#sitara dhawan watchdogs 2
w4tch3d87 · 3 months
Wrench: Do you think lava tastes spicy?
Sitara: Please do NOT eat lava!
Marcus: Actually, since lava is molten earth, it would probably taste really bland and dusty.
Wrench: You are the only one who understands me.
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gr8pe-soda · 1 year
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got bored and made my phone watchdogs themed ✌️
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gogotti · 2 years
I love how Ray genuinely considered it for a split second LMFAO
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prismuffin · 3 months
Hey. Can I send in a watch dogs request please when sitara is R’s older sister, and they are mute; and Sitara is really protective of them like Josh? Maybe like someone makes fun of them online or something and Sitara goes full big sister mode and comforts R while going after whoever sent the messages?
A/n: sorry if this is a bit short anon but also I enjoyed writing for watchdogs !! Gn Reader !!
Simple Mistake
Sitara Dhawan x mute!younger!sibling!reader
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( summary: when the HQ gets hacked by some trolls with a petty grudge against "S1lentz0" they don't necessarily hold back on the idiot that left them such an obvious trail to follow, you )
warnings?: cyberbullying, swearing, talks of violence and guns, reader knows sign language!! ( italics are sign language )
!-!more under the cut!-!
You hadn't meant for this to happen honestly. You were in the hackerspace in your usual spot on the couch just patching up some code in the servers on your laptop. Recently Lenni had hacked into your guys' network and left so many backdoors and holes in your servers meaning you were much more susceptible to hacks these days. If you didn't patch this now who knows who could hack you next. You typed away at the keyboard your eyes following line after line of code when Wrench called for you. You were busy, but he said it'd only be a second and that if you didn't hold a very specific wire for him while he searched for his pliers then the thing he was working on would blow up in all of your faces, literally. Josh was busy with a similar task to yours, patching up the network after Lenni got in and removing any potential backdoors she could've left. Sitara was helping Markus with the 3D printer as he got ready to leave for another physical hack across LA. So you reluctantly looked away from your laptop, leaving your unfinished vulnerable servers for just a minute too long.
Sitara shot you a smile as she noticed you walking over to Wrench and you shot her one back. It was nice that even after all these years you still had a good relationship with your older sister. Not a lot of siblings can say that they stay as close as you two have. You look up to Sitara, the way she's so bold in both her art and real life, sometimes you wish you could be like that.
But you're not.
And that thought alone used to bug you so much but Sitara reassured you that you were perfectly fine as you. She's always looked out for you since you two were kids. Being mute and more reserved, it was a lot harder to make friends or to feel useful most days. There was always something bad happening in the world and you felt terrible knowing there was often nothing you could to to help. But after joining Dedsec as 'S1lentz0' with Sitara you've found that there are tons of different people in the world just like you and they're all helpful in their own ways.
Speaking of helpful, you cautiously grabbed the wire that Wrench held. "Good now keep that steady, don't let it touch any other wires or we're all dead...mmm- probably." He ranted as he ducked underneath his workstation in search of his preferred tool. You glanced down at him every so often, cursing in your hands as your hands struggled to stay perfectly steady, though with the amount of energy drinks the whole team downs you're not entirely shocked that you can't help the involuntary motion. "Aha!" Wrench yelled, shooting up only to hit his head on the underside of the table, making the whole thing shake. Your eyes widened as sparks flew momentarily before you grabbed the device to steady it before the wire could react with anything else. "owww," Wrench groaned as he stood up straight, rubbing the back of his head, his mask showing his displeasure. You breathed out a sigh of relief at the lack of any sort of explosion before Wrench took over again, grabbing the wire from your hand delicately as he looked at you. "Your presence is appreciated my dear friend," he put on a fake British accent as he spoke, patting your cheek with the pliers twice before focusing his attention back on the device. You nodded and took that as your cue to leave. Walking back over to your laptop, you huffed down onto the couch with a sigh ready to get back to work.
The sound of beeping caught your attention and you froze, grabbing your laptop you stared at the screen with wide eyes as some stupid animation of a snake firing a gun with its tail played. It shot through your code, 1's and 0's flying everywhere as a mechanical laugh played. The snake slithered into the hole it shot and suddenly the rest of the TVs in your hackerspace were projecting the image of the snake. "What the hell is that?" Marcus questioned making everyone stop to peer at the screens. You cursed in your head as you frantically tried to stop the hack before it could get any worse.
At this point, the damage was already done though. Everyone crowded around the screens as a mechanical voice spoke. "S1lentz0 has left you vulnerable. That quiet idiot can't code to save their miserable life." It spoke, and you jumped reacting as if their words had physically hit you. You just tried to ignore their words as you started to lock them out of your system.
Sitara's jaw clenched as she stared at the screens. "Don't you talk about them like that you worthless pricks." She spat, anger evident in her voice as she crossed her arms. The voice let out the same mechanical laugh from before and Sitara only glared at the sound. "They brought down our encryptions and stole our codes to fix your vulnerable systems and thought we simply wouldn't take notice?" You'd began to sweat slightly as your fingers typed rapidly to shut them down. "Wait, so you're calling them worthless because they hacked you and took down your precious encryptions?" Marcus asked, holding back a laugh at their petty reasoning. "Snakes with cowboy hats? Who's idea was that?" Wrench spoke up, laughing much more boldly than Marcus making Josh roll his eyes at the situation. "I've heard of these guys, they're a newer hacker group called Ouroboros. Their systems are so outdated, I'm not shocked that you got your shit hacked and taken down so quickly," Sitara spoke, still glaring at the screen as she continued. "Don't be mad because my little sibling outsmarted your dumbass encryptions. The only reason you're even here is because some other hacker group weakened our system, not because you're skilled hackers." The mechanical voice tried spitting back but was washed from the screens as you finally kicked them out for good, patching up your network in the process.
With a sigh your head fell into your hands, you felt so bad that you let this happen. "welp, that was stupid," Marcus said before going back over to the printer but Sitara was looking at you. Her eyebrows were furrowed with worry as she saw you with your head in your hands, knowing exactly what you were thinking. Walking over to the couch she crouched down next to you, placing her hand on your knee as she softly called your name. "Y/n," You peeked from your hands to look at her. 'I'm sorry,' you signed, 'I didn't mean to leave us vulnerable.' you frowned, looking back towards your laptop to avoid her eye. Sitara sighed before moving to sit next to you. With a smile she bumped your shoulder and you looked at her again. "Hey, it's not your fault ok? If we're gonna blame anyone here its Lenni. She was the one to leave us vulnerable, you were just trying to fix it." 'Yeah but I got distracted.' "And that's completely ok," she placed her hand on your shoulder and you leaned into the comfort now going into a side hug with her. 'Is it really?' you signed, and she smiled "Yes! It is y/n, nobody's blaming you hun just look around." She was right, everyone had simply went back to their original tasks. It was almost as if you guys hadn't got hacked only a few minutes prior. "Those guys that hacked us are just run of this mill idiots they don't pose any real threat." She said with a playful roll of her eyes and you hesitantly smiled at her wording.
You guess she was right, you'd only hacked them a while ago to steal some parts of their firewall that you thought would be useful in your own. You often do that, stealing multiple different encryptions and putting them all together for one mega-encryption that was damn hard to hack. "Don't beat yourself up over this alright y/n? Trust me, me and Marcus are gonna get them back, right Marcus?" She smiled at the approaching male, "Damn right," Marcus said with a smirk, placing his newly made zap-gun in a holster under his hoodie.
Moving out of the hug you turned and smiled at Marcus. 'Thanks you guys,' You signed and Marcus looked at Sitara for translation, he was trying to learn more ASL for you but it's a lot harder than he thought it'd be. "You're welcome Y/n," She said, eyeing Marcus as she placed a hand on your head and Marcus nodded. You couldn't help but feel better at the interaction. Just having confirmation that they had your back in situations like these was enough to make you beam. You truly loved your team at Dedsec and you wouldn't trade it for the world.
( I'm very iffy on this one tbh I kinda don't like how I wrote it but imma post it anywayyyyy !!! )
Thanks for reading! Have a great day/night!!
My requests are CLOSED !! Check my req rules and info to see when/if they're open again !!
See my DIRECTORY for upcoming fics!
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apostates-anonymous · 7 years
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Gross gay boys
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renhaswritersblock · 2 years
Drawn the whole crew!
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ham0ma · 3 years
So guys, I'm here to share with you my WatchDogsSuperpowerAU and also ask for your help. I'll start from a more well-developed one.
Wrench. Elastic man.
And I suggest right now make all the vulgar jokes on this topic, like "Rubber woman, only a man!" and "Does his penis stretch too?" (a nod in the direction of OnePiece) and move on. Pros: Very high pain threshold. Light weight. Elastic, flexible, and agile. Hardy. Cons: Very high pain threshold. Light weight. Long-term wound healing. If a scratch in an ordinary person heals in a week, then in a Wrench 3-4 weeks.
Ideas: - Wrench and Josh conduct an experiment where Wrench acts as a current conductor. -Wrench was accidentally hit by an explosion but got off with soot on face and slightly shell-shocked. - Wrench's leg got tangled in the rope and he was dragged along by the car. He bounces around like a ball all the way. -Wrench will make fun of Marcus by pretending to be hanged. (Uh, not sure about this one) -Wrench as a trampoline or a mattress. -Joke about is the s*it doesn't drowned. -Marcus spins Wrench as his rope with a ball. -Sitara grab Wrench's nose/nostrils between her index and middle fingers and pulling at it, and then abruptly releasing. -Sitara uses Wrench as a paddle ball. (Let's say she ties a knot around his waist, pulls the rope through a hole in the wall, and just yanks the rope when Wrench flies off. Don't worry, he'll be fine. Just a little rumpled.) -The happy dog holds Wrench like a rubber duck, and squeaks him, clenching him in jaws.
Marcus: It's HAAARD! There were thoughts about cyberpathy, electrokinesis, creating portals, and even a regularl superstrength. From the list above for him I most sympathize with portals. Limited ability, since he will only be able to create portals at the point he sees, at which he looks. Kind of a Portal Gun in his eyes. For a long time I twisted the idea in my head around the ability to transform into a kind of cyberspirit, or he just sits in the lotus position, concentrates, and only so leaves the body, and penetrates into any devices (like a nod to his abilities in the game). But there was also an idea to make him without superpowers. Either he was born that way, or he somehow lost his power. Or he couldn't open it. And on the search for power will be the main plot, or one of them. Maybe he could take abilities from others. One at a time. So he can take/steal a gum-body-skills from Wrench, bring it back and only after that take a power from Josh or whatever who. In short, many of ideas, but it feels like it zero… For Sitara is Invisibility, shapeshifting, materialization (the ability to materialize in the real world drawn/written/invented objects, sometimes creatures or even people.) For Josh is telekinesis or something else related to a strong mind. For Horatio: Sound manipulation, radar, echolocation (Sound-third-eye-boy). So, as you сan see I'm sure only about Wrench. And I'm asking you: what a superpower would you give them? Who idea for Marcus you think is better?
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m-n-chr-me · 3 years
I found,,,, this Josh fanfic,,,,?
Apparently,,,, it was already posted but I couldnt find the owner's tumblr,,,,, so enjoy,,,?
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vanade · 5 years
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it’s 1AM EST but it’s still Nov 15 in some parts of Canada so I’m not late! Thanks everyone who dropped by my livestream :D really happy with how this turned out.
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v1perc4ve · 4 years
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Some screenies I took of sitara in her swelter skelter outfit
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w4tch3d87 · 3 months
Marcus: I think I'm in love with Wrench.
Sitara: Seriously?
Marcus: Yeah, thoughts?
Horario: And prayers, you're gonna need them.
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gogotti · 2 years
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@hamburgerslippers I am so sorry this has taken this long but I’m getting my ass beat by writers block 🥲🥲
I thought that instead of stressing about it and not finishing it, I’ll post a snippet of it as an update. Please keep in mind that this isn't the finished product and I promise that it will be perfect when I actually get it done.
Marcus rushed down the hackerspace stairs, excited energy following him as he practically bounced to Wrench’s workbench. He stopped in front of the picture of Naomi and plucked it off the wall, Wrench quickly grabbed it back from him and held it close to his chest. His display turned to question marks, and behind the mask, he squinted at Marcus.
“What’s up with you?”
Marcus smiled, leaning against the counter and speaking “Wow, I can't believe that you don't know what time it is.” He shook his head with fake disapproval. Wrench tilted his head, then suddenly he realized. His display turned to exclamation points before he placed the photo down and ran up the hackerspace stairs, almost knocking a pile of posters from Sitara’s hands.
“Uh, Excuse you?” She laughed, looking over at Marcus confused before placing the posters on the table. “Some friends of ours are free today, we promised to pick them both up after work.”
“Oh, okay.” Sitara smiled and she pushed/patted Marcus on the shoulder and toward the door. “Have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't do.”
Marcus laughed as he made his way to the door, saying a quick “Like what, actually go on a date?” Sitara stood still, an insulted look slowly coming to her face. She was prepared with a comeback but Josh stepped in, saying a quick “She actually went on a date the other day but you and Wrench were too busy binging Jimmy Siska movies to notice. Again.”, before continuing a pet project he was working on.
Sitara attempted to push Marcus up the stairs, hoping that she could get rid of him before he started asking more questions, but he stood immobile, his mouth falling open in surprise. “Oh, so you got you a little boo-thing now and think that you can't tell us?”
She was still trying to push Marcus out and through labored breaths let out an, “Yeah yeah, don't you have a date to get to?”
“Nah, don't try changing the subject. Josh!”
Josh didn't raise his head at his name, instead, he responded with a quick, “I already have details on the person, don't worry.” Sitara stopped, staring at Josh from across the room, allowing Marcus to sneak up the stairs and out of the hackerspace. “You have WHAT, Josh?!”
Marcus slid into the passenger seat and put his seatbelt on, Wrench didn't hesitate to take off, his mask showing his angry slashes. “Dude. You’re so lucky Naomi texted me that they were being held back by their boss, otherwise, we would be late. What took you so long?”
Marcus tilted his head in Wrench’s general direction as he sent the “omw!” text and spoke. “Did you know that Sitara has a little thing going on with some stranger?” He turned his head toward Wrench after clicking send. Wrench sat up straight, “Hm. They won't be a stranger for long. After this, we should totally find out everything about her secret lover.” Marcus hummed, “Josh already knows everything, and you know how thorough he is.” Wrench slowly nodded in agreement and the car ride went silent for the remainder of the ride, both men thinking about their respective crushes.
When they arrived, you and Naomi hurried into the back seats, smiling and greeting the men. When you both settled in Wrench pulled off heading in a direction that only he knew. Naomi leaned back into her seat, letting out a large, comical, breath of air. You laugh, and let out a soft, “You’re telling me.” in agreement. Marcus looked behind him and squinted at her and she responded with a sweet smile. Naomi shifted in her seat as Wrench pulled turned a corner, saying “We had a pretty rough day today. Really, really busy.”
You nod in agreement, “We seemed to get a bunch of rude first timers. Some prissy office workers who are probably too stressed to even realize it.”
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prismuffin · 2 years
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Masterlist 2
Miles Morales x male!Reader: “You knew it was going to snow, right?” Miles Morales x gn!Reader: Protection / Confession Miles Morales x gn!ninja!Reader: "You're a nin-what?" Miles Morales x male!genius!Reader: Observant Miles Morales x fem!spider-woman!Reader: Coincidence Miles Morales x mute!male!Reader: Grateful
Peter B. Parker x male!detective!Reader: Distraction
Peter Parker (any Spider-Man) x male!spider-mutant!Reader: Love and Affection
mcu!Peter Parker x black!male!witch!Reader: Best One Yet
tasm!Peter Parker x touchy!gn!Reader: Physical tasm!Peter Parker x kryptonian!male!Reader: Jealousy, Jealousy
Scott Lang x male!Reader: "Out of Milk"
Steve Rogers x male!Reader: "Mine."
Steven Grant x trans!male!reader: Long Day Steven grant x asexual(spectrum)!gn!Reader: Normal
Yelena Belova x gn! Reader: “Dont fuck it up.” Yelena Belova x ftm!Reader: "You’re looking quite masculine tonight"
Stranger Things:
Nothing yet!
The Umbrella Academy:
Luther Hargreeves x male!himbo!Reader: Jacked Dumbasses [Headcanons]
Criminal Minds:
Nothing yet!
Hitman Trilogy:
yandere!Agent 47 x gn!Reader: Patience // Garden yandere!father!Agent 47 x gn!reader: Escapade
Lucas Grey x gn!Reader: "You..."
Mission: Impossible:
dad!Ethan Hunt x son!Reader: “Talk to Me.” Ethan Hunt x agent!male!Reader: Can't Lose You Ethan Hunt x male!Reader: Someone He Could Trust
FarCry 5:
Jacob Seed x gn!Reader: “Chapstick”
Nothing yet!
Detroit Become Human:
Connor (Rk800) x male!engineer!Reader: Overheated
Elijah Kamski Fluff/SFW Alphabet (gn!Reader)
Markus (dbh) x fem!human!Reader: A Helping Hand
Simon (dbh) x human!loving!gn!Reader: You are my sunshine Simon (dbh) x human!gn!Reader: Turning Blue
Our Life Beginnings & Always:
Nothing yet!
Error 143:
Nothing yet!
Sally Face:
Sal Fisher x male!reader who’s into witchcraft; Little Dark Age Sal Fisher x gn!reader; I'm Here
WatchDogs Trilogy:
Josh Sauchak Headcanons !! (gn!Reader)
Sitara Dhawan x mute!younger!sibling!reader: Simple Mistake
COD: Modern Warfare2:
Alejandro Vargas & Rodolfo Parra x trans!male!Reader: Deserving (smut included)
John Price x top!male!Reader: "PRICE?!" John Price x Simon 'Ghost' Riley (req drabble): Sleep
John "Soap" MacTavish x Sly!Flirty!Gn!Reader (headcanons)
Poly!GhostSoap x airhead!male!reader: Idiot Boyfriend
Poly!Alerudy treating male!reader like Morticia Addams
The MW2 boys reaction to you calling them pretty boy (gn!Reader)
The MW2 boys reacting to male!Reader dying on the field (alejandro, rodolfo, soap)
The Imperfects:
Nothing yet!
Nothing yet!
Girl From Nowhere:
Nothing yet!
Metal Lords:
Hunter Sylvester with a Stoner s/o (Headcanons)
Dc Universe:
Barry Allen with a male!forensic psychologist!Reader
Dick Grayson x jealous!male!reader
Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) x quiet!male!Reader: Discretion
John Constantine x black!male!Reader: Cuddle-Bug
Tim Drake (Robin) x affectionate!male!Reader: Loverboy Tim Drake x gn!crow-like!reader; Catch me if you can
Kid Flash x male!Reader: Joy Ride Kid Flash x male!Reader: Denial Kid flash and flash (seperate) with a rich!male!Reader (Kid Flash) Wally West x gn!alien!Reader: Scent
Superman x male!detective!reader: Intrigued
Young Justice Squad x fem!aroace!reader (soulmate AU); Cursed
Masterlist 2
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apostates-anonymous · 7 years
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Wrench aesthetic
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rul-am-i · 5 years
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Get your motor runnin' ~ Head out on the highway!~ Lookin' for adventure~  And whatever comes our way~ 
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ham0ma · 3 years
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Heeey Sitara is pony too now :v
Only RUS sorry. But I guess all you should know is she a half zebra half donkey.
I REALLY proud of her design. Even more than Wrench-pony!
Full - https://www.deviantart.com/blacdragondrako/art/Satira-ref-RUS-868542640
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