bergiesims · 8 months
Theodora Diaz
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If you haven't heard of the up and coming rock band Boobasnot (Google for the Simlish to English translation😂), you are missing out! Theodora Diaz, the band's lead guitarist, finally has enough cash in her pocket to move out of her dad's basement to an apartment in San Myshuno. Theo is the type of girl that needs to spend money on top designer brand clothing, even if they look like something you could easily find in a SimMart clearance bin. After working so hard to make it to the big time, Theo is excited to finally begin living the high life she's felt entitled to for so long! PS - look out, ladies - she's single and ready to mingle!
Tray Files (including Packs Used + CC List) are located below the break.
Day 2 of using the CAS Generator for some inspo. I'm pretty sure I'm getting the hang of this! Theodora has also been uploaded to the Gallery.
Tray Files: Google Drive
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windslar · 2 years
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours (can i ask guilly?), and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥ thanks!
You and your love for Guilly! I love it!
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Guilly's first job was a greeter at the local SimMart because he thought it was amazing to get paid to smile and say hello to shoppers.
Guilly's first experience being fired from a job was at the local SimMart because he followed around customers that refused to acknowledge his presence until they finally (angrily) acknowledged his presence.
Guilly doesn't mind the tent life, but his back begs to differ.
Guilly has gotten a new tattoo after each location visited during the Globetrotter Challenge. Each tattoo has a special meaning and reminds him of all the things he's accomplished thus far.
Guilly has a cast iron stomach. He spent much of his teenage years eating food past its expiration date. It wasn't out of necessity. It was more like he hated seeing food go to waste, and there was A LOT of food in a household of ten.
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zinxsims · 2 years
does anyone have simmarts #2 face scars (’: <3
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arson-goku · 5 years
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dandylion240 · 3 years
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Four Years Later
Macy stumped into the kitchen. “I can’t believe they’re building another Simmart. Can’t they see what they’re destroying? The beauty of the natural world? The animals they’re killing?”
Turning from the stove “I don’t see what the problem is. There’s still plenty of natural wonders around. Besides, it’ll be so much more convenient to have a Simmart in town than having to drive a couple of hours to one.”
Putting her hands on her hips “what’s wrong with shopping at the local fleet store? Or shopping online?”
Rolling her eyes “because not all of us want to wear flannel and look like farmer John.”
“Is that all you think about?” Macy demanded “clothes?”
“No but I don’t see why you’re upset either.”
“Because it’s not necessary,” she cried, “we need to preserve the land for our children and future generations. If we keep doing this there will be nothing left.”
“I don’t see what can be done about it,” Dakota sighed “people need places to go, things to buy.”
“I know it’s just a waste is all,” she mumbled.
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anotherplumbob · 4 years
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Finn is inspired again and has gone back to his art, hoping he can make a living out of it. Meanwhile, Corie has gotten a part-time job as a shelf stocker at local SimMart.
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lonelysimmer90 · 3 years
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Between her garden, and her luck at finding things along the beach- Maya is able to make her first major purchase from the local “SimMart”- a tent to sleep in and a wood working bench for crafting. Perhaps if she raises her skill high enough, she will be able to make a shelter for her and her furry friend. 
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purplesimmer455 · 4 years
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Luna then met up with her old magic school friend Victoria, and tried to fish with her in the nearby river. I kinda goofed cause for a second I was like is the fish invisible or is it like some magic thing until the game gave me the notification that Luna’s skill was too low to fish here and I was like 🥴😯😅
Anyways, after that, she made a quick stop at spellcaster’s alley, summoned her familiar Butterball, bought a new wand and broom, and then transportalated back home. Luna decided that she’d do some quick grocery shopping at SimMart, and then pick up Piper from daycare
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thewalkingplumbob · 6 years
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Kelly was never one for exercise. But she thought she’d finally start using the treadmill Penny and her bought at SimMart to shred those extra few pounds she gained while pregnant. Jogging in the nice, cool air conditioned house had to be better than getting sweaty in a heatwave right? Wrong!
Kelly decided those few extra pounds didn’t mean enough for her to go through this kind of torture.
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sunfl0wersims · 2 years
Ch. 1.01 The Backstory
Originally from Evergreen Harbor, Violet grew up bouncing from group home to group home. If she was lucky, she was able to stay with a foster family occasionally. She never knew her mother but when she was 6, her father died in a car accident leaving her an orphan.
Despite her unfortunate childhood, Violet spent her child and teen years studying and practicing painting. She bounced around schools and while her grades were okay and she was relatively smart, college was not an option. Her birthday was approaching fast. She wasn’t sure what to do. She wasn’t going to be able to afford college, she didn’t feel confident she could make a living by painting, and she wasn’t qualified for any local jobs except for working at SimMart or Plumbucks. The night before her birthday, she was browsing the web and came across a site that featured a couple of Legacy families. That sounded vaguely familiar to Violet and she read a little more about it. Anyone could apply. There were a few rules, but they didn’t seem too strict. She opened the application and began to fill out the questions. After reviewing it one last time, she pressed the “submit” button. She would receive her notice by email in a couple of day!
A couple of days after aging up into a young adult, Violet’s phone pinged. It was a notice from the Legacy Foundation.
Miss Violet Swan,
We are pleased to announce...
She was in! This was a relief, as her meager savings were being spent on staying in a crappy motel, as she was no longer allowed to stay at her group home. It quite brutal really, the morning after blowing out her candles, she had to hit the road. The few possessions she owned were packed away in her suitcases. She made sure to grab her paints too.
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sims4updates1 · 6 years
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Simmart – Lipstick 4 updated 34 swatches
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simfulwoohoo · 6 years
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Angela found out she was expecting again which forced them to look for a new place. Sharing a bed with one kid was hard enough let alone two. She got a new job at a SimMart close by to help with the rent.
James is...the cutest little red haired boy I’ve ever seen. He’s a national treasure. Aging him up ignited the spark to continue playing this save again.
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arson-goku · 7 years
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I don’t think I’ll ever achieve this level of soft ever again. I’ve peaked.
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nonsimsical · 7 years
L & N: What’s for dinner?
Buying dinner turned out to be far more simpler than either had thought. Once in the car, both girls safely buckled into their safety seats still passed out cold, they turned to look at one another and both smiled knowingly.
“Pizza?” They said at the same time. Lucca grinned. Nova rolled her eyes, settling into the passenger seat, buckling her safety belt.
“No olive or onions though, please.” She made a face. “Still haven’t been able to stomach certain things since being pregnant with Millie, can’t even stand the smell of onions or Top Ramen.”
“Got it, so Meat Lovers pizza, extra bacon?”
She gasped, reaching out and grabbing his forearm. “YES! And can we get salads? A salad sounds so good.”
He laughed, turning the keys in the ignition and putting the ford in reverse. “We can do that. Anything else sound good?”
“Where are we going?” She asked.
“I was thinking Round Table? They have the best ranch and their salad bar has more to chose from.”
She nodded her head. “In that case, maybe some garlic twists, or those cinnamon twists.”
“I’ll actually reheat those and eat them for breakfast, so yes.”
They drove downtown to the small shopping center. Of course, the parking lot was packed since it was Halloween. A lot of families were already sitting at tables inside the pizza parlor.
“Maybe we should have called it in?” Nova said, biting her bottom lip. “Or you could just make us one, right?”
“I’d have to get a few things from the grocery store, but yea, technically I could.” He said, pointing towards the Shop for Less grocery store to their right. “But, that place looks like a zoo right now and if it’s bad, then you know SimMart is worse.”
He raised his eyebrows at her, then nodded. “Pizza it is. I’ll be right back.”
He got out of the car, locking it from the drivers side door, leaving the keys in the car so the girls wouldn’t get cold. When he walked inside, he was immediately assaulted with the smells of dough and freshly cut veggies. He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath through his nose. He walked up to the counter off to the left. “Hey?” He called to one of the kids who was folding pizza boxes.
“Just a minute, please, someone will be right with you.”
“Alright, thanks!” Lucca called back to him.
He pulled out his phone, texting Nova.
‘Place is a madhouse. Not a free seat.’
“Sorry for the wait, sir. How can I help you?”
Lucca placed the order and had to set up for delivery. He didn’t want to have the girls sleeping in their carseats for 40 minutes when they could be in the comfort of a soft warm crib. Lucca filled their drinks at the fountain machine and walked outside. Nova leaned over and unlocked his door, taking one of the drinks from him.
“How long?”
“I am having them deliver it. By the time we get back to my house and get the girls changed and in Mila’s crib, they should be pulling up.”
She nodded in agreement, taking a sip of her drink. “You got me tea?”
“You want soda?”
“No, but.. Thanks.” She grinned, taking another drink. “Mmm, not too sweet and no lemon.”
“Just how you like it.”
She shook her head, “You’re literally the only one that remembers how I take my tea.”
“That’s because I’m awesome!” He winked at her, causing her to snort and roll her eyes.
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The next day, Ella’s still paying off that fire damage at Sim!Walmart (SimMart?) and goes to work angry after an aggravating school day. 
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simsandgiggles · 7 years
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akira: what is this shirt made of? satin? bob: umm i think it’s cotton? i got it at SimMart?
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