#simon allix
stephanedugast · 4 years
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📌 [J50] journal confinement L'ŒIL DES EXPLORATEURS | Imaginons le monde de demain avec 7 explorateurs. Une série de 7 entretiens par Stéphane Dugast pour Le Figaro Voyages.
> https://cutt.ly/7tcTzNl
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citoyenneangele · 3 years
Les autographes des communards dans les actes de l’état civil
Une chose parmi les plus émouvantes que j’ai découvert sont les actes de l’état civil du temps pendant la commune. Je sais que je ne suis pas la seule à les rechercher, Michèle Audin par exemple en écrit beaucoup. La chose la plus belle est qu’ils sont toutes accessibles en forme digitale sur archives.paris.fr. Pour un instant on se retrouve dans la vie quotidienne de la Commune au-delà du temps. Même si les actes sont bâtonnés, ce qui sur chaque page rappelle les tentatives d’invalider l’expériences de la Commune. Les actes de mariage sont particulièrement intéressants, parce qu’ils sont signés par les membres de la Commune.
Le document plus émouvant sans doute est l’acte de mariage de Tony-Moilin  sur lequel Michèle Audin a aussi écrit, sur le blog et aussi dans le roman Comme une rivière bleue. 
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2 mois avant c’était encore lui à signer les actes de mariages dans la fonction d’officier d’état civil :
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PILLOT Jean-Jacques:
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LOISEAU-PINSON Charles, Martin:
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BRELAY Ernest:
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POTTIER Eugène, Edme:
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DUPONT Clovis, Joseph:
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DEMAY Antoine, Mathieu:
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RÉGÈRE Dominique, Théophile
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LEDROIT Charles, François:
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POURILLE Stanislas [POURILLE Jean-Baptiste, Stanislas, Xavier, dit BLANCHET] [BLANCHET-POURILLE] [PORILLE]:
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ALLIX Jules:
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HENRY Fortuné (père):
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RASTOUL Paul, Émile, Barthélémy, Philémon:
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BABICK Jules, Nicolas, André:
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VERDURE Augustin Joseph:
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BILLIORAY Alfred, Édouard:
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DESCAMPS Baptiste:
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VALLÈS Jules, Louis:
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LANGEVIN Camille [LANGEVIN Pierre, Camille]:
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MALON Benoît:
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DEREURE Simon [DEREURE Louis, Simon]:
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CLÉMENT Jean-Baptiste:
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OSTYN (de son vrai nom HOSTEINS François, dit Charles):
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FLOURENS Gustave, Paul:
“Le 25 mars 1871, Ranvier l’appela aux fonctions d’adjoint à la mairie du XXe arr., qui lui avaient été confiées à l’automne”
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Le dernier acte de mariage signé par Flourens est du 1er avril, c’est deux jours avant qu’il sera assassiné:
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RANVIER Gabriel:
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VIARD Auguste, Vincent, Pompée
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TRINQUET Alexis, Louis
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MORTIER Henri, Joseph
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lebelletemps · 6 years
Le Belle Temps Cast Pt. 2
Lucian Katar // Jason Momoa:
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[Leader of the Werewolves in NOLA]
Gisele Katar // IG model: Alexand.dria:
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[Lucian’s younger sister]
Naya Cortez // Michela Coel:
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[Werewolf/Lucian’s Wife]
Seline Marquette // Nicole Beharie:
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[Homicide Detective for NOPD]
Rochelle Marquette // Cynthia Erivo
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[Vampire/Seline’s Older Sister]
Damien Richards // Y’lan Noel:
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[Homicide detective/Seline’s partner]
Simone Parrish // Danielle Brooks:
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[Last living relative of The Beaulieu]
Desmond Beaulieu // Keith David
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[Allix’s Father/Maudette’s Husband]
Trenton Washington // Chadwick Boseman
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[The Mayor of New Orleans]
Cast Part I // Cast Part III
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kristie-rp · 6 years
[2016] Five Times Olivia Was A Full-Time Employee (and the One Time She Actually Got Time Off)
Prompt: Coffeeshop AU, modern AU, alternate first meeting AU. Olivia is generally unlucky right now and is just frustrated by foreign people in general.
Olivia doesn’t follow dancing.
She doesn’t follow anything, really. She doesn’t have the time. The blonde young woman has been on her own since her brother was murdered, and rent is not cheap in the city, even after a decent payout. Her family comes from money, but technically Simon was the heir, not her, so she doesn’t really have a right to any inheritance until the lawyers finish arguing. So for now, it’s commissions, regretting going to college to learn more about photography (because of course the murder happened just before the start of her last semester, so by then it’s “well there’s no point in not finishing this” and she doesn’t stop to think that debt sucks because when she makes up her mind about something, she pointedly ignores the negatives), full-time at Starbucks, walking the dog, and collapsing into bed every night too tired to resent her life.
Maybe she should consider moving out of their penthouse, but Simon picked it based on one of his careful lists of everything the siblings had wanted at the time. There’s a pool and a gym on site, the apartment has a view to die for, two bedrooms, and she’s allowed to keep Bopeep, her  Lhasa Apso-Shih Tzu cross dog. That’s another thing she should consider getting rid of, because paying the neighbour to check her food when she gets home is pricey, too, but Bopeep is all the family she has left at this point. Getting rid of her would be a betrayal. Hence, Starbucks.
She’s making faces at the toddler that ‘Jen’ always brings in with her, despite the woman obviously being distracted (she’s on the phone, again, speaking quickly into her Bluetooth headset in the business lingo that Olivia half-understands because college and Simon were extremely insistent), by the time the lunch time rush starts.
And then the jerk at the front of the line, with six people behind him already, tells her to write Alexander on the cup in a French accent. She only recognises the accent because her family are from Paris.
He’s carrying a gym bag and she’s pretty sure he’s wearing a leotard with a denim jacket over the top. He’s actually more polite than most people are when they order anything at Starbucks, says “please” and “thank you” in a strong French accent that she only recognises because her family are from Paris, and even smiles immediately before going back to glancing at what she thinks is a phone. She writes Alex on the cup in large black letters, because clearly he thinks he has better things to do, and she’d like to have him know that she does, too.
Predictably, he doesn’t even notice when he takes the order.
The next time he comes in is two days later. This time, she’s scowling down at the paperwork she has to get done. Technically she’s not meant to be doing this at work at all, but she doesn’t have time after work. She has to take Bopeep for a jog and she’s hoping she can time it around the post-work rush from the public transport around the place.
“Good afternoon.”
“And you, sir,” she says automatically, dropping the pen. “What can I get you today?”
“Grande Iced Raspberry Latte. For Alexander.”
She’s even more convinced that the guy is an asshole now that she recognises him. Who else insists that their name is Alexander in the twenty-first century, immediately before ordering from the bloody secret menu. Olivia, in case it isn’t obvious, resents the secret menu.It doesn’t exist. It’s presumptuous and not actually a secret, just a case of ‘guess the combination they mean’ that hopefully doesn’t end with yelling. Even Jen doesn’t order any bullshit ‘secret menus’, just a standard tall breakfast blend. “And how do I make that, sir?”
“Just an iced latte with two pumps of raspberry syrup,” he explains, even offering a smile. “And call me Alexander – this is the best coffee place near Madame Croix’s Studio, and I’m afraid you’ll be seeing a lot of me.”
“Do you want me to memorise your favourite drink, too, sir Alexander?” she retorts, ever sarcastic. To her surprise, he actually laughs. She tells herself she isn’t blushing as she turns to the machine to make his drink.
“Just Alexander.”
So she writes ‘Aliks’ on the cup and gives him the blandest smile she can manage. “Most people around here just call it ‘the studio’, sir Alexander.” She stops herself from adding that advertising his apparent talent will make him no friends.
“How are you living on this income?”
“Oh, yes, because you make it so well, Deon.” He’s a half-Kenyan man who came from some backwater town, chasing a dream and a doctorate. Unlike Olivia, he hasn’t made the mistake of a photography degree. “Is this your way of telling me my shift’s over?”
“Nice try. Break’s done. You’re on service.”
“I’m always on service,” she points out, because it’s true. She’s glad, anyway, because unlike some of the other casuals, Deon finishes dealing with a rush before coming to get his replacement. “Good luck on your paper on – was it particle physics?”
“Greek history,” he corrects, tossing her the requisite apron and leaving her to the hell that is Starbucks and a solo shift.
She’s just fixing the nametag onto the apron when the new regular comes in with a greeting and an “I take it your name isn’t really ‘not the short one’?”
Today he’s ditched the leotard and the denim jacket for sweats and a hoodie, probably because it’s raining outside. “What gave it away, the fact that there are three other people in this room that are taller than me?”
His smile falters a little, as though it’s uncertain now. She’s probably too pleased that he had an effect on the usually unflappably cheerful regular. “Ah, common sense, actually, I’m sorry to say. I’m not that observant.”
She snorts. “My name is Olivia, if you must know. Another raspberry latte for you?”
“You remembered me. Consider me impressed, Miss Olivia.”
“Ah, my purpose for the day, completed to the best of my ability.” In response to the confused smile, she shook her head, amusement replaced by the now familiar irritation. “Same as last Friday, Sir Alexander?”
“No. Venti Chocolate Macchiato, I wrote down the recipe for you, here –” he passes her a note written in a gorgeous script she can really appreciate, having an eye for detail. She suppresses any desire to compliment it because holy shit this is an irritatingly complicated coffee...thing.
It takes a few minutes, with a couple other customers showing up before she’s done. She gives him the cup with yet another bland smile. “You forgot to write down how many shots of espresso.”
“Just the one should be alright,” he says, making up for her blandness with his own smile. As he leaves, gym bag in hand, she allows herself a smirk before turning to the next person in line.
His cup says Allix.
Three weeks later and she’s making yet another ridiculous drink, ordered by Sir Alexander himself, when her phone rings. She knows it’s important because the ringtone is set to a punk song that no one would ever play in a Starbucks, and the only other calls set to make noise are the ones from the lawyer. “Excuse me,” she says quickly, “enjoy your, ah, white chocolate cinnamon chai latte. Liv, what’s going on?”
Liv is a high school teacher who works locally, living across the hall from Olivia and, formerly Simon. After finishing school and taking up the job, Olivia asked Liv (who, in a strange twist of face, used to babysit Simon’s former fiancée. Small world) to keep an eye on Bopeep. If she’s calling, it means nothing good. “Bopeep is sick.”
For a second, Olivia is relieved; sick means alive and not gone. But then her mind catches up with what is going on, and she chokes her heart out of her throat, turning away from the counter and Alexander, just standing there and fiddling with what he’s worked out is an iPod he never has plugged in, pretending not to be listening. “She’s what? How bad?”
“Hasn’t eaten any of her food, coughing, she had this weird – growth, I suppose, on her stomach. I brought her into the vet and she’s got this thing called ‘distemper’ apparently. She said we got it early but there’s always a chance that things could go sour.”
Olivia’s got both hands cupped around her phone. “But, but, I had ‘Peep vaccinated for that, when I first brought her home, last February, she – she should be alright. She shouldn’t even have this illness.”
“Vaccine’s aren’t a guaranteed preventer, Olive. Now – I can sign everything on your behalf if you can’t get away...”
She wants to say no, that she can do it herself, but she wants the best for Bopeep. And the fact is, she can’t afford it and she can’t leave work – so she has to swallow her pride, especially with another customer waiting impatiently. God, she hopes the lawyers sort out their shit soon. “I’ll pay you back, Liv.”
“You –” Liv pauses; Olivia can hear it. She wonders if the teacher was about to tell her that she didn’t need to worry about paying her back, as though her pride could take the insult. “Alright, it’s a deal. Vet’s calling me for everything. I’ll call you when I know more,” the woman promises, before hanging up.
When she’s finished making up some boring latte and food for the customer and the half-dozen that follow in the post-work rush, Olivia finally has a moment to pause and try to collect herself. And even though it’s at least half an hour later and Alexander has a habit of immediately leaving, he’s still standing on one side of the counter. “Do you want to talk about it?” He asks after watching her, the epitome of cautious wording.
Olivia shakes her head, but then she finds herself coming around the counter and speaking up anyway. A couple of inconsiderate gits have left their rubbish on their abandoned tables, and it’s on her to clean them up. “That was my neighbour, calling to say my dog might be really sick.”
He’s silent for so long that Olivia thinks maybe he’s gone, but then she feels someone take her hand and gently start rubbing it, tracing a delicate pattern onto her hand. “Tell me about the dog,” he says, in such a soft voice she almost thinks she imagined it.
“I don’t have time,” she protests weakly.
“You can take five minutes,” he corrects. He’s not wrong.
So she tells him about how her dog was a ‘weird breed’. About Bopeep being a shih tzu crossed with lhasa apso, but with sort of russet fur with white and darker brown markings. About Bopeep being hyper and cuddly, friendly and well-behaved, fun and entertaining. About being excellent company when the world is against you, but without sounding quite so self-obsessed. By the end of it, she’s got tears in her eyes and mumbles something about needing a napkin, only to have an unfamiliar, gentle hand press a handkerchief to her eyes, carefully cleaning her up. It’s Alexander, of course, he’s stopped tracing patterns on her hand by now.
“I’ll get in trouble for not doing enough work today,” she mutters, mournful. He smiles, tells her Bopeep sounds fantastic, and that everything will be okay, before ordering another coffee, this one definitely to go.
“I won’t interrupt your shift any more, Miss Olivia,” he promises. “Not today, at least.”
She writes Alexander on the cup.
“She’s perfect again!” she exclaims delightedly, whipping out her little camera to view the video of her dog excitedly bounding towards her. She’s showing Connor and Deon both, each of them her co-workers on Sunday. Sometimes there’s Lisa, too, but not today. She called in sick last minute, so Olivia took on her shift after the manager promises she’ll call in someone else to take the afternoon shift. She’s pretty sure the only person left who takes weekend shifts is Connor’s boyfriend, Tobian, so this ought to be a productive day (she’s also pleased
“You don’t typically work Sundays,” a familiar accent points out. She actually laughs, possibly for the first time ever, as she turns to greet Alexander. He’s less irritating now, though she isn’t sure if this is because he actually was never annoying and she’s just now noticing, or if it’s an acquired taste. “It is nice to see you, though.”
“I know it is,” she retorts immediately, holding the phone out. He goes cross-eyed trying to see it right in front of his nose, before angling his head to get a better look. “Look!”
“Ah, so Miss Bopeep is well again?”
“Yes,” she immediately answers, almost cutting him off. “Thank you for not, you know, running away screaming when I, uh.” She’s too embarrassed to say broke down, but really, what other phrase is there for what happened?
He smiles, waves it off. “You spelled my name right afterwards, so in a way, it was purely self-serving, if you think about it. There’s no need for you to thank me for that. That’s an good video, by the way.”
“It’s side work,” she explains, “I do photography on commission and record things. Same as Friday, or is this changeover day?”
He shifts, as if considering. “Surprise me.”
She blinks at him in surprise, before shrugging and ringing up her own preferred order, throwing in a brownie that she’ll pay for out of the tip jar for good measure. A couple of minutes later, she places a venti cup on the counter and smiles at him, Alexander J written on the side. “Steamed milk, 4 pumps caramel, 4 pumps toffee nut, 4 pumps cinnamon dolce, topped with whipped cream and salted caramel. Try it.”
She’s delighted to see that he immediately does so, smiling at her after a moment. “I apologize if I’m being paranoid, but why are you looking at me like this is an experiment?”
“No, I’m just surprised that you actually tried it. Usually once someone hear there’s so much flavouring in this thing, they hide rather than actually try it. Anyway. Hot Butterbeer Latte, and it’s done best here because no one else knows the recipe like I do.”
He shakes his head, glances at the clock on the wall and straightens up. “Thank you, Miss Olivia. I have to get going, though, I’m afraid I’ve overstayed my welcome.”
She smiles at him. “See you later, Sir Alexander.”
A mix up with the schedule means Olivia ends up finishing work a couple of hours early, just after the post-school rush, largely because Lisa wants to train her brother so he can get his own job with some skills more useful than high school math. And maybe Olivia’s a little worried that Lisa seems to be limping, but she doesn’t mention it so Olivia makes the decision not to, either, and heads home instead.
“C’mon, Bopeep,” she coos after she greets Liv and does some cleaning. For once, she doesn’t get home completely exhausted, so it’s no stretch for her to call the dog, lead in hand. She usually jogs the dog, but this is the first time in a long time that she’s actually had the energy to be upbeat about it. Because the sun is still up for once, she grabs her better camera and resolves to take some photographs. A few minutes is all it takes for her to get Bopeep and head downstairs.
A couple hours later and a light drizzle has descended on the evening. She thinks nothing of it, even picking up ‘Peep and heading into the Starbucks she works at to grab a hot drink before heading home. To her surprise, the place is actually quite crowded for this hour, full of people dressed to the nines. There’s even a table of people that must be from the studio. “What, is 42 shut?” she asks Lisa, who’s nestled behind the counter with her brother, Reece.
“Yes, and the studio just finished the first of a new show, so this is just where everyone decided to go, I guess.” Lisa is a tiny little blonde woman who always manages to sound nervous. She’s half-way through a journalism degree, and although she works casual only, her and Olivia started at the same time. She reaches over the counter to scratch Bopeep behind the ears, smiling the tiniest amount. “I’ll just make your drink. Give me a minute, Olivia.”
Olivia hums in agreement, adjusting her grip on the dog and turning away from the counter. Bopeep makes a noise of protest when she walks into someone, squishing the poor thing unintentionally. “I’ve heard of magnetic attraction, but since I’m not loaded up with metal, that one was on you,” she starts, trailing off after a moment.
There was Alexander, blinking at her. She was lucky his cup was empty, as it was; he’d been going to get another drink for himself and his companions. All of whom are visible behind him, staring at her with various degrees of confusion. One of them actually hides their mouth behind their hand and leans over to whisper, “Wow, rude.”
Olivia worked in a Starbucks. She knows how to hear people over the top of the racket made by others. She’s distracted from glaring at the brunette by Alexander clearing his throat. “You aren’t – you’re not wearing your nametag.”
It takes a minute for Olivia to register that one of the guys at the table behind him had said oh my god, that’s the barista chick, before she looks down at her clothes. True to his word, she’s currently wearing thermal tights, and a vest over her baseball tee. “I’m, ah, not working tonight. Finished early.”
He finally seems to notice the dog. “So this is Miss Bopeep?”
Olivia nods mutely, tilting her arms so that the dog can be more easily petted by him.
“She likes me.”
She laughs. “She likes everyone. She’s a friendly one, after all, that’s half the reason I got her.”
“What’s the other reason?”
“Uh, she’s adorable. Obviously.”
He laughs at that, follows her over to the counter when Lisa calls her order. She takes one look at him and groans; Olivia makes him hold Bopeep while she moves around the counter to make his ridiculously complicated drink. “It’s Monday, so that’s a new drink for you, isn’t it?”
“I was thinking – the thing you made for me yesterday?”
“One Hot Butterbeer Latte, coming up,” she chimes, getting right on it. Of course, Lisa could have pulled it off – even Reece could have – but she’s happy to help out and join him when she’s done. “Who’re your friends?”
“Coworkers. We were at the studio late.”
“That would explain the leotards,” she chided.
“Most of us aren’t wearing leotards right this second,” he corrects immediately before shrugging, absently adjusting his grip on Bopeep. “We had a recital tonight. Just finished.”
Olivia, despite him coming in all the time, still doesn’t follow dance. “A what now?”
“A recital. We’re performing La Sylphide this week...?”
“La Sylphide,” she echoes. She doesn’t know what The Sylph is, figures it’s a dance of some kind. “Is it good?”
The look he gives her suggests she’s just asked one of the dumbest questions he’s ever heard. As she passes over his drink, it’s clear she doesn’t care. “You should come see it. I have tickets that I never give to anyone, and I think you’ll enjoy it. We can get dinner afterwards.”
She blinks. “Why, Sir Alexander, it almost sounds as though you’re asking me on a date.”
“Well – when you say it like that... yes. Yes, I am. Miss Olivia, would you do me the honour of going out with me tomorrow night?”
She smiles at him, takes her dog back. “Yes, Alexander, I absolutely will.”
Olivia is coming off her break just in time to let Reece take his own before the post-work rush. She’s on the phone. “Merci bocoup, Monsieur Merrigold. C'est si bon d'entendre que tout va bientôt se terminer.”
“C’est atroce de t’avoir tenu si longtemps, madamemoiselle Renner. Je vous assure, nous obtiendrons le meiilleur résultat possible pour vous.”
“Je le sais, Monsieur. Je dois partir, je suis désolé. Je peux vous appeler plus tard?”
“S'il vous plaît.Je vais vous envoyer un message si quelque chose d’important se produit.”
“Merci. Au revoir,” she finishes, hanging up quickly. “Same as yesterday?” she asks Alexander, now her boyfriend of two months. He frowns at her.
“That was perfect French.”
“Oui. That’s what happens when you’re born in Paris and raised in France for ten years,” she points out.
He blinks blankly at her, before throwing his hands up in exasperated surprise, crying out loudly enough that Jen, in the corner with her toddler, drops her phone: “Pourquoi ne m'avez-vous pas dit que vous étiez français? J'ai été aux prises avec l'anglais pendant des mois pour vous!”
Olivia’s response is, of course, to laugh. “Oh, you poor dear, I’m sure that must have been awful for you.”
0 notes
frtodaynews · 6 years
SPÉCIAL GLOBE-TROTTEURS 3/7 – Artiste, réalisateur, membre de la Société des explorateurs français, cet aventurier est un éminent spécialiste du Tibet, passionné par la géographie rurale et sacrée.
La rediffusion en août, sur la chaîne Voyage, de L'Homme des bois, une série de six documentaires de 52 minutes à la découverte des forêts françaises et de leurs habitants. Et la présentation de Kailash, la montagne magique!, mon nouveau film, tourné l'an dernier au Tibet. Par ailleurs, j'ai monté avec le tour-opérateur Nomade Aventure une collection de 13 voyages guidés par des membres de la Société des explorateurs français, dont je fais partie. A ce titre, j'accompagnerai à la rentrée un trek spirituel au Tibet.
Fuir les foules. J'habite actuellementà New York. L'été, je file à Montauk, à la pointe de South Fork sur Long Island, dans les Hamptons, pour surfer.
Le massif de la Dame-Jouanne, sur la commune de Larchant, en Seine-et-Marne, un endroit très exotique dans la forêt de Fontainebleau, à seulement 70 kilomètres de Paris. Il y a des chevaux de Camargue en liberté, des plages de sable, des pins… J'aime aussi beaucoup la vallée du Galeizon, au nord-ouest d'Alès, dans les Cévennes. Des paysages à couper le souffle, traversés par une superbe rivière.
La face sud du mont Kailash. La montagne a une forme de cristal qui émerge des nuages éternels. Une géographie sacrée propice à la contemplation.
Un voyage libre de toute contrainte. Une déambulation, sans film ni livre à rapporter. Par exemple, traverser l'Atlantique nord en solitaire. Ou bien découvrir les campagnes du Japon, un pays que je ne connais pas encore,à la rencontre de leurs paysans.
Nomade Aventure ( ; Nomade-aventure.com) propose un trek au Kailash accompagné par Simon Allix, à partir de 6 299 € par personne, pour un circuit de 21 jours tout inclus, y compris les vols. Prochain départ le 6 octobre.
L'agence 360° Surf Travel ( ; 360-surf.com), spécialiste de la discipline, suggère une semaine de surf à Montauk, à partir de 1 300 € par personne, comprenant les vols internationaux, les transferts, l'hébergement à The Surf Lodge, la location du matériel et les cours de surf.
Les Maisons du Voyage ( ; Maisonsduvoyage.com) composent des itinéraires sur mesure au pays du Soleil-Levant. Tel «Vivre le Japon comme un Japonais», un circuit en individuel de 9 jours/6 nuits dans la préfecture de Wakayama, à partir de 4 795 €, vols et visites guidées compris.
SERVICE: Composez un voyage sur mesure avec Les Maisons du Voyage
Lefigaro Voyages
The post Les quartiers d’été de… Simon Allix appeared first on Nouvelles de la France.
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cynthiabryanuk · 6 years
The Department for Transport and Y&R London Rethink the THINK! Drink Drive Campaign
The Department for Transport and Y&R London Reconsider the THINK! Consume Drive Campaign
Project to assist end of drink driving was produced by Y&R London and directed by Jim Bolton
Y&R London has actually launched a brand-new tactical instructions and innovative campaign for the Department for Transport's THINK! beverage drive activity which contacts mates to look after each other on a night out. The creative, breaking Monday, targets young guys aged 17-24 with the line, "A Mate Doesn't Let A Mate Consume Drive."
"Whilst previous UK roadway safety campaigns have generally focused on the dire effects of beverage driving, the prevailing 'it will not occur to me' mindset of this particular young male audience has actually indicated such techniques have actually had progressively less impact over recent years," Emily James, Y&R chief method officer, stated. "This brand-new strategy, rooted in behavioural psychology, eschews the standard parent-child vernacular of standard beverage drive campaigns and rather makes use of peer dynamics to cops and affect the relationship group."
The new creative work intends to provide buddies, who frequently feel too awkward to intervene, the ways and means to stop mates from drink driving. Taking comic motivation from the infamous pottery scene in the movie Ghost, the campaign changes Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore with Sean and Josh, a pair of normal boys on a night out. Drawing on the authentic affection that exists in between male pals and delivered in the cringe-inducing style of small talk and humour they all take pleasure in, the campaign reveals young males ways to intervene with a drink-driving mate by getting him from behind, clasping his pint in both hands and singing the lyrics to 'Unchained Tune' into his ear prior to taking his drink far from him.The creative, produced by Y&R London and directed by Jim Bolton, will include a 60 second social movie on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter and a 30 2nd VOD airing March 12th.
Jon Burley, chief creative officer, Y&R, stated: "Humour can be simply as effective a psychological trigger as shock and melodrama. Young men have been informed over and over again in a myriad of compelling projects that drink driving can have deadly consequences, however with countless injuries and numerous deaths on the roads every year, we had to attempt something that resisted the default behaviours of the category."
Creative Firm
Imaginative Agency: Y&R London
Innovative Director:Jim Bolton
Strategist:James Dowler
Chief Creative Officer:Jon Burley
Agency Production:Emily Brownlow
Account Executive:Laura Moon
Creatives:Nina Beyers, Tom Espezel-Bentley, Sean Johnson, Josh Pearce
Account Director:Adam Tynan
Edit Business: The Playroom
Editor:Nick Allix
Post Production/ VFX
Post Production Company: Time Based Arts
Producer:Jo Gutteridge
Online Artist:Simone Grattarola
Sound Production:Factory
from http://taxi.nearme.host/the-department-for-transport-and-yr-london-rethink-the-think-drink-drive-campaign/
from NOVACAB - Blog http://novacabtaxi.weebly.com/blog/the-department-for-transport-and-yr-london-rethink-the-think-drink-drive-campaign
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kevingbakeruk · 6 years
The Department for Transport and Y&R London Rethink the THINK! Drink Drive Campaign
The Department for Transport and Y&R London Reconsider the THINK! Consume Drive Campaign
Project to assist end of drink driving was produced by Y&R London and directed by Jim Bolton
Y&R London has actually launched a brand-new tactical instructions and innovative campaign for the Department for Transport’s THINK! beverage drive activity which contacts mates to look after each other on a night out. The creative, breaking Monday, targets young guys aged 17-24 with the line, “A Mate Doesn’t Let A Mate Consume Drive.”
“Whilst previous UK roadway safety campaigns have generally focused on the dire effects of beverage driving, the prevailing ‘it will not occur to me’ mindset of this particular young male audience has actually indicated such techniques have actually had progressively less impact over recent years,” Emily James, Y&R chief method officer, stated. “This brand-new strategy, rooted in behavioural psychology, eschews the standard parent-child vernacular of standard beverage drive campaigns and rather makes use of peer dynamics to cops and affect the relationship group.”
The new creative work intends to provide buddies, who frequently feel too awkward to intervene, the ways and means to stop mates from drink driving. Taking comic motivation from the infamous pottery scene in the movie Ghost, the campaign changes Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore with Sean and Josh, a pair of normal boys on a night out. Drawing on the authentic affection that exists in between male pals and delivered in the cringe-inducing style of small talk and humour they all take pleasure in, the campaign reveals young males ways to intervene with a drink-driving mate by getting him from behind, clasping his pint in both hands and singing the lyrics to 'Unchained Tune’ into his ear prior to taking his drink far from him.The creative, produced by Y&R London and directed by Jim Bolton, will include a 60 second social movie on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter and a 30 2nd VOD airing March 12th.
Jon Burley, chief creative officer, Y&R, stated: “Humour can be simply as effective a psychological trigger as shock and melodrama. Young men have been informed over and over again in a myriad of compelling projects that drink driving can have deadly consequences, however with countless injuries and numerous deaths on the roads every year, we had to attempt something that resisted the default behaviours of the category.”
Creative Firm
Imaginative Agency: Y&R London
Innovative Director:Jim Bolton
Strategist:James Dowler
Chief Creative Officer:Jon Burley
Agency Production:Emily Brownlow
Account Executive:Laura Moon
Creatives:Nina Beyers, Tom Espezel-Bentley, Sean Johnson, Josh Pearce
Account Director:Adam Tynan
Edit Business: The Playroom
Editor:Nick Allix
Post Production/ VFX
Post Production Company: Time Based Arts
Producer:Jo Gutteridge
Online Artist:Simone Grattarola
Sound Production:Factory
from TAXI NEAR ME http://taxi.nearme.host/the-department-for-transport-and-yr-london-rethink-the-think-drink-drive-campaign/ from NOVACAB https://novacabtaxi.tumblr.com/post/173218772346
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novacabtaxi · 6 years
The Department for Transport and Y&R London Rethink the THINK! Drink Drive Campaign
The Department for Transport and Y&R London Reconsider the THINK! Consume Drive Campaign
Project to assist end of drink driving was produced by Y&R London and directed by Jim Bolton
Y&R London has actually launched a brand-new tactical instructions and innovative campaign for the Department for Transport's THINK! beverage drive activity which contacts mates to look after each other on a night out. The creative, breaking Monday, targets young guys aged 17-24 with the line, "A Mate Doesn't Let A Mate Consume Drive."
"Whilst previous UK roadway safety campaigns have generally focused on the dire effects of beverage driving, the prevailing 'it will not occur to me' mindset of this particular young male audience has actually indicated such techniques have actually had progressively less impact over recent years," Emily James, Y&R chief method officer, stated. "This brand-new strategy, rooted in behavioural psychology, eschews the standard parent-child vernacular of standard beverage drive campaigns and rather makes use of peer dynamics to cops and affect the relationship group."
The new creative work intends to provide buddies, who frequently feel too awkward to intervene, the ways and means to stop mates from drink driving. Taking comic motivation from the infamous pottery scene in the movie Ghost, the campaign changes Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore with Sean and Josh, a pair of normal boys on a night out. Drawing on the authentic affection that exists in between male pals and delivered in the cringe-inducing style of small talk and humour they all take pleasure in, the campaign reveals young males ways to intervene with a drink-driving mate by getting him from behind, clasping his pint in both hands and singing the lyrics to 'Unchained Tune' into his ear prior to taking his drink far from him.The creative, produced by Y&R London and directed by Jim Bolton, will include a 60 second social movie on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter and a 30 2nd VOD airing March 12th.
Jon Burley, chief creative officer, Y&R, stated: "Humour can be simply as effective a psychological trigger as shock and melodrama. Young men have been informed over and over again in a myriad of compelling projects that drink driving can have deadly consequences, however with countless injuries and numerous deaths on the roads every year, we had to attempt something that resisted the default behaviours of the category."
Creative Firm
Imaginative Agency: Y&R London
Innovative Director:Jim Bolton
Strategist:James Dowler
Chief Creative Officer:Jon Burley
Agency Production:Emily Brownlow
Account Executive:Laura Moon
Creatives:Nina Beyers, Tom Espezel-Bentley, Sean Johnson, Josh Pearce
Account Director:Adam Tynan
Edit Business: The Playroom
Editor:Nick Allix
Post Production/ VFX
Post Production Company: Time Based Arts
Producer:Jo Gutteridge
Online Artist:Simone Grattarola
Sound Production:Factory
from TAXI NEAR ME http://taxi.nearme.host/the-department-for-transport-and-yr-london-rethink-the-think-drink-drive-campaign/
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stephanedugast · 4 years
📌 [TV] Rediffusion 📺 "Islande sur les pas des écrivains", lundi 18 mai à 16h sur Voyage​ . L’explorateur et écrivain Stéphane Dugast​ et ses compagnons de route nous invitent à découvrir l’Islande, une terre qui a nourri l’imaginaire de nombreux écrivains du monde entier, notamment Jules Verne​ pour son célèbre roman Voyage au centre de la Terre. Réalisé par Simon Allix​ et Christoph Schwaiger​
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stephanedugast · 4 years
📌 [TV] « Islande, sur les pas des écrivains », c’est un film documentaire diffusé le 19 avril prochain à 20h50 sur la chaîne Voyage narrant les pérégrinations de Stéphane Dugast sur une « terre de glaces » dans les pas des écrivains-voyageurs Jules Verne, Jean-Baptiste Charcot ou encore Pierre Loti.
Une véritable odyssée entre terre et mer, littérature et aventure.
Un film réalisé par Simon Allix (avec en prime ses belles animations) et Christoph Schwaiger en partenariat avec Nomade Aventure et la Société des Explorateurs Français.
Une production Docland YARD / SIMT.I
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