#sindren x jute
fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
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Once again I think I find the biggest comfort in just drawing ships currently.. I try to draw something else but... given I get more ignored her on tumblr and discord is my comfort with thinking about ships, this way I feel a bit better...
Anyways enough Rambling here is the ships in order: Kaeru x Dacre @fullplaidponydreamer
Emma x Kristoff @forestwispocs
Erwin x Reinhardt and Sindren x Jute @silent-dragon
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
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Had the urge to draw some ships in cosplays and so this happened.
Carol x James @twsted-princess as Tifa and Cloud
Saneria x Jacuze @sparrow-20 only Saneria had to be Harley Quinn
Gregroy x Bexley @forestwispocs as their inspos
Lyla x Elijah @rookvonhunt as Lindow and Sakuya from God eater
Sindren x Jute @silent-dragon as Ann and Morgana
This was just a silly Idea I wanted to do and it was fun even if exhausting.
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fumikomiyasaki · 7 months
🥇 a supportive text.
Sindren & Jute
Texting starters
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"A little encouragement to a sidekick for life. <3
I heard about the incident with Gabrielle today... she can be quite scary I know... especially from all the dorm meetings... but don't despair... if you ever feel afraid of her... feel free to call me up... I will always be there to support you and keep you save... but I do want to help you become stronger too... how about I later invite you to my dorm... we could brainstorm about this together.
I also wouldn't mind just hanging out, watching movies, getting a good break from herohood too... either way I hope we can spend time together later.
Love Sindren, your favourite Hero"
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fumikomiyasaki · 7 months
❤️ first kiss / realization
Jute & Sindren
A follow up from this old one cause this was basically the confession without the lip kiss
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Jute was hiding in his room as usual... Gabrielle was scary about wanting to drag the whole group to practise but like a call to keep him safe he noticed someone or something come in from the window... at first he was scared but then he noticed who it is... Sindren looking at him with a soft smile.
"You didn't answer your text so sorry to barge in."
"W-wait you texted me?! Oh... I just saw it n-now."
"Don't worry about it... I thought... maybe I could take you on a date?"
His face blushed as he gripped his blanket.
"D-date?! But I would have to go outside for that?"
"You don't... I have some movies with me, some snacks... we can just make a home cinema too."
A sigh of relief escaped him.
"Sinny... thank you f-for watching out for me..."
She sat down next to him fumbling her fingers turning a bit red as well...
"Say, Jute... you did say before that you liked me but... we never a-actually kissed as boyfriend and girlfriend soo..."
"M-my heart is unsure if... I-i can handle it."
She gently squeezed his hand.
"I can wait... I just wanted to bring it up cause its a wish of mine. "
He looked back at her and with a nervous look pressing his lips together she suddenly felt him hold her other hand too and lean against her a little... accidentally causing them both to slightly tumble onto the bed and her face to be red.
"Sinny.. c-could you please close your eyes for it?"
She gave him a slight nod and leaned closer... squeezing his hand tighter as slowly their lips brushed against another... even if he was nervous one of her hands removed and placed on his face made him feel so warm... before he opened his eyes to see her warm smile.
"Would you mind another one? I enjoyed it actually. "
"I-if you take the lead t-this time."
The two of them became too distracted with kisses to start a movie... but it was also something new... something exciting... eventually she noticed however when it was too much for him... and embraced him... trying to calm his nerves when only she made it worse. She didn't know what effect she had on him.
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fumikomiyasaki · 7 months
Sindren & Jute
A present from heart
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"Mythra... do you think this is a good idea?"
"Oh it will be perfect sweetheart, trust me. If you wanna give your boyfriend a good gift, this will work."
Sindren had already packed a whole bag of things she wanted to give Jute... some leftover parts of Comic series, she knew he didn't have, Treats that Mythra cooked with her in heartshape, a small figure and some small merch but Mythra also helped her get into a good outfit, playing a bow on her neck, a heart pattern dress and her hair tied into a Ponytail... it was unusual for Sindren to dress less practical but at least she could keep her sneakers to walk normal. With a firm smile she left her dorm and made her way to the Falciette dorm... knowing full well her boyfriend probably be in his room again... gently she asked at his door if he could open up and seeing her come in she noticed a light blush from him.
"Hehe... I have some surprises for you."
"P-please don't let it be a jumpscare in your bag."
"You know I wouldn't... but still I want you to open it up."
The soft smell of the baked treats drew his attention... his eyes shined opening up all she packed for him... moreso that he almost started crying from emotion as she pulled his head on her shoulder and patted his head.
"I r-really don't deserve you Sinny... but I am so glad to h-have you."
"You make me happy enough... and you are one of the few I can talk to without breaks and nerd about comics... cmere."
She layed down with him... turned on one of their favourite movies and held him close... she still felt some shivers on his body, stroking his ear and head gently... any hero needs a person to protect and hold dear and to her... Jute was among the ones she would never want to see hurt anymore... just hold him close and keep him safe... with a smile she looked at him placing a kiss on his forehead before watching on.
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fumikomiyasaki · 1 year
🎲 A kiss on the forehead
Jute & Sindren
Kiss Roulette
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On that day she was parcouring around the campus seeing if she could beat her own record time and test her limits. Eventually climbing over fences and clinging onto things got tiring... and she settled to find a tree to rest in the shade yet as she approached one open one her face lit Up seeing Jute who took a small nap under it.
She sat down next to him under it but seeing his sleepy face she couldn't help but smile. Hesitantly she kneeled forward to place a kiss on his forehead... just for him to open his eyes just in the moment she did and both grew as red as tomatoes looking at another.
"S-sorry to surprise you like this...Jute?... Jute!"
She was worried he may have passed out so she put her hands on his shoulders shaking him lightly as he was fine again just stuttering hardly.
"S-Sinny... my heart can't take these things... I was so shocked."
She chuckled and cupped his face lovingly.
"If you can mentally prepare for it I could also give you an actual kiss. But I am fine with waiting as well. I didn't want to wake you but you were just too cute."
As she praised him he grew even more Red, feeling her hand scratch his ears and her looking at him lovingly he closes his eyes and leaned forward.
"A-alright... I am ready for another k-kiss."
Even if he ears wagged and his face got pretty hot from the emberassment he enjoyed the soft feeling of her soft lips against his, holding her closer.
"S-Sinny... do you still have time to stay? I w-would feel better if a hero protect me."
"I need to rest up anyways, of course I will."
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fumikomiyasaki · 1 year
it’s difficult to be around you
Sindren & Jute
Subtle Romance starters
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On that day Sindren practised a little outside parcour around the school... usually she would go to her own dorm instead but, much of the set ups at the sports field got her curious... what she didn't expect was as she jumped over some equipment that someone was hiding behind it and so... she accidentally knocked Jute over to the ground... him laying under her as she tried to get up.
"S-sorry... I didn't expect someone to be here. Are you alright, Jute?"
He grew bright red seeing her still this close to him, being on top of him nonetheless, she noticed his face and got off... growing red too.
"It’s difficult to be around you."
"I see..."
"No it's n-not cause of that it's...m-moreso... I can't concentrate... you make me nervous y-yet happy... I want to be c-closer but I can't."
Her face grew bright red... behind this whole equipment and the shed at least they were completly alone, she scratched her cheek a little emberassed.
"So you like like me?"
Jute gave a shy nod, wanting to avoid her look, but she just smiled and pulled him a little closer for a kiss on the cheek, their eyes meeting as she pushed some hair out her face.
"What a coincidence cause I feel the same... "
"Y-you do... but um I am just a weird bunny... no h-hero."
"So what... you been sweet to me and I enjoy being close to you... even when I invited you over to watch a movie, it was nice just leaning against another and having a rest..."
With shining eyes he held both her hands beaming red.
"Does that mean you will help me r-repopulate too?"
"Oh s-sorry to early..."
She chuckled a little.
"We can figure things out along the way... for now... I wanna stick with you... my precious bunny sidekick."
She leaned back and opened her arms as he started to hug her... yet suddenly they heard a voice... mainly Mythras.
"Sinny! Where are you?"
"I gotta leave but... I will stop by your dorm later, alright Jute."
He nodded and hid away till Sindren left... smiling one last time at him.
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fumikomiyasaki · 1 year
🎨 - our muses decorate some eggs
Jute & Sindren
Easter prompts
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Jute sighed a little. Given he was the local bunny in his dorm and the whole thing with the Easter bunny, Gabrielle asked him kindly to paint the eggs for Tesa as gift, given the Dragon princess herself would break them easy. He was lucky however that Sindren had time and wanted to visit him anyways so she could help him out.
"Not bad, it looks really cute how you painted it."
"Sorry thought... t-that yo have to help me like this. "
"Its fine... I spend time with you and that makes me happy, don't worry Jute."
This smile of hers always cheered him up... despite the innocence it has, he admired a lot of things about her.... those cute orange locks, those sweet freckles... how well her sporty figure pulled off outfits... it was still hard to believe for him she wanted to be with him of all people... yet
"Jute are you okay? Your whole face is red."
"I get it... wait."
She finished her egg and then leaned up to him placing a small kiss on his lips.
"Mythra said a hint of redness is a longing for something. I thought you might like a kiss."
He hid his face a little.
"It d-does Motivate me... thank you."
Again such small acts often felt like his heart bursted out of his chest and his mind ran wild... seeing her continue to paint the eggs he almost forgot to make more himself but soon got his focuse back finishing everything off with her.
"Guess we were faster than Anticipated. "
"Sinny.... would y-you maybe wanna stay then... at my room I mean."
She titled her head yet nodded soon.
"Even If Mythra might be against it... I could just tell her I am on a mission... why not a sleepover sounds nice."
He felt glad to be brave enough for once to ask her... a double win on his part... being done with work and having her over to be closer. The day couldn't have gone better for him.
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