#sith inquistior
commander-krios · 2 years
[ HAIR ]:          sender slowly reaches out to catch a loose strand of the receiver’s hair and tuck it gently and securely back behind their ear, letting their touch linger afterwards. (if the receiver has short hair, then the sender reaches out and gently runs their fingers through their hair to smooth it back.)
Here ya go! Part 2 of a 2 part fic. Part 1 is here. Used some Jonas/Keshani in the background of this fic, but I might do a follow up later about what happens a few days later between them, once they've both stopped being shaken over the events of the fic. Enjoy!
“I can’t believe you just let her go.”
“I didn’t let her do anything.” Jonas snapped, crossing his arms over his chest as the Rattataki woman stood toe to toe with him. Kaliyo may be a full foot shorter than him, but she was capable of a lot of violence and he didn’t have any intention of being on the receiving end of it. “If you knew Keshani as well as you say you do, you know that arguing with her has no effect anyway.”
“She can’t argue if she’s unconscious.”
Derrick stared daggers at the mercenary, not finding any of this as amusing as she seemed to. “Considering Keshani is probably getting tortured at the moment, forgive me for not laughing.”
“Calm down, spook. She owes me credits. I’m not going to let her die.”
“Charming.” He muttered, moving to the window of the warehouse where they’d set up reconnaissance. The Sith knew they were there, Jonas figured she could sense the Alliance Commander’s anger in the Force, but she hadn’t done anything but fortify her base of operations. The entire building was swarming with Imperial guards now.
“Is there anything else we can do besides standing here?” Arcann asked, standing near the same window as Derrick.
Having Arcann this close made Jonas’ skin crawl. He swore it was because the former Eternal Emperor was responsible for killing so many of his friends during the Eternal Empire’s war against the Republic. He refused to consider the other option. The one that involved Keshani.
“I vote for explosives.” Kaliyo said with a savage grin. He had no idea what the former Imperial Agent saw in the Rattataki, but he could admit that she was perfect if they needed a distraction.
“We need to be careful with how we approach this. Keshani could get caught in the crossfire.” Lana explained as gently as she could, not even bothering to glance up from her datapad. “Theron agrees with the assessment.”
Jonas rolled his eyes. Theron, of course, had been busy on another assignment. What he wouldn’t give to have his best friend here besides the Sith. Although, her powers could come in handy.
“It doesn’t matter what Theron thinks, he isn’t here.” The Alliance Commander was the tallest person in the room, a hulking mass of a Sith, a warrior with no equal. Or so the rumors said. Jonas hadn’t seen him in action before, but just by looking at him, he believed them. Kieran Zythor was well over 6’5, long blonde hair brushing his shoulders, piercing green eyes that matched his twin’s. Three diagonal scars ran along the left side of his face. Cybernetics covered the other side. If that wasn’t enough to give a person pause, the terrifying calm he radiated would. 
“Then what do you propose we do?” Arcann asked, the only person in the room besides Lana who could look the Commander in the eye and not flinch. “The more time we waste, the more likely we are to rescue a body.”
Jonas winced at that, unable to imagine Keshani dead at the hands of a vengeful Sith. To have all of these people gathered together to save her, to risk their own lives to make sure hers didn’t end, said a lot about the kind of person she was. 
“Who’s the Zabrak?” Kaliyo asked, sitting on a rickety chair and throwing her feet up on the only table in the room. “I don’t recognize her from the Cipher days.”
Lana typed something into the datapad. “Lord Kallig. Birth name unknown. She was once a slave on Dromund Kaas until she was found to have an affinity for the Force. She apprenticed under Darth Nox.”
That name was familiar… and a terrible thought entered his head.
“Is… Is she doing this under Nox’s orders?”
The Commander bared his teeth in a vicious growl. “If she is, I’m going to rip Nox’s head from her body.”
“Kieran- perhaps threatening to murder the Empress of the Sith isn’t the best course of action.” Lana warned him gently.
“I’m not threatening the Empress. I’m threatening my sister. And I’ll damned well do what I want.” He hit the table in front of him so hard that it shook. Kaliyo immediately returned her feet to the floor, a look of alarm crossing her face.
“Whoa, big guy. We won’t let anything happen to her.” She said, in a way that could’ve been considered comforting if it was anyone but her.
“Don’t patronize me, Rattataki.”
Kaliyo rolled her eyes, but didn’t respond. Probably smart on her part.
“Listen, we don’t know what we’re walking into. Lord Kallig is a powerful assassin and a sorceress, much like the Empress.” Lana explained, her voice calm in the midst of turmoil. Jonas was positive that without Lana’s presence, the warehouse they stood in would’ve been in flames.
“We need a plan that doesn’t involve getting any of ourselves killed in the process. We are useless if we’re dead.” Derrick interjected, a permanent scowl on his face. He hadn’t been pleasant since Keshani had disappeared with that Zabrak. Not that Jonas could say he’d been either.
“Yes.” Lana agreed, finally setting her datapad down to look at those gathered. “I think a good place to start would be with Kaliyo and her explosives.”
The Rattataki perked right up at those words. “Yeah? Speak to me, oh Sithy one.”
Lana’s lips twitched with a shadow of a smile, but she managed to keep it at bay. “Let’s discuss options.”
Her eyes opened to darkness. 
Keshani wasn’t sure of how much time had passed since she’d surrendered herself to Lord Kallig, but by the ache in her arms and back, it had been hours at least. The chair she was secured to was uncomfortable, the cuffs rubbing the skin of her wrists raw. A dull throbbing in her head made her hiss in the silence. The Sith hadn’t been kind even though she came willingly.
Her head fell back against the chair, a groan slipping past her lips. She was most likely concussed and if that was true, she was going to have an awful time trying to escape.
“Good. You’re awake.”
The lights of the cell flickered on, blinding her. Keshani shut her eyes, trying to keep her breathing even and steady, trying to keep her anxiety from overwhelming her. 
“Was this necessary?” She managed to ask, her eyes opening to slits so that she could watch the Zabrak Sith without worrying about getting a lightsaber in the gut.
The Zabrak shrugged, a grin curling her lips. “I’ve always had a flair for the dramatic.”
Keshani would have laughed if she wasn’t in pain. With all of the years she worked with Sith, Lord Kallig had been a whisper in the shadows, one of those Sith that parents told their kids about to get them to do their chores. While Keshani’s older sister was a force to be reckoned with, she’d managed to usurp Vowrawn not long ago, Kallig could be considered an equal in cruelty to the new Empress.
Kallig was more than an enemy. She was a threat to the entire Alliance.
Clearing her throat, Keshani waited briefly as her vision adjusted to the brightness. Then she met the Sith’s crimson eyes. “What things am I here to do for you?”
The smile turned suddenly cruel. “Oh Cipher. You think I brought you here for your help?”
The laugh that followed her question did little to ease her anxiety.
“Oh no, my darling. I have other plans for you.” Reaching out, Kallig scraped a sharp nail against her cheek. “So let’s get started, shall we?”
Derrick laid on the ledge beside him, eye pressed to the scope of his rifle, keeping an eye on the guards below. Kieran, Lana, and Arcann were going to clear a path for the rest of them, their Force powers more powerful than any blaster was. The rest of them would follow once the guards were dispatched and then together, they would find the Sith and hopefully, Keshani. 
Lana had supplied Kaliyo with a box of grenades and mines. Jonas didn’t want to know where the Sith had acquired them. All he wanted at that moment was to be looking for Keshani. He could only imagine the sorts of torture that she was suffering at the hands of a vicious Sith Lord.
Forcing the image from his mind, Jonas focused on the scene below. Lana and Kieran had sliced through the first set of guards, red and purple lightsabers making it easier to follow their progress. He didn’t see the former Eternal Emperor at first, but when a guard dropped to the ground dead a few feet from where the Sith were, the yellow glow of Arcann’s lightsaber signaled his arrival.
Derrick noticed it as well if his snort was any indication.
Jonas was momentarily distracted by the flash of the Alliance Commander’s weapons, violet and teal creating a beautiful whirlwind of colors in the darkness of the alley. Keshani was right about her brother: he was fiercely protective of her, but he was also one hell of a dramatic Sith.
With a growl, he threw one of his sabers at a guard. The blade sliced a devastating wound into the man’s chest and he dropped to the ground without a sound. Kieran didn’t notice the cloaked figure approaching him from behind, but Derrick did. His rifle cracked loudly, a bolt finding home in the skull of his target.
The Commander’s gaze briefly dropped to the body before finding Derrick above him. The tiniest of smiles curled his lips. He nodded his thanks before turning back to the task at hand.
“Show off,” Jonas muttered, securing a blaster in each hand before moving to the ladder.
Derrick was silent, intent on keeping his focus on the battlefield. It was probably for the best, Jonas didn’t want to get into an argument when they had other pressing concerns. He descended the ladder quickly, his feet finding solid ground only a few seconds later.
The Sith and Arcann had finished clearing out what guards were posted outside the main door. He had to step over a few bodies and scattered body parts before he reached their side. He tried to ignore the sudden disgust that turned his stomach, knowing that these Imperials probably weren’t all just ‘doing their job.’ Many of them enjoyed hurting others. Perhaps this was some sort of justice for crimes they committed.
“Are you going to be alright, Agent Balkar?” Lana’s eerily calm voice broke through his morose thoughts. “You could stay behind if you can’t handle the fight.”
Jonas wanted to scoff, to snap at her, but he managed to hold back those instincts. They wouldn’t serve him here. “I’m not… used to working with Sith. I’ll be fine.”
Lana didn’t appear convinced by the words, but she stayed silent.
“Is the Rattataki ready?” Kieran asked no one in particular, eyes on the door that sat only a few feet away. 
To Jonas’ surprise, Arcann was the one to answer. “Yes.”
“Then blow the door. Kallig has a date with my lightsaber.”
An explosion rocked the building, the light in her cell flickering wildly before casting the entire room in darkness. 
“Oh goodie, our guests are here.” 
Kallig sounded entirely too excited about coming face to face with whatever army Kieran had brought with him. No doubt, he’d already wiped out a large portion of her guards and would do anything he had to to bring her back home. And she knew, by his side, would be Jonas and Derrick.
The thought would’ve been relieving if she was in the hands of anyone else but a Sith Lord.
The glow of a purple-black core lightsaber was the only illumination in the room. Kallig held it close enough to her face so that her expression could be seen. Baring her sharp teeth in a grin, the Zabrak pulled Keshani from her chair with only the use of the force. She almost stumbled at the suddenness of it, but managed to stay upright.
“Come, Cipher. Let’s go say hello.”
They didn’t have to walk far from her cell. At the far end of the hallway was her brother and his entourage. Even with her cybernetic enhancements, it was hard to see who was who, but she would recognize the colors of his sabers no matter where they were.
When Kallig was certain he was in earshot, she let out a giggle that sounded completely unhinged. “I was hoping you would get my invitation, m’lord. You certainly are a difficult man to get in contact with.”
“Let her go, Vaka, and perhaps I’ll let you live.” Kieran growled, his lightsabers sparking wildly. His anger was barely in control and Keshani heard the threat in his voice. He would kill Kallig where she stood if she didn’t.
“Tsk, tsk, Kieran. We both know I can’t do that.” The Zabrak’s lightsaber was pointed at Keshani’s throat, the humming filling her ears and the heat scorching the skin. “I was sent here to kill both of you and I intend to honor my contracts.”
Movement behind her brother caught Keshani’s eye. Arcann was there, the glow of his own lightsaber joining Kieran’s. And next to him… was Jonas.
He was trying not to appear afraid, but she could see the way the corners of his eyes tightened, the twist of his lips into a frown, his body tense. Keshani knew he feared for her life, but this wasn’t the first time a Sith had threatened to kill her.
Her twin stepped forward, diverting her attention as he pointed his teal lightsaber at Kallig. “Duel me, coward. If you defeat me, then the Force wills it.”
Vaka’s crimson gaze turned to meet Kieran’s challenge. “Very well. We will see if the Alliance Commander is still as powerful as he thinks he is.”
“When you fall, I’ll send your head back to your Empress.”
A manic laugh escaped from Kallig’s mouth before she lunged. Kieran’s sabers came up defensively, stopping the single lightsaber she carried. With her free hand, she conjured a ball of lightning, but before she could aim it, Kieran spun away, his lightsabers flashing.
Keshani took the opportunity to press herself against the wall, keeping herself as far from the fight as possible. If she wanted to get out of here alive, and get her stubborn brother out alive, she was going to have to be smart. Her back collided with durasteel walls and she shifted closer to the encroaching darkness.
Kieran was focused on the fight, his face twisted as he snarled at Kallig. She ducked as he swung his violet lightsaber, getting an opportunity to unleash some of her chain lightning at him. His teal saber came down and deflected the majority of the attack, but he was still burned by a few bolts.
He used the pain to feed his anger, coming at Kallig without hesitation. She didn’t stand a chance against his brute strength, but the Zabrak was a Sith assassin. She disappeared into the shadows before his strike could connect, her laughter echoing after her. Kieran growled, glancing wildly into the darkness, searching for a hint of her location, anything that would give her away.
Kieran’s cybernetics weren’t the same ones that Keshani had spent years adjusting to her work. His were meant to administer painkillers, to help him heal the worst of his injuries, and to give him stimulants to keep him on his feet during a fight. Keshani’s, however, enhanced her eyesight and hearing. As a sniper, it was a necessity. Imperial Intelligence made sure that their agents had had advantages. 
Lightning manifested behind Kieran, a violet and white so bright that it was blinding. He didn’t get his sabers in their defensive positions in time. The lightning hit him square in the chest, scorching the plating of his armor and forcing him back, a sickening crack following as his head smacked against the wall.
Keshani didn’t think.
With her arms still bound, she ran towards where the lightning had originated until her body collided with the shadowy figure of Kallig, both of them sprawling to the floor in a tangle of limbs. The Zabrak roared in anger when her cloaking failed, exposing her to Kieran’s allies. 
None of them could get to her side fast enough. Kallig grabbed Keshani by the hair, yanking her backwards until she felt the Sith’s fangs sink into the tender flesh of her shoulder. She could easily rip her throat out from this angle and Keshani froze, her entire body waiting for that death strike.
The humming of Lana and Arcann’s lightsabers filled the silence. Keshani searched for Jonas in the darkness, relieved to find him well, but his expression did little to ease her own fears. Warm blood dripped down her neck, the sharp teeth stinging her with any small movement. If she was going to die, then at least she would be able to see Jonas one last time.
“Release her.”
The voice came from behind Kallig, not from the small group in front of them. And it wasn’t Kieran…but Derrick. Keshani couldn’t help the smile that crossed her face. Hope fluttered in her chest for the first time that night.
Kallig removed her teeth enough to speak. “What makes you think you can stop me before I rip her throat out?”
Derrick was silent for a brief moment. Keshani could hear her brother moving a few feet away, but she didn’t dare look in his direction. Maybe Kallig wouldn’t notice him until it was too late. 
Derrick let out a snort. “I’m the best shot that the SIS has. No offense, Keshani.”
Gods, she loved that man. She just would never tell him that.
Jonas took a step forward, blaster in hand. “Do you want to test that claim, Sith? Let her go. You’re outnumbered.”
Kallig growled viciously before removing her teeth completely. Then she shoved Keshani to the ground. She landed on her injured shoulder, the pain nearly enough to knock her out, but Jonas was suddenly there, cutting the bindings from her aching wrists. Arcann and Lana were on Kallig before she could think to escape.
When she lifted her eyes to meet Jonas’ concerned gaze, she felt like she could breathe again. She was alive, he was here with her. Kallig would end up in a disrupter collar somewhere on an Alliance base. Reaching out, Jonas brushed a stray piece of her blonde hair behind her ear, his fingertips lingering on her cheek momentarily before he checked her wound. 
“What in the nine kriffing hells were you thinking?” He whispered, applying a kolto bandage to the bite marks. “Do you have a death wish?”
“I could ask you the same thing, Mr. ‘Broke Down Speeder’.” Keshani teased, ignoring the sudden lightheadedness she felt. She stopped herself from saying anything else when Derrick appeared at her shoulder. 
“What the fucking hell-”
“I already asked her that.” Jonas interrupted sharper than he probably intended, but his jaw was clenched as he watched the Force users deal with the Sith. “The Commander and his crew seem to have everything in hand. Keshani needs medical attention. We need to get her to the safe house.”
Derrick glowered at his friend, but nodded his approval nonetheless. Once she was secured with one arm over each of their shoulders, they began to move in the direction that Jonas had entered the warehouse. Keshani glanced back briefly to see Kallig watching her with those crimson eyes, focused and full of vicious malice.
She knew that this encounter was far from over. Kallig wouldn’t rest until she and Kieran were dead. 
However long that would take.
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iliumheightnights · 3 years
Star Wars OC's (Part 2) The Old Republic
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Here comes part 2! These are my characters/OC's from the Star Wars MMO, The Old Republic.
Top Left- Dorian Maspoe, Chiss Jedi Master
Top Middle- Verkeniss Ternival, Chiss Sith Warrior
Top Right- Dak Kabehi, Mandalorian Smuggler
Bottom Left- Carl Valyriona, Human Imperial Agent
Bottom Middle- Avar Jhasen, Sith Pureblood Sith Inquistior
Bottom Right- Piyor Vedoza, Mirialan Sith Inquisitor.
I LOVE the old republic so much! It's such a fun game and it's FREE! I'm just saying if you play or want to play, please do and then let's make a guild and get our own flagship.
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ct-hardcase · 4 years
jedi au inquisitor plot bits from vague conversations and talks
Essentially the premise of this au is that the jedi who become inquisitors in canon remain jedi in this au, whereas some of their targets become inquisitors
Ahsoka’s the grand inquisitor. Vader is eventually planning on taking her as an actual sith apprentice but she convinced him to stick around and pump Sidious for knowledge about the dark side first.
other inquistiors in this au include: Cal, Eeth, Ferren (who gets to be Extra Bastard in this au), Kanan, Kirak probably, Quinlan probably, Verla possibly, and Cere probably not (but the amount of female jedi survivors is. rancid. so I might have to add her).
I didn’t add Jocasta since I literally cannot see her turning or Sidious wanting her as an inquisitor.
I also haven’t added Barriss because I’m thinking she serves as this au’s Fulcrum.
idk where to include Ezra or Hedala (yes, Hedala, because I want to do more with her) with the logistics so let me get back to you on that.
The inquisitors also try to stay anonymous but really, people are gonna recognize an ex-council member, ahsoka fucking tano, and quinlan, so it’s more laissez-faire. Masks are worn but identity reveals happen.
Also the characters who are now jedi get their power level a bit reset to put them on a somewhat more even playing field with the inquisitors so they don’t get curb-stomped a year into the purge. However, you definitely still feel that the Jedi Survivors are less skilled than the inquisitors in this au, so the fear’s a bit more palpable.
Now for the lore about the actual Jedi Survivors (TM)
They still have some of their bastard traits, first of all, but some are erased.
Most of them still call themselves Jedi after a fashion (most of them know damn well that the code is shattered in pieces)
Prosset doesn’t consider himself a Jedi. Light side of the Force? Sure. Remorseful about the fact that he tried to kill Windu? A little. Angry at himself that he didn’t let the Jedi know effectively enough that they were being used before it was too late? Definitely. Livid at the Jedi for not getting Barriss’ message too? Absolutely. But not a Jedi.
Fifth and Seventh (I use Silas and Aliyah for this au) kinda just. Still pal around together but make the bickering “married couple”. Use the fact that they’re good trackers to their advantage and maybe subtly let parents of FS kids know to get far away from the Empire? idk
The Temple Guard (lmao who needs names am I right) is trying to locate the other Jedi and turn them against the Empire since he’s the one asshole with blade skills left that isn’t using them for Vader. He’s also got a massive grudge against the Empire for how they’re using the Archives and perverting that knowledge.
Masana is still a general fucking nuisance but this time it’s against the Empire. May the Force help them. They have her logged as KIA twice and she’s still kicking.
Bil is still kind of a dick but at least he’s not abandoning his fellows to die. He’s also the best pilot of the bunch and having gotten the opportunity to pursue that, he does.
Eighth (????) still a fucking enigma. Appears once every ten years from his hole probably and if he sees his shadow he climbs back inside.
I’d hope Trilla was palling around with Cere (in this scenario, they survive together with the clutch of kids), but if Cere becomes an inquisitor suddenly this gets sadder for everyone involved.
But if those two are a rebel cell, they are the empire’s nightmare. Competent fighters? And an entire group of Padawans? Dammit.
idk what the redacteds are doing but they’re also hanging out.
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chubbyooo · 6 years
My Sith Inquistior Kyradia
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(sorry if this is hard to read first time putting it into words)
Kyradia grew up on Dathomir in one of many tribes. Her potent force abilities were soon discovered she enjoyed using them to mess with people only in a joke way though. She was rather oblivious to the world around her but still would help the tribe when required. This changed when the nightsisters came to take an apprentice for the sith. Zabrak were familiar with this as it happened every couple years unfortunately with the power of the nightsisters they couldn't do much about it. The nightsister there sensed Kyradias power instantly quickly rushed the trials and took her back with her. she was unhappy to be there but wasn’t strong enough to argue. The nightsisters then performed a ritual to enhance her force abilities as well as her killer instinct and ferocity. But they weren't prepared for how strong this would make her she broke out before the ritual was complete still holding onto some essence of herself she killed many escaping. She returned to her tribe and took charge. The ritual had still badly affected her however she was now power hungry, cruel and dangerous but she still had her whimsy for better or for worse. She defended the tribe against the nighsisters when they tried to attack inspiring her people to follow her. For a while she was pleased being as powerful as she could be. But then slavers came and they were better equipped than anything the tribal planet had ever seen. With some kind of force suppressant technology they managed to capture Kyradia but not before many of their men as well as hers were taken out. Furious and angry on the ship she demanded to know where she was going. She was told she was to be one of many to be given the chance to be a sith inquisitor (explained the tech). Immediately her demeanor changed she started to copy the accents of those around her. She was going to somewhere where more power could be garnered any place to gain power will be worth it. Patience she can get revenge any time
So thats it up until the game starts she was my first and main character for swtor and i wrote the story for her far later
From when the story starts she was always kinda a crazy killing machine with a sense of humor so i wanted to illustrate that hope i did her justice  
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commander-krios · 2 years
"I think I love you." helene/zhilae? 👀
The angst is strong with this one. I hope you like it! Of course, their love is so complicated, but I adore them. <3
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The confession hung heavy in the air between them.
Andronikos Revel, feared pirate and murderer, the man who was not just her best friend in the entire galaxy but the only one she trusted, stared at her with round eyes. Clearing his throat, he glanced away to make sure that they were still alone. She could sense his discomfort. “What did you say?”
“I said-”
Holding up his hands, he stopped her from repeating the words. “I… wasn’t being serious. You don’t need to say it again.”
Helene Zythor sighed, dropping her face into her hands, mortified that she was actually having feelings for someone. And those feelings didn’t include anger. Or fear. Or hatred. All of the things that, as a Sith Lord, she used to gain power, to strike fear into the hearts of her enemies, to keep her allies in line.
And unfortunately, these new feelings involved someone who wasn’t going to be good for her now that she sat on the Dark Council. Attachments, not ones that were for pleasure, but true attachments that would end up making you weak, that became a liability… Those were the types that Helene avoided like the Balmorran Flu.
Until now, apparently.
“How did this happen?” 
She wasn’t expecting an answer. Helene had never wanted this, so how could Andronikos even have any idea how her fickle heart worked.
“Do you want to know?” Andronikos asked, relaxing into the cushions of the sofa he sat on, concentrating on the drink in his hands. “Because I’ve been watching from the sidelines and I saw it coming-” The look she shot at him stopped his words cold.
“What would you say if I told you that I loved you?”
“Well, considering you never would-”
“I love you, Andronikos.” Helene teased, meeting his glare with a grin. The reaction was so worth it. “Humor me, please.”
“I hate you, crazy Sith.” He grumbled before taking a long swig of his drink.
“So is that your final answer?” Feeling a little lighter at the teasing, Helene rested against the cushions as well. The tension left her body at the sound of Andronikos’ gruff laughter. “I lay my heart bare and you tell me that you hate me. If I truly did love you, you would’ve broken my heart.”
Silence met her words. When she glanced at the pirate beside her, she was astonished to find him watching her seriously.
“If the bounty hunter doesn’t feel the same for you, it’s her loss.”
Helene leaned forward, a smile curling her lips. “You’re not going soft on me, are you, Revel?”
“You’re trying to bait me, Sith, and I’m not going to fall for it.” Andronikos stood, and taking his drink with him, left her alone in the lounge. 
Helene rolled her eyes, but the smile didn’t fade. As much as she liked antagonizing Andronikos, he was probably the only true friend she had in this galaxy. Now, she didn’t have an excuse to not find Zhilae, to reveal her true feelings… and to see what intentions the Mandalorian might have.
Nothing about this situation with them was what they’d expected. Zhilae had stolen her ship, taken off with it to complete the Great Hunt. When Helene had caught up to her, with all of her thoughts focused on killing the person who stole her property, she found someone she could hire instead. She was already on Zash’s kill list, she knew that, and having a bounty hunter for protection would only benefit her. 
In the end, they had ended up so much more.
She found Zhilae in the room where they’d set up a meditation room. It was in the furthest corner of the ship where the only sounds that broke the silence was the hum of the engines. It was the perfect place to set up cushions and focus on the Force. Little foot traffic, the engines a lull that could help her focus. Ashara spent most of her days there, hidden away from the rest of the crew.
Helene watched from the doorway as Zhilae paced the room, datapad in one hand while her other hand was busy stuffing items into a small bag on the floor. This was not what she wanted to see after the last few hours agonizing over what she would say to the woman she was falling in love with.
“I’m leaving.” Zhilae wouldn’t meet her gaze, but had obviously sensed her presence. Her eyes were focused on the datapad. “I have to finish my mission for Mandalore. I’ve been distracted for too long.”
“Is that what this is?” Helene couldn’t hide the way her voice shook. It was a weakness she couldn’t afford, to be this wrapped up in another person, but with Zhilae it had been easy. And all too pleasant. In the end, perhaps this would be for the best if the bounty hunter left, but she didn’t want to see her go. Not like this. “Am I just a distraction?”
Zhilae’s shoulders tensed at the question. And yet, she still wouldn’t face her. 
“Go then.” She snapped, tilting her chin up stubbornly. “I’ll have Andronikos drop you off wherever you wish.”
“There’s no need. Torian has my ship and will meet us on Vaiken Spacedock.”
Helene was going to leave it at that, let Zhilae walk away without another word about their relationship, but as she turned to leave the room, her steps faltered. 
The hum of the engines should’ve been soothing, but Helene’s entire world was crashing down around her. She could feel the power beneath her skin building, sparks tickling her fingertips, begging to find a release. 
“I didn’t take you for a coward.” 
Helene didn’t have to look to know that the words had struck the way she intended. She heard the sharp intake of breath. “Don’t you dare-”
Spinning around, she felt her anger reach its apex and burst from her. Lightning arced from her fingers, hitting the walls of the room with nothing more than a sputter of sparks. If she pleased, she could easily kill Zhilae where she stood. “I do dare. You’re the one who wanted this. A place on my ship. And in my bed.”
Zhilae finally met her gaze. Her face was devoid of any emotion, but those golden eyes said more than anything words could. “I… can’t, Helene. I thought you’d understand.”
Helene laughed without humor, the sound foreign to her ears. She was happy for the first time in her life, or at least she had been. “The cruelest part of all of this is that I… I think that I love you. I don’t have anything to compare it to, but you make me feel things that I never thought I was capable of. Good to know it was a lie.”
Zhilae flinched at her words, but Helene cared little for her feelings. 
“I should kill you right now. I know Xalek or Khem would gladly tear you limb from limb. But I’m capable of restraint.” 
“I’m sorry, Helene. I don’t want to hurt you.”
Zhilae sounded as if she meant it and maybe she did, but this was a turning point for Darth Nox. She wouldn’t trust her heart to another person again.
She should’ve listened to her head instead of her heart all of those months ago when she invited Zhilae into her bed.
“Hurt me? You don’t have that sort of power. No one can hurt me.”
Helene managed to hold herself together long enough to get to her quarters, leaving the bounty hunter to her packing… and her lies. Once the doors of her bedroom closed with a hiss, she collapsed into a heap on the floor, unable to pick up the pieces of her broken heart.
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commander-krios · 2 years
tracing your lover's features as they sleep, helene/zhilae?
Have some Sith lovin', my friend! Not as long as I wanted, but I have some inspiration recently so I'm thinking of tackling their love story soon <3
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Helene Zythor couldn’t remember the last time she had dreamed.
She was certain it was before the Sith Academy, perhaps even before the force had manifested in her. The only thing she saw when she closed her eyes now was darkness. It was everywhere within her and around her. It touched her mind, her heart, burrowed down into her very soul. She was Darth Nox, formerly Lord Kallig, and a powerful Sith. 
But those things didn’t matter when she was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling of her bedroom on Dromund Kaas. Not when she was alone with her ghosts.
Turning on her side, Helene’s eyes roamed the figure that slept soundly beside her. The Pureblood that was tucked up snug alongside her had her own ghosts and her own regrets to dwell on during the waking hours. Once night fell, however, Zhilae looked at peace, eyes closed to the chaos of their daily lives. Helene envied the quiet breaths that escaped her mouth, golden eyes hidden behind crimson eyelids.
At least she had an excellent view.
Her hand reached out of its own accord and she paused, hovering over the still form of Zhilae. She wanted so badly to touch her, to touch the only person whose affection she could count on, despite everything she’d done. Hesitantly, the tips of her fingers brushed gently over the bone spurs of her cheeks, still amazed at how solid, yet soft they felt to the touch. She had known many Sith Purebloods at the Academy, and when her mother had been on the Dark Council, they had come in and out of their home so often that it was second nature. But she was never intimate with one, platonic or otherwise.
This was a whole new world for Helene Zythor. Tender touches, brush of lips, affection that didn’t have an ulterior motive… nothing her life had thrown at her had prepared her for this.
No one had ever loved her before.
Zhilae stirred slightly, but her eyes remained closed. With a relieved breath, Helene continued her exploration. The curve of her nose was strong, the skin of her lips soft. The piercings she usually wore were tucked safely in a box on the nightstand. Helene had almost made the path to her chin when a large hand stopped hers.
Golden eyes broke the darkness of the room.
“Hey you.” Helene whispered, leaning closer, her blonde curls brushing gently against Zhilae’s naked shoulder. “Did I wake you?”
“Yeah.” She responded, voice rough from sleep. “But I like waking up to your face.”
Zhilae reached out and brushed a curl behind her ear, tickling the sensitive spot on her neck with her fingertips. Helene took in a sharp breath at the touch.
“Why are you awake?” 
Helene closed her eyes as Zhilae’s hands teased the strands of her hair, the reciprocated touch even better. “I wanted to memorize every line of your face.”
Zhilae breathed out a laugh. “You don’t have to. I’m not going anywhere. Not without you.”
The Sith laid her head on Zhilae’s chest, comforted by the calm rise and fall. “I know. Sometimes I remember before and it… I have to make sure.”
Zhilae was silent for a moment. When she finally spoke, it was with the voice of a woman at peace with her decisions. “I will never leave you again.”
“That’s not what I meant.” Helene lifted her head again to meet the liquid gold of Zhilae’s eyes. “I remembered a time when I didn’t know what love was and I never want to go back to that.”
Zhilae’s expression softened. Pulling Helene closer, their lips nearly touching, she whispered, “And you never will.”
Helene Zythor didn’t hesitate to close the distance between their lips. Zhilae had taught her so many things over the years, but being loved was the greatest gift she’d given her.
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