msnihilist · 2 months
i'm all ears for some fics!!
This idea sounds kind of silly, I know, but let me just dump about it.
It's a Fairly Oddparents fic that takes place beginning the morning of Timmy's 18th birthday. Naturally, he doesn't remember anything to do with magic or fairies.
However, he does remember being loved. In his mind, his fish are normal fish, and Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof are friends of his parents who took him in when he was little and treated him like their own. All he has is a generic last name, no first names and he can't remember their faces, either. No way to contact these people who apparently loved him, just his mom's word that they moved out of town.
Timmy starts being obsessed with finding them, and what connection the gaps in his memories all have along with what caused it — because he can't remember. All he knows is that he was loved, and they left, and he will never be able to move on until he knows why.
Meanwhile, Wanda and Cosmo went to the Fairy Council when Timmy was 15 to try and ask for some acception to the rules. Timmy has done so much for Fairy World, they have to let him at least keep his memories, right?
The thing about memory magic is that it only works effectively short-term, or on small bits of memories. The more you erase, the more damage is done to the brain and the body. Magic is a hammer, not a scalpel. (We saw this with Crocker's dramatic mind-erase.) Timmy has so many memories of fairies and magic that taking away all of them would be like ripping out an organ — not pretty at all.
Beyond that, Wanda is also concerned that taking away all of Timmy's good memories with his fairy family will leave him in a less-than-stellar mental state going forward. He'll have nothing but bad memories and all of those hopeless moments won't have anyone at his side reassuring him. He wouldn't turn out successful at all.
So the Council agrees that Timmy can keep his memories, kind of. Wanda edits them — every single one of them. She combs through Timmy's memories while he sleeps, and she and Cosmo edit his past memories and store them away so that they can switch them for the real ones on Timmy's 18th birthday. There are strict rules about what they can do, and the complicated memories are removed outright. Otherwise? Wishology was just a video game they all played together. Mark Chang is a human foreign exchange student. Wishing for an amusement park in his backyard becomes just visiting an amusement park with his normal, human psuedo-adoptive-parents.
It's painful for them, but Wanda and Cosmo both agree that they want to leave Timmy with whatever pieces of themselves they can get away with. And the specifics might be fake, but the love was real.
They just have to hope he'll understand that when he doesn't remember them anymore.
This fic would be three long chapters — one from Timmy's POV, one from the fairies', and one about the aftermath. If I ever write this, it will take a month at least, I assure you. The more I think about this fic, the more ideas I get — I haven't even dug into Poof's perspective on all of this or Timmy's fractured relationship with AJ and Chester.
I'm absolutely in love with this idea, though, and I sincerely hope I can one day share it in its fully realized state!!
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seasteading · 10 months
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“Are you not grateful, boy? I was unmade for your magic. Is that not enough?”
i. Known by Her epithets: the Martyr, the Hewn-Mother, the Lady of Two Faces, the Weaver of Tapestries, the Lady of Jackdaws, the Lady of the Gilt Hand, and Mother of Fae
ii. A god as gold-blooded as they come, one who'd crafted the fae from Her own severed right hand. For this imagined sin, Her siblings cleaved Her two faces apart, tore out Her hearts and unraveled Her so She may never again be reconstituted.
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character tag: arga | wip tag
taglist under cut (send an ask/dm to be +/-):
general taglist: @bookism @problematicallybored @adaparkwrites @harrowingwords @sondials @starsprung @saachi @endymions @raven-ink @amuseablesun @thenopaes @scaevolawrites @vaelinor @callmeweeeh @writingbyjillian @kryskakikomi @cannivalisms @sourrcandy
tth taglist: @qelizhus @write-the-stars-and-shadows @silverncats @ladywithalamp @writing-with-melon @halcionic @moariin @doriians @serpentarii @asablehart @badhandwriting @ahypnias @atelierwriting @fictional-semantics @veneritia @rkmoriyama @kazino @maskedlady @wordsbynathan @ambrosiadarling @hekat-ie @jadeywrites @the-child-of-darkness @fairnell @ninazeniks @dragon-swords-prophecies @mortallynuttyqueen @lord-fallen
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seagull-scribbles · 3 years
Okay for the Silver hcs i've got quite a bit but one is that he would hate heatwaves (not only bc of Ibils, but also his fur); probably to the point where the only thing that makes summer worth it to him would be ice-cream lol
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It really took everyone by surprise when ‘mr positive and always optimistic’ went quiet for a while, only to try look directly at the sun and swear he was going to drag it out the sky with his bare hands
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kadarirat · 3 years
5 comfort characters! Tagged by @vanniez
I'm so sorry I saved this in my drafts to do it later and legit forgot about this
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Uncle Iroh- The Last Airbender
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Lucifer- Lucifer
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Scorpia- She-Ra
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Shadow- Sonic the Hedgehog
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Soren- The Dragon Prince
I tag @juju-5 @chaosiscrazy @shadowiie
@ruby-shadow @silverncats @kingprinceleo
And anyone else who wants to do this :D
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silverartistcat <<< silverncats!!
pretty much me moving blogs - can i say for cleaner tagging system + writing stuff and not bc idk i feel like it??? absolutely. will do an intro soon, and just to be clear @silverartistcat is know @silverncats (silverartistcat is now going to be in the archives so it’s more of @theoldsilverartistcat now :D). can’t wait to get back into interacting with yall once more :))))
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gregoftom · 3 years
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@copiasass @silverncats ty so much!! 💚🦊
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raven-ink · 4 years
Last line tag - thank you for tagging me: @anomaly00 (I did a bit more than one line for context).
Here is something from The End of her Reign. TW: for a bit of little mention of murder.  
She scrunched up her nose. ‘Pfft. Everyone was looking at her.’
‘Anyway. I already read about this girl. Don’t go there, Isueda.’ Lucile’s warning sent a chill down her spine. Isueda picked up her book and turned her back to the nymph, who continued talking anyway. ‘She has magic similar to Wren’s but. . . unmatchable. The no killing rule in the Tournament sounds like it came because of this girl. Someone threatened her, and they were later found with a bouquet of flowers stuffed down his throat.’
‘That’s not powerful. I could do that, without abilities.’
‘They found that the flowers grew from his lungs. They were taking root in his dead flesh.’ 
Isueda paused in her steps. ‘Oh.’ After slowly turning to face Lucile’s warning eyes, she said: ‘I like that girl.’
I am tagging some people, feel free to disregard this!: @fictional-semantics @ofbloodandflowers @thatsmybluefondue @cheshawrites @pulitzers-world @spillme @silverncats
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seasteading · 10 months
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“Brother?” His tone was soft. Questioning. “With all due respect, Zel, fuck you.”
i. Twins resulting from the elopement of Georg von Hauenstein, Margrave of Ammeer, with a woman of unknown pedigree and origin.
ii. The spitting image of his father, Ezra has sworn to scour the mud from his noble house's crest, no matter how much he'll have to lie, cheat, and seduce to do it. He can't remember a time he didn't resent his brother—for their father's favoritism, for all the freedoms offered to a second son.
iii. A boy with his mother's eyes and his father's sense of responsibility, Florizel flits from role to role, shedding the last like an ill-fitting coat. As a deer bolts at the glint of a hunter's rifle, Florizel, too, knows only escape. From curses, from engagements, from oaths, from all he risks to inherit.
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character tag: ezra | character tag: florizel | wip tag
taglist under cut (send an ask/dm to be +/-):
general taglist: @bookism @problematicallybored @adaparkwrites @harrowingwords @sondials @starsprung @saachi @endymions @raven-ink @amuseablesun @thenopaes @scaevolawrites @vaelinor @callmeweeeh @writingbyjillian @kryskakikomi @cannivalisms @sourrcandy
tth taglist: @qelizhus @write-the-stars-and-shadows @silverncats @ladywithalamp @writing-with-melon @halcionic @moariin @doriians @serpentarii @asablehart @badhandwriting @ahypnias @atelierwriting @fictional-semantics @veneritia @rkmoriyama @kazino @maskedlady @wordsbynathan @ambrosiadarling @hekat-ie @jadeywrites @the-child-of-darkness @fairnell @ninazeniks @dragon-swords-prophecies @mortallynuttyqueen @lord-fallen @bloomingtrans
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seasteading · 10 months
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A cape in rich red spilled over her shoulders, gold adorning her spiraling horns in an attempt to grant her even a modicum of warmth. Her Majesty sat cloaked in the color of blood, immortal and otherwise, yet with her face carved of porcelain and hair spun of silver, she looked no more alive than the stone statues that lined the hall before her.
i. eons old; she/her; high fae
ii. Once Lady of the Summer Court, now Queen of all the Seelie. She rules over her domain with an iron fist—her promises of restoring the fae to their former glory cast her not as a tyrant, but as a righteous leader doing what no one else has the courage to.
iii. Her true face has long been lost to memory. She must have resembled her sister, once.
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character tag: titania | wip tag
taglist under cut (send an ask/dm to be +/-):
general taglist: @bookism @problematicallybored @adaparkwrites @harrowingwords @sondials @starsprung @saachi @endymions @raven-ink @amuseablesun @thenopaes @scaevolawrites @vaelinor @callmeweeeh @writingbyjillian @kryskakikomi @cannivalisms @sourrcandy
tth taglist: @qelizhus @write-the-stars-and-shadows @silverncats @ladywithalamp @writing-with-melon @halcionic @moariin @doriians @serpentarii @asablehart @badhandwriting @ahypnias @atelierwriting @fictional-semantics @veneritia @rkmoriyama @kazino @maskedlady @wordsbynathan @ambrosiadarling @hekat-ie @jadeywrites @the-child-of-darkness @fairnell @ninazeniks @dragon-swords-prophecies @mortallynuttyqueen @lord-fallen
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