#since we’ve been introduced to this properly. our system has definitely been affected . to what extent the damage is we aren’t sure yet lmao
afoolforatook · 5 years
A RWBY V7 Ep12 rant.....When I say this is long..... Legit was fucking 37 pages double spaced at one point. Sorry....
Before this gets started I want to warn you, this is long (even longer than I thought it’d be going in). It’s probably too long ... actually it is definitely too long but if I agonize over editing it down again and again I won’t get it up before the finale. It’s probably repetitive at times, and most certainly not anything I’ll be showing off as an example of my top essay writing. And I want to be able to say that the length pays off because I have some grand hopeful insight at the end. I want to say I know things will be okay. But the fact that I can’t is exactly why I’m writing this, and why it’s so long. So if you need this to have a hopeful ending, I’m sorry, I don’t have one for you currently. I want to, so badly. But to me false hope would be even worse.  So if you can’t handle another long post that doesn’t end with a way to fix things, it’s okay, take care of yourself. But maybe the most hopeful thing I can tell you, and tell you up front, is that you aren’t alone in your pain. 
I want to preface this all with one more thing: I don’t hate CRWBY. I respect them, support them. I’ve wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt as much as I could.  That doesn’t mean I can’t criticize them or expect more from them or just be plain angry with them. I can be vocal about all of that without harassing them, without hating them. I don’t think they’re just plain evil or homophobic. I still want to believe that they can do things that will allow me to trust them again. Maybe it’s naive, but I want to, at the very least, still have hope that this wasn’t malicious, just very poorly conceived and executed. 
And I know that other people who are hurting like me are lashing out towards CRWBY. And while I don’t at all condone that kind of reaction, I can understand it to an extent. Because I’m very, very hurt and angry and it would be so easy to let loose and say all the awful stuff I want to in my anger. To yell and call people out and not care how I come across. It would definitely be a lot easier than spending all week writing this long thing and agonizing over making it perfect. There is nothing wrong with venting and being raw and open and angry, but just as we want CRWBY to be aware that their actions can truly hurt people, we need to be conscious of the fact that so can ours.  Many people are very hurt right now. And whether or not you think it was queerbaiting/BYG or not, or even whether or not you just think it was bad writing, no one has the right to invalidate the people who are hurting right now, many of whom are queer people dealing with personal traumas and mental illness. 
The few people who are attacking CRWBY and other fans (and there is a difference between being angry and vocal about that anger and just attacking them) do not invalidate the hurt people are feeling. If you are hurt or angry you have every right to be. You have every right to stop watching the show or leave the fandom, or communicate your hurt to CRWBY. But communicate means just that; communicate. Talk. You can be as angry as you are, you don’t have to temper your pain to be more tolerable to the people who caused that pain. But there is a difference between being harsh and honest about how hurt you are, and harassing real people. And I won’t say “harassing real people over a fictional character/show” because I know it’s more complicated than that. My hurt this past week isn’t over a fictional character or a ship. It’s about me and what I’ve been through and the fact that the very thing that gave me strength in hard times was turned into something that confirmed my biggest fears and hurt me immensely. 
The world always gets so sentimental when we see things about fictional stories giving people some comfort, and we celebrate that. But as soon as people say they can be hurt just as much by media, we lash out, say they’re overreacting, that they’re just getting upset over fictional characters. But you can’t have it both ways. We can’t want fiction to be important and inspiring to people and then belittle people who are negatively impacted by the same material, especially when often that vulnerability comes from a history of trauma and/or being neurodivergent. I am extremely hurt. I feel betrayed and abandoned and angry. And it will take time for me to process all of that and move past it. But I can be all of those things without attacking CRWBY or the people who might disagree with me. 
To me, this isn’t about disagreeing. We can argue forever about whether or not this was queerbaiting or bury your gays or poor writing (and I honestly at this moment don’t even know what I think about all of that because I’m not in that headspace currently) but the fact is that there are many, many people who feel it was, and who are hurting because of that, and whether you believe it was or not does not give you the right to invalidate the real pain that they are feeling.  Who is right is less important than the fact that people, people who were already vulnerable, have been hurt. So, please. Respect each other. Respect those who are hurting. Respect those who aren’t and don’t understand, and respect CRWBY. You can still be angry and speak out without attacking others. 
With that said, to fully understand why this has affected me so much, and why it’s going to take a long time for me to get back to where I was, regardless of how the volume ends, there are things you need to know about my history. It’s a lot of background and this is already going to be a longer post than I’d really like, but it’s important to understanding why RWBY is so important to me, and thus able to have such a negative effect on me. So please, bear with me. Also, fair warning, though at this point it’s probably obvious, but my story isn’t happy. I still haven’t found my own positive ending to it. If it’s too much for you to read right now, please, like I said before, take care of yourself. 
I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Farley. I’m 24, nonbinary (they/them), biromantic, demisexual. I have MDD, GAD, ADHD, Panic Disorder, OCD, Comorbid PTSD, and am trying to get an official autism diagnosis. I’m a full on alphabet soup. I struggle with imposter syndrome, intrusive thoughts, self-isolation, dermatillomania, and multiple trauma related phobias. My queer and neurodivergent identities are huge parts of my life and I try to be as open as possible about them, in the hopes of helping end the stigma around them. One of the main ways I cope with my mental health issues on a day to day basis is through hyperfixations. While it might not technically be the healthiest method, it’s what I’ve found to work for me when I’m in a really bad place and unable to practice more active coping skills. Through stories and characters that I relate to, I can separate my problems from myself a little and both escape from them for a while when needed, and view them a little more clearly from a new perspective.  
That’s some important info about me, but what really matters here is the past five years of my life and the trauma within them. 
In October of 2015, a few months into my sophomore year of college, I went into a deep depression, mostly brought on by multiple family deaths and stresses over the past summer that I had not properly had time to process and recover from. I quit my job as an RA and withdrew from school and moved back home with my parents.  While this was the right decision at the time, it wasn’t easy. I left a very close group of friends at school, and didn’t really have a strong support system at home aside from my parents. My friends from high school had all gone off to college themselves, and the few that still lived in town were often busy with work or school. And because I have an intense fear of driving and needed time to get myself in a better place before starting a job, I ended up spending most of my time home alone. I became more and more isolated, to the point of verging on agoraphobic, and my parents and I started thinking about ways I could basically get my life started again. 
 But isolation messes with your head, and makes you want to just isolate more and more. In mid February of 2016 I started to really work on being social again. Mostly because I started talking to my best friend from high school, Emma, regularly again. She knew I was struggling, and while I’ve always had a hard time keeping in touch with people, Emma has always been the person I never felt self conscious about going to. We talked everyday. After high school, Emma’s mom and younger brother had moved to Ohio (I live in NC) and Emma had gone to school in Oregon. Her father lives in Germany. So between visiting her family in Ohio and Germany she didn’t have a lot of time during breaks to come back to NC to visit friends. Since we graduated I’d only seen her once for about 12 hours during that awful summer. But now we were skyping and chatting everyday. And slowly I started to be less and less scared of being more social. I wanted to hang out with friends. I was excited about going back to school in the fall. 
Something important to understand about me and Emma is how close we’ve always been. We’d been best friends since 8th grade. We told each other we were soulmates, soulfriends, when we were 15. Nearly everyone in our small high school thought we were dating at one time or another. I always knew I loved her. I was fine with our relationship being “only” platonic. Because platonic wasn’t “only”. It was absolutely perfect. It was having her as one of the most important people in my life, and me in hers, and that’s all I wanted. But I also knew that if she ever wanted to try a romantic relationship, I’d be open. 
Around the time I left school Emma had been going through a lot herself. She was finally getting help for her own mental health issues and she was, for the first time, really thinking about her identity and sexuality. On May 4th 2016 she texted me like always, but this time she was nervous. She wanted to tell me something. She said she was still confused about her sexuality and didn’t know where she fell. But when she tried to think of being with someone, the only person she pictured was me. And I told her basically what I just told you. So we started talking about testing out us being a couple. She had already been planning to come to NC to visit after she went to Ohio later that month for her brother’s high school graduation. And my parents were going on a two week vacation around that time as well. So we decided that she would come and stay with me for two weeks. We would keep this to ourselves until then, so that we could see if this was really the best thing for us. And if so, then we’d tell people. We’d always talked about living together after school, but now we wanted to see exactly what we wanted our relationship to be. She bought a bus ticket for May 26th and would stay through June 10th or so, which would mean she’d be there for her 20th birthday on June 5th. We talked everyday about our plans for her visit. How excited we were, how we could cook dinner together and dance around the house in our underwear, and just get to be Us again. We talked to friends, planning to visit friends from high school and maybe even my friends from college.
On May 18th I texted Emma around 11 pm. I hadn’t heard from her all day which was unusual but she was in Ohio celebrating her mom’s birthday and getting ready for her brother’s graduation that weekend, so she was probably just busy. We’d told each other goodnight every night for months at that point. So I told her I loved her and was so excited to see her in just over a week.
The next morning it was a bit odd that she still hadn’t texted me back but again, I just assumed she was busy with family. And then the mail came, and the last part of a birthday present I was making for her arrived. So I got to work, giddy. 
Around 2 pm my other best friend from high school, Juli, called me. For some reason I decided I’d just call her back later, I was too engrossed in making Emma’s present. About 20 minutes later I heard a knock on my door and turned to see my parents standing in the doorway to my room. I vividly remember spinning around happily and saying “Hey! Everything okay?” even as I noticed the tears on my dad’s face and how pale my mom was. My stomach knotted and I stood as my mom said “N-no. Honey…..” and walked towards me. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for her to say that a grandparent or aunt or uncle had died. But as she got closer and put a shaking hand on my shoulder, I got a little more confused, a different kind of scared. One of my cousins? One of my baby cousins?  
Nothing could have prepared me for her telling me that there’d been an accident in Ohio. That Emma, and her mom, and her brother, and her aunt had been in a crash…. And that all four of them had been killed on impact. The only thing I remember about the rest of the night is the pain of continuously screaming, punching the wall until my dad stopped me, and calling my friends from college, trying to have someone to talk to, someone who I could call who wouldn’t also be mourning. I couldn’t handle my own grief, let alone anyone else’s at that moment. 
There’s a lot more to that story. There’s the memorial service in Ohio and meeting her dad and stepmom for the first time. There’s the service we put together at our high school and seeing our friend group all together again, except not. There’s the panic attacks every time I saw a garbage truck, or my parents drove off to work. 
But most importantly for what you need to know right now, is my sliding back into isolation. I barely ever saw my friends from home and every time I did for the next two years it had something to do with mourning Emma. I saw my college friends a few times; them coming to visit or me taking a bus to stay the weekend. But eventually they went back to school and I stayed at home. I drifted away from high school friends because I didn’t know how to handle being with them when everything we did together reminded me of what I’d lost. I didn’t know how to talk to them because I needed their support but knew I didn’t have it in me to be supportive of them, and that wasn’t fair. I drifted away from my college friends for the same reasons, and even more so as the group dynamic that I had left slowly changed and faded until I didn’t know who was talking to who anymore and I again felt bad for dumping my shit on them when I couldn’t do the same. I began to think that all I brought to any social interaction was my pain and hopelessness. I would just bring everyone else down. They shouldn’t have to deal with my pain. So a year after I left school I was even more alone. I’d lost or pushed away all the people in my life that I’d expected to be lifelong friends, family. And I didn’t know how to begin to fix that. I didn’t know if I wanted to. I didn’t know if I deserved to. 
The only reason I was even still alive was because anytime I even got close to thinking about hurting myself, I could just sense Emma glaring at me, yelling at me, telling me that I couldn’t let this stop me from living out all those dreams we’d talked about. And I knew that my life wasn’t just mine anymore, that all those dreams, that bond, the parts of my favorite person that only I knew, would be lost if I died. 
But I didn't have my friends to vent to, and as supportive as my parents were (I’d told them and a few close friends about me and Emma that first terrible week) I needed friends. But I didn’t know how to reconnect and I was too scared to go out and meet new people, especially knowing that at some point I’d have to drop the “dead girlfriend” bomb on them, and who’d want to stick around after that?  So I tried to use media and hyperfixations to pull myself out of spirals, like I always had. But it was hard. Because most of the things that had been comforting before were all things I’d shared with Emma, and so now they were just more reminders of her absence. And even new things I found soon turned rotten because I couldn’t help but think about how I wish I could show it to Emma. Everything that made me happy for even a moment would pretty soon make me sad. 
Eventually I found things that comforted me and helped me be creative again and that led me to starting school again, nearly three years after I’d left, at SCAD.  I loved the classes. I wanted to be there. I’ve always been a fiction writer but now there was so much in my head that I needed to get out, to process, and to share with people, especially people like me dealing with an unimaginable grief. Those past few years had been made even more difficult by the lack of representation I found in grief material. Everything was either about grieving the elderly, not someone who’d barely even gotten to live. Or if it was about someone young it was due to suicide or disease or violence; in other words things that at the very least, left the grieving with some cause to care about, or something to be angry at, some real world outlet. I didn’t have that. I didn’t relate to that. And even harder was finding anything I could relate to that included the complexities that my queer identity put on my grief; there were people I could and couldn’t tell about our relationship. Did I say I lost my best friend or my girlfriend? What if her family didn’t approve and wouldn’t talk to me, wouldn’t let me have any of her things, wouldn’t want me around? And one of the biggest things I kept thinking those first few months; why had my life become a ‘bury your gays’ soap opera plot line. Was Emma supposed to just be my tragic backstory now? Was I just supposed to use this as angsty fodder for the rest of my life? What about her? What about her dreams, her potential? What about her progress? She’d just gotten to a place where she was accepting herself. Where she was overcoming her mental health issues, where she was proud of who she was. Why was I allowed to keep going and she wasn’t?  I couldn’t find any support for these feelings. Not books or groups or forums. So I decided to make them myself. I started writing and drawing, putting together what I called my Grief Scrapbook. I was working towards the thing that mattered to me more than anything; telling our story. I was getting the chance to create the content I’d so desperately needed. 
But I was still alone, even at school. I was 23 living with mostly 18/19 year olds. And while there wasn’t anything wrong with them, I was struggling with a strong sense of dissociation. Everywhere I looked I saw Emma, forever 19. And there I was, continuing to age and getting further and further away from her. 
My first year at SCAD I made two friends, and while I love them, they didn’t fulfill the hole left by the large close knit groups of friends I’d lost. I tried to get back in touch with my best friend from college, only to find that she was no longer talking to me. And I don’t blame her really. Yes I’d been going through things, but so had she, and I hadn’t been able to be a good friend for her. So if she needed to move on for her own good, no matter how sad that made me, she had every right to do what was best for her, just as I had been trying to do. 
I’m now in my second year at SCAD and recently started hanging out with a new group. And they’re great and I’m slowly feeling more confident and secure around them, but I still struggle. I still miss the relationships I held so dear, the relationships I let dissolve. I still worry I’ll never have that kind of connection with people again, and that if I do somehow manage to find it, I’ll mess it up again.  Some days are particularly rough, when I sit with my thoughts too long, or see something that reminds me of any one of the many people I miss, and I ache for the happiness I had. And it’s those moments when I turn to hyperfixations (I do promise this is getting to RWBY). 
This past February the final How To Train Your Dragon movie came out. The HTTYD franchise holds a very dear place in my heart, as it was my main hyperfixation during high school, and something I shared with Emma and other friends. The second film came out the day of my graduation. It was the last movie Emma and I saw together before she moved to Ohio and then went to school in Oregon. It was the last movie we saw together at all. I knew it was going to be very emotional for me to see the final movie, alone now. But I had to see it opening night. And (spoilers for The Hidden World I guess) the movie ended up being about the reality of having to let go of the important people from your childhood as you grow up. About dealing with the fact that sometimes the people you expected to always be a part of your life, aren’t. I loved the movie, but it destroyed me. A few months later I had to get through May, the 3rd anniversary, away from home for the first time. And it was extremely difficult. I’d had to take a break from HTTYD and process things. 
So my main hyperfixations weren’t helping me get through a really difficult time. But around the time HTTYD 3 came out I happened to get back into RWBY. I’d watched the first season or so when it first came out, but then had just kind of forgotten about it. And so, in the absence of HTTYD, I got caught up. And I can’t say there weren’t things that hurt, that made me have to take a moment and collect myself.  Watching the end of volume three, watching Pyrrha and Jaune finally kiss, and then watch their relationship die with her before they even had a chance to be together, hit way too close to home. Logically I should have projected on Jaune more than I did but I think I couldn’t, because it wasn’t just similar, it felt like I was literally watching the worst moment of my life play out. He was too much like me to handle. But there was Qrow. And at first I just kind of latched onto him because I liked him. I like his characterization, his design, and I was a fan of V*c ( I hate to even mention him here for fear of causing a totally different discourse, but Emma and I were big fans of his and high school and met him and when everything happened with him it was just another thing that felt like a good memory of Emma had been tainted.)  
And so I was watching while the last half of volume six was airing. And I was watching Qrow slip further and further into his depression. I watched as he felt betrayed by Oz after grieving him and then getting him back. I thought more about how he’d basically lost his sister, about how he’d grieved for Summer (regardless of whether it was platonic or romantic), how he lost hope in having strong relationships ever again. How he felt cursed and how he pushed people away to protect them and himself from more pain. I saw how the Apathy affected him and how close he was to giving in before Ruby and Weiss snapped him out of it. I saw him struggle to get himself back together for Ruby and the rest of the kids, but not know how. I saw every single fear I’d struggled with those past few years in him. I related to Qrow more than I’d ever expected to. And so my hyperfixation on RWBY grew. His addiction was my isolation. His insecurities of hurting others and thus pushing them away was my fear that for the rest of my life, I would be alone because I was always going to be too broken to be worthy of friends and love. 
And then everything happened with V*c and for a bit everything hurt again and I had to get away from RWBY and the toxicity within parts of the fandom. And when I was able to come back I was excited but worried. I hoped that Qrow would continue to develop, continue to progress alongside me, that I would like his new actor enough to finish healing the sting I’d felt over V*c.  I just wanted Qrow back, I wanted this character to be there to help me again.
Because Qrow Branwen gave me hope. He gave me hope that I could get better. He gave me hope that even with my insecurities and trauma, something I’ll never be fully free from, I can deserve people who care about me, and that there are actually people who will care about me. He gave me hope that good things can still happen to broken people. And not just people who were once broken and have healed, but people who are still figuring out how to heal, who know they will never fully heal, but also know they still are worthy of support and care. And then volume 7 started and I got more than I’d ever dreamed. 
There was the hug with Ironwood. And even though I shipped Ironqrow, the idea of there being a romantic aspect to that hug wasn’t what made it important. It was the fact that we got Qrow connecting with an old ally (and an adult), finding that he even still had an old ally. That despite everything that had happened with Oz and Lionheart, despite all the trust he’d had broken, maybe he wasn’t actually alone yet. And then we got Clover. I’ll admit I was wary of him at first. I was worried about the traitor theories, the death theories, and then the theories that he’d negatively affect Qrow, making him feel worse about his semblance. But then he grew on me so quickly. Because he smiled at Qrow. He got him to talk about himself, called him out when he was putting himself down, told him how well he was doing. And while it’s wasn’t because of Clover, he was sober, and Clover had to at the very least help him stay that way. Qrow was hunching less when he walked, opening up, being more vulnerable and social. He was smiling, laughing, making jokes. He had a steady partner that he trusted and worked well with, likely for the first time since team STRQ. And yes, I shipped them, but honestly while I would have still been disappointed if it was never canon, given how blatant it really seemed like it could be, it would ultimately have been okay. Because again, it was less about Qrow finding love and more about him finding support.   And then I saw Qrow and Clover and Robyn team up, and whether it was canon or just fandom I felt represented. Not just in the way I had with Qrow about my mental health, but as a queer person struggling with complicated grief; the exact thing I had never been able to find and had taken upon myself to create for others. I saw Qrow being loved (again, whether platonic or romantic isn’t as important) and healing. Even if Fairgame never actually happened, I could still see them as queer characters helping each other process trauma. And maybe I set myself up in a bubble part of the fandom that fully convinced me that Fairgame was possible, but at the very least I truly, undoubtedly thought that Clover would side with Qrow. 
And as I watched episode 12, I could feel my stomach sinking. Okay Clover didn’t side with Qrow at first, but maybe he’ll come around. Okay maybe he won’t come around, but maybe he’ll take Qrow in and they’ll have time to talk, maybe even with Ironwood. But then Clover abandons the ship, abandons Qrow and I was scrambling even more for hope that things would be okay.  Maybe he’s trying to get away to diffuse things. But then “Never pegged you for the manipulative type” the first sign of Qrow doubting their entire relationship, of feeling betrayed again. And then Clover calls Qrow cynical? Maybe I’m forgetting something, cause I haven’t gone back and analyzed every scene with them, but I can’t remember Qrow ever being cynical around Clover this volume that we’ve seen. Self-deprecating yes, but this is legitimately the happiest and most secure we’ve ever seen Qrow. But okay maybe they’ll reason and Clover will come around. But then “We don’t have to fight, friend.” and it’s friend not Qrow. And then “You don’t know my friends. That’s how it always goes.” and I broke. I almost stopped there, a part of me wishes I had. Because it was already so broken, this thing that had even in the past few weeks, been a main pillar of hope for me. But maybe they’ll come together to fight Tyrian. And then Qrow goes after Tyrian and Clover keeps attacking Qrow. Well maybe he’s really trying to protect him, or has some plan. But then they continue to fight each other. And they don’t have even a moment of “who’s the bigger threat here? Us or the serial killer?” And then Qrow works with Tyrian?! Tyrian the serial killer? Tyrian the unstable maniac? Tyrian who tried to take Ruby? Tyrian who nearly killed Qrow? Tyrian who fucking worships Salem, who Qrow has spent most of his life fighting, has lost Summer to, and countless other traumas? (and I get the possible reasons, realizing that Clover won’t lay off of him so Tyrian is his best bet and then he can take care of Tyrian, but I still don’t like it. But this isn’t even about whether or not I think it’s good writing or characterization and it’s too long already to get into that.) And then Tyrian and Qrow fight so well together and I honestly felt sick. We haven’t seen Qrow work that well with anyone. Not RWBY, not Ironwood, not Clover.  And now we see it with fucking Tyrian? And maybe it’s a stretch but it honestly felt like another nail in the “Qrow attracts bad” coffin that is his insecurities. Qrow and Tyrian fight nearly perfectly together and it felt so damn wrong. Clover’s wrong here, Qrow’s wrong here, and it all feels so very very wrong based on the entire progression of their relationship throughout the volume. And then Qrow takes down Clover’s aura and I’m just empty.  There’s no hint of him trying to just beat Clover and not kill him. He has no reason to think that Tyrian won’t actually go for the kill during this fight. But they continue to have these snippets of “We don’t have to fight” or “I want to trust you” while showing no signs of holding back and still caring about the other’s well being. And then Qrow’s voice breaking during “Why couldn’t you just do the right thing…”. We’ve literally never seen Qrow this emotionally compromised, let alone during a fight. He’s crumbling because he finally had someone who made him think he could get better, that he could have close relationships, that he could be good for the people around him. And now he’s losing it. 
I was broken here, I was already spiraling. I knew Clover would get hit. I knew I would be struggling to deal with this episode because I had so fully expected a different course. But I thought there could still be hope. There had to still be hope. CRWBY wouldn’t give us all that development, wouldn’t show Qrow finally happy without leaving some hope for things turning around in the finale. He’d get hit by Tyrian’s stinger and Qrow would have to work to save him and they’d work things out. But then “I trust James with my life… and I wanted to trust you.” And I’m sobbing. Because I get it, Clover’s loyal, but when Qrow’s face hardens I know what he’s thinking. What he’s trying not to think but it’s so hard to fight: “Maybe it is me. Maybe I can’t be trusted. Maybe I’ve ruined things again”. Even though he knows what James is doing is wrong. But he trusted James, he trusted Clover. And he thought they trusted, cared for him. And now they’ve both turned against him and no matter how much he knows he’s doing the right thing, he can’t help but worry that he’s still the thing broken here, that he still messed up somewhere and ruined the relationships he needed so much. I was breaking more and more as I watched this source of my own hope lose all hope. 
And then Harbinger. The weapon Qrow built himself. That he modeled after his hero. The literal extension of his soul. And only moments before, Qrow destroyed the one thing that might have protected Clover. Clover’s emblem falls. Tyrian with “Like you killed Clover”. And yeah yeah Qrow being framed is heartbreaking. But it’s more that he’ll believe it. He did. He fucked everything up again. He tried so hard to do the right thing and still managed to hurt the person he cared about. And if Clover, the foil to his bad luck, could be destroyed by his semblance, how does anyone else stand a chance? And then blaming James. Swearing to make him pay (I honestly don’t remember if he says make him pay or kill him but I physically can’t rewatch that scene to see which it was). And yes he blames James. He hates James. It was the last straw breaking on someone he wanted to trust so much, wanted to have as a friend. But he still blames himself. He still knows he’s cursed and all the progress he’d made with Clover’s help is ripped away. 
And then “Good luck”. I’ve seen people saying it’s sweet, that it’s a moment of reconciliation, of Clover showing he still cares. And I don’t necessarily disagree. But I hate it. Because Qrow won’t take it that way. It’s just another reminder that good luck is out of his reach. And then the goddamn sky and the bi flag colors. And then we see Qrow cry for the first time. And then…. The scream…. I literally nearly vomited and that was the thing that sent me over the edge into full blown panic attack. Because I know that fucking scream. I know how it feels. I hear it ringing in my ears, I feel my throat getting raw. I could hear and see and feel myself in the same position. The nightmare I’d fought off for years; kneeling over Emma’s body and there being nothing I can do but scream and scream as the last of the hope I was clutching to faded with her… with Clover’s eyes.
It wasn’t that Clover died. It wasn’t that my ship won’t happen. It was how traumatizing it was. It was that Harbinger was now defiled. It was that Qrow set it up to happen. It was the sky. It was seeing the light go out of Clover’s eyes. It was Qrow’s scream. We’ve never seen a death like this on RWBY before. Yes we watched Pyrrha’s death. But there was no blood. We didn’t see her bleed out. We didn’t see the exact moment the light left her eyes. We saw Adam stabbed and some bleeding and then hitting the rocks, but we weren’t right there, seeing the exact moment of his death close up. If Clover had been stung by Tyrian and died I’d be upset still, and many of the issues I have would still be relevant. But using Harbinger like that, playing directly into Qrow’s own insecurities like that, after having him do things that felt extremely out of character in order to set things up for Tyrian to kill Clover like that and blame Qrow? It felt vile. 
It didn’t just feel like bad writing or different narrative choices. Hell, it didn’t even just feel OOC. It felt malicious. It felt like twisting established plot and characterisation completely in order to make it fit some tragic climax that was only chosen because it would have the biggest emotional impact, not because it was the best way to continue the plot. And they can’t say that they didn’t expect people to be so attached to Clover. Because if they didn’t expect that to be so emotional for viewers, then why do it like that in the first place? Why put in the climatic cinematic shot that mirrors when Yang lost her arm? Why have Qrow screaming over Clover’s body be the final shot?  If Clover was never meant to have significance to both Qrow and fans, why make his death so painful? They can’t say that they didn’t know fans would get so invested at the same time that they say that it was necessary to make it that traumatic. It’s not that you can’t kill off beloved characters, no matter how long they’ve been in the show. But if you do, it’s got to feel important, it’s got to feel necessary, and it’s got to make sense for those characters, or else it just feels like you’re playing with peoples’ emotions for no reason other than shock factor. 
I’ve seen a bunch of theories and discourse. Arguments over whether or not it’s queerbaiting or bury your gays. Over whether or not it’s bad writing or out of character. And I’m sure I’ll eventually have a stronger, more thought out opinion on that, but right now I can’t even get there. 
I’ve seen theories as to why CRWBY did this, why it’s important to the plot. And maybe I’m wrong, maybe I’ll be just as surprised in a good way next week as I was in a traumatic way this week. But it will take a lot, and I will still need time to recover and dig myself back out of my own intrusive thoughts that saw this episode and rejoiced because “See!? See, good things can’t happen! You’ll always lose whatever good you find. You’ll always ruin whatever good you find.” And none of the theories I’ve seen make that better. Maybe they’ll bring Clover back with the Staff of Creation or some other method: doesn’t matter, the damage is still done. Qrow still is betrayed and traumatized. And even if Clover came back and Ironwood realized he was wrong and stopped, even if everything went back to exactly what it was, Qrow still would have lost all the progress he made this season. Because even if everything was fixed, Qrow would still have to fight down the newly boosted fear that everything will fall apart again. And similarly even if I come back to RWBY and things are good, I will still have a hard time trusting the show, and will still have to climb my way out of a hole I had just gotten out of, except this time I won’t have the comfort of RWBY to help me. 
Or maybe Clover won’t come back and Qrow will relapse and try to kill Ironwood and lose his mind like the scarecrow he is. And what will that do but reinforce the fear and idea that “broken” people can’t escape their vices? That they’ll always come back to pain. Yes, it’s important to show that people can relapse and still get better, that relapse doesn’t mean all hope is lost. But there’s a difference between a relapse and new trauma that directly undercuts all the progress you’ve made. That’s not inspirational, it’s exhausting. Yes, you can come back again, but what about the next time and the next and the next? When will you just get to be secure in your happiness without worrying that at any moment you’ll thrown back to square one?
If it turns out there’s some great plot point this creates, some big revelation that fixes things, I still think it wasn’t done properly. Fine, have that, have that pain. But don’t end on that and leave people for a week. It’s not about it being a cliffhanger. It’s about people who are traumatized being abandoned. (Again, I’m not even getting into how, if this did happen, how episode 12 would still feel off from a characterization standpoint and whether or not it was poor writing. It’s an analysis I can’t currently do.)
And maybe my least favorite theory and the one that I might see as most likely; that Qrow won’t relapse. That he won’t completely lose it and instead Clover’s death and influence will be what keeps him going. Because yeah, that sounds great, that sounds heroic and strong and like the progress that came from knowing Clover did make a difference. But it feels wrong in this instance. Qrow’s had that. He’s had loss that hurt him but he kept going to finish something or honor them. He kept going after Summer died. He kept going for Ruby and Yang and Tai. If he didn’t have that, why would he have kept going when things were so bad? But Qrow doesn’t need that again. He doesn’t need another pain to spur him on. He needs support. He needs proof that his hard work, his struggle, has been worth it and that he still has allies. And not just the kids. Because as much as he respects them, as much as he believes in them and their abilities as hunters, he’s still protective of them, they still aren’t on an equal level. He still feels responsible for them. And that’s good for him, but he needs adults too. He needs people who aren’t his responsibility. He needs adults who can call him out on his shit. He needs adults he can lean on, who can take care of him. And now who does he have? Summer is gone. Raven is gone. Tai is back at home. Oz is gone. Lionheart betrayed him. James has now betrayed him. Winter has sided with James and might not be alive much longer? Robyn is there, but also hurt, and we haven’t seen anything to suggest that they are particularly close. And now Clover is dead. Clover, the only person we have ever seen Qrow let his guard down around like we did this season.
And it’s not that the “Staying alive for the person you’ve lost” is a bad plot line, and if I’d trust any show to do it I would’ve thought it’d be RWBY. But I can tell you from fucking experience, forcing yourself to keep going in honor of someone? Yeah, it might keep you alive. It might give you meaning and even lead you to do great things. But when it’s just you and your head? When you’re alone because you’ve lost everyone who kept you going and now you have to keep going without them, for them? It fucking sucks. It’s not poetic. It’s not this heroic strength that lifts you up. It’s a crushing weight of fear that you will fail again, that you’re the only one who can carry this burden, but this time you’ll let down the person most important to you.  And then not only will you have fucked up your life but you’d have made their suffering and loss meaningless. 
And I can see why CRWBY might take this route, what their message might be, and maybe for them and for some people it’s good, but personally it’s crushing. Because it can be a good thing to have the desire to honor someone spur you on, that’s literally why we still have RWBY. But if that’s the only thing you have? It’s toxic. You have to have other support and motivations of your own to keep you going without becoming hollow inside. And right now, Qrow doesn’t have that. Right now, if Qrow uses this to push him forward, it’s not recovery, it’s not avoiding a relapse; it’s falling into a new, much harder to spot, addiction.
Yes, shitty things happen regardless of whether or not you’ve recovered from previous shitty things. Yes, life isn’t fair and sometimes it feels like you just get hit down over and over. And yes, people die in war and it’s ruthless and unfair. But RWBY is still a show. It’s still a show about hope. It’s still fiction, an escape from the cruelty of reality. And to me there were multiple other options for the plot to create conflict and sacrifice without doing it in a way that seems so needlessly cruel.  
This is complicated and layered and I think there have been mistakes made on multiple sides, and in the end, we still don’t know what CRWBY has planned and how things will go from here and why they chose this. Because everything has a meaning in RWBY. At least I want to believe that. But right now it’s very hard to think that all the meaning that was what made this my favorite volume, was anything more than a trap to make the end that much more painful. And that hurts. I want to believe that’s not the case. But it’s very, very hard. And like I said before, even if they pull it off amazingly and everything makes sense after next week, damage has still been done. No matter what happens, there were ways things could have been handled either throughout the volume or in this episode that, while still having emotional significance and sacrifice, could have been less traumatizing to a large portion of the fandom who supports CRWBY specifically because they trust them not to do something like that to them. 
In the end I’m hurt because right now it feels like the entirety of this volume was just a build up for the shock value of tearing Qrow down again. And I’m just tired of it. I’m biased I know, and maybe for some people it’s an important narrative. But to me it just feels like angst just for the sake of being cruel to a character who can’t catch a break. Since Emma’s death I understandably haven’t been a big fan of really angsty fanfiction. At first seeing fics where a character lost their partner made me irrationally angry. Because why can’t good things happen in fictional worlds? Why do characters I care about have to suffer like I do just for the sake of being angsty? Why would someone do that to a character they love? Why inflict that absolute agony onto a character when you could just, let them be happy? Yes conflict and sacrifice are crucial to good storytelling, but you still have to leave a character some hope, or else what’s the point of just watching them linger in misery? This kind of pain isn’t just a plot point that gets addressed for one or two episodes and then is fully dealt with. It’s a part of who you are now and will be for the rest of your life. 
I’ve been sad over shows before. I’ve thought plot lines were bad and like I’d lost a character that deserved better. But I’ve never had something take me from a (relatively) stable mindset to a truly frightening spiral like I’ve been in this week. If this had happened when I was younger (granted if it had happened before Emma’s death it wouldn’t have had the same meaning), if it had been during that first year? It really might have been a breaking point for me. The final straw. The only reason I’m able to know that as truly devastating as this has been for me this week, I’m not in actual danger of getting to a critically low space, is because I’ve learned how to deal with those low places these past four years. I’m still in a dangerous headspace but I know how to handle it.  I know to reach out, to vent, to ask friends to keep an eye on me, to keep an eye out for critical signs that I’m getting worse and I need more professional help. But if I’d had this trauma as a teen and saw this, or if I’d seen it before I’d built up this method of keeping myself safe even when in the worst headspaces?  I don’t know that I would have been able to deal with it. 
There’s a loud part of my head that is berating me for letting this affect me so much. For letting a show and fictional characters be the catalyst for me having to actively ask my friends to keep sharp instruments away from me for the first time in years. I’ll have a moment of clarity of “It’s not that bad, you’ll get past it” before being swallowed back up by the hopelessness. I have moments of “How could you let a fictional character’s death put you in this place, but not Emma? How is he more important?” 
But it’s not about RWBY or Clover or Qrow. It’s about my brain, and how I as a neurodivergent person deal with things. It’s about this how thing that I use to filter parts of my life through so that I can handle them in more reasonable chunks, is now a trigger itself. I currently don’t have any other hyperfixations, which means every time I have a moment of silence, or start to get feeling down again, my brain goes to RWBY, because usually that’s how I pull myself out. But that just reminds me of the loss RWBY currently represents. Not just the trauma this has brought up, but the fact that I’ve lost this source of comfort. And then I’m left scrambling for anything as I spiral further and further. I’m at the point where unless I am having constant outside stimulus to keep my brain occupied I go right back into a nosedive. And there’s nothing I can do on my own to stop it. So I just have to ride it out, fight back dozens of overwhelming intrusive thoughts, and try to think that I won’t always be this miserable, even though the current thing that was helping me believe that has just shown me the opposite is true. 
And no, creators can’t be held responsible for the mental states of fans of their work. But when things are done that directly hurt so many people, that even if not intended to, feel so calculated and malicious, they have to acknowledge the part they played in that trauma. 
The point of whether there was queer baiting/byg, and mlm representation and how its handled, is very important, but it is also something I just can’t even begin to look at right now from an analytical viewpoint. I can’t begin to come at this from an activist place right now. And I know there are plenty of other people who can speak on it better than I could currently.  My queer identity is largely wrapped up in my grief and how it affects me, but that also means that when I’m spiraling, it is very hard to focus and make good points about things that are not issues I’ve directly experienced. The only reason I can write this at all is because these are really just emotions I’ve dealt with for years that were dragged back up.
RWBY has always been about finding hope when it feels impossible. But this feels like it’s becoming “keep finding new hope but know you’ll lose it too and have to start over”.
RWBY has been what gave me hope that even when bad thing after bad thing happened, there was a reason to keep going, that eventually something good would come your way and you don’t have to live in fear of losing it. That you can still be broken and be worthy of good things. But this episode ripped that all away and told me that sometimes a person is never meant to be happy no matter how hard they try. 
A big reason I have clung to RWBY so much, and admired CRWBY so much, and in turn been so forgiving of plotlines or details that I maybe wasn’t the biggest fan of, was because I see myself in them. They lost Monty so suddenly and tragically and I understand that as much as anyone who isn’t them can. I understand the drive of keeping the show going. When I’m working on my own writing and art about my story and my loss, they are a huge inspiration to me to keep going even when it feels impossible. I can barely listen to Indomitable because, much like Jaune losing Pyrrha, it is uncanny how close to home it hits. They have been through more than we as fans can or should ever expect to know. Because even as someone very open about their grief, who wants to get rid of the stigma of expressing grief, I know that everyone deserves to keep as much of their grief and pain private as they need. And I can't even begin to imagine how hard it is to work on a show that is literally a feat of love and honor to a person you’ve lost, and then have people attack it and you, and make huge accusations, even try to use your loved one’s memory against you. It’s my biggest fear in creating something so incredibly personal but so important. 
And I know that everyone handles grief differently, and no matter how many people you have to support you it can be an extremely isolating thing. I know that no one has the right to tell someone else they are grieving wrong, and I would never dare do that to them. Because I know that the ways I grieve and the things that piss me off about grief and people’s reactions to it, will not line up with everyone else’s, and that’s okay. So the exact things that hurt me so much may be the things that CRWBY find cathartic. 
But I still think it’s important to talk about something that hurts you. To help people understand a facet of grief that might not be what they’ve experienced. Because even people who want to help, who want to provide representation to those hurting, can never please everyone, and even can even hurt people. I want to trust CRWBY. I want to believe they care about the queer community (even if they don’t always succeed in providing good representation), I want to believe they wouldn’t purposefully try to hurt queer fans with queerbaiting or byg. I want to believe they don’t actually hate mlm. 
Narrative is complicated and sometimes things are done that will unknowingly cause harm, or that were topics that the writers didn’t understand enough to properly execute. Things that may seem so obvious to the people who were hurt could truly be things that hadn’t occurred to the writers. And that’s not to excuse those writers from acknowledging their mistake, but to give them a chance to learn and improve. I think a great example is The Adventure Zone (slight spoilers ahead), and how Griffin McElroy handled the fans’ reaction after Sloane and Hurley died in Petals to the Metal. He hadn’t wanted to hurt anyone but he made a decision that was very upsetting for many people and that wasn’t okay. But he listened and apologized and from there on not only tried to provide better representation, but asked about how he could do so, consulted the people he was trying to represent in order to do everything he could to not cause that kind of pain again. Creators are human and deserve second chances, as long as they show they are actively trying to improve.
Things will be learning experiences, but the people who are hurt in those learning experiences, and who are often the ones hurt in such things over and over, are still allowed to be hurt and upset. Intent is not effect. And for creators who want to be inclusive and supportive, it is their responsibility to accept criticism and work to avoid making the same mistakes. Like I said at the start of this, criticism is not harassment and harassment helps no one. Be as angry as you are, be as open as you need, but cruelty to people who are honestly trying to do good but will still make human mistakes just creates more pain and conflict. You don’t have to like it or forgive it but you can’t invalidate the people who are hurt, who do. 
I love RWBY. I want to love CRWBY. I want to keep watching. I want to keep supporting and trusting them. And maybe I’m letting a show have too much influence over me. Maybe it’s unhealthy to project so much on a character. Maybe things will prove to be necessary to tell the story they want to tell. But speaking as a neurodivergent, traumatized, grieving, queer person, I still feel betrayed and hurt by something that I trusted enough to be vulnerable about and I don’t want to sugarcoat or hide that. 
I can’t say I hate CRWBY or I’ve lost all hope in or respect for them, because I’ve related to them so much and know how complicated things like this can be. And because I don’t think I personally can write someone off while still in such an emotionally raw space. I’ll have to take some time to see if I’m able to watch the finale this weekend, but I will most likely watch it, if not just a bit later than I usually would. And RWBY has thrown big surprises at us before, and I can’t know what will happen in the finale and how it will feed into or try to heal some of the pain we’re feeling. But regardless of what the narrative intent is in Clover’s death, it needs to be acknowledged that episode 12 alone, ending on such an intense scene that wouldn’t be resolved for at least a week, hurt people. And CRWBY needs to acknowledge and take responsibility for it. I can’t say that I’m the most up to date on social media and what each person involved with volume 7 has said in the past few months. But I know that numerous official twitter accounts posted things that led people to put more credibility in Fairgame, myself included. And that even after seeing how big the ship had gotten, and knowing what the outcome was, some of CRWBY continued to seemingly feed into the excitement, even teasing about how hard episode 12 would hit us. 
That’s honestly one of the reasons I think this feels not just like bad writing or something, but betrayal. Of course RT can’t control everything everyone involved with RWBY posts, but for a company that has tried to seem so supportive of lgbt and mentally ill fans, they should have, at the very least, not have fed the flame and given people hope and supposed credibility that they knew would crumble after this episode. It feels like, even if they hadn’t intended this entire plot point to come across the way it has, they saw us going down this path and egged us on for added shock factor. 
And even if somehow the finale fixes everything, it doesn’t undo that hurt. It makes me think of the trailers for Insatiable when it first came out. How toxic and fat shaming they seemed and how people reacted poorly to it, but then all the people involved responded with how positive the show was, and that people shouldn’t judge it before they saw it. Or those “joke” videos or posts of kids coming out and the parents getting angry but then it’s about some stupid other thing. It’s meant to trigger a very sensitive issue, that people who have gone through traumas related to those issues are all too familiar with seeing over and over. So why would they have faith that this wasn’t just another one of those times when everything they see points to the opposite? Why trigger people who have already been hurt, for the sake of shock factor? It’s poor and callous writing. 
And that’s what this feels like. It feels like we were exploited in order to make this hurt more. And maybe that was a very unfortunate accident. But CRWBY still needs to acknowledge that they made mistakes, and do what they can to prove to the fans that they still deserve our trust. And that’s not going to be an easy one and done thing. For some it may never be enough, and that is completely valid. 
Of course everyone has different histories and issues that can lead them to be drawn to a certain show or character. And creators can’t ever know for sure that they won’t bring up painful things for any of their fans, and often trying to do so can make the content and message suffer. But even though everyone might not have a story that is as “obviously” traumatic as mine, might not have things they so directly relate to in Qrow and in Clover’s death,  they’re all still valid in the pain they’re feeling. One of my least favorite things about living with grief is people thinking that their traumas and struggles aren’t as big or important as my own. 
This week I’ve told people how hard a time I’m having, and why. And the people who know my backstory understood. The people who didn’t know though, brushed it off as crazy fangirl, tumblr discourse drivel. Even to my face after I told them how much I was hurting, they would groan about people getting so obsessed with fictional characters. You shouldn’t have to know why something negatively affects someone the way it does in order to respect the fact that it does. And I’m not more valid in my pain than people with “smaller” reasons. The fact is that a lot of people are hurting. A lot of queer and mentally ill people are reliving trauma. And like me, many of these people trusted CRWBY to be supportive, to be a comfort in a world where it’s hard to find sometimes. And that makes it hurt all the more.
I wasn’t in the fandom when Monty died, so I don’t know a lot about how CRWBY handled it, what they said publicly, what inevitable fandom discourse there was about how to navigate things. The only reason I bring him up at all, (because I’ve seen people mention him in discourse posts before and it’s usually hurtful and out of line and I truly hate it) is because he, and how CRWBY continues to honor him by keeping his creation going, is a huge part of why I feel so attached to it. My creative focus is on talking about Emma, about honoring her, telling her story, about sharing my grief with people. And while it’s extremely important to me, it’s also terrifying to think about people one day saying I let her down, or that because I made certain decisions I ruined the work or anything like that. And whether or not I am currently happy with every member of CRWBY doesn’t affect the fact that I will always keep in mind that RWBY is something directly tied to someone they’ve lost and it can be extremely difficult to have that kind of work criticized and not get defensive or angry (that’s not to say we can’t criticize things that are made in honor of someone, but that we need to remember there are still people dealing with grief on the other end of what we say). They’ll react poorly to certain things, they’ll say the wrong things, they’ll but heads with opinionated fans. And that’s not to excuse them for that, or to say we shouldn’t hold them accountable and communicate our problems with them and expect them to learn from past mistakes. But they aren’t faceless monsters in some big corporation who just make this for the money. They have real emotional investment in their work and I honestly believe they are well intentioned and want to support lgbt and mentally ill fans. But good intentions don’t ensure there won’t be negative impact, and if they truly want to keep, or regain fans’ trust and support they need to show they understand that. 
It may be naive and there may be things I don’t know that might have changed my view but until now, even with some writing choices I didn’t love, I've really liked CRWBY and trusted them. I personally can’t say I hate them and write them off right now. I understand if you can, if this was the last straw or just proving your view, and that’s all valid. But I want to, as much as possible, believe that they’re well intentioned. RWBY is far from perfect. CRWBY is far from perfect. But that’s ok. As long as there’s effort to improve and acknowledge mistakes and try to make amends
It’s possible that things I’ve said here may anger some people, and unfortunately, as much as I tried to avoid it, may hurt CRWBY. Because as hurt and angry with them as I might be right now, I don’t want to hate them or hurt them.  I’m human as well, and I’m very passionate about this and have a very personal attachment to it. So I acknowledge that it is totally possible that I have said something here that I could have handled better. If so, please, let me know. Constructively. If you need to, privately. Don’t attack me for it. I know when a conversation is toxic to me and I will not put myself in that position and will block people. But I want to be open to criticism, just as I want CRWBY to be. I want to know what I did wrong and how I can work to do better in the future. There are also certain things that I firmly believe that I know not everyone will like. And that’s okay. I have my own ways of dealing with grief and pain that will inevitably conflict with others. In those cases, while I won’t apologize for being honest about how I feel, I will understand and listen to how I may have hurt you. Different opinions and ways of coping will always be a part of grief conversations and it is less about making others agree with you and more about giving people a place to express their pain. 
This is ridiculously, stupidly, long and honestly I’m not sure there’s a clear point and if you read through it all the way, you’re a saint. But I just needed to get this out, and I hope that maybe, somehow, through the ranting, it might help someone feel less alone in their pain, or feel validated. I started writing this on Sunday and wanted to post it before the finale. It’s now Friday and who knows if there’s really any point to posting it now, but still. 
I don’t know what will happen tomorrow. I don’t know how I will handle it. I’ve seen discourse that made me anxious all over again all week. I’ve seen jokes or edits or trolls that made me sick. But there are people out here for you. There are people to talk to who will just listen. You aren’t alone. And while I can’t promise you that everything will be okay, I can promise you that there will be people here to help you get through it. There are ways to get through it. They’re not always fun or ideal, but they’re there. And eventually you’ll be able to feel okay again. The pain might not be gone for good, but you’ll have good moments again. You’ll learn how to create good moments. I still want to believe that “broken” people can be happy again, even though the world may try to show me otherwise over and over. It’s not easy, and sometimes I honestly just don’t see how it can possibly be true. But I keep trying to get back to those good places and appreciate them, for as long as I can. 
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avengxrp · 8 years
Writing Wednesday, Episode 2
Hey guys! Here is your very second edition of Writing Wednesday. This week was entirely by Nikeeta’s efforts. She’s got her degree in writing so this is some helpful stuff. She and I were working together and talking about all the common mistakes we’ve done and since forgotten about since high school. So without further ado, here is your next edition of Writing Wednesday! 
Writing Wednesday - Common Misspellings and Grammar: Writing Tips Edition
We’ve all done it. Used the wrong word, didn’t proofread our post before sending it off into the big bad world of tumblr with a glaring error that you only spot after either a nap or your third cup of coffee. Some of us even have fucking writing degrees and yet...!
PART ONE: Common Misspellings
Lose / Loose
Lose - the opposite of win Loose - loose morals - i.e. like Tony’s bed partners (sorry Kate)
Definitely / Defiantly
Definitely - 100% certain
Defiantly - 100% disobedience
Effect / Affect
Effect - (noun) use when talking about a result or if it follows one of these words: "into", "on", "take", "the", "any", "an" as well as "or."
Affect - (verb) use it when trying to describe influencing someone or something rather than causing it.
Weather / Whether
Weather - sun, rain, hail, sleet, snow
Whether - “I’m not sure whether I should have whiskey or vodka.”
A lot / alot
A lot - of space; of something
Alot - not actually a word
Then / Than
Then - sequence of time - i.e. first we drank a lot, and then we did something stupid and got arrested
Than - a comparison- i.e. I’d rather poke myself in the eyes than meet Tony Stark again
Allusion / Illusion
Allusion - an indirect reference - i.e. That blog post about Kate made an allusion to her father’s supposedly dodgy dealings.
Illusion - a false idea or conception; belief or opinion not in accord with the facts; an unreal, deceptive, or misleading appearance or image - i.e. People have the illusion that Clint is stupid.
Desert / Dessert
Desert - (verb) to forsake/abandon; a dry, baren, sandy region (noun).
Dessert - OM NOMS
Principal / Principle
Principal - (noun) head of a school; first in rank (adjective)
Principle - a fundamental truth or motivating force
Stationary / Stationery
Stationary - not moving
Stationery - writing materials
Soldier / Solider
Soldier - someone who serves in the army - i.e. The Winter Soldier
Solider - comparative adjective of solid; firm and stable in shape
Accept / Except
Accept - to receive - i.e. Pepper accepted an apology gift off Tony.
Except - anything brought about by a cause or agent; result - i.e. Nothing else mattered except that Kate was alive.
PART TWO: Grammar
Their / There / They’re
Their - (possessive adjective) belonging to, made by, or done by them - i.e. “That bow is their bow.” “Whose bow?” “Clint’s.”
There - a place or point - i.e. “Where should I put my bow?” “Just shove it over there.”
They’re - contraction of they + are - i.e. “Where’s Kate and Tommy?” “Oh, they’re going out on a date.”
Its / It’s
Its - (possessive pronoun) belonging to it - i.e. “Hold its head still, Clint - I’ve got the shot.”
It’s - contraction of it + is (e.g. “Is that yours?” “Yeah, it’s mine.”); informal for it + has (e.g. “It’s got six legs, kill it with fire!”)
Your / You’re
Your - (possessive adjective) sits before another word (usually a noun or a pronoun) to show that it belongs to "you" (e.g. your car, your arm), is of "you" (e.g. your picture, your photograph) or is related to "you" (e.g. your uncle).
You’re - contraction of you + are - i.e. “Where do you think you’re going, Tony?” “Workshop!”
Too / To / Two
Too - also; very (if you’re unsure, swap out the ‘too’ for also or very and if the sentence works, it’s ‘too’ you’re looking for; if it doesn’t, then it’s ‘to’) - i.e. Tony always had his music too loud.
To - toward (e.g. Kate was going to the gym this afternoon.) and to + verb = infinitive (e.g. It was going to rain today - to + rain = the infinitive ‘to rain’.)
Two - a number - i.e. “How many donuts do you want?” “Eight.” “No, Tony.” “Fine, two.”
Which / That
Which - a particular one or ones of those mentioned or implied. Use which before an independent clause (words you can change without changing the meaning of the sentence) - i.e. “Stark Tower, which was designed by Tony Stark, is an eyesore.” (Fuck off, Steve.)
That - something indicated. Use that before a dependent clause (words you can't change without changing the meaning of the sentence) - i.e. “The girl that you saw at the party was Kate Bishop.”
Our / Are
Our - (possessive adjective) of or belonging to us - i.e. “That’s our flat right there.”
Are - 2nd person singular and 1st, 2nd and 3rd person plural of the verb ‘be’ - i.e. “Where are you going?”
Who / Whom
Who - should be used to refer to the subject of a sentence - i.e. “Who is that?” “Fake Hawkeye.”
Whom - should be used to refer to the object of a verb or preposition - i.e. “To whom it may concern.”
Just remember: apostrophes are little gravestone markers that show that a word has died, been omitted, and is there as a little sign of respect. If you’re ever unsure what, for example, ‘your’ to use between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’ expand the ‘you’re’ to ‘you are’ and see if it still fits and makes sense.
PART THREE: Commas, Semicolons and Colons
A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb.
An independent clause can stand alone as a complete sentence.
Kate(s) likes(v) dogs.
A dependent clause cannot.
i.e. Since* Pepper(s) had left(v) -- (yes? What happened?)
A restrictive dependent clause cannot. (Restrictive is bolded)
i.e. Kate held out the hand that was hurt.
An independent clause is a group of words that can stand on its own as a sentence: it has a subject, a verb and is a complete thought. Just because an independent clause can stand on its own, doesn’t mean that it has to. One or more independent clauses can be added together to form a compound sentence, and independent clauses can be added to dependent clauses to form complex sentences.
A dependent clause is a group of words that also contains a subject and a verb, but isn’t a complete thought. Because it’s not a complete thought, a dependent clause cannot stand on its own as a sentence; it is dependent on being attached to an independent clause to form a sentence. Dependent clauses can often be identified by words called ‘dependent markers’*, which are usually subordinating conjunctions. If a clause begins with one of these words, then it’s dependent and needs to be attached to an independent clause.
Even though
Rather than
A restrictive dependent clause gives essential information about a noun that comes before it: without this clause the sentence wouldn’t make much sense. A restrictive relative clause can be introduced by that, which, whose, who, or whom. You should not place a comma in front of a restrictive relative clause. (You can also leave out that or which in some restrictive relative clauses.)
This all sounds much more confusing than it is - you do it already! It pretty much boils down to not leaving your sentences hanging and although an independent clause can sit on its own as a complete sentence, it doesn’t have to - make it more complex sometimes, give it a bit more oomph.
Okay, so a comma marks a slight break between different parts of a sentence. Used properly, commas make the meaning of sentences clear by grouping and separating words, phrases, and clauses.
You should use a commas for the following:
Lists - i.e. For breakfast Kate ordered scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and French toast. (You can use a comma after ‘sausage’ too - this is called an ‘Oxford Comma’ and is entirely dependent on the writer - it’s preference!)
direct speech - i.e. Kate replied, “Go to hell.” // “Fuck you too,” said Tony. (Pretty much, if the information about who’s speaking comes before the speech - option one - then it needs a comma before the quotations and if it’s coming after the speech - option two - then there needs to be a comma inside the quotes.) There’s only two exceptions to this rule - if the speech is ending with a question mark or an exclamation mark i.e. “Will you shut up!” “Why do you think shouting will make me stop?”
to separate clauses (to link a dependent and independent clause together) - i.e. Since Pepper had left, Tony didn’t know what to do with himself. Do not use commas in, or around, restrictive dependent clauses.)
to mark off certain parts of a sentence, to mark off information that isn’t essential to the overall meaning - i.e. It was a bit shit outside, all rain and wind, so Kate decided to stay indoors. The sentence should still make sense if you take out what’s inside the commas. If you aren’t sure whether you’ve used a pair of commas correctly, try replacing them with brackets or removing the information enclosed by the commas altogether and then see if the sentence is still understandable, or if it still conveys the meaning you intended.
with 'however' - you should use a comma after ‘however’ when however means ‘by contrast’ or ‘on the other hand’ i.e. However, if Tony used a new wiring system then he’d get an extra inch of room in the suit. Don’t use a comma after however when it means ‘in whatever way’ i.e. However you looked at it, Kate was screwed.
The main task of the semicolon is to mark a break that is stronger than a comma but not as final as a full stop. It’s used between two clauses that balance each other and are too closely linked to be made into separate sentences i.e. Stark Tower isn’t the tallest building in Manhattan; the One World Trade Center is.
You can also use a semicolon as a stronger division in a sentence that already contains commas i.e The study showed the following: 76% of surveyed firms monitor employee Web-surfing activities, with 65% blocking access to unauthorized Internet locations; over one-third of the firms monitor employee computer keystrokes; half reported storing and reviewing employee emails; 57% monitor employee telephone behaviour, including the inappropriate use of voicemail. (Taken from oxforddictionaries.com)
There’s three main uses for a colon:
between two main clauses in cases where the second clause explains or follows from the list i.e. It wasn’t easy: to begin with, he had to tear down half his house.
to introduce a list i.e. Today Kate had to: clean her bow, bother Clint, get her nails done and do some laundry.
before a quotation and sometimes before direct speech i.e. The headline read: ‘Tony Stark Is Iron Man’.
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Appearing before the Dramacourt: Hwarang: Poet Warrior Youth Ep 18
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
Whether the Won Hwa story line should be better explained
Whether Han Sung’s death was necessary
Whether they realized that they only had 2 episodes left and was scrambling to tie up loose ends by introducing so many developments in this episode
Whether Han Sung, as a character, was poorly written
The Rule(s):
Yes. It is super confusing and there has been no explanation as to what their specific role is.
Yes. In a way.
Yes. *scrambles*
RedRosette J: So, having watched this episode, I am immediately regretting switching to the regular episode post format. This episode was just terrible and I had to struggle to think of problems in it (that were not going to be as repetitive as 17). At this point, I’m totally convinced that this drama has just become a shitty makjang drama. The biggest difference in this episode was the Taehyung was on screen probably the most since he’s been on the whole drama because they had to kill him off. *eyeroll* The cutest part of this drama was Ban Ryu and Soo Yeon getting back together (again, it looks like Ban Ryu’s internal drama was resolved off screen in the last episode, which is such a pity because Do Ji Han such a good actor and could have really brought some substance to this shit show at this point). I honestly have no real thoughts about this episode because at this point I have completely given up. This show should have been 16 episodes. I’m so glad next week is the finale week. I don’t know if I can take more of this. -.-
Jubiemon J: I think there were actually too many big picture problems that all fell under issue three which we’ve listed. I can’t believe that this drama was pre-produced. The writing should have been better in that case and . . . I’m surprised to learn that this is from the same network that pre-produced Descendants. Anyway, this episode clearly focused on Hansung and as we all probably know, he dies in this episode. (I’m starting to suspect that they had to kill him off b/c of his idol commitments. I’m trying to rationalize the reason for his character’s death because that whole conflict with his grandpa being faced with issues from Banryu’s evil uncle or whatever came out of nowhere.) We’re close to the end, yet we also haven’t seen Yeowool’s story. The actor playing Yeowool does a great job with what he has, but it’s a shame that we can’t learn more about Yeowool. It also seems like JiDwi gave up on Aro out of nowhere? I wished that they had some emotional talk where she rejected him firmly and properly.
Issue 1:  Whether the Won Hwa story line should be better explained?
RedRosette J: Okay. This show is not sophisticated enough to have no exposition for the viewers. It’s not some superbly written masterpiece which doesn’t infantlize the viewers and expects them to keep up. No. This is a very badly written script and in a badly written script, when there is no exposition, the viewers get left behind and have no idea what the hell is going on! So please, if you’re going to introduce a new concept, begin by explaining what on earth it is! [My bad if they did explain and somehow it got mistranslated and I missed it. If so, disregard this issue] Even if they’ve been mentioned the Won Hwa for a few episodes, it hasn’t really been a huge part of the plot until now so it might have been useful to have a nice refresher  of what it actually means. The Queen keep saying that she is going to turn the women into Won Hwa or whatever and that they will be the ones to lead Hwarang and that they get tossed aside (read: killed) when the Royal Family is done with them. That’s all fine. That just makes it sound like a job posting with a badly written job description but without the actual job title being listed. I keep thinking that they are Super Concubines or something because logically, it stands to reason that if they are to lead Hwarang, they need to be like trained in combat and what not, and then given the flashback to Sun Woo’s mom (*gasp* spoiler) being pregnant with the Prince’s baby aka Sun Woo (*gasp* double spoiler), it seems like she might have also been a concubine. I don’t know. I’m just guessing because they won’t tell us what it is! You need to tell the viewers what their exact role is!
Jubiemon J: I got SO confused with Won Hwa that I had to do a bit of Googling. The drama like RedRosette hadn’t explained Won Hwa properly. Plus that term came out of nowhere. I don’t recall Won Hwa being an issue or a thing during the previous episodes. I really think bringing back the Won Hwa wouldn’t do much at all? The Queen really is on her crazy mode where she wants a female and a male harem.
RedRosette J Aside: Okay fine Jubiemon googled it and the wiki page says that they are actually warriors led by two women, and then one of them murdered someone and the Won Hwa was disbanded and gave way to the Hwarang. Still. The Won Hwa plot line could have been introduced better!
Neither do we!!!!
Is this the job?
Okay but how?
Is this job related too??
Issue 2: Whether Han Sung’s death was necessary
RedRosette J: Okay who else knew that this was coming? (There were spoilers/rumours when the show first started that Taehyung’s character might die) The issue is that it was written so poorly, that the whole thing just felt so comical and fell drastically short of the emotional impact that it should have had. To be honest, even though I knew that Han Sung was going to die, I totally didn’t expect them to introduce the death plot line the way they did. It just felt forced and there was absolutely no build up to it at all. It was so sudden and just really wasn’t cohesive in the grand scheme of the plot.
The only saving grace was that the boys’ actual bromance (which exists off screen) kicked in as they mourned his death which wasn’t awful to watch. Taehyung, to his credit, did an adequate job as Han Sung. I might add though, that the death scene was so cringey and super ridiculous that I was actually laughing. Out loud. Which I doubt was the intended viewer reaction. Taehyung’s acting was not close to being anything great, but even as a total noob, he was leagues better than Baekhyun in Scarlet Heart Ryeo. But, sweetie, so back to acting class. Really. I love his goofy, weirdo personality with the other Bangtan guys and I think that’s what saved his acting and his character for me, because I kept seeing Taehyung as himself in it. Essentially, Han Sung had to die to bring the guys together and stand on their own and stop being led by their dads and moms and grandpas. Hopefully this lets them become a force of their own, but realistically, Han Sung’s death could have been written and acted much, much better.
Jubiemon J: I also think this death was written very poorly. We never saw Han Sung fanboying over Sunwoo this hard until this episode. (I really think Han Sung was in love with Sunwoo for this episode.)  I didn’t get emotional over his death because I just thought how idiotic it was for him to die. We never had news of Hansung’s grandfather facing problems and then bam . . .this episode he was like a slave to Banryu’s evil uncle/father. Sure his sacrifice was supposed to make Sunwoo/Ji Dwi be more determined to be King and set things straight, but I just don’t think Hansung’s death made such an impact. I think it should have been Aro who was sacrificed instead to affect the two of them. Hansung barely had any screen time to show that he was really, really close with the boys. Heck, he didn’t even dorm with the guys till far, far later. Sure, Aro did an arrow to her heart, but she’ll live . . . so . . . meh. Finally, did Sunwoo really have to carry Hansung’s dead body . . . to a class full of students? He should have called for help immediately. That scene was just so . . . ugh.
Oh come on! Really?!?!
Poor Han Sungie!!
Ok but why would you bring him to your classroom?!?
Damn straight!
RedRosette J Aside: Although I will miss these two:
Issue 3: Whether they realized that they only had 2 episodes left and was scrambling to tie up loose ends by introducing so many developments in this episode
RedRosette J: They definitely did. All of a sudden, all the leftover issues were just crammed into one episode and the viewers were expected to just deal with it. We got a paternity reveal, birth mom reveal, secret history reveal, death reveal, and a King reveal. That’s a lot of reveals to take in in 60 minutes. It just felt way too sloppy and the production was bad too. *sigh* I can only hope that next week, when it crashes and burns in the finale, it does so with only a small bang.
Jubiemon J: For sure, they decided to put everything together. How easy is it for Sunwoo to find his father all of a sudden? Plus wasn’t his father supposed to be banished or at least in hiding, yet he can just come in and out of the palace so easily? And that whole dialogue totally reminded me of Star Wars: “Luke, I am your father.” I think Luke had it worse though. Then we had that Wonhwa thing going on just so that Aro can be in danger again. Trust me that girl is always placed in the most bizarre scenes where she has to be rescued somehow. She never does the rescuing and just has to suffer from the Damsel in Distress syndrome. In all honesty, what evil character aka the Queen would just tell one of the good guys all of her plans? I’m talking about that scene where the Queen warned Aro that she’d kill Aro once her use as a Wonhwa was over. I seriously laughed at that dialogue. It’s just ridiculous. If you wanted the Queen to be super evil, you might as well started her plotting far, far earlier and made her much smarter. Then the writer took the easy way out and decided to kill of Hansung to explain why Sunwo/Ji Dwi would step up to their game. *Rolls eyes*
Reveal 1
Reveal 2
Reveal 3
Issue 4: Whether Hansung, as a character, was poorly written
Jubiemon J: Hansung, as a character, was poorly written and probably used only as a marketing ploy. When I watched the interviews with the cast, they all suggested that Hansung was a very important character. I assumed that he’d have more scenes and more character development. Surprisingly, Banryu and Sooho had more air time. I did like those two characters and enjoyed their character development and bond. However, I expected Hansung and Yeowool to have had a similar level of development. The writer tried to portray Hansung as an innocent, sweet kid, and we did see that coming from Taehyung.
The writer also failed to show Hansung as someone who struggled with his role and his relationship with his brother. There were a few choppy scenes that hinted that perhaps Hansung had an inferior complex towards his brother and felt out of place or burdened with his responsibilities. However, those weren’t explored well at all.
Unfortunately, the writer made Taehyung’s job as a first-time actor harder with a poor character. Having a poor character probably means that the bulk of the work must lie on the actor alongside the director to try to give more depth to the character. Taehyung is not as experienced as an actor as Do Jihan or Jo Yoonwo to be able to show hints of frustration or burden. Taehyung does a wonderful job playing the happy-go-lucky, cute character because that is how he is like as a BTS member. However, I’ve found that he does struggle with more emotionally charged, deeper scenes which is likely due to his inexperience.
Jo Yoonwo as Yeowool has minimal scenes, but throughout the drama I was convinced of his bond with Hansung. Thus I only felt sad when I saw Yeowool’s reaction to Hansung’s death. Do Jihan, on the other hand, doesn’t have that many scenes either, but I was convinced with his character’s conflict between doing what he thinks is right and maintaining his family’s reputation. Do Jihan is great at expressing through his eyes or other little actions like making his face all tense when his character has to force himself to stay calm.
I also didn’t like how Hansung, as a character, seemed to be written as stupid. Being innocent does not mean that one is stupid. Hansung’s death was totally preventable. I found it hard to believe that Hansung had seen the “must kill” message addressed to his brother and didn’t even think it was sketchy. He didn’t even question his brother when he passed that gift to him. During the few scenes that Hansung is in, he often asks a lot of questions or at least has some inquisitive nature (ie ep 17 at the cafeteria where Sunwoo joins Hansung and Yeowool for lunch). Then it was only after he saw his brother fighting with Sunwoo did it all click to him? Seriously? No. That just made him seem so stupid and took away the sadness of his character’s death.
Conclusion: Appeal Dismissed.
Rating: 2 = Yell At Everyone -.-
File No: Hwan: POET-WARRIOR-Youth-Ep-18 Appearing before the Dramacourt: Hwarang: Poet Warrior Youth Ep 18 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
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componentplanet · 5 years
Security Flaw Detected in AMD CPUs Going Back to 2011
Researchers investigating security flaws have found a problem with AMD chips that affects all CPUs going back to Bulldozer. Whether this represents an issue you should practically take note of is something we will discuss below. The research funding question will also be addressed below.
For the last two years, there’s been a steady stream of security disclosures around Intel CPUs, emphasizing that some of the ways these chips handle data leaves them susceptible to side-channel attacks. While attacks like Spectre and Meltdown have affected CPUs from multiple companies, many of the follow-up attacks have been specific to Intel CPUs. Once it became clear that Intel was hitting far more problems than AMD or ARM CPUs were, a narrative began to grow that Intel chips had been designed in a fundamentally unsafe way.
There was, however, always another possibility. It was always possible that the reason researchers were finding flaws in Intel chips but not in AMD CPUs is that they were focusing their research on the CPUs that people actually owned and used. In this telling, the fact that Intel security vulnerabilities didn’t work on AMD chips wasn’t really proof of anything except the fact that AMD CPUs don’t use many of the same microarchitectural techniques to improve performance that Intel did. It’s possible that AMD avoided certain techniques because of security reasons. It’s also possible it avoided them because Intel held specific patents that it wasn’t willing to license. Either way, AMD chips haven’t been impacted by a number of fixes.
While AMD has certainly talked up the security features on Ryzen CPUs, it has made little to nothing over the specific issues Intel has had with Spectre and Meltdown. This is deliberate. Going to war with Intel over the issue of Spectre and Meltdown would have opened the door to Intel going after AMD in the same fashion, only using Chipzilla’s marketing budget. Not a great plan. Today’s disclosure demonstrates why. The authors specifically note that they are researching AMD CPUs because AMD CPUs are increasingly deployed in cloud data centers and in consumer systems.
The Takeaway on ‘Take A Way’
The team of researchers (unaffiliated, Graz University of Technology, and the University of Rennes) found a new way to extract data from AMD CPUs, dubbed “Take A Way.” They did this through the application of a new and novel idea: Studying the hell out of AMD’s processors, rather than focusing on Intel chips and then attempting to apply those techniques (plus maybe a little bit of experimentation) on AMD CPUs. The authors write:
In this paper, we present the first attacks on cache way predictors. For this purpose, we reverse-engineered the undocumented hash function of AMD’s L1D cache way predictor in microarchitectures from 2001 up to 2019. We discovered two different hash functions that have been implemented in AMD’s way predictors. Knowledge of these functions is the basis of our attack techniques. In the first attack technique, Collide+Probe, we exploit µTag collisions of virtual addresses to monitor the memory accesses of a victim timesharing the same logical core.
CPU caches are designed to be n-way set associative, meaning that each cache address can contain data from a certain number of locations in memory. A cache that is 16-way associative has 16 potential memory locations it maps to. Higher associativity reduces the likelihood of a cache miss, since there’s a larger chance the correct data is loaded. Here are the researchers again:
Since the Bulldozer microarchitecture [6], AMD uses an L1D cache way predictor in their processors. The predictor computes a µTag using an undocumented hash function on the virtual address. This µTag is used to look up the L1D cache way in a prediction table. Hence, the CPU has to compare the cache tag in only one way instead of all possible ways, reducing the power consumption.
This is an optimization AMD clearly introduced in an attempt to reduce power consumption, and God knows, Bulldozer needed it. The authors step through the process of reverse-engineering the attack and their analysis of AMD’s branch prediction mechanisms.
Every cache line in the L1D cache is tagged with a linear-address based µTag. This µTag is computed using an undocumented hash function, which takes the virtual address as the input. For every memory load, the way predictor predicts the cache way of every memory load based on this µTag. As the virtual address, and thus the µTag, is known before the physical address, the CPU does not have to wait for the TLB lookup.
What the researchers collectively found, in aggregate, is that it is possible to use various cache attacks against AMD to extract data from the CPU. At least some of these attacks assume that ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) has either been broken or isn’t operating, but ASLR, in and of itself, is not a bulletproof security measure. AMD has other features, like Secure Memory Encryption and Secure Encrypted Virtualization, but these are reserved for servers. It is not clear if these features could prevent ‘Take A Way’ from functioning properly or not.
Side-Channel Attacks are Here to Stay
I want to return to an issue I raised last week when another Intel security flaw was discovered. The fact is, while many of these bugs could be used for various nefarious purposes, nobody has seen them in public malware.
The technical definition of a computer security side-channel attack is “any attack based on information gained from the implementation of a computer system, rather than weaknesses in the implemented algorithm itself.”
Expand the concepts of the definition a little, and you can see how difficult it is to prevent this sort of thing. One could argue that we use side-channel observations when we peer through dust clouds to see stars that are invisible to the naked eye but can still be detected through infrared. Entire research installations and radio telescopes have been devoted to gathering information that humans are completely unable to perceive without these highly specialized tools. The universe, as a general rule, leaks information into the surrounding medium, and humans are getting pretty good at extrapolating data from it.
All of which is to say: Side-channel attacks are never going to go away. They cannot, by definition, go away. AMD and Intel can secure a CPU architecture against every single attack vector known to man at the moment of its launch, but they cannot know that their lockdown will not inspire someone else to find a flaw or workaround that hadn’t previously been known. White hat security is fundamentally reactive. Furthermore, the fact that AMD adopted this fix as a power-reducing measure emphasizes that there are tradeoffs beyond just speed that have to be made when evaluating the risk.
Security researchers are turned on to the fact that side channels offer a more-or-less infinite field of opportunity. When Intel unveiled Spectre, it made it clear that Spectre was one example of a new type of attack. Two and a half years later, we’ve seen quite a few “Spectre-class” attacks focused on Intel. It is the least surprising thing in the world that a detailed analysis of AMD CPUs reflected the same problem on an AMD chip.
How Much of a Threat Is This?
According to one of the study authors, it basically isn’t:
More broadly, since Meltdown and Spectre, we’ve seen a number of security issues that affected Intel CPUs going back years. but not one of those attacks has been used in real-life malware. The most surprising thing about the fact that someone found a bug in an AMD CPU is that it took 2.5 years for people to really start looking. The team points out that they’ve been able to extract secret keys from AES T-tables, but they also note:
While cache attacks have already been demonstrated against T-table implementations and appropriate countermeasures, e.g., bit-sliced implementations, have been presented, they serve as a good example to demonstrate the applicability of the side channel and allow to compare it against other existing cache side-channels.
The implication here is that the AES T-table attack is something of a theoretical proof of concept, not a five-alarm fire, as are all the other AMD attacks.
According to AMD, it does not believe this attack is significant and argues that it is already protected against by previous patches. The research team disagrees that the issue is patched, but at least some members clearly don’t see the problem as any kind of threat.
Who Funded the Research?
In the few days since this report was first published, people have noticed that some of the work was funded by Intel and leaped to the conclusion that the entire study was written in skullduggerous bad faith. The relevant line in the Acknowledgments reads: “Additional funding was provided by generous gifts from Intel.”
This is not evidence of bad behavior. It’s a bog-standard notification that Intel helped fund this security research, as they help fund a lot of security research.
You will find this in almost all of my papers, finding flaws in various processors and other things. Intel funds some of my students. If one of these students co-authors a paper, we acknowledge the gift of course.
— Daniel Gruss (@lavados) March 7, 2020
The same author who point-blank states that this issue is not a major threat is the one who says the funding notification re: Intel is required by disclosure laws. There’s no evidence that this was some kind of attack by Intel on AMD, and while the bugs themselves are real, they reflect the fact that people are finally taking a deep look at AMD CPUs.
Now Read:
Intel Has an Unfixable Chipset Security Flaw. Is it a Risk?
AMD’s Secure Processor Firmware Is Now Explorable Thanks to New Tool
Intel Patches Zombieload Security Threat Again
from ExtremeTechExtremeTech https://www.extremetech.com/computing/307317-security-flaw-detected-in-amd-cpus-going-back-to-2011 from Blogger http://componentplanet.blogspot.com/2020/03/security-flaw-detected-in-amd-cpus.html
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thechasefiles · 5 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 4/16/2019
Good MORNING  #realdreamchasers! Here is The Chase Files Daily News Cap for Tuesday April 16th 2019. Remember you can read full articles for FREE via Barbados Today (BT) or Barbados Government Information Services (BGIS) OR by purchasing by purchasing a Daily Nation Newspaper (DN).  
32 GUNS TURNED IN DURING AMNESTY – Thirty-two firearms were turned in during Government’s one-week gun amnesty. In a media briefing today at police headquarters in Roebuck Street, St Michael, Commissioner of Police Tyrone Griffith said the haul comprised mainly small firearms. In addition to the guns, 1 758 rounds of ammunition were also netted. “Any firearms and ammunition that are taken off the streets gives less potential for someone to be injured as a result,” Griffith said. Up to Wednesday, Attorney General Dale Marshall said eight guns and 873 bullets were turned in. The majority belonged to people who died. He said if people did not take advantage of the opportunity to turn in the guns, no leniency would be shown to those caught with weapons going forward. To date, Barbados has had 20 murders for the year, most of them by gun and there has been a public outcry to address the issue. (DN)
CORRUPT SECURITY – In perhaps his strongest rebuke to date on the influx of illegal guns into the country, Commissioner of Police Tyrone Griffith today blamed what he said was corruption at the island’s ports of entry for the lack of success in stemming the weapons flow. And Commissioner Griffith is calling on the good border security officials to give up the bad ones to the police. “If you have a few people among you who are corrupt, then you have to be prepared to give them up. I say that to my officers. We are not going to sleep in bed with officers who we know are corrupt. We will do everything in our power to get rid of them,” he warned. The top cop has previously said that the weapons on the streets were entering the country through the Bridgetown Port and Grantley Adams International Airport and blamed a lack of cooperation by certain border security officials for the failure of the Royal Barbados Police Force (RBPF) to make the necessary arrests. But it was the first time during a news conference at police headquarters on Roebuck Street this afternoon, that Griffith used “corruption” to underscore the reason for the unlawful entry of the arms and ammunition. The top cop was responding to a question from Barbados TODAY about why the police continued to struggle with the issue of illegal guns imports rather than making arrests if it is known the weapons were actually coming through the ports. “The reality is that where there is corruption, there will always be problems. And so, if the system is corrupt, then we are not going to get the information and support. You have to work together to break the back of those crimes. And so, even though the intelligence says that, you are not going to get that tip that breaks it,” he insisted. The police commissioner was pressed further to state whether there was corruption at the Bridgetown Port and airport. “There is corruption. There must be some form…there must be corruption if you are going to have the number of firearms that are coming onto our shores illegally…then there has to be corruption,” Griffith declared, adding that if there was collaboration and cooperation, a lot of people would get arrested. “If you work alongside me and you are good and you don’t give me up who is bad…the police are not magicians; they depend on support,” he stressed. The top cop said though that the force had been receiving a little more cooperation from border security officials than before.  However, he expressed dissatisfaction with the level saying that it was still not good enough. “Obviously it is helping. But as I said, you need as much cooperation as possible,” he said. (BT)
HIGHER FARE, FEW BUSES –The reality of significantly inflated prices for public transportation is slowly setting in and is not sitting well with Barbadians, who are demanding a considerably higher standard in public transportation from stakeholders. On Monday commuters started paying $3.50 per trip on local buses, minivans and route taxis. However many of them are asking that along with the 75 per cent increase, they want a 75 per cent improvement in service. Members of the public have also continued to secure support from some Public Service Vehicle (PSV) operators who say they have already started seeing a falloff in the numbers of persons travelling on their vehicles. At the Fairchild Street bus terminal in the city, General Manager of the Transport Board, Felicia Sue adopted a hands-on approach to ensure operations ran as swiftly and efficiently as possible. However with bus availability down to just 50, delays were inevitable and commuters complained. “I personally think the $3.50 bus fare should be implemented as soon as we get more buses on the road, because personally, it makes no sense having to pay $3.50 and there are no buses,” argued one female commuter who said she had been waiting almost two hours for a bus. The regular user of the Transport Board’s Sargeant’s Street service said the increased fare would affect her “dramatically” and predicted that she would have to pay nearly $100 weekly as a result of the increase. “You still have your kids to send to school, so I think that the $3.50 bus fare is too much and should be implemented as soon as the transport board gets more buses on the road,” she added. Another commuter who only identified himself as Shondo admitted that while Barbados’ bus fare was cheaper than most others across the Caribbean, he complained that tremendous improvements were needed with the coordination of routes, particularly in rural areas. The man, who lives in St Joseph, said a number of old routes needed to be updated and extended to ensure that people living in rural areas could reach their destinations in a timely manner. “For instance, the Sugar Hill vans are only allowed to go to Airy Hill. They also introduced another route- route 21, which is Horse Hill, but it doesn’t cover surrounding areas like Coffee Gully, Ginger Works, and Chimborazo and doesn’t go into Blackmans. “It just feels like you’re continuing to be disadvantaged and it feels like you’re not having a proper service for the increase. I would just like to see a better service throughout from the two stakeholders.” On the other side of Bridgetown at the Princess Alice Terminal, PSV operators debated the advantages and disadvantages of the new measures. Patrick Rouse, a driver on the Wanstead route told Barbados TODAY that aside from the minor issues like gathering a larger number of coins to give passengers change, they have noticed a falloff in sales. “Right now, the $3.50 is too steep. It should be $3.00 and school children should be at least 2.50. Right now a lot of people are walking. I’ve seen a lot of women walking down town in their shoes because they don’t want to catch the van and come down to town. Right now $3 would be great. “Normally at this time I would have passed over 100 passengers and right now I don’t have those numbers, so I am struggling, but I figure that tomorrow will be a little bit better,” complained Rouse. Another PSV driver, Adzil Jordan, said he supported the raise. The self-proclaimed Barbados Labour Party (BLP) supporter declared: “What the Prime Minister is doing, she has done properly. We never had a raise yet, so if we get $3.50 there’s nothing wrong with that. Drinks gone up, sardines gone up and there’s nothing wrong with $3.50. For owners, parts for buses gone up, tyres gone up and $3.50 is just like if you took the money and buy a banks beer and a soft drink,” he concluded.  (BT)
AILING TRANSPORT BOARD FLEET WAS ‘STEADILY INCREASING’ – With school children heading back to the classroom on Tuesday morning, the Transport Board has once again found itself in a race against time to restore its aging fleet to acceptable numbers. In an interview with Barbados TODAY at the Fairchild Street terminal, General Manager, Felicia Sue revealed that the ailing fleet was “steadily increasing” and currently stood at 50. While this is nearly 120 short of the figure previously touted by officials as the ideal number of buses on the road, Sue predicted that fully functioning buses would slowly become available in the coming weeks, due to the bus company’s preventative maintenance programme. “My target is for us to reach 60 in another week or so and because of our preventative maintenance programme, we expect to be ready to assist schools where possible,” she said. “The service will definitely get better at the Transport Board, because we have rolled out a robust preventative maintenance programme where we’ve concentrated on trying to get 15 buses per month back in service. Since the announcement of the 75 per cent increase in bus fare, Barbadians have been crying out for better service from the Transport Board with some arguing that until the country was able to secure more buses, the increase should be placed on hold. With such decisions far beyond her control and with spanking new electric buses expected to arrive between August and September this year, Sue has promised to maximize the limited resources currently at the Transport Board’s disposal. “Because of our preventative maintenance programme and our work with our service providers, particularly UCAL (United Commercial Autoworks Limited), we are looking to reach 75 buses,” she said. The general manager also revealed that the transition from $2.00 bus fare to $3.50 had been extremely smooth. She added that with its implementation, sales for the new Travel Smart cards have started to increase. “I must say that ticket sales are really exceptional at this point. I am really pleased with the tickets that are 28 trips at $84 where persons are getting a $14 saving because that normally would have cost $98. The sales for that one in particular are going really good, because that equates to $3 per trip. The transferable tickets, which are to be sold to frequent passengers for 10,14, 20 and 28 trips with discounts ranging from 30 cents per ride to 50 cents per ride, were announced in the March 20 Budget. Sue encouraged Barbadians to use the cards to their advantage. “We are also going to be working with the PSVs in the TAP programme and we have started discussions with them already to determine whether we could use our smart card going forward as we all move toward a cashless system,” she said. (BT)
THE IMF BELIEVES TAXES ON TOURISM ARE NECESSARY – The island’s increasing crime rate has not gone unnoticed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), with one top official insisting that it must be an area of priority for the Mia Mottley administration. The man leading the IMF mission to Barbados Bert Van Selm, Deputy Division Chief for the Caribbean, said while the area of crime was not one of competence for the Washington-based institution, it was still an area he believed authorities must address effectively. He explained that while he did not see it impacting the overall fiscal position of the country, it could have a negative bearing on the country’s main contributor to gross domestic product (GDP) – tourism. Barbados records an average of 27 murders annually, but the number of people murdered for the first three months of this year alone reached an unprecedented 20. “We do think about, with our counterparts and Governments, what this could mean for economic prospects. And while we don’t see any immediate impact on things like GDP growth or tax revenue or anything like that, we do think it is important to bear in mind Barbados’ business model,” said Van Selm. “Traditionally Barbados has had a lot of high-end tourism that was premised on the fact that Barbados was and is still very safe. So my recommendation on this is to say that you absolutely need to maintain that if you want to maintain your business model as a good destination for tourism, also relative to others in the region,” he warned. Van Selm also commented on the recent tax measures imposed on the tourism sector, telling Barbados TODAY he agreed with Government that they were necessary. In addition to a range of levies on hotel room rates depending on the accommodation type, and a subsequent increase in those rates, the hotel sector is in line to pay an increase in Value Added Tax (VAT) from 7.5 per cent to 10, come January next year. As a result of the four-year, US$290 million IMF-funded programme, travellers leaving Barbados on international trips have also been slapped with a new US$70 departure tax, while those travelling regionally pay US$35. Van Selm told Barbados TODAY a country should not have its main industry “contributing next to nothing to tax credit”. “The Government of Barbados feels strongly that in the past the burden-sharing between residents and nonresidents was not what it should be in the sense that the tourists, the visitors to the island, did not pay their fair share in contributing to the cost of running the island including in terms of the infrastructure,” he pointed out. “So the Government came in with plans to redress that imbalance and we think that is right. But of course you don’t want to overtax tourism. On the other hand, tourism is the main industry on the island so it has to contribute to taxation, which would then also allow the Government to invest in infrastructure that is necessary to run the island,” he reasoned. Recently, Prime Minister Mia Mottley also revealed that a new committee was now being established to review how concessions were being granted to the sector and determine what was to be considered “fair, decent and reasonable deals” for the hotel sector. “So the initiatives that the Government put in place like the higher room rates and higher departure tax we think is a ‘go’ in the right direction. In the longer term you can think about using more common tax methods like Value Added Taxation and expanding the coverage of the VAT to tourism, but as an interim measure we think these are good steps,” said Van Selm. Asked about the concerns from international organisations that Barbados was still considered one of the more than 180 major countries for money laundering and anti-tax policies, Van Selm said he saw that Government was taking the right steps to address those concerns. He singled out the measures being put in place by the country to meet by June, some 40 standards set out by the Financial Action Task Force, as well as ongoing changes to legislation. These moves, he said, could help keep the island’s reputation intact. “My view is that the main impact of them is in terms of your reputation as an international destination for investment. So what the Government of Barbados and others in the region need to do is stay ahead of the curve and avoid such situations,” he said. The IMF official, who described the relationship between the institution and Government as “constructive”, said there was never a situation of critique but “fruitful cooperation”, adding that obtaining critical economic data from officials here has been “very good”. “One positive trend we see is the setting up of the new BERT (Barbados Economic Recovery and Transformation) monitoring committee that is going to have good access to Government data and on that basis publish quarterly reports,” he said. “We think this is very positive because a domestic form of monitoring like that can help enormously in getting by into the programme and giving people access to what the Government is actually trying to do and what it is doing,” he said. (BT)
GOVERNMENT EXTENDS BAN ON DRONES – Residents of Barbados will have to wait even longer to use drones. A release via the Barbados Government Information Service today said the temporary suspension on the importation and licensing of remotely piloted aircraft systems has been extended for another 12 months. It went into effect on April 1. According to the Ministry of Tourism and International Transport, the Cabinet of Barbados also approved a temporary exemption on a case-by-case basis for drones that are imported and exported immediately after usage. This suspension has been in place since March 1, 2016. The ministry is actively working on a new legislative framework to regulate the use of drones and to integrate them into Barbados’ national airspace system, the release added. (BGIS)
JUDGES HAVE BAIL DISCRETION – Speaker of the House of Assembly, Arthur Holder says that persons charged under the recently amended Bail Act can be released from custody in under 24 months once their case falls within three specific circumstances. Describing as deceptive recent statements by attorney-at-law Alyvan Babb which suggests that all persons charged under the amended Act will be remanded for 24 months before becoming eligible for bail, the Speaker said Babb and anyone else making this claim should first “read the Act” before making “mouthings” in the public in political fora. Holder pointed out that the Act, which was unanimously passed through both Chambers of Parliament in the first week of this month gives a High Court the option of granting bail to a person charged for murder, treason, or a firearms offence if he or she was at the time conducting official duties; if the judge has reason to believe the accused did not commit the offence; and if the individual might have acted in self-defence. The Speaker, a practising criminal attorney, contacted Barbados TODAY to make the clarification over the interpretation of The Bail Amendment Bill 2019 following a Friday report that Babb had described the Bill as flawed, unconstitutional and not thoroughly thought through because accused persons get a mandatory two-year sentence though a trial may prove the individual innocent. The amendment states in part, “In the case of persons charged with serious offences Subject to subsection (2), a person charged with murder; treason; high treason; or an offence under the Firearms Act, Cap. 179, which is punishable with imprisonment for 10 years or more shall not be granted bail unless a period of 24 months has expired after that person was charged.” Delivering remarks at the the Democratic Labour Party’s (DLP) Astor B. Watts Lunchtime Lecture Series, at DLP’s George St Headquarters Friday Babb said, “that’s a two-year sentence based on what, an allegation? In trials and in evidence, there is data from judges which says that a witness may be honest but mistaken.” But Arthur who presided over the passage of the amendment in the House on April 2, said Babb’s statement does not give a correct interpretation of the Act. “That section that he quotes is section 5 A subsection (1). But that section is subsection to subsection (2) which makes the three exceptions. “So that Section 5, needs to be read in its entirety rather than snippets being taken from it, which are misleading, which gives a false impression that a person has to wait 24 months before they can get bail,” the Speaker pointed out. Holder further noted, “Subsection (2) says, for example notwithstanding subsection (1) bail may be granted by the [High] Court (a) where any person is charged with murder in circumstances connected with the discharge of that person’s official duties. So that for example a policeman or a [Barbados] Defence Force person, a security guard that is an exception.” According to him, subsection (2) (b) also provides the option of bail “where the court is of the view that the strength of the evidence suggests that the accused did not commit the offence with which he is charged”. Pointing out that the evidence against an accused is made available to that person’s lawyer in pre-trial disclosure and if the allegations are not strong, he said applicants for bail will be making their case “on the grounds that there is no evidence to suggest that the man committed the offence”. He referred to subsection (2) (c) which states bail is optional if “the court is satisfied on the evidence presented that the accused would be able to rely on the defence of self- defence”. “This is another circumstance for bail” he said. Holder, the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) representative for St Michael Central said “Attorneys-at-law ought to know better and not seek for political gains to give a false impression. “If they’re aspiring for political office come to the public and explain in its entirety so the public could be well apprised of what is said in the Act and do not give false impressions.”  (BT)
ASYLUM QUEST – A 31-year-old Haitian man who says he was forced to flee his homeland to save his life is now seeking political asylum in Barbados. “I have political prosecution in my country, Haiti and I flee here to Barbados to save my life,” Jean Wilny Michel told Barbados TODAY on the steps of the Supreme Court today where his case for asylum is being heard. The computer scientist and television broadcast technician arrived in Bridgetown last September where he was given a six-month stay as a visitor, which expired on March 25. But before his time was up, attorney-at-law Lalu Hanuman filed an urgent writ  before the court on his behalf seeking refuge. Chief Justice Sir Marston Gibson is hearing the matter which is believed to be the first of its kind in the country. In October 1983, then Prime Minister Tom Adams made an offer of political asylum to Unison Whiteman, foreign minister in Grenada’s People’s Revolutionary Government, while in transit to St. George’s. Whiteman declined the offer and continued on to Grenada, where he was later executed along with Prime Minister Maurice Bishop and other government leaders by rogue PRG military and political figures. Following a 15-minute hearing in the High Court, Hanuman told Barbados TODAY: “Our application was for political asylum in Barbados because of the repression he was undergoing in Haiti. The Chief Justice in a very humanitarian and perceptive order back on March 26 ruled that that there should be a stay of deportation pending a decision by the Minister of Home Affairs Edmund Hinkson on the application for political asylum. “He is part of the opposition in Haiti and suffered persecution as a result so he is really seeking sanctuary in Barbados from political oppression back in Haiti, he is seeking a safe haven.” But Hanuman said Barbados has no prior precedent “as far as we are aware” of anybody being granted political asylum. “Political asylum in Barbados is something unknown really. Barbados hasn’t ratified the 1951 Convention of Refugees so it is not something that has been previously done in Barbados so it is creating jurisprudence in Barbados in that effect,” The attorney added. The sitting resulted in the Chief Justice asking for more information and research on the matter, especially as Haiti is a member of the Caribbean Community and with Barbados opening its borders to its French-speaking CARICOM counterparts. Hanuman continued: “Research in terms of procedures to be followed because obviously he comes from a country that is part of CARICOM and Barbados has recently extended their CSM (Caricom Single Market) programme to Haiti – the Caribbean skilled national. So the Chief Justice wants us to investigate whether in fact despite him not having all his documentation if he could possibly still qualify for the CSM programme regardless of the lack of adequate documentation. “He doesn’t have his certificates, he doesn’t even have his birth certificate with him, for example academic certificates and so on. “Because Barbados has no prior precedent as far as we are aware of anybody being granted political asylum so he [the Chief Justice] is saying in the circumstances despite the lack of documentation maybe we should still try to do the CSM process and if that fails then to come back and pursue the political asylum avenue.” For now, Michel, who lives in Christ Church, has been given “indefinite leave to remain pending the political asylum determination”. The case is to continue in the Supreme Court on Thursday. (BT)
COUPLE ADMITS TO DRUG CHARGES – A couple who pleaded guilty to several drug charges received different fates when they appeared before Magistrate Douglas Frederick recently. They are 33-year-old Jamar Andre Bradshaw and 28-year-old Alicia Shakira Weekes both of College Savannah No. 2, St John. Police were on duty along Skeete’s Road, The Ivy, St Michael on April 10, 2019 when they saw the accused sitting among a group of people. On approach Weekes was seen with a green and white haversack and fidgeting. A search was requested and loose vegetable matter in a plastic bag was found in one of the bag’s compartments. Cannabis was also found in a bottle inside the bag. Weekes, who said the bag belonged to her boyfriend Jamar, denied knowledge of its contents while Bradshaw told police: “That is my bag, that is my weed”. They were arrested and charged. When they appeared before Magistrate Frederick the accused admitted to charges of possession, possession with intent to supply and possession with intent to traffic the illegal drugs. Weekes, a mother of four, told the magistrate: “I know what he was doing . . . he had weed . . . I already knew that . . . But I did not know that he had it in the bag on that particular day.” She was placed on a bond for six months. If she breeches the order, she will spend three months in prison. Bradshaw meanwhile has two months to pay the No. 1 District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court a $2,000 fine or spend two months in prison. (BT)
WRONG GIFT – His desire to give his girlfriend of eight years a dream wedding landed a 26-year-old man in trouble with the law. On August 30, 2018 Kemar Melvin Leroy Burrowes, of Ashbury Land, St George was charged with importation of two pounds of cannabis as well as possession, possession with intent to supply and possession with intent to traffic the illicit substance which had a $3,000 street value. The first time offender had pleaded not guilty to the offence on his first appearance in the District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court and had been on $5,000 bail. However, when he appeared before Magistrate Douglas Frederick today with his attorney-at-law Damien Sands he threw in the towel and pleaded guilty to the four drug offences. Prosecutor Sergeant St Clair Phillips told the magistrate that Burrowes went to the post office back in August to collect a parcel. The vegetable substance was found when members of the drug squad examined it. Mitigating on Burrowes’ behalf the attorney revealed that his client had been in a relationship for the past eight years with his girlfriend and they had a child together. He said the couple wanted to get married in July this year but due to financial issues could not get a loan to cover the expenses. “So he decided to take a chance. This is a one-off situation . . . he just wanted to give his girlfriend a dream wedding,” Sands said. Burrowes also gave the magistrate the same explanation. In considering the situation Magistrate Frederick imposed a combination sentence on the grounds that this was the accused’s first offence. “It’s a huge amount but you are a first timer [also] because of the gravity of the matter community service will not be sufficient,” the magistrate said before placing Burrowes on a bond for a year. If he breaches the order he will have to pay the court $1,500 forthwith or spend three months in prison. Burrowes was also ordered to perform 240 hours of community service and must return to court for an update on September 9, 2019. “Make sure this marriage last because you would have put yourself in danger and peril for nothing,” the magistrate said just before informing Burrowes that a conviction would not be recorded against him if he completed his bond and community service successfully. (BT)
GUNNING RETURNS TO COURT TOMORROW – A 31-year-old farmer who pleaded guilty to wounding will return to court tomorrow. Zanroy Reuben Gunning of Checker Hall, St Lucy admitted in the No. 2 District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court today to unlawfully and maliciously committing the act against Marcia Clarke on April 13. Addressing Magistrate Kristie Cuffy-Sargeant, the prosecutor Cameron Gibbons asked that the facts of the case be deferred in order for the complainant to be present. The magistrate agreed and the matter was adjourned until April 16. (BT)
$1,500 FINE FOR NEBLETT – Airy Hill, St George resident Novon Neuo Neblett has two months to pay a $1,500 fine to the District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court. Magistrate Kristie Cuffy-Sargeant imposed that amount on the 20-year-old after he pleaded guilty to possession of 3.4 grammes of cannabis on April 14. Police were conducting traffic checks along Lower Bay Street, The City around 4:05 p.m. when they stopped the vehicle in which Neblett was a front seat passenger. On approach police noticed a strong scent of marijuana emanating from the vehicle, which caused them to request a search of both the accused and the driver. The illegal substance, which was contained inside a Ziploc bag, was found in Neblett’s pocket. He admitted knowledge and ownership telling police, “That is my lil weed I had to smoke.” If he does not pay the fine within the stipulated time he will spend six months at Dodds. Neblett, who has a previous conviction for cannabi,s must return to the No. 2 District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court on a June 17 to present proof of payment.(BT)
WINDIES NAME COACHING STAFF FOR SENIOR MEN’S TEAM – Cricket West Indies (CWI) confirmed the coaching staff and management team to accompany the West Indies Senior Men’s Team to the Tri-Series in Ireland and the ICC Cricket World Cup 2019. This comes after last week’s appointment of interim Head Coach, Floyd Reifer. The squad for the Tri-Series in Ireland will meet up with the coaching team at a training camp in Barbados, which starts today. Director of Cricket, Jimmy Adams said, “CWI have, in consultation with interim Head Coach Floyd Reifer, assembled a strong support group of coaches to work with the squad for the Tri-Series against Ireland and Bangladesh as we prepare for the World Cup. This support group will continue throughout the ICC Cricket World Cup in England. “The training camp is now taking place in Barbados, as the CCG (Coolidge Cricket Ground) in Antigua is currently being used as a venue for the West Indies U15 Super50 Cup, where there will be heavy usage of the ground and training facilities.” Coaching Staff and Team Management: Floyd Reifer (Interim Head Coach), Roddy Estwick (Assistant Coach), Corey Collymore (Assistant Coach Fast Bowling), Rayon Griffith (Assistant Coach Fielding), Mushtaq Ahmed (Assistant Coach Spin Bowling), Rawl Lewis (Team Manager), Dr Oba Gulston (Physiotherapist), Corey Bocking (Strength and Conditioning Coach), Dexter Augustus (Video and Data Analyst), Steven Sylvester (Sports Psychologist) and Zephyrinus Nicholas (Massage Therapist). (DN)
DEATH AT SEA – The loss of fisherman, 64-year-old Rudolph Chapman at sea, came as a blow to his mother who is still mourning the loss of another son she buried two months ago. Eighty-nine-year-old Beulah Chapman said she prepared herself mentally for the death of her son Marlon who died late January after suffering with an illness for sometime. But the mother of 15, four deceased, said she was thrown into a state of shock and disbelief when she got word at her 3rd Avenue, Pile Bay, St Michael home, that Chapman died 80 miles off the southern point of Barbados. “I know Marlon was sick, but I wasn’t looking for this. When I heard that it left me shaking like a leaf. My child gone. I got to bury another child in this short space of time. It had me trembling and the water running down my eyes. I had to hold on pun the chair,” she said. Chapman of Danesbury, Black Rock, St Michael, died aboard the fishing vessel Vibert 3where he was discovered unresponsive by the Captain Silbourne Phillips. Oistins police responded to a report that originated from the vessel sometime around 5 a.m. that a fisherman had died. The vessel was met by the Barbados Coast Guard and escorted to the Oistins jetty where they were met by police. The grieving mother said the last time she saw her son was on Thursday when he visited her home to inform her that he was going out to sea that same day and would try to return before the Easter weekend once he had a successful catch. “Another son come and tell me Woody dead. Man look, I had bad feels. Up to now I ain’t stop crying. He was a good son. I was there in Oistins to see when the boat come in with the Coast Guard. That was really hard on me and his brothers and sisters,” she recalled. “But he was an asthmatic. So I don’t know if he had an asthma attack or a heart attack,” she added. The elderly woman said though she was grieving, she knew that her son died at sea where he loved to be from the time he was a young boy. As Barbados TODAY walked through the small Pile Bay fishing community, some of Chapman’s friends described him as someone who mastered the necessary skills needed to be an excellent fisherman. “He was a complete fisherman. There was nothing he couldn’t do when it come to fishing. This is very sad for us all,” fisherman and family friend Anthony Thompson said. Chapman’s sisters Shirley-Ann and Juliet sat at the Pile Bay Fish Market, reflecting on the life of their beloved brother. They described him as a loving individual who was always willing to share. “We had a nice relationship with our brother. We couldn’t want another brother. He was very loving. When I saw the boat bring him in, I cried until I couldn’t cry anymore. You see down here, he loved Pile Bay. If he ain’t out at sea, down here is where you could find him on weekends,” Shirley-Ann said. (BT)
FAREWELL V – Light raindrops that gently fell from overcast skies this morning mirrored the quiet tears shed by family, friends and colleagues today in a bittersweet celebration of life for beloved broadcaster, advertising and communication expert, Dr Veoma Alisha Ali. It was not a mournful atmosphere at the Coral Ridge Memorial Gardens in Christ Church, but warm laughter and smiles punctuated the brief tribute as those gathered reflected on the vibrant 38-year-old Trinidadian native who began her love affair with Barbados nearly two decades ago. Ali, died last Tuesday at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. For many of those who fondly took one last glimpse of the larger-than-life young woman dressed in red as she lay in a dark mahoghany casket, she was gone too soon. Not only a well-known voice, first on Starcom Network and then on Capital Media HD 99.3, hosting a range of programmes and presenting the news. Ali spoke several languages, including French and Spanish, and played a range of instruments including the guitar and the saxophone. The former columnist for the Weekend Nation and Barbados TODAY, was also the Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean. Above all, she was both philanthropist and prankster. Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Capital Media HD Vic Fernandes amused the gathering which included Minister of Information, Broadcasting and Public Affairs Senator Lucille Moe, Minister of Energy and Water Resources Wilfred Abrahams, business leaders and media professionals with tales of a fun-loving Ali, whom he described as dear friend and the consummate media professional. He recalled sitting on toothpaste plastered in his chair by the prankster employee and then making a surprise discovery in his bag. “I was leaving after a long, long day of work at Starcom. I picked up my bag on the way out and, I noticed it was really heavy and I thought maybe I was just feeling weak. So I lumbered on to the car, and when I got home I needed to go into my bag and when I opened it every piece of portable equipment from the office… the paper weights, the stapling machine, even the AC remote. These things were piled into my bag and I knew instantly there was only one person who could have done such none other than Veoma Ali. “ Fernandes was even more touched by a selfless Ali who often cooked meals on Sunday and fed the homeless in Bridgetown. Her father, Omar Ali, who could hardly hide his sorrow, shared the story of Veoma the daughter. He recalled her persistence and determination to complete any task she had, her sacrifice for others, but most of all the love and care she was always ready to bestow on anyone. He said: “She loved people and since she was a child she always cared especially, especially for the disadvantaged. “She was just about 13/14 in high school when her mother noticed that every day some item of food was missing from the pantry and it was mainly canned food and eventually…she confessed that she was taking this food every day for another child in the high school who was too poor to even have a meal. “And here in Barbados that continued. From her own pocket, she rented a house on the South Coast and she would have disadvantaged children come there and she would teach them, no charge.  That was the type of person Veoma was. She always cared.” A video tribute showing a photo collage of experiences with family and friends bore testimony to the young woman who was loved by those she lived, played and worked with. No one brother loved his sister like Riaz Ali loved Veoma, he told the Coral Ridge gathering. An emotional Riaz told the gathering that he remembered how a young Veoma threw a stone from a collection he owned, resulting in a head injury that caused him severe pain. “The pain does not compare to the pain I feel today,” he told the hushed gathering. The siblings tormented each other with teasing and pranks, but the bond was undeniable.  He said: “Sometimes, she would send a picture to me on Whatsapp, she would just take a picture in the car in the morning and I would say, ‘why you send me this picture for? And she would say, I just thought you needed to see my face, and I would reply I don’t want to see your ugly face.” He marvelled at the brevity of Veoma’s life, pointing out that she had achieved far more than most people accomplished in a lifetime. “She was skilled; she spoke a few languages, very fluent in Spanish and French; she was very musical. She could listen to a piece of music about two or three times and then she would pick up the guitar, the saxophone and she could replicate that music without reading the sheet music; that’s not something many people could do.” He encouraged everyone present to keep her memory alive by living how she lived. Said Riaz Ali: “We come into this world knowing that we have to leave at some point. Well, if there is one way we could stay, that way is to make such a big impact on the people around us. If we try to be as kind as she was to other people, do charity work, care for animals… that is how she can live on through all of us.” Cousin Atash Mohansingh who grew up with the ever-mischievious, daring Choochie, agreed she was larger than life and destined for a better place. A moving tribute, penned by Veoma Ali to her friend and boss Fernandes to offer him comfort when his mother passed away last year, was then offered to the audience in memory of the talented professional and beloved friend and colleague: “I knew a little lady, stature belied her strength. Whose benevolence traverse the planet Across height and breath and length I knew a little lady whose laughter was bigger than she Whose humour could thaw the frozen for she filled the world with glee This little lady had a heart of diamonds, stringing them unselfishly wherever she went With a soul of beauty and a spirit of kindness This little lady’s life was very well spent Now this little lady is in the hearts of those she left behind …. In a realm where love never ages with time ….. Veoma Ali’s body is to be cremated tomorrow. At her family’s behest, her ashes are to remain
For daily or breaking news reports follow us on Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter & Facebook. That’s all for today folks. There are 259 days left in the year. Shalom! #thechasefilesdailynewscap #thechasefiles# dailynewscapsbythechasefiles
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lanceprance-blog · 6 years
What [Current Popular TV Show] Can Teach You About SEO
With all the way issues move so fast on the particular web, many business people discover website design and search engine search engine optimization (SEO) to be just such as a moving target. The school methods of SEO are actually phased out and the new research engine algorithms have introduced the new at-par levels for various other techniques that should be regarded while creating a website style. All of us do advanced SEO for Lot of money 500 websites and our strategies are built on these concepts. Now, the only method to appear in the lookup engine pages like this will be by uploading your videos upon You Tube or through video clip SEO. On-Page SEO is generally accompanied with Off-Page SEO, that will be based on building trustworthy incoming links for your site -- this is most frequently known as linkbuilding. As the conduct of a user searching search engine optimization company in Mumbai ” may be different from a user looking for seo company in Chennai Therefore, advertisers should not battle in the same way because these people used to do in the particular previous years. Whether you are the marketer or a business proprietor, learning new SEO tactics plus following best practices can assist you secure a safe place online. In fact, SEO is completely vital to your search motor marketing success. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION today is not about bloatedness content with keyword variations or even optimizing a post to position for a number of key phrases; it's about optimizing a solitary post to rank for the one, specific keyword (aka, the entire page should be built close to a singular idea, answering inquiries from every angle and within the most efficient format possible). This is definitely due in part to Google's work to crack upon inauthentic content, which is what can make SEO so important. Hope, we'll all be SEOtent enough with SERP rankings. The mobile influx has had a significant impact on SEO and will carry on to disrupt and shape cellular optimization trends and strategies. Still, the keyword aspect associated with SEO is becoming increasingly challenging with Google Adwords hiding quantity data. You post the great information, could you recommend me how to improve internet site ranking without doing any away page seo. Keywords: Speaking of content, key phrases is also extremely important in order to an SEO strategy. Right here is the trick, attach the link inside your content of your own target website, helping your focus on audience in reaching your web site, increasing traffic and impacting SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. SEO optimized posts have a tendency to rank high in research results compared those unoptimized articles. The issue about YouTube Google rankings considering that April 2014 Google had the major update, many vseo possess been crying however the option is pretty simple. If a person have just started your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION campaign for the brand-new website, after that you should focus on long-tail keywords. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, alone, is not enough in order to guarantee success and content marketing and advertising, alone, is not enough in order to guarantee success. I actually believe by now, most associated with the principles of SEO are usually more or less well comprehended by people that have carried out their amount of time within the trenches since 1999, even though new platforms and data sorts arrive all the time maintaining the need for ongoing exercise or testing even more essential than in the past. So, I would certainly declare 2018 is a problem for Google, just as very much as it might be intended for SEOs. We have several good rankings, but we are usually always trying to improve and discover what the future holds regarding SEO. In 2018, the user experience is the particular center of development as properly as the key point intended for the SEO strategies. SEO continues to be king of the Internet, plus businesses will continue to require valuable, and unique content that will will meet the need associated with their company in the yrs SEO 2019 PDF ahead. Backlinks are one of the most significant SEO factors. In order to give you a head begin, here are the SEO styles and techniques we expect in order to dominate in 2018. Debbie A. Everson is the particular CEO of, experienced SEO Experts and Search Engine Optimization Company to 2, 000 small companies. Off-Page SEO refers in order to all the things that may be done directly OFF your own website to help you much better search engine positions, such since social networking, article submission, discussion board & blog marketing, etc. Because the requirement for Digital Advertising for business is aggressively developing, so does for SEO Tendencies too. One of the the majority of important parts of the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is creating unique content along with proper keywords. Key phrases are the foundation of prosperous SEO. Within SEO, we refer to the particular acquiring new backlinks as one way link And as many practitioners acknowledge, it's rather a challenging exercise. We can subdivide these SEO ranking facets into two sections: On-Page and Off-Page SEO. Make no error, a new website is your own first step to gaining loads of qualified traffic, and issue of fact, a great site will certainly help your visitors numbers increase once users discover your online location - yet until then, we recommend the great SEO campaign. Over the particular coming year, voice search is definitely an area SEO specialists plus marketers need to be conscious of, especially with featured thoughts. Site's speed will be of the heart in lookup engines and SEO trends 2018, be it in desktop or cellular. A person can use this configuration in order to improve your mobile SEO concerning providing users best design with regard to all devices. Many people try to get their SEO strategies into their own own hands, but this may lead to a waste associated with time and resources. SEO Check - which will certainly test out your website plus give you tips for much better search engine optimization. If you need to find out more, check this infographic through Digital Marketing Philippines, which talks about the very best trends that will you should know if a person want to transform your SEO technique this 2018. Using a common sense approach in order to SEO, you can do your own personal keyword research and do SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION yourself. Mainly because the niches are fairly wide, I'm fortunate to have the lot of keyword opportunities (as opposed to doing SEO with regard to a local business). Within this post, we've broken straight down the top SEO techniques to assist you skyrocket your rankings plus boost your variety of monthly website visitors. SEO specialists have to look for new tricks and techniques to promote a website because Google methods take into account not only key phrases, but also context, among other things. How do you know that will these are the very greatest SEO companies out there, plus how did you know our own SEO company rankings are appropriate? You may audit your page's SEO wellness, compare SEO metrics for the number of pages, and evaluate both external and internal hyperlinks on any given web web page. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION will also help your company thrive through higher exposure (also known as page 'ranking'). Whilst researching latest SEO marketing techniques and techniques that are impacting on the search engine rankings associated with websites in the current situation, it has been realized that will SEO is changing fast. If you are severe about improving search traffic plus are unfamiliar with SEO, all of us recommend reading this guide front-to-back. Choosing the correct keywords is the real starting of any SEO effort. Ultimately, success within SEO in 2018 and forwards will depend on creating incredible content and making it simply because easy as possible for lookup engines to understand exactly exactly what that content is about. Traditional SEO is targeted upon building (keyword relevant) links plus (keyword relevant) content. The search engine optimisation (SEO) industry continues to grow in reputation and is worth a excellent $65 billion SEO helps shops rank in search engines such as Google. What's coming with regard to search engine optimization (SEO) professionals within the coming year? In the event that you quality backlinks to your own blog post, you'll also much better search engine positions for the particular competitive terms like SEO Tips” with ease. SEO is the methodology that technically and topically aligns brand content and engagement along with searcher intent. SEOs are able to gain access to a lot more information compared to we ever could before straight from Google using Search System (like mobile friendliness of articles, and validation of structured data), and tools like the automatic assistant in the mobile Search engines Analytics app, which provides device learning insights to Google analytics data. Becoming released on top with SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION depends on delivering a top quality website experience with awesome content material. Lots associated with people associate off-page SEO along with backlink but it is not really only is the process associated with promoting your website across the particular web. As a result, this is definitely definitely an important part associated with WordPress SEO 2018 and the reason to generate visual content component of your online marketing technique. These types of on-page SEO factors affect your own individual page rank searching outcomes. Hence, the business proprietors need to concentrate on every new development and understand the tweaks and updates as well as results on the website rating in order to establish the best type of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategy that retains high search positions. According to the latest SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION trends and techniques of 2017, SEO moved their attention plus priority to mobile friendly web sites with quick loading time plus trusting to large social media marketing discussing platforms. In the particular future, SEOers will have in order to write more for the internet user, which the search motors will begin to mimic. Lookup Engine Optimization popularly referred in order to by the acronym SEO will be really a technique of immediate marketing employed to rank the webpage on top leads in order to increase the number of the particular visitors on website. My predictions with regard to SEO in 2018 is that will we are going to carry on to see Google devalue web pages with keyword stuffing and slim content. Technical optimization: all associated with the behind-the-scenes engineering that SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION pros do to make this easier for search engines such as google to find a internet site. SEO styles continue to emerge, but 2018 would have been a great revolution in SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION just because a lot associated with new game-changing technologies will experienced in this time and SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION optimization will get a much better yet new shape. Although personally We are usually not a fan of tone of voice search, but a high proportion of people are incredibly for up-to-date on-page SEO optimization, add functions such as voice search, e-mail plug-ins such as ability associated with users to just click upon the email and send this, call plug-ins along with other modes associated with communication such as Skype. Fairly recently, I've seen the resurgence of on-page SEO elements making a difference in lookup engine rankings. A person can also see the off-page SEO power of free equipment through backlinks. If you would like to keep thriving in lookup rankings, you need to become aware of all of the particular latest Google algorithm updates plus SEO best practices. Although the fundamentals associated with SEO will stay important (links, onsite SEO, page speed, articles etc. ), how one makes the most of for certain queries will change. Numerous thanks for your awesome In-depth Guide, I have learnt several new SEO Strategies, I will certainly begin with improving my website's Dwell Time Beside Creating Visible Content, I am going in order to really appreciate If you can Write an In-depth Guide regarding Creating Embeddable Images”, I require to understand it better. On-page SEO may be the process of enhancing websites or blogs in purchase to increase a site's rating in search results. In 2018, your SEO achievement won't depend on how properly you optimize your website intended for Google. On the similar note, great SEO content material needs keywords but if a person overdo it, Google and individual visitors will hate it. Wanting to keep a healthy keyword thickness of 1-2% is recommended. SEO is definitely optimizing digital documents for individuals who use search engines. Search engines has stated publicly they think brands” are good for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, as people trust them plus want to see them offered in search results. Once we appear ahead to SEO in 2018, discover our predictions for exactly what we think will be one particular of Google's biggest years however for search. Meta explanation plays a major role within search engine rank of your post so creating an SEO friendly meta explanation is essential for ranking element. SEO is not just about building search engine-friendly websites. When you're working on SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, you need to be conscious of the existing factors that will influence your ranking. We would certainly like to increase visibility, we all want it to show up in Research Engine Results Page (SERP), All of us should go with these alleged SEO techniques. Create them a message or deliver a message via social networking along with a link to your fresh article, and inquire them to web page link over to it. And various other SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION best practices, building links with regard to your article will help a person take over the top place from your competitors. Search information is frequently coveted among the individuals and teams that have SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and SEM-specific roles. Therefore if you want to obtain more traffic from SEO within 2018, I recommend creating plus optimizing content specifically for Youtube . com. When it comes to organic language, voice search, and smart voice assistants, what SEOs may do much more related in order to optimizing for the parsing plus indexing phases of the Search engines algorithm than to rankings by themselves. Check out this infographic in order to learn more regarding the top SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION trends you should keep an eye fixed on to stay competitive within digital marketing arena in 2018 and beyond. In order to get executive buy-in, SEOs require to talk an alternative language -- a CMO is not really interested within a list of rankings, they will want to understand the effect of SEO on performance. In case you are going for nearby SEO, try to obtain the server close to the location you attempt to rank regarding. He or she is the proud Founder and Chief Architect of cognitiveSEO, a good SEO Toolset focused on in-depth analysis of ranking signals. A write-up in states that will 85% of individuals prefer indigenous mobile apps to websites Function your brand prominently in the particular app name and be certain you have proper links in order to apps for better search ranks Also, you should ensure that application optimization tops your list associated with SEO optimization. Plus because Google shows YouTube movies in their search results, your own video must be SEO pleasant. Enter your competitor's URL in to the SEMRush search bar and you should be provided with a listing of SEO keywords, with their own rankings and traffic. Lastly, Amazon will certainly dominate e-commerce queries in 2018 via Alexa voice, touch, plus other innovative interfaces, leaving a lot of e-commerce SEOs to concentrate in upon the content-side of their advertising. So, make certain to focus a bit upon these trends and search study more about them in purchase to make your SEO video game stronger. Indeed, I agree with you Karthikeyan Maruthai, We ought to Understand Above Off-page SEO Methods to Attain Very Good Ranking. Additionally, it provides me a place to embed the video (giving it more views, embeds, wants, etc) which improves both our video's SEO and my home page's SEO as well… people are usually more prone to share, link to, plus spend more time on the particular page if it has the nice video. Allow me to operate you through the top SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION vogues and what you ought to do, to improve the position your website. In SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION NAP stands for Name, Deal with, Phone #. While it might appear innocent enough, people mess this up time and period again, and inconsistent facts about the particular web will destroy any prospect you have intended for ranking in local search. With regard to example, considering the keyword tea” or marketing” may take very a long time for enhancing the ranking for every upon Google, however, using less researched terms like home tea-maker” or even SEO marketing for your business” can improve your chances associated with raking high in Google. Search Motor Optimization is done through composing SEO optimized content for the website. I WOULDN'T 301 REFOCUS users blindly to your house page in case you anticipate any SEO benefits from 301s. Nevertheless, 2018 SEO trends will prove in order to be the clincher. Canonical: This particular plug-in handles content syndication, which usually essentially allows other blogs in order to publish your job (similar to franchising) without hurting your website's SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ranking—simply with the addition of a rel=canonical may get your brand and articles out on the web within multiple outlets, ensuring a higher reach and bigger audience without having hurting your own search outcomes. Rich snippets and schema markup language is the one that a single needs to work on even more to get a good increase in SEO score and furthermore for having a better rank searching engine results page (also generally known as SERP). ” The wealthy snippets are a way in order to communicate with Google concerning the articles contained within the site. Incorporating NAP details, opening hours, related photos, and informative and useful content for your users in order to engage with is really the crucial first step in the local SEO strategy. SEO, whenever combined with social media marketing networking plus other marketing strategies, offer companies the best choice and the particular least cost to effectively achieve a diverse group of clients. Today, I'm heading to answer the super high-level question what is Seo (SEO)” as well as highlight several of the most important greatest practices and pieces of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION advice to help you obtain started. We mentioned earlier that social media will be not a direct SEO rating factor, so you're probably thinking why we're actually mentioning it. Just before we get to the best Tools, let's start with the hot tip for search motor optimization this year - the purely white hat link developing tactic that is both inexpensive and provides a greater ROI compared to any other form of one way link, including guest blogger outreach. SEO differs from regional search engine optimization in that will the latter is targeted upon optimizing a business' online existence so that its web webpages is going to be shown by search engines when the user enters a local research for its products or solutions. In a latest survey by Hubspot only 9% of businesses using inbound marketing and advertising with SEO failed to observe an ROI. Today, the only way to show up in the search engine web pages like this is by publishing your videos on You Pipe or through video SEO. SEO requires an understanding associated with how search engines work, exactly what individuals search for, and precisely why and how people search. While Search engines makes it near impossible in order to completely crack its page rank algorithm code, constantly adjusting in order to accommodate one thousand different intricacies will be the challenge with regard to SEOers in 2018 and a lot of a long time. In order to get them, you'll have in order to read other blogs that examine between the lines of exactly what Google representatives are saying which usually publish data that illuminates the consequences, say, of a new formula change or that tries in order to determine is new ranking elements are taking effect when Search engines isn't being clear about can be going on. The comments upon posts in this blog are usually often worth reading, even in the event that just to see what additional SEO professionals are thinking. In on-line marketing, few strategies are since competitive or rapidly evolving since search engine optimization (SEO). SEMRush - Another excellent tool for SEO analysis, especially where it concerns business cleverness, SEMRush allows you to recognize and analyze the keywords that will the competitors are using. All these great parts is going to be useful for a successful marketing plus branding strategy and finally increases your SEO rank. However, with all the development of technology and Google most recent updates you can improve ranks by adopting voice search, sped up mobile pages, content marketing, cellular optimization, user-experience optimization, long-tail key phrases, local SEO, Google Quick Solution Box, Microformat and Artificial Cleverness in your SEO strategy 2018. SEO is the particular series of strategic approaches plus practices that are implemented in order to organically generate a high-rank placement in the search engine web page outcomes of internet search motors like Google, Bing, and Askjeeve.
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id0l-atry · 6 years
24 Hours to Improving SEO
Using the way issues move so fast on the particular web, many business people discover web site design and search engine marketing (SEO) to be just such as a moving target. The school methods of SEO are actually phased out and the new lookup engine algorithms have introduced the new at-par levels for some other techniques that should be regarded while creating a website style. We all do advanced SEO for Lot of money 500 websites and our strategies are built on these concepts. Now, the only method to appear in the lookup engine pages like this is definitely by uploading your videos upon You Tube or through movie SEO. On-Page SEO is normally accompanied with Off-Page SEO, that will be based on building trustworthy incoming links for your site -- this is most frequently known as linkbuilding. As the behaviour of a user searching search engine optimization company in Mumbai ” may be different from a user looking for seo company in Chennai Therefore, advertisers should not battle in the same way since these people used to do in the particular previous years. Whether you are the marketer or a business proprietor, learning new SEO tactics plus following best practices can assist you secure a safe place online. Everybody knows that will SEO is an acronym that will means Search Engine Optimization. The particular analytical section of the SEO is regarding tracking organic keyword positions, site traffic and its engagement online Analytics, Webmaster Tools and numerous other specialized tools. Staying on top of the particular changing trends in search motor optimization (SEO) is a should if a website will probably be observed by targeted customers. Considering that Google processes more than 3. 5 billion searches for each day, the 30% increase within voice search in only the particular next two years translates straight into huge numbers and an actually bigger potential for optimizing your own SEO strategy to begin gathering the demands of voice research now. It is usually true that constantly researching with regard to SEO techniques is a tiresome and tiring process, but presently there is no silver bullet with regard to maintaining high ranking except adopting change. Thus, cellular friendliness serves as one associated with the major factor that can continue in 2018 as the particular trend in SEO.
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Right here is the trick, attach the link within your content of your own target website, helping your focus on audience in reaching your web site, increasing traffic and impacting SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. SEO optimized posts are likely to rank high in research results compared those unoptimized content. The factor about YouTube Google rankings considering that April 2014 Google had the major update, many vseo possess been crying however the remedy is pretty simple. If a person have just started your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION campaign to get a brand-new website, after that you should focus on long-tail keywords. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, alone, is not enough in order to guarantee success and content marketing and advertising, alone, is not enough in order to guarantee success. We believe by now, most associated with the principles of SEO are usually more or less well comprehended by people that have carried out their amount of time within the trenches since 1999, even though new platforms and data varieties arrive all the time maintaining the need for ongoing exercise or testing even more essential than in the past.
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So, I would certainly declare 2018 is a problem for Google, just as very much as it might be with regard to SEOs. We have a few good rankings, but we are usually always trying to improve and discover what the future holds intended for SEO. In 2018, the user experience is the particular center of development as properly as the key point with regard to the SEO strategies. SEO remains king of the Internet, plus businesses will continue to require valuable, and unique content that will will meet the need associated with their company in the many years SEO 2019 PDF ahead. Backlinks are one of the most significant SEO factors. In order to give you a head begin, here are the SEO styles and techniques we expect in order to dominate in 2018. Debbie A. Everson is the particular CEO of, experienced SEO Specialists and Search Engine Optimization Company to 2, 000 small companies. Off-Page SEO refers in order to all the things that may be done directly OFF your own website to help you much better search engine positions, such since social networking, article submission, discussion board & blog marketing, etc.
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The overwhelming utilization of mobile phones for searching plus shopping has compelled the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION professionals to optimize mobile sites as well as the craze is fast picking up. You will find that there are several Local SEO ranking factors scattered through this ebook. The simplest way to understand how well your WordPress SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is working over time is usually to setup a free accounts with Google Analytics Ifย a person need some help follow this particular step by step integration guide One of the very very first things you should do will be link your Google Analytics accounts with your Google Search System account. They make make use of of the state-of-the-art content administration system and help you create good seo content for your own website which will help your own website appear on the best rank of the search motors and this has great influence on generating traffic to your own website which often results in company growth. The voice search will be getting vital for SEO. A person can use this configuration in order to improve your mobile SEO concerning providing users best design with regard to all devices. Many people try to consider their SEO strategies into their particular own hands, but this may lead to a waste associated with time and resources. SEO Check - which may test out your website plus give you tips for much better search engine optimization. In order to find out more, check this infographic through Digital Marketing Philippines, which talks about the very best trends that will you should know if a person want to increase your SEO technique this 2018. Using a common sense approach in order to SEO, you can do your own personal keyword research and do SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION yourself. Mainly because the niches are fairly wide, I'm fortunate to have the lot of keyword opportunities (as opposed to doing SEO regarding a local business). Within this post, we've broken lower the top SEO techniques to assist you skyrocket your rankings plus boost your amount of monthly website visitors.
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SEO specialists have to look for new tricks and techniques to promote a website because Google methods take into account not only key phrases, but also context, among other things. How do you know that will these are the very greatest SEO companies out there, plus how did you know the SEO company rankings are appropriate? You may audit your page's SEO wellness, compare SEO metrics for the number of pages, and evaluate both external and internal hyperlinks on any given web web page. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION will also help your company thrive through higher exposure (also known as page 'ranking'). Whilst researching latest SEO marketing methods and techniques that are impacting on the search engine rankings associated with websites in the current situation, it has been realized that will SEO is changing fast. If you are severe about improving search traffic plus are unfamiliar with SEO, all of us recommend reading this guide front-to-back. Choosing the correct keywords is the real starting of any SEO effort. Ultimately, success within SEO in 2018 and forwards will depend on creating incredible content and making it mainly because easy as possible for lookup engines to understand exactly exactly what that content is about. Traditional SEO is targeted upon building (keyword relevant) links plus (keyword relevant) content. The search engine marketing (SEO) industry continues to grow in recognition and is worth a excellent $65 billion SEO helps shops rank in search engines such as Google. What's coming intended for search engine optimization (SEO) professionals within the coming year? In the event that you quality backlinks to your own blog post, you'll also much better search engine positions for the particular competitive terms like SEO Tips” with ease. SEO is the methodology that technically and topically aligns brand content and engagement along with searcher intent. SEOs are able to gain access to a lot more information compared to we ever could before straight from Google using Search System (like mobile friendliness of content material, and validation of structured data), and tools like the automatic assistant in the mobile Search engines Analytics app, which provides device learning insights to Google analytics data.
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Getting released on top with SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION depends on delivering a top quality website experience with awesome articles. Lots associated with people associate off-page SEO along with backlink but it is not really only is the process associated with promoting your website across the particular web. As a result, this is usually definitely an important part associated with WordPress SEO 2018 and the reason for making visual content component of your online marketing technique. These types of on-page SEO factors affect your own individual page rank searching outcomes. Hence, the business proprietors need to concentrate on every new development and understand the tweaks and updates and its particular results on the website rating in order to establish the best type of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategy that retains high ratings. According to the latest SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION trends and techniques of 2017, SEO moved their attention plus priority to mobile friendly sites with quick loading time plus trusting to large social networking revealing platforms. In 2018, the particular user experience could be the center associated with development and also the the key point for the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategies. As the mobile-first index, page speed ranking element, as well as other changes continue to move out this year, be guaranteed that SEO which focuses upon quality over short-term gains will be what can help you shift up in the SERPs. Many SEO campaigns begin along with keywords - knowing what the particular audience within your niche is definitely searching for is really the powerful advantage. Authoritativeness is a important metric for SEO these times, and when you read that will Google rater's guide, it indicates a lot more than simply having lots and lots associated with backlinks. It will be the first SEO trend that will will make your site even more visible on search engine. SEO is executed on the understanding that web pages rank because of how appropriate a webpage is to the search query and how numerous links point to that web page. You know essential it is in these days to write excellent content and optimize blog posts for SEO. The most essential aspect of SEO is that will you must have quality articles You should provide value in order to readers with your engaging articles. You post a great info, could you suggest me exactly how to improve website ranking with no doing any off page search engine optimization. Surprisingly good enough, a lot of SEOs away there do tend to undervalue the power of Google Developments The tool has a individual "YouTube search" feature, which covers under the "Web search" choice. With each new yr, exciting new trends emerge within SEO that are important in order to catch onto in order in order to stay ahead of the contour and make sure that your own content is the most related. Link Exchange, Bookmarking of internet pages etc are good methods of improve your web web page ranking and thereby build SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. This is usually where SEO tools show the magic by improving a web site to perform great web search search positions. But if if you're short on money, use these types of do-it-yourself SEO ways to improve your own organic rankings. Whilst this holistic approach will ultimately eliminate a lot of the particular issues created by some SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION practitioners over the years, We realise that search engines' engineers will certainly initially overestimate the precision associated with their AI, leading to Penguin-level collateral damage. Well, this particular is it. Hope this SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Trends in 2018 will assist you to be on the particular track and beat your many other competitors. Today, a person are going to know several most important SEO techniques that will will help to enhance your own organic traffic, keywords ranking plus website optimization. On-page SEO with regard to ecommerce is all about producing sure your keywords are within the best places. Location: A few businesses like knowing that they will could visit their SEO business at any time to spending budget, campaign, and progress over espresso. Compose them a message or deliver a message via social media marketing along with a link to your fresh article, and inquire them to web page link over to it. As well as other SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION best practices, building links regarding your article will help a person take over the top place from your competitors. Search understanding is usually coveted among the individuals and teams that have SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and SEM-specific roles. Therefore if you want to obtain more traffic from SEO within 2018, I recommend creating plus optimizing content specifically for Youtube . com. When it comes to organic language, voice search, and smart voice assistants, what SEOs may do much more related in order to optimizing for the parsing plus indexing phases of the Search engines algorithm than to rankings by themselves. Check out this infographic in order to learn more regarding the top SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION trends you should keep a watch on to stay competitive within digital marketing arena in 2018 and beyond. In order to get executive buy-in, SEOs require to talk an alternative language : a CMO is just not interested within a list of rankings, they will want to understand the effect of SEO on performance. In case you are going for regional SEO, try to obtain the server close to the location you attempt to rank intended for. This individual is the proud Founder and Chief Architect of cognitiveSEO, a good SEO Toolset focused on in-depth analysis of ranking signals. A write-up in states that will 85% of individuals prefer indigenous mobile apps to websites Function your brand prominently in the particular app name and be certain you have proper links in order to apps for better search ratings Also, you should ensure that application optimization tops your list associated with SEO optimization. Plus because Google shows YouTube movies in their search results, your own video must be SEO pleasant. Enter your competitor's URL directly into the SEMRush search bar and you will be provided with a listing of SEO keywords, with their particular rankings and traffic. Lastly, Amazon can dominate e-commerce queries in 2018 via Alexa voice, touch, plus other innovative interfaces, leaving numerous e-commerce SEOs to target in upon the content-side of their advertising. So, make certain to focus a bit upon these trends and search examine more about them in purchase to make your SEO video game stronger. Indeed, I agree with you Karthikeyan Maruthai, We ought to Understand Above Off-page SEO Methods to Obtain Very Good Ranking. Additionally, it provides me a place to embed the video (giving it more views, embeds, loves, etc) which improves both our video's SEO and my home page's SEO as well… people are usually very likely to share, link to, plus spend more time on the particular page if it has the nice video. Allow me to operate you through the top SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION vogues and what you ought to do, to improve the rating your website. In SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION NAP stands for Name, Deal with, Phone #. While it might appear innocent enough, people mess this up time and period again, and inconsistent information on the particular web will destroy any prospect you have with regard to ranking in local search. Internal linking is amongst the major aspects of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION as with the aid associated with it you can direct visitors to your other pages plus posts too. The thing regarding YouTube Google rankings since Apr 2014 Google had a main update, many vseo have already been crying but the option might be pretty simple. This particular may not sound like a good advanced SEO strategy, but you needed be surprised the number associated with websites are missing basic on-page SEO like page titles or even descriptions. But this has a nice SEO advantage to boot: multimedia helps a person boost those user-interaction signals that will Google continues to be having to pay more attention to. I was wanting to rank with the key word online jobs but as the particular URL is long & the particular keyword is in the finish associated with the URL, I am not really ranking on the first place even after my page and my SEO is way better than various other first 3 ranked sites. SEO is almost all about backlinks, right? With more than 200 ranking factors in Google's search algorithm, SEO is today a highly complex process. A SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION process may involve a website's coding and structure, content plus copywriting, site presentation, as properly as fixing other issues that will will prevent search engines through indexing your company website. Just since Google and other search motors are using personalization more regularly in order to get more accurate search outcomes for their users, user customization has become more prevalent within SEO. The particular need to learn about brand-new entrants like Siri, Alexa, Fb, Linkedin, and specialist search motors (like, for example) will maintain SEOs on their toes with regard to years to come. It took me plenty associated with time to organize for it, in order to conduct the research and therefore forth. It is very helpful to have the information upon how the very best professionals use SEO at hand. Affected sites along with poor onpage and offpage SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, and has a massive impact on location related search. SEO differs from regional search engine optimization in that will the latter is targeted upon optimizing a business' online existence so that its web webpages is going to be shown by search engines when the user enters a local lookup for its products or providers. In a current survey by Hubspot only 9% of businesses using inbound advertising with SEO failed to notice an ROI. Today, the only way to show up in the search engine webpages like this is by posting your videos on You Pipe or through video SEO. SEO requires an understanding associated with how search engines work, exactly what individuals search for, and precisely why and how people search. While Search engines makes it near impossible in order to completely crack its page rank algorithm code, constantly adjusting in order to accommodate one thousand different technicalities will be the challenge with regard to SEOers in 2018 and a lot of a long time. In order to get them, you'll have in order to read other blogs that go through between the lines of exactly what Google representatives are saying which usually publish data that illuminates the results, say, of a new criteria change or that tries in order to determine is new ranking aspects are taking effect when Search engines isn't being clear about elaborate going on. The comments upon posts in this blog are usually often worth reading, even when just to see what additional SEO professionals are thinking. There are usually various powerful Top SEO methods ” which will help a person to get your site upon first page of Search motor. With the contribution associated with major search engines like Search engines and Bing, website owners are usually seeing technological SEO changes that will reflect in terms of improved user experiences. We are unable to develop a post about the particular top SEO trends in 2018 without writing about how AI and machine learning will influence SEO. Still, the key phrase aspect of SEO is getting increasingly difficult with Google Google adwords hiding volume data. A successful SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategy in 2018 will proceed towards relationship building, helping the brand develop powerful contacts plus links that will be advantageous in a longer term. As search engines keep on to develop more advanced technology and responsiveness to online lookups, new SEO techniques will arise to keep companies ranking higher on search engines. Within this post, we've broken straight down the very best SEO techniques in order to help you skyrocket your ratings and boost your number associated with monthly visitors.
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whatevernevermind · 6 years
24 Hours to Improving SEO
Using the way items move so fast on the particular web, many business people discover website design and search engine search engine optimization (SEO) to be just such as a moving target. The school methods of SEO are actually phased out and the new research engine algorithms have introduced the new at-par levels for additional techniques that should be regarded as while creating a website style. We all do advanced SEO for Lot of money 500 websites and our strategies are built on these concepts. Now, the only method to appear in the lookup engine pages like this is usually by uploading your videos upon You Tube or through video clip SEO. On-Page SEO is normally accompanied with Off-Page SEO, that is usually based on building trustworthy incoming links for your site -- this is most frequently known as linkbuilding. As the conduct of a user searching search engine optimization company in Mumbai ” may be different from a user looking for seo company in Chennai Therefore, advertisers should not battle in the same way because they will used to do in the particular previous years. Whether you are the marketer or a business proprietor, learning new SEO tactics plus following best practices can assist you secure a safe place on the internet. Everybody knows that will SEO is an acronym that will represents Search Engine Optimization. The particular analytical area of the SEO is regarding tracking organic keyword positions, web site traffic and its engagement online Analytics, Webmaster Tools and several other specialized tools. Staying on top of the particular changing trends in search motor optimization (SEO) is a should if a website will probably be observed by targeted customers. Considering that Google processes more than 3. 5 billion searches for each day, the 30% increase within voice search in only the particular next two years translates in to huge numbers and an actually bigger potential for optimizing your own SEO strategy to begin gathering the demands of voice research now. It is definitely true that constantly researching regarding SEO techniques is a tiresome and tiring process, but right now there is no silver bullet intended for maintaining high ranking except taking on change. Thus, cellular friendliness serves as one associated with the major factor that can continue in 2018 as the particular trend in SEO. The particular rise of featured snippets, PAY-PER-CLICK, voice search and local SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION can often yield better results compared to an organic ranking. SEO in 2018 is also expected to include some wonderful features with new technology and the trends are currently favoring the popular expectations. Content that will is clearly designed for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION purposes is something that Search engines is already reducing - annihilation is the only way this can go. Dropping obvious key phrases into a piece of articles as many times as is possible, whilst not focusing on the high quality and relevance of the content material will get a site no place (apart from down! ). So, rather than packing plus cracking a keyword into your own content as much as a person can, white hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION will help you with the particular usage in such a method the content makes sense plus engages visitors well. I can clearly state that In 2018, Smart SEOs and even data-driven company will certainly focus more on Searcher intention and less on keyword quantity, difficulty and links metrics. So, I might declare 2018 is a problem for Google, just as very much as it might be with regard to SEOs. We have a few good rankings, but we are usually always planning to improve and observe what the future holds regarding SEO. In 2018, the user experience is the particular center of development as properly as the key point regarding the SEO strategies. SEO remains king of the Internet, plus businesses will continue to require valuable, and unique content that will will meet the need associated with their company in the many years SEO 2019 Slide ahead. Backlinks are one of the most significant SEO factors. In order to give you a head begin, here are the SEO styles and techniques we expect in order to dominate in 2018. Debbie A. Everson is the particular CEO of, experienced SEO Professionals and Search Engine Optimization Company to 2, 000 small companies. Off-Page SEO refers in order to all the things that may be done directly OFF your own website to help you much better search engine positions, such because social networking, article submission, community forum & blog marketing, etc. The overwhelming utilization of mobile phones for searching plus shopping has compelled the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION professionals to optimize mobile sites as well as the tendency is fast picking up. You will find that there are several Local SEO ranking factors scattered through this ebook. The easiest method to understand how well your WordPress SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is working over time is usually to setup a free accounts with Google Analytics Ifย a person need some help follow this particular step by step integration guide One of the very 1st things you should do will be link your Google Analytics accounts with your Google Search System account. They make make use of of the state-of-the-art content administration system and help you create good seo content for your own website which will help your own website appear on the best rank of the search motors and this has great effect on generating traffic to your own website which results in company growth. The voice search will be getting vital for SEO. A person can use this configuration in order to improve your mobile SEO concerning providing users best design regarding all devices. Many people try to consider their SEO strategies into their particular own hands, but this may lead to a waste associated with time and resources. SEO Check - which will certainly test out your website plus give you tips for much better search engine optimization. If you need to find out more, check this infographic through Digital Marketing Philippines, which talks about the very best trends that will you should know if a person want to increase your SEO technique this 2018. Using a common sense approach in order to SEO, you can do your personal keyword research and do SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION yourself. Since the niches are fairly wide, I'm fortunate to have the lot of keyword opportunities (as opposed to doing SEO regarding a local business). Within this post, we've broken straight down the top SEO techniques to assist you skyrocket your rankings plus boost your variety of monthly website visitors. SEO specialists have to look for new tricks and techniques to promote a website because Google methods take into account not only key phrases, but also context, among other things. How do you know that will these are the very greatest SEO companies out there, plus how did you know the SEO company rankings are appropriate? You may audit your page's SEO wellness, compare SEO metrics for the number of pages, and evaluate both external and internal hyperlinks on any given web web page. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION will also help your company thrive through higher exposure (also known as page 'ranking'). Whilst researching latest SEO marketing methods and techniques that are affecting the search engine rankings associated with websites in the current situation, it has been realized that will SEO is changing fast. If you are severe about improving search traffic plus are unfamiliar with SEO, all of us recommend reading this guide front-to-back. Choosing the correct keywords is the real starting of any SEO effort. Ultimately, success within SEO in 2018 and forwards will depend on creating incredible content and making it simply because easy as possible for research engines to understand exactly exactly what that content is about. Many business individuals find checking up on the particular "moving target" of SEO distracts them from daily priorities a lot more than they ever imagined, consequently it is good to appear closely at why is feeling for each business. Your readers are always the almost all important part in regards in order to a blog post, so in no way compromise writing quality for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION benefit. But mobile SEO is various in terms of search conduct, quality signals, levels of consumer engagement, and above all, rank algorithms. For this particular to happen a variety associated with local SEO strategies, need in order to be implemented to have the site positioned on search engines like Search engines, business directories such as Yelp, Superpages, Google My Business position etc. This will be a development opportunity for content marketing-specific firms and a necessary and validated budget line item for in-house SEO teams. According to experts, Content is usually the most critical element associated with SEO trends in 2018. RankBrain is more associated with a ranking signal than a good SEO masterpiece, nevertheless, it will have some effects on SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, and can be especially helpful if users don't know totally what they're looking for, or even simply can't find the correct words to use. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION - Seo: the process associated with making your site better regarding search engines. Google announced last season that RankBrain had become their particular 3rd most important ranking element, and our SEO predictions recommend it will grow in significance for 2018. Creating and promoting linkable property is an excellent way in order to transform your SEO through the purchase of backlinks. You can get SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION results by executing Pillar #1 and Pillar #2 well, yet backlinks are fuel on the particular fire. This way, a person and your SEO can make sure that your site is made to be search engine-friendly from your bottom up. However, a great SEO can also help enhance an existing site. In the particular future, SEOers will have in order to write more for the internet user, which the search motors will begin to mimic. Research Engine Optimization popularly referred in order to by the acronym SEO is usually really a technique of immediate marketing employed to rank the webpage on top leads in order to increase the number of the particular visitors on website. My predictions regarding SEO in 2018 is that will we are going to keep on to see Google devalue webpages with keyword stuffing and slim content. Technical optimization: all associated with the behind-the-scenes engineering that SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION pros do to make this easier for search engines such as google to find a internet site. SEO styles continue to emerge, but 2018 is a great revolution in SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION just because a lot associated with new game-changing technologies will develop fully in this time and SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION optimization will get a much better yet new shape. Although personally We are usually not a fan of tone of voice search, but a high portion of people are incredibly for up-to-date on-page SEO optimization, add functions such as voice search, e-mail plug-ins such as ability associated with users to just click upon the email and send this, call plug-ins as well as other modes associated with communication such as Skype. Fairly recently, I've seen the resurgence of on-page SEO aspects making a difference in research engine rankings. A person can also see the off-page SEO power of free equipment through backlinks. If you need to keep thriving in research rankings, you need to become aware of all of the particular latest Google algorithm updates plus SEO best practices. Although the fundamentals associated with SEO will stay important (links, onsite SEO, page speed, articles etc. ), how one increases for certain queries will modify. Numerous thanks for your awesome In-depth Guide, I have learnt several new SEO Strategies, I will certainly begin with improving my website's Dwell Time Beside Creating Visible Content, I am going in order to really appreciate If you can Write an In-depth Guide regarding Creating Embeddable Images”, I require to understand it better. On-page SEO could be the process of customizing websites or blogs in purchase to increase a site's rank in search results. In 2018, your SEO achievement won't depend on how properly you optimize your website regarding Google. On the similar note, great SEO articles needs keywords but if a person overdo it, Google and individual visitors will hate it. Wanting to keep a healthy keyword denseness of 1-2% is recommended. SEO is usually optimizing digital documents for individuals who use search engines. Search engines has stated publicly they think brands” are good for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, as people trust them plus want to see them offered in search results. Once we appear ahead to SEO in 2018, discover our predictions for exactly what we think will be one particular of Google's biggest years however for search. Meta explanation plays a major role within search engine position of your post so composing an SEO friendly meta explanation is essential for ranking aspect. SEO is not just about building search engine-friendly websites. When you're working on SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, you need to be conscious of the existing factors that will influence your ranking. We might like to increase visibility, we all want it to show up in Lookup Engine Results Page (SERP), All of us should go with these alleged SEO techniques. Enter: SEO -- a method to filter plus organise websites depending on key phrases. SEO today is producing sure a user's experience is definitely optimal in terms of the particular content they're consuming, how they may consuming on various devices, plus what action they're lead in order to take next. And as over 55% of most search results on Search engines contain one or more movies — almost all of which usually are YouTube videos — posting SEO-optimised YouTube videos will obtain you more Google search direct exposure and increase your online presence exponentially. In situation your website is on the particular newer side, you can prioritize your PPC campaign first because it can take a whilst for SEO rankings to turn out to be established, but don't ignore your own SEO in this process. In truth, you're going to see even more and more people investing within SEO as paid traffic stations will get expensive. Google failed to impact web pages so much right after updates, quickly but they gather data on a regular basis so they are usually testing their algorithms then this effects all directories in search engine optimization. In order to get executive buy-in, SEOs require to talk an alternative language : a CMO is just not interested within a list of rankings, they will want to understand the effect of SEO on performance. Should you be going for nearby SEO, try to obtain the server close to the location you attempt to rank intended for. This individual is the proud Founder and Chief Architect of cognitiveSEO, a good SEO Toolset focused on in-depth analysis of ranking signals. A write-up in states that will 85% of individuals prefer indigenous mobile apps to websites Function your brand prominently in the particular app name and be certain you have proper links in order to apps for better search ranks Also, you should ensure that application optimization tops your list associated with SEO optimization. Plus because Google shows YouTube video clips in their search results, your own video must be SEO helpful. Enter your competitor's URL directly into the SEMRush search bar and you should be provided with a checklist of SEO keywords, with their particular rankings and traffic. Lastly, Amazon can dominate e-commerce queries in 2018 via Alexa voice, touch, plus other innovative interfaces, leaving a lot of e-commerce SEOs to target in upon the content-side of their advertising. So, make certain to focus a bit upon these trends and search study more about them in purchase to make your SEO sport stronger. Indeed, I agree with you Karthikeyan Maruthai, We ought to Understand Above Off-page SEO Processes to Attain Very Good Ranking. Additionally, it provides me a place to embed the video (giving it more views, embeds, wants, etc) which improves both the video's SEO and my cyberspace SEO as well… people are usually more prone to share, link to, plus spend more time on the particular page if it has the nice video. Allow me to operate you through the top SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION vogues and what you ought to do, to improve the position your website. In SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION NAP stands for Name, Deal with, Phone #. While it might appear innocent enough, people mess this up time and period again, and inconsistent facts about the particular web will destroy any prospect you have regarding ranking in local search. With regard to example, considering the keyword tea” or marketing” may take very a long time for enhancing the ranking for every upon Google, however, using less researched terms like home tea-maker” or even SEO marketing for your business” can improve your chances associated with raking high in Google. Search Motor Optimization is done through composing SEO optimized content for the website. I WOULDN'T 301 REFOCUS users blindly to your house page in case you anticipate any SEO benefits from 301s. Nevertheless, 2018 SEO trends will prove in order to be the clincher. Canonical: This particular plug-in handles content syndication, which usually essentially allows other blogs in order to publish your job (similar to franchising) without hurting your website's SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ranking—simply by having a rel=canonical may get your brand and articles out on the web within multiple outlets, ensuring a higher reach and bigger audience with out hurting your own search outcomes. Rich snippets and schema markup language is the the one that one particular needs to work on even more to get a good increase in SEO score and furthermore for having a better standing searching engine results page (also called SERP). ” The wealthy snippets are a way in order to communicate with Google regarding the content material contained within the site. Including NAP details, opening hours, related photos, and informative and useful content for your users in order to engage with is really the crucial first step in the local SEO strategy. SEO, whenever combined with social media marketing networking plus other marketing strategies, offer companies the best choice and the particular least cost to effectively achieve a diverse group of clients. Today, I'm heading to answer the super high-level question what is Seo (SEO)” as well as highlight several of the most important greatest practices and pieces of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION advice to help you obtain started. We mentioned earlier that social media is usually not a direct SEO position factor, so you're probably asking yourself why we're also mentioning it. Just before we get to the best Tools, let's start with the hot tip for search motor optimization this year - the purely white hat link developing tactic that is both inexpensive and provides a better ROI compared to any other form of back-link, including guest blogger outreach. SEO differs from regional search engine optimization in that will the latter is targeted upon optimizing a business' online existence so that its web web pages is going to be shown by search engines when the user enters a local research for its products or solutions. In a latest survey by Hubspot only 9% of businesses using inbound advertising with SEO failed to discover an ROI. Today, the only way to show up in the search engine webpages like this is by posting your videos on You Pipe or through video SEO. SEO requires an understanding associated with how search engines work, exactly what individuals search for, and precisely why and how people search. While Search engines makes it near impossible in order to completely crack its page positioning algorithm code, constantly adjusting in order to accommodate one thousand different technicalities will be the challenge with regard to SEOers in 2018 and a lot of a long time. In order to get them, you'll have in order to read other blogs that study between the lines of exactly what Google representatives are saying which usually publish data that illuminates the consequences, say, of a new formula change or that tries in order to determine is new ranking aspects are taking effect when Search engines isn't being clear about elaborate going on. The comments upon posts in this blog are usually often worth reading, even in the event that just to see what some other SEO professionals are thinking. In on the internet marketing, few strategies are because competitive or rapidly evolving because search engine optimization (SEO). SEMRush - Another excellent tool for SEO analysis, especially where it concerns business cleverness, SEMRush allows you to determine and analyze the keywords that will the competitors are using. All these great elements is going to be useful for a successful marketing plus branding strategy and finally increases your SEO rank. However, with all the development of technology and Google most recent updates you can improve ranks by adopting voice search, sped up mobile pages, content marketing, cellular optimization, user-experience optimization, long-tail key phrases, local SEO, Google Quick Reply Box, Microformat and Artificial Cleverness in your SEO strategy 2018. SEO is the particular series of strategic approaches plus practices that are implemented in order to organically generate a high-rank place in the search engine web page outcomes of internet search motors like Google, Bing, and Askjeeve.
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king-shrug · 6 years
The History of SEO 2019
From the world's greatest brands to modest personal internet sites, Seo (SEO) is an important tool to operate a vehicle traffic, acquire fresh customers and get obtained on-line. Ranking aspects can be divided into on-page SEO factors (including technical SEO) and link building or off-page SEO factors. Take the 10 pillar subjects you came up with within Step one and create the web page for each a single which outlines the topic in a high level - making use of the long-tail keywords you emerged plan for each cluster within Step 2. A pillar web page on SEO, for instance, may describe SEO in brief areas that introduce keyword research, picture optimization, SEO strategy, and various other subtopics as they are recognized. On our blog we all chronicle current trends in on the web marketing and SEO and current interesting studies, statistics and styles. Increased site usability - Within an effort to make your own site easier to navigate with regard to the search engines, SEO at the same time helps to make your internet site more navigable for users mainly because well. You are capable to host your video upon YouTube for that foundational SEO greatest practices, but link and high light the embedded video on your own own website. Image SEO is actually a crucial part of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION different types of websites. Max DesMarais is definitely an SEO as well as PPC Specialist for Vital, some sort of Digital Marketing & PPC firm that specializes in PPC supervision services. But this also has an incredible roundabout benefit to your bottom collection: boosting your search engine optimisation (SEO). It may be the scenario (and I surmise this) that this introduction of a certain SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION technique initially artificially raised your own rankings for the pages within a way that Google's methods usually do not approve of, and as soon as that is actually spread out all through your site, traffic starts in order to deteriorate or is slammed inside a future algorithm update. It helps your SEO attempts to ensure that your keywords and phrases are added to the destinazione description and it will offer you a ranking boost when your specific terms are noticeable in this area. Moreover, a Google Penguin update drastically changed the position of backlinks on SEO, producing it more difficult to find link juice to a internet site. Gone are the times of traditional SEO techniques, on-line content is changing. The cognitiveSEO Rank System offers accurate country, language plus city precision for all your own tracked keywords. Even if your URLs not necessarily pretty, ” if you no longer feel as though they're adversely impacting users and your company in general, don't change all of them to be more keyword concentrated for better SEO. ” When Blog9T you do need to alter your URL structure, make certain to make use of the proper (301 permanent) type of redirect. In this particular post, we've broken down the particular very best SEO techniques to assist you skyrocket your rankings plus boost your number of regular visitors. An accessible URL will be an important SEO ranking element. Heidi Cohen: To increase 2018 SEO results, marketers will proceed moving away from disposable, as soon as and done content. They concentrate on SEO Internet marketing objectives and provide top search motor rank like Google and Google. Collectively, these developments are plus can continue to have the dramatic impact on the method in which we search optimize our websites in 2019 plus form the core of our own newest SEO 2019 update briefing. Siteimprove SEO incorporates sixty six unique SEO checks, including tests for missing meta descriptions, punctuational mistakes, broken links, outdated data files, poor readability, and links in order to unsafe domains. But in the event that we're looking for a larger trend it's that SEO plus what we call real marketing” will continue to blur the particular lines between them as the particular job of the SEO gets that of a traditional online marketer - having to understand the particular user, the competitors, the industry and also the implementation part. Thanks for going to the world of Search Motor Optimization (SEO). For example, we regularly produce content on the topic associated with "SEO, " but it's nevertheless very hard to rank nicely on Google for such the popular topic on this acronym alone. What can modern-day industry shifts show about the particular future of SEO and content material marketing? Search engine optimisation (SEO) is on a move. Whether a person are an SEO Professional, Electronic Marketing Agency, SMB or Brand name, looking to increase your visitors or to monitor your web site's evolution, this SEO software can provide you with best within class digital marketing strategy evaluation and insights for your company. Their expertise is definitely incredibly valuable because there is usually plenty of science to SEO, plus it is constantly changing because search engines like Google carry on to update their algorithms. From a content viewpoint, I'd say one of the particular best ways to get SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION value out of video will be to focus your efforts upon addressing your customer's pain factors. BrightLocal offers been helping local businesses, multi-location businesses and SEO professionals realize and enhance their positions in the particular local search market since yr. Gowns where search engine optimization, or even SEO, is available in. Right here are the best conferences in order to learn more about SEO (and digital marketing) in 2018 plus 2019. Every little or multi-location company can develop their business and attract even more customers using Local SEO techniques In this article we clarify what local search optimization is definitely, and why using a regional SEO company can help enhance your online visibility. It provides an introduction in order to the basics of search motors and SEO, and then grows into more advanced topics. Black hat SEO is the group of unethical practices in order to improve rankings of the internet site in the search engine outcomes page. SEO Wise Links provides automatic SEO advantages for your site in add-on to custom keyword lists, from it and much more. Detailed with this Bruce Clay SEO tutorial are reliable strategies that aim to enhance both internal and external elements that influence search ranking. To demonstrate, if you we're trying to end up being found locally when users appear for SEO services in your own area, and you're based within Wales, one such search phrase you might look to optimize for may be "SEO wales". Search Engine Optimizers (SEO's) are people who optimize sites to make them show upward higher on search engines plus gain more website visitors. One thing is usually crystal clear: if you desire people to discover your function, you need search engine marketing (SEO). This just about all means when you're thinking regarding your SEO strategy, you require to think about how your own social media marketing strategy fits into the particular puzzle, too. As your visitors slowly increases, ensure that you include additional SEO strategies (like adding exterior and internal links, guest publishing, etc) to engage more customers and keep your metrics higher. Google has still left a very narrow band associated with opportunity when it comes in order to SEO - and punishments are created to take you out associated with the game for some period while you cleanup the infractions. Head of Marketing, He Edstrom, at BioClarity, a San Diego based health-science company, thinks that SEO is going in order to see a decreased importance within 2019, and SEOs should begin ensuring they're competent in SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING. The best rank that you could see the profile with contact information and maps on right hands side of search result web page is achieved after long process for using SEO tactics. Numerous search engine optimisation. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the technique of customizing a website for search motor discovery and indexing. SEO is actually a technique which search motors require that sites must enhance properly, so that they show up high in search results. The European Search Honours is an international competition that will shines the spotlight around the best SEO and Content Marketing firms in Europe. By merging a new way to work along with SEO and prioritized lists associated with recommendations—not to mention competitor evaluation and keyword monitoring—Siteimprove SEO is definitely your all-in-one tool to develop traffic, prove ROI, and effortlessly create content. All the SEO styles listed here may have started in late 2017 or earlier 2018, but their true advantage could be reaped in 2019. Google's David Mueller said on Twitter, along with the disclaimer of him placing his user hat on (ofcourse not Google hat), that relabeling older content as new, with simply no additional changes is a poor SEO hack. All of us associated with creatives, designers & developers function alongside our SEO & articles teams to ideate, research, style & create remarkable infographics and interactive content for brands that will get shared across the internet. Contemporary SEO strategy may be the process associated with organizing a website's content simply by topic, which helps search engines like yahoo realize a user's intent when looking. Page loading time is dependent upon Page Load speed, Web page loading time is one associated with the important factors in Portable SEO 2017. Sociable Media as a platform are not able to be ignored in any SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION plan. Seo stands regarding search engine optimization, when a person are searching for an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION or Search Engine Optimization Business then you needs to appear for various factors which may have a favorable and bad affect on your business. Getting SEO right could influence your business hugely while you start to build organic and natural traffic to your site which usually will naturally grow without the particular need for any underhanded SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION tactics or even spending tons of money on perfectly powerful but pricey solutions such because Pay Per Click or deluxe ads. Searchmetrics is happy to have this partnership along with Elephate, a leading content plus SEO agency with years associated with invaluable experience. However, the particular webmasters can grasp search motor optimization SEO through websites. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION offers incredible opportunity and accessibility (it's an inherently free advertising channel) to inbound traffic, yet it can be hard in order to know where to start plus what advice to follow. Video can become 7 Unbelievable Facts About SEO 2019 an important contributor to your own overall SEO and digital advertising strategy, but it's important in order to be superior on how movie is going to help a person achieve your marketing and SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION goals. If you have got ever been into black-hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, spam, and un-natural links, Search engines will never forgive you plus you could be penalized by google at any time. As mentioned earlier, SEO organizations are usually the most certified in working with various verticals of online marketing, mainly credited to the nature of their own work. Monitoring: Often overlooked, but one associated with the most important areas associated with successful SEO, this section strolls through how you can monitor your success and tie your own efforts back to real visitors and business, which gives a person the chance to future modify and optimize your programs. Deciding on the best key phrases is critical for successful SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and it is easy in order to choose the wrong ones through falling into the trap associated with optimization. Lookup engine optimisation, or SEO, is the procedure of enhancing your site's rating in search results. Web Marketing SEO, and in specific, Google SEO is the essential. Get into your competitor's URL into the particular SEMRush search bar and you will end up being provided with a list associated with SEO keywords, with their search positions and traffic. About: Brighton SEO is made up of courses and a one-day search marketing conference. Before this change, the greatest practice was to avoid concealed content at any cost because it wasn't as effective regarding SEO (it was either as well much to crawl for the particular bot in some instances or even given less important by Search engines in others). This is due to the particular fact that you will require contents to be submitted in order to the websites for whom a person are working as an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, when you build the hyperlinks, you will need to offer the profile information, and a person will also have to produce articles for submissions as nicely as numerous other types associated with written work. If you've actually searched for something online (and most of us have), a person already know read more regarding SEO than you think a person do. We all already see this trend within several places, like extremely accurate targeting of social ads : some brands still approach SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and content creation with the one-size-fits all attitude. To possess a better SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, helps your website can obtain on the top among well-known search engines like Bing plus Google. On the additional side, you can ensure a good effective content marketing campaign just when you apply the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION techniques properly. SEO : Search engine optimization: the procedure of making your internet site better intended for search engines. The purpose of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION writing is to make your own company more visual, more attractive in website search engines. SEO will be the practice of increasing this quantity and quality of targeted traffic to your website through natural and organic search engine results. 31. SEO data can notify a smart social media technique. Solid keyword & marketplace research assist SEO strategy plus allow us to offer realistic projections and forecasts of opportunity inside your market. Nevertheless, when this comes to developing and performing an audio SEO strategy with regard to your business, just creating content material for the keywords your clients are looking for is each arduous and, well, wrong. In this situation, in, the article ranks correct after the official Google suggestions (and it makes sense that will Google should be number one on their own branded query) but Smashing magazine is proven as a position 0” little of text on the issue Google pop up guidelines” within. Search Engine Land, a top quality SEO blog this is the pillar of the community will be ranking after Smashing (which occurs to be associated with a style blog than an SEO one). User-generated content racks up serious SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION points by providing sites along with fresh content, bundles of back links, and sources for organically framing natural attributes. You'll find it right here Also really worth checking away is Moz's Beginner's Explained SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, ” which you'll find right here, and the SEO Success Pyramid from Small Business Search Marketing and advertising. Off-page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategy refers to the impact of a change in some other websites in your search rank. Bruce Clay-based set the standard for honest internet marketing by authoring the particular " SEO Code of Integrity, " now translated into eighteen languages, and it has already been a respected leader within the particular ever-changing research engine marketing industry since mil novecentos e noventa e seis. Website SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (including, content optimisation, meta marketing, the significance of links). A good SEO Specialist is someone which is an expert on the particular topic of search engine marketing. Just mainly because a proper On-page and Off-page SEO optimization work will provide a better Ranking to your own website in Search Engine Outcome Page (SERP). The largest SEO change and pattern I realize already happening within 2018 is Google's switch in order to a mobile-first index, so in case a site is not however mobile-friendly and optimized for this, it's critical to prioritize this particular as it is now basic for its SEO success. With good on-page SEO, lookup engines can easily index your own web pages, understand what your own site is about, and effortlessly navigate the structure and articles of your website, thus rank your site accordingly. Keyword studies about getting those terms so that a person can use them properly within content optimization and SEO within general. Just as content only isn't enough to guarantee SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION success, SEO alone isn't good enough to ensure that people may find and engage with your own articles. While intense SEO may involve complex site restructuring along with a firm (or consultant) that will specializes in this area, generally there are a few simple methods you can take yourself in order to raise your search engine ranking. While we prepare to enter 2019, keyword creation for SEO professionnals will become less important. Obtain the training you need in order to stay ahead with expert-led programs on Seo (SEO). Learn how to compose articles, learn how to create some simple HTML, and the particular learn the very basic concepts of SEO, and you may make money online using SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and article marketing to obtain your website (you only require one from each website) outlined on Page #1 of Search engines (forget Yahoo as well since the rest) and you may get loads of visitors that will web page. If your website will be made up of lower-quality entrance type pages using old SEO-techniques (which more and more branded as spam in 2018) after that Google will not index most of the pages as nicely as your website ‘quality score' is probably likely to become negatively impacted. This particular is beyond website content, but great user experience has become a lot more and more important in solid SEO rankings. forty five. Use Google Analytics to determine social SEO factors like the particular number of owned and good results. The common SEO issue for e-commerce sites is that product evaluation functionality tends to rely upon AJAX, iframes, or subdomains, which usually make it very hard, or even even impossible, for search motors to suit product reviews with item pages. Local SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is an effective way in order to market your business online. Regarding more on Squarespace's SEO-friendly features plus how to use them, go to Increasing your site's visibility in order to search engines. For Ecommerce websites, SEO agencies can see which usually paths users take in purchase to complete a sale, most the way down to which usually keyword they used to research for you prior to buying. Continue to increase your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION to develop business and drive traffic plus rank for more terms. SEO refers in order to the process of gaining a good impressive rank in search motor listings. Organic SEO will be also less costly long-term when you establish search credibility, as longer as you maintain it along with the consistent creation of high quality content and social media utilization. Within the 6th section of our SEO for newcomers guide, we will discuss hyperlink building - one of the particular most important aspects of research engine optimization. Search engine optimization can furthermore be known as SEO plus it is defined as the technique or procedure for customization the website within an efficient and efficient way in purchase to make a good existence on major search engines. Because it turns out, there's more in order to on-page SEO than optimizing regarding keywords. Search engines motor optimization (organic SEO) describes the particular methods used to obtain the high placement (or ranking) upon a search engine results web page in unpaid, algorithm-driven results upon the given search engine. Also, videos possess a lot of untapped possible - great for SEO and even make for good user diamond. The quite best SEO expert 2019 can tell you for High-End mobile devices, we're seeing more format changes to focus, provide the better experience, search results. Social SEO is especially helpful for online reputation administration. It isn't just the method that Google ranks optimized articles, but the way that that they rank poorly constructed or taboo content that will push your own ranking to where it should to be in 2019. Ray Cheselka, SEO & Ppc Manager at SEO and style agency, webFEAT Complete, predicts that will sites with over a 2 second load time will end up being penalized, and search intent is definitely going to still grow within importance. SEO consists of ordering the site's architecture and hyperlinks to make pages inside the particular website easier to find plus navigate. In contrast, articles that no one is humming about have minimal effect upon social SEO. They are usually generally knowledgeable within the are usually of both SEO and content material marketing. When it arrives to reviews, customers work as a good army of link builders plus keyword writers so your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION structure is shaped without a person having to lift a ring finger. You may generally see outcomes of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION efforts once the webpage proceeds to be crawled and listed by a internet search motor. Most likely the best form of sociable media to pay attention in order to when turning to SEO is definitely Google Plus. A single of the most successful methods to ensure your clients discover your photography business is simply by implementing an SEO strategy, this specific is more than just generating it to number 1 about Google, it means ensuring of which a varied and steady steady stream of traffic is planning to your site, over and even above that of your opponents. If you are usually willing to improvise your site search and boost up your own Google ranking, but do not really have time or resources regarding doing that, hire an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION specialist for the same objective. Mobile SEO is definitely mobile search engine optimization or even optimizing content for a much better search ranking. Titles on pages and explanations affect what people see within search results, so it's important to check these out within any SEO audit. Search motors give some guidelines for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, but big search engines maintain result ranking as a business secret. Along with $80 billion forecast to turn out to be spent annually on SEO — and content marketing set in order to be considered a $300+ billion industry by means of 2019 — it might end up being tempting for stakeholders to notice SEO and content marketing while cost centers rather than income centers. While that will theory is sound (when concentrated on a single page, when the particular intent is to deliver electricity content to a Google user) using old school SEO strategies on especially a large web site spread out across many web pages seems to amplify site high quality problems, after recent algorithm adjustments, and so this type associated with optimisation without keeping track associated with overall site quality is self-defeating in the long run. Dave Gregory, Content Marketing Supervisor from the UK based functionality marketing agency, SiteVisibility, predicts that will 2019, and not 2018, is usually going to be the actual year of voice. If we consider Google's Guide then there are almost 200+ factors that lead a web site in ranking, which we have got researched and clustered in twenty one On Page SEO Factors, that will needs your attention in 2019. SEO Wise Links can automatically link crucial terms in your posts plus comments with corresponding posts, webpages, categories and tags on your own blog. 41. An effective sociable media strategy needs a strong SEO plan. Google does make a few of this data obtainable in their own free Webmaster Tools interface (if you haven't set up a merchant account, this is a very beneficial SEO tool both for unearthing search query data and with regard to diagnosing various technical SEO issues). AI and Tone of voice Search Impact SEO, Lets discover how voice search analytics Impact's SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and can impact in the particular coming time. A great many businesses determine to hire external help in order to get the full benefits associated with SEO, so a large portion of our audience is understanding how to convince their clientele that search is an excellent investment (and then prove it! ). Nevertheless, SEOs tend in order to prefer links higher on the page. Because your site, credited to the nature of your current business is going to always be more image orientated than textual content heavy, you can be at a minor disadvantage when it comes for you to employing SEO techniques such while keywords, backlinking and so on.
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7 Videos About SEO You Should Watch
SEO or else known because Search Engine Optimization. Because when somebody searches for SEO via tone of voice search, he would speak ‘what is SEO' or ‘How in order to do SEO' rather than just requesting SEO. The search engine informs 500-600 updates annually and the particular SEOs need to comply along with these changes to ensure that will their websites follow legitimate marketing practices. They are considered a crucial Local SEO search engine ranking factor. SEO within 2018 means greeting the consumer with the exact information they will are looking for at the particular exact time they are searching for it. This is often on the variety of platforms, from tone of voice search to local businesses plus online shopping. Google algorithms for SEO are usually quite complex and are getting updated constantly to keep company quick-witted and responsive. At the same period, the rise of messaging applications and personal assistants has introduced new challenges which SEO should continue to overcome in 2018. On the particular other hand, traffic coming through SEO is free and organic” and can take a lengthy time to obtain recognized, whilst the traffic generated from PAY PER CLICK (Pay Per Click) and SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING (Search Engine Marketing) is not really free of charge and companies pay for to look on the top of the particular Search Engine to get fast not organic results. Without a doubt, one particular of the biggest trends that will has already begun to get place and will continue properly into 2018 is the loan consolidation of niche MarTech players simply by larger content cloud vendors, along with the role and importance associated with SEO increasing significantly throughout this particular transformation. The essential to successful SEO is focusing on long-tail keywords you need to be along with individuals search results because even in case you have thousands even thousands of social media following, this still won't be as eective as ranking high on the particular SERPs for your target key phrases. While obtaining as many pages indexed online was historically a priority regarding an SEO, Google is at this point rating the quality of web pages on your site and the particular type of pages it is definitely indexing. As mentioned earlier around 95% of general population may not move beyond the 1st page SEO search results, therefore as a business you require an in-depth knowledge of the particular latest SEO techniques and begin incorporating them in your company today. SEO stands for search engine optimization. Sometimes SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is simply a matter associated with creating sure your site will be structured in a manner that will search engines understand. SEO can also stand for internet search engine optimizer. Before this change, the particular best practice was to prevent hidden content at all expenses as it wasn't as efficient for SEO (it was possibly too hard to crawl for that bot in some cases or even given less important by Search engines in others). In 2018, SEO strategies are usually oriented towards creating a extensive relationship, helping brands to make solid networks and links which will certainly remain active for a lengthy term. Social media marketing platform is one of the particular most important ranking signal aspects for boosting your SEO rating and also increasing your SERP visibility factor. The professional SEO agency will appear at the site and create recommendations to improve your search motor ranking and web site traffic. The thing that was troubling regarding 2017, so that as we all head into 2018, is the particular new wave of organizations simply bolting on SEO as the service with no real understanding of structuring site architectures plus content for both humans plus search engine understanding. Excellent it's time to focus specifically upon content creation for off-page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. It after that follows that black hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION involves techniques which are believed to be tricks and secrets and cheats, whereas white hat is thoroughly clean, honest SEO- the kind helpful to humans and much favored by search engines. Yet according to the SEO tendency 2018, today page speed will certainly focus on mobile searches as well. Which means that will SEO will have to concentrate on producing content that solutions multiple intents to be capable to maximize the odds plus increase ranking probability. As we've seen, a single of the major advantages associated with SEO is getting more visitors because of better search rank. The main premise to obtain out of this is the particular fact that speed is a good important factor for Google plus one of the important SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION trends to consider. SEO trends evolve year-after-year and so you should maintain up with the pace in order to influence Google algorithm and remain up in rankings. This new paradigm associated with users relying on voice lookup for many of their lookup needs will be a video game changer for SEO. The internet users are most excited to know how brand-new SEO trends could affect their own business this year. It's our own job to stay ahead associated with digital marketing trends so check out out these 9 SEO forecasts. The process associated with manipulating your content so Search engines and other search engines normally return your page near the particular top of the organic research is what SEO is just about all about. As Rand Fishkin pointed out in a Whiteboard Friday, content that is improved for keywords still holds useful SEO power. 9 forecasted SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION trends that will shape your own digital marketing strategies. Some SEO experts and bloggers say that brief URLs ranks better in Search engines. Amazing article i don't know regarding youtube SEO but after reading through this article i fully realize how to rank video on the internet and google also. The particular rise of featured snippets, PAY PER CLICK, voice search and local SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION can often yield better results compared to an organic ranking. SEO in 2018 is also expected to include some amazing features with new systems and the trends are currently favoring the popular expectations. Content that will is clearly designed for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION purposes is something that Search engines is already reducing - annihilation is the only way this can go. Dropping obvious key phrases into a piece of content material as many times as you possibly can, whilst not focusing on the high quality and relevance of the content material will get a site no place (apart from down! ). So, rather than packing plus cracking a keyword into your own content as much as a person can, white hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION will help you with the particular usage in such a method that this content makes sense plus engages visitors well. I can clearly state that In 2018, Smart SEOs and even data-driven company can focus more on Searcher purpose and less on keyword quantity, difficulty and links metrics. Right here is the trick, attach the link inside your content of your own target website, helping your focus on audience in reaching your web site, increasing traffic and impacting SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. SEO optimized posts have a tendency to rank high in research results compared those unoptimized articles. The factor about YouTube Google rankings considering that April 2014 Google had the major update, many vseo have got been crying however the option is pretty simple. If a person have just started your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION campaign for any brand-new website, after that you should focus on long-tail keywords. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, alone, is not enough in order to guarantee success and content marketing and advertising, alone, is not enough in order to guarantee success. We believe by now, most associated with the principles of SEO are usually more or less well comprehended by people that have completed their amount of time within the trenches since 1999, even though new platforms and data varieties arrive all the time maintaining the need for ongoing exercise or testing even more essential than in the past. That's why a good consumer experience from an SEO viewpoint is more than your website's speed. For instance, several businesses miss the mark along with SEO and images, and nevertheless rank well. If you want increased rankings, you need to study his stuff - he's the particular Unicorn among a sea associated with donkey SEOs. Consumer Experience as such has a good enormous influence on SEO. Off-page SEO very efficiently within promoting your company where interpersonal media, bookmarking sites, forums, weblog directory, Q&A, articles, videos, picture and infographic sharing, and record sharing play well. So just how do the SEO masters cope-up with the ever-changing context through the search engines? For instance, parenthetically we want to create a blog post about SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION because we are trying in order to build a inbound link in order to an SEO website. That will number will probably tick upward as SEOs become more advanced in their strategies and Search engines is constantly on the location so much emphasis on hyperlinks.
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In today's rapidly moving world, SEO techniques can alter on the dime—and the most severe part is that you just might not even know this. Hacks which could have gained you a front-page result mainly because recently as 2016 are outdated now, but they may actually hurt your website's rankings. It's a really good and knowledgeable blog to enhance your SEO ranking. Take some time plus find out about your Meta titles, description, URL readability plus how to earn featured clips and site links SEO's about the globe are taking click through rate seriously claiming it in order to be one of the best ranking signals. Bing has confirmed that will they track unlinked brand plugs and use them as the ranking signal — and the patent by Google (along along with observations from many SEO experts) indicates that Google may end up being doing this as well. I've seen success with producing videos lately and am searching forward to making use of your SEO ideas to help my videos position on page 1. Plus SEO professionals are absolutely thrilled about this new opportunity mainly because featured snippets provide a possibility for low-ranking pages to reach the particular top of search results along with almost zero effort. Along with an increasingly crowded online room, staying on top of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION trends and adapting to all of them can help you beat out there the competition. Here are usually the most important SEO modifications you need to integrate straight into your 2018 content strategy. Just remember in order to pay attention to solid content material creation and copywriting fundamentals, participate your viewers deeply, and remain abreast of technical trends such as backlinks, SEO health, site acceleration, and schema. Research Engine Optimization (SEO) is the particular scientific art of optimizing your own website around specific keywords within order to rank higher looking results, such as Google. Gianluca is definitely a Moz Associate, blogger, creator of the Web Marketing meeting The Inbounder and an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and Digital Strategist independent advisor together with his company, one particular of the Agencies recommended simply by MozYou can find Gianluca upon Twitter sharing the best regarding web marketing and blabbing furthermore about space, politics and football. SEO or search engine optimisation is a complex science amongst all other dominant Google algorithm's 200 or more factors. Nevertheless, the bottom series is that SEO is accountable for bringing you on best of the search engine ratings as well as the increased you rank, the more website visitors and customers you end upward with. If I say voice research optimization will be among the particular top five SEO trends within 2018, I wouldn't be exaggerating the fact. Intended for example: I used to use a web dev company, plus one in our clients suddenly tanked on Google search listings, on further investigation an unscrupulous SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION company had purposely been via directory listings and purposely transformed the name of the company and the address, and furthermore went through creating a group of unrelated duplicate listings upon those sites. Sometimes, this can be hard to figure out which updates will actually impact our SEO efforts and straight impact rankings. Despite a few concerns AMP is generating among some bigs news sites, internet owners, and SEOs, it won't seem that Google will decrease pressure for a large amount of websites to adopt this. A person can use this configuration in order to improve your mobile SEO concerning providing users best design with regard to all devices. Many people try to get their SEO strategies into their own own hands, but this may lead to a waste associated with time and resources. SEO Check - which can test out your website plus give you tips for much better search engine optimization. In order to understand more, check this infographic through Digital Marketing Philippines, which talks about the very best trends that will you should know if a person want to transform your SEO technique this 2018. Having a common sense approach in order to SEO, you can do your personal keyword research and do SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION yourself. Due to the fact the niches are fairly wide, I'm fortunate to have the lot of keyword opportunities (as opposed to doing SEO with regard to a local business). Within this post, we've broken straight down the top SEO techniques to assist you skyrocket your rankings plus boost your variety of monthly guests.
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My SEO definition is the concentrate on strategies that may lead to placement for the research engine results pages (often known to as SERPS) when the user performs a search (query). I agree with the particular point you made of making use of LSI keywords and long-form content material as part of the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategy. Thinking associated with local search only as MyBusiness optimization may limit the possibilities businesses (especially local businesses) may have to earn SEO presence and traffic. Optimizing your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategy, which includes site rate and content, to reach your own mobile customer will become even more important than ever in 2018. Other SEO ranking factors include: accessible URLs, domain age (older is normally better), page speed, mobile friendliness, business information, and technical SEO. Concerning on-page SEO best methods, I usually link out to various other quality relevant pages on various other websites where possible and exactly where a human would find this valuable. In the sixth chapter of our SEO intended for beginners guide, we will talk about backlink - one of the particular most important aspects of search engine optimization. Exactly what you are going to discover is that you simply require to do a bit associated with SEO search engine optimization. 50 Best On-Page SEO Techniques to rank within the 1st page with absolutely no Back links. We were trying in order to rank once with one associated with our article for the key word SEO tips”. Google and some other major search engines take the particular SEO title and display this within the search engine outcome pages. Remember, it requires time to generate good SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION rankings. Listed below are the top six SEO developments that, I believe, will rule in 2018. Therefore I realize that many of a person sometimes wonder, "Gosh, it seems overwhelming to try and describe to someone outside the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION profession how to get an internet page ranked. " Well, perform you know what? The particular importance of user experience intended for SEO is here to remain this 2018 and it really is one of those SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION changes you must take in to account.
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All of these types of strategies wrapped up are identified as SEO, or seo. At the most basic degree, SEOs need to think regarding the fact Google can significantly closely imitate what a individual user can do. Search engine optimization has in order to evolve with the times, yet not in the way almost all people describe it. Every period I see someone write SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION has changed a lot within 20 years” I laugh away loud. Keyword research is one associated with the most important aspects associated with SEO. It's that will period of year again, whenever we see an influx associated with SEO articles forecasting trends in order to look for in the brand-new year. I proceed into much more detail within SEO Page Titles: 15-Point Guidelines for B2B and B2C Brand names, which explains the best methods to work in relevant key phrases that accurately reflect the web page content. The main thing, however, will be that Local SEO is almost always cheaper and more efficient than traditional marketing. Research Engine Optimization; short for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, is a process coping along with the optimization of websites within a way that they can get high ranking within the particular search engines. SEOs will start to optimise content for incredibly defined user locations, like close to certainly one of their shops or within a cafe district, to ensure they capture every potential certified lead. But along with the most recent changes in the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION industry, getting this coveted #1 spot may not be plenty of to get you all the particular traffic that are needed for your company. While it's impossible in order to keep pace with every revise in your efforts to boost your own page ranking, there are several key SEO trends and strategies to follow in 2018. SEOs conveniently call this effect ‘domain authority' plus it seemed to become related to ‘PageRank' - the machine Google started to rank the particular web within 1998. Ranking for seo” is hard. An accessible URL is definitely an important SEO ranking aspect. Key word research is an important portion of SEO. Google's CEO Sundar Pichai announced that will voice searches make up in order to 20% of mobile queries, which usually puts new challenges in top of SEO experts. SEO stands for lookup engine optimization. ” It is usually the procedure for getting visitors from the free, ” natural, ” editorial” or natural” research engine results on search motors. This typically involves using advanced SEO tags (e. g., tags) that search motors like google reference when the more visual search engine outcomes page is displayed. Focal points for SEO in 2018 functions suggestions on what to prioritise in 2018, including on-site research, topical, local and mobile SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and where SEO capabilities need to sit within organisations. We might construct a blog post that will has the SEO related key phrases in it and we would certainly put the link of the particular website that people are trying in order to build the back link in order to within text of that blog page post. My SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION guide will break search motor optimization down for you. Meta description is not a immediate SEO ranking factor but this helps in ranking indirectly. Once such an interview gets published, it nearly always gets a lot of backlinks and SEO value.
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SEO a lot more usually discuss domain trust plus domain authority based on the particular number, type and quality associated with incoming links to a web site. As electronic assistance gets more accurate generally there is a great opportunity each for SEO and content, gaining from a growing market that expands the brand with a consumer in a unique but nevertheless relevant and useful way. Not simply search engine algorithm changes yet also the way in which usually people search keeps changing, therefore, considering the above 10 SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION trends- digital marketers and company owners could make their internet site ready for ranking high within 2018. Once you look at huge manufacturers like Amazon and Walmart, a person see how powerful SEO may be. When you search with regard to nearly every consumer product on Search engines, Amazon and Walmart are even more than likely to appear upon top. In the similar vein, you can't check out an SEO blog at the particular moment without seeing a function on Voice Search. As a matter associated with fact, the power of any kind of website lies in the DE UMA. Domain Authority is SEOmozs computed metric for how well the given domain will probably position in search results. SEO training courses will create you well-versed based on a SEO strategies like link building, keyword analysis, optimizing content by using the particular right keywords, optimizing the web site structure, off-site SEO, PPC marketing and many more. Therefore in addition to adapting the particular SEO technique of writing articles based on keywords, it is definitely SEO 2019 PDF important for businesses to construct a responsive website, both intended for mobiles and computers. SEO” stands regarding Search Engine Optimization - SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is the process of obtaining your website to rank increased in search engines. The best thing a person can do to assist your own local SEO ranking is in order to be sure that all existing listings have got the correct Name, Address and Phone Number (NAP) and web site URL.
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she-willnotfall · 6 years
Five SEO 2019 Tips You Need To Learn Now
Lots of people are usually still unaware of the essential uses of SEO, but along with time and more expansion these people will learn. Businesses with multiple websites and SEO-agencies can set up report themes. Its search engine marketing group provides expertise in Pay-per-click marketing services, organic SEO and sociable media optimisation. The particular ads that you often discover on various web pages proven and those that also show up on the rightmost side associated with search engine results are inorganic SEO examples. While I nevertheless see this trend in have fun with with many enterprises still within the midst of their electronic transformation, the convergence in the particular MarTech space is creating several synergies and opportunities and this particular should be seen as the welcome development for brands plus agencies who are looking intended for an edge in regards in order to their SEO driven content advertising or outreach strategies. Along with the only complete certainty that SEO's, Website owners may have a lot of adjustments to make to web sites under their care in the particular mobile and voice search surroundings. The basics of GOOD SEO hasn't changed for years - although effectiveness of particular elements provides certainly narrowed or changed within type of usefulness - a person should still be focusing upon building a simple site making use of VERY simple SEO best practices - don't perspiration the small stuff, while all-the-time paying attention to the essential stuff - add plenty of unique PAGE TITLES and lots associated with new ORIGINAL CONTENT. Keyword research is definitely THE first step of any kind of SEO campaign. Off-page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION concentrates on increasing the authority associated with your domain through the act associated with getting links from all some other websites. Regarding: Search Engine Journal's flagship meeting, SEJ Summit, is dedicated to offering SEO pros the actual require, with an agenda of authentic, first-run presentations covering the newest SEO and PPC tactics through renowned experts, plus excellent network opportunities. SEO combines official lookup engine guidelines, empirical knowledge, plus theoretical knowledge from science documents or patents. This will be a half-day workshop at LeadsCon that will be designed for you to give attendees an end-to-end watch of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), how it works, and concrete things they can do right now to improve their SEO efficiency. After the Search engines Panda algorithm appeared, SEO specialists realized just how much key word frequency and density matters. SEO means optimizing your content articles so it shows up even more often in search results. 33. With social media systems like Facebook diminishing visibility associated with companies and brands, SEO (as well as paid promotion) is usually becoming critically important for generating traffic to your social stations. 2019 dates TBD. ). Why go to: One-track conference full of forward-thinking, tactical sessions in SEO, development marketing, the mobile landscape, analytics, content marketing and more. ” Don't miss the LeadsCon Meeting in Vegas, March 4-6, 2019. Also companies considering about getting Search engine marketing services should go through these types of magazines to familiarize themselves making use of the latest trends within the particular SEO and web-based marketing business to allow them to measure the assistance offered for all of them from the selected SEO companies. Mobile SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION in 2018 will be all regarding Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). The term SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION also describes the making internet pages easier for internet research engine indexing software, known because "crawlers, " to find, check out, and index your internet site. I feel that technical SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION mistakes that affect crawl spending budget - and also pollute Search engines with non-SEO-friendly content such since social landing pages, WordPress press archives, offer pages and cloned e-commerce product pages - can have an even more detrimental effect upon sites moving forward. Effective SEO lets you enhance your web​site to exhibit up within search engines. Many of us will get into how for you to pick the best keywords with regard to your business later in this specific SEO guide, but it perfect you to know how for you to use them, as they will be referenced throughout this section. Despite the fact that meta descriptions are not a new ranking factor for search machines, they do hold value intended for your website and are portion of your SEO presence. Let us speak a bit as to exactly what SEO is before we enter into the SEO article writing recommendations for people who may end up being new or do not very understand it. SEO stands intended for Seo. You will become introduced to the foundational components of how search engines such as google work, how the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION landscape is promoting and exactly what you can expect in the particular future. The SISTRIX Toolbox consists associated with six modules 1) SEO, 2) Universal, 3) Links, 4) Advertisements, 5) Social and 6) Optimizer. Low-quality content can severely impact the achievements of SEO, within 2018. When your own SEO starts building strong reasons, competitors can start maligning your own SEO backlinks. ” With content marketing spend anticipated to reach $300 billion by 2019, this statistic is worrisome. Now the electronic marketing companies know how in order to use AI for SEO, plus in coming years AI may dominate in developing the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategies of the digital advertising companies. Ray Cheselka, AdWords and SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Manager at webFEAT Complete, the design and SEO agency, states that in 2019 search intention will continue to become even more important. Expert writers of SEO articles will certainly take the time to study the particular industry or specialized niche market. 2 tools to help with nearby SEO are BrightLocal (for rankings) and MozLocal (for local lookup optimization). Concerning on-page SEO best practices, I usually link out to other quality related pages on other websites exactly where possible and where a individual would find it valuable. It includes a well known Regular Table of SEO Success Factors”, a 9-chapter guide to SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION basics, and links to a few from the site's most useful blog posts. Let's confirm our knowing of SEO basics with the one question quiz about the particular factors in search rankings: webpages, links and keyphrases. When it comes in order to Google SEO, the rel=canonical hyperlink element has become VERY IMPORTANT over the yrs and NEVER MORE SO. To place the particular focus on the website guest, it has been suggested that will acronym SEO should are a symbol of lookup experience optimization. It's important to remember in order to share content from your site or blog socially to provide it an SEO boost as well. Some Webmasters will pay out thousands of dollars to several so-called professional SEO expert in order to get their Websites on best in the rankings. It is often preferable to ask questions upon their SEO procedures and find out whether they have knowledge associated with keyword density or if these people have information about the most recent keyword research strategies and equipment. This combined expertise makes all of us uniquely qualified to present a good ethics-based, search engine-friendly SEO guide to teach you guidelines that will reflect the latest developments looking. They protect important subjects for example search motor success factors and how SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION relates to social media marketing and advertising. In order in order to make web pages appear in high positions in the search outcomes, SEO tries to shape the website according to Google's formula. The major problem of SEO is the reality that there are billions associated with pages in the internet lookup engine indexes and your place in the SERPS is reliant on a constantly changing protocol which is not published. Therefore, cheer up and supplies up to policy for SEO- the particular organic top-ranking practice. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (search engine optimization) places your own website within the natural outcomes section of search engines. SEO is specifically important for businesses because it guarantees they're answering their audience's greatest questions on search engines, whilst driving traffic to their items and services. With regard to marketers who were brought upward in the ‘traditional SEO marketplace, ' 2018 is really the time to adapt or pass away. White hat SEO includes almost all the SEO practices we've discussed about so far which have got a long term approach in order to site optimization and focus upon the user experience and exactly what people need. Cost effectiveness - SEO is usually one of the most most affordable marketing strategies because it focuses on users who are actively searching for your products and solutions online. The reality is that you can obtain top Search engine ranking roles spending a little bit associated with money and working on the particular project yourself or paying the professional Seo services thousands associated with dollars to get your Internet site on the first page. Although black hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION methods may boost a cyberspace search engine page rank within the short term, these strategies could also get the web site banned from the search motors altogether. According in order to research and advisory firm Forrester, programmatic marketing is expected in order to account for 50% of almost all advertising by 2019. Keyword studies about locating those terms so that a person can use them properly within content optimization and SEO within general. Just as content by yourself isn't enough to guarantee SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION success, SEO alone isn't more than enough to ensure that people will certainly find and engage with your own articles. While intense SEO may involve complex site restructuring along with a firm (or consultant) that will specializes in this area, right now there are a few simple actions you can take yourself in order to improve your search engine ranking. While we prepare to enter 2019, keyword creation for SEO professionals will become less important. Obtain the training you need in order to stay ahead with expert-led programs on Seo (SEO). Learn how to compose articles, learn how to compose some simple HTML, and the particular learn the very basic concepts of SEO, and you may make money online using SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and article marketing to obtain your website (you only require one from each website) outlined on Page #1 of Search engines (forget Yahoo as well since the rest) and you can get loads of visitors that will web page. If your website is definitely made up of lower-quality threshold type pages using old SEO-techniques (which more and more branded as spam in 2018) after that Google will not index almost all of the pages as properly as your website ‘quality score' is probably likely to end up being negatively impacted. This particular is beyond website content, but great user experience has become a lot more and more important in solid SEO rankings. Ultimately, simply by the end of 2018 or even mid-2019, we'll see a golf swing back to natural” content created by real humans who may produce valuable content that in fact provides value. Hiring experienced SEO experts can ensure that your website climbs the search engine ranks with no using any illegal practices or even short cuts that could generate short-term spikes in the cyberspace ranking, but eventually lead in order to your website having to pay out penalties. Official Site Associated with BlowFish SEO - Professional Search Motor Optimization Services operated by Robert DiSalvo SEO Located in Hand Beach Gardens, Florida. The takeaway here is usually that if you might have got LOTS of location pages providing A SINGLE business in 1 location, then those are quite probably classed as some type of doorway pages, and possibly Blog9T old-school SEO techniques for these types of type of pages will discover them classed as lower-quality : or even - spammy webpages. CRAWL this, like Google does, with (for example) Screaming Frog SEO spider, plus fix malformed links or items that result in server errors (500), broken links (400+) and unneeded redirects (300+). SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION gives you an attempt at rank for the terms which your own customers use, so you may do better business. The job of the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is to create high-quality articles after which win the attention, the particular love as well as the particular link from a blogger or even editor. The keyword difficulty or even keyword SEO difficulty is the very useful metric for key word research. Register and raise the free donation for SEO Birmingham every time you shop on the web. Local SEO - Optimize that localized content on your site to properly leverage local indicators, online reviews and business goods. Learn more about content material optimization for SEO here. Along with paid-search it offers a very focused audience, visitors referred by SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION will only visit your web site if they are seeking particular home elevators your products or even related content. From keyword filling to link buying, the SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING landscape has seen numerous black-hat tricks — and Google constantly catches on. Chris Gregory, founder plus managing partner at Jacksonville dependent firm, DAGMAR Marketing, predicts that will AI and machine learning might have a big impact upon SEO in 2019 and SEOs who aren't technical will become left in the dust. Some SEO professionals also advise that anchor textual content should be varied as a lot of pages linking to one web page using the same anchor textual content may look suspicious to look motors. SEO trickery such while keyword ‘stuffing' in irrelevant content material simply won't cut it throughout the current day, with Google's algorithm taking over 200 components to ensure that it's ranks provide results with valid plus authoritative sites, it is around on impossible to accomplish anything various other than work with the lookup engines to make sure top rated quality SEO results. From a SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION perspective, the principal keyword ought to be at the beginning implemented by the other relevant key phrases. Deciding on the best key phrases is critical for successful SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and it is easy in order to choose the wrong ones through falling into the trap associated with optimization. Research engine marketing, or SEO, is the procedure of enhancing your site's rank in search results. Web Marketing SEO, and in specific, Google SEO is the essential. Get into your competitor's URL into the particular SEMRush search bar and you should become provided with a list associated with SEO keywords, with their search positions and traffic. About: Brighton SEO is made up of courses and a one-day search marketing conference. Before this change, the greatest practice was to avoid concealed content at any cost because it wasn't as effective intended for SEO (it was either as well much to crawl for the particular bot in some instances or even given less important by Search engines in others). This is due to the particular fact that you will require contents to be submitted in order to the websites for whom a person are working as an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, when you build the hyperlinks, you will need to supply the profile information, and a person will also have to provide articles for submissions as nicely as numerous other types associated with written work. If you've actually searched for something online (and most of us have), a person already know read more regarding SEO than you think a person do. We all already see this trend within several places, like extremely accurate targeting of social ads -- some brands still approach SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and content creation with the one-size-fits all attitude. SEO or the particular Search Engine Optimization is certainly an method of increasing visitors generation for an internet company. Cisco approximated that by 2019, video may make up 80% of almost all consumer internet traffic. In line along with the previous point, SEOs can consider various landing pages along with proper keywords, meta tags plus the overall website structure through the SEO point of watch. Including relevant key phrases in the title, URL, plus headers of the page plus making sure that a internet site is crawlable are actions that will site owners can take in order to improve the SEO of their own site. To fulfill intent and position well in the long work, build your SEO marketing technique around topics, not keywords When you do that, you will discover a person can naturally optimize for essential keywords, anyway. Artificial cleverness (AI) and voice searches are usually two technologies that are currently affecting SEO but will most likely have an even bigger effect in 2019 and the many years to come. They are usually also great for video SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, and get great organic rating online and Google. Remember keywords are usually the KEY in SEO composing guidelines. It deeply analyze your internet site and reveals each opportunity regarding your SEO improvement by concentrating on key factors like interpersonal media, technologies, local SEO, site visitors, usability, search ranking efforts plus mobile SEO. A SEO specialist or agency can audit your own site and appear at just how it is performing against your own most important keywords. Our six experts reveal their favorite SEO tips and even tactics for building big visitors in 2018. Yes, we all know it's still June plus we know it's only 2018 but if you haven't began planning and researching key developments which will affect you SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION in 2019 you could currently be falling behind. We furthermore take a look at just how new technologies like AI plus Voice search will begin in order to impact more on SEO since we move nearer to 2019 and beyond. Whenever every nation across the planet is busy in making their particular due contribution within the growth sector in their own method by taking the route associated with SEO service and online marketing and advertising, Singapore cannot stop stand nevertheless in one point. By 2019, content material marketing is set to turn out to be an industry worth $300 billion dollars. Off page SEO pertains to the strategies performed past your website that can become used to improve your research engine rankings. Due in order to the success of inbound advertising and SEO, more marketers are usually dedicated to improving their rank over other tactics. The best way to focus on these customers is by supplying high-quality SEO content that offers genuine and useful information toward the readers. Another method provides a different page based upon whether the page is getting requested with a human website visitor or a search engine, the strategy known as cloaking One more category sometimes used is gray hat SEO This is within between black hat and whitened hat approaches, where the strategies employed avoid the site becoming penalized, but do not take action in producing the best content material for users. The Technical Audit Checklist Produced For Human Beings — Within this post by Distilled, a person will find a link in order to a Google sheet that offers an technical SEO audit register and links to resources upon how to complete each checkbox. Then each time the phrase SEO appears on your web site, it's automatically changed into the link you specified. Keyword Analysis for SEO: The Definitive Guideline — This comprehensive guide simply by Brian Dean teaches you the number of strategies for obtaining keywords and determining intent regarding your target market. On-page and off-page SEO function together to improve your research engine rankings in complementary style; however, SEOs generally advise obtaining your on-page SEO ducks within a row before focusing as well much on off-page SEO. Within 2019, web-based businesses will follow more voice-to-text technology to raise engagement and search activity. There are many SEO web sites suggesting that they can offer a service to make our own website LSI friendly, or satisfy ‘LSI requirements'. The particular art of web SEO is situated in focusing on how individuals search for things and knowing what type of results Search engines wants to (or will) screen to its users. Social mass media SEO would encourage your present customers to come back whilst helping you develop authority with regard to potential ones. He is an expert in SEO, Content Marketing, plus Pinterest Marketing. An SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION expert plays a huge function in helping companies build their particular businesses and attract new clients through website traffic. By merging a fresh way to work along with SEO and prioritized lists associated with recommendations—not to mention competitor evaluation and keyword monitoring—Siteimprove SEO is usually your all-in-one tool to develop traffic, prove ROI, and effortlessly create content. All the SEO styles listed here may have started in late 2017 or earlier 2018, but their true advantage could be reaped in 2019. Google's David Mueller said on Twitter, along with the disclaimer of him placing his user hat on (ofcourse not Google hat), that relabeling older content as new, with simply no additional changes is a poor SEO hack. All of us associated with creatives, designers & developers function alongside our SEO & articles teams to ideate, research, style & create remarkable infographics and interactive content for brands that will get shared across the internet. Contemporary SEO strategy could be You Should Experience SEO 2019 At Least Once In Your Lifetime And Here's Why the process associated with organizing a website's content simply by topic, which helps search engines like yahoo realize a user's intent when looking. Page loading time is dependent upon Page Load speed, Web page loading time is one associated with the important factors in Mobile phone SEO 2017. Public Media as a platform can not be ignored in any SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION plan. Seo stands regarding search engine optimization, when a person are searching for an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION or Search Engine Optimization Business then you needs to appear for various factors which may have a favorable and negative affect on your business. Looking deeper: In present-day SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, you can't simply include since several keywords as possible to achieve the people who are searching for you. SEO stands for Search Motor Optimization and refers to methods you can use to assist ensure that your site rates high in the results associated with search engines like Google. It blends ratings and search volumes in the manner that makes it even more relevant, insightful and easier in order to understand than any other SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION performance tracking approach. About: Advanced Search Summit is usually designed for advanced SEO specialists, digital marketers, and analysts in enterprise and mid-market sized businesses who want advanced tactics plus techniques. SEO stands for seo. ” It is the process associated with getting traffic from your free, ” organic, ” editorial” or natural” search results on search motors like google. If you're planning about ramping up SEM attempts to complement organic SEO, become sure to take a appearance at Google Adwords ' Lookup Ads page. The large portion of SEO is generating valuable, high-quality content (e. grams., blog articles and web web page copy) that your potential audience can find helpful. SEO alone cannot perform much for your business yet when combined with content marketing and advertising, social internet marketing, email advertising, mobile marketing and PPC marketing and advertising, it can help businesses achieve the pinnacle of success on the web.
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netunleashed-blog · 6 years
Best Portable DACs: The best external DACs to replace your phone's awful amp
http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=27157 Best Portable DACs: The best external DACs to replace your phone's awful amp - http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=27157 On paper, reproducing sound should be simple. There's a source that has music and a speaker that generates noise. Press play on the player and audio should be spit out on the other end as crisp and clear as the day it was recorded. Right? Wrong. Oh, so very wrong.It turns out there is a TON of work that goes into reproducing sound. From the way the music is recorded to how it's stored, from what headphones or speakers you use to the source's DAC and amplifier, everything in the chain affects how music sounds.That being said, if your music is sounding quite as spectacular as it should - and the only thing you've changed recently is the source - it's likely that your new device (a new laptop, desktop, phone or tablet) has a poor quality DAC.A DAC, or Digital-to-Analogue Converter, is the device that takes the bits and bytes stored in a music file and converts it into something a headphone or speaker (analogue devices) can play back.  The advantages of using an external DAC So why use a DAC if the device you use has one built-in? The first advantage of using an external DAC rather than the DAC that already exists in your device is simply that – most of the time – the performance you get out of an external system will be better than your phone's internal one. Why? Your phone's internal DAC may be lacking either for reasons of cost, or else a desire to keep the phone as compact as possible.The second reason to shell out for a better system is the fact that some of the more premium headphones on the market are 'high-impedance' headphones, which require more power through the headphone jack on your music source in order to work properly. (Impedance, for the record, is measured in a unit called ohms, and less than 50 ohms is considered to be low-impedance.)The general consensus is that the harder a pair of headphones is to drive, the better they will eventually sound when paired with the right equipment.An external DAC helps with these headphones as it can work as a headphone amp to provide the extra power needed to drive a high-impedance pair of 'phones.Now that you know how the technology works, let's talk about which devices you can get your hands on to amp up your audio. What is the best DAC? The Mojo is one of the larger DACs we've tested as a result of the onboard battery that needs to be charged before you can use it with your iPhone.Having to charge an extra device – even if that charge lasts for 10 hours – before listening to music out and about is hardly ideal, but that's the price you have to pay for the Mojo's more power-hungry innards.Thankfully the Mojo puts that power to good use, delivering a much rounder sound than the stock iPhone jack. Without the Mojo the treble and bass frequencies tend to take over, but introduce the external DAC into the mix and the mids are much more present and full.The device's size means it's a bit cumbersome, and not exactly an inconspicuous accessory. I ended up carrying the Mojo in my front pocket (where I could easily access the device's volume controls), with the USB cable leading to my phone in my back pocket.This probably won't be your ideal setup, and that might mean leaving the Mojo behind when you're going out on the town. Using the device at work, where I'm able to leave both my phone and the DAC on the desk, is a lot more user-friendly.Other features include a second headphone output and a cool lighting feature whereby the volume buttons change colour based on the quality of the music file being received. It is a very close call between the Chord Mojo and the RHA Decamp L1 which one we like more. While the Mojo offers a more compact form factor, the Decamp caters to iOS users with a dedicated USB input. That being said, the Decamp is a bit longer than the Chord Mojo and a fair bit heavier if you're the kind of person who doesn't mind hauling their audio gear around with them.While it definitely fights for space in our already overcrowded backpacks, we genuinely love the Decamp - it makes playback sound smooth even when playing music from some less-than-ideal sources and the adjustment knobs on the side allow you to do simple, subtle tweaks to the sound. The knobs might not offer the most robust of changes (moreso than a software EQ, for example) but we appreciate their existence all the same.It comes in a very close second here, but RHA's Decamp L1 is one of the better DACs to cross our desks and comes highly recommended. Audioquest basically invented the USB DAC with the original Dragonfly back in 2012, but until now the the device's power demands limited its use to desktop use thanks to the iPhone's 100mAh limit on power draw through its lightning port.But Dragonfly's latest devices, the Red and Black models, completely change that. By using an all-new USB microcontroller, Audioquest's Dragonfly Red/Black's DACs now consume closer to 25mA, and can now be used happily with any iOS device.This makes the Dragonfly a pretty compelling iPhone DAC. With a total size smaller than most USB sticks the Dragonfly fits easily into a pocket alongside an iPhone.So what's the difference (other than color) between the two flavors? Dragonfly Red is the more premium offering. It contains a better DAC chip, and outputs 2.1 volts of power as opposed to the Black's 1.2 volts. That mean the Red is a better choice for driving high-impedance headphones.With my headphones plugged directly into my iPhone I was comfortable listening to music with the volume set halfway, but with the Red I could listen at just a quarter and with the Black this was strangely reduced to just one volume bar.In effect this means that you have a lot less control over the listenable volumes – turning the Black up just one volume notch meant that music was too loud, and turning it down one muted the iPhone completely.Both versions, however, added a good amount of heft to the bass without sacrificing the clarity of mid frequencies. A playthrough of Daft Punk's Get Lucky didn't shimmer in the same way without the DAC than with it.Whether you'll want to pay extra for the Red version depends entirely on how difficult your headphones are to drive. If you're looking for a personal anecdote, with my standard portable cans I could barely tell the difference between the two DACs. But, when I switched to a more power-hungry set of over-ears, the Red delivered a much punchier bass.Neither the Dragonfly Red or Black can match the refinedness of the Chord Mojo, but their budget price and much more practical form-factor make for a far better portable listening experience. Creative Labs is a name you've heard before. It was the company that started the sound card craze in the late '90s and became king of the audiophile crowd for a short period of time. In the time since, Creative has been hard at work crafting extraordinary triple-driver in-ear headphones and an 11.2.4 soundbar while simultaneously working on a portable DAC for more ... uh, affordable price points.The result of all that hard work is the Creative Sound Blaster E5 - the middle child in a large line-up of DACs that offers wireless connectivity options for those of us that can't be bothered with a cord.While the idea of wireless is a great one, it's not without its limitations - Bluetooth can't transmit music at CD-quality without the help of more advanced codecs like LDAC or aptX HD. Because of that limitation, music over wireless just sounds OK. Sure, Creative can upscale it after it's been received, but it never sounds quite as good as native Hi-Res audio. Still, if wireless convenience is what you're looking for to power those powerful headphones in your closet, the E5 is far from the worst choice you could make. The Arcam MusicBoost S is the most practical portable DAC, as it's built straight into an iPhone case, but the downside is that the MusicBoost S is slightly limited by its form factor – it's built for just two models of phone, the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6S. Owners of the 6S Plus or the iPhone SE need not apply.Like the Mojo, the MusicBoost is a power-hungry DAC that will need to be charged, but the added benefit is that it can use its extra battery life to power your phone as well as itself.Arcam claims that the 1200mAh battery has the capacity to hold 120% of an iPhone's charge, which could potentially be a lifesaver if you're using the DAC to listen to music on a long flight.Disappointingly, however, similar to the previous Arcam MusicBoost we tested, I found the MusicBoost made the smallest difference out of all the DACs. I really wanted to hear more of an impact, but the difference was only audible with a more demanding set of cans.That said, the potential market for Arcam's portable DAC is probably small, limited to those with a specific model of iPhone and a pair of high-end headphones that can benefit from more power.The positive news here is that the device doesn't suffer from the same volume issues as the Dragonfly – the volume slider has more freedom to move around before your portable music player becomes an ear canal-destroying rock show.If you're in the market for a battery pack and protective case, and dig the idea of an enhanced audio experience, the Arcam MusicBoost S might be the accessory you've been searching for. Need a new pair of critical listening cans? These are the best over-ear headphones Source link
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takenews-blog1 · 7 years
Faces & Places: A Photographer Documents Female Beauty All Over The World
New Post has been published on https://takenews.net/faces-places-a-photographer-documents-female-beauty-all-over-the-world/
Faces & Places: A Photographer Documents Female Beauty All Over The World
Mihaela Noroc is a photographer who has made it her mission to journey the world. Via the usage of her digicam, she captures a variety of girls various in age and ethnicity. She captures the great thing about all of those girls and places them in her assortment for all to see. This assortment is part of her venture which she calls “The Atlas of Magnificence.” Let’s check out her Atlas and expertise our stunning world.
Mihaela Noroc has been all around the globe to show how stunning the ladies of the world are in numerous locations. For this explicit photograph Noroc took a visit to Cape City, South Africa. Her modus operandi most often is strolling as much as a girl and easily asking the girl to take her image.
This may occasionally come as a shock to some individuals, however some girls won’t cross up the chance to have their image taken. It is a photograph of a woman in what seems to be like a bus terminal in Cape City. She may need been ready to journey someplace by bus when Noroc noticed an opportunity to take an image of the younger girl.
Mihaela Noroc does a whole lot of touring across the globe, however typically she might get somewhat weary from all the touring and taking pictures. What’s the subsequent smartest thing to touring the globe, I’m not positive, however house is the place the guts is, and it’s simpler to search out somebody at house than overseas to take an image.
Noroc went again house to her native Romania and located this girl, who occurs to be a jewellery maker. The woman has been making jewellery since she was 16 years outdated. The woman has been making jewellery for 44 years and is at the moment making jewellery at the moment.
A sure mystique is related to dwelling within the desert. Some individuals assume that the desert is just made up of sandstorms that pelt the residents of the desert and that there isn’t a water for miles round. Some individuals affiliate the desert with the potential for an oasis hidden for adventurers to search out.
Properly, life goes on within the desert, and never in ways in which some individuals suppose. There’s a saying that the eyes are the window to the soul. This girl’s identify is Sunita. She lives in a desert tent camp in Pushkar, India. We might not usually see the great thing about the individuals of the desert, however Mihaela Noroc has made it attainable to see the wonder that exists in Pushkar, India.
There’s a time to snuggle, particularly with all the horrible occasions which were occurring in London as of late. A picture like this takes away from all the mayhem that the individuals of London are at the moment dealing with. Right here now we have a mom and daughter from London together with a specific story that Mihaela Noroc gathered from the 2.
Emma and her daughter Emily are pictured right here displaying affection. When Emily was born, she was recognized with a uncommon congenital situation often known as Septo Optic Dysplasia. This situation impacts her imaginative and prescient and her endocrine system. Emily has taken steroids since she was a baby. She has had weight points due to the steroids and was being made dun of at college. A mom’s love goes alongside method for this household.
Does this look like a modeling image of kinds? Some individuals could also be fooled into believing that. Others may even see this as some form of commercial for some kind of meals merchandise that may seem in some journal. It does seem like a photograph match to be displayed in .
Really, the girl within the image is known as Serena. Serena simply occurs to make horns. The horns are often known as “Cornicelli” in her native Italian language and the customized of those horns originated in historic occasions. Serena explains: “This small workshop was opened by my dad and mom. Now me and my sister proceed the custom. I make the horns right here and she or he sells them downstairs, the place now we have a retailer.” The horns are used nearly as good luck amulets.
Mihaela Noroc took this picture whereas she was in Turkey. Some individuals consider that Turkey is a war-torn nation that’s too harmful to enterprise to. As onerous as this may increasingly appear, Turkey shouldn’t be a struggle torn nation and it’s crammed with a whole lot of historic websites.
Mihaela Noroc got here throughout the girl within the picture whose identify is Ipek. Ipek has been learning to be an elementary faculty trainer. Mihaela Noroc caught Ipek in an outdated bazar and determined to take this photograph. The bazaar looks as if a really full of life and upbeat place and it made for an ideal photograph to show the facet of Turkey that folks usually don’t see.
Mihaela Noroc met Koleka in Cape City, South Africa. Koleka is a efficiency poet. She has eight siblings and is initially from the town of Port Elizabeth. Koleka is passionate concerning the performing arts and has had a love for poetry for a few years. She performs for the enjoyable and never or the recognition or fame.
This looks as if some kind of arts district that Koleka is close to. The place appears considerably vibrant and it looks as if such a surroundings can be seen in locations like Austin, Texas or different locations round america. Because the outdated saying goes, it’s a small world in any case.
Soccer, or soccer, is a really enormous sport within the European continent. Occidentals have soccer as effectively, however it isn’t as cherished as it’s over within the European nations. Each sports activities take an excessive amount of athleticism to grasp the game and it takes a large amount of talent to be on the prime of those two sports activities.
Danielle is the younger girl within the who truly grew up in america. She is a mixture of German and Mexican, and she or he is at the moment dwelling in Berlin. She works in an workplace, however she loves the game of soccer.
You might have seen a murals at a museum and questioned what was the artist’s objective for creating the murals. Chances are you’ll surprise about what kind of background the artist got here from or what had been their influences that made them wish to create a specific work. Chances are you’ll usually attempt to seek for the artist on-line or in a library to additional discover out the inspiration of the artist.
Chances are you’ll be questioning who took the magnificent footage which might be on this article. You don’t have to look any additional. On this image you might have a contented Mihaela Noroc, who was visiting New York Metropolis on the time. She appears very devoted and happy with what she is doing and it exhibits.
Mihaela Noroc definitely is aware of learn how to seize the second. Many individuals in America in all probability consider one factor when the nation of Cuba is talked about, and that’s Fidel Castro. There are different issues that go together with the mentioning of Cuba, resembling Cuban cigars and the long-lasting legendary film Scarface starring Al Pacino, however we usually don’t see the opposite facet of Cuba.
Mihaela took a visit to the nation of Cuba and located Elianis in Havana. She captured the great thing about Elianis and it looks as if this picture may seem on the quilt of . Elianis is learning to develop into a nurse. She may simply transition into modeling as effectively.
We’ve all heard of Naples and Sicily, however most of us might have by no means heard of Sardinia. Sardinia is the island that’s on the west facet of the boot of Italy. Sardinia is the second largest island within the Mediterranean Sea subsequent to Cyprus. Many individuals say that it’s a fantastic place to go to.
Sardinia is notable for being a festive city. Music and dancing fill the ambiance and the persons are identified for his or her stunning outfits. This picture virtually looks as if a portray come to life. The girl within the portray is Giulia. You’ll be able to collect what the ambiance is like on Sardinia from this picture alone.
Mihaela Noroc simply occurred to be perusing the countryside of Edinburgh, Scotland and she or he simply occurred to run into the girl within the picture above. The girl’s identify is Willa and Mihaela was attracted by the uniform and the bagpipes. Willa was born in america, however she fell in love with the bagpipes when she first heard the sound of a bagpipe at eight years of age.
Willa ultimately discovered a trainer who was half Scottish to show her the artwork of enjoying the bagpipe and she or he has been enjoying the bagpipe ever since. Willa occurred to attend her trainer’s wedding ceremony years later and she or he discovered her future husband who simply occurred to be of Scottish descent.
Check out the background for a minute. Judging from the background, this seems to be like one thing you in all probability haven’t seen earlier than. The buildings look historic sufficient, however these buildings within the background may not be the kind of buildings that you’re use to seeing while you consider this place.
The girl within the picture is Theo. Theo is from Thessaloniki, Greece. You might have anticipated to see outdated theaters and columns and such from historic temples from the background however you may inform the traditional influences are nonetheless there. Theo has an angelic look about her as effectively.
Shifting out of your homeland by yourself accord is one factor, however being compelled to maneuver is a horrible factor. As a lot of you might be conscious of the scenario occurring within the Center East, there are individuals fleeing from their homeland and settling into different nations fleeing atrocities introduced on by different regimes or terrorist teams.
This girl within the image above fled from Iraq together with her kids. She fled the horrible situations introduced on by ISIS from her nation. She initially had cash saved up however she needed to spend all of it as a way to journey the street to Europe.
There are simply so many issues to see within the nation of Greece. You’ll be able to actually see the origin of theatre and go to the locations the place such philosophers resembling Zeno and Plato as soon as lived. The Grecian tradition has had such an affect on the world that most of the buildings that you just see at the moment are solely based mostly on Greek structure.
That is the trendy attire of an individual from Delphi. The girl within the photograph is known as Eleni. She is attending some kind of pageant within the nation. There are such a lot of cultures in Greece that most individuals haven’t identified about that it’ll astound the common individual.
There are rocks throughout the town of Petra. That is as historic because it will get. Petra is an impressive metropolis that was constructed within the partitions of a canyon. The town was constructed somewhat over 2300 years in the past and is a vacationer attraction. The individuals of this metropolis got here below the rule of quite a few empires and numerous civilizations existed within the partitions of this metropolis.
We’ve a Bedouin girl sitting on an enormous boulder in Petra. This appears to be like a getaway spot of kinds. The woman within the had this to say: “My dad and mom and grandparents used to dwell right here. My sister was truly born in certainly one of these caves.”
Noroc will get straight to the purpose all the time when she finds a topic to place in her “Atlas of Magnificence.” She’s going to go to nice lengths to seize the proper photograph. Within the following photograph she makes use of her attraction and wit as a way to take of the girl within the above photograph.
Noroc met this girl whom she noticed whereas strolling round in Kathmandu, Nepal in 2015. This girl within the photograph was strolling together with her son. The woman was not capable of converse English. The girl’s son was capable of converse English and Noroc requested the boy if he may take an image of his mom. When the boy requested why, Noroc stated “As a result of she’s stunning.” They boy smiled and stated “Sure, she is!”
Noroc discovered herself within the Massive Apple as soon as once more looking for a photograph op. There are many individuals strolling across the Massive Apple, and so selecting somebody mustn’t have been an issue. You’ve gotten all forms of individuals from numerous backgrounds within the large metropolis, and a few individuals simply wish to have their image taken and for good purpose.
The girl within the photograph is known as Leeda. Leeda is an up-and-coming musician who’s simply within the beginning phases of her profession. Leeda was greater than seemingly making a reputation for herself by being in New York Metropolis, New York.
Omo Valley is stuffed with indigenous tribes and cultures that date again so far as civilization started. The tribes of the Omo Valley dwell away from the surface world. These tribes dwell a contented and harmonious life they usually derive their livelihood from nature. No cell telephones and no web entry is required.
It might be onerous to think about a world with out the luxurious of a automobile, or expertise, however there are a lot of individuals who simply don’t want some of these luxuries. The younger girl within the photograph is carrying a veil and a few hand crafted jewellery that will solely be distinct to this explicit a part of the world.
Colca Valley is close to the Colca Canyon. The Colca Canyon is likely one of the deepest canyons in all the world. The canyon is twice as deep because the Grand Canyon. A lot of the indigenous individuals of the Colca Valley are nonetheless there. The Cabana and Collagua cultures are among the similar cultures which might be nonetheless there they usually have been there because the time of colonization by the Spanish.
Chances are you’ll by no means catch surroundings like this in every other a part of the world. The residents of Colca Valley make very stunning crafts and clothes which is clear of the girl within the picture above.
This Kichwa indigenous girl was photographed within the Amazon by photographer Mihaela Noroc. A lot of the inhabitants across the space of La Selva is Kichwa, who’re predominantly farmers but additionally hunt for meat. Their experience in horticulture has been handed down from technology to technology. They discover nice worth in utilizing vegetation as medication and have shamans, who’re the elders locally. They’re the healers and leaders of Kichwa spirituality.
Publicity to the developed tradition of Ecuador has impacted the Kichwa individuals, with fewer individuals embracing conventional gown and tradition. The girl photographed right here is carrying conventional gown, with face paint. They use a seed pod from the native Achiote tree.
This portrait was taken in Reykjavik, Iceland of Thorunn Antonia Magnusdottir, who’s an artist, musician and TV host for Iceland’s Acquired Expertise. After being fired when she was eight months pregnant, Thorunn went on-line and created a neighborhood to empower girls and moms. The “Good Sister” Fb group has resonated with 1000’s of girls, who make it a aim to at all times discover the optimistic spin on life’s challenges. The truth is, 50,000 joined the group within the first three days. In some ways, Thorunn is in actual fact, the face of Iceland.
The Colca Valley is populated by individuals who immigrated from the Lake Titicaca area way back to 1320 AD. The shortage of roads to journey on made the Colca Valley extraordinarily distant and minimize off from the remainder of the world. The Cotahuasi Canyon is greater than twice as deep because the Grand Canyon. It wasn’t till the 1940s that dependable roadways had been designed.
Positioned alongside the border of the Amazon River, the individuals of the Colca Valley are identified for his or her intricate tapestries and use of child alpaca fiber. Fantastically designed hats, vests, and lengthy skirts are customary to this area in southern Peru.
The town of Kaesong lives within the southern a part of North Korea, near the South Korea border. Rivers additionally border two sides of this metropolis, producing mass quantities of granite and sources like gold, copper, limestone, zinc, and kaolin.
Girls in North Korea are handled pretty within the working world, and produce in additional than 70% of family revenue within the nation, however nonetheless, they don’t make a lot. It’s widespread for the daddy to be the one spending probably the most time at house with the kids, whereas the mom works.
This mountainous area of Russia has been fought over many occasions, because it’s been inhabited since 10,000 BC. That’s when the Nakh individuals migrated there and commenced establishing agriculture, irrigation and utilizing animals to farm. As we speak there’s reportedly an excessive amount of corruption and human rights aren’t as prevalent as in different elements of the world.
The Russian girl on this portrait is carrying a headband, quite common for girls in Russia who observe Christianity. It will probably additionally symbolize that she is married, and her husband is the pinnacle of the household.
Sitting on the sting of the Thar Desert, Jodhpur is a big metropolis in India, with a inhabitants of over 1 million individuals. Generally known as the “Blue Metropolis”, many homes are painted a superb blue and the climate is nearly at all times sunny and sizzling.
Jewellery is broadly standard with the ladies, as proven on this photograph. Sadly, the ladies of the world face extraordinarily excessive charges of abuse and assault, probably the most of any area within the nation. For that purpose, Jodhpur is rated one of the harmful locations for girls to dwell.
Whereas many may not anticipate it, Paris, France can be an space acknowledged as a spot the place girls face harassment each day. In Might of 2017, girls gathered in a neighborhood in Paris the place they are saying is often harmful for girls, with extraordinarily excessive charges of sexual harassment and assault.
Issues aren’t good, however Paris is an attractive worldwide metropolis with combined cultures and ethnicities, like the girl within the photograph above. African, Asian, Cambodian, and Chinese language all have excessive populations in Paris, and 20% of the individuals dwelling within the metropolis are immigrants.
The Wakhan Hall borders China, separates Tajikistan and Pakistan, and has mountain ranges each to the north and to the south. This panhandle has excessive elevation ranges, with the Wakhjjr Go reaching 16,152 toes in elevation.
The girl pictured right here in in conventional gown, carrying on the tradition of the individuals who have lived there for greater than 2,500 years. Whereas different areas of Afghanistan expertise struggle and poverty, the Wakhan Hall is comparatively untouched because of their distant and remoted area. It’s almost 220 miles away from different populated areas.
The Metropolis of Bishkek is adorned with Soviet-style residence blocks, giant courtyards, marble buildings and huge streets. The town has been round since 1825 and is near the Kyrgyz Ala-Too vary and the Chui River. The realm has confronted many modifications because the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Ladies and men are handled as equals in Bishkek and the story of a younger girl, Janyl-myrza, who led her tribe to freedom when the boys failed, is a broadly shared story. Nevertheless, violence in opposition to girls can be prevalent on this area as effectively. Though it’s prohibited by legislation, punishment shouldn’t be usually given.
20 million individuals reside in Romania, positioned in Southeastern Europe. The land contains mountain ranges, hills, and plains, and has an unbelievable quantity of wildlife. Romania has one of many largest undisturbed forests in Europe, which covers of 1 / 4 of the nation. Due to the protected land there’s an enormous inhabitants of brown bears and wolves.
Folks dwell effectively in Romania, as one of many quickest rising economies within the European Union, nevertheless the beginning fee is moderately low, at 1.33 kids per girl. Many native Romanians have left the nation in favor of different European nations, however Romanians nonetheless make up 80% of the inhabitants.
Uzbekistan faces many issues, together with low water and air high quality. What was as soon as the fourth-largest inland seas on Earth, the Aral Sea has now been depleted to lower than half of its authentic dimension.
After being liberated from the Soviet Union in 1991, Uzbekistan started holding their very own elections and are hoping to enhance their civil rights legal guidelines. The area has a startling quantity of contemporary slavery, most working within the cotton business. Uzbek girls have suffered from compelled sterilization in rural elements of the republic, which was sanctioned by the federal government. However, there’s hope that issues will get higher.
One of many oldest cities in historic Persia, Shiraz is acknowledged for his or her inhabitants of poets, artists, and writers. The tombs of well-known Iranian poets are positioned within the metropolis that’s greater than four,000 years outdated.
Mosaic work is widespread, as seen within the photograph above, in addition to the manufacturing of intricate silverware, rugs, metalwork and textile merchandise. The land can be identified for producing wonderful wine and exquisite flowers, and is nicknamed the “metropolis of gardens”. The gorgeous metropolis is matched by their stunning girls, who put on these handmade clothes with satisfaction.
The capital of Japan is house to greater than 13 million individuals, with one other 2.5 million individuals commuting into the town to work every day. Many staff use their wonderful public transportation together with monorails and trams which might be admired by different cities.
What was as soon as a small fishing village is now a metropolis, and has been devastated twice. As soon as in 1923 following the Nice Kanto earthquake, and later throughout World Warfare II. Though the cityscape is huge, Tokyo additionally has 4 nationwide parks, beautiful views of snow-capped mountains and loads of gardens to take pleasure in, as proven within the portrait above.
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junker-town · 7 years
College football strength of schedule rankings and how to have a useful conversation about them
Included at the bottom is a new SOS-style ranking system that will be updated here each week.
SB Nation college football editor Jason Kirk asked me to write about strength of schedule, and I’ll be honest: it pissed me off. Nothing personal, of course. We just all have our triggers.
I hate strength of schedule arguments more than I hate red zone fade routes, five-hour football games, and that this dumbass sport I love continues to get away with a bunch of nonsense because of a cynical, decades-old definition of “student athlete.”
I hate these arguments partly because of the contradiction. Let me explain.
In my work with advanced stats, the S&P+ ratings, and so forth, I field certain categories of insult pretty frequently. Here are two of the most common:
“Watch the games, nerd!” The insinuation: if you’d get your nose out of the spreadsheets, dork, you’d see that Team A is clearly better than Team B.
“Team A ain’t played nobody!” The insinuation: How could Team A possibly be any good when they haven’t played a team that clears someone’s arbitrary bar of goodness?
“You saw what happened in the games I watched, right?” the first one says. The second says to watch one particular game and ignore the others.
Football’s going to have a sample size issue no matter what, so we should milk whatever meaning we can out of every game we’ve got.
Arguing about strength of schedule the wrong way means limiting the sample even further and acting like we can’t get meaning out of every play of every game. We can. Honest.
Strength of schedule is at the heart of virtually every college football argument between October and January each year. Hell, it’s a point of debate for every college sport. The schedules are too varied and not comprehensive enough. That the power conferences are moving toward three-game non-conference schedules in football makes this national connectivity even worse.
At the pro level, there are strong and weak divisions, sure. But the schedules are still infinitely more balanced. In the MLB, everybody plays everybody in their league at least a few times, with some cross-league games. In the NBA and NHL, everybody plays everybody at least once. There is connectivity.
With 130 FBS teams and 12 games, that simply isn’t an option for college football. So we play who we play, and we yell about who our rivals ain’t played.
How strength of schedule determines the national champion, sort of
Arguments are one thing, but college football’s national title is more directly affected by strength of schedule than that of any other major sport. It’s baked right into the College Football Playoff selection process.
When circumstances at the margins indicate that teams are comparable, then the following criteria must be considered:
* Championships won
* Strength of schedule
* Head-to-head competition (if it occurred)
* Comparative outcomes of common opponents (without incenting margin of victory)
We believe that a committee of experts properly instructed (based on beliefs that the regular season is unique and must be preserved; and that championships won on the field and strength of schedule are important values that much be incorporated into the selection process) has very strong support throughout the college football community.
(A digression, but they should clarify that they’re looking at conference championships. A fan could read that and assume Alabama’s going to get permanent preferential treatment for its 114 claimed national titles.)
It is decreed that the committee takes strength of schedule into account, but it intentionally doesn’t say how. It frowns on advanced analytics — from the same rules document: “Nuanced mathematical formulas ignore some teams who ‘deserve’ to be selected;” God forbid — and gives no alternative guidance. So the committee ends up going with things like “wins over top-25 teams” or “assuring there’s no way in hell a team from a Group of 5 conference will ever get in.”
By now, though, some are figuring out pretty clearly how strength of schedule is taken into account.
ESPN’s stats team has created both forward- and backward-looking measures to assess the difference between the “best” teams and those typically determined most deserving of a title shot. As it turns out, the backwards view is pretty effective at mirroring committee action. The Strength of Record measure has proven quite adept at figuring out how the committee will rank teams.
Everything that goes into FPI’s SOS rankings — opponent strength, game site, distance traveled and rest — is used to capture the difficulty of a team’s schedule. Thus, amassing a number of “good wins,” no matter how the game was won, will boost a team’s Strength of Record.
Despite the committee’s mantra of selecting the “four best teams in the country,” it appears that in the first two years of playoff selection, the committee favored team accomplishment over team strength. So if you are trying to predict what the committee will do, take a look at strength of record, because seven of eight teams to make the playoff ranked in the top four of that metric before playoff selection. Then FPI can be used to predict which teams will ultimately come out on top.
The committee insists it is looking for the “best” team. It is not. Kirby Hocutt, chairman of the CFP committee as of 2016, has conflated “best” and “most deserving” on a number of occasions. An example:
Q: Are you looking for the four best teams or the four most-deserving teams? Is there a difference?
A: You have to take into account the entire season. The season doesn't start in October. Everybody has 12 regular-season opportunities, and the committee is watching. At the end of the year, we want to make sure we have the four very best teams over the course of the entire season.
They do not. And that’s fine, I guess.
Two major problems, however: a one-point win is not a 30-point win, and you don’t have to wait till someone plays a good team to start learning.
Take these two pieces as an example.
Here I am in Oct. 2013, writing about how Florida State had been dominant long before the Noles dominated Clemson.
"Are they tested?" is just a box you check. While you can certainly find examples of teams that look great against awful teams, then stumble when punched in the mouth for the first time (Louisville), you can usually glean just as much from how a team dominates bad competition as from how it plays against really good teams. Picking Team A simply because it is more tested than Team B is usually a recipe for making bad picks.
The early-season stats suggested that, despite not playing a top team yet, Florida State was pretty incredible. The Seminoles went out and left no doubt on Saturday night in Clemson.
Here I am in Oct. 2014, writing about how Florida State was probably doomed as a title contender despite some wins over good teams.
The best teams, the most likely championship teams, are the ones that handle their business early and put games out of reach before luck, chance, fumbles, and vital offensive pass interference calls can impact the outcome.
According to the F/+ rankings, the Seminoles have been just barely good enough to survive No. 9 Clemson at home (without Winston), No. 15 Louisville on the road, and No. 19 Notre Dame at home. They survived No. 44 Oklahoma State on a neutral field, and they pulled away from No. 53 NC State in the fourth quarter. They pummeled No. 76 Syracuse and eventually got around to doing the same to No. 89 Wake Forest.
They have, in other words, solidified that they should be ranked around seventh to 12th in these ratings. They were 11th heading into this week. [...] Without sustained improvement, and without the ability to play a full 60 minutes at a high level, they will in no way be a favorite to beat two top-four teams in the College Football Playoff and win the national title.
The 2013 team that hadn’t played nobody, but that was destroying its opponents, went on to win the national title.
The 2014 team that was winning, but not impressing the numbers, eked out a Playoff bid with seven one-possession wins (five against teams that went 8-5 or worse) but got embarrassed.
To its credit, the CFP committee did dock FSU a bit for its lackluster performance. The unbeaten Noles were third in the rankings behind two one-loss teams. But these two FSU teams are ultimate examples for this simple truism:
You can learn something from every game, if you try.
That’s the point of using advanced stats in the first place, be it S&P+ or any other flavor. You set the baseline depending on the opponent(s) at hand, and you compare the actual output to that adjusted expectation. It fills in what your eyes are missing. (And with 800-plus college football games in a season, your eyes are always missing something.)
Your record does matter. Even as an advanced stats loyalist, I’m not exactly going to call for a three-loss team to get a CFP spot, even if said team was unlucky in every loss and ranks first in S&P+. Wins and losses aren’t particularly predictive in and of themselves, but they still have to mean something. Even the best team shouldn’t get in, if it’s not high on the most-deserving list.
So what if we actually tried to combine the two worlds? What if we used a “best” measure to begin approximating what “most deserving” truly is?
What if we took the Strength of Record idea and added an extra level of team quality to it?
Introducing Résumé S&P+.
I’m going to introduce my takes on two pretty familiar concepts.
There are countless ways to measure one’s strength of schedule, but I’m going to choose one most directly tied to the national title race. Makes sense, since “strength of schedule” is right there in the mission statement.
Below are each FBS team’s rankings in three categories:
S&P+, an overall team efficiency rating system you can read more about here. It can be used to predict wins and losses going forward.
Strength of Schedule (SOS), which amounts to how well the average top-five team (according to S&P+) would fare, in terms of win percentage, against your schedule. The lower the number, the harder the schedule.
Résumé S&P+, which looks at a team’s season scoring margin and compares it to what the average top-five team’s scoring margin would likely be against the schedule at hand. If the number is positive (and for most, it won’t be), that means said team is faring better then the typical top-five team. Instead of any advanced stats or win probability info, I’m adhering strictly to actual margins.
To use the current top Résumé S&P+ team as an example, let’s look at Alabama.
The Crimson Tide are currently second in overall S&P+. Their schedule strength ranks 34th; if the average top-five team played Alabama’s previous opponents a countless number of times, they would win about 79 percent of those games. The Tide have won 92 percent of their games, with an average scoring margin about 12.5 points per game higher than said average top-five team.
Compare that to the schedule of someone like Auburn. The average top-five team would have a win percentage of only about 73 percent against the Tigers’ slate. Those tiny differences can add up; Auburn’s been a legitimate top-10 team with a top-10 résumé but has still suffered three losses.
Then there’s UCF. The Knights’ strength of schedule ranks just 103rd overall, and they are being punished severely for it by the CFP committee. But their average scoring margin is about 3.8 points ahead of how the average top-five team would be expected to perform. That’s a Résumé S&P+ rating within 0.6 points of Oklahoma.
(This is a wide table, because it has to be; if it’s not showing well on your phone, consider taking a look on another device later.)
Eleven teams have positive Résumé S&P+ ratings. That’s more than one would expect if you’re comparing performances to that of an average top-five team. But here’s where I remind you that the average top-five team at the moment is not nearly as good as it has been in previous years. It only takes perhaps one truly awesome performance to produce an average above the top-five expectation.
By the way, to those who want to moan about incentivizing running up the score in this measure (since we’re using scoring margins), suck it up.
Margin of victory is infinitely more informative than “did they win?” It just is. Besides, it's odd to suddenly care about hurt feelings when I'm pretty sure telling half of FBS they don't have a shot at the national title no matter how well they play is more hurtful to those feelings than winning 59-0 instead of 49-0.
Best versus most deserving. How you’ve played versus who you’ve played. Maybe there’s a way to tie together these worlds after all.
I’m still mad at Jason, though.
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h0lybasil-blog · 7 years
Facts Are Not Feelings
The double-edged sword of activism linguistics.
If you know me at all, we’ve probably gotten into a conversation about linguistics at some point.
I’m particularly interested in the way language affects our ability to connect with one another, and how what we say influences how we feel.
A lot of activists in the queer community are also quite concerned with linguistics, and it’s an issue every person seems to relate to differently.
This morning, I woke up to a thread of Facebook comments on a casting call I posted, requesting “male bodied humans”.
The word choice was intentional. I didn’t want to ask for “dudes” or “men” because a fair amount of the dudes and men I know have vaginas. While I love them and want to celebrate their bodies and experiences, this particular project required someone who inhabits a biologically male body, regardless of how they identify their gender, which is a totally personal detail, and doesn’t have a lot to do with the body you inhabit, in my opinion.
Usually, when I’m at work, I am usually “in drag” as a cis-woman - I am dressing the part that society expects when they see my physical form. I’m comfortable with this! I’m also comfortable when I leave the house in jeans and a backwards baseball cap. Because I don’t identify as either gender, dragging as both can be a fun experience, and a powerful way to play with image.
I’m here, I’m queer, and I’m doing my best.
How I choose not to identify seems to cause confusion in people who aren’t up on the “in-group slang” (aka people who exist within the bounds of mainstream culture) — I’m not a man, not a woman, not a feminist, not a liberal socialist, not an anything, really, as I believe identity politics only lead to frustration.
But Tate, didn’t you just tell us all that you’re “queer”?
Yes! I did. That is an identity. You caught me :) While I claim my queerness, I am still a human first. I think that might be what I mean by identity politics — letting a facet of your experience become the lens through which you interpret and interact with the rest of your experiences.
This is hard. I want to be kind and respectful to everyone. I also want to be able to express myself in a way that feels authentic.
This next thing is difficult to say, because I know it will upset some people who are passionate about social justice:
I’m tired of being yelled at. Especially on the internet.
Today, I was accused of marginalizing and contributing to the physical harm of trans people. Going back to labels and identity politics, I don’t choose to call myself trans, though multiple people have told me that technically I qualify as transgender, since I don’t fit into the socially expected gender of my body. I don’t identity as trans because I think that while the word may have a more inclusive annotative definition, it is my perception that transgenderism has been culturally understood as males who identify as women, or females who identify as men.
Let me take a minute to explain this, before you start scrolling to the comment section to tell me that “female” and “male” are improper ways to describe people’s bodies.
Male/female are the medical ways we describe most of the population’s genetic sex. To be crass, a person usually has a sex organ that is either an innie or an outie, and that sex organ usually determines the balance of hormones they have in their body, and the shape and appearance it takes overall. Taking out of the mix people who have modified their bodies with hormones and surgery (fuck yeah for the freedom to body modify!), I am fully aware that individuals exist who’s bodies generate hormone imbalances, or are intersex.
These people are valid, and I care about them. I care about everyone. I want all of us who feel less than supported and celebrated by our current social/political/economic system to be free from whatever is telling them they aren’t allowed to reach their full potential. Just because someone is different than you doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be respected.
A lot of people prefer to use “AFAB/AMAB” or “DFAB/DMAB” — assigned/designated female/male at birth. To me, these terms are practically analogous with “male/female bodied human”, though I can see the argument that FAB/MAB is more inclusive to people who are intersex, as it acknowledges their being marginalized/erased by the medical system.
So why use the clunky term “male/female bodied human” if it causes strife?
Well, I use “female bodied human” to refer to myself, as I find it to be validating of my gender in the many situations where I am qualified for participation due to my female sex, regardless of the fact that I don’t identify as a woman. Work, for one, when it involves playing a role, as it often does. (Quick shoutout to Asia Kate Dillon for using their notoriety to leverage a much-needed change in the entertainment industry!)
Just because a silly string of words makes me feel comfortable, it might not work for everyone. And I think we need to be okay with that!
This is something I have struggled with. I prefer “they/them/theirs” pronouns. It’s awkward to ask people to use what feel like foreign language to refer to me. Most who aren’t a part of the queer scene will be confused by me “referring to myself as multiple people”. In a lot of ways, that feels accurate and comfortable for me — it feels like a truer reflection of my multi-faceted human experience. (Not that cis-gendered people can’t have multi-faceted experiences…)
I don’t ever expect perfection, nor total understanding, but if someone wants to be in my life, I do expect them to try. It’s hard to understand someone’s existence that you can’t relate to, but that’s where empathy comes in. While pronouns may be tricky, I don’t think it’s hard to understand someone’s desire to be seen as their true self. I think everyone should have the opportunity to identify however feels authentic, and also to have the freedom to disengage with people who don’t desire to respect their self-perception.
It’s all personal choice!
I identify as human, and I use my human capacities to work towards the greatest good for all humans, as far as I can understand it. Seems simple, right?
As it turns out, not really. Society is big, and takes time to change. We do change, though! Less than one hundred years ago, I likely would have already been jailed for taking one of my love interests on a simple date. In this country’s short existence alone, we have come to see women as more than property, black people as more than slaves, and homosexuals as more than perverts. I know we can do this gender thing, but it’s going to take work.
In the English language, we regard pronouns as a “fixed class” of words. This isn’t technically true, as “fixed” in this case just means “harder to change”, not “permanent”. More than two classes of pronouns for humans is so new to the mainstream, it’s still just a little larvae of a concept. We have a while to go before alternative pronouns are a butterfly of language, free and easy.
This is not something I ever thought I would say, let alone publish, but I want to publicly thank my mom for getting into a comment debate on my Facebook page. She brought up some valid points, properly gendered me, and was gracious to a stranger who (I believe with good motives) angrily typed in her direction.
Let me paint a picture: my mom is a self-described “boring 52 year-old” real estate agent who lives in San Diego. It has taken years of learning how to share my feelings and preferences with her to help her understand my perspective and experience. The conversation has spanned over a decade, and took a lot of incremental retooling as I became more comfortable with myself, as well as a better communicator.
I started with yelling at her as a teen, and slowly moved through stages of avoidance, confrontation, and finally listening to her — letting her teach me how to ask for what I want from her. We have learned to meet each other halfway in our vastly different life experiences. While one of her best friends is publicly gay, she doesn’t have access to the young, queer scene up here in Los Angeles. Hardly anyone does.
In activist communities, there is a lot of conversation around wanting people who aren’t in the know to “self educate” before they even ask questionsabout someone’s life they can’t begin to understand. Have you ever thought that since these people are open and curious enough to ask questions, they might be worth a few moments of your time and knowledge?
I’ll be the first to admit, if I observe said person starting to speak combatively, I walk away. No one deserves to be the whipping boy of a bigot. I trust you, compassionate activist, to make the distinction between a naive, normal person and someone who is festering in their hatred for things they don’t understand (usually including themselves).
If we weirdos, as the self-appointed teachers of the rest of the known Universe, can take the time to educate ourselves on how to best express our thoughts and ideas, we might start getting somewhere. But please, no more yelling.
I’m not saying no yelling in general, just no yelling at people. If like me, you have neighbors, great places to yell are into a pillow, in your car, and that’s about it.
It is so explicitly important that we learn how to communicate in a way that invites others to experiences and revelations, rather than chastises them for not knowing the newest in-group slang. It’s not fair to be mad at someone for not knowing something that you didn’t know less than a year ago.
If you know something before others, congratulations! You get a chance to be a teacher. It’s one of society’s most esteemed — and poorly paid — positions. In fact, you’ll be doing this job for free. But you don’t care, because you believe in the cause of all people being treated with respect!
So, let’s start by mastering how we introduce our philosophical ideals. Let’s be kind and generous with people who we perceive to be less knowledgable than us.
I can’t recommend highly enough that anyone who does any kind of activism familiarize themselves with the concepts of NVC (Non-Violent Communication), which is self-described as a system of “skills that foster compassionate relating”. I’m not saying it’s a perfect system, but I think it’s a lot better than what we currently fumble with, which is a lot of blaming, name-calling, and CAPS ATTACKS — three things I’m sure your rational mind recognizes as inefficient ways to get people to listen to you.
But Tate, gender/queerness/feminism/racism/etc. are emotional issues! We aren’t allowed to be emotional about emotional issues!?
Yes, these issues have deep emotional ties, which is why the conversation is hard. I’m glad you have strong feelings about oppression! I do too. Let’s examine how we want to transmit our feelings about injustice to those who may not be so aware, in an attempt to bring them on our team of humanist do-gooders. (Yes, it’s probably because of privilege that they aren’t aware of the way that some people struggle. No, I don’t think using the word “privilege” is going to strengthen your argument. It’s still in-group slang.)
Calling someone an oppressor is not going to get them to listen, either. We have to stop blaming white people. We have to stop blaming straight people. We have to stop blaming men. Mainstream culture is a representation of the average social experience. Yes, we can look back and see that a lot of our societal infrastructure is the product of many years of non-consensual power imbalance, but that doesn’t mean that every straight white guy alive today has to pay for it. It’s no more their fault that our world is unfair than it’s your fault for being whatever you are.
I’m saddened by the number of awake, compassionate men I know who have expressed the only way they feel welcome in any political conversation is to shut up, and publicly reduce themselves to a string of insults, “I’m a hopelessly cis-straight-white guy”. Perpetuating the cycle of blame and shame is not what we need. We need everyone on board, inspired to be their most compassionate and inclusive selves. We can’t do this by alienating most of the mainstream population, a lot of whom are smart and have skills to contribute.
If you have someone in your life who you want to introduce to the concepts that have freed your mind from the oppressive systems at play, please treat them with the same respect you want to be treated with.
I often find this NVC formula quite helpful. Ready for a mini lesson?
Verbally identifying these aspects of emotionally charged situations — in order — has been extremely valuable to me.
Observation: What this means is, first, I want to identify — without judgement — exactly what is happening. This is different than an interpretation of events, which is often how we defend ourselves when we feel our ideology or identity is being threatened. I’m not using this example to shame anyone, but because it is fresh in my mind, I will use the Facebook debate as an example.
With the use of NVC skills, the conversation might have looked more like this:
“I notice that you’ve used the term “male-bodied humans” to effectively refer to “men”. Some trans people have told me that this is not how they like to be identified.”
2. Feeling: Next, I like to relate how what I’m observing affects me. Not how the other person “makes” me feel, because that isn’t a real thing, but how I naturally react to what I’m observing.
“I feel uncomfortable knowing that some people might feel excluded or erased by your choice of words.”
3. Need: This is the most important part. Relating your feelings back to a universal human need, and acknowledging the other person’s needs establishes mutual respect and understanding. Helping your conversation partner feel seen and cared for will do the opposite of attacking them - it has the potential to open them up to learning something new.
“I recognize our need to be specific when referring to people, and to have clear concepts for effective communication. I also want to respect the needs of others to be seen and accepted with our use of language.”
4. Request: Lastly, this is how adults ask each other for things. We make requests. We don’t demand, and we don’t passive-aggressively stew in our disbelief that someone hasn’t already read our mind and acted perfectly according to our silent desires. We ask specifically for what we want out of the interaction, and are prepared to hear “no”. No ultimatums.
“May I request you consider changing the term you use? I can suggest a different term that might be more palatable to more people.”
People are rooted in their personal experiences more than anything. We all experience our objective reality through unique, subjective lenses.
Because my subjectivity has led me to like the term “male/female bodied human”, it will probably take me a good amount of convincing that my preferred terminology (as someone who is already on the fringe of society) is unacceptable.
We run on an infinite treadmill of PC terms turning into slurs. It seems like each week another word goes out of vogue. We can’t get mad at each other for not knowing the latest, least “offensive” way to refer a person or concept.
We aren’t going to achieve equality by cyclically pushing people down and blaming them for our problems, which are all built on the backs of dead people. That’s why our prisons are filled to the brim with people of color. That’s why trans people are getting murdered daily. It’s not because I used the term “male/female bodied” (as a fellow “trans” person!) — it’s because we don’t know how to change the mind of the opposition.
This is exactly why political revolutions fail: the oppressed become the oppressors. Facts are great, but they won’t change people’s minds. People aren’t changed by statistics and lecturing. People are changed by personal experience — in other words, people’s opinions are changed by their feelings. (Ever wonder how Trump became our leader? Certainly not with facts.)
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pagedesignhub-blog · 7 years
Health statistics on internet may also reduce accept as true with in doctors
New Post has been published on https://pagedesignhub.com/health-statistics-on-internet-may-also-reduce-accept-as-true-with-in-doctors/
Health statistics on internet may also reduce accept as true with in doctors
Looking up health-related information on the internet can reason parents to now not consider the analysis made with the aid of their child’s physician, probably main to not on time treatment, a brand new observe warns.
Researchers from Hofstra Northwest School of Medicine within the US recruited 1,374 figure contributors who have been offered with a profile of a toddler who “has had a rash and aggravating fever for three days.”
The contributors, who averaged 34 years of age and had at least one child under age 18, had been then divided into companies.
In the primary institution, participants obtained display photographs of net data describing a few signs and symptoms of scarlet fever, an infectious disorder linked to Strep throat that causes rash and fever.
Unless dealt with antibiotics, scarlet fever can turn into rheumatic fever and, in a few instances, lead to heart harm.
The 2nd institution of individuals received screen shots listing pick symptoms of Kawasaki disorder, a condition in which blood vessels during the frame end up infected. It is also followed by using fever and rash.
Prompt remedy with anti-inflammatory tablets is needed to assist save you life-threatening complications including aneurysms.
The third set of parents, the manager institution, obtained no internet display pictures. All contributors then read that the health practitioner had diagnosed the child with scarlet fever.
Compared to the manipulate institution, in which 81.0 percent of dad and mom mentioned trusting the medical doctor, ninety.Five according to cent of dad and mom who had received scarlet fever symptom display shots said trusting the health practitioner.
Furthermore, fewer mother and father within the scarlet fever cohort spoke back that they had been likely to searching for a second opinion (21.Four percent), compared to the manage organization (forty two.0 in line with cent).
Conversely, only 61.Three in step with a cent of participants who had considered the display shows listing rash and fever as signs and symptoms of Kawasaki sickness reported trusting the docs’ prognosis, and sixty four.2 according to cent pronounced that they were probably to are trying to find a second opinion.
Although there are numerous advantages of having easily reachable scientific records available on the net, the findings display that “net-pushed interpretation of symptoms” can compromise believe between a health practitioner and affected person, researchers said.
“The net is an effective information device, however, it’s far limited through its lack of ability to cause and assume,” stated Ruth Milanaik, an accomplice professor on the Hofstra Northwest School of Medicine.
“Simply entering a collection of signs in a search engine won’t reflect the actual scientific state of affairs to hand,” Milanaik stated.
“These laptop-generated diagnoses may additionally mislead patients or parents and motive them to question their medical doctors’ clinical talents and are searching for a 2d opinion, thereby delaying treatment,” she introduced.
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Why Privacy on the Internet May Offer Security Risks Unfortunately on this age your privateness on the net may also placed both you and others at chance! The uproar over the NSA getting access to your private data reflecting your sports on line has drawn worldwide interest! This outcry is all about whether or not a men and women privateness on-line is being violated with the aid of such surveillance that is supposed to reveal suspicious interest in a proactive effort to curb terrorism! To date the mood of most people has been one in every of astonishment and mistrust however there’s a few legitimacy for the need of such surveillance!
Here are 3 difficult to dispute reasons as to why your privateness on line, at least right here in the US, may need to be compromised a good way to preserve you and your own family safe!
Bad Guys Exist (And Not Just On Video)
The underbelly of society exists even on line and tracking any suspicious interest is the ONLY way to control it! It appears ‘controls’ or ‘precautions’ of some kind need to be carried out online to thwart malicious use of this generation! May we need to rethink our views of our personal hobby on the internet as being absolutely secret and confidential? The most apparent and effective tactic for controlling unlawful, dangerous or otherwise suspicious hobby online is through diligence and observation! If you possess a better idea than you could in truth be the founding father of the subsequent HUGE internet corporation!
The Stakes Have Changed
More than ever the net is proving itself to be a precious component of the cloth that IS society today! It need to be covered with the intention to protect the citizens of the internet as properly! If this indicates compromising your privateness on-line nicely that seems to be a small charge to pay! We all recognise how powerful and efficient the net is for conversation purposes however lamentably so does the ‘underbelly’ of our society and therein lies the problem! At a few factor positive proactive measures need to be taken and in case you’re worried approximately your non-public statistics being scrutinized than what are you hiding? I’m reasonably sure when the Constitution was firstly created that it failed to take the net into consideration! Folks this is sincerely a new frontier and we all must tread cautiously until we’ve all of it figured out!
Using Technology to Fight Crime
Although it’s been confirmed how generation may be used against us it is able to ‘shield’ us as properly! It is so vital to recall the Web is a public entity and no longer an area where your private statistics must be displayed or shared in any way! We’re speaking not unusual feel right here as to the dangers you take since the choices you’re making are yours by myself and to which you need to be accountable! Undervaluing the need for security and putting your privacy on line first is a silly desire to make and one that deserves your cautious consideration!
The latest protests towards having our privateness on the net violated by means of authorities organizations monitoring suspicious pastime is comprehensible! Since the inception of the internet, the non-public facts of users has in no way been publicly compromised, or at the least we’ve got by no means had that claim validated, until now! Like the evolution of the internet itself so have to the laws and guidelines governing it evolve as well! In this example it’s for the sake of country wide safety and of route your personal protection! Let’s face it, the sector is changing and ‘awful men’ can be found everywhere such as on line! If you want both your self and your own family blanketed from folks who are up to no proper, it would seem ‘sacrificing’ your privacy on line is a small fee to pay! Besides, isn’t it a piece presumptuous to feel some thing you do on the ‘international wide web’ is cloaked in secrecy? The backside line is if you’ve were given some thing to hid than do not post your sensitive or personal statistics on-line.
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