#since Clownpiece is on the brain....
hanayanaa · 2 years
mmmmm drools last day of the year and i slept 15 hours because i had a cool dream...... well cool is not the right word probably but it was weird af and detailed af also (SUPER LONG AND CONVOLUTED there's like my splatoon agents and then also clownpiece gets involved for some reason and a lot of people die)
it was like. i don't remember all the details but rosie and ame were in this hotel together (al was simply not there) and bla bla normal vacation more or less except like people in this town were very touchy and had 0 sense of boundaries so they'd literally talk to u as if they'd known u forever when in fact they didn't know ur name at all
there was like this big building that was a giant slab of glittery raw marble and the top half had this pool and ame and rosie and some other random people they were friends with my brain invented went in and they just gave out free food in the middle of the pool. there was a bunch of people there but they managed to grab two slices of pizza
ermmm anyway this is where it gets fucked up bc rosie was alone in the hotel room and someone just barged in and started harassing them so they FUCKING JUMP OUT THE WINDOW and they're like fucking dead. and the dude is still up there like omg are u dead. Omg she's dead. Hey are you dead. Lol jumping like that you're definitely dead
anyway ame is like obviously fucking heartbroken and she leaves the hotel and has to drag rosies body back home with her on public transport 😭 and the trains were really weird and the station was not safe at all because there wasn't any railing or anything and it wasn't obvious when the train was urs cuz sometimes they'd drive right next to the platform and you're like oh it's my train and u step down but then it just goes and makes a turn and u almost get run over
also again people in this place had 0 sense of boundaries so ame was also getting harassed by random white women like one of them decided she was best friends with her and was determined to sit next to ame and Ames like No Go Away
like homegirl was insane she was like oh.... all the single seats are taken..... looks like you're gonna have to sit on the bench with meeeee :3
but ame wasn't having that bullshit she just went into swim mode and somehow managed to smash Rosie's corpse into swim mode also and just hid under the nasty ass train seats until she could manage to escape to the top level which she did eventually
anyway the area was nice af for the most part there was this one stop where the shops and stuff were all sanrio fairy kei sweet lolita esque designs like the entire area was like that, ame almost wanted to get off early to see but she had her dead girlfriend in her arms so....
the area she actually got off at was called like avenue oklahoma or something but it was actually this fancy victorian - 1920s fashion district. anyway ame's base/house was this highly secure underground area and she needed to use her fingerprint and eye to access it, it was like a vending machine that would open to this other door, which would then open to the elevator that goes down to the lab
anyway i don't really remember what happens next besides she cried a lot and cryogenically froze rosies body so she could revive her later somehow
Anyway this is where it gets even weirder because clownpiece and junko get involved somehow????????clownpiece is also at the hotel and she's being tasked with solving the mystery of who killed rosie i think and she also has to blend into human society which is fine for her but she's really mad that she can't fly since her wings are hidden. she hates stairs and thinks they're stupid and she also hates walking
she was stuck in the elevator for a while because it moved sideways as well and it was super large and people were obnoxious and dumb and they'd like being entire plates of food in or wear giant ballgowns and poor pipis' room was on the 7th floor out of 8 so she was stuck there while everyone came in and was all over her and each other
ummm the next part is a little blurry but i remember her leaving the hotel and getting chased by someone and she breaks protocol and spreads her wings and starts flying and shooting danmaku but she could also use her torch to turn into different touhous I remember she turned into sakuya and yuyuko among others, she did that to throw the guy off
forgot the next part but now she's in texas for some reason and there's a group of people i don't remember and junko is there and they're just walking casually through this big street and keep in mind clownpiece hates walking so she's a little grumpy
There's this other kid she's talking with I don't remember who but for some reason i wanna say it was Rosie ?????????? idfk this dream already makes 0 sense
anyway i remember they went into a park and rosie sticks their hand thru this hole in a bridge and just pulls out a fish and clownpiece was like "man if wakasagihime was here she'd be so fucking mad at you" and Rosie giggles like "yeah.... ripley (??????? @/energywarning's agent 3 oc) would also be really mad if she was here....." and then they start crying for some reason because I guess Ripley was also dead idfk
Rosie was like "if only i had a jar with me, id keep this fish. id treat it better than i ever treated ripley (???????????????????????)" and then they toss the fish back into the river with a sigh
and then the two kids toddle back to junko and the other adults and I think they were gonna go to yuyuko to beg her to revive Somebody which a) i don't think she can do b) i don't even know whos even dead at this point
Anyway and then I woke up bc it's fucking 8pm now and i took 30 minutes to recall and write all of this down
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outsidercocktail · 4 years
Song title: 夜のサーカス Arrangement: kaztora Vocals: lily-an Original song: The Pierrot of the Star-Spangled Banner (Clownpiece's theme) Source: Touhou Kanjuden ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom Circle: Liz Triangle Album: ether HP: http://liz-tora.com/liz-tora/
Translated by Releska | https://releska.wordpress.com/2016/01...
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thedrag0nking · 2 years
Ever since Koishi's tumor had been surgically removed and thrown out into the outskirts of gensokyo the tumor has mutated and grown into a replication of Koishi but only in infant stage. The creature in it's infant stage still has the grotesque traits of it's original tumor appearance, blisters and tendrils made from koishi's brain chunk but despite this she was trying to be a human and at first it was very successful right up until her mutation had gone out of control.
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Her mutation and ability to adapt to the land of gensokyo ended in a horrible catastrophe with her entire human visage grown into an sentient mass of destruction, brute strength and hunger Orga, the neo complex organism with a quest to survive, fight, and devour any lifeform in order to become human and live in gensokyo in peace without anymore of the violence and the killing.
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The monster orga have posessed Koishi's enhance stength, intelligence, regenerative abilities, and the ability to manipulate on the very subconscious of her foes make this very creature a force of nature towards organisms that gets in her way. What is most terrifying is that Orga can constantly adapt and evolve just like Koishi making her a lunatic based level threat as stated by maquis corporation. Now as the months went by Orga finally got her wish in the end as she is now one of the choosen NCOs to evolve into a neo shifter a creature that can switch from human to their true monstrous forms but to her dismay the shifters maintain some traits of their original forms. Her life is nothing but self loathe and bitter hatred towards herself and her entire existence.
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But when it comes to despair there's always rage as Orga in her last effort has developed an ultimate form that symbolizes the woman who had seperated her. Orga when in a state of absolute rage can transform into the true monster of Koishi Dorgaron. Dorgaron is the stuff of nightmares, a monster that resemble a a disfigured bastardization of the dragon god. Her strength and durability had been boosted along her fire power she lost the will to consume, but gain the will of destroying you. Sharp spikes, skin as black as shadow, and the killing potential of Koishi Yakumo its all over when unleashed the black dragon in her. Not even the most powerful of yokai be it Yuuka Kazami, Hecatica, Junko, and even Clownpiece or anyone can stop and defeat the abomination turned dragon from within.
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She's been on the threat watchlist by maquis corporation for a while now when she's first documented ans there are villagers who're in the village known her existence as being the second spawn of the black dragon alongside koaru, thus they earn her the title of unloved child. As despite her depressing existence of self loathing Orga human or monster is the skilled crimson dragon and her self loathing is what keeps her going.
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reimuhakureivevo · 3 years
Without looking up any names, how many 2hu girls can you name off the top of your head?
Oh, this might be a challenge, might going to forget their last names since there is SO MUCH to remember so please apologize from my fuzzy memory if I do forget them!
Reimu Hakurei
Marissa Kirisame
Lily White
Sakuya Izoyai
Flandre and Remilia Scarlet
Patchouli Knowledge
Hong Meiling
Ichirin Kumoi
Byakuren Hijiri
Utsuho Reiuji
Satori and Koishi Komeiji
Aya Shameimaru
Tewi and Reisen Inaba
Mokou Fujiwara
Youmu Konpaku
Suika Ibuki
Aaaaand I'm going to stop here as I'm about to feel like my brain is going up into flames.
If it weren't for that then I could list deeper from my mentality.
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homokommari · 6 years
I'm so annoyed rn as a Touhou blog i used to love has just posted an image of Clownpiece in booty shorts and says ages are subjective in touhou despite it being canon since 2005, 13 whole years ago, fairies are ALL 10 years ore younger. that's not subjective at all
aren’t faries usually characterized as childlike in their personalities and often in looks as well even outside touhou? so like to me the faries appear as children very obviously and yeah thats the series canon too
idk what blogger this is but i hope they grow a brain and delete that shit -_-
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