Silver Silence Part 7
Pairing: Bucky x shy enhanced reader
Summary: Bucky finally finds himself able to live at the compound with the team, but finds it difficult to repress his feelings for his new very shy and gentle teammate.
Word count: 1,752
Warnings: Swearing. Mentions of pain again.
Bucky’s POV
The screaming had stopped… it finally stopped. And I don’t mean for a moment, or an hour or a day, but it had been three days that she had not made a sound.
Under normal, More fruitful circumstances, I’m sure my face would have been mirroring that of a powerful summer sun. But I wasn’t beaming, and neither was anyone else.
It was quite, yes, but it wasn’t because the pain had subsided from her frail, sweat drenched body.. it was because her being was incapable to do so anymore.
When Helen uttered those words, I had almost asked her to repeat them.. There was no way that (y/n) could be mute. Not when she barley talked in the first place.. Not when she had so much more laughter and jokes to share, now that we had found her a cure.
The frail, small, and timid girl I had met months ago, was now by mer definition, crippled.
Id gone to see her yesterday, seemingly coming to terms with Helen's information, and finally able to face those big, round, (Y/C) eyes.
But it hurt… it hurt more then I was willing to admit… and though I had a deep need to protect her – and might I add, a rather heavy attraction to her- I was sad not for myself, but for her.
For a girl who just 2 weeks ago, had the world dancing at her fingertips, a girls whose heart poured hope like the rain forest does water. But now the orbs that lay between squinted and pained lids, echoed a building need to let go.
However I knew she wouldn’t, shed been waiting her whole life for the moment her body became strong enough to take on the world, and with that moment closing in, there was no way shed back out now.
So days past, 4 more days.. to be exact..
16 days in total, and each one brought that beautiful girl  excruciating pain.
My only hope was that it died down slowly, that as those days wound to a halt and she felt some sort of slowly creeping peace. I couldn’t ask her though.. even if I gave her a pen to write with, or had Wanda talk to her through thought.. her body shook violently against her restraints and after hearing nothing but screaming and crying thoughts, Wanda refused to try again.
It was the 17th day that she had been like this, I was sitting beside her, watching her body wither and jolt in pain, something I would never become comfortable with looking at, something I never got used to.
I was about to look back at my book, when the heart monitor slowed.
The rustling of bed sheets stilled,  and as I looked up to her, she looked over at me with a smile.
“(y/n)?” I asked lightly, fearing it was just another one of her body’s oddly placed breaks in pain. But then those beautiful lips parted, and a very soft barley even recognizable laugh came out, in the form of puffs of air. She mouthed my name, her eyes crinkled in delight.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y can you get Wanda in her please?” I called out to the air, and was met with a confirmation that Wanda was on her way.
“Doll… you okay?” I choked out, not really sure what to make of her beaming smile.
She just nodded her head eagerly and reached her cuffed hand out to take mine. I molded my fingers with hers, despite my obvious confusion, and just seconds later, the door slid open on the other side of the room.
I glanced over to Wanda, now walking slowly into the room.
“(y/n)?” she asked the smiling form beside me.
“Can you tell me what’s going on in her head?” I asked softly, knowing she hated to intrude into people’s minds but knowing it was also necessary.
“Mind if I take a look?” she asked y/n, to which she nodded her head.
After a few moments, Wanda’s face broke into a smile, and her eyes softened as she looked back to me.
“She says she feels like she’s on top of the world.” She let out a breathy laugh. “There’s no more pain.”
(y/n) squeezed my hand in conformation, and slowly breathed out in small peaceful breaths.
“I guess that means we should call in Dr. Cho.” I stated, rather than asked, and heard Wanda agree with me as she pressed the red button beside (y/n)’s bed.
“I’m so glad you’re feeling better doll.”  I spoke to her softly, feeling as if it’s been years since I was able to get through to her. She simply gave me a large, face splitting smile. I noticed the corners of her eyes had gone damp, and I brushed my thumb across her cheek as a single tear rolled down slowly.
I opened my mouth to calm her, but before I could the doors slid open again, and in rushed Helen, tony, and Steve all wearing faces of extreme worry, as if they would come in and find (y/n)’s lifeless body, defeated from the days of pain.
What their eyes locked on to instead, was a beaming (y/n) with eyes as wide as saucers.
“What’s going on?” Helen spoke up as she made her way across the room to (y/n)’s other side.
“she feels better, no more pain.” I told her.
Her eyes looked up at me and down at (y/n), almost skeptical, until a small smile played on her face.
“ill give you a quick check up to make sure everything is under control OK?” she asked (y/n) and earned an enthusiastic nod.
(y/n) looked down at her body as she released my hand and quickly began to rattle the padded cuffs around her wrists at Helen.
“Oh, right.” She stated, picking up (y/n)s wrists and twisting the knobs on each of them, causing them to click and fall off. She did the same to her feet, smiling as (y/n)s body twisted and turned with delight.
(y/n) face then screwed up in an awkward smile as she motioned her hands to point at her lower half. Helen looked confused for a second before her eyes went wide and she nodded in realization “The catheter right...”
“Um, Bucky? Would, you and the guys mind stepping out of the room for a bit?” Helen asked gently.
My gaze went back to (y/n) as I gave her hand a soft squeeze. “I’ll be right outside” I said to her, earning a curt nod
She was bed ridden for two days after that, constantly getting blood drawn and having all sorts of tests done to make sure her bones had fully healed.
Shortly after leaving the room on the day she finally calmed, I had been called in for backup on a mission Steve had been sent on. I couldn’t just dismiss it, no matter how much I wanted to stay by (y/n)s side, my best friend needed my help.
It had taken nearly 3 days for the mission to conclude and for us to finally intercept the hostage we had been sent to retrieve, and I was relieved when I was finally able to go back to the compound.
I waited patiently for the elevator to move up the course of the building, adjusting the heavy duffle bag that was thrown loosely over my shoulder.  I knew it was silly to be so excited to see (y/n) again, but I couldn’t help it, I wanted to see how her condition approved, how happy she was, how energetic she now could be.
The elevator dinged, and I stepped out and headed straight for the kitchen, my hunger suddenly taking priority over my eagerness to see my recovering china doll.
Well I guess I shouldn’t say ‘my’….
I half expected to see Sam raiding the cabinets of my protein bars and Wanda’s ‘hidden’ stash of liquorish. Instead I was met with the sight of Tony and (y/n) sitting on the counter across from one another, throwing popcorn into each other’s mouths.
I stood there staring like someone who’s never seen people before, when Tony’s eyes turned and locked onto me.
“Buckaroo! You’re back.” He yelled, a little too happy then I was used to for seeing me. But his introduction to my presence caught (y/n)s attention as she swung her head to look at me and smiled brightly.
She mouthed my name and hopped off the counter, bouncing over to me and slamming into my body in a rather rough hug, causing me to drop my bag.
It caught me off guard completely; I was so used to her being gentle and quite, and though she was still quite for obvious reasons, her motions spoke louder than words.
Her face was absolutely beaming, weather for my arrival or simply because of her new found strength.
“Hey doll, how you feeling?” I asked her with a soft smile, to which she raised her hand and gave me a jerking thumbs up and a rather toothy grin.
“It seems like little energy ball over here got her second wind when she finally got out of that damn hospital bed.” Tony spoke up with an amused laugh, as (y/n) snuck around him to open the oven and pear in at something. She eagerly pointed in at them, looking up at me as if to tell me to come look. I obliged and made my way to her, standing by her side and taking in the sweet sugary smell of the cookies that lay on cookie sheet in the oven.  Tony broke my staring with his voice. “Oh yeah she wanted to make cookies for when you and Steve got back from your mission.”
I looked up at tony, then down at (y/n) who now wore a shy smile on her lips and nodded her head slowly.
“Thank you.” I said, giving her a sincere smile, she just nodded at me again. “Well I’m going to go shower, all this blood and dirt makes me look like a slob.”
Tony shrugged and began popping popcorn into his mouth while (y/n) smiled up at me. I gave her a soft nod as if to tell her bye before walking back to my bag.
As I picked it up though, I felt a soft hand on my forearm and then a light, soft, warm pair of lips on my cheek. I looked over to see (y/n) smiling softly at me.
 TAGS: @avengershavethetardis  @dingo-ate-my-baby-crazy666 @loveyourselfcreateyourself @marvel-is-my-life2099   @fab-notfat @ipaintmelodies @killer-stiles
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