#simon sailsbury
crimson-rots · 5 years
"No, you kiss me’ is the ‘and then he kisses me’ of aristotle and dante discover the universe
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goldenlacingcosplay · 5 years
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Happy Birthday Simon Snow!! @rainbowrowell is incredible!!
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charleswatford · 4 years
the best way to celebrate this sacred day is to kill your abusive mentor in a tower because he went power crazy 💓🎄
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femslashspuffy · 3 years
I really liked awtwb up until the excalibur scene. I was going crazy that whole book any time Simon and the Salisbury’s interacted because I was like THATS LUCY’S KID! But then the way they find out is some sword that wasn’t foreshadowed and is just there???? They even mention “my rosebud boy” right before Baz and Simon go to Ruth’s. I was hoping for something more subtle, maybe something Lucy said in one of her letters, but it was really so blunt. It’s really strange in comparison to carry on where the mystery is woven throughout and it’s all these clues that you have to put together yourself to find out LUCY IS SIMON’S MOM AND THE MAGE IS HIS DAD AND HE WANTED THIS!
I even really liked the candle popping after the Excalibur scene a whole lot more than the scene itself. Idk it’s just weird
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khepiari · 2 years
Equality was just an excuse
Okay i was rereading Any Way The Wind Blows last night, from there on i went into deep dive. i read up so many lovely and amazing insights about the three books and my mind opened up to certain things I obviously missed on first read.
Like everyone i want to dig up that Mage and stab him with needles until he begs for forgiveness and then we all stab him more and send him to nadir.
i just realised while reading all these takes and insights, that the mage used Equality as an excuse! He took the historical books from old families, he raided houses and created his police all to make sure equality was in practice. None of this was his true motive ever! He just wanted to control the school and by extension Simon.
Simon’s birth is anything but about equality! I always wondered why Lucy fell in love with this man! Yes we all concluded it was because he manipulated, isolated and gaslit her into the idea of us against the world. But there must be a starting point right? On how Lucy was warmed to him and was slowly made to think eloping with him was the best option? Us against the world doesn’t happen overnight, a person needs steady flow of manipulated facts as brain food which leaves them blindsided and cut off from rest of the world.
i think it started because of Jaime Sailsbury. Lady Ruth tells us, Jaime was not accepted into the school because of his reading and writing issues. Wartford has always been careful about whom to take in before the Mage hijacked it. Magic is difficult and needs aptitude and also depends on innate ability, if you are below average you have a hard time, as we learned from Daphne’s passing remarks via Baz, and how Mr. Bunce too suffered from that inferiority complex not being magically brilliant, hence they both fell for Smith-Richard’s words. But when you are even below average and not let into the magical world, there will people who are upset or angry or sad behalf of you.
At some point in their school days, Lucy must have expressed her upset or anger about Wartford’s policy. She must have felt her brother deserved a chance. Then young Mage’s idea of changing world and making it equal must have impressed young impressionable Lucy too, and people like her who had someone with low magic abilities or were low magic ability holders! So I think he slowly fed her ideas of how he was going to change the world! Bring equality to all magical creatures and open gates of Wartford for everyone.
But if he truly believed in equality he wouldn’t have made the love of his life a sacrificial lamb. He just wanted a equally strong blood line to birth the chosen one. Lucy comes from an old magical family that has an Excalibur passed down as heirloom! By no means Lucy was weakling or inferior blood! He needed that magical gene-make-up to have this chosen one. Because it would be hard to carry on a pregnancy where the child was conceived on powerful ritual runes and spells under some equally diabolical moon night! The mage needed Lucy because she was from a lineage to carry full term. But to win her over he showed her the equality dream, made her believe his way was the only way and only their golden boy could end the nonexistent treat to world of magic!
All he ever wanted was power! Since he couldn’t take down old families and have his own system that easily, he began to exploit an noble idea of equality to corner the old families ( by no means they are good either). He opened Wartford to magical creatures to deliberately tip the power scale the old families had held. Yet none of it was done with heart of an educator who felt the need to protect or provide care for the not gifted!
The mage is a piece of rubbish and we should’ve set him on fire!
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dietsnnapple · 3 years
simon never being very good with his wand because he should have been using the sailsbury sword as a magical object that entire time………
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I actually genuinely loved anyway the wind blows. I liked all the Simon and bars interactions, I liked all of the shepherd and Penny interactions, and I love Agatha ‘s whole arc and I loved Niamh. I wanted there to be more time to develop the mage/dad thing, lady Sailsbury/grandma thing, Jamie/uncle thing, but as a whole I understand why it was so close to the end. Mainly because it really didn’t have anything to do with the plots a whole. I suppose if it had taken place a little before then it would’ve given a little more character moment for Simon to go and rescue Jamie in the basement but as a whole I’m happy where it was. 
Most of all I finish the book wanting more which isn’t really the best thing you want when you’re finishing a trilogy but I suppose that’s what fanfiction is for. Mainly I just wanted more of Simon, Baz, Lady Salisbury, and Jamie. Everyone else I was fine with leaving off where they were. 
I remember markedly remembering places in wayward Son where I was like “I don’t like this.” This didn’t happen to me at all in anyway the wind blows.  all around just seems like a more complete story than wayward son. 
Genuinely liked it. 8/10
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bugoverlord · 4 years
Snowbaz meeting for the first time fic (ibf au)
My hands are jittery in my pockets as I look around the train station. 
I’m currently waiting for Simon Sailsbury, a kid I met on tumblr a few months ago. We had an instant connection, and have talked on a daily basis. He is kind, kinder than I ever will be. Selfless too. We bonded over shared love of Harry Potter and childhood trauma. It’s funny looking back on how scared I was to let people into my life. Well, I mean I still kind of am but I’m working on it. Simon made me open up in ways that I haven’t ever before, with a moronic look and a dopey smile, he slowly made my heart melt.
I shake my head with a smile on my face. It’s a rainy day, and I’m growing colder by the minute. I hope he comes soon, but I’m also scared. What if he doesn’t like me? What if he doesn't show? 
Of course he will! I berate myself. He did say that he’s always late.
My phone buzzes in my pocket, distracting me momentarily from my thoughts.
Simon: sorry, i’m running late. see u soon xx
That calms my nerves a bit. I wasn’t expecting him to be early.
Simon always has a way of making me open up without saying a word. The first time we actually talked properly about ourselves, he had my writing paragraph after paragraph about my mothers death, my coming out, and what it was like to have a parent not support you. He listened the whole time as well, which basically makes him a saint. I tried to do the same for. him, but I’m well aware I’m not the best at comforting people. (He says I’m wrong but whatever.)
The day we confessed that we liked each other was probably the best day in my life. Not to be dramatic or anything, he just has that way of making everything feel right. I was sitting in my uni dorm room bed groaning about all the homework I had to do when he suddenly sent me a text saying:
can i tell you something?
In all honesty, I almost shit my pants when he said that, (and I told him as much when we talked about it after,) but I replied calmly anyways.
I was prepared for him to say that we should stop talking or something, but instead he texts me:
i really really like you
At the time I was surprised as fuck, but looking back I could see the signs. (The nervous laughter, blushing red when I gave him a complement, etc. etc.) So, after I replied and said that I also like him, we’ve been badass internet-boyfriends ever since. 
I’m interrupted from my reminiscing with a slightly strained “Hi.” coming from behind me.
I turn around and I see him in his winter coat and slightly red cheeks. I’m frozen to the ground, in awe of actually being able to see him in real life. He’s not frozen though, and he rushes forward and puts his arms around me and I’m suddenly reminded that I’m with Simon Sailsbury and that I shouldn’t waste a second, so i put my arms tightly around him in turn. I’m sure if I looked around I would see old posh ladies giving us glares but I couldn’t care less because I am with my boyfriend and nothing could ruin this. 
He finally lets go after what feels like second (but was probably minutes) and says “Hi, darling.” 
I’m sure I let out a proper embarrassing noise at that, but I don’t care.
“Hello.” I say, it comes out as a squeak, but neither of us mention it.
He laughs though and says “Lets go! What are we waiting for? We have all of London to explore!” 
He grabs my hand and drags me out of the station and I couldn’t be happier.
This is honestly the longest fic I’ve written in a while haha. Hope u enjoy!
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ao3feed-carryon · 3 years
by Anonymous
Simon ‘Snow’ Sailsbury is an accomplished actor wrapping up another season of his hit TV show. Basilton Grimm-Pitch is a hard-working editor who just managed to publish a well anticipated romance novel. A drunken tweet brings them together.
Simon Sailsbury ✓ @simonsnow who are you where do you live how old are you why are you so fine how do you like your eggs in the morning [2 Images Attached] 37k Retweets 203k Likes
Baz Pitch @tbgrimmpitch Just because it’s apparently not obvious to my new found following, I’m gay. Really, really gay. 15.7k Retweets 98k Likes
replies Simon Sailsbury ✓ @simonsnow 👀
Words: 2095, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Fandoms: Carry On Series - Rainbow Rowell
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch, Simon Snow, Penelope Bunce, Agatha Wellbelove, Fiona Pitch, Dev (Simon Snow), Niall (Simon Snow)
Relationships: Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch/Simon Snow
Additional Tags: Inspired by that 2015 Zara Larsson tweet, Alternate Universe - Non-Magical, Social Media, Texting
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simonssnow · 7 years
I took a different spin on the family prompt, hope you like it! Also posting a little early, because I’m excited for this one and where I am it’s already the 20th! Angsty and short (also hasn’t been proof read, sorry for any mistakes) @carryon-countdown
PENNY “I’m sorry, you what?” He looks at me as if I’ve just told him the most unbelievable thing, his mouth gaping open slightly.
“I think I know who Simon’s parents are.”
“How?” He finally asks.
I proceed to take the picture of my pocket and hand it to him. He stares down at it with a confused expression.
“Who are these people?” He questions
“My mother, her best friend Lucy Sailsbury, and the Mage,” I point to each respective person as I say it.
“And you think that the Mage and this other girl are his parents?” He says as if it were preposterous.
“Yes! Quite frankly I do, I mean haven’t you ever wondered if the Mage was his actual father?”
“Yes, I have,” he admits with a sigh, he pinches the bridge of his nose, “but why do you think this Lucy lady is his mother?”
“Well first off, she was the Mages girlfriend,” as I say this his mouth opens in shock for a moment, “I know, I was the same when I learned that, and just look at her, the eyes, the hair!”
“Yeah, they do have similar features,” he trails off, but his head jerks up at this last “wait, where is Lucy now? Is she in the UK?”
“No, my mum said that she left for America a few years after school, but I don’t think she did, I think she might have died after giving birth to Simon.”
“Woah woah Bunce, slow down, where are you getting all these ideas from?”
“My mother, delved into her past last week, before everything happened, and this morning I was just looking at the picture when it hit me,” I say a-matter-a-factly.
“Wait, does you’re mother know you’re here? Does she even know what you’re thinking? Does Simon know?”
“No of course not, don’t be silly Basilton,” he glares when I say that, “I came straight here, I needed to tell you.”
“And why would you need to tell me?” He says
“You very well know why,” I say raising my eyebrows
BAZ A few days ago when Penny rocked up to Fiona’s flat and told me that she know who Simon’s parents are, I’ll admit, I was doubtful, but now after taking to Professor Bunce, and having her run a DNA test, I’m pretty convinced. After Penelope explained to her mother, Mitali said that she thinks Penny’s right, and that it makes more sense that Lucy and the Mage kept its a secret because of Simon’s power, she even thinks that the Mage messed with the birth somehow to make Simon more powerful, because ‘he was crazy about he prophecies’.
I also heard her mumbling something about ‘that’s why she never contacted me again’. It was clear that Mitali was upset by this, according to Penelope they were best friends, figure that Simon’s and Penny’s mothers were best friends, just like them.
So for the past day me and Penny have been deliberating how to tell Simon, or even if we should tell Simon. We decided that we should definitely tell him, and even though he’s seriously hurting at the moment, we should do it sooner rather than later. Simon still feels guilty bout the Mage’s and Ebb’s death, and he might not want to admit it, but not having magic is killing him, this is like icing on top of the death cake.
There’s another thing, I haven’t told Penny yet, because if I tell her she’s going to make me tell Simon, but I’m scared it’s going to push him off the edge. Last night I realised that when my mother said to Simon my rosebud boy, I would never have left you that it wasn’t my mother.
It was Simon’s.
PENNY We’re all in my room, me and Simon on my bed and Baz sitting in my desk chair. It’s obvious that Baz and I are nervous about something, even Simon can tell.
“Guys, what’s going on?” Baz has started pacing the room now, and I’m fiddling with my hair.
“Simon we need to tell you something,” I say, hoping Baz will finish it for me. Usually Im all for telling Simon the truth, but this is different.
“Simon, love,” he says softly, “the other day, we found out something, and it’s going to be hard to stomach, but we want you to know that we are always here for you, and that we love you,” as soon as Baz says that, Simon’s eyes widen, but I don’t know at what, the fact that somethings going on, or the fact that Baz loves him.
Before I can chicken out, I quickly blurt it out, “Simon we know who your parents are,” Simon looks at me but I can’t tell what he’s feeling.
“You-you what?” He says quietly
“Oh Simon, I’m so sorry,” I say, tears forming in both our eyes.  
“It’s the Mage, isn’t it?” He says, Baz is sitting next to Simon now, holding his hand, and wiping the tears from his face.
I nod solemnly, “and we know who your mother was,” I sniff, he looks at me with sad, wet eyes, “her name was Lucy, Lucy Sailsbury,” I give him the picture and a new set of tears fall heavily out of his big blue eyes, her eyes.
“Mum can tell you all about her, they were best friends,” I say trying to make it better. It can’t get better. He’s crying even more now.
“Simon, love, there’s something else,” Baz says, what else is there? “You know when my mother visited you?” He says, clearly trying to hold it together, and clearly failing, “when she said about the rosebud boy, I think that that was your mother. About you.”
Simon loses it now, he cries heavy sobs into Baz’s chest, and Baz is holding onto him like there’s no tomorrow, I hug him from his back, with tissues in my hand, even though they’re not going to do anything to help.
We’re all crying now, Baz and I are crying for Simon, and I’m pretty sure Simon’s crying for himself too. We hold him just let him get it all out, till there’s nothing left, and still after that. He doesn’t deserve this, he doesn’t have a biological family, but he did and the Mage never told him.
But now is not the time to hate the Mage, because I realise that we’re his family.
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crimson-rots · 5 years
starkid carry on musical
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charleswatford · 4 years
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charleswatford · 4 years
reasons why I love shepard v much
he has at least 1 braincell
he wears a demin jacket + pins like what's not to love about that?? fashion icon??
Omaha, Nebraska™
there's no way in hell that he's neurotypical, and you know what? I'm not either bro and ily for it
cryptozoologist!!! he's f uck in g!!
I mean he's friends with a mountain. and the hoover dam lady.
and basically every magical creature in every state
probably most of Canada too
his sense of humor is literally slept on by the whole fandom
no really like he is genuinely hilarious, especially during the Vegas fiasco
[insert the "if nothing else this was a great first date" qoute] [I'm too lazy to look it up]
he has chaotic energy
just! wants! to! make! friends!
also see: he has cool hair
he was a storm chaser
basically he was the thing that made ws bearable during the 2nd half and i just want everyone to know that I'd die for him
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charleswatford · 4 years
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charleswatford · 4 years
everyone shut up its thinking about Simon as a cowboy hours
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charleswatford · 4 years
wayward son never even ONCE mentioned anyone wearing shorts and like im sorry maybe it's because I live in a colder climate but,,are you telling me,,,these rainy london dwelling bitches survives a ROAD TRIP in the MIDWEST during s u m m e r,,,,wearing JEANS?! I do not believe it
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