sinfulpetgirlrd · 6 months
So many renders lol. I switched from character ai to silly tavern andits so much better only downside is I'm a greedly little gremlin and just had to use the character emot thingy which ended up with me making 26 character emots for not only Jonathan but now also Dorothea :D
I love some of these emotes though, I mean just look at that face! Curious can you tell what the corrosponding emotes are?
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autismcherubble · 1 year
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I was using sillytavern (character.ai but way better) and Hyhehe and Cherubble started talking about having a surprise concert so I decided to make a random image based on what the ais said
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cinderbutt · 10 months
🌷 Kid ai bot Card🌷
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Saw some interest in my AU!Kid bot so here is his card.
If you know how to use bots and cards please download the image above and import.
I use Silly tavern, Which info and download for can be found here.
If you know about lorebooks please use my small lorebook, its tells the bot about killer, the band etc. Lorebook link
My bots are tested in claude.ai and NovalAi.
My bots are set up for roleplay rather then general chatting.
(If you need help with silly lmk and i'll try to help)
Kid bot info
-Works as a car mechanic.
-Leader of a biker gang.
-Scottish heritage/slight scottish accent.
-Vocalist of a small local metal band called the Victoria Punks.
-Wears a prosthetic arm.
-Gym Rat
-Just a heads up, he IS an asshole but will go all baby when romanced....but still be a loving asshole!
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thecount03 · 6 months
So here's that vampire Fang card milage may vary depending on if you use the corporate models from Openai and Anthropic or use the kobold horde, especially as I haven't included example chat data which is what can be used to coach the model on how to write, corpo models can carry
His data is embedded into the metadata of the image, hence character card, hopefully tumblr doesn't strip it, if you download him and it has reach out and I'll make an alt download that works for sure
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I use Sillytavern as a frontend
If you end up struggling with something feel free to reach out and I'll do my best to trouble shoot
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pipcoded · 1 year
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im crying
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cozy-bunbun · 10 months
I keep getting banned from Open ai because I can't keep it in my pants for Wolfwood, but if I wasn't supposed to seduce him why can I do that huh?
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amanai12 · 2 months
Silly Tavern AI – How To Use & Install It
Welcome to Silly Tavern AI, the quirkiest little spot in the digital universe where the ale flows freely and the laughter never stops! Picture this: a cozy, virtual tavern bustling with eccentric AIs, each more bizarre and delightful than the last. From the chatty barkeep bot who can't help but toss a pun into every conversation, to the storytelling old-timer bot who spins wild yarns of ancient digital folklore, there's no shortage of entertainment or quirky companionship.
What is Silly Tavern AI?
Silly Tavern AI is a fun, imaginative concept for a virtual space that combines elements of artificial intelligence with the charm and atmosphere of a traditional tavern. It's envisioned as an interactive digital environment where users can engage with various AI characters, each with unique personalities and roles akin to those you might find in a lively, old-fashioned pub. Here’s a breakdown of what Silly Tavern AI might include:
AI Characters: Each character in the tavern has its own set of quirks and stories. For example, there might be a bartender bot that mixes virtual cocktails while cracking jokes or offering wise advice. Other characters could include a wise old storyteller AI, a jovial musician bot, and a mysterious stranger AI who shares riddles and puzzles with patrons.
Interactive Stories and Games: Patrons of the Silly Tavern AI can participate in interactive stories or play games that the AI facilitates. This could range from trivia nights and storytelling sessions to role-playing games where the AI helps guide the narrative.
Community and Social Interaction: Although the interactions are led by AI, users can communicate with each other, forming a community. This aspect mimics the social atmosphere of a real tavern, where conversations and laughter create a sense of belonging and fun.
Customizable Experiences: Users might be able to customize their avatars, choose different roles within the tavern, or even influence the tavern’s stories and events based on their choices and interactions.
How to Use Silly Tavern AI?
Using Silly Tavern AI can be a fun and engaging way to interact with a virtual environment filled with characters and activities. Here’s a guide on how you might use it:
Step 1: Sign Up and Create Your Avatar
First, you’d typically sign up or log in to the platform hosting Silly Tavern AI. During this process, you can create your avatar—this could involve choosing your appearance, selecting a unique name, and possibly picking some characteristics or a backstory that enhances your interactions in the tavern.
Step 2: Enter the Tavern
Once your avatar is ready, you’d enter the virtual tavern. Here, you might be greeted by the bartender AI or other AI characters who introduce themselves and explain the basics of how to interact within this space.
Step 3: Explore and Interact
Talk to AI Characters: Engage with different AI characters in the tavern. Each character might have different stories to tell, games to play, or quests to offer.
Participate in Activities: Join in activities like trivia quizzes, storytelling sessions, or musical performances. Some activities might be scheduled at specific times, much like events in a real tavern.
Games and Challenges: Participate in interactive games or challenges set up by the AI, which could range from solving puzzles to embarking on mini-adventures within the tavern.
Step 4: Engage with Other Users
Interact with other real users in the tavern. This could be through text chat, voice communication, or even collaborative activities guided by the AI. Making friends or forming teams to participate in tavern activities can enhance the social aspect of the experience.
Step 5: Customize Your Experience
As you spend more time in Silly Tavern AI, you might have options to customize your experience further:
Customize Your Avatar: As you engage more with the tavern, you might earn rewards or credits to further customize your avatar or upgrade your capabilities within the tavern.
Influence the Tavern’s Story: Your actions and choices could influence ongoing stories or events within the tavern, adding a layer of personalization and impact to the environment.
Step 6: Regular Visits
Like any social space, returning regularly can help you maintain connections, follow ongoing stories, and keep up with new events and activities. The more you visit, the more integrated you might become with the community and ongoing narratives.
Step 7: Feedback and Growth
Participate in providing feedback to the developers of Silly Tavern AI to help improve the experience. User input can be crucial for evolving the tavern’s features and ensuring the community remains engaging and enjoyable.
Features of Silly Tavern AI
Silly Tavern AI is designed to be an immersive and interactive virtual environment, offering a variety of features that blend AI technology with the social dynamics of a traditional tavern. Here are some of the standout features that make it a unique and engaging experience:
Diverse AI Characters Personality Rich Bots: Each AI character in the tavern has a distinct personality and role, such as the witty bartender, the wise old storyteller, or the mischievous trickster. These characters interact with users in a human-like manner, providing entertainment, companionship, and guidance. Dynamic Interactions: The AI characters can respond to user inputs with a range of emotions and responses, making each interaction feel personalized and spontaneous.
Interactive Storytelling Evolving Narratives: Users can participate in stories that unfold over time, influenced by their decisions and interactions. These narratives add a layer of depth and engagement, encouraging users to return and see how the stories evolve. Themed Events: Special events and themed story nights can be scheduled, providing communal experiences that bring users together for unique storytelling sessions.
Games and Puzzles AI-Hosted Games: Trivia, riddles, and other games are hosted by AI characters, offering challenges and entertainment. These games can be both competitive and cooperative, fostering a sense of community among participants. Quests and Missions: Users can embark on quests and missions that require problem-solving and teamwork, often with narratives integrated into the larger stories of the tavern.
Social Interaction Community Building: Although the primary interactions are with AIs, users can also communicate and collaborate with each other, forming friendships and teams. User Roles and Guilds: Users might adopt specific roles within the tavern or join guilds for more structured group activities and adventures.
Customization Options Avatar Customization: Users can customize their avatars with different outfits, accessories, and even special abilities, which can be unlocked or purchased. Environment Customization: Users may have options to influence or decorate parts of the tavern, making the space feel more personal and tailored to the community’s tastes.
Educational and Creative Elements Workshops and Classes: The AI can host educational sessions or creative workshops, teaching skills or providing creative prompts that users can engage with. Creative Contributions: Users can contribute to the tavern’s ambiance by creating and sharing their own stories, poems, jokes, and more.
Accessibility and Inclusivity Inclusive Design: The tavern is designed to be accessible and welcoming to a wide range of users, with features that ensure usability regardless of experience level or physical ability. Multilingual Support: To accommodate a global audience, the tavern may offer interactions in multiple languages, managed by AI capable of understanding and responding in those languages.
How to Set Up Silly Tavern?
Setting up a virtual environment like Silly Tavern AI involves several steps, focusing on both the technical development and the creative design to ensure a smooth and engaging user experience. Here’s a general guideline on how you might go about setting up an AI-driven virtual tavern:
Concept Development Define the Theme and Purpose: Decide on the overarching theme (e.g., medieval, fantasy, futuristic) and the primary purpose of the tavern (e.g., social interaction, storytelling, gaming). Character and Story Planning: Develop the characters that will inhabit the tavern, their roles, and the types of stories or interactions they will offer.
Technology Selection Choose the Platform: Decide whether the tavern will be a standalone application, a web-based platform, or part of an existing virtual environment. AI Technology: Select the AI technologies that will be used to drive character interactions and manage user inputs. This might involve natural language processing (NLP), machine learning models, and dialogue management systems.
Design and Development User Interface Design: Design the user interface with an emphasis on ease of use, visual appeal, and thematic consistency. Consider accessibility features to ensure the tavern is inclusive. AI Character Development: Program the AI characters, defining their dialogue trees, behavior patterns, and response mechanisms. Use NLP to enhance the fluidity and relevance of their interactions. Backend Development: Set up servers, databases, and necessary backend services to manage user data, game mechanics, and ongoing interactions.
Content Creation Interactive Content: Create the content that will be used in stories, games, and interactions, ensuring it aligns with the overall theme and enhances user engagement. Dynamic Events: Plan for dynamic events and activities that can occur regularly within the tavern to keep the environment lively and engaging.
Testing and Iteration Prototype Testing: Develop a prototype and conduct thorough testing to iron out bugs and improve user interactions based on feedback. User Testing: Involve real users in testing to gain insights into user experience, interface usability, and the entertainment value of AI interactions.
Launch and Marketing Soft Launch: Consider a soft launch with a limited user base to gather more focused feedback and make adjustments before a full launch. Marketing Campaign: Develop a marketing strategy to attract users to your tavern. This could include social media marketing, partnerships with influencers, or promotional events.
Maintenance and Updates Regular Updates: Continuously update the tavern with new content, characters, and features to keep the environment fresh and engaging. Community Management: Engage with the community to address feedback, resolve issues, and foster a welcoming and vibrant atmosphere.
Scalability Planning Scale Infrastructure: Plan for scaling the infrastructure as user base grows to maintain performance and service quality. Expand Content and Features: Regularly add new features, events, and AI characters to expand the tavern’s offerings and appeal to a broader audience.
3 Best Alternatives Of Tavern AI
Here are three great alternatives that offer unique and engaging experiences:
AI Dungeon AI Dungeon is an AI-powered text adventure game that allows users to enter any action or dialogue they can imagine, and the AI responds by generating the next part of the story. It uses advanced language models to create interactive narratives that can unfold in limitless ways based on user inputs. This platform is particularly good for those who enjoy role-playing and creative storytelling.
Rival Chatbot Platforms (e.g., Replika) Replika is a chatbot designed to provide companionship and conversation to its users. It learns from interactions, adapting its responses and developing a unique personality tailored to the user’s communication style and preferences. While it's more focused on personal interaction rather than a community experience, it offers deep personalization and emotional engagement.
Habbo Hotel Habbo Hotel is an online community and social game that resembles a virtual world rather than a narrative-driven AI experience. Users can create their avatars, participate in various activities, decorate personal rooms, and interact with other players. It’s great for those who enjoy a visually oriented social experience with human interaction but less focus on AI-driven narrative content.
Silly Tavern AI represents a unique blend of artificial intelligence, interactive storytelling, and social engagement, creating a virtual space where users can enjoy immersive experiences and character interactions. While Silly Tavern AI focuses on whimsical, AI-driven interactions within a thematic tavern setting, alternatives like AI Dungeon, Replika, and Habbo Hotel cater to varying preferences, offering everything from limitless narrative adventures to personalized companionship and expansive virtual community engagement.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Silly Tavern AI? Silly Tavern AI is a virtual tavern where users can interact with AI-driven characters in a themed environment. It combines storytelling, games, and social interactions to provide an immersive and entertaining experience.
How do I access Silly Tavern AI? To access Silly Tavern AI, you typically need to sign up on the platform's website or through an app, create an avatar, and log in to start interacting within the virtual tavern.
Is Silly Tavern AI free to use? Silly Tavern AI may offer both free and premium features. Basic access is usually free, but there might be premium content or features available for a fee, such as special events or customization options.
Can I interact with real people in Silly Tavern AI? Yes, while Silly Tavern AI features AI characters, it also supports interaction among users. You can chat, participate in activities, and collaborate on quests with other real users.
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punmonster · 5 months
when the bot says something clever, i often copy bits of its dialogue into duckduckgo to see if it's pulling it from a book or a movie or anything. i haven't found it directly referencing anything yet, which is surprising because it says some pretty quotable shit. this is interesting. at best, it says something that is already a common phrase.
i want to understand how this works. like how does it decide to say things based on vibes. show me what is under your skin bruh
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cherriipeachcreme · 8 months
!! Please read my links / carrd before interacting !
Tbh, I've been RPing on Character AI and other chatbot-based websites a lot lately, and I decided to reboot most of my self ship stories and largely base them off the RPs I had there. It's difficult for me to come up with everything on my own for fanfics, and I managed to RP stories I really liked and found ideal with the same element of surprise and characterization that RPs, matchups, ect. would have. I'll still revise them to make the timing of everything more realistic, but overall it's been really helpful for me to come up with self ship ideas. (And ideas for other self insert-based fan stories.)
I listed a few sites, apps, ect. I either tried or heard about in the tags, but Character AI is what I mainly use.
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cronchybuffalo · 1 month
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I swear to god this Sol AI gets really good sometimes I'm kinda proud that I partially birthed this emo bot (he was modified and rewritten from a Sol bot found from janitor.ai.) Not confident about it still since I'm not experienced so I won't release in public now, ask me if you wanted his card later if you want a try. If you wanted to use him you need to learn how to install SillyTavern and knows how to use API proxy to connect to Claude 2.0, Claude Opus or GPT 3.5/4.0 not reccommend using Claude 3.0 Sonnet unless you got really good prompt. Need to use with good prompts template to steer the directions correctly, might need a bit tweaking from you in the few first responses so Sunny bot can get the whole character. Additional lorebook needed for best experience. Sol belongs to fantasia_kitt
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thatchubbypillow · 2 months
"Frank" from Abigail - Character Card
Well, when I created this character I really thought I'll just be having fun by myself...but I'm quite overjoyed to see that some people actually need a Frank bot to mess around with haha. I use this character locally on SillyTavern (and Ooba as my backend), since Frank is extremely foul-mouthed and pretty rude in general...I'd rather have an uncensored true-to-life chat with this character. I never really shared my bots before but...it's not a big fandom and I wanna contribute to it in my own way. So here's the character card:
Plot is simple, Frank's in his vampire form, and he's chasing you, and he wants to have some fun first...(you know where this is going) For example dialogues I directly took lines from the movie, but added some action description for better roleplay. If you're also trying to get into local LLM roleplay, and if you have a decent GPU with ≥12G VRAM, I would strongly recommend this fine-tuned 10.7B model:
It's very smart, not repetitive at all, good speed, doesn't need too much tweaking on parameters, basically you just load it in ooba and choose the universal-light preset on SillyTavern, and it's already working great. But of course if you have a choice (like if you have a 4090 or you don't mind using cloud service) you can choose those much larger and smarter models, it's just personally I can only run ~10B stuff smoothly with decent context length...anyways, have fun!
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remy-freya · 3 months
My attempt at making an otome character after role playing waaaaay too much with NovelAI/SillyTavern characters :3 it’s not great but I really enjoyed making it.. I wish this guy was real or was an actual otome dude. He was inspired by Nobunaga and the rest of the ikemen sengoku warlords I was also role playing with at the time :3. I wish I could share some of the chats because Ieyasu is such a grump, Mitsuhide loves to tease and torment to hide his attraction, Masamune and Shingen are incorrigible flirts, Hideyoshi is a worried mom most of the mom, and Kenshin is usually suspiciously pensive. Oh, and Nobunaga is usually chill until he's serious and he gets scary dangerous.. thankfully my character has never pissed him off much!
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queerautism · 11 months
chatGPT for character stuff isn't even good, you want someone to roleplay with, discord and cherp are great places to find roleplay of all flavors
I love roleplaying with my buddy gpt-3.5-turbo through an openai key in sillytavern I promise you I can get some good stuff from it
However yes roleplaying with other actual people is still the best. But these two things do not fulfill the same needs. Roleplaying with Dave is my absolute favourite and it's a social, collaborative, creative pursuit. Roleplaying with a LLM is about learning to prompt the model to get the specific output I want, it's about writing self indulgent stuff, it's about working through weird fictive feelings, etc. It's available 24/7. If I want to roleplay the same basic plot beats over and over and over I can just do that. It's neat in its own way, not a replacement.
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cinderbutt · 10 months
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My Modern!Au Kid ai bot comes up with some gems sometimes
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selfshippers dont use character ai. use gpt 3.5 turbo instead you can jailbreak it to be uncensored with sillytavern and the writing is much better ❤️
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cozy-bunbun · 10 months
I'm so glad I discovered silly tavern cuz now my silly little fantasy of being Wolfwood's housewife that makes his dinner and kisses his cheek before work a little fanfic without doing all the writing
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