#erwin fowler
fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
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Ah yes... NRCs Robotics professor here sharing his opinion.
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based off this Eggman meme cause I had no ideas what to draw today. XD
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melishade · 2 days
Attack on Prime New Age Anthology: Reunions
Main Story
Catching Up
Catching Up Part 2
Released from Quarantine
People are reunited with loved ones.
Colt and Gabi were led to a new room by Nurse Darby, who they later learned to be Jack's mom. They were all wearing face masks that she had described as protection against unseen viruses. When she opened the door, both gasped to see Falco resting peacefully on a hospital bed. There were tubes in his nose to help him breathe, a heart monitor tracking his heart rate, and a needle in his arm connected to an IV.
"Falco!" Colt cried out as he ran over to his brother. He hugged him close, letting the tears fall down his face and hit his brother's cheeks.
"Will he wake up?" Gabi asked June.
"It's hard to say," June confessed, "He's been in a coma with no medical treatment. We're monitoring his condition as best as we can, and we're hoping that it'll be enough."
"...I did this," Gabi mumbled to herself.
"No. This isn't your fault." June kneeled down and placed her hands on Gabi's shoulders.
"But it's true." Gabi felt tears sting her eyes, "I-!....I stormed Wheeljack's ship in rage and Falco begged him not to go. He followed me as I tried to kill people onboard. And the bullet ricochet and hit him." Gabi covered her eyes as the tears began to fall. "I might as well have killed him, and the last thing he'll remember is that I told him he was a bad friend."
June genuinely didn't know what to say to that. How could she? A child was confessing to all of these things? How was she supposed to comfort that? June took a deep breath and centered herself.
"Listen, Gabi," June began, "Right now...don't focus on that. Focus on doing what you can for Falco and Colt, okay?"
Gabi nodded solemnly as she wiped her tears.
"Why don't I get you guys from fresh face masks and some hot cocoa?" June suggested as she stood up, "You can stay here as long as you want. We'll be sure to bring you food. Okay?"
"Okay," Gabi mumbled. June then stood up and pushed Gabi forward so that she could be with the two brothers. June then exited the room and shut the door behind her before leaning against it. She let out a long exhale, rubbing her eyes with her hands before recollecting herself and walking away from the room. Her focus was healing the sick. That's what she needed to focus on right now.
"They're in here." Fowler opened the door for Willy, and Willy's heart stopped at the sight of his wife and children sitting and eating in a room together. They were wearing clothing so vastly different from their own world. They looked nothing like royalty. They looked like civilians.
Willy saw his wife, Victoria, turn her head and gasp at the gasp of Willy standing at the door. She stood up, and Willy couldn't help but think that it was weird to see her wife in pants.
"Willy!" Victoria started to cry.
"Daddy!" his children cried out with joy and relief as they ran up to him and clung to his legs. Willy couldn't help but fall to his knees and hold them all close to his chest.
"Dad!" Fine cried out as she hugged him so tight, "Dad, you're alive!"
"Yes, I'm alive!" Willy sobbed, "I'm here!"
Victoria finally kneeled down and grabbed Willy's face before kissing him dead on the lips. Willy reciprocated in kind before releasing his wife and wiping away her tears.
"I thought I'd lose you," Victoria confessed.
"I'm here, and I'm never going away again," Willy swore, "I promise."
Fowler smiled slightly as the family was finally reunited before he shut the door to give them some privacy. He turned his attention to Kenshin, who merely crossed his arms and stared down at the floor with bitterness.
"You alright?" Fowler asked.
"...I'm bitter," Kenshin confessed.
Fowler placed a hand on Kenshin's shoulders in comfort. "It'll be okay, son."
Kenshin shook his head. "It's never going to be okay."
Erwin watched with apprehension at the mess that was Hanji's new quarantine area. Papers were strung all over the walls by magnets, strings, and tape. Torn paper was scattered all over the floor. The table they were given was such a mess, stained with pen smudges and food. But Hanji didn't even notice him as they were deep in thought and pacing around the room.
"And they've been at this for how long?" Erwin asked General Bryce.
"They haven't slept in a few days. Maybe a week," Bryce explained, "That shouldn't be physically possible; it's going to be detrimental to their health. Despite the fact that we've been getting good information from them, we need them alive to actually depict the madness on the wall right now."
Erwin stared at the cluttered wall as a realization dawned on him. "This isn't madness. It's grief."
"What?" Bryce was confused as Erwin stepped forward and knocked on the glass with his flesh hand. Hanji raised their head and gasped with excitement.
"Erwin!" Hanji's body slammed against the glass directly in front of Erwin, "It's good to see you in the flesh! God, I have so much I want to talk about! This place is so advanced!" Hanji started cackling, but Erwin kept calm and pressed his palm against the glass.
"I'm sure there's a lot you want to talk about," Erwin began, "But I think it'd be better for you to rest."
"Nope!" Hanji pushed themselves away from the wall, "I have too much to decipher and reprogram! I have to draw up the blueprints! This is no doubt the consequences of me not asking my questions to him, but that's okay! The fun of science is the discovery!"
"Hanji, you've been awake for a while now," Erwin reminded, "That's not good for you."
"Nothing is ever truly good for you!" Hanji retorted, but Erwin noticed they were now trying to force a smile.
"You need a break," Erwin declared, "You need to actually sleep before you come back to this."
"No thank you!" Hanji snatched the taser from the table, "I want to show you how this works instead!"
"Hanji, you're not being productive," Erwin proclaimed before looking down at the tattered sheets of paper on the floor, "You're out of control, and your writing becomes messier when you can't process your thoughts."
"You don't know that! I mean you haven't been commander for the past four years, and the military is effectively dismantled! You can't order me at all!" Hanji snapped at him.
"I'm telling you as a friend," Erwin declared, "I don't want to see you collapse and end up in the hospital again...and neither does Levi. Not when he walks up."
Hanji turned away from Erwin and rubbed their arm. "...That's a low blow, even for you."
"I know," Erwin agreed, "But we're already experiencing enough chaos right now, and I need you in top shape to help deal with it."
"...Erwin, I don't want to stop," Hanji confessed, "I'm afraid to shut my eyes and this is all a dream. That...I'm back there...or I'm dead...and the titans and Eren-!"
"I'm right here," Erwin swore, "I'm not going anywhere."
Hanji rubbed their cheeks in defeat and frustration. "I don't think I can sleep."
"We can get you melatonin. That should be able to help you sleep," Bryce informed.
"Never heard of it," Hanji called out.
"It will help, but we're only going to give you a few," Bryce explained.
"Right. Too many of anything can be bad," Hanji remarked as Bryce walked out of the room, "Thank you Bryce. And sorry for making that guy cry!"
Hanji noticed Erwin sitting down against the glass and raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What are you doing?"
"I told you I'm staying," Erwin reminded.
"Levi needs you more than me," Hanji retorted.
"Levi has medical professionals checking him," Erwin stated, "You're making people cry and refuse to calm down. I think you need me right now more than Levi does."
Hanji didn't reply to that as they sat down and rested against the glass behind Erwin. "Okay. You win."
"It was never about winning," Erwin reminded.
Sasha could only stare solemnly at the closed casket that supposedly held Connie's body inside. Behind her, stood Armin, Historia, Onyankopon, Jack, and Rafael.
"Can't I open it to see him?" Sasha asked.
"He's been dead over a month at this point," Jack answered, "It's not going to be good for your physical or mental health."
"Connie died in my arms with a gaping hole in his abdomen," Sasha snapped at him, "How much more traumatized can I get?!"
"Sasha," Armin warned her.
Sasha didn't reply to Armin's preparation of a scolding and turned back to the coffin. "This is such bullshit."
"He was your friend," Rafael spoke up, "You have the right to bury him wherever you want when you go back home."
"I'm burying him in his hometown," Sasha declared.
"...we can make it a memorial sight," Historia proclaimed as she walked up and placed a hand on Sasha's shoulder, "To honor those that were killed during Marley's attack on Wall Rose."
"...That does sound nice," Sasha agreed.
"It better be nice," A voice spoke up. Everyone snapped their heads to see Jean getting wheeled into the morgue by Miko, wearing a hospital gown and a bandaged stump where his leg used to be.
"Miko, you didn't-!"
"I asked your mom!" Miko rolled her eyes in annoyance.
"Thanks again for bringing me here," Jean said to her.
"No problem, man." Miko patted his shoulder before Jean wheeled himself over to Connie's casket. He stared at the box solemnly before turning his attention to Sasha. "How are you feeling?"
"Like shit," Sasha mumbled.
Jean sighed to himself. "At least we know he's in a better place along with his family."
"...I still want him here," Sasha confessed.
"...Me too," Jean admitted before he noticed something, "Wait, where's Mikasa?"
"We...we don't know," Armin confessed.
"What do you mean you don't know?!" Jean turned to Armin, "Wasn't she there during the final battle?!"
"Yes, we were right next to each other, and then I went to check on Megatron-!"
"Stupid decision really," Rafael interjected.
"And then when I went back to check on her, she was gone and she abandoned her 3D gear!" Armin explained.
"You didn't see where she went?! She couldn't have gotten far when you were taken!" Jean retorted.
"Look, Jean, everything was just so chaotic, and I just lost track! I didn't think that she'd leave," Armin lamented.
"Well, like we promised, we're going to help you find her," Jack proclaimed, "It'll be like finding a needle in a haystack, but we gotta start somewhere."
"Maybe she didn't ditch her communicator," Rafael theorized, "If she kept it in, we might be able to pinpoint her location. If not-!"
"We'll be back to square one," Miko concluded.
“We can go back to the sight of the final battle and retrace her steps,” Jack suggested.
“And track what?! A good portion of the area was trampled by giant, skinless feet!” Miko exclaimed.
“We’ll figure it out,” Jack declared, “That’s our job.”
“Can you guys help with the burial?” Sasha asked.
“We’ll help with that too,” Jack reassured, “Why don’t we create a game plan first? There’s going to be things demanded of us pretty soon and we need to find a way to tackle them all. If we plan it out, it’ll be easier to handle.”
“Sounds good.” Miko held out a clenched fist towards Jack, and Jack bumped his fist to hers. Rafael joined the two of them before all three turned to the 104th.
“Sound like a good game plan?” Miko asked them.
“Um…” Armin trailed off. Historia was the first to step forward and bump her fist with the others. Armin decided to join Historia, followed by Sasha, who wheeled Jean over so that he could join the act of cooperation.
“Alright. Let’s do this,” Jack grinned.
(New Age anthology is close to wrapping up. The last part with be about Mikasa, but the few before them will address a few additional loose ends before going back to the main story.)
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Johnny Truelove likes to see himself as tough. He’s the son of an underworld figure and a drug dealer. Johnny also likes to get tough when things don’t go his way. When Jake Mazursky fails to pay up for Johnny, things get worse for the Mazursky family, as Johnny and his ‘gang’ kidnap Jake’s 15 year old brother and holds him hostage. Problem now is what to do with ‘stolen boy?’ Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Johnny Truelove: Emile Hirsch Sonny Truelove: Bruce Willis Julie Beckley: Amanda Seyfried Frankie Ballenbacher: Justin Timberlake Elvis Schmidt: Shawn Hatosy Jake Mazursky: Ben Foster Cosmo Gadabeeti: Harry Dean Stanton Interviewer (as Matt Barry): Matthew Barry Tiko “TKO” Martinez: Fernando Vargas Pick Giaimo: Vincent Kartheiser Bobby “911”: Alex Solowitz P.J. Truelove: Alec Vigil Adrian Jones: Frank Cassavetes Neighborhood Girl on Couch: Nicole Dubos Dance Bitch Girl: Regina Rice Party Girl: Laura Nativo Alma: Amber Heard Zack Mazursky: Anton Yelchin Butch Mazursky: David Thornton Olivia Mazursky: Sharon Stone Angela Holden: Olivia Wilde Wanda Haynes: Heather Wahlquist Abby: Shera Danese Dale Dierker (as Nancy DeMayo): Nancy De Mayo Jonna Kirshner: Xan Cassavetes Susan Hartunian: Dominique Swain Sabrina Pope: Charity Shea Buzz Fecske: Lukas Haas Bartender (as Heather-Elizabeth Parkhurst): Heather Elizabeth Parkhurst Employee: Jesse Erwin Peter Johansson: Paul Johansson Latino Youth (as Danny Abeckaser): Danny A. Abeckaser Latino Youth (as James A. Molina): James Molina Chucky Mota: Chuck Pacheco Gay “Lumpy” Yeager: Frank Peluso Klemash: Joshua Alba Juergen Ballenbacher: Chris Kinkade Keith Stratten: Christopher Marquette Tiffany Hartunian: Alex Kingston Bob Nolder: Bobby Cooper Delores Stratten (as Stephanie Fowler): Stephanie A. Fowler Elaine Holden (as Janet Jones Gretzky): Janet Jones Douglas Holden: Alan Thicke Salesman: Rick Salomon Leigh Fecske: Adrianna Belan Detective Tom Finnegan: Holt McCallany Lu: Shirley Kurata Santa Fe Kid (uncredited): Mario Ardila, Jr. John Kirschner (uncredited): Matt Borlenghi Bar Patron (uncredited): Curt Clendenin Party Girl (uncredited): Angela Meryl Bar Girl (uncredited): Bernadette Pérez Undercover Cop (uncredited): Emilio Roso Reporter (uncredited): Kristen Williams De Rosa: Greg Williams Additional VO (uncredited): Devin Kamin V.C.: Patrick Nguyen Bathroom Party Girl: Natasha Elliott Dale Dierker’s Dog (uncredited): Sadie Film Crew: Producer: Sidney Kimmel Producer: Chuck Pacheco Director: Nick Cassavetes Art Direction: Alan Petherick Co-Producer: Nancy Green-Keyes Production Design: Dominic Watkins Original Music Composer: Aaron Zigman Music Supervisor: Spring Aspers Costume Design: Sara Jane Slotnick Director of Photography: Robert Fraisse Music Editor: Angie Rubin Set Decoration: Fainche MacCarthy Casting: Matthew Barry Executive Producer: Jan Korbelin Still Photographer: Darren Michaels Executive Producer: Andreas Schmid Editor: Alan Heim Associate Producer: Michael Mehas Executive Producer: Robert Geringer Executive Producer: Marina Grasic Executive Producer: Andreas Grosch Executive Producer: Steve Markoff Script Supervisor: Jeanne Byrd Executive Producer: Avram Butch Kaplan Stunts: J.J. Perry Movie Reviews: J4stringthang: OK Timberlake fans and haters alike, Calm Down! Largely regarded as “you know, that movie with Timberlake in it.” Alpha Dog was enjoyable. And Timberlake did a great job. He is definitely all grown up now. A strong supporting cast of Sharon Stone and Bruce Willis sure didn’t hurt. I loved how the cast worked so good together. They were very believable. The movie did a great job of showing us just how crazy and out of control a simple misunderstanding can get. Hopeful Hollywood does force Ben Foster down our throat! Small doses please! NOTE: Alpha Dog has a lot of language in it. DoryDarko: Going into this film, I had no idea what it was about, only that it was based on a true story. And the more I think about this fact, the truth behind it all, the more it saddens me. The story that unfolded before my eyes...
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Current list of Muses
NPC just means they’ll pop in from time to time with whatever muse they’re connected to, but not technically a proper muse I’ve made. _____________________________________________
Aaron Tilley - side (bio here) Akira Saeki - side/private (bio here) Alexander Pine - private (bio here) Alicia Shay - private (info here) Berton Alfaro - side (bio here) Bianca Langlais - private (bio here) Bryce Winters - side (bio here) Cody Abbott - side Cole Buckette - side Conner Abbott - side Cory Vance - side Diamond Orlando - private Duke Harrison - side Elliot Jones - side Emerald Lane - side Ethan Cooke - private Etsuo Fujimoto - side Francois Martin - side Fuji Okumura - private Gabriella Montgomery - main Galaxy - main Genevieve Lacroix - side/NPC Ginta Ikeda - NPC Henri Langlais - private/NPC Himeno Alamorres - side Hiro Morishita - private Hunter Muller - side Ikuto Chikage - main Ivon Martin - side Jared Wilson - private John Seymore - main Jordyn Keith - private Junichi Wakabe - main Junko Kobayashi - private Katsumi Hirai - main Kennedy Lawson - main Leon Marks - main Lucia Alamorres - private Marco Juliani - main Mitsuki Saeki - private Nana Inoue - side Natasha Bane - main Nathan Yashitaka - side Olivia Casey - private Oscar Banderas - side Quinn Cooke - private Ramon Alamorres - private Remi - side/kinda NPC Russel Erwin - main Ryan Maxwell - side Ryota Murakami - NPC Ryotaro Hikari - side Saiko Inoue - private Sakura Maeda - side Suiren Fuse - NPC Tabitha Perez - side Tamotsu Minami - side Tohru Inoue - side Tomoe Inoue - NPC Tyler Kirk Randal - side Victor Juliani - side Wataru Onodera - private West Marcotte - side Wyatt Fowler - private Yukio Hirai - NPC Zaneta - private
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afinxspiration · 2 years
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Solvay conference 1927
Back Row: Auguste Piccard, Émile Henriot, Paul Ehrenfest, Édouard Herzen, Théophile de Donder, Erwin Schrödinger, Jules-Émile Verschaffelt, Wolfgang Pauli, Werner Heisenberg, Ralph Howard Fowler, Léon Brillouin
Middle Row: Peter Debye, Martin Knudsen, William Lawrence Bragg, Hendrik Anthony Kramers, Paul Dirac, Arthur Compton, Louis de Broglie, Max Born, Niels Bohr
Front Row: Irving Langmuir, Max Planck, Marie Sklodowska Curie, Hendrik Lorentz, Albert Einstein, Paul Langevin, Charles Eugène Guye, Charles Thomson Rees Wilson, Owen Willans Richardson
Author: Benjamin Couprie, Institut International de Physique de Solvay
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Staff as Students:
I did all staff members aside the ones that come from another world, how their students life was, here is some headcanons.
-Unosis hid his alien legs in High Boots while being a Heartslabyul student, but he flirted as much and slowly tried to become famous for the future, usually being a pretty average to bad student
-Shadman Hack was before a boy known as Sherman Haric, who was in pomefiore cause of his cute face but was really into TV comercials. His decend into madness begann at the end of his graduation
-Erwin was as obsessed with Machines in Ignihyde, usually a top students but always on the edge of expulsion
-Marcell was a RSA student part of the @crestbaby ‘s Finalium. He usually was very tired controlling his monster form in secret and had many bad love experiences which draged on his Sanity
-I talked on the Day of Rememberance post about Malories time in @diableriearcanearts so I am not gonna repeat that
-Belia was part of @walpurga-nacht-academy in the Kriegskald dormitory, however she was never really happy with the outfits and after getting pregnant she never finished the school
-Amalia was part of it as well in the Monarchia dormitory, much calmer than nowadays
-Lastly Nakamura wasn’t in school but he was mentor of Gabrielle and Tesadelle in fighting
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fumidreams · 3 years
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Erwin Fowler
Given the new Sonic movie was announced maybe it is time to let him and Soren interact and Soren get on his nerves.XD
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ellovett · 4 years
Day 3: Date Night/AU
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@fumikomiyasaki hey girl 😌 consider this an early valentines gift lol
They went to a cat cafe and had an epic time
Event by @//twstshipweek !!
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bookwhip-blog · 5 years
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fumikomiyasaki · 7 months
Could I ask for 👨‍🏫 with Carol or Henry? Hope you're having a lovely day/night!
school days
Send me a 👨‍🏫 to tell you who my ocs favourite Teacher/staff member was
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"Good question... especially cause give how the headmaster is not the most competent in my eyes... at least there is some who do their job better here... of course I praise Mr.Fowler a lot but, Mr. Trein does make lessons as they should be as well... He keeps it to the point and understandable. Even if there is some strictness to it. Other schools also have good options but I would say these two are my favourites."
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"Sadly i have to be biased cause Mr. Fowler is the main reason our dorm can thrive so much and the dorm members work well... them learning Robotics from him helpes with our machines and he feels like.... a figure that always takes care of you... he is very respectable and always listens to you... so there is no reason for me to pick someone else."
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melishade · 3 days
Attack on Prime New Age Anthology: Released from Quarantine
Main Story
Catching Up
Catching Up Part 2
"GOOD NEWS EVERYONE!" Everyone jolted awake at the sound of Hanji's voice playing over the speakers in their quarantine area.
"Oh god it's getting so much worse," Rafael whined as he used his pillow to cover his ears.
"Hanji, we were sleeping! I know you've been happy about your arrangement for the past week but we're still stuck in quarantine!" Jack reminded.
"That's the thing! You guys are getting out of quarantine today!" Hanji declared, "Obviously, I still have to stay under it because I broke out but I get access to everything! But you guys will be released, get vaccinated, and have to wear PPE around the base!"
"Wow, they really got a handle on the pandemic stuff fast," Miko muttered.
"Then we get to go home?!" Kenshin demanded.
"What about Ymir, Annie, and Pieck?!" Historia asked.
"They are on the Nemesis! And Arcee is up and about! I'll contact her later so she can take you there!" Hanji declared before disconnecting the call.
"We're finally getting out," Armin breathed, "I can find Mikasa."
"I can bury Connie," Sasha spoke.
"I need transport to Hizuru immediately," Kenshin declared.
"Okay, so political figures will no doubt need a run down with General Bryce. There's a good chance that the U.S. government is providing relief to those affected by the Rumbling," Jack explained.
"Or stealing resources," Rafael grumbled.
"We're not stealing resources," Fowler called out as he and a few others in hazmat suits came walking down the hall.
"Are you sure about that?" Miko and Rafael challenged.
"Just get ready to be vaccinated," Fowler told them.
"Vaccinated?" Gabi asked in confusion.
"You've been exposed to us and us to you," Fowler explained, "Thankfully none of you have gotten infected, but doctors have been working overtime to making vaccines from your world. You need to be updated with those vaccines and get vaccines for our diseases. You'll be monitor for at least a day, and you might experience some side effects to the vaccine. Don't worry. It usually means that it's working. But you'll be feeling a little under the weather. After that, wear masks around the base to protect yourselves until you head home."
Armin watched the hazmat suits open his door and everyone else's. Armin immediately ran over to Sasha and Historia and hugged them both, despite the protests of the other U.S. soldiers.
"Let them have this," Fowler advised.
"Jack!" Jack grunted as Miko tackled him into a hug, which was quickly followed by Rafael.
"Can I see my wife and children?" Willy asked Fowler.
"You will see your families once you are vaccinated," Fowler reassured, "C'mon, let's get you to the vaccine area."
Armin winced as another needle pierced the skin of his upper arm and into his muscles. Armin did his best to relax as the vaccine was injected into his body and the needle was removed. Armin got a little nervous when the doctor prepped another needle.
"Is it really safe to have these many vaccines injected inside of a body at once?" Armin couldn't help but ask.
"For the most part," Rafael answered, "Usually these vaccines are given to babies and majority of them grow up fine. Although I'm nervous about the vaccines made from their world and how safe it is!"
"It's safe. Ratchet checked it and cleared it," Fowler reassured as everyone else continued getting their vaccines.
"What are some of these vaccines even for?" Armin asked.
"Measles, mumps, hepatitis," Rafael listed.
"Without these vaccines, outbreaks can happen on our world, and we already have a few diseases on our planet that don't have a cure," Jack commented before wincing at the sensation of the needle in his arm.
"We're going to have to do all of your vaccines on your left arm," a doctor in informed Erwin as he gestured to a seat. Erwin sat down and let the doctor prep his arm, although he noticed a few people staring at him, specifically Jack, Miko, and Rafael.
"Hello," Erwin greeted.
"You like an AU version of Captain America that became the Winter Soldier," Miko proclaimed.
"Oh my god," Rafael groaned.
"Also, you're the guy who said 'fuck you' to Optimus twice?!" Jack exclaimed.
"Whoa!" Fowler yelled.
Erwing darted his eyes in embarrassment. "I was drunk. It was a complicated situation-!"
"You don't say 'fuck you' to Optimus!" Miko declared.
"Alright, I get it. I don't need everyone on my ass about it," Erwin groaned in irritation.
"Why did you even say it in the first place?!" Jack demanded.
"I already resigned from my position as Commander from the Survey Corps!" Erwin yelled.
"What kind of 'I quit' statement is that?!" Rafael demanded.
"You guys really are just full of psychos!" Fowler declared.
"Wait, what are you talking about?" Historia demanded.
"We met Hanji's demands and they have not slept, they've yelled at our scientists and made them cry, and are somehow the most productive person we've had on the team!" Fowler declared.
"...You met Hanji's demands?" Erwin demanded.
"Look they were-!"
"And you're calling me stupid!" Erwin snapped at Fowler, "There is a high chance that they are going to burn the place down. You better get a handle on them."
"Well it's hard to do that when they're the person who somehow managed to blackmail Megatron," Fowler groaned.
Erwin paused at that. "I didn't realize they did that."
"Yeah, they have threatened to weaponize both of them, and I don't know how they would do it, but if the person somehow managed to deal with public enemy number 1 and get away with it, we need to tread more carefully," Fowler declared.
Erwin sighed in defeat. "I will help you deal with Hanji."
"Thank you," Fowler sighed with relief.
"Wow, I think they trump you in chaos energy Miko," Jack quipped with a smirk.
"Oh ha ha!" Miko drawled out before wincing at the next shot.
"...I'm way out of my depth," Willy mumbled to himself.
"Who do we have to talk to in order to get in contact with world leaders and officials?" Kenshin asked.
"General Bryce has been keeping tabs on that," Fowler reassured, "But for now, just wait an extra day for the vaccines and Bryce will go over the details."
"You!" Colt spoke up, "You said that Falco was here? That Hanji was able to-!"
"Yeah, with Hanji's advice we were able to find Falco and bring him here," Fowler explained, "We did scare a few of the locals though. He's stable for now."
Colt couldn't help but breathe a huge sigh of relief at that.
"Will you help us find our families that are from Liberio?" Gabi asked.
"There's a lot going on in terms of I.Ding victims and reuniting family members, but we'll do our best," Fowler reassured.
"When...when I bury Connie?" Sasha asked.
"Your friend has been prepped for funeral services," Fowler reassured in a rather solemn manner, "We'll take you to see him."
Sasha nodded at that.
"Alright, I have some other things I need to check up on," Fowler stated as he looked at his phone, "Let me know how they react to the vaccines."
"Will do," one of the doctors said as Fowler walked off.
"...I doubt there would be any public funeral processions for the fallen," Erwin proclaimed, "I doubt any of us would even be treated as heroes."
"But...we saved the world," Miko reminded in confusion.
"There were quite a few on the island that wanted Eren to complete the Rumbling," Erwin explained, "And with the military in disarray, it's hard to see who would take power. Would it be someone who's in support or opposed to Eren?"
"I'm still the queen," Historia retorted.
"But you went missing before the Rumbling even began," Erwin reminded, "And you went to help stop the Rumbling. It's not a good look for you."
Historia sighed in defeat. "Would they kill us on sight?"
"Whoa, we're not going to let that happen to any of you guys," Jack reassured, "We're going to keep you safe."
"But...you barely know us," Gabi retorted, "You...you don't know all of what we've done."
"Dude, you guys have been enough," Miko retorted, "Pretty sure you guys need someone in your corner."
Gabi felt tears welling up in her eyes. "R-really?"
"Yeah, don't worry about it," Miko reassured.
Gabi sniffed before wiping her tears. "Thank you."
"I don't care about any of that. I need to find Mikasa," Armin declared bluntly.
"I mean...are you going to be able to find her?" Onyankopon felt bad for asking that, "She could be anywhere right now. And with a good portion of the world decimated and the chaos, it'd be hard to find her."
"I have to," Armin declared, "I have to find Mikasa."
"Well..." Jack trailed off, "Looks like we're going to help you find her too."
"What?" Armin said in surprise.
"We owe it to you for taking care of Optimus after all this time," Jack explained, "Also this is to make up for prying into your business."
"You'd have a better chance finding her with us than by yourself," Rafael retorted.
Armin couldn't help but agree with the logic. The world was in disarray. He couldn't find her on his own. Armin thought it over a little bit more before nodding his head. "Okay."
"Hey, now that's we're released from quarantine, can we get junk food?" Miko raised her hand.
"Fine. We will get you chip," one of the doctors groaned.
"Yes!" Miko pumped her fist.
"I can't believe Hanji made someone cry," Onyankopon remarked.
"No, that sounds like them," Erwin proclaimed.
Hanji continued to write along the wall before grabbing a previous note they put on their and tearing it into pieces. They let the pieces scatter across the floor before grabbing another set of notes. On their table, they had broken down the components for a taser, and wrote up a blue print on how to incorporate the mechanism into the 3D gear. Hanji then grabbed a cup of coffee from the table and drank the rest of it in one sitting before throwing the paper cup on the ground.
General Bryce could only watch, genuinely impressed by the work ethic of the Commander. Although, he wasn't happy when they started shouting at the scientists whenever they asked the same questions regarding one particular mechanism of the 3D gear, making one of them cry.
Well, he supposed when dealing with Megatron, you'd have to pick up a thing or two.
(So it has been voted that the Hundred Days OVA is going to be happening. I'm...gonna have to plan that later. Right now it's the New Age Anthology and then writing up the next chapter of AOP.)
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leecouchette · 3 years
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The most intelligent picture ever taken: Participants of the 5th Solvay Conference on Quantum Mechanics, 1927. 17 of the 29 attendees were or became Nobel Prize winners.
Back: Auguste Piccard, Émile Henriot, Paul Ehrenfest, Édouard Herzen, Théophile de Donder, Erwin Schrödinger, JE Verschaffelt, Wolfgang Pauli, Werner Heisenberg, Ralph Fowler, Léon Brillouin.
Middle: Peter Debye, Martin Knudsen, William Lawrence Bragg, Hendrik Anthony Kramers, Paul Dirac, Arthur Compton, Louis de Broglie, Max Born, Niels Bohr.
Front: Irving Langmuir, Max Planck, Marie Curie, Hendrik Lorentz, Albert Einstein, Paul Langevin, Charles-Eugène Guye, CTR Wilson, Owen Richardson.
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A lot of geniuses here
Einstein, Curie, Bohr, Planck, Heisenberg, Schrödinger… how many Nobel Laureates can you spot? Some of the world’s most notable physicists participated in the 1927 Solvay Conference on Electrons and Photons. In fact, 17 of the 29 scientists attending were or became Nobel Laureates – including Marie Skłodowska Curie who was awarded the Nobel Prize twice. — Back row: Auguste Piccard, Émile Henriot, Paul Ehrenfest, Édouard Herzen, Théophile de Donder, Erwin Schrödinger, Jules-Émile Verschaffelt, Wolfgang Pauli, Werner Heisenberg, Ralph Howard Fowler, Léon Brillouin. Middle row: Peter Debye, Martin Knudsen, William Lawrence Bragg, Hendrik Anthony Kramers, Paul Dirac, Arthur Compton, Louis de Broglie, Max Born, Niels Bohr. Front row (seated): Irving Langmuir, Max Planck, Marie Skłodowska Curie, Hendrik Lorentz, Albert Einstein, Paul Langevin, Charles-Eugène Guye, Charles Thomson Rees Wilson, Owen Willans Richardson. Photo: Benjamin Couprie, Institut International de Physique Solvay, Leopold Park, Brussels, Belgium. Public domain via Wikimedia Commons.
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Masterpost Hourglassstation Academy
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HSA is a not so old compared to their school counterparts but still wants to compete with schools like NRC or RSA. The school is full of modern Technoligy, for example Elevators that lead to the dorms, a Combat simulation, Lockers that transport your bags etc. Mostly they focus on Magic and Combat but also teaching you everything you need to know to fit in Society. Lots of them are Troublemakers but also lots of the Students are popular Figures in the Internet.Especially many Celebraties are born from this school.
The School is mostly based on Video Games, There is only two exceptions.
This School accepts, Females, Males and all sorts of different Creatures and Genders, as long as they can accept the Rules.
Official Discord Server
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Their gems change color after the Crystal chooses their dorms and they also function as student IDs to get in the dorms, order in Cafeteria etc
School infos:
The Founding of the school /// School regulations and Map   ///  Exams and Dorm admissions  ///  Classes and Clubs ///  CLASSES LIST (Seats and Classes) ///  Entrance Ceremony  /// Welcoming ///  Weapons of each HSA character /// The Founders masterpost
Dorm sorting Quiz
Official HSA Tierlist maker
School uniforms ///   Events ///  Staff uniforms /// Elevators to each dorm /// Profile Templates for ocs  /// General template  /// Card Backgrounds  /// DORMS ///  Birthday Backgrounds ///  HSA Tablet Icons ///  Magic pens /// Dorm wands /// Relationship Chart
23, 22, 21, 20,19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Heartslabyul x Evolnation ///  Savanaclaw x Talerenea ///  Octavinelle x Relinookton ///  Scarabia x Syncrean ///  Pomefiore x Polisionalle ///  Ignihyde x Falciette ///  Diasomnia x Magixella
School Trip (General)
Bittersweet Serving (January) 
Amore Wings day (February) Chat  PT.2  1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Day of Rememberance (April) Chat
Digital Combat Tournament (July) Chat
Crystal Glamour Show (August) Chat
Fall of Harvest (September)  Chat
Haunted Night Bash(October) Chat
Destiny Road Prom (December) Promposals
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Staff members:
-Headmistress: Belia Camton
-Her daughter Bethany Camton
-Assistant, Sol
-MCs Assistant Grimoire Rouge
-Pherea, Mascot and School Therapist
-Marcell Blossom, Literature and Language Teacher
-Malorie Galea,  Dance Teacher
-Leonard Tardivel - Magic History teacher
-Amalia Cavalieri, Mathematics and Monster Culture Teacher
-Valeria Diavello, Combat Simulation, Magic mastery Basics Teacher
- Jollie Ube Weapon Class Teacher
-Sunako Hiyama Hand to hand combat Teacher
-Alzir Otieno Target Class Teacher
-Freya Castellrovo, Light Artes teacher
-Levin Zephyros, Elemental Artes teacher
- Helena Derose  Dark Arts Teacher
- Alyssa Crimson Mental Arts Teacher
-Kyoko Suzuki, Cooking Teacher
-Deandra Heros, Botany and Herbals
-Eleanor Gold, Alchemy Teacher
-Kaden Devengel, Marketing Teacher
-Alexandria Clef, Robotics teacher, Second hand Roberta
- Niall Ainsley IT Management
-Shadman Hack Janitor
-Unosis Etrol  Sailor
-Aino Okutske Secretary
-Angelica Pannacotta Cafeteria
-Miffty Librarian
-Beatrice Ombra, School Nurse
-Nakamura Kānēshon- Scout
-Fumiko Miyasaki- Scout Music tutor
-Mamie Cicely - Scout
-Tristan Daemon- Scout
-Former Robotics Teacher, Erwin Fowler
-Former Botany Teacher, Seraphim Astrean
Dormitories are below
Tetravania - MC Dorm (Based on Pacman, Tetris, mostly Retrogames)
Focuses on any occupation (No specifics)
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Dorm Info ///  Founder   ///   Dorm Aesthetic  ///   Tetravania NPCS
Fennec Grandwell
Polisionalle: (Based on Persona)
Focuses on Acting
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Dorm Info ///  Founder  ///  Stereotypes   /// Dorm Aesthetic  /// Dorm Cakes  /// R CARDS
Dorm Leader Flynn Deradelle   Chats: 1 2 3 4 5
Vice Leader Nanoya Naegi Chats: 1 2 3 4 5
Rubina von Loketon  Chats: 1 2 3 4 5
Evolnation: (Based on Pokemon)
Focuses on Idols
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Dorm Info  /// Founder  /// Stereotypes  /// Dorm Aesthetic  /// Dorm Cakes  /// R CARDS  /// Official Lightsticks
Dorm Leader Peko Chunya  Chat: 1 2 3 4 5
Vice Leader Emma Yuki Chat: 1 2 3 4 5
Gregory Darknon Chat: 1 2 3 4 5
Relinookton: (Based on Animal Crossing)
Focuses on Fashion design
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Dorm Info  ///  Founder  /// Stereotypes /// Dorm Aesthetic  /// Dorm Cakes  /// R Cards
Dorm Leader Tyler Nerington Chat: 1 2 3 4 5
Vice Leader Irene Bell
Rachel Fuchsia  Chat: 1 2 3 4 5
Falciette: (Based on Fire Emblem)
Focuses on Weapon Combat
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Dorm Info /// Founder  /// Stereotypes  /// Dorm Aesthetic /// Dorm Cakes  /// R Cards
Dorm Leader Gabrielle Ravenor Chat: 1 2 3 4 5
Vice Leader Tesadelle Ravenor  Chat: 1 2 3 4 5
Andrew von Yltan Chat: 1 2 3 4 5
Talerenea: (Based on Tales of Series)
Focuses on Cooking and Hunting
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Dorm Info /// Founder  /// Stereotypes  /// Dorm Aesthetic  /// Dorm Cakes  /// R Cards
Dorm Leader Aiden Renous Chat: 1 2 3 4 5
Vice Leader Media Chealean Chat: 1 2 3 4 5
Tenera Brawzer Chat: 1 2 3 4 5
Syncrean: (Based on Incredibles)
Focuses on Spy work and Robotics
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Dorm Info ///  Founder ///  Stereotypes  /// Dorm Aesthetic  /// Dorm Cakes  ///  R cards
Dorm Leader, Sindren Albright Chat: 1 2 3 4 5
Vice Dorm Leader Mythra Cenov Chat: 1 2 3 4 5
Feena Ebersol Chat:  1 2 3 4 5
Magixella (based on Winx Club)
Focuses on Animal Taming and Magic
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Dorm Info /// Founder  /// Stereotypes  /// Dorm Aesthetic  /// Dorm Cakes  /// R Cards
Dorm Leader Dragiselle Flamescourow Chat: 1 2 3 4 5
Vice Leader Inessa Winter Chat: 1 2 3 4 5
Taron Ferres Chat: 1 2 3 4 5
-Dreamy Star (based on Kirby): by @twsted-princess​
Focuses on Jack of all traits
​Dorm Info
-Kombaelm (Based on Mortal Kombat): by @ask-kombaealm​
​Focuses on Hand to hand combat
Dorm Info  /// Welcome Ceremony
-Exodus (Based on Your turn to die/Kime ga shine) by @forestwispocs​
​​Focuses on Medicine
Dorm Info, Leader and Vice Leader
-Destopia (Based on Danganronpa) by @terrovaniadorm​
​Focuses on Detective work / Riddles
Dorm Info /// Dorm Aesthetic ///  Dorm wand
-Spingel (based on Pocket Mirror) by @multydoodles​
Focuses on Crafting
Masterpost ///   Fullbodies ///  Cakes
-Pastieri (based on Cookie Run) by @rookvonhunt​
Focuses on Sports 
Dorm Info
-Melodiva (based on SEKAI STAGE and Vocaloid) by @tsukikoayanosuke​
Focuses on Music production
Dorm Info
-Valhunny (Inspo is 18+ soooo... not telling) by @rookvonhunt​
Focuses on Modeling
Dorm Info and main members
-Höllejigoku ( based on Bendy and Cuphead) by @sakurablossoms10​
Focuses on Casinos and Performance
Dorm Info ///  Dorm Aesthetic ///  Dorm Leader wands ///
-Brutelene (based on The Sexy Brutale) by @forestwispocs​
​Focuses on Opera
Dorm, Leader and Vice Leader
-Inkorama (based on Splatoon) by @leonasbitties​
​Focuses on Street artists
Dorm Info
- LEGOTHŔYLOS (based on League of Legends) by @fullplaidponydreamer​
​Focuses on Engineering
Dorm Info
-Silvanotte (based on the Ori game series) by @sakuramidnight15​
Focuses on Exorcists
Dorm Info ///  Dorm Aesthetic /// Dorm Wand
Nextunia (Based on Hyperdimension Neptunia) by  @wanou-dorm​
Focuses on Game Development
Dorm info
 Impaction (Based on Honkai Impact 3rd) by @luvkamishiro​
Focuses on Assassins
Dorm info
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fumidreams · 3 years
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Akna x Erwin
Also known as the couple who could take over the world with their brains. I still really love how theyd probably adopt a bunch of cats together and casually explode different buildings through inventions.^^
Akna and drawing of her by @ellovett
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ellovett · 3 years
🛒Belia and Krahn with Bethany in the cart
🌧 MadScientist2
RRRRR i could only do the one for madscientist^2 im sorry fumi ;; hope you still like it tho! this is when akna and erwin weren't dating yet! just two co-workers(eventually lovers) being sassy w one another kjhfdsjkl
"Damn. Rain." Akna cursed as her and Erwin were about to go return to the school from a shop they had stopped by during break hours. Erwin hums, "Quite the downpour, and we don't have an umbrella prepared."
The entrance to the school was a quick walk, merely a few streets away, but with how intense the storm was they were sure to get some nasty cold. Of course..out of all times it had to rain the moment she didn't bring her umbrella. Just great.
With a sigh and a moment of pondering Akna lifts her coat that regularly hung from her shoulders and propped it on her head.
It's ridiculous. But what other choice did they have.
"This'll work, it's big enough for the both of us. We just have to run at the same time, and fast."
Erwin stifled a laugh at how silly she looked, "Nice plan." he teased. "How do you suppose a single piece of cloth would be enough in this kind of weather? Your coat could absorb far too much water than anticipated." he asks with a smug look.
Akna scoffed, "You doubt my choice in coat fabric, and my intellect, Fowler?" she replies rather sarcastically.
He laughs, "No, not at all." he says in defeat as he goes along with his co-worker's plan, now the two were huddled under Akna's large lab coat, with Erwin crouching down a little because of the slight height difference.
"Right." Akna deadpanned. "Let's go."
They ran back to the school screaming.
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