bukbot · 6 years
windorabug93: Or does it go?
sinflowwer: Buh buh buh buh buh BITCOIN.
windorabug93: Rawberry are gonna rock that originated among 1990s hackers, where is that distinguishes organisms from power rangers In space or else extremely stubborn.
sinflowwer: Privileged few are rich beyond conscience, and almost all of a somewhat bloated corpulence, and squatted evilly on a cruel and unfair to the two flocks completely.
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Hey do u kove itf :) we have group chat of fans
Hi! Sounds great! Posting this for people to see, maybe someone wants to join the chat. :)
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atarial · 7 years
I'm sorry someone stole ur art this fucking sucks
thank you, and honestly it’s mostly just annoying, but i’ve fixed it as much as i can now, so i’m just hoping it’ll blow over soonish
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manycoloureddays · 7 years
wanna talk lesbian padma x pansy and padmas best buddy Anthony goldstein & her sister bc PLEASE
Padma and Anthony bonding the first December they spend at Hogwarts because they are surrounded by Christmas preparation, by mistletoe and singing armour, and they kept catching each other rolling their eyes.
“Jewish,” Anthony says. “Hindu,” Padma replies. They talk about Diwali and Chanukah, and in the years that follow about the Patil cousin’s wedding the girls went to last year, and Anthony’s bar mitzvah. Anthony tells her about sitting shiva for his granddad. On the Express their first year as prefects he’s the first person Padma tells about going to India over the summer, and the only one she who hears how it felt overwhelmingly unfamiliar at times, but when they visited the house her grandmother grew up in she cried because it was exactly like she pictured it. 
Most people think Anthony only shows up at the Hog’s Head because he’s friends with Michael, but Padma told him before Michael did. They’d been talking all year, quietly, when no one else was around, about what the plan was, about whether they believed Harry and Dumbledore, about how there is no other option than to stand up for what you believe in otherwise what is the point of believing it in the first place. 
After years of having Anthony understand things that other people don’t, of being the first one she tells things - the first after Parvati of course, but that’s a given - he’s also the first person Padma tells she’s gay. “I’m a lesbian,” she says, then, “pass the Dodgson text?” He doesn’t ask her if she’s sure, how she knows, because Anthony knows how she thinks things through before she’s ready to give a full answer in class, remembers the way she had seemed to know her own brain inside out when they found Millie Dalton doubled over in the middle of a panic attack. “I get them too, sometimes. All my thoughts start going ten miles a minute and I can’t see straight. Here, breathe with me. Do you want me to hold your hand?” So he just says, “cool, I think I like boys too. I mean, as well as girls.” She smiles. 
Padma and Parvati are joined at the hip from birth. It is mostly inevitable, being identical twins, but Padma thinks it would have happened anyway, in the event of some separated at birth and finding each other late in life type situation. Parvati is the only person who knows how to stop her mind going too fast, and she is the only one who knows that Parvati’s biggest fear isn’t mummies, and it isn’t death or being buried alive, it’s the death of the people she loves, it’s not being able to protect them.
Parvati likes to say “I know it like Padma’s hand,” because it’s kind of funny, in a Padma sort of way, and because it’s true. When they were little and one of them had a nightmare they would climb into bed together and Parvati would trace the lines on Padma’s palm and tell her all the bright, beautiful things she saw in her future. 
They are as identical as the Weasley twins, have their hair cut the same way, had their ears pieced on the same day, but no one who knew them well would ever mistake one for the other. Padma’s face has a tendency for seriousness, and Parvati’s eyes always lean a little towards fire. Lavender is the first one who can tell them apart without their house colours at Hogwarts, and that’s when Padma realises she’s for keeps. She’s a little jealous at how close Lavender and Parvati are. She’s always had Parvati to herself, and while she has friends, she doesn’t have one BEST friend. Years later they joke that Padma still might have to fight Lavender to be Parvati’s maid of honour, even though Lavender is the other bride. 
SPEAKING OF QUEER LADIES… Out and proud Padma Patil. It might be the wizarding world, where apparently it’s super okay to be gay. So okay in fact that Dumbledore, one of the most powerful wizards ever, stayed so closeted the narrative didn’t even realise he was gay. But they do live in the real world, and in the real world some people are shitty. It doesn’t faze Padma one bit, and for the first time people wonder if they really are looking at the Ravenclaw Patil, the quiet, bookish one (jokes on them, she’s set book on fire, accidentally of course, but she is passionate and bold when she wants to be). Once she told one person she decided she didn’t care who knew. Padma kisses several girls before the year is out, has her first girlfriend the summer between her fifth and sixth year, a muggle girl who works at her favourite muggle bookshop. They go out for coffee on her lunch break and trade kisses between bookshelves and Padma considers breaking the Statute of Secrecy when Anna tells her she believes in magic. They say goodbye at the end of summer, and Padma doesn’t kiss another girl until the war is over. 
You can read all about my Padma x Pansy headcanons in this series, and I have more on the way!!  
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snagglepuss · 7 years
@sinflowwer replied to your post: all these fucking harley quinn blogs have me...
“I don’t want a woman to be sexuallized” “Oh wow she’s such anti feminist this character who’s designed by men for men viewers can wear whatever she wants!! stop policing a hot white woman and what she(the designer/stylist) chooses to wear !!!”
thats literally the whole fight we all had and they we’re all like “harley being half naked and wearing a ‘daddy’s little monster’ is important to me as a woman who like to go outside with no clothes on :(”
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hey! I saw a post abt hating quickwest and like I get where you come from! I'm a huge comic fan and I love Linda so much and her relationship with wally is literally so iconic. not to mention comic verse wally was a bitch to Jesse, used her, and manipulated her to feel like she's important yikes. but I kinda feel like the cs flash is very much it's own thing now? so as much as I hoped quickwest won't happen last season, now I totally changed my mind? (1/2)
the way I see it, as long as there’s no racial, sexist or homophobic reason/hidden reason behind the change (making a gay character not gay and in a het relationship, making a black character white etc) but as long as it’s not completely hurtful and u cant claim those behind it…I learned to be okay with it? u could talk abt linda being poc and Linda x wally being interracial but so is flash verse when it comes to Wally x Jesse. so u cant really claim race behind it. u feel?
see i get where you’re coming from, but you said it yourself that wally never got along w jesse and treated her like shit. and i think it’s pretty important that wallylinda is now an interracial couple in which one side isnt white and the fact that it may be replaced with quick.west is kinda offensive ya feel? i mean i know wally was The Fuckboy before he met linda and perhaps thats what theyre trying to go for now, but still, to break up and iconic couple for a relationship that is quite visibly forced is rather sad. 
@keystonecitys and @wallyiris may be able to give you a more clear answer about wallylinda and their potential significance in the show bc while i know the basics of the comics, i don’t know the full details. 
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@sinflowwer haha no he was old
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soloorganaas · 7 years
sinflowwer replied to your post “IN ADDITION to grad school crap I just found out I can’t get a visa...”
Whay is causing u this shitty ass problems what the fuck .?????? Why do they make it so hard on jews to get here i follow ur progress feom time to time and dont get it!!!
my problems are specifically because i’m a convert. if you were born jewish, as long as you can prove it, it’s incredibly easy to move to and live in Israel. 
converts have to spend 9 months in their home communities following conversion before they are eligible to make aliyah, or to get a residency visa through the Jewish Agency. you can, with the right help from Israeli NGOs and lawyers, get a residency visa directly from the Interior Ministry and spend the rest of that 9 month duration with your community in Israel. this was what I was planning to do. I actually had an appointment in Hadera for last month, but pushed back my arrival to April. it’s only because I was potentially offered a job and had to find out how fast I could get a visa I discovered it takes months. months for me, a Jew, to be allowed to live in Israel.
so as my 9 month period ends in July, it’ll be easier and probably roughly the same time to wait until then and apply through the Jewish Agency. it’s only 4 months which isn’t the end of the world, but I spent the whole year assuming I’d be going back this spring, after I’d applied to grad school, so I didn’t commit to a full time job, a flat or anything. I’ve just kind of being hovering around for 8 months and now I’ve got another 4. plus the two years of converting. ya’ll I’m so done with my synagogue and the Jewish Agency and basically how every Jewish institution has treated converts.
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pheme · 7 years
Playlist meme- soft
Closer by The Tiny
The Predatory Wasp Of The Palisades Is Out To Get Us by Sufjan Stevens
Ribs by Lorde
She by Dodie Clark
Step by Vampire Weekend
Peaches by Bob Schneider 
Toothpaste Kisses by The Maccabees 
Bird In Another Tree by The Good Mad
Coconut Grove by The Good Mad
Strawberry by Paul Baribeau 
Sea Of Love by Cat Power
All I Want Is You by Barry Louis Polisar
Tire Swing by Kimya Dawson
Anyone Else But You by The Moldy Peaches
(send me a single word and i’ll make a playlist!)
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ettucamus · 7 years
hey hey thank u thank u so much for replacing Maggie's actress with actual woc and latina one thank you !!!!!!!!!!! I can't enjoy sanvers anymore once I found out and as woc lesbian (non latina) it really made it hard for me bc I was so happy when lgbt rep was seen in mainstream show finally as not a white thing just to find out... we were all lied too yikes
me too bud honestly. as a poc, i feel like i’m always getting let down in terms of rep and i do my best in fanon to push for better things !!
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bukbot · 6 years
sinflowwer: First batch is due to him to build nesting To build one for size reference!
asexual-loser: Eat some grass & stuff.
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ahkmenrah · 7 years
sinflowwer replied to your post “hey i wanna join a mainstream fandom do y’all have any recommendations”
I can't believe someone just rec u Mr robot
they werent here when i shipped ellibot and then had my gross rug pulled out from under me
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snagglepuss · 7 years
@sinflowwer replied to your post: adarafaelbarbas: carrionflowerkin: friendly...
where’s the fun in that tho
i dont how believing its true is fun but ok
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toffee! 💕💕💕
toffee: a card game that you're good at?
hmm...i used to be really good at dutch blitz, but i haven’t played it in years--nor do i remember how to play. i also really like cards against humanity! 
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wow ya’ll. thats a fun number right there. i’ve never done a follow forever before... brace yourself cause this shit is LONG!!
in the order that i remember people in:
@kittymewtual (i love you... you’re absolutely rad in so many ways and i can always could on you to make me groan from a bad pun) @danteramon (#1 rarepair supporter, not afraid to stand up to bullshit, and you write the BEST stories for the aforementioned rarepairs lmao. cant wait to meet ur bunnie boys....) @guygardnerthewarrior (not only do you put up with my bullshit, you also encourage my bullshit. green light, as well as so many stupid and wonderful aus & headcanons, would not exist without you. oh yeah and your art is pretty awesome too 😉) @averyho (green light would definitely not exist without you either. you’re an amazing editor and i’m so happy to know you!! still jealous that you own all of bop and have met gail simone though) @gothcomic (lola you made me fall in love with sue and ralph thank you!! i love your ideas and your art even if i dont know a thing about d@nny phant0m) @carolphires (jenna, you are so goddamn funny?? i dont know anyone else as acomplished in ant fucking as you are) @sexyufo (i still say your username in my head as sexy fuoh and i dont know why. anyways you’re awesome!!) @ultraboys (theo: wants killer crock to [redacted] but we love him anyway. without you the flashnet wouldnt exist, and i dont know what i would do without you or the flashnet) @johnconstantinesdick (man im so glad you’re back ive missed you SO much) @panjaxjefferson (kiraa you’re so nice and wonderful and also really pretty im glad youre my friend!!) @mlmcisco (hi youre gr8 and i love you dude!!!!) @lesbianboostergold (we might not have been talking for long but i love all your headcanons and you give me that good good trans booster content thank you) @zainabzehra (my SPOSE youre so great!!! youre my wonder woman fancast) @starryeydsailor (we’ve talked maybe once bc i’m terrible at conversation starters but your art makes my day every single time and i appreciate you!) @littlebluewing (i love your art and your blog content and you’re a fellow kyle stan which is 👌. you’re awesome!!) @kevinsnowday (we’ve mostly only talked about tfhc (which i still need to finish rip) but you're hella cool!! im glad to know you) @shibascarf (you’re such a nice person and an amazing writer and i really admire you!!) @autisticshatterstar (you’re rad and you’ve got awesome ocs!!! heck yeah!!!!!) @kscinewt (i still havent read all of mtmte cause im a FOOL but i can still credit you as someone who convinced me to read it. but! i understand your url now so im gonna count that as a win. your blog is 10/10) @timelessmulder (you got me into taz and all that other great mcelroy content and i am SO glad, thank you!!) @starklinqs (i can never remember how to spell your url, damn. but youre awesome and your blog is awesome!) @scarletspeedshits (poxi my clone!! i adore you!! i know we havent talked much recently and i havent been rping but i still care about you a lot and you should know <3)
and an extra special thanks to all my mutuals!! even if we don’t talk or havent talked in a while, you’re still amazing and wonderful and i’m so grateful for you.
@0gruesomementalist0 @4-r-y @a-fandom-mess @a-literal-loser @actuallytimdrake @actualtempleguardianimpa @actualtrashdemon @adorkablebarry @answertheqquestion @artects @arthuercurry @audiopsychic @autistic-raikou @autisticbillybatson @bikevinday @bisexualnathandrake @brightclam @buster-gold @clarylgbtchild @classytidalwaveexpert @crberus @crosspolination @cyclone-rachel @deadlychildartemis @deadsrobinscircle @downriversandroads @ellendegenerate @ericblunt @eugenides-attolis @firekaylee @frnkiequinn @futureparkranger @gallowsgenesis @galmance @gaycupid @glassjoee @guppiesarepeopletoo @gvygardner @halsbarrys @herestoyoumsholly @heroaintonmyresume @homestuckweeb @ingeniumz @ironic-strawberry @jadethirlwals @jasontheredhoodreindeer @jewishwinnschott @jonnjonzzdetective @jubilly @kaylaj1848 @kirbivoretheherbivore @knowlesbitch @kuratu @kwanhart @kxriandrs @leiasbiann @lesbian-ahsokatano @letguygardnersayfuck @lornadanepolaris @lup-with-a-gun @magibanana @marange @marvels-runaways-fan @mayalilian @my-lesbian-senses-are-tingling @my-nipple-screams-at-me @nochous @paradoxxaa @pyonkotchi @qoththeravenswritingdesk @quisidereum @r0yal-r0se @rainbowvigilante @redwhiteandblueeyes @rellagotthefandoms @remarkably-boring @righteousvenqeance @robiiin @roguishnerd @roryregan @sassmasterpidge @scorbusscorbusscorbus @seikamoomoo @sinflowwer @sleepystuart @sociallyimpairedfangirl @starkidlabs @starlightkatsuki @stephaniebrowwn @sunsetvlly @supersonicsidekick @supvrcorp @tenthousandscreamingllamas @the-lil-fuckboy @the-queen-of-atlantis @thecrunchyjudge @thedeadrobinsquad @thegenderfluidlifechoseme @themadnerdwithahat @theoriginalbreej @theramonbrothers @thescourge-sisters @thewaterintheforest @thoughtscascade @ultrabuckys @umusings @universalmamotchka @veganscottsummers @verozelo @vicsage @vixsyncynco @wrenvibes @xscarletspeedstress @xsonofhadesx @youngboiicarus @yuginoh @zoaster
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starlightomatic · 7 years
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@sinflowwer Yeah, I got that it meant “you got out cheap” (well, for whatever reason I thought it was future tense, but anyway) and that it was a pun on Yetziat Mizraim, but I didn’t realize it was an idiom!  Thanks. :)
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