#simultaneous s11 s15 au
ice-emperor-zane · 3 years
Ya no how i said i’d do a dtiys at 420 followers,,,
guess what 😎
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first of all, ajskdkskfkfkadksjcksjjfkdfsjfks thanks so much! !!! Yallr epic and poggers
anywho, this is Kai in one of the outfits for the lavabound au im currently working on
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im gonna make a tag for it, so if you participate then could u either @ me or tag it #raedtiys
once again tysm :)
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astermacguffin · 3 years
I've never really understood the mechanics of Sam's Hell Trauma, specifically on how Cas "transferred" it to himself in Born Again Identity. Like, Sam clearly still remembers what happened to him in the Cage (since they do get referenced/alluded to in later seasons with regards to his interactions with Lucifer), so what Cas seemed to have absorbed is only the hallucinations and the "metaphysical trauma" inflicted on Sam.
The question then becomes: "What's causing this metaphysical trauma?" My headcanon is that Lucifer's leftover grace has been marinating within Sam this entire time. Since angels are beings of intent and Lucifer very much bears malice towards Sam, this leftover grace has exacerbated the metaphysical damage to his soul.
I like this interpretation because it has evidential support from canon (angels do leave some grace within the vessels they occupy), plus it explains why Castiel, an angel, could be similarly affected by human trauma (because it's not normal trauma, and the archangel grace overpowers his own grace).
I also like how this interpretation colors so much of Cas' interactions with other entities in the future:
Meg feels gravitated towards Cas for some reason that she cannot explain. She feels relieved when she discovers the thing about Lucifer's grace, because she very much prefers that explanation over the alternative: that she's starting to feel affection towards Cas (which is totally what's happening, but she'll stick with the plausible deniability, thank you very much).
Hester's "You have Fallen in every way imaginable" holds so much more weight when you consider the fact that Cas is tainted by the grace of the Fallen One. Actually, all of the Castiel-Lucifer parallels get bass boosted by this interpretation.
Lucifer later makes a quip about it when he reveals himself possessing Cas, like how the vessel somehow "recognizes" him, maybe even welcomed him. Something with Lucifer trying to blame Sam about the fact that Cas' body was a viable vessel because of the trauma transfer.
The label "God's favorite" is used in S11 interchangeably to refer to either Castiel or Lucifer. Amara torturing Casifer and calling him the said label would blur the lines even better.
Cas taking custody of Jack becomes simultaneously hilarious and thematically potent. Cas would totally taunt Lucifer with it, citing that he "technically shares grace with Jack" and can therefore be justifiably called his grace-father as well.
This interpretation is also pivotal in the S14 AU in my head where Cas gives up his grace to heal Jack. Tainted by the tiniest bit of archangel grace, it technically works. This does two things: (1) it makes Cas human and invalidates the Empty deal, and (2) it avoids the need for Jack to burn off his soul, thereby preventing the chaos of S15.
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dotthings · 5 years
Let me try for some coherency. I scribbled watching notes.
Cas. :( Well I am not a bit surprise he’s not own with this. I don’t see how else he’s supposed to feel. Or how else Dean would feel. Or how Sam would feel. Sorry if TFW is so inexplicable to some people but they’re all making perfect sense to me. It’s sad but they make sense.
That Dean and Cas argument with Sam in the middle like :0 :| poor Sam, poor poor Sam, imagine having to watch all this intense Dean and Cas, he hates it when they bicker, and this is a real argument. 
“I know how much he meant to you. He meant a lot to me. But that isn’t Jack any more.” So there it is, the truth beneath Dean’s walls he put up. None of this is because Dean is cold or uncaring. He is, however, still very angry and still (thinks) that he has to kill Jack. The place Dean lands with Jack in this ep also doesn’t surprise me because I been knew and that makes sense too but it also makes sense that right up the line, he’d think he has to kill Jack and follow that anger. This is an extraordinary situation in fact. Even though TFW have been faced with not-versions of themselves before, they’ve never killed another family member while in that state. And I think Jack’s escalating danger levels in this ep pretty much vindicates why someone might think he has to be killed...even though Jack isn’t evil or malicious still (more on that in a moment).
“Nerds.” “Takes one to know one.”
I was just talking about this about Dean. About his facades and how he used to mock nerds and geeks--still does even now--but is actually the biggest geek and I love that Sam calls him on his nerd qualities. His nerd traits. WHAT HAVE I BEEN SAYING.
So nobody at all can lie any more and the world, as a result, starts tearing apart at the seams. Look SPN, when I said I wanted more emotional honesty...lololol that’s not what I meant. Some lies are necessary.
Oh my god it’s God. Hi, Chuck. (I was spoiled for this, it was still really fun when Chuck just popped up in the alley).
Cas was going to see about the cage in Hell. Was he thinking he could put Jack in it?? Was that his alternative to just killing him? 
Jack visiting his grandmother and she calling Jack out on the fact that he lied to them. Oh snap, Jack. You’re sick of all the lies but you told one (for a kindness). Some lies are necessary. You lied to people too.
This episode has some realness here about what holds society together and different types of honesty. Lying is wrong...except 100% blunt honestly all the time would be a complete disaster and there are some lies we need to tell for the sake of kindness, for community, for forgiveness, or it all will fall apart. Which lies are too far and which are necessary. Can a lie hurt but also be for a kindness and be necessary? SPN has had its main characters lie for years. They lie with credit card scams so they can pay for gas and food and lodging. They lie about who they’re secretly working with behind each other’s backs. All of Team Free Will has lied to each other. Kept things from each other. It doesn’t go well for them. Yet here’s an ep showing that some types of lies are necessary as part of the fabric of society.
Dean is sooooo done with God’s bullshit I am laughing. This is also really subversive because yes we love Chuck and his guitar. Chuck singing Fare-thee-Well. Chuck as a likeable (if irresponsible deadbeat dad) figure on SPN. But how benevolent is he actually? And they don’t have time for a song right now, they just don’t.
Team Free Will are still speaking to each other after Cas stormed out. That’s a good sign!
“I built the sandbox. You play in it...but when things get really bad that’s when I step in.”
Uh...kinda. Sometimes, Chuck. Yes he’s intervened a few times. He put Sam and Dean on the airplane. He put Cas back together more than once. He stepped up when he needed do about Amara at the end of S11. So maybe a C+ on actually being there in a pinch.
“Jack is apocalyptic.” Which--self-evident right there in the ep, thanks, Chuck. Oh and can we stop pretending Jack isn’t incredibly dangerous at least? Oh he’s not just dangerous he is world-endingly dangerous. Note I rooted for Jack to be okay, and want him to be saved, but the situation is what it is right now.
It made a lot of sense to spec based on the ep title Chuck was going to show up to intervene and stop TFW from having to kill Jack, and I’m sure with a reference that blatant in that title, Dabb knew that would be the assumption. It made sense. The overturning of that is interesting here. Chuck didn’t show up and didn’t show up and when he finally does it’s to hand them the weapon to destroy Jack. Which at this point in the ep I’m still wondering--but it could be a test. Let’s see what happens.
Oh. Whoever shoots the gun, what happens to the target, happens to them. Aaaand we’re back to Dean with a self-sacrificing plan.
Damn Cas is so damn salty still about the Dean-in-the-box plan I love it. He hates that plan. Now he’s extra special plus cranky because he’s looking now at losing Jack and losing Dean simultaneously. I’ve talked a lot in my posts about Cas’s big love for both Jack and Dean. This is diabolical. Cas could lose them both with one gunshot. Of course he doesn’t want his son to die...but he doesn’t want Dean to die. Save Jack...means saving Dean too. 
I really loved this Sam and Dean scene and while Cas doesn’t get to verbalize what’s going on in his head, Sam certainly gets to vocalize what Sam’s thinking. “I’m the one who brought him back. He burned his soul off to save you and me. You want me to say I’m okay with losing you and losing him all at once. I can’t do that. I’ve already lost too much.” MIC DROP SAM WINCHESTER.
“I don’t feel anything.” There’s the crux of the Jack Problem. He intellectually understands what’s “good” and what’s “bad” but he doesn’t, in his own words, feel it. He’s the most powerful being on the planet and he’s completely hollow inside, lacking true empathy, lacking instincts, strong attachments, an innate sense of right and wrong. That’s...really terrifying. It’s really not at all hateful to Jack to comprehend how scary that combination is. “I want to love you back, it’s just I can’t.” 
This is. Damn. We saw AU Cas in ep 300, what happens when Cas never learned to access his emotions. As an angel, our Cas was taught that emotions were bad, they were a weakness. He was taught not to heed them. To control them. To never be led by his heart or his feelings. But instead of heeding that, Cas led with his whole heart, he often drowned in his own emotions, overwhelmed by them. He has intense attachments and pain and loneliness and fear and even moments of peace and joy. He feels it all. He’s the most feeling angel to ever feel, and how painfully on point is it that his son is now...emotionless.
“You’re my favorite show.” Wow it got super meta in here, Chuck.
“Why does it always have to be on us,” wonders the tormented characters. “Because you’re my guys!” gushes the enthusiastic Winchester fan, God.
I feel so called out right now. I do. While I am certainly in the camp that feels that too much torture porn angst without hope is a weaker story, like many fans, there is a certain catharsis and satisfaction in watching our favorite characters suffer and triumph and keep on going and not let the suffering defeat them.
In this ep Dabb is taking that idea and expanding it out to a walking talking metaphor, embodied in Chuck, who turns out to be a toxic wielder of suffering for his own amusement. Tying to Jack’s lack of emotions, Chuck seems okay with others suffering. It’s not that he lacks feelings, because he gets something from watching these “characters” suffer, but he’s lacking in empathy because he doesn’t seem to care that they’re suffering and in the world of SPN these are not characters, these are real people he’s jerking around making them dance to his angst-buttons for his own enjoyment.
Cas still is clinging on to hope that Jack can be fixed and my heart hurts for him. At this point, I’m still hoping Jack can be...but it’s not looking good.
Jack kneeling in front of Dean to be killed. Because while he’s dangerous, no he’s not evil or malicious. “I understand. You were right all along. I am a monster.” This is just...really sad. I’m sad.
Oh, SPN, you tried so hard, but I never thought Dean would be able to pull that trigger. Also the tragedy of Dean--he didn’t hesitate because Dean had a sudden revelation he wants to live so he’s not going to seppuku the problem after all. No, it’s because he just couldn’t do it to Jack in the end, to his son, who had earned his love and his trust after a rough start. Dean understands that this Jack isn’t the Jack he recently knew and Dean also understands how far gone Jack is and how dangerous. Yet he still can’t do it. This makes perfect sense to me. I could also see how he might have pulled that trigger (and that would have been horrible and it would have hurt Dean so much...and I don’t just mean because of the magic ricochet of that gun...it would be too much. And...it looks like this ep agrees with me on a textual and meta-textual level. Uh-huh.)
"This isn’t how this story is supposed to end.” Chuck, our author, isn’t enjoying the fact that his characters are doing things he didn’t plan on and didn’t intend (which happens during the creative process).
“Pull the trigger and I’ll bring her back,” Chuck offers. “No.” says Dean. “My mom is my hero and I will miss her every day of my life but she wouldn’t want this.”
And then Sam goes OFF. “over and over and over again...losing people we love.”
“This isn’t just a story. This is our lives.”
I am LOVING THIS. I actually clapped my hands with meta-ish glee. 
This is so self-critical. On a story/character level, this is amazing for Sam and Dean, who are defying fate, refusing yet again to be jerked around by a cosmic puppetmaster. Sam goes as far as defying the idea that they don’t deserve to be happy. Not in so many words. But he is flipping off the concept that all they are good for is suffering AND I AM SO PROUD and I think Dean gets it too but oh my poor Dean was just willing to commit seppuku and while Dean is rejecting being puppetted around, not for anyone, not even to save Mary, I don’t know if he’s at the place where he sees it how Sam does--that screw you, I don’t deserve to suffer like this open defiance. 
So Sam shoots God. lololol for a hot second there I thought Sam was going to kill God and welp that would have been a plot twist but no, just a flesh wound so Sam is wounded too.
Chuck’s not thrilled his favorite human pets aren’t playing along for his amusement.
“Story’s over. Welcome to the end.”
Well. God was the big bad all along. GOD WAS THE BIGGEST BAD OF SPN ALL ALONG.
I was hoping Jack wouldn’t have to die. At least none of his dads had to kill him and the set-up with Jack landing in The Empty seems like he’s not gone forever. WHAT DID BILLIE MEAN “WE HAVE TO TALK.” About what. What is going on.
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ice-emperor-zane · 3 years
anyways, au where season 11 happened after season 12, 13 and 14 because i think itd be really cool is s11 and s15 were happening at the same time, for reasons I will now explain
Or, to put it simply: I think we needed more Kai and Ray father-son content other than one or two scenes of ‘we like viddy games’ so im making it myself via s11
While Nya and Maya are on their funkey ocean adventure with jay lloyd zane and pixal, Wu’s complaining that the rest of them aren’t doing anything (this includes Ray), and so, Kai, Ray and Cole are just being the ultimate braincell-less trio so when they see the tv thing about that pyramid and clutch powers, they decide to go there, just the three of them.
It all goes exactly the same as it did in the canon s11 until Aspheera’s tomb, the puzzle for it wasn’t a visual puzzle and a warning in hieroglyphs, but it was that same riddle about fire from late s15 and decoded, of course Kai solved it, and Aspheera was freed and she then took his powers. In this au, Cole’s the guy with Clutch’s book and therefore becomes the bro bro goo goo guy. Kai’s out-of-it cuz of Aspheera so Ray is the only other person there and he’s wondering what the fuck he’s managed to get himself into.
they get out of the pyramid (with difficulty), Wu is the one who rescues them (Pixal is on the funkey ocean adventure still), just like in canon, Kai wakes up and doesn’t have powers. They all try to fight Aspheera, it is Cole that gets sent to the never realm.
Then, in the remaining time between that point and when the other guys get back, we’d get some lovely moments of Kai trying to go to the never realm after Cole, but being stopped by Ray and Wu who are like ‘buddy, you have no powers, don’t even try it’. Then some father-son moments because theyre now the former elemental master of fire gang™️.
From this point onwards, it goes pretty much just like canon s15 after the other guys get back (but without Cole being there lol). One thing i’ll add is that the riddle in the expoler’s club is still the same one about fire, Kai is like ‘what the actual fuck, does nobody here know any other riddles?’
Nya still dies and its still heartbreaking.
Okay but imagine the angst of loosing both Nya and Cole in one season. I think that one of us would genuinely kill the writers.
And after this, season 11 part 2 would take place, with Kai convincing the others to go to the never realm with him in the hopes of finding Cole, and maybe answers of how to bring back Nya. When season 16 comes out I will continue and try to integrate it into this au, but for now, i will leave you with the concept of Earth Emperor Cole.
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ice-emperor-zane · 3 years
Anyways wip of Earth emperor Cole, from this (and kudos to @superstar-rockin-jay who made a design im basing mine off of, as well as the cave in s13 that had all the weird swirly thingies)
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when i colour it i might redo the lava-y bit because it looks a little bit too much like flames, though if we’re going for a fire emperor kai look ig it could work?
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ice-emperor-zane · 3 years
ALSO WAIT do u think that Cole would maybe be all like. Melty/lava-y?? Like cause Zane got all the ice growing on him when he was the emperor so do u think Cole would also have physical side effects like that? :00
Oh my god yes!
maybe in this au, something about Aspheera having Kai’s powers at the time made Cole’s powers more lava-y as well when he got hit with the staff, and when he had the staff and the scroll of forbidden spinjitzu, it only amplified that
And this made me change my mind, the mountains from the last post were actually volcanoes, which would explain why nobody climbed over them
Im off topic, back to his appearance, these all might seem a little obvious but, I’d like to think that his lava arms were a permanent thing you could see all the time, like a tattoo maybe, and the way his eyes glowed when doing the spinjitzu burst was constant as well, overtime the scroll also made him a lot physically stronger too. Oo and he’d always have armour made of rocks (and if/when i make a design for him, i can imagine it being heavily based off of the s13 cave and metalonia)
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ice-emperor-zane · 3 years
Hhhhhh i still wanna know more about how Ray and Maya decided to give up their powers while they’re still alive, if i make the simultaneous s11 s15 au then i will add my theory abt this btw
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ice-emperor-zane · 3 years
IM BACK SORRY ok yknow in s11 how lloyd goes to save Zane? Who do you think would trek to save Cole? Bc part of me wants to say Jay, because if he just lost Nya I feel like he'd go after Cole because he CAN'T lose another friend, he CANT, (and we saw how desperate and manic and reckless he got when he thought he lost Nya, so it could b probable thatd hed make some rash decision like that) but also maybe itd be Kai bc he might blame himself for Cole getting stuck there in the first place?? :0?
Omg yes!!!! your brain, like fr
Now that you mention it, I see it as either being Jay or Zane definitely (I was set on Zane until now but now I’m considering Jay too) (Id love if it were Kai but Kai doesn’t have his powers back for most of it, in fact I still need to think of a way for him to get those back, will update later if I think of something, I might have an idea if I can steal from a past au of mine 👀)
Okay I have a lot to say about my arguments for why it should be each character here so I’m gonna put a read more thingy
Okay so first of all, genuinely, I like the idea of it being Jay because like, about the bit where u said he doesn’t want to loose Cole as well as Nya, *glances at their season 4 fight* hnng the paralels between the two moments would be absolutely wonderful. Cole was his best friend and idk I think it’d be really impactful if he were the one to save him, also at least half of the points im about to make about Zane could totally apply to him.
Okay now onto my second idea that until now I was totally set on, Zane. Zane feels like he wasn’t there for Cole, he didn’t even get to say goodbye because Cole had already been sent to the never realm by the time the other guys had gotten back from their second visit to the island of the keepers. He knows that Cole (and Kai) had stayed behind on the mission because they were both afraid of water, and he feels bad that he never really even tried to help them overcome it. Even after he got back from their little trip, nobody had really had time to grieve Cole, there wasn’t enough time, they had to fight kalmaar. So now to find out that Cole was corrupted and hurting people and waiting to be saved for 60 years, and that it could’ve been preventable, really messed with Zane. He’d always tried to help those who cannot help themselves, but it felt like a superficial sentiment when he realised he could not help for Cole when he had to fight Aspheera basically on his own ( powerless Kai, Ray and Wu were minimal help in the fight).
there’s also the fact that Zane hasn’t done anything in this au yet and I need to change that, same with Lloyd I think
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ice-emperor-zane · 3 years
Okay so, an update on the simultaneous s11 s15 au, im writting it, im gonna do it, ive got an absolutely briliant idea and hhhhh its gonna be so poggers
one last thing to do is think of a better title, ‘simultaneous s11 s15 au’ doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue lmao
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ice-emperor-zane · 3 years
OK THO. About ur s11/15 au: Zane made the never realm all snowy and icy right? What do you think Cole would do/what effect he'd have on it?? :0
Oo i didnt think of this until now
right, there was already loads of mountains, right? Because remember when in canon s11 they climbed one to find the traveler’s tea? Yeah that
In this au, Cole made more via his powers, blocking off paths between the villages. Now only he, his advisor, and the army he’s made completely out of rocks, could move between the villages, cutting off communication and supply lines. They all soon had to pledge loyalty to him.
and this is the au for those who havent seen it yet
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ice-emperor-zane · 3 years
Maybe your Earth Emperor au could be called Lavabound? :0
Like Firebound but it has to do more with rocks??
right, okay consider: its called Lavabound, and because its a little bit split into two like season 11, we get the fire chapter (2.0), and then the earth chapter, or maybe the lava chapter if i really lean into the whole thing of Cole’s powers being more lava than earth when he becomes the earth emperor, and if so, should he be the lava emperor? idk earth emperor sounds nicer to say
(I would’ve said firebound and earthbound as the two parts and lavabound as the whole thing, but i cant hear the word earthbound without thinking of this show i used to like called yugioh 5ds which has this whole season about things called earthbound immortals, also having them all ending in ‘bound’ is probably too many bounds lmao)
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ice-emperor-zane · 3 years
girl help, yall know that bruh moment when its like gone 2am and im wondering, is it worth starting to actually write that njnjago au i was talking about a while ago, ya no lavabound (formerly the simultaneous s11 s15 au, and earthbound/firebound) 🥰
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