midnight picnic. Now I'd be a fool to say no to that.
We polished off the food while chatting and laughing about the silliest of things. I happened to glance at my phone when I saw the time, it was 4a.m. I think he noticed too and suggested heading back to his place.
I couldn't help but agree, we walked hand in hand after disposing all the litter, and walked for about 20 min before coming to a stop in front of a slim building. We slowly walked in, our conversation had settles into a peaceful silence.
We entered a small studio apartment and slipped off our shoes and jackets.
"Water?" He asked switching on small lights as he moved.
"Yes please" I replied. He handed me a glass of water and disappeared into a room. He returned with what looked like a oversized shirt.
He hesitantly handed it to me. "Something more comfy?" I gingerly took it from him and walked into the direction of the room he was pointing to.
Slowly I freshened up and slipped on the shirt, after washing my face and letting down my hair. The shirt was just long enough to not wear pants, pleased with myself I folded my clothes and went out into the room.
I should have waited.
He was still changing and had just tightened his pants. He was also shirtless.
A small smile on both our faces, as I set my folded clothes down on what looked like a dresser.
He gestured to get into the sheets of the bed, next to him. His bed was against a huge window, and I realized that I would have to climb over him to get there, he looked like he was holding back a laugh but that automatically disappeared as I put one leg over him, paused and flopped over onto the bed with an even more smug smile.
He chuckled and shimmied. Yes. He shimmied down into the bed, reached over to shut the lights and turned to face me.  His hands wandered under the sheets till he reached my waist.  The window really helped making him look all sultry and cute. I brought my arm up to his neck, slowly tracing his skin, let it follow its own path till it reached the band of his sweatpants.
He on the other hand had very slowly slipped his hand under the shirt and was caressing my waist and bottom, all the while looking directly at me. He moved forward and very lightly kissed me. It was so light that it felt like it didn't even happen. In a second he kissed me again with a little linger. My fingers pulled on the sweat pants and everything sped up.
We kissed and kissed, lost our clothes somewhere along the way. Filled the room with small moans and grunts, all in throes of passion.
His arms held on tightly as we fell to sleep. The sunlight from the window filled the room almost instantly and my alarm rang indicating that it was 7 am. We had managed to sleep for a little less than an hour and a half. I knew I needed to get to work in time so I immediately tried to stand up, unfortunately I woke up Francis as well. He was still groggy and looking around to figure out what happened.
I couldn’t help but smile. Quickly, I rushed out of bed into the bathroom, and took a shower. By the time I came out he seemed more awake and passed me a glass of water. 
“I’m going to need a shirt please. Anything you don’t mind not getting back.” I smiled a little guilty. 
“That sure we’ll never meet again?” He laughed as he headed to his dresser and ruffled around. He pulled out a powder blue jumper with one of those white collars attached. It was really cute. “This works?” He asked as he handed it to me. 
“It’s perfect.” In minutes I was ready, and looked good to leave. I failed to see that he too was dressed. 
“Where are you headed to?” I asked, putting on some lip colour. 
“Dropping you off to work? Maybe getting some breakfast on the way?” 
I tried to protest but I also really liked that he wanted to do it. I shot a quick text to my colleagues telling them that I’d meet them outside the office by 9. 
On the way we spoke some more and held hands the whole way. Stopped at a small cart and picked up a bagel and coffee before walking to the front of the office building. It was about 10 minutes to 9. I knew the others would get here soon, meaning I would have to end my little adventure and go back to reality. 
He knew this too. Slowly he leaned forward and kissed me slowly. He pulled away, heaved a heavy sigh. “Till whenever?” 
I smiled. “Whenever” I kissed him softly, and that was the last I saw of him. 
It was well after lunch and I had decided to try and shoot some of the products that needed to be posted on various platforms. With a hearty laugh outside my door I stilled. He entered after making a comment and sharing a laugh with Sammy and Nia. The room was dark the only light form the studio set up. He walked around me to get to the table, taking an awfully close turn and brushing against me as he passed.
Letting out a deep sigh I watched as he sat silently and set up his system to begin working. He began humming a soft tune and went about his work. He was scribbling something in a notebook and clicking away at his laptop.
It almost got normal till Nia knocked on the door and popped inside to tell us she was leaving. We bid our byes and good nights and the room went quiet.
I packed off the products and switched all the lights off, walking towards the door for the main light I felt a hand on my elbow. I froze.
I felt him move closer and turn me around. A sliver of light was leaking through the curtain on the door. It was perfectly placed to fall partly on his eyes. They were darting around my face as if trying to decide or remember something.
I was pretty sure the whole office was empty. I couldn't stop myself from winding my arms around his neck and pulling tight. His arms encircled my waist and held on tight.
I could feel his heartbeat and he could probably feel mine. Both were increased and beating their own rhythm.
His lips moved against my shoulder but I heard nothing.
0 notes
The London Lioness
@misfitmachina : There's a really cute soulmate au where your soulmate's name appears on your wrist. There's no defined time, it could happen right after you're born, as a child, as a teen or adult, whenever! I personally really like that au and thought I'd share! :)
A/N: Took me a bit to write, but here it is! Thank you for sharing it with me <3 Sorry for the long wait, I had a huge writer's block and ended up writing like 2400 words in one single night as soon as it went away. I almost wrote this one for Arno, but I had this idea with Jacob and thought of giving some love to our British boy. I tried giving it a “Syndicate” vibe ( @robintheassassin said it worked SOOO). Enjoy the reading!
Sinopse: You are the current champion of the London underground fight clubs. Used to defend your title with fierceness and ability, the people started calling you The London Lioness - since the lion is the symbol of the city. One day, an uprising fighter decides to challenge you for a brawl and, as the duty commands, you are bound to defend your position.
Word Count: 2.616
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence
Tumblr media
Your name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ function replaceAll(find, replace, str) { return str.replace(new RegExp(find, 'g'), replace); } function myHandler() { var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt").value; document.body.innerHTML = replaceAll('Y/N', document.getElementById("inputTxt").value, document.body.innerHTML); } // ]]>
Your last name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ function replaceAll(find, replace, str) { return str.replace(new RegExp(find, 'g'), replace); } function myHandler2() { var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt2").value; document.body.innerHTML = replaceAll('Y/L/N', document.getElementById("inputTxt2").value, document.body.innerHTML); } // ]]>
The crowd cheered, loud and excited outside as sat down on the old wooden bench, starting the well-known task of wrapping the battered piece of gauze around your hand, the fabric unraveling as you covered your wrist the way practice had taught you; between the thumb and the index finger, hand well stretched to avoid jeopardize the movement of your fist.
After all this time, you still loved the feeling of anxiety and excitement before a big fight. You didn't start in this world yesterday, so it was no surprise when Robert approached you with the news of a fistfight competition — one that you cannot miss!, he had said. Think about the glory, the prizes! Everything you could ever want, Y/N!
You smiled, now wrapping the gauze around your thumb and moving the bundle of fabric between your other fingers as you heard the grunting and the well-known sound of fists flying by.
"Come one, come all!" you heard Robert's distinguishable cheery voice over the yelling and cheering. "Ladies and gentl'men! Place your bets, don't be shy! Who are you with tonight?!" you heard the tapping of a cane on wood — probably the betting board — as Topping spoke again "Will our uprising challenger be able to beat our beloved London Lioness this evening?! Come closer, come closer!"
You smiled at the nickname, finishing wrapping your hand and moving to the next with unhurried practice. The London Lioness is what they started calling you, thanks to Robert after you fought your way through a whole bunch of brutes and came out unscathed — earning you the silliest nickname and the title of London's best fist fighter. When starting to wrap your left wrist in preparation for the fight, you allowed yourself to brush your fingertips over the name written on your skin and smiled. One day, perhaps?
Shaking your head and huffing in humor, you resumed your activity quietly until Thomas — your newest pupil —, a 16-year-old street boy with sharp blue eyes and quick footwork entered the booth you were in, "Y/N? Ya almost ready?"
"U-hum…" you hummed unhurriedly, lifting your head so your gaze could meet his "are they waiting for me?"
Thomas nodded eagerly, a mocking smirk playing on his thin lips, his dimples showing on his freckled cheeks even more "Aye, they are. The guy's an all mouth no trouser if ya don' mind my sayin'."
You chuckled at your pupil's words, shooting him a mocking stern stare as you wrapped now your knuckles "Did you happen to catch his name, Tommy?"
"Oi, I've told ya to quit callin' me Tommy" he mumbled, frowning slightly as his cheeks turned pink from underneath the grime "and I didn'. They call him "Crow", though. Guy's big;  ain't gonna last that much. Looks like a right tit too."
You smiled, shaking your head slightly. A slow one, as it seems. Sighing, you nodded approvingly at Thomas as he gave you his best toothy grin "You know the strategy, don't you?" you asked with a quirk of your brow and the boy tilted his head slightly — a thing he always does when thinking — before speaking.
"Don' get hit. Wear the guy down ‘til he's slow and strike, right?"
You nodded again, getting up and making your way towards the boy. You'd always ask him questions, to make sure he was learning well what you taught; taking liberties and even teaching him how to read and making sure the change isn’t wrong, "good job, lad" you ruffled his shaggy brown hair "If I win, I'm taking you to the Old Joey's tonight" 
Thomas' smile widened, no doubt already thinking at the promise of a warm meal and some drinking later in the evening. You hated to admit it, but you took a liking to the kid; almost as if he were a younger brother you were looking over. "'re you really?" he asked almost childishly, eyes glinting in excitement.
"Of course I am, Tommy. Have I ever lied to you?", you pinched his cheek and smiled gently at him. "Now, shall we?"
"Ah, there she is!" Robert chimed, pointing at you with his cane "my golden girl, my little troublemaker!"
"Whatever it is you say, Topping" you rolled your eyes up halfheartedly, turning around to take a peek at the audience. "Full house tonight, I take?"
"Indeed, m'lady!" Robert agreed, taking your side quickly. "Now, tonight's challenger won't be easy, no! Far from it!"
"Spare your tongue, my friend" you waved his words away with little concern, "Tommy has told me everything I need to know. Besides, you really think I wouldn't be able to handle whatever it is that you throw at me?"
Your friend gave you a lighthearted laugh, rubbing your shoulder with one hand as you both shared a knowing smile. "Yes, yes, m'lady… I'm merely warning you of what is to come…" he paused for a moment, seemingly considering if he should talk and before you could open your mouth, he ushered you onwards, "Now, let's give the people what they want, hmm?"
Your smile widened, growing wicked as you listened to the yelling and cheering outside, as well as people calling you by your nickname — again, the silliest nickname ever.
"Lioness! Lioness!"
Robert half-dragged-half-pushed you forwards into the fighting ring, driving the people gathered around the place mad, money flowing from hand to hand as they made bets and cheered upon you. Your eyes darted to the other side of the ring, where a shirtless man talked to a few people wearing green coats — you recognized them as the Rooks, the uprising gang that now opposed the feared Blighters. So, that's where the bird nickname came from and you idly wondered, as you examined your adversary, if he played an important part in the gang as well.
The man had broad shoulders and thick arms — you should totally avoid getting hit by those —, his already sweaty shaggy dark brown hair hastily pushed back to prevent it from falling over his eyes. He also had a tattoo on his chest — a bird, from what you could tell — and another one on his left arm, too small for you to make out from the distance. He had a nice constitution, maybe a bit smaller than what you've expected. Overall, the man seemed like a regular opponent, but you weren't known for underestimating anyone — a mistake most of your challengers insisted on taking upon, more than usually ending with them on the floor with a swollen and bruised face and while you received the glory for yet another fight.
Oh, well. They didn't call you London Lioness over nothing.
And Tommy was right. He did look like a right tit with that cocky smile.
"Good people of London!" Robert boomed in his usual alluring voice. "Welcome, welcome all of you!" he made a small bow before continuing, pointing towards your challenger with his cane before motioning towards you. "Tonight a brave gentl'man, our newcomer Crow, has stepped into the lion's den, challenging our beloved champion, our fierce and favorite fighter; our London Lioness, Miss Y/L/N!"
The people exploded into cheers, some whistling, others simply yelling your nickname as they yelled in excitement when you lifted your arms and rounded the ring a bit. Oh, you loved this. You simply loved how excited they were at the simple mention of your name, how eager they were to see you taking yet another challenger down. Looking over your shoulder you saw the man move nervously, turning around and exchanging a few words with one of his friends before focusing on you again.
"Now, now!" Robert chimed in, raising both hands as to quiet the heart of the audience of The Strand. "Will our mysterious uprising fighter be able to take down our formidable champion tonight?" your friend raised his hands once more, cane swirling in the air as he moved around, making room for you and the man to approach the center. "A clear fight, my friends, a clear fight! Are you familiar with the rules?" You nodded at Robert, eyes analyzing the man as you took your fighting stance — almost by nature now. 
Hell, he was handsome. 
"Jacob?" Topping called, voice loud enough for just you and your adversary to hear. The man — now known as Jacob — blinked a few times before looking at Topping then back at you and you noticed he had eyes of the most beautiful hazel tone you had ever seen — big and open, like a book begging to be read.
"I— Yes." He stuttered, cheeks already reddened by exertion taking an ever darker tone. Could he…? No.
Now was not the time to make assumptions.
You loosened your shoulders, rolling them a few times before raising your hands into a defensive stance as he did the same. Robert nodded in satisfaction, stepping away as he put the ornamented cane into the air once more and the gong rang; the crowd going crazy as you started circling your challenger; forcing the man to go the other way in order to avoid you.
"Don't let him catch his breath!" a man yelled at your left, spurring you onwards.
As expected, Jacob took the first chance he saw to attack — the moment your eyes drifted towards the man who had called upon you — and your only reaction was to raise both of your arms to block his punch. Usually, you avoided blocking with your arms, half because they'd be sore as hell the next day and half because it was harder to land powerful blows with bruised arms. You groaned, backing away.
The bastard was quick. And strong.
Jacob gave you a shit-eating-grin, stepping towards you once more and prepared to hit you with his left fist; you waited, stepping to the side as soon as his hand came up, punching him in the stomach before spinning on your feet and kicking the back of his knee, your elbow hitting his back as soon as the man faltered. Jacob groaned in pain, getting on his feet with not much difficulty and dropping into fighting stance once more as he turned to face you. The crowd yelled in delight, praising you in their own noisy way.
"They weren't lying" he commented under his breath, a small hint of laughter in his voice; feet dancing around the dusty floor as he approached you with caution. "You're a tough one"
You smiled, both in surprise and smugness. "They don't give you the title of champion if you are all talk and no action."
He huffed, coming closer to you in a defensive stance, ready to block your blow and, most likely counter it. You pulled your right hand, pretending to prepare one punch towards his stomach, changing the trajectory at the last moment and hurling your fist towards his face; but Jacob was quicker and blocked you using his forearms to push your hand away from his face, throwing his head back and headbutting your face.
"Bloody hell!" you hissed in pain, feeling your nose with your fingertips to check if he had broken it — but it seemed okay, despite the blood. The audience gasped, slightly surprised at seeing you being bested by a newcomer at this point. It was rare for you to be countered, even more so to get hit. You wiped your nose clean, the blood staining the gauze wrapped around your fist as you watched the man frown at you; eyes trained on your left wrist.
You didn't expect him to be this quick, nor this smart. He clearly knew what he was doing and it worried you as he came closer. Jacob took a false step towards you, likely trying to strike your right cheek, and you evaded his fist; taking the chance to box his ears as his guard went down. The man lost his balance, become disoriented for a second and you kicked his feet from below him, taking him down and sighing in relief as you were given time to catch your breath.
"Kick him in the balls!" A particularly loud woman in front of you yelled and you wondered of she even knew the rules for fistfighting.
You backed away, hoping from one foot to the other as you watched Jacob get up with another pained groan, raising his fists once more. After that blow, he shouldn't even be willing to keep going. You were clearly quicker, even if he were stronger — which was the case — it'd be unlikely to win by now. He approached, brows furrowed in frustration as you gave him yet another toothy grin.
"Having fun?" you asked, a little out of breath as you started dancing again.
Jacob scowled at you, puffing a laugh as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Oh, I'm just getting started, love."
You stepped closer, taking advantage of his attention on your words and jabbed him in the ribs twice before pulling away quickly, hoping on your feet as your slow and labored breathing started to come out in quick puffs at the exertion of the fight. Jacob wheezed, turning around to look at you in disbelief. "Come now, little bird. Are you afraid?" you teased, raising your fists to the sides of your face as Jacob fulminated you with his eyes.
"Finish him off!" you heard Thomas yell from your right, catching his blue eyes at your peripheral vision. He cupped his hands around his mouth and called "Come on, Y/N! Take him down!
Jacob's steps faltered once again and he dropped his fists to the side, head snapping towards Thomas as he heard your first name, a look of utter disbelief on his face, "What the bloody—" and you punched him square into the face, your blow hitting him so hard that Jacob toppled back before falling to the ground with a low thud.
The people went crazy, hands being thrown in the air at yet another successful defense of your title. You put your arms up, nodding at people complimenting you and others who swore at their loss for betting against you. Looking back, you saw the two Rooks — a man and a woman — enter the ring and hurrying towards the fallen comrade as he groaned lowly, and you hated to admit it; but you paid attention to them, even as Thomas clumsily made his way towards you, clambering onto the wooden structure of the arena with difficulty.
"Are you alright, sir?" the man asked, offering him a clean rag to press against his busted face. "Quite a beating you took, eh?"
"I've told you, Mr. Frye," the woman said nonchalantly as the man sat down. "Challenging Miss Y/L/N like this? A taste for death, it is"
Jacob Frye.
You gasped in shock as the realization came upon you, gaining an odd stare from Thomas as he approached.
"Y/N?" he called in a confused voice.
"Jacob Frye!" you parroted to him, looking down at Tommy with wide eyes, pushing the wrappings off your wrist in a haste to check the two words you knew so well as you made your way towards the fallen man with quick strides, your pupil at your heels; not knowing fully what to do.
Bloody hell, you had just beaten your soulmate down.
"By God," you started, not knowing if you should kneel or offer him your hand "I'm so sor—"
"Don' be, luv" Jacob cut in, pressing the bloodstained rag to his nose, waving you off with his free hand. "I was wonderin' how I was gonna run after you like this, but I'm glad you took pity on your poor challenger after absolute'y destroyin' me."
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recklessbrash · 7 years
Back to the Way Things Were Ch. 14
It's been long overdue my loves! Here we are, chapter 14. Once again, sorry for the lack of a cut but hopefully I'll be able to get into my account online besides the app. Enjoy, babes! 😘💟🎩 •*•*•*•*•*•*•*• The following month Jacob, Mara and Jack were sailed to India to meet with Evie and Henry and to get a whole other culture's assassinship in their current skill set. For Jacob this would be his 2nd cultural training and for Mara this would be her 4th since she was born and trained in America, Puerto Rico, and England. An ever so small bump had finally made its presence known, she was now 1 month and 3 weeks in with her pregnancy and both Evie and Henry were exhilarated. "I'm so happy for you both! What do you guys want to have?" Evie asked at the dinner table the same night they'd arrived. Jack had been seated next to Henry but he was too busy looking out the window. He spotted that girl he saw when they arrived at the village. She was a little older than him, 15 and one of the Indian Assassin's daughters who was very good friends with Henry and Evie. Avni, he recalled her name to be as he heard her father call for her. He went back to eating, wanting to finish and escape all the talk of the coming baby. "We're both hoping for a boy, but if not, that's alright as well." Jacob said as he spooned out some more hummus on his plate for his roti bread. "Have you both decided what you're going to name the baby?" Henry asked, his smile lines being more pronounced than when Jacob and Mara had last seen him. Mara answered this one as she noticed Jacob's cheeks puffed with food, chuckling, "If it's a boy we're naming him Ayden and if it's a girl, we decided Olivya. Both with a 'Y', we decided to be a little different." She said as she nibbled on some roti. Henry and Evie both nodded, smiles on their faces. "I happen to like that idea. But I still can’t imagine MY brother taking care of a baby. I mean, you have Jack the Lad here, but you both missed the baby stage with him, yeah?" Evie asked, wanting to ruffle Jacob's feathers. "Oi, I can too take care of a baby, the key is to not drop it or leave it behind somewhere." He said in defense. Mara gave him a sideways glance making him smile looking all innocent like. "Still excited, Mara?" Evie joked at seeing her reaction. "I mean, I'm still shocked Jacob was the one who initiated bringing Jack in to live with you. In all honesty, I'm very proud of you Jacob. It's about time you took on an initiate. Father would be proud of you as well." Evie sipped her wine, passing the clay pitcher across the table to see if either Jacob or Mara needed a refill. Jacob did, of course, he leaned over to see if his wife wanted any yet and she held her hand over her glass. "No, the smell still makes me ill. I'll pass, Jacob, thank you." She said, sticking with her water. "Alright, love. Are you well? How are you feeling?" He rubbed the small of her back before rubbing her stomach. Evie couldn't help but smile, looking at Henry who was smiling as well. "Alright, just really hungry." Mara chuckled, blushing. "The baby's been very demanding lately, hasn't he?" Jacob asked with a grin. "Ugh, don't remind me." She said, her hands covering her eyes. "What's the matter?" Evie asked. "She's been bloody starved the whole way here. Eating those, uh, what were they, dove? Almond cookies?" Jacob asked while Mara buried her face in her hands even more. "Yeah, almond cookies." She admitted shyly as he continued to rub her stomach. "Aye! Those almond cookies they were giving with just about every meal. I even started saving mine on the side." He said proudly, like he'd done a major service. Mara smiled with a shake of her head. "I think the baby likes the roti more." She said as she removed her hands from her face. "I admit, it's quite good, especially with the scallions on it. Even better with hummus." Jacob agreed. "What about you, Jack? What do you like?" Henry asked. "I liked it all. Especially the Lamb." He said, the sides of his mouth full of food debris. Mara leaned over and helped him wipe his face with the cloth, his eyes searing into her with anger. "Well, I'm going to clean up, shall we let the men have their time, Mara?" Evie asked as she got up and stretched. "Sure, I need to move around anyways." Mara agreed, getting up and stretching herself. Jacob grabbed her wrist, slowing her a little. "Are you sure? You're not tired?" He asked, his thumb gliding over the bone of her wrist. "I'm alright, Jacob. I'm going to talk with Evie and help her a bit. She shouldn't do all this which means I'm putting you in charge of getting Jack to bed." She smiled as Jacob pulled her down for a kiss. "Alright, love. I'll see you soon. Say goodnight, Jack, give everyone a hug and I'll get you to bed, lad." Jacob said, prompting Jack to hop off the chair and give Evie and Henry a hug and then Mara a two second one before siding over to Jacob. "Goodnight, Jack." Everyone said. "One moment, Greenie, I'll be right down." Jacob ushered Jack up the stairs as Henry threw his hands in the air. "After all these years, still calling me that?" Evie and Mara had finally got all the dishes in the kitchen when she hushed her tone. "Mara, I need to ask you something." Evie's voice sounded urgent and serious throwing Mara into instant concern. "What's the matter?" She asked, passing her dish by dish. "I don't mean to cause alarm, given your condition, I just want to know where my brother found the boy." She asked making Mara's mouth drop open. "O-oh…" "I saw the way he'd been looking at you during dinner. What's going on? Does he not like you?" Evie asked, concern written all over her face. Of course Evie would see, she's so perceptive to everything, it'd be hard to get one over on her. "I'm actually happy you ask, I feel like I'm going insane. Jacob found him at Lambeth Asylum. His mom was killed by Starrick back when he was still alive, before we overthrew him. He wasn't always like this either. I noticed a change ever since shortly after Jacob and I had talked about being ready to have children of our own. I have a strong feeling Jack overheard that conversation." She confided in Evie. Evie furrowed her brows. "What does Jacob think of all this?" She asked as she scrubbed the plates. Passing the cleaned ones to Mara for her to wipe them dry. "He doesn’t see it. Jack is very good about showing only me and not Jacob the faces he makes. They always seem to be behind Jacob's back. It's like I'm in the way. Now that I'm pregnant, it scares me." Evie finally met her eyes with Mara's. "I'm not going to lie, the lad troubles me. I know Henry saw it as well." She said passing the last plate on the stack of dishes yet to be dried before helping Mara dry them. "Thing is, Evie, Jacob's been nothing but a father to him. It's like Jacob is his hero. And he's teaching him to be an Assassin and he takes it very seriously. It's just me he doesn’t like. I mean, didn’t you see, he hugged you and Henry decently but he hugged me for barely a second. It used to never be like this. And I keep telling myself that it's just that he's getting older, he doesn't need me anymore, he needs a man to follow. A man like Jacob." Evie found tears running down Mara's cheeks. She let go of the dish she was drying and pulled her sister-in-law in a hug. "I'm sorry, Evie." She said, burying her face in the taller woman's shoulder. "What ever for?" Evie asked, rubbing her back. "I've been an emotional mess since I been pregnant, crying at the drop of a gauntlet. Or getting upset over the silliest of things. Like, I tripped over one of Jack's wooden cars the last day we were home and I cried over it. Don't get pregnant." Mara warned before laughing. Evie began to laugh too as she pulled away to look at her sister which quickly became uncontrollable. As they recovered, Evie wiping a tear from the corner of her eye looked at Mara. "Well, hopefully after this batch of initiates, Henry and I can focus on making a family of our own. I so badly want to, I'm well ready. Seeing you and my brother tonight… has only fueled that desire to be a mother. And look at you!" Evie exclaimed, placing a palm over Mara's small bump, "I'm so happy I'm going to be an aunt!" They giggled and hugged once more. "I'm so happy for you both. I'm truly proud of you and of Jacob. I know I was taking the piss earlier but, I am. You're both going to make perfect parents." Evie softly said before pulling away from Mara again. "Thank you, Evie. It'd mean the world to us if you and Henry were there 8 months from now?" She asked more as a question, a hopeful look on her face. "I'll be sure to bother him every day until he says yes. He owes me anyways, we've been working nonstop and I need a holiday. WE need a holiday. By then, our current initiates will have moved on and we'll be free for the first time in a long time." Evie relished the thought. "The last time you and Jacob were here was for our wedding, you still haven’t told me how much you like the way the house turned out." Evie frowned making Mara smile. "It's utterly gorgeous. I love what you've done with the place, truly. The colors are lovely and lively, vibrant. A very wonderful burst of Indian colors." Mara noted as Evie grinned. "My dearest sister, Jacob and I need to head to bed, we have an early day tomorrow right? I'm excited to get the Indian Brotherhood training under my belt." Evie nodded and gave a yawn. "You're going to love it. I can’t wait to show you the fear tactics we use on enemies, you're going to love it!" She said again, ushering Mara towards the dining room to meet up with their men. Evie sat by Henry while Mara migrated towards Jacob, sitting down and leaning against his shoulder. "There's my lass. Hello, love. Knackered? Ready to get some sleep? We've a long and early day tomorrow." Jacob asked, pecking the top of her head. "Very ready. I'm exhausted. Jack asleep?" She asked before Jacob nodded. They said their goodnights and headed to bed. Their bedroom was a big one with large windows since it was very hot in India. Jacob opened them, staying in his underwear. Mara was busy fishing out a chemise also staying in her home sewn underwear. She hated knee-length underwear of the day so she specially cut and sewed all her underwear to be shorter which she found made it easier to maneuver in. Once she was in her pajamas, she sat at the vanity that was in the room and began brushing her hair while Jacob was fussing with the mosquito net that surrounded their bed. "Bloody hell, Jack's bed had one of these. They're a bitch to figure ou- where the hell is the opening?!" He hissed throwing his hands in the air in forfeit. "Just lift it up, silly. We'll enter from there." Mara said putting the brush down and scooping an ample amount of lotion in her hands and rubbing it in. "Can you get my back, please, Jacob?" His eyes widened as he made his way to her at the vanity. "I was hoping you'd ask." He wore a cheeky grin as he rubbed the lotion over her shoulders and back, his large calloused hands working over her soft skin, kneading and rubbing. His hands slid to her neck and collarbones, no longer rubbing, just touching and then slid under the top of her chemise. "Jacob!" Mara whispered, looking at him in the mirror, "Not here! Your sister and brother are in the other room!" She grabbed hold of his forearms, her fingers never meeting her thumbs all the way around. Jacob grinned and leant down to her ear, meeting her gaze in the mirror. "I guess we'll just have to be quiet then, won't we, hm?" He scooped her up, making her squeak as he crossed the room, lifting the mosquito net. She was trying to fight him as she kept giggling placing her down on the fluffy sheets. "The idea is to be quiet, love." He said, teasing her. She frowned as he leaned down and kissed her lips, slowly positioning himself over her. "You look utterly gorgeous tonight." He said after he pulled away, running a hand through her hair. She smiled softly, cupping his face running a finger along the scar on his left cheek while her thumb traced the scar at the end of his right eyebrow making him smile. "You are devilishly handsome, you know that?" She asked looking in his eyes. "You make me blush, Mrs. Frye." She smiled as she leaned up and kissed him before pulling him down with her, her hair fanning out around her in the process. He frowned, drooping his head as he remembered them having to wake early in the morning to train. "We're going to have to put this on hold, darling." Jacob huffed as she ran her thumbs over his cheekbones. "I know, we've a long and early day tomorrow. Let's get some sleep, alright?" Mara leaned up, kissing him once more before they shifted towards their pillows, snuggling up to one another. "It's bloody hot over here, 'innit? I hate it." Jacob complained as he slipped her hand in his, interlacing their fingers together. She giggled, nodding her head in agreement, "I know, tomorrow's going to be a rough one." She shifted closer to him, his free hand resting against the tiny bump on her stomach, rubbing gently. "Do me a favor, yeah?" He asked, prompting her to look up at him. "Just, promise me you'll take it easy. For both you and the baby. Alright, Mara?" Jacob caressed the side of her face softly before rubbing her stomach again. "I promise, I will. Ok? I love you." She whispered as he leaned in and kissed her forehead and then her lips before settling down again on his half of the pillow. "I love you more. Goodnight, little dove."
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almostfairytime · 7 years
SCENE II. Athens. QUINCE'S house.
SCENE II. Athens. QUINCE'S house.
Have you sent to Bottom's house ? is he come home yet?
He cannot be heard of. Out of doubt he is transported.
If he come not, then the play is marred: it goes not forward, doth it?
It is not possible: you have not a man in all Athens able to discharge Pyramus but he.
No, he hath simply the best wit of any handicraft man in Athens.
Yea and the best person too; and he is a very paramour for a sweet voice.
Enter SNUG
Masters, the duke is coming from the temple, and there is two or three lords and ladies more married: if our sport had gone forward, we had all been made men.
Where are these lads? where are these hearts?
Bottom! O most courageous day! O most happy hour!
Masters, I am to discourse wonders: but ask me not what; for if I tell you, I am no true Athenian. I will tell you every thing, right as it fell out.
Let us hear, sweet Bottom.
ACT VSCENE I. Athens. The palace of THESEUS.
'Tis strange my Theseus, that these lovers speak of.
More strange than true: I never may believe These antique fables, nor these fairy toys. Lovers and madmen have such seething brains, Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend More than cool reason ever comprehends. The lunatic, the lover and the poet Are of imagination all compact: One sees more devils than vast hell can hold, That is, the madman: the lover, all as frantic, Sees Helen's beauty in a brow of Egypt: The poet's eye, in fine frenzy rolling, Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven; And as imagination bodies forth The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing A local habitation and a name. Such tricks hath strong imagination, That if it would but apprehend some joy, It comprehends some bringer of that joy; Or in the night, imagining some fear, How easy is a bush supposed a bear!
But all the story of the night told over, And all their minds transfigured so together, More witnesseth than fancy's images And grows to something of great constancy; But, howsoever, strange and admirable.
More than to us Wait in your royal walks, your board, your bed!
Come now; what masques, what dances shall we have, To wear away this long age of three hours Between our after-supper and bed-time? Where is our usual manager of mirth? What revels are in hand? Is there no play, To ease the anguish of a torturing hour? Call Philostrate.
Here, mighty Theseus.
Say, what abridgement have you for this evening? What masque? what music? How shall we beguile The lazy time, if not with some delight?
Giving a paper
A play there is, my lord, some ten words long, Which is as brief as I have known a play; But by ten words, my lord, it is too long, Which makes it tedious; for in all the play There is not one word apt, one player fitted: And tragical, my noble lord, it is; For Pyramus therein doth kill himself. Which, when I saw rehearsed, I must confess, Made mine eyes water; but more merry tears The passion of loud laughter never shed.
What are they that do play it?
Hard-handed men that work in Athens here, Which never labour'd in their minds till now, And now have toil'd their unbreathed memories With this same play, against your nuptial.
And we will hear it.
No, my noble lord; It is not for you: I have heard it over, And it is nothing, nothing in the world; Unless you can find sport in their intents, Extremely stretch'd and conn'd with cruel pain, To do you service.
I love not to see wretchedness o'er charged And duty in his service perishing.
Why, gentle sweet, you shall see no such thing.
He says they can do nothing in this kind.
So please your grace, the Prologue is address'd.
Flourish of trumpets
Enter QUINCE for the Prologue
If we offend, it is with our good will. That you should think, we come not to offend, But with good will. To show our simple skill, That is the true beginning of our end. Consider then we come but in despite. We do not come as minding to contest you, Our true intent is. All for your delight We are not here. That you should here repent you, The actors are at hand and by their show You shall know all that you are like to know.
This fellow doth not stand upon points.
He hath rid his prologue like a rough colt; he knows not the stop. A good moral, my lord: it is not enough to speak, but to speak true.
Indeed he hath played on his prologue like a child on a recorder; a sound, but not in government.
Enter Pyramus and Thisbe, Wall, Moonshine, and Lion
Exeunt Prologue, Thisbe, Lion, and Moonshine
I wonder if the lion be to speak.
No wonder, my lord: one lion may, when many asses do.
In this same interlude it doth befall That I, one Snout by name, present a wall; And such a wall, as I would have you think, That had in it a crannied hole or chink, Through which the lovers, Pyramus and Thisby, Did whisper often very secretly. This loam, this rough-cast and this stone doth show That I am that same wall; the truth is so: And this the cranny is, right and sinister, Through which the fearful lovers are to whisper.
Would you desire lime and hair to speak better?
Enter Pyramus
Pyramus draws near the wall: silence!
Wall holds up his fingers
The wall, methinks, being sensible, should curse again.
Enter Thisbe
O wall, full often hast thou heard my moans, For parting my fair Pyramus and me! My cherry lips have often kiss'd thy stones, Thy stones with lime and hair knit up in thee.
I see a voice: now will I to the chink, To spy an I can hear my Thisby's face. Thisby!
My love thou art, my love I think.
Think what thou wilt, I am thy lover's grace; And, like Limander, am I trusty still.
And I like Helen, till the Fates me kill.
Not Shafalus to Procrus was so true.
As Shafalus to Procrus, I to you.
O kiss me through the hole of this vile wall!
I kiss the wall's hole, not your lips at all.
Wilt thou at Ninny's tomb meet me straightway?
Exeunt Pyramus and Thisbe
Now is the mural down between the two neighbours.
No remedy, my lord, when walls are so wilful to hear without warning.
This is the silliest stuff that ever I heard.
The best in this kind are but shadows; and the worst are no worse, if imagination amend them.
It must be your imagination then, and not theirs.
Enter Lion and Moonshine
You, ladies, you, whose gentle hearts do fear The smallest monstrous mouse that creeps on floor, May now perchance both quake and tremble here, When lion rough in wildest rage doth roar. Then know that I, one Snug the joiner, am A lion-fell, nor else no lion's dam; For, if I should as lion come in strife Into this place, 'twere pity on my life.
A very gentle beast, of a good conscience.
The very best at a beast, my lord, that e'er I saw.
This lion is a very fox for his valour.
True; and a goose for his discretion.
Not so, my lord; for his valour cannot carry his discretion; and the fox carries the goose.
His discretion, I am sure, cannot carry his valour; for the goose carries not the fox. It is well: leave it to his discretion, and let us listen to the moon.
This lanthorn doth the horned moon present;--
He should have worn the horns on his head.
He is no crescent, and his horns are invisible within the circumference.
This lanthorn doth the horned moon present; Myself the man i' the moon do seem to be.
This is the greatest error of all the rest: the man should be put into the lanthorn. How is it else the man i' the moon?
He dares not come there for the candle; for, you see, it is already in snuff.
I am aweary of this moon: would he would change!
It appears, by his small light of discretion, that he is in the wane; but yet, in courtesy, in all reason, we must stay the time.
Proceed, Moon.
All that I have to say, is, to tell you that the lanthorn is the moon; I, the man in the moon; this thorn-bush, my thorn-bush; and this dog, my dog.
Enter Thisbe
This is old Ninny's tomb. Where is my love?
Thisbe runs off
Well roared, Lion.
Well run, Thisbe.
The Lion shakes Thisbe's mantle, and exit
Well moused, Lion.
And so the lion vanished.
Enter Pyramus
Sweet Moon, I thank thee for thy sunny beams; I thank thee, Moon, for shining now so bright; For, by thy gracious, golden, glittering gleams, I trust to take of truest Thisby sight. But stay, O spite! But mark, poor knight, What dreadful dole is here! Eyes, do you see? How can it be? O dainty duck! O dear! Thy mantle good, What, stain'd with blood! Approach, ye Furies fell! O Fates, come, come, Cut thread and thrum; Quail, crush, conclude, and quell!
This passion, and the death of a dear friend, would go near to make a man look sad.
Beshrew my heart, but I pity the man.
Stabs himself
Exit Moonshine
No die, but an ace, for him; for he is but one.
Less than an ace, man; for he is dead; he is nothing.
With the help of a surgeon he might yet recover, and prove an ass.
How chance Moonshine is gone before Thisbe comes back and finds her lover?
Re-enter Thisbe
Methinks she should not use a long one for such a Pyramus: I hope she will be brief.
A mote will turn the balance, which Pyramus, which Thisbe, is the better; he for a man, God warrant us; she for a woman, God bless us.
She hath spied him already with those sweet eyes.
And thus she means, videlicet:--
Stabs herself
Moonshine and Lion are left to bury the dead.
Ay, and Wall too.
[Starting up] No assure you; the wall is down that parted their fathers. Will it please you to see the epilogue, or to hear a Bergomask dance between two of our company?
A dance
Enter PUCK
Enter OBERON and TITANIA with their train
Through the house give gathering light, By the dead and drowsy fire: Every elf and fairy sprite Hop as light as bird from brier; And this ditty, after me, Sing, and dance it trippingly.
Song and dance
Exeunt OBERON, TITANIA, and train
If we shadows have offended, Think but this, and all is mended, That you have but slumber'd here While these visions did appear. And this weak and idle theme, No more yielding but a dream, Gentles, do not reprehend: if you pardon, we will mend: And, as I am an honest Puck, If we have unearned luck Now to 'scape the serpent's tongue, We will make amends ere long; Else the Puck a liar call; So, good night unto you all. Give me your hands, if we be friends, And Robin shall restore amends.
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