#since i've got ideas for it eyyy
TWST Valentines Cards 2023
Hell yeah, it's that time of the year again.
Going to make another post keeping record of this year's set of letters. Some cards haven't been found yet, so this post will be updated as I find more cards. If there is an asterisk beside a character's name, that means I only got the text itself but there may be errors and needs to be verified with the picture of the card itself. If any of you have pictures of letters that are either not there or need verification and don't mind showing to anyone, please send to me through DMs!
Since the cards freshly came out and some are still waiting for their own letters, all letters will be posted under the cut!
Riddle Rosehearts
My dear friend— Thank you for the lovely sweets. I'll have them on my study breaks. If they're good, perhaps I'll set them out at a tea party. You'll certainly be invited if I do. After all, there's no rule that states you can't join.
Trey Clover
Hello, friend— Thanks so much for the gift. It was exactly my taste, with just the right amount of sweetness. I can tell you thought a lot about what to get. I'll come up with a recipe based on these sweets sometime. I hope you'll taste test it for me.
Cater Diamond
Eyyy, friendo! Sweets aren't normally my jam, but the ones you picked out were PERF—and they looked great too! You must've put in some WORK picking them out. So, thanks! I'll make sure to do the same for you!
Ace Trappola
Heya, pal— I kinda freaked when I saw you left a present at my door—in a good way! You actually sent me sweets! You could've just given them to me in person, you know. I haven't had any yet, but I'm sure they'll be great! We should share them at lunch tomorrow.
Deuce Spade
My good friend— Thanks for the amazing gift! You got me those mega-popular sweets we just talked about, right? They were so good! It's kind of a shame I ate them all. Have you had any? I guess it'd be weird if I gifted you the same thing, but come shopping with me sometime and we can pick out some sweets for you.
Leona Kingscholar
Hey— You give me SWEETS? I swear, sometimes I don't know what goes through that noggin of yours. I'll be nice and say I appreciate the sentiment...this time. But don't expect any glowing food reviews.
Ruggie Bucchi
Hey, 'sup. I got the sweets you sent! It's always a good day when someone gifts me food. These are supposed to be real popular right now, yeah? They must've been hard to snag. Shyeheehee, that makes them doubly good! Thanks a ton!
Jack Howl
Hi, I was surprised when I smelled something sweet at my door. Consider your present received. I still can't believe you gave me such cutesy-looking sweets. Not that I'm unhappy about it, of course. I actually like candy and stuff. Thanks.
Azul Ashengrotto
My boon companion— Thank you for the heartfelt gift. I suppose I owe it to you to partake of these sweets. Don't worry. Once I've analyzed the flavor, I'll gift you something equally delicious. After all, fair's fair.
Jade Leech
My good friend— You've outdone yourself. Sweets that pair well with black tea? My deepest thanks. I'm flattered that you thought of me so when selecting them. You've inspired me. I'm going to spend my mountain hikes pondering just the right tea blend to suit your palate. I do hope you'll enjoy it.
Floyd Leech
Dear little shrimpy— I saw your present. You got me candy? That rules! I was JUST in the mood for something sweet. I might not be tomorrow though, so I think I'll polish them off today. Thanks.
Kalim Al-Asim
To my dear friend— Thanks for the present! What colorful and sparkly sweets. They look delicious! I just had an idea! How about we eat them together after school? Gifts like this taste better when shared, after all. I'll pick out a good tea to go with them. Can't wait to see you later!
Jamil Viper
Hello— I was surprised to see you gifted me sweets. At first I wondered if you were hinting for me to make you something similar... But when I pulled the gift out of the bag, I saw all the details you put into it, right down to the ribbon. It's clear this was a heartfelt gesture. I'll treasure these treats as I eat them. Thank you.
Vil Schoenheit
Dearest friend— Thank you for the gift. The sweets were dazzling and most attractive. Did you try to imagine what I'd like when picking them out? If so, you made an apt choice. I'll have something for you later in return.
Rook Hunt
Bonjour, and merci beaucoup! What a lovely batch of confections! They’re so darling that I’m tempted to stow them away in a brilliant bejeweled box. Ah, but I jest. I’ll enjoy every morsel of this gift you’ve so thoughtfully bestowed upon me.
Epel Felmier
Dear friend— Thanks for the gift! Sweets from the city have a real fancy vibe, don't they? I'll savor every bite. I know this isn't exactly a gift, but I just scored some coupons for the cafeteria. Wanna join me for lunch tomorrow? Just wait for me, and I'll find you!
Idia Shroud
@YOU huh? What the wha? im low-key scared here why would u give me sweets??? ig that sometimes i run low on sugar when ive been gaming too long and my aim becomes trash... ok sure, if this is ur way of looking out for me, ill take it
Ortho Shroud
Hello, Prefect― Thanks for the present! The sweets were very charming and cute, not to mention colorful. What neat designs! I'll make sure to save this as a special memory. I've run the data on their base ingredients, and hope to gift you some fitting sweets in return soon.
Malleus Draconia
To my dear friend— Thank you. Never did I envision someone presenting me with the gift of sweet treats. It would be a shame for me to eat them all by myself. I think I'll share them with you. Would you be willing to provide the tea to go with them?
Lilia Vanrouge
Greetings! Your present was delightful. The treats had a subtle sweetness that was perfect for a slightly mature fae like myself. I'll be making you a lovely treat in return, using a very special recipe of mine. I hope you'll enjoy it.
Salutations— Thanks for the gift. I read once that sugar can boost your concentration. Did you give me these to snack on when I'm about to nod off during my studies? That was very considerate of you. I think I'll try them out today.
Sebek Zigvolt
Human— I've received your gift. It was agreeably sweet. In fact, it might've been sweet enough to make black coffee bearable... But I digress. Regardless, I was somewhat impressed with your choice. You have my thanks.
Dear hench-human— Mraaah! Is this ALL for me?! I've never seen such sparkly, yummy-lookin' candy before! I feel like a king! But I'd feel bad leavin' you out of this sugar extravaganza, so I GUESS you can have a small piece. I'm lookin' forward to more gifts, partner!
Dire Crowley
Dear esteemed student— Thank you for the delicious gift. And don’t bother telling me I was supposed to share it—I’ve already finished the whole package! If you wish for the staff to also partake, I suggest you acquire more treats. But don’t worry, I won’t say a word if you give the same gift twice. I’m kindhearted like that!
Divus Crewel
Dear pup— Is this a gift for the staff? Excellent. Now that I have some treats to sweeten my breaks, I'll be able to grade your exams with a much more critical eye. I can see the grimace on your face now. Relax, it was a joke. It's usually frowned upon for dogs to be the ones buying gifts, but since you're such a loyal pup, I'll let you off. I'm a generous trainer, after all.
Mozus Trein
Dear juvenile— I must wonder why you decided to get me a present. Is this your way of thanking me for my lecture the other day? If so, gifts are hardly necessary. It's a teacher's job to educate students with a thirst for knowledge. I can't accept any offerings from students, but the sentiment is much appreciated. I expect nothing but excellence from you moving forward.
Ashton Vargas
Dear student— Thanks for the present! Excessive sugar is a no-go when building a beautiful bod, but it'd be bad form to let your thoughtful gesture go to waste. Such is the price of popularity. I'll just have to accept that and work off everything I eat. Keep up those reps!
Yo, little imp! What is UP? Thanks so much for the gift! You've got a real eye for quality. I'll make sure to stock up on goods that'll pique your interest, so swing by the shop soon!
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rxttenfish · 1 year
Eyyy there! I've been playing Monster Prom recently and got the EEL ending. It seemed pretty interesting to me that Aaravi, of all characters, didn't show up to Miranda's funeral(or at least, there's no Polaroid showing it.) Since you ship the two, d'you have any idea as to why that's the case?(should this have been a deliberate choice)
honestly in the main game i just assumed that like. aaravi and miranda were never that close? while i do mention the fact that aaravi and miranda have never interacted in canon as another fun little selling point for my ship (because i like untapped potential and also rare f/f pairs that no one else is thinking of), its also still like. a decently important thing to understand in terms of where both of them are at in canon and why this ship is just me clutching onto a piece of driftwood.
like i honestly just assumed that aaravi heard that miranda got killed in a coup, went "huh. well that's what she had coming for being a fucking royal" and continued about her day.
and honestly from the outset i dont think aaravi would like miranda very much? this is a feature of my ship as well, of them gradually starting to understand each other more and having their affections slowly form as they realize they have more in common than they thought - but i REALLY can't imagine any case where the two of them start out thinking super fondly of each other.
aaravi hates authority and hates people telling her what to do and is prickly and aggressive even to the people who stand a much better chance of her liking them, and miranda's a blueblood with strict limitations on who she even deems to be a person and a notorious habit of treating poorly anyone who doesn't immediately recognize her as a Superior. there's no way getting around the fact that these two, on just the face of it, would immediately have problems with each other, and while that's why i like this ship, it's also something that can't come out of nowhere and would probably be super out of character for aaravi to do.
similarly, if they were actually starting to get to know each other in some meaningful way that would make aaravi potentially upset at miranda getting assassinated - aaravi's a tsundere. she HATES for other people to see her in moments of weakness, she has a high barrier of trust that needs to be earned before she'll feel even Moderately Okay crying around someone else, and funerals are like. prime location for a lot of other people seeing you at a low point. especially because miranda's a royal and this is a royal funeral we're talking about. if aaravi needed to process that death, then she'd likely be doing it alone, and that's if she doesn't just decide to repress everything and entirely ignore her emotions in some maladaptive way of coping with them.
even moreso because i kind of see miranda and aaravi as two sides to the same coin, if this makes sense? and in a sense, miranda's constant fear of assassinations and betrayals and coups is VERY similar to aaravi's paranoia around monsters and fear that she can never trust them because they'll always betray her and always want to hurt her in the end. both of these were even encouraged by both of their families, with miranda's family obviously sowing distrust for commonfolk and with aaravi's mom training her to be a slayer going tenfold after her dad left them.
if miranda can get killed out of nowhere from someone that she trusted, and she's shared this fear with aaravi and related to her with it, then aaravi is all too aware that that's not a far cry from her own situation, and it's even a validation of her own fears. someone else she trusted could do the exact same thing to her, planning to kill her and executing such a plan after going through so much effort to ensure that aaravi let them in. if miranda's death is fresh in her mind, then why would she go to a funeral full of nothing but monsters? especially if they might see her cry or get emotional, and right when someone else she knew had her emotions manipulated in the same way because she was vulnerable. not only might aaravi be mourning, but she might have a flareup of her own trust issues and paranoia and trauma, and she might not be in the kind of state where she can go to that kind of event.
it also gets all the more complicated once we consider aaravi's relationship to death. killing monsters is one thing, but she's also seen her mom slowly die, and at that point in monster prom, i believe she still thinks that her brother is dead. funerals could be especially loaded for aaravi, and its very likely that she hates going to them from experience, and could have intentionally passed it up, especially if she just thinks miranda's going to be dead anyways, and no amount of sitting around at a funeral with a bunch of other people is going to bring her back or make them even care. it might not even be about miranda herself, and moreso just that aaravi's relationship to death is already complicated as-is.
but yeah. most of this is just speculation on my part and because i'm out here propping up miravi as a ship, but my opinions on why they didnt do it in-game is just that miranda and aaravi have never interacted and thus aaravi wouldn't care enough to go.
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nataliesewell · 7 years
blank pages ;
ALIZA / SCHOLAR - CENTRIC; sweet elite. she may want to take the entertainment industry by storm and make a difference through scriptwriting, but first she must navigate the hectic hallways of high school. a series of oneshots and drabbles, all centered around aliza shah’s time at the prestigious arlington academy.
part one: aliza moves into her dorm room.
“That’s the last of it,” Hareem says, setting the last of the boxes down. She rests her hands on her hips as she takes in the sea of boxes littering the dorm room. “So. You’ve officially moved out, at sixteen. When I was your age, I was lucky to even be allowed to go to the movies with my friends.”
“I guess Dad and Mom trust me more than they trusted you.” Aliza’s lips twitch into a grin.
Hareem rolls her eyes. “Uh huh, laugh it up. We’ll see if you’re still smiling when you have to make your own food... do your own laundry... clean your own room...”
Aliza’s smile had disappeared by ‘do your own laundry’. “Dude, stop scaring me more than I already am.”
“Just telling it like it is. Now, you want me to stick around for a bit?”
“Uh, hell yeah.” While she may not outright admit it, her stomach’s in knots at the thought of staying at Arlington Academy. All alone. No familiar face in sight. (Plus, she wants to put off unpacking for as long as she can.) Aliza’s dreading the inevitable: when Hareem has no more reason to stay, and drives the two hours back home. “You don’t have anything important to do today, right?”
“Nope. I finished my assignment early so I’m good.” Hareem opens the door. “If I remember all those pamphlets Dad insisted on getting for this place correctly, there’s a cafe nearby. Wanna get something from there? My treat. Least I could do, since I don’t have to see your ugly mug at home anymore.”
“I both hate and love you,” Aliza told her sister as they leave her dorm room, locking the door behind them.
“I just hate you,” Hareem counters, even as she puts an arm around Aliza’s shoulders.
They walk down the hallway; the other rooms’ doors are closed, not a soul in sight. Thank god for that. Aliza isn’t prepared to meet the other girls. Not that she’ll ever be.
Hareem looks around, whistling appreciatively. “This place is awesome. Even with all the info and pictures, the pamphlets didn’t do Arlington justice. I mean, we’re walking on a literal red carpet.”
“You getting green with envy?” Aliza teases.
“Very,” her sister says. “My high school looked nothing like this. Hell, even my college is subpar when you compare it to Arlington.”
Aliza hums. “Must be thanks to the rich neighbourhood and richer parents.”
“Oh, definitely. You know, in class, we actually discussed how property taxes play a huge part in determining a school’s budget---” Hareem continues with her anecdote, and Aliza listens intently, even as she finds her chest constricting.
She’s going to really, really miss this. When will she have the chance talk to any of her sisters in person? Or her parents for that matter? A knot begins to form in Aliza’s throat, and she swallows thickly. No, she will not cry. She refuses to.
Aliza holds up admirably, throughout the time they spend at the campus cafe---which is sleek and polished, much like the rest of Arlington---and lasting until she’s seeing Hareem off.
“God, this is so weird,” Hareem says, about to step into the car. “None of us have ever left for school, and now...”
“You’re telling me. I still can’t imagine living here, as nice as it is.” Aliza hesitates for a moment, then moves forward to hug her sister. “I... might miss you. Kind of. A little.”
Hareem laughs, wrapping her arms around her. “Yeah, well, I’m a text or phone call away. And you know Mom will want to FaceTime literally every single day; I’ll pop in from time to time. You’re still in the family group on Whatsapp, right?”
“Unfortunately.” Her family loves Whatsapp too much; her phone pings a million times a day. Normally she doesn’t check the app, but now... Aliza steps out of the hug, watching as her sister gets into the car.
“Have fun being independent,” Hareem tells her.
Aliza rolls her eyes. They both know how shit she is when it comes to being responsible. Still, it looks like she’ll have to learn. Fast. “Thanks for helping me with moving.”
“No prob. Later, nerd.”
Aliza snorts as Hareem rolls up the window, waving when the car peels out of the parking lot. The lump in her throat from before returns with full force, and she hastily blinks away tears.
“Stop acting like a baby, Aliza,” she mutters to herself, stuffing her trembling hands in her pockets and beginning the trek back to the dorms. “I should be happy to get away from Dad and Mom’s nagging. And... and Hareem won’t be able to boss me around anymore. I’m free.” The words don’t reassure her whatsoever.
But it’s whatever! She needs to focus on tomorrow, when classes begin. When her time at Arlington becomes all too real. She’s in the department of performing arts, and will be learning more about writing, just like she had imagined ever since she was offered the scholarship.
As excited as she is, Aliza’s still morose. The moment she enters her dorm room, closing the door behind her, her chest only grows tighter. With a sigh, Aliza carefully walks around the numerous boxes and throws herself onto her bed---she needs to unpack her sheets and blanket, but she can go without for one day---and tries to relax.
She’s crying in earnest within seconds.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: i originally wrote this for the se 30 days challenge (writers edition), but this... took a turn i did not expect. as you can clearly see, lmao. but it would be pretty overwhelming, to move away from home at a fairly young age?? that’s what i think anyway lol.
this series is kind of lax, and won’t be updated all too much at first. mainly because i’m hesitant to introduce the entire cast of sweet elite, since the demo isn’t even out yet. wouldn’t want to mischaracterize anyone. >< and it definitely won’t always be angsty, lmao. promise.
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marrsheu · 3 years
It's You
requested: nopee
Haseul x 13th member reader
warning: hate
Y/n was walking mindlessly around BBC not even hearing her member's calls. She heard footsteps nearing her but paid no mind, she soon felt a figure jump and wrap their slender arms around her neck forcing Y/n to catch their thighs into a piggyback ride. Without a thought Y/n looked back and asked the older member. "Yves unnie? What are you doing??".
"Yah I've been calling you nonstop you didn't even bat an eye on me" Yves said worried laced to her voice. Stood stuck and dazed Y/n can barely hear what her member even said. Yves saw the concerned look you have as you stare into nothingness decided to catch your attention in hopes that you would open up to her your thoughts. "Hey is something bothering you?". You looked at Yves with watering eyes as you let your emotions flow. Yves shocked at what's happening pulled you in inside a room while she embraced you in hug wondering what had happened for you to breakdown. You're the type to keep things all for themselves not because they don't trust you it's just that you prefer keeping the burden to yourself. That's one of the reasons why you are so attached to Haseul, she reads your emotions and thoughts like an open book so opening up to her is always been easier than opening up to other members. With that in thought Yves knew that whatever is bothering you it must've been very important and serious.
"Hey, hey Y/n I'm here, it's okay let it all out" Yves trying her best to comfort you. You pulled away from Yves' embrace you chuckled, and gave Yves an apologetic smile when you saw a huge wet stain on her shirt. Yves confused looked at what you are look, smiled back at you. "Sorry about your shirt unnie" "Eyyy~ don't mind that it's just a shirt anyways, soooo do you wanna talk?" You nodded.
"I messed up unnie. Haseul and I got into an argument earlier. I posted a photo at our Instagram account, I decided to read some comments but I can't help but read the increasing amount of hate comments I have recently been getting. People have been telling me to leave Haseul alone and that I'm nothing but a nuisance to Haseul and to the whole group. So I decided to distance myself from you guys and especially from Haseul. She confronted me on what is happening but of course my sensitive ass self decided to raise my voice at her and walk out, when all Haseul wanted was to ask if somethings wrong. My insecurities have been eating day by day the more I see and read hate comments. And know I'm looking for a way to apologize to Haseul, I know it wouldn't be easy. I promised her that I would never raise my voice to her EVER knowing full well that it takes a toll on her. I don't know what to do unnie" I ranted to Yves unnie.
Yves looked at Y/n and said "Well no shit sherlock you did mess up." Yves joked trying to live up the mood. You laughed at her joke taking full responsibility of what you have done. "How about you take Haseul out on a date or do something special you know?" You nodded at what Yves said. "I mean we all have been very busy since our comeback is right around the corner so maybe you take her out on a date just before our schedules became even more hectic" Yves advised. " Yeah actually that's great the least I can do for now is take her out on a date and apologize" "Oh! I had an idea Yves unnie how about I take Haseul on a picnic date, I recently saw this wonderful place by the cliff when a walked out on her earlier maybe I can take her there?"
"That would be awesome! You know she was watching The Fault in our Stars with Yerim just a few mins ago. I hear that there was a romantic picnic scene in that movie." Yves said enthusiastically. "Great! Unnie can you help me set up pleaseeee" You gave Yves your puppy eyes. *barfing noises* "Fine FINE! I'll help but get that puppy eyes away from me" offended on how Yves responded you decided to just keep going just for the sole reason of seeing her annoyed face.
"Haseul unnie….Haseul unnie……UNNIE!" Haseul was snapped out of her little daydream when she saw a worried Yerim look at her. "Unnie is there something wrong? You didn't even get to see the romantic picnic they had." "Oh, sorry just a little distracted" Haseul said trying to assure the younger member, but Yerim still bothered with Haseul's response, turned off the tv and faced Haseul instead giving Haseul her full attention. "What's wrong unnie, I can tell something is on your mind when you decided to watch a movie at 10 pm at night, don't even bother making excuses you watch Shrek movie at 4 am."
Haseul sighed knowing that she can't get away from the younger. "Y/n and I got into a fight" Haseul said timidly "WHAT" Haseul covered her ears shocked at how loud Yerim shouted, and also shocked that apparently Chuu heard it to and shouted also. Haseul told them what happened. "I was just for her, she has never been so distant to me and I feel so hopeless seeing her so caught up on her thoughts. Does she not trust me enough to tell me what's wrong?".
"Unnie I think that-" Chuu was cut off when Yves came crashing on the door. Yves still panting ushered Haseul out of the dorm.
"Yves calm down! Would you please stop tugging on my arm and explain to me what is happening" "No time to explain, someone is waiting. I'll explain to you later once we get there.". Haseul let Yves pull her in the car as they drove off to God Jihyo knows where. The 2 arrived at their destination and got out of the car, Haseul saw a candle lighted path. She was about to ask Yves where are they and what is going on, but saw that Yves left her and drove off already.
Haseul followed the path and saw you there with a portable piano, still confused with what is happening You directed Haseul to sit at the picnic blanket. You saw that Haseul is waiting for you to make the first move, you started playing the song.
Here we are under the moonlight
I'm the one without a dry eye
'Cause you look amazing
I'm sorry for whatever I've caused
Before today I knew I felt lost
But now you're my lady
Haseul listening to you singing saw that apologetic look on your face. She knew what's the reason of this event, so many questions flying around her mind but kept to herself wanting Y/n to finish first.
All the times I've been alone, showed me the way
Led me here, led me home
Right through that door straight to you
You're my love, my life, my beginning
It's you
Y/n stood up and walk towards Haseul not breaking eye contact. Y/n reached for Haseul's hand caressed it with her thumb. "Haseul, I'm sorry, I know that you were worried of me and just want to help but I raised my voice and got mad at you, you don't really have to forgive-" Y/n was cut short when Haseul pulled her in to close the gap, as their lips touched both melting into the warm embrace of each other as their lips danced under the moonlight. The two pulled away breathing heavily as they both smiled contently. Y/n continued to sing.
You're my love, my life, my beginning
And I'm just so stoked I got you
Girl, you are the piece I've been missing
Remembering now
All the times I've been alone, showed me the way (you showed me)
Led me here, led me home
Right through that door straight to you
You're my love, my life, my beginning
It's you
You soon finished as you sang the last line you didn't hesitate to pull Haseul in for another kiss. In that moment all the burden all the insecurities and worries faded as the both you cherished a moment in the dark starry night.
Heyy HAHA it's been a few days since I have posted. Sorry since i haven't posted much, Soojin leaving took such a huge toll on me and I just had a writers block soo yeah been having a hard time to think of plots. Hope y'all enjoyed reading this story~
-frOOty 🥰
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fanfic-chan · 2 years
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I posted 823 times in 2021
129 posts created (16%)
694 posts reblogged (84%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 5.4 posts.
I added 273 tags in 2021
#fanfic chan talks - 90 posts
#ask games - 44 posts
#sfw - 23 posts
#bnha+tickling - 23 posts
#sfw tickles - 23 posts
#fanfic chan's favorites - 18 posts
#bnha - 16 posts
#tickletober2021 - 13 posts
#haikyuu tickle - 13 posts
#asks - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 111 characters
#just know you have my respect. i've been drawing consistently for three years now and i understand the struggle
My Top Posts in 2021
Hi! I dont know if you already have an idea or something for day 2 but I would love to see something with Shoto waiting to get tickles (since he enjoys them I think) but he doesn't know when he's going to actually get them and the anticipation is killing him hehe, as for the lers it could be anyone you want!
Tickletober Day 2: Anticipation
Eyyy this prompt was so flustering to write hvdhngdgdb!! I really did enjoy it though and I hope you like it! Also, Tickletober Prompts are still open if anyone is interested! You can see which numbers are already taken on the post! This is open to all my current Fandoms but I am in need of some Haikyuu ones so those would be especially appreciated! Thank you!^^
Ler: Bakugou
Lee: Todoroki
"Shut up you overglorified hotpocket!!! Stop laughing or I'll kill you!!"
"I- I'm sohohohorry, it's just- Youhou just- pffftahahaha!!!" He really did try, but by that point, Shouto was giggling so much that he just couldn't seem to stop.
It had all started when he and Bakugou were sitting in the common room together, quietly watching some cooking competition that was on. Bakugou had ended up getting mad at one of the participants for some reason, leaping up and exclaiming that whatever they'd done was 'a crime against food!' at the exact same time that Gordon Ramsay said the same thing on the TV, and as if that wasn't funny enough by itself, the remote that Bakugou had flung into the air in his outrage ended up smacking him right in the head when it fell back down, making him yelp in surprise. For whatever reason, Todoroki had found this entire display completely hilarious and had burst into the most joyous and uncharacteristic giggles that anyone had ever heard from him, and Bakugou's reaction to this only seemed to make it even worse.
First, something like shock and awe had crossed his face, having never really heard the usually stoic boy like that laugh before unless he was being tickled, then it morphed into confusion when he couldn't figure out why he was laughing, then finally anger when realization finally seemed to settle in and it became obvious that he was laughing at him.
"Fine! You want something to laugh about? You got it!"
"No wait! Bahahakugou wait! I'm sohohohorry!"
Todoroki yelped when he was suddenly tackled onto the couch and immediately dissolved into cackles when his friend started ruthlessly digging into his sides. 
"AIEEEHE- NO! Bakuhuhugou! Wahahahait!  PLEAHEHEASE! I'M SOHOHOHORRY!!!"
Todoroki screeched helplessly and tried to squirm away, but that only caused Bakugou to straddle him, making any previous hopes of escape quickly fade away from his mind, and since he didn't suspect that he'd be getting out of this for quite a while, he simply went limp, squeezed his eyes shut, and latched onto his classmates wrists for dear life, preparing himself to endure Bakugou's merciless wrath. 
But then something strange happened. All at once, not even a minute after it had started, it stopped, and he peeked an eye open in confusion (and disappointment) to see Bakugou staring down at his hands with a devious smile. 
"Hmm, actually, I think I have an even better idea of how to get my revenge on you for laughing at me."
See the full post
59 notes • Posted 2021-10-03 07:23:24 GMT
A Mother's Love
So, I had the idea for this earlier today and thought, "You know what? There is a criminal lack of Mama Midoriya in the tickle community. I'm gonna fix that." And here we are. Overall, I'm pretty happy with how this turned out! It's super fluffy and really heartwarming, I hope you guys enjoy it too!
Warnings: This is a SFW tickle fic. Don't like, don't read.
Ler: Inko
Lee: Young Izuku
"Now, I wonder where my little Izuku could be? Hmmm… Could he be.. under the table?!" Inko quickly peeked under the piece of furniture, despite knowing that her little boy wasn't under there.
Her six year old son, Izuku, had requested that they play hide and seek indoors since it was raining outside and he couldn't go outside to play. It was rare that Izuku ever wanted to play anything besides heroes, so even though she loved playing any game with him, it was a nice change of pace.
They were currently on their last turn before Inko would need to go make dinner, and she was the seeker. She knew her son was hiding behind the curtains in the living room, but was making a show out of looking for him anyway just to add to the fun. It hadn't been hard to figure out where he was really, because he giggled everytime she looked in the wrong spot.
She looked in a few more places before finally deciding to make her move, creeping up silently on her unsuspecting little green bean.
Izuku tilted his head in confusion. His mom had been pretty talkative while looking for him before, but now she was completely silent. He peeked his head out cautiously, and when he didn't see her, he stepped out. "Momma?.." Had she gone in another room? Oh no! Was she worried that he'd disappeared because he'd hidden to well?!
He almost started tearing up at the thought, but his panic was short lived when he was scooped up from behind, and he squealed. 
"There you are! I told you mommy was gonna find you!" His mother cheered as she cradled him in her arms, tickling his tummy gently. 
The reaction was instantaneous, and the little boy giggled hysterically. "AIIIEEEHEHEHEHE!! MOMMAHAHA!!"
"Momma? I'm not momma! I'm the tickle monster! And I'm gonna getcha Izuku!" She ended up releasing him after saying this, and he took off with his mothe- no, the tickle monster at his heels.
He ran all around the house, screaming with giggles and eyes sparkling with joy as she chased him, and he wasn't even upset when she finally caught him when he climbed over the couch. He just giggled hysterically as she scribbled her fingers at his sides and gently squeezed at his sweet spot, his hips.
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73 notes • Posted 2021-08-04 22:45:15 GMT
Tickletober Day 3: Kisses
Oh. My God. This may actually be one of the best things I have ever written. It's just so cute and adorable what?! ❤️😭 I really really love how this one turned out, and in the end I'm glad I took the extra time on this one even if it's a little late. I hope you guys like it! 💕 Tickletober prompts are still open!
Ler: Koda (Sort of?)
Lee: Deku
It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and Koji Koda, Class 1A's resident shy giant as some liked to call him, had decided to spend his weekend walking through one of the many trails that UA had on campus. He was humming contentedly to himself, listening in on the gossip of the birds and the gentle whistling of the wind in the trees above him, when suddenly he heard it. Faintly at first, but slowly becoming more clear as he drew nearer. 
Someone was crying.
At first, the animal whisperer hero considered just turning around and walking in the opposite direction entirely, because if someone had come all the way out here to cry, then it was pretty obvious to him that they probably  wanted to be alone right now and wouldn't want to be interrupted… But then again, what if they were hurt? He couldn't just leave if there was a chance that someone was injured and needed help. He was a hero after all!
With that thought in mind, he very quietly started heading in the direction that he thought it was coming from. Maybe if he was careful enough, he'd be able to check in on the person without disturbing them if they were just having a moment, then leave as soon as he'd confirmed that they were ok. That plan was instantly shattered, however, when he laid eyes on who it was.
About twenty feet ahead of him, curled up at the base of a tree with his face buried in his knees, was a familiar head of green curls that he immediately recognized as his classmate, Izuku Midoriya.
He had never really been all that close to Midoriya, not like Iida and Uraraka were. That wasn't to say they didn't get along. They did. They just didn't really have that same level of friendship with eachother as they did with other people. Even so, Koda still couldn't help feeling torn. On one hand, he didn't really feel right just leaving his own classmate alone like this now that he'd actually seen him, but on the other, he also didn't feel like it was his place to try talking to the other teen, both due to their lack of closeness and because Koda wasn't exactly the best at dealing with these types of situations in general. 
Midoriya hadn't seemed to have noticed him yet since he was half hidden by a large bush, and while he stood there contemplating whether or not he should reveal himself, Koda felt something furry suddenly brush against his palm, and he startled slightly, looking down to see that a fox had approached him and pushed it's snout into his hand. He had to stifle a giggle when his new friend licked his hand affectionately. Even before his quirk had fully developed, animals had always seemed drawn to him. Situations like this weren't exactly rare for him at this point, and for that, he was grateful. His animal friends had gotten him through more hard days than he could count at this point.
Hmm, hold on. That gave him an idea actually…
Feeling inspired, Koda snuck away again, the fox at his heels, to put his new plan to cheer up his classmate into action.
Deku, for his part, really was trying his hardest to pull himself together.
He wasn't sure why, but from the very moment he'd first walked into the common room that morning to be greeted by the usual playful banter and chaos of his classmates, his mind had seemed to have decided that everything, and everyone, was to much.
It didn't make sense really. He hadn't had this same sense of overwhelming anxiety even once since coming to UA, and it seemed as if it had come completely out of nowhere unlike the many other times a panic attack had been triggered by a particularly hard day back in middleschool.
He hated this. He didn't really want to be alone right now, but at the same time he also didn't want to be around anyone. He didn't want to be asked if he was alright. He didn't want to be asked if there was anything they could do to help. He just wanted.. he wanted..
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79 notes • Posted 2021-10-06 03:09:09 GMT
So uh, this is actually the first t-word fic I've ever written, and I'm pretty nervous about posting it since I'm so new to it, but I want to give it a try anyways since it will give me more practice with things like this, and I find this kind of content really adorable and fluffy overall. Feel free to send any constructive criticism my way. I really want to improve on my writing!
Warnings: This is a SFW tickle fic. Don't like, don't read!
Thanks for reading!^^
Lers: Bakusquad
Lee: Deku
"He's been in there muttering to himself for hours. Iida and I have tried everything to get him to take a break, but he won't listen. He's to stressed out about the math test coming up next week to relax." Uraraka sighed at the kitchen counter, where she was currently ranting to Mina about Deku. The poor guy had been on edge for the last two days about said math test, and no amount of study help or prompting from either of his two friends had been able to get him to chill out even a little.
Iida, who had been leaning against the counter, nodded in agreement. "I admire his dedication to his schoolwork, but I'm afraid the level of stress he's worked himself into is quite unhealthy." The class rep stated, adjusting his glasses.
"So the nerd is overworking himself again, eh?" Bakugou suddenly growled from the doorway, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero at his heels.
"I'm afraid so. He's quite worked up. I'm not even sure he slept properly last night." Iida answered, brow furrowed in concern for his green haired friend.
"Ugh! At this rate the idiot will start falling behind in training, which means I won't be able to beat him at 100%." The explosive blonde grumbled in annoyance, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes in thought, though it mostly just looked like he was angry. After a moment, an evil grin slowly spread across his face. "Oi, Roundface, Four Eyes, watch and learn. The rest of you extras follow my lead. We'll teach that nerd what'll happen to him when he decides to overwork himself."
He cracked his knuckles dramatically as he started to stalk into the common room. Iida and Uraraka would have went after him if not for Kirishima. 
"Don't worry. I won't let him hurt him." He promised before taking off after his grenade of a best friend, the rest of the Bakusquad following soon after, both concerned and curious.
Not a moment later the two of them heard a startled yelp and then… Laughter?! What the heck?!
Izuku wasn't quite sure how he'd gotten into this mess. One second he'd been sitting on the couch in the common room, fretting over some math he'd been having trouble with, and the next, he'd been tackled and pinned to the floor by Bakugou, who was now straddling him and digging his thumbs into his hips.
It took only a few seconds for him to realize what he was doing. When they were younger, his childhood friend used to take great pleasure in dominating him in tickle fights, which didn't take much considering how weak he'd been back then, combined with just how sensitive he was. Even so, this was pretty shocking considering that these 'tickle wars' as Bakugou used to call them, had stopped when they'd entered middle school.
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118 notes • Posted 2021-07-22 20:11:08 GMT
Hi! A prompt, if you don't mind. Since there's not many content with Todoroki siblings, maybe some family bonding with lee Shoto and lers Natsuo and Fuyumi. Like, Shoto finally feels comfortable and close to them enough for cuddles and affection, and they realise their baby brother is touch-starved (and unexpectedly ticklish)
I- I cannot even put into words how much I enjoyed this prompt! I absolutely loved every minute of writing this and I'm so glad you decided to send it to me! Poor Shouto is so touch starved and I love every opportunity I get to give him some much needed love! I really hope you guys like it!^^
Better Late than Never
Lers: Fuyumi and Natsuo Todoroki
Lee: Shouto Todoroki
"Hey. Can you guys tickle me?"
Fuyumi couldn't even blame Natsuo when he promptly started choking on the soda he'd been drinking in surprise. Of all the things that she would have expected her socially inept younger brother to say, it certainly wasn't that.
The three of them had been hanging out in the living room together, watching some animated movies that Shouto had borrowed from one of his classmates, Izuku Midoriya. That green haired kid that he'd fought during the UA Sports Festival. 
Apparently, their youngest sibling had been doing some 'research' as he put it, on sibling bonding techniques, and had been interviewing a few of his classmates to figure out what they liked to do with their siblings. Tonight he'd suggested the three of them have a family movie night while their father was away on a business trip and he had some time off from school, an idea he'd gotten from his classmate, Hanta Sero.
Ecstatic that their little brother finally seemed ready to open up to them, they immediately agreed, and the three of them were currently cuddled up together in the impromptu blanket fort that Shouto had insisted was a must when it came to a proper family movie night because, 'Sero said so.'
And so it was.
Admittedly, things had been going pretty well up until now, when their stoic peppermint of a little brother had turned to them, family bonding list in hand, and had asked, in the most blank tone possible, if they could tickle him of all things.
"Shouto, um, if you don't mind me asking, what brought on that question?" Fuyumi asked after a moment, patting Natsuo's back firmly while he still struggled to catch his breath after almost drowning himself in Fanta. Shouto didn't even bat an eye at his older brother's near death experience, and instead kept his expression carefully emotionless. However, he was fiddling with the hem of his shirt slightly, as if he might be nervous.
"Oh. Well, Kirishima said he likes to bond with his younger siblings by tickling them. I'm the youngest, so I just thought maybe that's how it was supposed to go and that maybe we could do that too." He explained calmly, though there was a tad bit of barely noticeable apprehension there as well. "Is that… Wrong?" He asked hesitantly, tilting his head and taking on a rare expression of clear confusion as he started flipping through his notes again. Fuyumi couldn't decide whether the sight was adorable or flat out hilarious. Heck. Maybe it was a little of both.
"Oh! No! No of course it's not wrong! Just.. a little unexpected? I guess it's just surprising! Not bad though. It's good actually! Really good!" She answered hurriedly, not wanting to ruin this rare moment of trust Shouto was showing. He'd never really gotten the chance to bond with them properly when they were little, and his social skills definitely left something to be desired, so for him to be purposefully seeking out the opportunity to do normal siblings things with them? Especially things like physical displays of affection? Well, that was a pretty big deal.
He looked up at her and blinked, relaxing after a moment and setting his notes aside, seemingly satisfied with her hasty explanation.
"Oh." He said after a pause. "So.. You'll.. You'll do it then?" He asked quietly, and if she didn't know any better, it looked like he might even be blushing. Fuyumi couldn't help allowing herself a fond smile. When had her little brother gotten so adorable dang it?! There was definitely no way she could say no to that! 
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141 notes • Posted 2021-09-26 05:57:09 GMT
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voidendron · 3 years
10 OC Facts: Riza Sept
I was tagged by @raven-of-domain-kwaad - thank you! 💚💜
I've been kinda...idk, scatterbrained? distracted? lately, so I have no idea who's been tagged already. Instead, I'll leave this as an open tag for anyone who wants to do it!
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1. Her full name is actually Tetriza - she was named after her grandmother (Jen's mom). But, like her grandma, if you ever call her Tetriza instead of just Riza, she will cut you.
2. She's Force-sensitive like Kitty. She's become proficient with shrouding herself from sight, but has poor control of telekinesis. Kitty teaches her what he can from his own knowledge.
3. Being half Cathar and half Sith Pureblood, she has a combination of physical traits from both races. Like Cathar, she has fur, stripes, and a tail, as well as the flatter/broader nose. Like Sith, she has ridges (most prominent on her face, but also hands, back, chest, etc.) and a more reddish hue to her skin and fur/mane. Riza also has Kitty's eyes: Fiery orange. She takes pride in her appearance.
4. When she was little, she used to sneak small animals onto the Star Hopper all. The. Time. The most memorable incident was when she somehow??? got a Skarkla onboard??? It proceeded to wreak havoc until Bowdaar and Baesk could finally corner it and drag it out the hatch.
5. When Jen and Kitty retire and buy a smaller ship so they can continue exploring the galaxy, the Star Hopper is given to Riza and her older sibling, Jeva. The two act as co-captains, continuing the legacy of the Voidhound: Stealing from the rich, helping the poor, and of course, smuggling.
6. Riza loves all of her siblings, but is by-far closest to Jeva. The two practically become attached at the hip despite their age gap. They're best friends, and would do anything for each other.
7. Cutting her hair short was accidental. She was helping Jen in Hopper's engine, and didn't listen to him when he told her that she should tie her hair back. It got caught, so Jen had to cut off a huge chunk of it when the engine decided to try and eat it. She was devastated, but Jeva did what they could to clean up the crude save-cut. Riza ended up loving the short hair when she'd finally accepted that it happened.
8. It's almost like weird luck is genetic in the Sept family. It's unclear whether she has incredible luck for getting out of situations she should in no feasible way be able to, or extremely unlucky for getting into those situations in the first place.
9. Her tail is inexpressive. Since she's the only one on the crew with one (Jen lost his when he was in his late teens), she never learned how to use it for body language. It usually just kinda...sits there unmoving, or swishes a little if she's focused on something. It's like resting bitch face, but for a tail.
10. She's an oral stimmer, so it constantly chewing on things. She used to chew her nails really bad, or end up with split ends because she'd chew her mane, so her dads got her some jewelry she could safely chew on without damaging her fangs for when she was younger. When she's older, she learns why Jen always has a toothpick in his mouth (eyyy, Dad's also an oral stimmer???) and she starts doing the same.
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alecsimon · 7 years
I'm in new york right now and i've been here since september and i'll be here until feburary. I mostly did this exchange to kind of get away from everything back home because i was getting more depressed with always seeing the same things and i really don't know what i want to do when i get back and it makes me really scared i know i can't stay here but i'm just really scared of what is to come for the next year and what i will be doing with my life
eYYY welcome to the city!!! i hear u darling. i’m glad you got a chance to get away and take a breather. i think it’s perfectly normal to be scared. you never know what the future holds, all you can really do is take it a step at a time. hopefully this new experience brought you some more perspective on what you want to do or at least gave you some idea, but if it didn’t that okay too. i wish you all the best babe take it easy take a breather ok? u got this.
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bacon-man-graham · 7 years
you asked to send headcanons and you know i've always got your back so uhhh, first christmas celebrated since the fall of new canaan. daniel teaches the importance of it. there's as close to a feast as one can have. they write letters to the savior and place them under the "tree." though there's little decorating it, if there's any tree at all. songs are sung and joshua's come up with the idea of homemade gifts for some of the tribal children. they whittle some gifts out of wood.
eyyy these are really good!
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