#siren bakugo x human midoriya
pinkykats-place · 2 years
Mermaid AU Human Bakugo x Mer Midoriya Ⅱ
AO3 SFW Recommendations
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None of the stories linked are mine
None contain smut - all are SFW
Credit to @novaneondream for fan art.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Shipwrecked by Withstarryeyes
Summary: When he wakes there is a man above him. He’s backlit by the sun, features blurred out by too much light, and Bakugou shifts upwards abruptly. The man slinks back, but lingers, hands outstretched as if he’s afraid of what Bakugou might do. In the background, waves crash onto the sand, and Bakugou turns, searching for his ship, for his crew. He screws his eyes shut, breathing quickening as he remembers the storm and the feeling of the deck on the waves. Something cool connects with his cheek and Bakugou opens his eyes, scrambling backward without thinking.
One Shot | SFW
Made To Be Held In Your Hands by BrandWhoreStarscream
Summary: Just a cute fic about Kacchan finding his soulmate when he's very young, a cute little mer he dubs Deku, but no one believes him about his fishy friend. Cuteness abound.
One Shot | SFW
the one where katsuki is a pirate by Kasplode
Summary: Katsuki and his crew take down an enemy ship, and Katsuki gets distracted by a certain mer.
One Shot | SFW
Fish Eye by sweetautumnwine
Summary: Izuku, a solitary merman, finds himself captured by aquarium staff and imprisoned in one of their laboratories; the man assigned to observe him, Katsuki, was on the boat when he was ensnared in the nets. As they grow to know each other more, Katsuki must decide where his duty lies, and Izuku must learn what his heart desires.
One Shot | SFW
Home is where the waves crash by tiredwrites
Summary: Izuku thrashes in his cage, the fins that line his large tail flare with a dangerous purpose. The claws his fingers taper into slice through the water and catch the light that filters into the clear water of the aquarium tank he's in.
His gills flare in irritation as he flips around, muscled tail ramming into the three-inch glass barrier with a thundering BAM!
Bioluminescent sacs under clear scales flare and glow, flashing a brilliant toxic green. The team that had brought the merman into the tank watch the mer flail and roar, flexing the powerful jaws that can often unhinge, like a snake.
{One Shot}
The King and Dad by Serah_chan
Summary: Alpha!Mer!Deku, King of the Seas, Nightmare of the Deep, and Sucker for Human Kacchan.
The King of the Sea doesn’t need a mate, but the second he lays his eyes on a feral looking blond teaching his cute little calf how to snorkel, the “doesn’t” turns into a “maybe”.
3/? Chapters | SFW
Last Updated Nov 26
Sand is Land and Sea Inbetween by Frost_or_Fire
Summary: Katsuki is by no means a marine biologist, really, and he knows that he could just walk away and act like he saw nothing. Act as if he didn’t see a half-human body laid across the late October sand while a black tail is still in the water, sorta concealed by the rolling waves that washed over the figure. He could just act like this is all just some dream that his subconscious cooked up for him to be put through to show how miserable he actually is.
But Katsuki fucking Bakugou is anything but a coward and a sick person.
Bakugou finds a Merperson on a beach and takes them home to help with their injuries, and possibly get more than he bargains for.
Incomplete | 8/? Chapters | SFW
Last Updated 2022
At An Ocean's Divide by that_enby_nerd
Summary: An AU in which Midoriya is a merman living near the kingdom of the Bakugo family, and a forbidden connection forms between the prince and a knight of the sea.
12/? Chapters | SFW
Last Updated May 2022
Save to Swim by sanjusangendo333
Summary: Izuku is out for a run, when he spots a blond man in distress in the river. He quickly strips off his shoes and clothes until he's barenaked to save him. But Katsuki is not in distress and nor is he a regular guy. He's one of the men from the elite diving unit of Japan’s coast guard who is in the middle of diving exercise.
Katsuki and his unit all agree that, ‘WOW! Izuku can swim really well and so fast!’ He'll really fit well in Katsuki's diving unit, they all say as Izuku is still in the water. But Izuku hurriedly excuses himself and swims away, because otherwise, they'll see the fish tail that his legs transformed into the moment he dived into the water.
Katsuki, of course, does NOT give up on trying to recruit him.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Wish by Darkshadow
Summary: Eight year old Katsuki goes to the beach only to spot the most beautiful creature he has ever seen, can he convince the merman to stay by his side even through times of struggle
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Fish Eye by sweetautumnwine
Summary: Izuku, a solitary merman, finds himself captured by aquarium staff and imprisoned in one of their laboratories; the man assigned to observe him, Katsuki, was on the boat when he was ensnared in the nets. As they grow to know each other more, Katsuki must decide where his duty lies, and Izuku must learn what his heart desires.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
What Lies Below by Anonymous
Summary: Momo screams at her father, she is a scientist! But mermaids must be real! She’s fascinated by the endless scientific possibilities. One day Momo meets another scientist with dreams like her, Iida Tenya. They devise a plan to conduct a voyage to a mysterious island, rumored to have merfolk living below. They struggle to gather a crew as many claim them insane.
Thus they gather Katsuki, son of the Queen, pro navigator, known for his brutish behavior. Kirishima, who spent his whole upbringing on the sea. Plus the two morons, Mina and Denki, as Katsuki claims.Izuku is a merman prince enamored by humanity, much to the dismay of Todoroki. Always worrying his parents, as he disappears to scavage the ocean depths with his best friend Ochako in search of human trinkets. The kingdom adores the Prince. Although some fear Izuku’s curiosity could be fatal.
Todoroki is the protector of the island and the mermaid kingdom below it. As King Toshinori’s powers weaken, Todoroki, a descendant of the Gods, becomes his apprentice. He aims to protect all those he loves yet Izuku makes it near impossible. Todoroki will not let the past repeat, humans are NOT to be trusted.
Read as their paths collide.
4/? Chapters | SFW
Last Updated 2020
42 notes · View notes
I decided to pick up the project of making an art piece for most of my aus. :D
Here's the list of them (I'll add links to drawings once I make them.)
MMM (Music Man Multiverse - aka my brain went music goes brrrrrr)
Music Man (x) (the original)
Villain Music Man (x) (haha what if Izuku... Went villain in the og au... Oh shit this is sad.)
Zero's Tune (x) (*Kazoos in memory never getting wiped*)
Saved (x) (Zero and Aizawa successfully captured Dragon during the shutting down of Science Camp)
Luchan Lives (x) (Lucy successfully capture Dragon as River Valley)
Sued-Saved (x) (Saved but Izuku sued the hc over ignoring his civilian form because he was quirkless; then finds out about Hawks; successfully destroys the hero commission etc.) (This is the au that Winter Wear Pro takes place in)
Transported (x) (My pokemon/bnha au; Aizawa and Izuku gets hit by a quirk and transported to the pokemon world but they're pokemon)
Bonfire (x) (Dabi (whose actually a good brother this round - fuck off canon; is a vigilante who still lives at home and finds Izuku and went like "I have another sibling")
Fallout (x) (Fallout/BNHA au - Izuku emerges from his vault to find a young boy (Kouta) being attacked by a large mutant)
What It Means To Be Human (x) (Remi, Keigo, Izuku are siblings all keep their respective quirk statuses and are all 'owned' by the HC)
Don't Jump Quite Yet (x) (Mei and Izuku navigate the hero's world as they come closer to making their dreams a reality)
STG (x) (STG can be taken as to known as Swear To God or Small Time Gig; it's practically a yukaza/mafia au)
Missing (x) (11 year old Katsuki and Izuku are forced to hang out; Katsuki turns his gaze for 5 seconds -he swears it was no longer- and Izuku is gone.)
Midoriya-Shoujo (x) (Midori Shoujo/BNHA; Inko dies of a sickness and Izuku is forced to live on fairgrounds)
Siblings w/ Eri (x) (Izuku and Eri are related - Izuku has a quirk; their dad left - and while their mom tried to take Izuku and leave Eri. Izuku didn't budge so she left the two in hands of the Yukaza.)
Mermaid (x) (DFO, Izuku is a mermaid; Shinsou and Mic are sirens they live together in the water and on the beaches of a small island)
Support Izuku (x) (A support course Midoriya w/ a supportive hero friend (Bakugo) beside him)
My Friend At The Park (x) (Tenko and Izuku become friends at a park)
Gods/Goddesses (x) (BNHA au, DFO; Inko dies; Izuku is the God of the Stars)
Team Murder Mystery (x) (Not-Izuku-centric; Monoma and Toga are villains together)
10 notes · View notes
The Call of a Siren- Chapter Four
Chapter One / Two / Three
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A/N: Here is the promised longer chapter! You'll notice I changed some minor things, something I will occasionally do as most writers. Once again, if anyone is interested in beta reading please DM me! Enjoy!
I don't own My Hero Academia. I only own my own characters and the story I create within Horikoshi's masterpiece of a world I'd love to live in.
The next day was more of a normal school day. Well, almost.
Present Mic was going on and on about proper grammar of the sentences he would write and adjust on the board for fifteen minutes before Delia zoned out. She didn’t get much sleep as yesterday’ s fitness tests scores bothered her still. She was second to last which only reminded her of her lack of experience using her quirk. Once again, she felt frustrated being raised in an ‘anti-quirk’ home. Everyone else except Midoriya and herself had years of training and time to figure out their abilities but at the very least Midoriya had All Might. She had no one.
“Oi brat! Stop doing that!” Angry boy hissed in her ear. She jolted in her seat before realizing she was rapidly clicking her pen - a habit of hers when deep in thought. Delia lifted her pen slightly so he could see it and clicked it a few more times aggressively before putting it down on her desk.
Then he kicked her chair leg a bit when Present Mic turned around to write more sentences on the board. Bastard.  Just another happy reminder that she sat in front of Bakugo which was already proving to be the pain in the ass she figured it would be when assigned. She curled her hands around the edge of the desk to prevent from turning in her seat to kick him in the shins.
She was practically bouncing to get out of her seat for hero training just to get a break from sitting in the same room for the past few hours. That was one thing she probably wouldn't come to love- staying in the same classroom for multiple classes rather than back home she would change classrooms with each subject - something she liked due to stretching her legs, changing seats, different people, and getting away from the asshole who kicks her chair when she annoys him.
“ I AM HERE!” All Might rushed in with his booming voice, “COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!”
Everyone immediately sat up in their seats in excitement that the number one hero was...well coming through the door like a hero! The class practically jumped out of their seats they were so excited.
“I can't believe it's really All Might.”
“So he really is a teacher! This year is gonna be totally awesome!”
All Might marched right over to the podium as the class took in his choice to wear his Silver Age costume which was pretty cool. He announced that he will be teaching ‘Hero-ing 101’ and that today he was starting off with battle training.
“Fight training!” Bakugo growled out excitedly while Midoriya countered with a nervous “Real combat?”
“But one of the keys of being a hero is looking good!” He swept his giant arm towards the wall expanding with numbered briefcases. “These were designed for you specifically based on your Quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started. So everyone grab your assigned cases by your number and get to the locker rooms! Meet me at Training Ground Beta!”
The girls around her were chatting away while opening their cases but Delia sat with it in her lap for a few moments.
“Wow, you guys look great.” Delia said to the girls. Momo Yaoyorozu was dressed in a simple red leotard with a chunky yellow utility belt and short red boots. Mina Ashido gave her a twirl in her new costume of a cute camo-like body suit of teal and purple with a short cropped fuzzy jacket. It was random out of context but given what little she had seen of the bubbly girl - it weirdly worked. Kyoka Jiro rocked ripped jeans, a long coral shirt, black jacket with a popped collar, and what looked like giant chunky boots with a speaker in them. Tsuyu Asui was a ‘frog’ personified in a black and green suit with webbed feet and giant goggles on her head. Lastly, Ochaco Uraraka looked like an adorable astronaut in her pink and black suit with her cute oversized boots and wrist accents. Yaoyorozu smiled at her compliment, “Thank you. Why aren’t you getting dressed?”
“Are you nervous, Bell?” Asui asked her, looking concerned.
Delia pulled on her neck, “A bit, yeah. But I’ll be fine.” Ashido let out a small squeal and nudged her, “Well then put on your costume! We wanna see you looking great with us!”  
Delia bit her lip before clicking open the clasps to reveal her new costume she spent months trying to create. Blowing air out her cheeks, she stood up and placed it on the bench to start dressing. “Here goes nothing.”
“They say that clothes make the pros young ladies and gentlemen, and behold, you are the proof!” All Might stood a few feet ahead of them as they entered Training Ground Beta. “Take this to heart. From now on you are all...heroes in training!”
Everyone was checking out one another's costumes as they walked. The guys looked great except Mineta’s looked like he was in a diaper so that was an odd choice. When she saw Midoriya run out she almost facepalmed. Way to be obvious dude. The simplistic green and red design was fine but the hood part of it resembled too much of his all time favorite person. Her eyes kept scanning until it landed on the person practically foaming at the mouth to start.
If she had to be honest with herself, she would say he had one of the best costumes but she wouldn’t tell him that. He wore a tight tank top with a large orange ‘X’ in front, a belt with what looked like grenades on the side, some hardcore knee pads, then down to some heavy duty boots. The giant grenade gauntlets hooked on each arm looked heavy so she hoped he could take them off in a tight spot. She let out a small snort... Of course the boy with anger management problems would resemble a human grenade.
Biting her lip, she looked down at herself wondering if her costume matched her the same way. She pulled her hair up in a high ponytail mostly for practical purposes. She wore a high collar but sleeveless open shirt that was hooked to her by a small silver belt under her chest. She was wearing a silver strapless swim top underneath as well as black small swim shorts that could be seen as well because her thick skirt was cut into three large panels- two on each hip covering her sides and partly her backside and then one straight down the middle with a medium silver utility belt fastening it to her person. One of her favorite pieces was her, as she liked to call them, her ‘ass kicking boots’ that went to midthigh and had thick non-slip soles and a slight wedge heel. Plus, they were pretty with their silver intricate designs.  She also had silver gauntlets on her arms. The coolest feature was her water storage system. In the event, she was without any water near her to use her quirk she had compartments built into her suit. Every silver accent and design on her clothes like her boots, shorts, belts, and gauntlets were made of some ridiculously strong but flexible material that was hollowed and filled with water that she could pull from or store for emergencies. It wasn’t a massive amount but was enough for a quick emergency whip or two. Plus, everything was in a shade of dark azure blue. She felt like a water warrior.
Momo Yaoyorozu came over to her and knocked her with her hip, smiling. “Told you. You look great and it seems some others are taking notice.” She subtly nodded off the side where Angry Boy was standing diligently. Delia frowned because she had no idea what she was talking about but before she could open her mouth to say that she heard weird breathing down behind them.
“God, I love this school.” They turned to see Mineta standing way too close and way too happy.
“Okay, that’s just wonderful. Go love the school from over there, please.” Delia pointed to the group of others gathered a couple feet away. Yaoyorozu even went as far to actually ‘shoo’ him with hand gestures like he was a bug. That had Delia cracking up which prompted Momo to start giggling with her as he trudged over to the other group when All Might cleared his throat to signify class was starting. The class promptly lined up to face the number one hero.
“Now that you're ready, it's time for combat training!”
As they got settled in the monitoring room, she introduced herself to her partner for the exercise today. She spotted him a few feet from her in a martial arts costume and noted that he was the kid with the really big tail. Delia walked right up to him and stuck her hand out, “Hi, I’m Delia Bell. Looks like you’re stuck with me today for the ‘mission.’” She used air quotes for that last word jokingly.
“Oh hey! I’m Mashirao Ojiro. Happy to be stuck with you.” He joked back. “So I think we should watch this first run and get some idea of our strategy, sound good?”
“Agreed.” With that, they turned to the screen as the first mission started. Unfortunately, her excitement abated because she had a really bad feeling considering who was involved in this group as Midoriya and Uraraka walked through the building.
After a few turned corners, it started...then never really stopped. The class was on the edge of their seats after Midoriya laid Bakugo out flat on the floor and declared his hero name, “Deku.” Despite the escalating situation, Delia smiled proudly as Midoriya basically gave Bakugo the finger as he took back the name that was used to hurt him and stood his ground. Unfortunately, this only encouraged Bakugo to continue with full force. Midoriya then used his impatience to trick him again with the capture tape they were given before the match and ducked under another explosive punch before running down the corridor.
“The little guy’s really good!” The boy in a yellow bodysuit standing beside Jiro commented.
“He’s holding his own and he hasn’t even used his quirk yet!” The boy dressed in what looked like a tape dispenser helmet (?) said impressed.
We watched as Midoriya ran from Bakugo until he was completely lost to him. Bakugo began to yell furiously, “DAMMIT! You were tricking me for years by acting weak! Bet you’ve been laughing behind my back, huh?” If this idiot only knew…
“Come out and face me you coward!” Bakugo was blowing up doors left and right but walking with such arrogance, Delia was surprised his giant sized ego could fit through the door.
Meanwhile, Uraraka finally reached Iida who again proved his intelligence by hiding everything in the room that she could possibly float and use against him. She snickered when she heard Iida’s ‘evil voice’ while calling Uraraka a ‘do-gooder,’ What a dork.
“That isn’t a bad idea really.”
“What is? Hiding everything?”
“Yeah. Something to take a mental note of and I also think maybe we should try sticking together and allowing the ‘do-gooders,’ ”Delia again snickered at his impression of villain Iida, “to come to us on our home turf.”
She nodded, “Sounds like a plan to me.”
They both turned back to the screens to see Midoriya had found Bakugo who was now smiling which probably was a bad sign. “ Since you’re such a stalker, by now you probably know how my Quirk, Explosion, works. I secrete a nitroglycerin-like sweat from my hands and make it blow up. Imagine what I could do if I had a lot of it. “ He stood back into a lunge with his arm extended to the boy across from him. Oh, no . “That's right, these gauntlets aren't just for show. I’ve been storing my sweat for one monster blast.” Okay, One: Ew. Two: Mega Oh, no.
“Young Bakugo! Don’t do it! You’ll kill him!” All Might yelled into his microphone that she assumed was connected to their ear pieces.
“ He’ll be fine as long as he dodges !” Bakugo yelled right back and pulled the pin.
Delia’s hand went out to Ojiro's arm next to her as if to brace herself from what she just witnessed. He didn’t push her off as he too stared in horror at the screen.
“Whoa, whoa! This is fucking nuts!” Kirishima called out as the whole building they were in shook from the blast.
“Come in! Come in, Midoriya!” All Might was all but pressed against the screen as the dust cleared and we saw a giant hole where the walls and windows once were in the room. The class collectively sighed in relief when we heard a weak, “Is that even allowed?”
Then this goddamn psycho came out of the smoke and laughed. Laughed!
“Go ahead. Use your stupid Quirk on me, Deku.” He crouched low and smiled that disturbing smile again. He almost looked unhinged. “Even if you use everything you’ve got, you’ll never beat me.”
“Sir, isn’t this getting outta hand? That Bakugo is getting real crazy. He’s gonna kill ‘im!” Kirishima voiced Delia’s exact thoughts. The class all nodded in agreement and looked at their teacher expecting him to follow suit and shut this down.
“Not so.” Sorry, what? “Bakugo. Use that stored-up power again and I’ll stop this fight. You’re team will lose.”
“ Huh? ”
“To employ such a strong attack indoors is inviting the destruction of the stronghold you should be protecting. That’s a poor strategy, whether you’re a hero or a villain. The penalty would be a massive loss of points.”
That resulted in an angry yell before he rushed Midoriya who was talking to his partner. It seemed he had a plan though she couldn’t even see how at this point especially how her floating herself to the weapon earlier didn’t work against Iida’s speed. Midoriya threw a punch but Bakugo, in an amazing amount of speed and skill, flipped mid-air using a small blast and counter attacked from behind to hit Midoriya right in the back with a strong explosion.
“He doesn’t come off as a guy with strategy. But he’s actually quite intelligent.”
Ashido, Kirishima, and Delia took their eyes off the battle for a moment to look at the boy half covered in ice. “What’re you talkin’ about?”
“He changed his trajectory while in midair and using a blast that doubled as a smokescreen. Very clever.”
Yaoyorozu chimed in with noting his ability to understand the physics of the situation and his Quirk. Denki Kaminari, whose name she remembered only due to that Mr. Aizawa had already used it so much in a day and a half because he was a high school five year old, moaned, “Ugh, Bakugo is uber talented. I hate it.” Delia pressed her lips together because while she agreed with her classmates on Angry Boy, she was still horrified by his behavior as he continued to beat the hell out of Midoriya. This oh, so intelligent and talented boy is basically throwing a tantrum and he had the nerve to call her ‘brat.’
“This is hard to watch! All he has to do is wrap tape around him, not kill him.” Ashido cried out.
“Bakugo is certainly acting like a villain.” Tokoyami responded.
“I thought Midoriya was pretty amazing at the start of the fight, but he’s completely outmatched in terms of combat power. Not to mention, Bakugo seems like a natural at all this stuff.”
“Give him a chance.” Delia said sharply. Kaminari looked at her surprised as her tone was with more bite than she intended. “Sorry. But give him a chance.”
Delia turned back to the screen once again and saw the boys facing off again but near a different set of windows. They exchanged words then lunged at one another but this time it was different. Midoriya was finally using his Quirk and Bakugo’s hands started sparking up as well.
Delia gripped her arms harder, “All Might…”
“They’re gonna kill each other! Sir!”
The Pro hero said nothing but gripped his tiny microphone hard enough it should've been in splinters before speaking into it, “Both of you-”
“Uraraka, now!” The class looked up at the video feed of the others and the brunette grabbed hold of a pillar. All of a sudden, Midoriya punch for Bakugo went upwards creating a giant amount of force to break the ceiling above as he took on Bakugo’s explosion head on. “SMASH!”
His punch created massive amounts of debris for Uraraka to use and she used the pillar she held onto as a bat and swung the floor pieces at Iida. As he was distracted in fending off the debris, she floated herself over to the weapon thus winning the mission.
The class was entirely silent as All Might declared the hero team the winners. Was this really a win?
After a few moments, she heard Ojiro say, “Okay...we aren’t going to do that.”
“Match two! Team B will be our heroes! Team I will be the villains!”
As Ojiro stretched, Delia pulled out some water from her belt to form a whip. “Hey, I’m going to hide behind one of the pillars near the door so I can surprise them.”
He nodded, “Good idea.”
The buzzer went off.
As they braced themselves for the heroes, it turns out Shoto Todoroki had different ideas. All of a sudden, the whole room was covered in freezing ice. Her boots were stuck in ice and as she peeked around the corner of the pillar so was Ojiro's. Damn. I didn’t think he had power like this!
“This Quirk is insane.”
She may be stuck but she still had her whip which she kept moving to prevent from freezing. They both stilled when they heard footsteps.
“Pry yourself up if you want, but it might be hard to fight me with no skin on the bottom of your feet.”
“Good thing I wore boots then!” Delia kicked herself free and lashed her whip around Todoroki’s right arm which wasn’t covered in ice. His eyes widened slightly before freezing her whip around his arm but she had another one at the ready that grabbed his arm again and tugged as if to throw him back but he had stuck himself to the floor with his left side. Before she could react, he covered her body from the chest down in ice preventing Delia from doing anything more.
“The hero team winnnnnns!” All Might announced over the loudspeaker.
“Fucking dammit!” She muttered as she tried to break free of the ice. But she didn’t need to as Todoroki suddenly emitted enough heat to defrost the whole building, Ojiro gasped, “Heat, too?”
Delia scrunched her face as everything was now wet which would’ve been great if the fight was still going. “It’s not your fault. We’re just playing on different levels.” Well, damn. Thanks so much. He said it so mildly and without emotion as if it was as simple of a fact that two plus two equals four. For some reason, she couldn’t find her anger at it because he was right. Delia felt deflated as he walked right back out the door he came in. Ojiro shrugged at her, “It’s the second day. We’ll get it next time.” She attempted a small smile at his effort to not seem upset on how quickly that ended. She gathered some of the water on the floor and refilled her tanks before walking out with her partner.
They settled back in the screening room as each battle went on. Delia took the time to see everyone’s Quirk and was impressed by how power heavy the class seemed. Acid, shadow, hardening, tape, energy beams, and it went on which was great to watch but definitely put even more attention on how short her and Ojiro’s battle went. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Bakugo far from the group with his gaze on the floor and teeth gritted. He was not taking this well. Maybe I wasn’t far off in the unhinged part from earlier...  
Delia was half tempted to see if he was alright, which she obviously could tell he wasn’t, but pulled herself back as she did not like how he was in his battle in the slightest. The urge never went away as her classmates continued the missions and she kept one eye on the screen and the other on the boy looking on the verge of a crisis in the corner.
Finally, everyone had battled and class was dismissed with a quick congrats speech in from their teacher then an even quicker exit as he zoomed right out. Delia figured it was because he was losing his stamina at holding his form.
Back in the classroom, Delia was putting her books in her bag when she heard the door open.
It was Midoriya who looked much better than when she saw him last. A bunch of the class ran to meet and introduce themselves to him which was a nice change of pace for him, she assumed. She doubted he was very popular in his last school considering how he and Bakugo came from the same school.
“Tokoyami! Stop using that desk as a chair!” Iida walked determinedly to the boy sitting on his desk while he talked to her former mission partner and Jiro. Jiro put her hand on her hip and said, “Dude, you need to chill.”
Ojiro pointed at him, “You’re carrying a lot of tension.”
Iida slumped forward in defeat as she walked over to the small group, “No one understands.” Delia swung herself on the desk next to Iida which caused them to laugh as she put her hand on his shoulder with comfort and some slight mocking, “It’s okay, Iida. Someday they’ll learn proper manners and respect.”
He sighed and nodded before turning to her, “Yes, well uh - Oh, c'mon!”
Delia giggled and swung her legs like a child, “I said they would. I didn’t say I would too.” She giggled again when the blue haired boy pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation before walking away.
“Hey, Bell.” She looked up from laughing at Jiro. “Yeah?”
“Is that a My Chemical Romance button on your bag?” Delia looked over to her desk with her various buttons and stickers on the side of her bag.
“Yes, it is. You a fan?”
“I listen to them occasionally as well.” Tokoyami threw in. Jiro grinned, “Nice to know some of us have some taste.” Ojiro scratched the back of his head, “Well, I guess I have none.”
“It’s alright. We’ll just have to educate you!” Jiro elbowed him gently. Delia looked at her watch then hopped off the desk, “Oops. I have to catch my train!”
When she ran outside, her eyebrows raised as she saw that Midoriya and All Might were staring off into the distance. Delia waved at them, “Feel better, Midoriya. Have a nice night, Sir!”
Running down the hill, she flew up to Bakugo and found her feet slowing a bit. They looked at each other for a moment and Delia opened her mouth to say something before she thought better of it and continued down the hill to catch her train home.
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
Mermaid AU🧜 mer deku x human baku
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
Some contain mature content - read tags.
Art not mine - artist thegirlinthefandom.SG
Note: If you read any of these works and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Something Fishy by 9oz
Summary: Midoriya, a mermaid, ends up on barbarian pirate captain Bakugo's ship and it's not good news (yet).
Complete | 8 Chapters | Mature
Out of these Waters by awkwardtypeos
Summary: (Little Mermaid AU - with a twist)
Izuku realizes that not only did he just fall out of love at that exact moment, but he also realizes that Katsuki Bakugo is the biggest asshole he’s ever met in his entire life. He sold his soul to a sea witch to be with the world’s worst human being. He’s too furious to be sad - so Izuku stands up on his painful legs and slugs Bakugo right in the jaw, hard, and watches him scramble backward clutching at his face, spitting out more curses than Izuku knew to exist in the human language.
Complete | 16 Chapters
Rated - Mature
If the stars could sing by Evilkat23
Summary: There in front of Aizawa was an aquarium the size of the wall, which, given how big and long these walls were, was impressive. The aquarium was back lit by a soft blue back light and fake background of the ocean. Yet, there weren't any fish in this aquarium…
There was one. Kinda.
There in the aquarium was a mer…boy?
Abandoned | 7 Chapters | Mature
Of Love, Scales, & Fins by orphan_account
Summary: Katsuki Bakugou is doing what he can to rise up in the ranks as a criminal, even if it is wasn't his first choice in life. Of course, he made the mistake of messing with the Shie Hassaikai clan, which landed him in the river to swim with the fishes.
Or, at least that's what he thought. The last thing he remembers before waking on the riverbank is a beautiful face & a soft kiss.
Then, the same man, whom he thought was just a figment of his imagination, shows up at his door, naked aside from his neighbor's garments & telling Katsuki that he's a member of the merfolk! What the fuck?
Complete | 16 Chapters | NSFW
Wish by Darkshadow
Summary: Eight year old Katsuki goes to the beach only to spot the most beautiful creature he has ever seen, can he convince the merman to stay by his side even through times of struggle.
One Shot | Mature Themes | No Smut
I Am No Fisherman's Slave by DanaEliza
Summary: After many failed attempts, captain Bakugo has set sail for an island that mostly certainly has mermaids. A species he has been looking for, for years. But what if instead of finding a mermaid, one has already found them?
7/? Chapters | NSFW
Last Updated Feb 2021
Home is Where the Heart Is by RoboticSpaceCase
Summary: Tricked into working under a strange man as a “treasure hunter”, Katsuki Bakugou finds himself out on a boat, trolling the waters for something interesting. When he accidentally catches a mermaid, Bakugou knows he’s found his way out of his boring job and all of his debt. All he had to do was make it back to shore.
12/18 Chapters | NSFW
Last Updated 2020
Life Amongst The Waves by Skelekitty
Summary: Izuku and Bakugou met as children. Izuku got caught in the currents during a storm out at sea and ended up being washed ashore on a beach. It just so happened that Bakugou was out for a walk early that morning and found him unconscious. He helped Izuku and got him back in the water.
After that they met often in a secret cave to escape the eyes of others around, this went on for a few months, but one day Bakugou stopped coming.
Incomplete | 7/? Chapters | SFW
Last Updated 2019
When you hold me by Serah_chan
Summary: It’s another oil spill, Katsuki’s told. Rescue and containment operatives have been mobilized to save as much life and hold off the growing blotch of sticky death spilling into the bay. Katsuki’s unit gets sent out on boats to set up oil boons. He’s just finished and is getting ready to go switch to life rescue when he spots something hits his small boat. What the fuck? He thinks just before there’s another thud. He rushes to the side to take a look, aware it may be an animal in peril... what he finds instead is an oil slick covered hand reaching out, pressed against the side of the hull.
Complete | 24 Chapters
A Sea of Green and Red by TriforceAngel
Summary: Pirates are terrible, ruthless, taking and hurting others for anything that they want. Or are they?
Taken from his home and his loved one's Izuku must find a way to get back home beneath the waves. Will he have the help to do so? Or will he change his mind to pursue something he had never experienced before?
WIP | 20/? Chapters | mature content
Last Updated May 2024
At An Ocean's Divide by that_enby_nerd
Summary: An AU in which Midoriya is a merman living near the kingdom of the Bakugo family, and a forbidden connection forms between the prince and a knight of the sea.
Incomplete | 12/? CH | Mature
Last Updated May 2022
Series: Pirates and Sirens by BluGemRising
2 Works
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
BKDK Mermaid AU Mer Bakugo x Human Deku Ⅱ
AO3 NSFW Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
All contain mature content. Read tags.
Art work is not mine.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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A Salty Distraction by Viridian_Sunset
Summary: Deku has a shitty day at work and finds comfort in his mermaid friend.
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
One Fish, Two Fish, Half Fish, Marine Biologist by RandomFandoms65000
Summary: Izuku was ten years old when he met Katsuki aka a merman that the aquarium called Dynamight. As Izuku aged the merman never left the back of his mind it was one of the reason why he decided to become a marine biologist. He not only wanted to because of his love for salt and fresh water creatures, but to study Katsuki's species. Merfolk were rare and well the more they talked the more Izuku fell in love with the merman. Maybe he had always loved him.
Complete | 20 Chapters
Rated - Mature
Specks of Gold Against the Ocean's Waves by Serah_chan
Summary: While enjoying the light of the full moon, Katsuki Bakugou, an orange tailed merman, crosses paths with a handsome surfer with freckle littered cheeks. While he's not supposed to interact with the human, there's something about them that draws the merman to get close and ignore all boundaries.
“Huh, he’s kinda good looking for a human.” Katsuki muses, feeling the annoying itch of curiosity push him towards getting a better look. He wonders if he can observe him from down below as he takes on the waves, catch glimpses of him as he falls back to the water. Human eyes weren’t exactly the best anyway, so he shouldn’t have to worry about being seen... right?
Complete | 19 Chapters 
Rated - Mature
I’ve Got You, Stupid Human by GreenEyesSublime
Summary: The mysterious man swam the last few feet to the rock. Putting his hands up on the edge, he hauled himself out of the water with a flourish. Izuku watched in awe as first a toned, muscled chest emerged from the water and then a tight pack of abs followed by a dangerously sharp v-cut pointing downwards towards a...tail?!
— — —
Or, human!Izuku has been cleaning the beach for weeks and merman!Katsuki is tired of just watching. 
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
A Salty First Kiss by DarkMachi, Iwacakes
Summary: Izuku Midoriya's family beach trip went awry when an attempted act of heroism lets to an unexpected first.
Jumpcut to twelve years later: Izuku was struggling to stay afloat when his stepfather threw him a chance. What was meant to be a reprieve turned into something else entirely when he finds someone washed onto the beach. A memory he should have buried long ago, a kiss he could never forget, and a debt he could now repay.
What do you do when you have an angry Merman in your bathtub that speaks a different language?
What do you do when a stoopid hooman rescues you and then proceeds to start courting with you?
Complete | 101 CH | Contains Smut
Wavelength by gardengalaxy
Summary: Izuku practices surfing away from prying eyes, knowing he will have lots of attention on competition day. But what if he's already caught someone's interest?
One Shot | Trans Deku 
Rated - Explicit
A Breathless Song by chibicharlie95
Summary: Izuku loves the sea, so much so that he can never seem to part with it... But will he become a part of it? A siren's song in the middle of a storm may help him to find the answer.
One Shot | NSFW
what the water gave me by twinstarsies
Summary: "It's like I'm challenging fate," he says to a hermit crab he finds tucked into a crevice in the rock. "I'm daring it to knock me into the water just to show me who's boss. At this rate, it's probably going to win." 
"Something's gonna knock you into the water, alright, but it won't be anything as nebulous as fate," a voice says, tone wholly unamused. 
Izuku startles so hard that he forgets to use his quirk to catch himself as he slips from his perch on the rock into the ocean. 
— — —
Izuku goes on a forced vacation and meets the love of his life.
Complete | 2 Chapters
Contains Smut | Trans Midoriya
Call of the Siren by Gemsom
Summary: Izuku always imagined that sirens sang their victims into the water, and that their helpless victims could do nothing to resist. He almost wished that was the case.
Every time his captain’s ship crossed the narrow sea, Katsuki came to see him. The siren's friendship seemed so genuine, but Izuku was smart enough to know that the creature was sweet talking him to his death. Katsuki never denied it either - asking over and over for Izuku to offer his life.
Of course, Izuku had no way of knowing that the siren planed to give him a new one in return.
Incomplete | 9/18 Chapters | NSFW
Last Updated Jan. 2023
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