#sin is the best lol
auburniivenus · 9 months
       the  quiet  of  the  night  leaves  thoughts  to  wander  ,  ears  listening  ever  so  carefully   for  her  steady  breathing  in  the  other  room.  he  was.  .  . antsy.  each  night  ,  as  he  had  claimed  the  couch  for  better  or  for  worse  ,  his  own  thoughts  had  bombarded  him  continuously   ,  as  if  they  were  laughing  at  his  demise  of  being  in  such  a  position.  linked  ,   bound   to  someone  he  finds  himself  struggling  to  submit.  morals  ;  what  pesky  things  they  were.   a  huff  is  given  and  body  rises  ,  quiet  with  each  step  to  trail  to  the  room  in  which  she  laid.
       at  first  ,  he  simply  observes  ,  almost  idolizing   the  sight  before  him.  he  had  already  admitted  his  attraction  once  ,  and  even  now  does  he  find  such  an  odd  admiration   residing  in  his  gaze  upon  her.  light  as  feather  does  he  pull  himself  towards  the  bed  ,  and  soon  ,  slipping  onto  it.  soft  shhh   sounds  escape  as  he  lays  on  top  of  the  blanket  next  to  her  ,  digits  finding  her  own  to  curl  them  together.        ❛  do  not  freak  out.  ❜       a  whisper  as  he  inches  closer  ,  eyes  already  drawing  a  bit  heavy.        ❛  the  couch  hurts  to  sleep  on.  ❜
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I'VE   SEEN   THE   DEVIL   MORE   THAN   I'VE   SEEN   GOD.   In   the   dim-lit   arbors   of   repose,   she   slumbered,   ensconced   in   her   downy   abode,   surrounded   by   dreams   and   the   lambent   tendrils   of   somnolence.   A   chiaroscuro   embroidery   dabbled   her   facial   features   with   the   argent   beams   of   Diana's   lantern,   filtering   through   diaphanous   curtains   that   uttered   secret   tales   to   the   zephyrs.
Silent   as   a   wraith,   he   glided   into   the   chamber,   seduced   by   the   hypnotizing   lure   of   that   tender   scene.   He   came   unto   her   prostrate   form   upon   the   slumberous   pallet.   His   fingertips   reached   ætherward,   finding   succor   in   the   foil-crowned   orchid   of   Orihime's   hand.   As   their   digits   entwined   like   passionate   sphinxes   in   a   perennial   dance,   the   spellbound   connection   stirred   and   uncoiled.   The   fragments   of   dream-bestrewn   moments   parted   to   reveal   Aesma's   incarnadined   countenance   looming   over   her   like   the   impish   Pantheon   habituated   to   embracing   lovers.
As   consciousness   shimmered   through   the   depths   of   umbrageous   orbs   not   yet   fully   emerged   from   Morpheus'   realm,   a   becalming   warmth   engulfed   her   –   a   solace   amidst   Elysian   dreams   now   woven   with   reality.   Drawing   closer   to   him   as   if   guided   by   an   apiarist's   diligence   toward   nectar-rich   blossoms   and   pollen-laden   anthers,   she   sought   refuge   in   his   embrace.   “You’re   warmer   than   I   thought.”   A   somnolent   gentle   timbre   uttered   as   delicate   arms   clasped   around   him.
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hhhhleb · 2 months
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getting to know each other
they got stuck in the Void(?) for an indefinite period of time…without Ink's brush and vials.. they have nothing to do but talk i guess..(more thoughts in tags)
related to this thing with sci and this red ink thing
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idanit · 7 months
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undefeatablesin · 11 months
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eliseliedl · 1 year
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Favorite games I've played this year (so far)
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skyburger · 1 month
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me when im in a introducing myself contest circa october 1973 and my opponent is steve miller
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brehaaorgana · 9 months
People joke about ADHD all the time, even swear up and down they totally think they also have it, but then if you ask for an accommodation, to please please please provide things in fucking writing, EXACTLY what they want and need, you will even work it out WITH them, like they promised they would do — repeatedly over and over, and then you don't get it people really will fucking be like:
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I am using the incorrect bathroom (TM) to place my shelving and store my things. Homegirl literally removed various sundries and toiletries from a CLOSED CABINET and SHELF because she's interested in boundaries and accountability for my mess.
I said months ago I wanted to improve things for her comfort level and needed a written list of what precisely that fucking looked like in order to achieve it and not miss anything she deemed important. I explained how ADHD works, why I needed a written reference. Why I had to have it laid out, and if something needed changing we needed to write it all out. I would've made the list myself, but they said they would make it for the whole house to hold up their end of things. And, thinking this was a very reasonable adult solution to keeping the house in good shape, I said okay, come up with the list of expectations and what is needed and that way we can update how we handle chores. Awesome. I will do that to uphold my end.
No list ever gets made or drafted or anything despite my bringing it up, knowing we need to do it, but I DO get berated for failing to meet expectations and boundaries that were never fucking provided or delivered and include "don't store toiletries in this particular bathroom because I don't like it."
I can't believe I am a goddamn adult who gets treated like an idiot child for expecting adult communication instead of snide ass passive aggressive bullshit and basic respect for my things.
Because when I fucking get home, my shelving has been removed and a cabinet emptied of my things and placed in the "correct" bathroom.
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Oh shit she solved it, this doesn't look cluttered at all!
What a vast improvement to storing things in appropriate storage!
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val-of-the-north · 5 months
OKAY IMPORTANT UPDATE SO Crow convinced me that the more appropriate Type Of A Guy group is Allant, Gwyn, Aldia, Aldrich, Micolash and Shabriri, and it was actually Laurence who I unofficial 7th member because his portrayal and being pair item with Micolash is very speculative even if reasonable. As we in Russia say, пока запишем карандашом. I'd now ask you to write something funny and cringey for new super cool updated cast thanks to that CHICKEN, but this will just come across as me barely concealing my simping -_-" So I'll just ask for YOU to rate The Guys. You need to speak your opinions more, it is always good shit
Noooooo now I have to ramble about characters I hate that, fuck you. I hate rating people lol. But fineeeee:
Number 6 - Micolash lmaoripbozo
Ok ok, that's not actually true... I think my actual number 6 for the time being might be Shabriri. That doesn't mean I hate the guy, but he is simply a fucking dick. Like, so far he's the only one with not a droplet of cohesive motivation, and ending the suffering of everyone seems like a front for his true desire of seeing chaos consume reality. I like myself a seemingly pure evil baddie, but if I have to rate him with all the other dudes, he sorta pales in comparison. Maybe the DLC will expand on his philosophy and what he did before he had the Nomads entombed and decided to set the world ablaze with chaos. He IS very fun though, I will give him that lmao.
At number 5 I'd probably put Allant, though he might be subject to change whenever I get to play Demon's Souls. As was stated a bunch, he is a more depressed Shabriri, which makes him more genuine. His desire to end the suffering of mankind is true, unlike the previous prick, even if his methods of attaining that are fucked beyond compare. And that's the problem with him lol.
He only increased the world's suffering exponentially, because that's arguably what benefits the soul-hungry demons in the long run. He failed the one thing he wanted to do and probably doesn't even see it because he is too blinded by his own suffering and hatred of life. He is the reason his kingdom is run by corrupt officials, that his son gives up on life, and that most of his people have become food for unfeeling abominations. He is a weak leader. There's nothing wrong with being weak, but you are not supposed to drag the world down with you the way he decided to do...
Number 4 was hard to place since I am still not sure what I am rating them for... so far it seems to be the complexity of their motivations/actions and the way they went about them. I guess this spot could go to Micolash in this case. Most of his motivations (if they even are his, and not just those of the School of Mensis as a whole) are context-heavy, which isn't really good in terms of building a compelling case as to why he should be above someone like Allant... still, the amount of cut content centered around him points to him having had a much richer role than what meets the eye, which I believe boost the likelihood that his character is well-defined even in the full game.
(To be honest, even if we know very little of that version of him, I suspect I would have liked him more like that lmao.)
His pursuit of knowledge probably had a concrete goal before it spiraled into what we see in-game. Despite its horrible fuckups, the Healing Church did start out genuinely seeking ways to better humanity, but it distanced from it the more it continued. The Choir, where he and most of Mensis probably originates, already sought to abandon their human roots, and the school he was part of likely did so even more. But they wouldn't seek guidance from the Great Ones, they'd become on par with them.
And to rise above humanity they did unspeakable things... some of them didn't even make any sense. Why stitch together those horrible corpse beasts? Why switch the heads of two animals? Why cram all those human remains into one casket? Not to mention all the people that were kidnapped: half of them were strapped to chairs and the other half turned to stone and merged into the walls. Everything just to try and proceed with a deranged ritual that was only made possible by desecrating an infant and its mother.
And when you finally meet him he is just rambling to himself, all alone and surrounded only by corpse puppets, Edgar and the occasional attendant. He has been stuck between those halls for long enough that his body has been mummified, and doesn't seem to have made any significant progress. He has likely lost his mind, rendering whatever it was that he was seeking worthless. But hey, at least he was closer than anyone to finding out about Kos from outside the Hunter's Nightmare, so I guess we can give him that.
Also his cut dialogue is pretty emotional, and makes me wonder just how different he was before he lost his mind... I ultimately think I have a soft spot for him ahahah
Number 3 is Gwyn, but it was really close with Aldrich on this one, lol. I decided his goals were assuredly less complex/noble, even though his means weren't as grotesque. To be honest, I think he's a pretty maligned character, for good reasons mind you. He effectively screwed over everyone in an attempt to keep the status quo intact, and before that, he took several preventive measures that just made life miserable for people in the long run. All of this paints a rather unflattering picture of Gwyn, and I do not deny this. What I argue against is the reason why he did what he did... to me, Gwyn was genuinely afraid.
Kaathe says Gwyn "trembled at the Dark", he was surely afraid of what darkness and an age of men entailed, especially for his people and family. What he did feels less like something a power-hungry lord who seeks to keep his power intact would do and more like one desperate attempt to delay a force much greater than you. His was a sacrifice in the end, and while his legacy is and will inevitably be cinders in an empty world, what prompted him to do what he did was something understandable, and very human of him ironically enough...
As an aside, I'm actually not super convinced that Gwyn fits neatly into this group of guys either. Honestly, Dark Souls 1 might lack a character that embodies this vibe. Instead, it has several with only bits and pieces of it. I find it more fitting to group him with the likes of Marika and Laurence rather than these other dudes.
Number 2 is Aldrich as you could have probably guessed. He is an awful awful man, but his course of action is probably the most anyone had been doing before the Unkindled woke up to make DS3 happen lol. The world had reached a point of stagnation when nothing new was happening. The dark threatens the light, but then the flame is kindled again, rinse and repeat again and again and again... he was doing SOMETHING different and prompting change, even if it was in a way that could be considered disgusting, unpleasant and evil. The once beautiful Deep had been turned into a seedbed of filth because of the stagnant nature of reality and this seemingly endless cycle, and he alone saw salvation through a different kind of age. The start of a brand new, different thing.
The path was arduous, the means deranged, but he DID want something more than chaos for chaos' sake, unlike Shabriri. He wanted to change things, but not passively like Allant. He did not lose track of his goal the more he accomplished like Micolash did, and he did not wish to uphold the status quo but rather challenge it, unlike Gwyn. But I really, REALLY understand why everyone sees him and recoils in horror or thinks there's nothing more complex behind his actions than a simple hunger for power and flesh.
But you know Miyazaki, he likes to write characters who do some really awful things but still portrays them as courageous and heroic in their madness and skewed ways. I get the same vibe from Aldrich, but that doesn't mean he wasn't intentionally portrayed the way he was to inspire discomfort or hatred in most players ahahah. Both things can be true at the same time, and they are!
Lol number 1's Aldia. He's got everything Aldrich has except for his abhorrent mannerisms and vices. He is someone wholly dedicated to the pursuit of answers, and from what I can tell most of his test subjects were people who accepted his invitations to the keep, which was mostly other madmen with a similar desire to break the boundaries of reality. Of course, it wouldn't be a Soulsborne game without a good dose of war crimes, so he did do things to the giants who ended up as prisoners of war during the two conflicts his brother took part in, but he wasn't making chimeras out of them or wasting them in useless experiments at the very least. Heck, he pretty much turned one into a superior being who seems to be all chill.
All horrors he committed in his mansion were for a singular goal: breaking the curse and finding a way out of a played-out cycle, even by the time of DS2. And while the depths of this obsession show some pretty horrible results, he isn't at all the same as Aldrich, who relished in the suffering of his victims. One can find his experiments horrid, but the man himself not so much. He was simply devoted. So devoted in fact that he destroyed himself to the point he was left with nothing but an endlessly-smouldering body. And despite achieving a form that's arguably outside of the cycle, he still saw it as a failure, because it wasn't what he wanted for humanity.
I've heard him get called a fence-sitter because he promotes inaction, but to arrive at such a conclusion you have to ignore everything that led him to his current state, AND his words to the Bearer of the Curse. If anything, this dude probably did everything one could do in the hopes of changing things, I think he is allowed to feel disillusioned at the end of it all without being described as a fence-sitter. In what way is he one anyhow? Both potential ages suck. Any witless fool can just waltz in and burn themselves or let the flame die. Someone like him would literally have zero reasons to care about either outcome because all his work was meant to lead to something beyond it... but he failed and awaited someone else who would challenge the order of the world and succeed where he couldn't.
At the end of the day, I'm not saying he didn't do anything wrong lol, he still did some pretty weird shit... but I don't think it's insane to say that he is more respectable than basically everyone else on this list by virtue of actually being pretty selflessly motivated and for never losing the plot of why he was doing all those things in the first place.
I still don't know if I did good lmao, but yeah, this is what I think. If you noticed I get more verbose the deeper we go, that was intentional. It's not as if I don't have anything to say about Shabriri (you should know), it's just for the purposes of this "rating". Ultimately they are all prime characters.
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myths-of-fantasy · 4 months
I should be working on my other days
I am actually integrating magic more into The Black Wolf Capers.
Anyway VILE was now founded by a cult that worshipped a god, Greed who would offer his followers endless and eternal riches and is in constant conflict with the followers of Envy. Carmen was meant to be a vessel for Greed, merging with her soul to grant him physical form so he could better influence the world, but Dexter Wolfe tried to run off with her. It didn't work obviously, but eventually Carmen escaped before the transfer could happen.
Now VILE is chasing her around the world, both bc she's destroying their organization and also is preventing them from releasing Greed.
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fauville · 6 months
i forgot to take a screenshot of it but i LOVE the talk with A if you split up the team and fail to rescue the kidnapped boy. gotta be one of my favourite moments on book 3
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dutybcrne · 5 days
Me making a HSR verse for my oc: Hmmm so the plan on this one could maybe be a bad end for her tendency to fuck around and find out—
My brain: So anyways, make her whole deal a fucken horror story-
#Oceanxveiined#//Thas her blog#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//I mean it’s not THAT much of a horror thing anyways. Bordering on body horror ig (warning for that now jic)#//It’s basically ‘in her search for power to rival Aeons; she may or may not have gotten parasitized by monster maws essentially’#//Basically Me.nagerie from Arr0wverse ig? but x4; so ig it’s more like Scy||a from myths?#//Yeah#//Basically it’s 4 serpentine creature things that merged into her body at the lower back& can burst out when they feel like it/in battle#//The way I can best visualize what they look like is like. a combo of the Hydra heads from Hercu/es 1997#//And Ven0m when it pokes its head out of Edd|e lol. Smth like a mix of the two#//But yeah#//She gets so fucked up in every narrative she take part in lol#//Selling soul to a demon for power and slowly gets corrupted against her will by said demon bc they got attached? Yup#//Slowly succumbing to abyss influence and might might a fate like/worse than Jakob or the Sinners of Khaenri’ah? Yup yup#//Made a deal with a death god to save her brother& considering her heritage; it might mean eternal torment to counteract stealing a soul#back; all bc she’d been too desperate to get him back that she didn’t come up with a more clever plan? EYUP#//Those are her Descendants/fantasy verse; Genshin; and pjo verses respectively#//And then her bnha au; in which she keeps overusing her Quirk; esp with certain Quirk drug usage; to dangerous extents#//But y e a h#//Its fun#//I love my darling Dani so much#//Byt yeah; back on topic; that ain’t TOO much tho lol right?#//Eh; why not#//The galaxy is FULL of horrors#//I mean did you SEE the sin thirsters and Borisin plotlines??? or the Propagation???? B r u h
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zombolouge · 7 months
there are, as best I can tell, two grave advice sins that you can commit when giving advice that will render whatever you're saying useless and probably make people think you're a dick.
"I don't have this problem, and I've never had this problem, but I'm pretty sure this is how you should be solving this problem"
"I had this problem and solved it this way, and that means EVERYONE can solve it this way and it's the One True Solution."
The first means you're uninformed on the realities of the problem and there's a 90% chance whatever is going to fall out of your mouth has already been tried or has already been recommended a billion times. It doesn't matter if you read it online or heard someone else recommend it, unless you're asking the person about the variables in their situation first and really getting into the nitty gritty, you're probably just sounding like a pre-recorded flight safety message. Thank you for telling me how to buckle up and where the exits are, but nobody here is really explaining what I'm supposed to do about the clown with a chainsaw in the fourth row.
The second one is extra annoying because you could have given good, actionable advice if you'd actually thought longer about it than "problem solved, this is the answer to the math test, byeeeee". Motherfucker what we needed were the notes you used to arrive at the answer. Show your work. Because somebody else might be working with completely different variables, and if you hand them "the answer is 2" when they have a different number set, you're just handing them failure. If you hand them the equation, however, then they can apply some of it to their own problem and arrive at their own correct solution. For instance, if acknowledging a negative thought reduces it's effectiveness, the advice isn't necessarily "just accept the thought and move on!" it's examining *why* that acceptance helped. Perhaps because it removed guilt from the equation, meaning you were carrying one less thing while you tried to move forward? Great! That's useful! Someone can go "okay, what about this is making me feel guilty and what can I do to feel less guilty?" and then they have a workable approach.
Even just making the space for the fact that your solution is not the Only Solution can help fix either of these. Expand ur minds. Accept that the myriad of human circumstance will mean that we're all working with a different starting, middle, and end point.
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tastyfresh · 7 months
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i made an image in paint.net of what i always imagine as V1s (head)canon vision. because based on the Sentry's lore, most machines dont use fully rendered visuals of their environment to save on resources
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gothhabiba · 1 year
if people are so into “cultural Christianity” on here then why do they insist that no amount of repentance will ever wash away sin. hm
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undefeatablesin · 10 months
I have the creativity of a pea right now so lets Do A Thing ✨️
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mummer · 1 year
now that ive finished it the righteous gemstones is obviously a really funny show that i liked very much but it’s kinda interesting how it ends up pulling its punches about evangelicalism im fully aware it’s a silly comedy and not trying to Do Messaging and yet. like it really lampshades the extreme wealth etc but it doesnt really wanna CONDEMN it… so then you get a a billionaire conservative megachurch pastor who does all these objectively pretty terrible things while ALSO having him be Flawed But Really Good At Heart and not hate gay people.. like wym? are these people abusive or not actually not really it’s fine…. Does the show actually understand the structural evil of evangelicalism or not. is it like, BAD to be a megachurch pastor manipulating the masses for monetary gain or does the power of love and family and good intentions and apologizing override that. you cant hate eli too much dont worry dont think about it he isnt homophobic so it’s fine. Okay so the satire is completely meaningless then and doesnt work
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