#sir algenon
autumn-towers · 1 year
Oh and here. The worst thing I've ever created. You're welcome.
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Petition to start blaming Felicity on all our problems
Pretty sure that the Power of the Towers or/and Algenon(is that how you spell his name?) would personally kill anyone who signed.
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trappedtowers · 5 months
The Survival Trio ~ Last Hope of The Towers
Hiii hello everyone I figured it'd be fun to give y'all a preview on the relationship of our main trio - Tom, Terra, and Cyrus !! A fun (and hopefully shorter) post for the day.
Post-writing note: IT WAS NOT SHORTER
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(Art done by @/evilredyoshis)
Initial Meeting:
Terra and Cyrus had their first proper interactions shortly after the initial Nemesis attack. Terra found Cy wandering and keeping low around the Valley and took them back to the S&S Centre, making them the first member to join the team.
After Tom getting trapped, Terra found him while on the daily rounds about to be caught by Nemesis. They saved his life and gave him the rundown before trying to leave him at the Alton Towers Hotel to keep him safe... Tom didn't accept it and ran after Terra to join the S&S team.
Finally, Tom met Cy when Terra called in for help after being cornered by Nemesis. The initial meeting didn't get much talking time as Cy was having to carry Tom and Terra while speeding through the air and dodging all of Nemesis' attempts to catch the trio. However, upon landing and getting back into the Facility, the two finally got an introduction... which didn't go too smoothly.
Team Roles:
To start, the oldest of the group - Terra. They are very much the leader of the trio, the peacemaker and most rational. When Tom and Cy bicker, Terra will always be the one to pop in and shut it down. However, they can't be there at all times due to the fact that they're older and never were a fighter. So, to keep an eye on stuff, they will be constantly calling in on the two for updates, and sometimes to give new information!
Cyrus is the more experienced fighting mentor for Tom - however, they're also rather immature and quite dislike Tom's mentality and attitude as it goes against their carefree and open way of life. They're very reliable when it comes to saving a situation last second, always being able to wipe the floor with opponents in seconds.
Tom is new to everything, being rather uninformed and purely there under the vouch of Sir Algenon who saw something in him and let him chase after Terra to join the S&S. He's passionate, as much as he doesn't wanna show it, he has a strong will to escape Alton Towers and despite being completely new - he's adjusting quick and well. The gang doesn't know what caused Sir Algenon to see it in HIM, but he's already here and there's not much to be done.
Starting with Terra and Cy, they've been together since the beginning of Nemesis' reign of terror. Terra has seen a lot of Cy's worst moments, adjusting to the lack of freedom and coping with the new changes in their life. They've helped each other through a lot and have formed a bond in which they can trust each other strongly with whatever. It's rare for them to disagree, and even when they do they get over it quickly for the greater good.
Moving to Tom and Terra, they are interesting... because of Cy, Terra has become a lot more patient and understanding to people, however didn't quite believe in Tom initially. However, after hearing that Sir Algenon saw something in him, they reluctantly took him in. Only after the first mission though did Terra understand too, seeing that there was potential and so they took the role of an emotional mentor, wanting to see and help him mature. Throughout the journey, Terra is constantly nudging Tom within the correct direction to help him become a better person.
However, on the other end of this is Tom and Cy's relationship - which is very strained. Cy heavily dislikes having to 'babysit' Tom, while Tom is constantly being frustrated with Cy's treatment of him and wanting to be taken seriously - which leads to him trying way too hard and making major mistakes. In short, one wants to be free and not tied to a person, and the other wants to be seen and taken seriously. It's rare that they successfully work together, but either way they get through any opponent thrown at them.
The End:
Um I hope that this was a neat little dive into their characters, there's still SO SO much more to go through. In-depth looks into how they act, what their personalities are like, etc. However this is all I think I'm gonna talk about with these characters for now.
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Enjoy your day. I'm off to bed
- JustDaniel
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dr-kk · 1 year
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New ref for my Oblivion. Its had a big overhaul since last I drew it. Infomation below.
The spirit of Suspense, Bliv is a trickster and a cryptic one. Despite being the fourth secret weapon it is still a mysterious fellow. Quite a pleasant spirit, Oblivion gets along well with staff and guests.
Can change its size and shape as it pleases. Sometimes it's as tall as its ride and sometimes it likes to perch on the Operatives' shoulders.
Is entirely made of void. Feels like a chill you can't warm up from. Also vaguely fluffy. Probably not a good idea to touch it too long.
Oblivion is a known kleptomaniac. If it sees something it likes, its going in the void.
No one is entirely sure what is going on with the "Lord of Darkness" title. Is Oblivion the lord of darkness? Does Oblivion work for the lord of darkness? Didn't Sir Algenon go off to fight the Lord with Enterprise? No one knows and Oblivion never gives a straight answer.
Does not like being out in strong sunlight as it "weakens its power". Smiler thinks it is just being a drama queen.
All of the Oblivion Operatives are trained to use Void magic as Bliv has a habit of grabbing it's staff and pulling them into the darkness. As such it isnt unusual to see staff members just pop into existance in X-Sector
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th3swarm · 1 year
Who’s your favourite Alton Towers character and is it Sir Algenon
UUUUH . i dont think i have a favourite not really + i wouldnt say it was sir A either sorry anon . he is cool i just am not that interested in the characters GHNBJBFHJ
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the-rotunda · 2 years
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Meet Scooter Algenon - yes, related to Sir Algenon, creator of the park itself! And though they haven’t inherited their uncle’s spirit of adventure, they care about Alton Towers just as much. Now serving as the watchperson of the Power of the Towers, Scooter’s made it their life mission to keep the magic of the park alive - hopefully without much fuss!
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edwin--artifex · 7 months
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"Flight of The Uberbytes" radiodrama test clip
voices: Hilary Bockham (narration), Amy Chorlton (Cornelia Uberbyte) & Edwin Alexander Francis (Sir Algenon Uberbyte)
sound design: Tony Caruso
recorded at: StudioColosseo, Rome in October, 2019
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cablestwisted · 3 years
Wait what was in the 2021 fireworks? The only lore I got from it was “the power of the towers can make time travel happen”
Thank you for this question!
The 2021 Fireworks links to the stage shows from this year, Sir Algenon's Time Travelling Starship and his other shows, which aren't on YouTube that I can find [though I'm likely using the wrong search terms].
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Sir Algernon has managed to harness the Power of the Towers, since their introduction in 2019. How, we're not sure - but however he did it, he was able to create his Time-Travelling Starship. And in the 2021 Fireworks, he decides to bring the audience on a journey through time to celebrate the rich history of the resort.
Now... The Power of the Towers are nothing to be played with, they are incredibly powerful, so upon initiating the time machine during the fireworks he overshoots by 130 years, to when the Towers had finished being built.
He manages to right the course of the ship eventually and brings the audience to the 1980s, when the resort officially opened.
They proceed to the 90s - and this is where things start to get interesting.
Sir Algernon introduces it; and mentions that it's the era that introduced the magic that never ends.
Very important word choice here. If we look back at the five Powers of the Towers, they're Magic, Adventure, the Heartstone, Thrill, and Fear.
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Now, as soon as he mentions magic - the lighting goes BRIGHT blue.
Spot any resemblance here?
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We can say with relative certainty that this is referencing the Magic crystal.
Sir Algernon continues; saying that the 90s also saw the birth of Thrill, with two coasters that still stand tall today - Nemesis and Oblivion.
Now you may be able to put the prevalence of red lighting in this section down to the rides mentioned, as both do feature red - but honestly? Considering how blatant it is this is definitely referencing the creation of the Thrill crystal. This in turn links Nemesis and Oblivion to the Thrill crystal.
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I'll leave going over individual rides in more detail in another post because there are SO MANY interesting bits in each ride segment and that honestly deserves a post to itself.
They continue on the to the early 2000s - not mentioning a crystal this time, or at least not initially - as it could be argued that Rita and Thi13teen are linked to Thrill.
Rita is another one where her lighting really does fit Thrill, though this could just be her theming. There is one specific part where it flashes red and white which is very much Thrill colours.
Thi13teen takes over afterwards, without so much as an introduction.
We start to see the colours of the Fear crystal reflect in the lighting here - bright cyan and yellow.
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These colours DO NOT FIT THI13TEEN AT ALL. And it really does imply that this is when Fear started to come about. The music especially matches this.
Sir Algernon then takes everyone back to present day - and there is a segment focusing on MEMORIES.
Now if you're unfamiliar with the significance of Memories to Alton Towers, I'd like to point you in the way of the 2013 Fireworks.
I will cover this another time because there is... A LOT to unpack from that year... But I digress.
The memories segment fades out...
And we hear a familiar laugh, and see a familiar smile-like sweep of fireworks across the lake.
Smiler takes over.
There is A LOT to go over in this segment. Its Smiler's first fireworks segment since 2013 when it tried to take over the park entirely.
This segment features a LOT of yellow and cyan. Smiler is so undeniably linked to Fear - as is Wickerman after it. Fear likely came around circa 2010, then came to the forefront in 2013 when Smiler came around, and has only gotten more powerful with the addition of Wickerman.
Smiler and Wickerman actually fight for position in this it's great Smiler has the final word with a smiley face firework despite Wickerman drowning out it's music
A final word, too - there was no mention of Adventure, nor it's canon associated area/s this year, though 2019 more than made up for that - confirming that its domain is Katanga Canyon. We can also infer from Galactica not being present that Galactica is indeed connected to Adventure, and this makes sense in lore!
I have a theory because of this year's fireworks that the Heartstone was created when the Towers were, and "came to power" as it were when the resort came about in the 80s, 130 years worth of memories later.
But, that's the general gist of it! I'll have to go over this in more detail soon; but its 5am and I've been working on this for about 2 hours, I need some sleep!
Hope this helps!
[this is only part one of my 2021 Fireworks analysis there is lots more to look through]
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autumn-towers · 1 year
He's such a dork I love it
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dr-kk · 1 year
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X-Sector's first experimental success: It's Enterprise!
Been wanting to do this ride for a while. Notes under the cut.
Enterprise uses any and all pronouns. It's not a picky spirit
Very regal spirit. Enterprise is as wise as it is kind. Hex liked to joked it was the "Queen of the Towers"
Enterprise was the proxy for the park's magic crystal. It was never quite clear if Enterprise was the crystal or if it just acts as a mouthpeice for it.
Very powerful magic user. Could use it's magic to "create" just about anything. Had a habit of pulling things out it's face.
Has been missing from the park for quite some time now. As Sir Algenon went off on another adventure into the other realms, Enterprise went with. It wasn't the first time 'Prise has been the crew's trusty navigator/chaperone, but it was unfortunately the last.
Sir Algenon and his crew have been missing for years now
What remains of the magic crystal has been growing weaker
The bandana is home made by Felecity. The patches were made by Enterprise. There's one for each of the rides Enteprise knew (missing some of the newer spirits for obvious reasons)
Is self proclaimed 'Space Bros' with Black Hole. The duo would often switch out as Algenon's spirit 'SatNav'
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sanctuarynurse · 1 year
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I meant to post this up sooner but i ended up getting distracted with other things but here's a look into the 2015(?) activity book they most likely gave away in the hotel which features The Smiler and a bit more lore for Sir Algenon. _ I'll post the rest of the pages after this post since there's six more in this activity book left and then i'll upload the other stuff.
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the-rotunda · 2 years
I love ur alton characters so far sm pls tell me fun facts about random ones plsss<3
Thank you so much I love them too. Blorbos supreme.
Rita and Scooter have been friends since they were little kids - they met while the Rita’s mom was working with Sir Algenon on her coaster. While the two of them are almost complete opposites, they’re stuck together like glue. It was actually Scooter’s idea for Rita to work at Alton Towers in the first place!
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Here’s the two of them on the Christmas Eve before the story truly gets going. They’re…not a fan of giant parties; the two just hang out in Scooter’s room and watch bad movies the whole time.
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