averagegtenjoyer · 1 year
Big Makoto... Small Makoto... SIZESHIFTER MAKOTO........
Makoto the silliest girl who gets really confused by her own size because logically it shouldn’t be possible but here she is, 80 feet tall. Makoto who shrinks around ann and haru begause they keep giving her kissies. Makoto who grows really big and gets really protective of the other thieves and lets them ride atop her head if they promise to be careful. Makoto who grows when she feels confident and therefore is huge in the metaverse. Tiny Makoto who uses a hot wheels/RC motorcycle to get around. Yeah. My silly girl.
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hopemakesstuff · 3 years
Role Reversal
A sort of follow-up to this piece. 
Another snippet from mine and my friends’ sizeshifter!Makoto AU 
This time featuring Byakuya being Not As Big of An Asshole As He Could Have Been™
~ ~ ~
“Don’t talk about her like that!”
Any desire Byakuya had to continue arguing all but evaporated as he realized that he needed to turn his gaze upward in order to maintain eye contact with Makoto. The normally shorter boy was growing right before his eyes. It was the complete opposite of what Byakuya was used to seeing. 
In a brief moment of disoriented panic, the Togami heir thought that somehow he was the one dwindling in size this time around. 
That is, until Makoto’s head hit the ceiling. Even then, he didn’t stop growing.
As the brunette ran out of space to remain standing, he started to sink into a seated position and almost curled up into a ball. All of the desks and chairs in his immediate vicinity were promptly pushed aside, parting like a dispersed crowd.
Running out of space himself, Byakuya staggered back, moving deeper into the classroom and farther away from the exit. The only exit, which Makoto was now blocking with his massive form. 
In the same instant that Byakuya’s back met the closest wall, Makoto finally stopped growing. 
Only then did the Togami heir realize that Makoto had shut his eyes throughout that entire ordeal. He rubbed the top of his head where he’d bumped it on the ceiling, wincing with the slightest bit of discomfort. 
Opening his eyes after that, Makoto took in his surroundings with a clearly confused expression. He had always been an open book, but he was even easier to read now that his face was on par with a billboard. 
And then Makoto’s gaze landed on Byakuya. 
The now-giant student looked just as surprised as his peer, although Byakuya didn’t pay much attention to that particular fact. It hardly mattered as far as he was concerned, since he was effectively trapped in a room with someone who was easily large enough to restrain him with just one hand. Maybe even just a few fingers.
Perhaps Byakuya shouldn’t have been all too surprised, though. With how many times he had seen Makoto shrink, why would it be any more ridiculous to assume that the boy couldn’t also grow? 
“Byakuya, w-what… What happened…?” the Ultimate Lucky Student murmured.
Byakuya would have retorted with a remark about how he should be the one asking Makoto that question, but the words instantly died before they could leave his lips.
As soon as Makoto finished speaking, one of his hands started closing in on Byakuya. Against his will, Byakuya’s body instinctively tensed up and braced for the worst. His eyes even snapped shut as well.  
Even if he doubted that Makoto would kill him, there were still plenty of other unpleasant things a giant could do. And for some reason, in that moment, Byakuya flashed back to all the times he had interacted with Makoto in his shrunken state. How careless and nonchalant he had been, as if handling an old ragdoll. 
At his current size, Makoto would have no trouble returning that treatment in kind. This was the perfect opportunity for revenge. It didn’t help that the two of them had been having a rather heated argument up until that point either. Makoto’s abilities did seem like they were tied to his emotions to a certain extent—perhaps anger was what triggered his growth. 
For the longest moment, nothing happened.
Until Byakuya felt a brief, gentle prod on his shoulder. 
But that was it.
When the Ultimate Affluent Progeny peeked one eye open, he saw that Makoto’s hand still lingered close by. He also saw the almost pitying look on the other boy’s face.
“I, um. I can put you over by the door, if you want?” Makoto offered, speaking with a soft tone. “I’d move out of the way, but…” He paused to look at the piles of desks by his legs, “…that probably wouldn’t be a good idea.”
Byakuya didn’t know how to respond at first. The idea of agreeing to let Makoto pick him up was… unappealing at best. 
Surely it would be foolish to assume it was some kind of trap, though. After all, it wasn’t as if Makoto actually needed permission to do anything. The fact that he’d even asked at all as opposed to just immediately snatching Byakuya up should’ve shown more than enough good faith. 
Besides, the only way he would be able to leave was if Makoto let him. 
“Just make it quick.”
Makoto’s other hand then joined the first, before both moved to cup around Byakuya on either side. Despite the fact that they weren’t making contact yet, he could feel the warmth radiating off of them. A warmth that might’ve been described as ‘pleasant’ in a different scenario.
Byakuya nearly lost his footing when both of those massive hands nudged their way underneath him, but Makoto’s curled fingers were there to stop him from falling. 
Even though he’d told Makoto to ‘make it quick,’ the Ultimate Lucky Student was acting with a healthy dose of caution. His movements seemed meticulous and measured. Byakuya almost didn’t want to speak as the living platforms beneath his feet began to rise, fearing that he might break the larger boy’s concentration. 
His ascent stopped just short of being eye-level with Makoto, who had now donned a rather awestruck expression. It looked so genuine and innocent, as if he was admiring a precious gemstone or something equally mesmerizing. But there was something almost… distant in his gaze as well. Was he remembering something? 
Byakuya could feel his cheeks starting to heat up as nearly a full minute passed with the two of them just sitting there like that. He must’ve been imagining it, though. Or surely it was just because of Makoto’s own overwhelming body heat. 
“Are you done gawking at me?” he finally worked up the nerve to say. Words that would normally be laced with venom lacked the bite he was used to. That probably had to do with the way Makoto’s fingers curled even closer around him the moment he spoke—just the slightest bit, but more than enough to be noticeable. 
“S-Sorry,” Makoto stammered sheepishly. His voice was barely louder than a whisper. “I’ve just never… At least, I don’t think I’ve ever…” The expression in his eyes turned into a conflicted one. “This feels so familiar, but I… I didn’t know I could even do something like this.” 
“Like what, exactly?”
“Um. Grow.”
“Wh—What do you mean you didn’t know you could grow?!” Shock overrode anything else Byakuya might’ve felt at that moment. “How could you not know?”
Makoto looked even more sheepish than he did a second ago. 
“This is the first time I’ve ever shifted up before. At least… I’m pretty sure it is…?” The uncertainty in his tone wasn’t doing him any favors in terms of making him sound convincing, but Byakuya didn’t think he was necessarily lying about it either. 
Well. It wasn’t like anything about this situation was even remotely normal to begin with.
“Do you think you could put me down now, at least?”
“O-Oh, right. Sorry. Again.”
Makoto then moved to place Byakuya by the door, leaning away from it as much as the limited space in the room would allow. All the while, he was still incredibly careful the entire time. 
The affluent progeny didn’t hesitate when it came to opening the door and stepping out into the hall. What he did hesitate with, though, was taking the time to turn back and look at Makoto. 
Now that he was no longer trapped, he couldn’t help but notice just how cramped Makoto looked right now, sitting huddled in that abandoned classroom. 
“…Aren’t you going to shift back down? Surely that can’t be comfortable.” 
Makoto could barely even turn his head to look at Byakuya when he spoke.
“I-I can’t.” 
“You can’t? I’ve seen you shrink down on command several times before. How is this any different?” 
“I-I’m trying, but nothing’s happening, I swear.”
A sigh found its way past Byakuya’s lips. Of course this mess wouldn’t be over that easily.
Sure, it would be easy for him to just head back to his dorm room and pretend like this whole thing hadn’t happened, but that wouldn’t change the fact that Makoto was stuck in there. Or that the others could potentially walk in on him at any time. 
It was still too early to let anyone else find out about Makoto’s abilities. At least, that was the excuse Byakuya came up with. 
“Keep trying. I’ll be right back.” 
After retrieving a book from the library to help pass the time—literally the first random thing he was able to pull off the shelf closest to the entrance—Byakuya soon found himself standing guard outside the classroom where Makoto was waiting. 
Honestly, it was more likely that Byakuya’s presence would only draw attention toward the area, but as long as he could keep the others from actually opening the door until Makoto was back to normal, that was what really mattered.
He wasn’t sure exactly how much time had gone by, considering there weren’t any clocks easily visible from where he was in the hallway. For all he knew, it could’ve been a few minutes or a few hours.
When something finally changed, Byakuya almost missed it. 
There was a soft series of knocks near the bottom of the door, and as he listened in, an even softer voice called his name.
As such, the Togami heir set his book aside and then carefully pulled the door open. Looking down toward the floor, he wasn’t all too surprised when he saw Makoto standing there—only about three or four inches tall. The smaller boy looked like he barely had the energy to remain standing. 
Byakuya couldn’t help but feel relieved that he was the one looming over Makoto now. Perhaps it was rather cruel of him, but it just felt… better to be the one in control of this situation. 
The last time he’d felt so small and powerless… was a time he dared not dwell on.
Nevertheless, Byakuya let out a sigh before kneeling down in front of Makoto. 
“Sometimes I swear you’re more trouble than you’re worth…” 
With one hand, he started reaching for the tiny brunette as he spoke. He paused, though, when he noticed the way Makoto seemed to tense as his hand approached. Much like he had done when Makoto reached for him earlier. 
He laid his hand palm up at Makoto’s feet instead, prompting the Ultimate Lucky Student to stare at it with an almost dumbfounded expression.
“Well? Come on. You’ve already wasted more than enough of my time today,” Byakuya groused.
“R-Right,” Makoto replied, all but stumbling forward. It was hard to tell when he was so small, but Byakuya almost could’ve sworn that he was smiling.
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hmmm while Im getting around to the reqs and asks here have an old oneshot I've had taking mold in my drafts for a couple months or so n pls enjoy
Fic of @sizeshiftingrobot 's au
Word count: 1400
Summary: In the middle of a near panick attack, Leon's emotional shifting kicks in and causes him a world of trouble.
Fifteen highschool boys and girls stuck together in a killing game. Each having a motive to try to get out no matter the cost; a gruesome video to plant a seed of corruption in their frightened minds.
Leon paced around the dark hallways of the school. He'd seen his own video, bodies of his old team, mangled and battered to a certain death, then cut to show his little cousin, Kanon, alive but face bloody and swollen. A clear threat to get out pronto before things escalated. Hearing the gasps around the video room had confirmed that his video wasn't the only horrifying one, and far from the worst.
Sayaka had nearly fainted, Mondo had looked about ready to beat someone to death, Sakura looked positively strong too, and there was the possibility of Genocide Jack being among them. Someone was bound to start the killings. Leon had already let himself look like a weak, nervous mess. No way in hell he'd let himself be a victim, he still had a bright singer's carrier waiting for him outside, and he wouldn't let anyone crush his dream to save theirs.
His head hung low, eyes fixated on his feet, tapping on the cold ground faster and faster to the rythme of his racing heart. Maybe he could hide in his room until everything was over, maybe he needed to strike first. The crushing darkness threatened to swallow him, breathing was getting harder, more painful. He couldn't think like that, he couldn't bring himself to take someone's life, could he? Even if it was to save his own?
"Oh, my my~ what do we have here?" He frowned and looked up, but bumped head first into a wall.
"Ow..." Leon groaned, rubbing his forehead. He frowned, confused, and squinted his eyes at the wall of leathery black facing him. It took him about two seconds to realize what felt wrong; the voice he'd heard came from far too high. As he rapidely stepped back, it took him another second to realize the next thing that was off about the situation; the leathery black wall was a boot the size of a bathtub.
"Dammit...!" He hissed and craned his neck up. A massive, grinning Junko towered over him, looking down at him with a glint in her eyes he did not want to see. As if he wasn't enough of a target already, he had to screw things for himself and show his worst weakness. He should've listened to Kanon and worked harder to control his size-shifting.
"Hey, Junko! Don't say a thing, just let me explain- Ah!" He didn't get to finish his sentence. He saw the fashionista kneel down and reach a gigantic hand out towards him to snatch him up, a heartbeat after that, he felt an agonizing pressure on his upper body, knocking the air out of his lungs.
"Aww, what a cute little guy you are! So easy to just-" Junko made a squelching sound, the pressure around him increased, threatening to pop his lungs and break his ribs, "-off you."
He had to stay calm. He had to focus to grow out of the fist. Fear gripped Leon's body tight, tying his limbs up with an invisible rope he couldn't grow out of.
"L-Let... go...!" His head got sickeningly lighter. He saw the trunk sized finger around his neck get closer to his chin as he shrunk further under the pressure. Junko looked down at him with an amused smirk, like a a child testing how easy it would be to break her newest toy; there wasn't an ounce of pity in those large blue eyes.
He was going to pass out, and he couldn't do anything about it. He was going to be killed, and he couldn't fight back- He had to fight back. He couldn't die in some blond bitch's fist like an insect.
"Stop it!"
For a split second, Leon had thought the rush of heat and blood in his tense body was from the constricting grip around him, rendering him powerless. Turned out, it was a wave of rage, flowing through his veins like lava; and Leon was ready to erupt.
A familiar, comforting sensation overtook his body, the tension in his muscles loosened and was replaced with an almost ticklish tingling. The pressure around his body disappeared, leaving him to plummet to the ground. Focus! The tingling grew stronger, invading his body, shadowing any pain and any emotion.
The fall was short. His spine didn't crack and his head didn't explode. Leon tentatively opened an eye he hadn't realized he'd closed, and he found a midget Junko, standing a few feet below him and trapped between his spread out legs. He'd grown back to a safe height- even bigger than he wanted.
"Wh... What the hell? You bitch!" Still frightened and panicked, his hand acted on its own and slamed the small girl on the closest wall. It was so large it completely engulfed her torso. He felt her frantic squirming under his fingers. Junko, the girl who had almost become his killer seconds ago, who's grip was merciless and eyes cold, was looking at him with those same blue eyes wide with fear. A hot, choking rage still lingered in his body. No, he wouldn't lash out on her, but she had tried to murder him in cold blood so she at least deserved a taste of her own medicine.
Leon pressed his hand harder, until he felt the squirming body go still. His hand grew on the small form, larger and larger until he could barely see tiny feet and a bit of hair poking out. Junko was his only witness, so he could make a gruesome scene no one would be able to investigate without knowing his secret. The tingling in his body never faded. His head met the ceiling, he had to shift to a kneeling position before he got squeezed between four walls. If he didn't calm down soon he'd either break something or get seriously hurt, but he'd already started his handiwork. He only needed a few more seconds to make the perfect unsolvable case, to see Kanon again and save her, if only the muffled screams under his palm would die down...
"Guys! Are you alright?" Makoto rushed out of his room, gasps and monstrous creaks filled his ears. It all died down as soon as he scrambled into the dark hallway. He found Junko, leaning against a wall and clutching her chest, and Leon, crouching down, sputtering and coughing. He'd heard a crash, and the scene in front of him made it seem like they had been fighting, but there was nothing out of the ordinary that he thought could have made such terrifying explosion.
"Leon!" Makoto knelt besides him and rubbed his back, an attempt to calm his coughing fit and hysterical breathing.
"Hmph," Junko huffed, although it sounded like she was holding back a cough. Makoto eyed the girl; she looked like a shriveled mess, a stark contras to her usual impecable look. "You shouldn't trust this guy so easily, Naegi. He might be hiding one hell of a dark secret," she turned on her heels and staggered off, with a slight yet noticeable limp. Makoto was confused, but his attention was on the boy on the ground. Whatever had happend between the two seemed to have left him on the verge of passing out.
"Come on, Leon," he helped the taller boy stand up and let him lean against him for support. A quick trip to the bathroom to freshen up would do his classmate good.
Even leaning, Makoto noticed that Leon was much, much taller than him. And good lord, he was so heavy, it was hard for the shorter boy to even take one step with all that weight leaning on him. Well, he'd never met a baseball star in real life, so he supposed they were that much stronger and taller than an average guy like him.
Done! Looking alright already, I had fun with this one esp that unexpected part where Leon got murderous, I didn't plan for things to go that way! Just wanted a nice lil thing with the anxious boy being helpless and getting saved by hope itself, not an angry baseball star ready to kill. The pacing is kinda weird tho, but I don't feel competent enough to be able to fix it, so I'll just leave it as it is.
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hopemakesstuff · 3 years
Protecting Assets
Hey y’all so uhhh I don’t normally do this kind of thing but a couple of my friends and I have been on a major Danganronpa kick these past few months since one friend in particular just recently got in the series, and part of that major kick has been discussing various AUs (mostly of the G/t variety).
One AU in particular that we’ve all latched onto involves sizeshifter!Makoto, wherein one Makoto Naegi has the ability to alter his size somewhat at will, and the various shenanigans that ensue as a result of him trying to keep that ability a secret from his peers. 
So anyway here’s a little fic I wrote based on some various brainstorming we’ve come up with. 
A bit of helpful background info before I jump in: 
Makoto can shrink or grow mostly at will. His abilities are sometimes influenced by his emotional state or physical well-being. (i.e.: he shrinks if he doesn’t get enough sleep or eat enough.) It’s basically a way for his body to conserve energy. 
Makoto’s clothes shrink or grow with him accordingly. Because this is fiction and I do what I want. (Let’s just say his clothes are made from a special kind of material or something idk)
I don’t really have a specific time in mind for when this particular fic takes place, but definitely after the first murder. 
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ 
Makoto’s return to consciousness was a slow one. His senses came back to him gradually, starting with the feeling of soft fabric cocooning him on all sides. It honestly took him a moment to even realize that his eyes were open, given how dark his surroundings were—almost pitch black, save for a thin line of light peeking in overhead. 
His first guess was that he’d probably gotten tangled up in his bedsheets, but… the longer he sat there, the more that didn’t seem quite right. Instead of a mattress beneath him, the only firm surface he could really feel was a wall on his left side. At least, he was pretty sure it was a wall.
Maybe he was laying on some kind of hammock? Of course, that only begged the question of where he was, and how he’d gotten there in the first place. Surely he wasn’t in his dorm room…
Well, wherever he was, it was quiet. Peaceful, even. The faint hum of the air conditioning was the most prominent noise, but he was pretty sure he could hear someone breathing as well. Aside from that, the only other sound Makoto could make out was the occasional turning of a page, as if someone was looking through a book.
He wasn’t alone. 
The desire for answers only grew more urgent as that realization came to him. He obviously wasn’t going to get those answers if he just kept laying around, though. 
Trying to find any decent sort of foothold was a challenge, but Makoto was eventually able to pull himself up to a standing position as he clung to a small portion of the fabric. Then came the process of actually trying to climb his way up toward the opening above him. It took a considerable amount of effort, but after a few moments, he managed to pull it off. 
Poking his head out, the first thing that caught his eye was the array of bookshelves lining the wall just ahead of him, all crammed to maximum capacity.
The library. 
What was he doing in the library?
“Oh, you’re finally awake.” 
Makoto let out a rather undignified yelp in response, nearly losing his grip on the fabric in the process, but it wasn’t necessarily the suddenness of the voice that had startled him. Part of it had to do with the familiarity—he knew that voice, and hearing that person speak was plenty surprising all on its own. But it also had to do with the proximity and volume. Each word practically reverberated through his entire body, shaking him down to the core. Not loud, per se, but… big.
Turning his gaze upward, Makoto immediately locked eyes with the voice’s owner. Those icy blue irises practically pierced through him like a pair of daggers.
“B-Byakuya? Wh—” 
Before he could form a proper question, the sight of a massive hand descending upon him caused Makoto to choke on his words. He didn’t have any time to react as equally massive fingers coiled around him, hoisting him up with all the care of someone retrieving a handkerchief from their pocket. 
That was where he’d been. Byakuya’s pocket. 
That realization alone was more than enough to send his mind reeling—nevermind the lack of concern Byakuya showed when handling him.  
The Togami heir all but dumped him onto the desk, nearly causing him to fall over. Thankfully, Makoto somehow managed to keep his footing. Now he just had to contend with the fact that he was trapped in the library with Byakuya looming over him.
God, it was bad enough that Byakuya already knew his secret. Actually being caught in his most vulnerable state was a nightmare come to life. 
For the longest moment, there was only silence between the two boys. Makoto was almost too nervous to even breathe, let alone speak. 
Eventually, though, Byakuya seemed to grow bored with their little staring contest. 
“How much longer are you going to be stuck like this?” he questioned, setting his book aside and crossing his arms. 
“I… What?” 
“You heard me.” 
Sure, Makoto heard him, but that didn’t make it any less confusing. 
“I don’t… I’m not sure? What happened? Why was I—” 
“You don’t remember? Hmph, figures,” Byakuya huffed. “You fainted right outside your door, and then your little… quirk kicked in. You’re lucky I was the one who found you.” 
Makoto didn’t know if he necessarily agreed, but he wasn’t about to say so. 
His memory started coming back after that, though.
In the aftermath of the last class trial, it would’ve been a huge understatement to say that Makoto was feeling stressed out. He could hardly remember the last time he’d eaten a proper meal. Or gotten a full night of sleep. Normally he was a lot better about taking care of himself, given the consequences that came about with his shifting if he didn’t, but… 
Could anyone really blame him for slacking a bit? 
“So, you… brought me with you to the library?” 
“I can’t keep you in check if your secret gets out prematurely, now can I?”
Ugh. Right. Now things were starting to make more sense. Byakuya just wanted to make sure he still had blackmail material.
“So? How much longer?” The affluent progeny didn't even bother trying to hide his annoyance at having to ask the question a second time.
“Well, um. I mean… it depends,” Makoto tried his best to explain. “How long was I… er, how long has it been since you found me?”
Byakuya looked over at the clock above the door. 
“Just over two hours.” 
Two hours?!
To think he’d been alone with Byakuya for that much time, unconscious and barely more than three inches tall… Makoto didn’t want to let himself dwell on that for too long. 
At least he was still in one piece. 
…For now. 
“Um, I guess I could try shifting back up now?” he offered. 
Byakuya didn’t give any sort of verbal response. He just sat there, watching and waiting. 
Taking that as his cue, Makoto tentatively made his way over to the edge of the desk and sat down. He briefly thought about asking Byakuya to set him on the floor, but quickly pushed that idea aside. Better to avoid any more rough handling if he could. 
Makoto then closed his eyes and took a deep breath, focusing on the task at hand. Even without looking, he could practically feel Byakuya staring at him the entire time. 
But more importantly, after a few moments, he could also feel himself beginning to grow. Namely he could feel the surface of the desk gradually getting smaller and smaller beneath him. 
When he opened his eyes, he was now looking down at Byakuya, if only just slightly. Back to his normal height, thank god.
“Hm. Fascinating.”
All it took was that one word to send a shiver crawling up Makoto’s spine. Just the way Byakuya said it left him more than a little uncomfortable. Like he was some kind of science experiment or something.
“R-Right, well. I should go,” he stammered out rather quickly before hopping off the desk and heading for the door. 
Just as he was about to reach for the handle, he paused to look back over his shoulder. Byakuya had already gone back to reading whatever book he'd been looking through earlier. 
“I, um… Thanks? For making sure no one else saw me like that.” 
Even if Byakuya’s motivations for doing so had been purely selfish, thanking him still felt like the right thing to do. 
A noncommittal grunt was the only reply Makoto got, though. Byakuya didn’t even look up from his book.
Well, there was no point sticking around any longer than he already had. After leaving the library, his next intended destination was the dining hall. Nothing really sounded good if he was being honest, but… for the sake of making sure he didn’t pass out again, he figured it would be best to find something he could stomach.
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