#sims 2 ref
fricoth · 6 months
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Buzz Grunt if he loves his children equally
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mimir97477906 · 1 year
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also made a small list of characters who are KINDA like her to whom it may concern
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microscotch · 2 years
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landgraabbed · 6 months
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FINALLY. meet florian!!
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This is Zephyr, my latest oc which was adapted from one of my sims in the Sims 2. I imagine her being the daughter of Dhalia with the color palette I've given her. She likes throwing parties and making friends. She is known for being very cool but also doesn't mind getting all formal every once in a while.
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holocene-sims · 1 year
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next // previous
july 30, 2021 6:00 p.m. the old mill restaurant
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foxhoundpsychic · 2 years
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nervous young inhuman and also pascal
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lalaboy · 2 years
man. my new key dial should come quicker. i can't draw well with my old one so I've been reserved to not draw at all
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bubblebaath · 10 months
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hmm... im sure someones made a good guide out there somewhere, but i personally havent used any but thats not a good answer, so another place to start is to use a real game as a ref! this is the sims 2 ds:
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most of the detailed textures are only used for the player sims hair/face/clothing you can see by the jagged edges of this sims vest that its still a little lower than the faces texture (this is probably because the body has more clothing variations than the face and they needed to save memory)
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static parts of the environment have a higher res, because they can tile/repeat the textures. this game has a million variations on bed/chair textures, so they're notably lower res this is a ripped texture of most(?) of the things used to make an area in the game (image credit) :
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the desert background here is just a 2d image, relatively low res because the player will never be able to reach it
i guess this is just a long winded way of saying "things that arent that important or the player will generally be lower poly + less detailed" but i hope it helps a little
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Hi @nonvme​ how are you?
I usually solve such issues in personal messages with the authors to give them the opportunity to simply apologize and not repeat their mistakes, but this situation has upset me a lot, because I wrote to you in the comments a few months ago, but you never answered me (your private messages are closed).
You steal my textures and call it your own, as well as sell it on your patreon without any permission and credits.
Let's start from the beginning.
1. https://www.patreon.com/posts/sakira-skin-and-67386343
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“credits: obscurus-sims, lamatisse, and google lol” — absolutely no mention of me, it's amazing, because it's almost entirely my texture.
“Do not claim as your own, I work way too hard to have somebody else try to claim my stuff“  —  It's so nice to ask to respect your work when you don't respect someone else's.
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Do I need to comment on something? She just took my skin n7, added a couple of details on face and called it her own. And she put it in early access on her patreon to make money on already free сс. She listed other authors in the credits and didn't mention anything about me.
2. https://www.patreon.com/posts/precious-skin-75050799
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“Do not claim as your own, I work way too hard to have somebody else try to claim my stuff“  —  and again. The duplicity of this man never ceases to amaze me.
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Here she changed a bit more, but she used my skin's face as a base. And again, no mention of me in the credits.This time she didn't mention credits at all, but I see at least @obscurus-sims​ details.
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“Credits to Slephora, Obscurus, and Pinterest for all respective bits and pieces”  — okay.
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And again, no difference. The textures are identical.
Honey, if a person wants to use my eyelids, he just uses it. There is no need to put my cc in early access again, which has been free for three years.
I want to say that I create my textures completely from scratch, without using EA blanks. Absolutely all the details on my skins are created by me. And as an artist, I can say with confidence that it is impossible to create a texture that will match someone else's pixel by pixel. It's impossible. Moreover, most of my textures are completely drawn by me. What refs from the Internet is she talking about? Did you take refs out of my head? By Bluetooth?
@nonvme you can still apologize and I won't hold a grudge against you. Just apologize and remove my textures from your page. If you had answered me a few months ago and corrected your mistakes, then I would not have written this post and would not have spoiled your reputation. But you didn't answer me.
I'm sorry that you all had to read so much text. I hope your day is going much better than mine.
P.S. I had to re-post to remove some 18+ pieces from the skins.
UPD 15/06/23
Guys! Thank you so much for all your words of support! This is really very important to me. I didn't even expect you all to support me so much. I don't have enough words to express my gratitude to all of you 😢❤️!!!
Nonvme deleted CC that included my textures, and also promised not to use it anymore. It's enough for me to forget about this incident and don't contact patreon support.
I want to add that any author who makes his textures from scratch knows every pixel of his texture. The author of the original content will know if you have used his texture, even if you have somehow modified it. If you steal other people's textures and you haven't been caught yet, it only means that the author hasn't seen your page/cc yet, because he can't monitor the entire Internet. But one day he will find out about you, do not doubt.
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xgoldenlatiasx · 7 months
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Drawings For Gaza!!
EDIT: The World Food Programme has paused aid to Gaza, so please donate to one of the other charities listed or seek out others that are reaching Gaza. If anyone has any recommendations I can list here please let me know.
EDIT 2: I am currently not able to do digital art due to my tablet breaking, so these drawings will be traditional from now on (until I’m able to get a new one/fix mine)
Pspspsps hey I’ll draw ur Pokémon ships if you donate to Gaza
Here’s a more cohesive list of places you can donate to (+ other ways to help): https://www.tumblr.com/sulfurcosmos/732456971539775488/how-you-can-help-palestine
you can also go to the linktree I made to find some charities and individual families to donate to, as well as organizations supporting other causes like Friends of the Congo, Keep Eyes On Sudan, Omna Tigray, etc.! In fact, I’ll draw you something if you choose to donate to those places too, just send me the proof!
Here’s links to Operation Olive Branch, and Project Watermelon, which is doing something similar
Finally, look here to find out how to donate an E-Sim to Gaza
You can send me proof via DMs on here if you’d like, but idk how secure that is so?? Feel free to email me proof of donation + ref of your ship at [email protected] instead if that works better
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soppingwetrat · 2 months
I've been seeing a lot of people complaining that tmagp isn't independent from tma, as in, you need to have watched tma in order to understand what is going on in tmagp, but i don't really think that's the case. for example:
- when Sam got and emali from "Jon", tma fans understood that this is a ref to Jonathan Sims. non-tma fans don't have that understanding, but they understand that this is clearly weird, as no one with that name works at the OIAR. the effect is the same
- when Gerry and Gertrude appeared, both non-tma fans and tma fans understood that Gerry used to be in the institute as a kid, and that Gertrude is reluctant and untrusting of Sam and Celia. there is no additional context from tma needed to understand that scene
- the character of Celia is suspicious regardless if you've seen tma or not, her weirdness is very well established outside of the fact that she also appears in tma (keen interest in the incidents, waking up in random places, weird questions etc)
- Gwen's last name (Bouchard) is also something that tma fans would recognize immediately, but recently they specifically mentioned the "Cheshire Bouchards", clearly trying to draw attention to her last name. tma knowledge is no longer needed to understand that her name Means Something
- all the other characters from tma that appeared have (so far) been completely different people. they're an alt version of themselves, so knowing them from tma is not required to understand any of their scenes or dialogue
the only thing that you could make a case for is Chester and Norris' voices and connecting them to Jon and Martin, but even that could be easily solved with a quick google search. all u need to know is that they were 2 main characters from tma, whose faith is left ambiguous at the end of the show, and now their vas are voicing Chester and Norris, the 2 ai programs
so far all tma references have only allowed tma fans to catch on that something is sus quicker, but it's clear that the writers put effort in dropping different clues other than just "this character used to appear in tma too!" and I'm sure there'll be even more as the series goes on
if anyone knows something i missed, feel free to point it out, im very interested! but from what we've seen so far, i really don't think a tmagp-only fan would be confused by the direction of the plot, as i feel that things are well established outside of their connections to tma
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mimir97477906 · 3 months
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that fucking bird that i hate
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cheesesteak675 · 4 months
Hi again :)
AG! x Mobile Sim Girls 2
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Also I kinda redesigned Tomoka (Purple hair)
Here's the ref!
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Search the hashtag AG x Mobile Girls or MobileGirls for
Part 1
Mobile Girls Comic
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sonicreferencephotos · 9 months
Why I Dislike Sonic Speed Simulator
I sometimes see people in the notes of Speed Sim refs saying that maybe they should start playing it/get back into it. I want to ask, for your sakes, that you do not. The only reason I still play it is for this blog. I would love to stop. I keep going so that no one else will have to play to unlock characters for references. I will also be adding a disclaimer to future Speed Sim posts. Maybe this is a bit excessive, but this game is starting to break me.
I understand that some people like the game, and you all control what games you choose to play. In my opinion however, playing Speed Sim is really, really not worth it.
If you want a specific explanation of the problems, you can read it below the cut
Problem 1: Gameplay
The gameplay of SSS is simple, to put it kindly. There are a few different aspects of the game, each of which has only the bare minimum amount to do.
You can run around the world. This lets you collect rings and experience. You can also destroy badniks, which exclusively consists of doing repeated homing attacks until you destroy them. They can technically hit you, but all that does is knock you back.
You can do time trials. Actually somewhat fun. Not much more to say about them.
You can enter races. PvP races which are fine. Fun at first, get boring when you have to grind for race tickets.
You can fight bosses. By "bosses" I of course mean "Eggman" and "Eggman but with more health." It is almost exactly the same fight. You run around breaking shield generators, dodging the same two attacks, and then deal a set amount of damage to him before the shield returns. Repeat. Your prize is spins on (one of) the gacha wheels.
You can complete quests. Actually decent! At least until you run out of quests. Good thing there are daily quests to keep you "entertained" with their repetitive tasks. Also, ignore the fact that the tasks for quests are just engaging with the rest of the mediocre game.
All of the above mechanics grow dull and grind-y very quickly. Soon, every part of the game becomes a chore. The game itself even seems to have realized this, and thus includes an auto-run feature, so you can collect rings and xp without needing to do anything!
I am generally of the opinion that it's a bad sign if a game is un-fun enough it needs to add in the ability to skip the gameplay, but that's just me (that's part of why I stopped playing Star Rail).
Problem 2: Skins
We all know the real reason people play SSS isn't the game itself: it's the cool outfits! 95% of which are only available during limited events and/or by spending actual money. You can also expect to do a lot of boring grinding if you don't spend money. Speaking of spending money...
Problem 3: Microtransactions
Time to talk about the true "heart" of the game: Robux. Now, I will give Speed Sim itself half a pass on this one, as from what I've seen, Roblox as a whole has what I would consider an unsavory emphasis on microtransactions, especially for a game with a playerbase of 50% children aged 12 or under, and another 15% between 13 and 16 (Statista: Roblox user distribution worldwide 2022, by age group). With that being said though, Sonic Speed Simulator doesn't seem to have any qualms about asking for money wherever they can.
I could make a whole other post about all the ways this game offers for you to spend money. You want more spins on the gacha wheels? Spend money! You want to get three gacha eggs for the price of one (certain vending machines only)? Spend money! You want to skip the animation you have to watch every time you buy an egg from said gacha machines? Spend money! You want to do less grinding for xp/race tickets/event objectives/candy/whatever? Money, money, money!!!
The game has a lot of the trademark warning signs for a cash grab gacha game:
Several different kinds of currency, most or all of which can be purchased with premium currency
Many different skins to unlock, using the assorted currencies mentioned above (including ones that are specifically only purchasable with premium currency)
Gacha wheels. Many, many gacha wheels. (Not counting the dozens of vending machines, I can think of at least four)
Grindy gameplay that can largely be skipped by spending money
Again, if a game is un-fun enough to have an option for players to spend real money to skip the gameplay, that's a bad sign.
Problem 4: Crunch
I haven't done much looking into it myself, but I've seen many people say that GameFam (the company that creates Speed Sim) treats its employees very poorly. The game advertises its weekly updates, which requires a lot of crunch in order to get content out quickly. This is obviously bad for the people involved, and also has negative effects on the game.
Many features are clearly rushed, and there's a general lack of polish. From glitching through the map, to races starting several seconds before or after the countdown ends, to untextured models, to many small bugs, it's clear that the developers are not given enough time to clean things up before they have to move on to the next week's content.
Thank you to anyone who actually read this far. This was a long post, but I wanted to be thorough in my explanation. This is probably the last dedicated post I will make about this, since this is really not what this account is for, but I still think it's an important one.
You are welcome to ask questions about any of this — preferably in the replies so as not to clutter the sonicreferencephotos feed — but otherwise the disclaimers are all I'll be saying on the topic for the foreseeable future. Take care of yourselves.
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antisocialbunnysims · 11 months
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requested by @howtoplaymyshuno , here is Jonathan's trailer from season 2 of my asylum letsplay, complete with his self-built second story bedroom. Minimal CC included, DL and floorplan under the cut!
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first floor
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second floor
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You need the bespoke build set master file if you don't already have it. 45 degree angled OMSP's require apartment life im p sure.
edit: the hot tub is PF's edit to work with their hot tub water default
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Cleaned with Chris Hatch's lot compressor, no sim refs in the file.
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