#sj april fools
bronzebluemind · 1 year
for context: they are "reporting" that from next season on the jumpers will jump without suits but in underwear or something similar to prevent suit discussions and everyone including the fis (pertile and kathol), orf, the german team, halvor and krafti are in it and getting interviewed
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thepinkywarband · 1 year
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vixxelle · 2 years
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I posted 493 times in 2022
That's 493 more posts than 2021!
141 posts created (29%)
352 posts reblogged (71%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 191 of my posts in 2022
#rescue bots - 72 posts
#cody burns - 62 posts
#tfrb - 61 posts
#thanks for asking! - 46 posts
#au - 41 posts
#reblog - 32 posts
#otherworldly oddities - 26 posts
#warrior cats - 17 posts
#frankie greene - 12 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 82 characters
#but seriously whenever i see any drawings of sj i get donald glover vibes from him
My Top Posts in 2022:
What are your Unpopular RB/RBA Opinions?
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27 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
I thought-- I thought that this was going to be funny...
Heatwave: Show yourself!
Kade: Yea squids! The others might be afraid but we are not scared of you.
Cody: That's because the others are smarter than you.
Cody: [presses a button that activates a metal door leaving Heatwave outside and the brothers alone]: Oops!
Cody: You don't need him to take on little me...
Kade: You got that right!
Cody: Too bad your not fighting little me.
Rex [enters through another door]: ... Who wants coffee?
Just imagen a fool's day where Cody makes the ultimate prank; be a badass villain for a day!
Yes Cody! Beat Kade's ass wooooo!
31 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
A Question to all Rescue Bot fans
Is there anything in the series that you would want to fix, if so, what would it be and why?
31 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
Miraculous Salt is like drugs.
You know they're god awful but you can't stop eating that shit up.
39 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Cody but he practices gymnastics? After Kade told him that he failed doing gymnastics, Cody now wants to try and he discovers that he is really good at them!!
How would his family and the bots react?
His family would be glad that he's trying out new sports and encourages this hobby.
The bots would also be interested in Cody's new hobby, Blades would try to copy Cody but that would end up with disaster. Chase supervises Cody to make sure he is safe while Boulder and Heatwave cheers him on.
Kade, the jealous fuck, would just be like:
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40 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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akookminsupporter · 2 years
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*in carnage, i bloom, like a flower in the dawn
Translation: @/haruharu_w_bts
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lewanarta · 2 years
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Team Jura are the ski jumping champions of France!
Fun fact: the winning team consists of three nordic combiners and one woman ski jumper
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 5 years
Mon 1 Apr
Update theme of the day, me being cranky! We have entitled people treating Harry like an object, and reckless massaging of logic, two things that really chap my hide! April fools, the joke is on anyone who follows me for, well, jokes. Better luck tomorrow. Well let's get it over with...
First up, the Incident with Harry- I laughed about the stalkers getting in a fight in front of him in NY but even that was kind of a bummer honestly, and it turns out the reality was even worse. In fact, a jet lagged Harry came out of the restaurant where he had dinner after his big event, probably dead on his stylishly shod feet at this point, to a small crowd of fans. He understandably said he wasn't up for pictures, sad but okay it happens: at this point one of the fans STARTS YELLING AT HIM about it and condescendingly calls him "sweetie" in a tone that honestly makes me want to smack her. Poor Harry, not being a jerk unlike me I would snap and knowing it'd probably make international headlines if he refused, then has to smile for pictures cheek to cheek with these entitled creeps. The whole display is gross as hell, the idea that people feel such entitlement to anyone's time or body, regardless of their status as, for example, a celebrity; I think it would do (mostly female) fandom some real good to reflect on the ways it parallels female oppression and consider how being treated like an object who owes your body or smile to someone for any reason makes you feel. Is catcalling or grabbing strangers or pressuring in the face of a clear no ever okay? Is it something that's okay to do to men or to famous people just because the dynamic of oppression is different? Or do we want to be better than that rather than just flipping the roles? I know for sure that I at least want these particular boys who I care for to be treated with more respect than that.
Of course, there's more than simple interpersonal dynamics at play here- the chances are high that those fans were told where to wait for Harry by HSHQ, which would have fueled their sense of entitlement, as has been seen over and over again. The boys' management absolutely have power over what kind of behavior is tolerated- if they really started denying access to more people who behave badly, rather than continuing to invite them places and give them gifts, that behavior would stop. It's upsetting that that continues to not be a priority.
AND THAT'S NOT ALL I have even more ranting for you today! I didn't comment a lot on the NYC lousquatch vid cause I didn't really think it warranted it but it's still a hot topic and today people were going around saying that the pics of Louis at the footie game Sat were from an earlier date and were posted now to hide the fact that he was in NY so okay fine. Listen. Are you suggesting that the Hadley official football club AND the opposing team posted pictures on their official Facebook pages of a match that took place at a different time claiming it was the previous day's match and that just... worked? That no-one who follows them thought that was strange? Did they play a whole match that was kept secret to make this possible now? I think people are underestimating the football fandom and overestimating the extent to which LTHQ can manipulate the world, but okay, it was a small footie league I guess anything is possible, I'll keep going. The NYC video is of someone being papped which would be a very odd choice for a Louis who was theoretically sneaking around to be in NY and is honestly the biggest argument against for me, the person in the video is entering a different restaurant than the one Harry was seen exiting, video OP is a creep and a troll but even he said it wasn't Louis, the guy in the video was imo too skinny to be Louis, Harry flew home as quickly as possible alone on a public flight, and no, time zones and flight times do not really allow for Louis to have been in NYC the evening of the 29th and at that game the afternoon of the 30th.... Like yeah, maaaybe it's technically possible and I can muster up arguments to combat most of this but they require a lot of wild maybes and none of them remotely allow for the possibility that Louis is genuinely taking some time off for self care which I hope to god is the case, and I gotta say I think the simpler explanation is a lot more likely; that Louis is in London. And so is Harry now, after pretty obviously running himself completely ragged to manage that. And while Harry was gone Oli and Louis went out for the day. Anyway now more pics of Lou from that day are popping up so you would think it'd be a moot point but I thought that yesterday too AND I just saw someone wondering if the new ones were photoshopped so I'm just gonna leave this here.
Anyway the only funny thing I have today is imagining Louis' dismay at Pizza Hut calling him "fineapple", after his least favorite pizza topping. There's probably a topping joke to be made in there but despite what the rest of this post may make you think I'm not actually trying to get blocked by everyone in this fandom so I'll just let that one go by...
Meanwhile Niall was papped in London looking smoking hot tbh, but like Niall DO YOU MIND I'M BUSY WITH OTHER STUFF TODAY go be visible tomorrow!!
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bitofthisandthat · 4 years
@hoopsheartthrob​ said: Lola was so lucky Gabby happened to be crashing at her place on April Fool's Day. It gave her the opportunity for some prime pranks --- little pieces of plastic wrap covering the openings on all of their cosmetics, toothpastes, and shampoo bottles --- but Lola's favorite happened to be zip ties covering the handle of the knife most accessible to her. It's out of love, promise, Gabby. XOXO.
IT’S APRIL FOOLS DAY! ( Try to prank my muse! Go ahead! )
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“What th---” 
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An incredulous hiss of swears and fuss as he flings things around, annoyingly peeling messy saran wraps and tapes off of all his stuff. His hands are COATED in toiletries, peppermint toothpaste, hair products, SO MANY hair products and shave lotions...He looks like he slapped the ugliest frosted cake in creation and smeared it all over his hands. He makes sure he gets an EXTRA amount of toothpaste and conditioner on his hands. There. His palms would put a 4 year finger-painter to shame.
He’s going to go find her.
“Hey babe? Come give me a big sexy hug, because HA! You got me!”
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No words. No struggle. No emotion at all. She’s just going to break in silently and move everything in her apartment UP to the topmost shelves, and remove all her chairs and that step ladder of hers from the premises. Then she’s going to wait like the creep she is in hiding so she may witness this play out.
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emjayewrites · 4 years
Undeniable Attraction (4/20)
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Synopsis: Henry Cavill wasn’t searching for a significant other, yet there is just something about Amara Lewis, an American ex-pat who recently relocated to the United Kingdom, that the Man of Steel just can’t get enough of. Will the couple find a way to make their relationship work with Henry’s hectic schedule or will the romance sizzle before it can even begin?
Pairings: Henry Cavill/Black Original Character “Amara Lewis”
Warnings: slow burn, fluff, eventual smut, language, etc.
Tags: @nina-sj @laketaj24 @chaneajoyyy @royallyprincesslilly @honeychicanawrites​ @titty-teetee @marvels-gurl @lady-olive-oil @dangerouslovefanfic @winchwm @notacamelthatsmywife @munteanhorewrites​ @leahnicole1219 @hamianderson @amethyst09 @peachyheartsxoxo @minton131 @msblkfire84 @queennanayaa @queenshikongo3 @jasmindaughteroftheworld @toni9​​ @harry-is-my-sunflower​​ @cocobutterqwueen @str8-nochas3r​ @groovyevrywhr​ @night-of-the-living-shred​ @tigerlillysphotography​ @liquorlaughslove​ @reignandrain​ @nina-skyee​
A/N: If you want to be added to the tag list, please send me an Ask first. Thank you! Also, this chapter has a time jump as well. 
Chapter 4: In Henry, We Trust
London, U.K. ·  Early/Mid-April 2018
This was not his ideal situation, especially with a burgeoning romance. Safe to say, as soon as he arrived back in London, he set a plan into motion: to make things official with Amara. The concept of deciding to go steady with a woman always caused him great anxiety and being such a people pleaser, he would at times overcompensate as a partner. He incessantly worried if his proclamations of love towards them will be both accepted and returned. 
Nevertheless, although his anxiety still loomed, Henry firmly believed that his feelings were reciprocated. Amara relished in his touch, comforted him, supported his endeavors, gushed about him to close friends and family, and overall loved being in his presence. 
She matched him perfectly, unbelievably so. And Henry would be a fool not to take things further. 
Thus far, she seemed to make the best of his itinerant schedule; willing to work with it for their mutual satisfaction. Yet, his schedule and the downside of dating a celebrity were two different circumstances. He spoke to his manager, Dany Garcia, on the regards of how Amara’s life would change to a certain degree once they publicize their relationship. The media would undoubtedly have a field day and there will be paparazzi following their every move when they decide to go out on dates, yet Henry vowed to protect Amara and he’ll be damned if any harm was to come to her. 
When he arrived back in London, he smiled in utter content. The early signs of spring were evident: flowers slowly began to blossom, birds chirped happily, and light rain pattered against the cab’s window. 
He unlocked his door and a surprisingly fragrant smell wafted through his nostrils. 
Pot roast? 
Who was making one of his favorite meals? 
Henry padded to the kitchen, pausing briefly to bend down and pet Kal. To his delight, Amara’s bum greeted him when he crossed the threshold to enter the space. Her lower frame was bent forward as she expertly checked the pot roast in the oven. He tiptoed towards her, careful to not make any sudden noises. 
Reaching out a hand, Henry gave her ass a nice smack before kneading the firm flesh. Alarmed, Amara let out a screech and turned to face the culprit. 
“Henry!? Are you trying to get killed?!” she growled. His beloved’s gorgeous face scrunched up in a scowl. “You don’t do shit like that!”
Chuckling, Henry placed his hands in the air in feigned innocence. “I could say the same to you, woman. If I’m not mistaken, you are committing a crime; breaking and entering.”
Amara rolled her eyes then shifted her attention back on the pot roast. “Whatever. You’re acting like I’m a crazed stalker or something. I mean, what person would come in and cook supper?”
He couldn’t help but scoff. “Have you seen any show on Discovery ID? Stalkers will do possibly anything.”
Amara’s responded with a nonchalant shrug as she continued to cook supper. Henry leaned close when she began to put together for tonight’s dessert, peach cobbler. 
“What are you making?” he wondered, eyeballing the various ingredients on the marble countertops. 
“Peach cobbler. Have you had it before?”
“I don’t believe I have.”
Amara tilted her head to smile up at him. “Well, you’re in for a treat, Hen. This is a family recipe and the homemade cardamom whipped cream goes perfectly with it.” 
“Can’t wait,” he said, licking his lips in anticipation. “Anyways, how did your lovely self finagle into my abode?”
“I called Leah,” revealed Amara. “She told me where I could find the spare key. Dinner’s almost ready. Go wash up, will you?”
“Yes, madame,” Henry stated in a facetious manner then bowed. 
Amara threw a dishtowel at him. “Boy, I’m not playin’ with you. Go ‘head.” Henry’s antics carried on, causing her to become irritated. “I’m dead-ass, Henry William, you betta go ‘head!”
“Dead-ass?” he queried as his eyebrows furrowed in bewilderment. “What does that mean?”
She rolled her eyes in mock annoyance. “It’s New York slang for being serious. Now get before I throw something else.” A menacing look clouded her face for several seconds then it faltered into a mischievous grin. 
Henry winked at her before doing as he was told, walking in the direction of the downstairs bathroom to freshen up. He followed Amara to the dining room once he was finished in the bathroom. The table was arranged neatly, complete with tablecloths, an informal table setting, and flowers as a centerpiece. He glanced around in awe; she outdid herself. 
“This looks spectacular,” exclaimed Henry as he aided Amara with the food. 
“Thank you so much, darling.” He bent to place a gracious kiss to her lips. 
“I wanted to make your homecoming special,” Amara smiled widely. “I missed you, Hen.”
His heart swelled at the sentiment. She was so brutally honest with her feelings and he never met a woman that was the literal definition of an open book. Since their first date, Henry became apt in reading on all of her cues and expressions. Like him, she wore her heart on her sleeve and enjoyed expressing her affections through words of affirmation, which, surprisingly enough, was one of his love languages. The second was quality time, of course. 
Side-by-side, the couple ate their meal as they exchanged in light banter. Ever the jokester, Henry teased Amara on how her Brooklyn accent would appear whenever she was upset or at ease with a person. Afterward, Henry cleared the table whereas Amara set a slice of peach cobbler on a plate. She topped the dessert with the cardamom whipped cream then proceeded to walk to the living room. 
Snuggled up and cozy, they laid on the couch, wrapped in each other’s arms as they watched Narcos on Netflix. 
“I could never be Pablo Escobar’s wife,” she said out-of-the-blue with a tsk. “I can’t stand a partner that cheats.” 
“Neither do I.”
Her body wriggled against his as she tried to get more comfortable and he couldn’t control his arousal. His dick stirred in his pants due to her sudden movements. 
A soft sigh escaped from her lips. “I love lying with you like this. You make me feel safe.” His cheeks turned pink when she cuddled impossibly deeper in his embrace. 
“I do?” he wondered, his voice gravelly and rich.       
“Mmhmm,” she replied before yawning. 
“Tired?” She nodded her head. “We should go to bed then. Come on, sleepyhead.” 
Without warning, Henry picked her up, carrying her off to the bedroom once he turned off the television. He carefully wrapped her up in the blankets before lying down next to her. 
“Henry?” she mumbled, her eyes frequently drifted shut and she yawned again. 
“Yes, my love?”
“Would you ever cheat on me?”
He threaded a hand through her hair while the other caressed her delicate face. “I would never do such a thing, Amara. I care far too much about you to do something so inexcusable.”
“Ditto,” she giggled then yawned once more, eyes closing fully. “I like you a lot, Henry.”
His heart rate immediately quickened from her words of affirmation. Henry’s mouth curved into a wide smile. And even though she was immensely sleepy and perhaps wouldn’t remember, he was still elated that she felt this way. 
Henry replayed her words over and over again in his mind. As he pulls off to slumber, his dreams were filled with Amara.                                                      ________________________________________________________________
The sunrise crept in through the drapes, basking Amara’s face in an illuminating glow. She rolled over, mumbling incoherently in protest to nature’s alarm. Her hand subconsciously patted beside her, expecting to touch Henry’s muscly form but to her surprise, his side was empty and only an indentation from his body remained. 
She stood up slowly, still groggy from sleep, and padded down the stairs. A small smile appeared on her face when she spotted Henry outside in the garden playing fetch with Kal. The fluffy creature jumped as high as his body could take him and caught the frisbee in his mouth. He trotted back to his owner proudly. 
“Good job, boy!” cheered Henry as he lowered onto his knees to pet Kal. “You jumped so high, yes you did! Such a good boy.” 
Shivering from the brisk morning air, Amara carefully stepped out to the patio, which earned her a chiding from Henry. 
“Oh sweetheart, no, please don’t come out here without shoes,” he said as he shook his head in disapproval. “You might catch a cold.” 
“I’m fine, Hen,” Amara said, dismissively. Walking out to the garden in nothing but pajama shorts and a long t-shirt was not ideal for the transitional weather. Even though it was technically spring, the weather in London, especially in the morning, did not reflect it. 
Henry rolled his eyes and walked towards her. Kal was hot on his heels, running to Amara for scratches and pets. “Hey, babycakes! How are you, pretty boy! Who’s a pretty boy, you are! Yes, you are!”
“Please don’t baby him. It’s not good for his ego.” 
“But he’s a baby,” countered Amara with a pout. 
His lips pursed into a hard, thin line and his eyebrows knitted together as he scowled. “Barely. He’s a grown-ass dog.” Henry then ushered them both inside the house and shut the door behind him. “Are you hungry?” 
Amara shrugged. “Not really, but I could eat.” 
He chuckled at her response. “Do you want to go out and eat? There’s this cafe near the dog park. We can go there.”
“Yeah, that sounds good.” 
Henry smiled widely, reaching out an arm to wrap her into an embrace. “But first, I would love to talk about something.” He figured that it was now or never to tell her about his feelings. 
Amara’s expression was a combination of shock and curiosity; she raised an eyebrow. Her mind instantly thought of the worse. “What’s the matter?” 
He tenderly caressed her cheek before placing a kiss to her forehead. “Nothing of worry, darling,” he finally says. Amara’s eyes searched his as she watched him exhale a deep breath. “I want to be serious in exploring a relationship exclusively with you.”
Her eyes widened and she was rendered speechless for several moments. “Oh.” 
“Oh?” Henry was puzzled with her monosyllabic response. “Do you not want the same because it’s—” 
“I want to, Henry. I’m just a little taken aback, that’s all.” 
He pulled her closer to him, causing her to gasp at the sudden movement. Her chest rose and fell in rapid breaths. She was so gorgeous, beyond anything that he could imagine. He couldn’t help but become nervous about the idea of sharing how he felt, not to mention worry about their relationship if they ultimately decide to pursue one. Sadly, Henry has been betrayed by former girlfriends too many times, and being in the public eye made the entire situation even worse. Safe to say, as usual, he felt a tad apprehensive in regards to dating again, yet he knew that if he wasn’t honest with his burgeoning feelings for Amara, some other fellow would scoop her up without a moment’s notice. 
“I’ve been feeling like this for a while now, Amara, and being away from you only made me realize that I want to be one hundred percent exclusive with you. We’ve been going on dates for almost two months and I want to be there for you in every way possible. I want to take good care of you, spoil you, be there to comfort you, and share experiences with you. If you have me as a partner, of course. So, as cliche and overly mushy as this may sound, will you be my girlfriend?” 
Tears shimmered in her eyes and Amara’s heart swelled from Henry’s words. This goddamned man never ceased to amaze her. Deep down, she knew that it was only in due time before they had ‘the talk’ and she could not be any happier to have Henry as her boyfriend. After several beats of absolute silence, which caused him slight distress, by the way, Amara finally opened her mouth to speak. “Yes,” she stated, her voice cracking as she swallowed a sob. “I would love to be your girlfriend.” 
Pure exuberance overtook his entire face. He lit up like a little kid on Christmas Day. Henry then wasted no time to duck his head to capture her mouth in a searing kiss. Their lips fused in perfect sync and it wasn’t long before his tongue slithered inside her mouth. 
Amara moaned, melting against him as she lost herself in the kiss. He awakened every deeply repressed desire within her, made her weak in the knees. It has been years since someone had ever made Amara feel this. She felt like she was floating on a cloud, absolutely giddy like a lovesick teenager. 
Once their makeout session ended, Henry and Amara got dressed for the day. By the time the left Henry’s home, the weather improved slightly: it was no longer brisk and there was some sunlight. Amara wore a white ribbed dress, biker jacket, sneakers, and a Louis Vuitton bag. 
The couple walked hand-in-hand to Coco Momo, which was a ten-minute walk from Henry’s mews house. Kal happily cantered beside them, sniffling the ground as if he was a bloodhound following a trail. Henry had to pull his leash back to control him. 
“Easy, Kal, easy,” Henry pronounced, sternly at the canine then shifted his focus onto Amara. “I wonder what he is so keen on?”
“Maybe a girl dog?” she joked, which made him chuckle deeply. His melodious chuckles and twinkling blue eyes caused her to grin. 
“Perhaps,” he states as his laughter subsided. Henry cocked his head to the side, squinting quizzically at his beloved dog. “Or maybe it’s a squirrel.” 
Upon hearing that particular word, Kal completely loses it: his ears perked up and he scanned his surroundings, desperately searching for the rodent. 
“As you can see that’s his favorite word,” commented Henry with a smile. He walked up to the entrance of the popular eatery and opened the door for her. “Ladies first.” 
When she entered the cafe, the scent of fresh coffee and pastries hit her nose almost instantaneously. They settled at a table near the windows and perused the window. This brasserie was frequently visited by Henry and practically everyone who worked there knew him by name. Their waiter came and went rather quickly, writing down their orders hurriedly before sauntering off to assist another customer. 
Amara’s mind was riddled with thoughts of disbelief as she took in Henry’s remarkably muscled body. This fine specimen of a man was her boyfriend. The concept itself seemed to be absurd, something out of one’s deepest fantasies, yet this was now her life. At the realization of the huge significance of being an actor’s partner, her heart jackhammered inside her chest. Her life will be turned upside down. It only took a simple photo of them together to start media hysteria. And to be frank, Amara was strong enough to handle her picture being taken by the paparazzi for that did not cause any fear in her heart whatsoever, however, the whole bit about Henry’s crazy fans sounded like a nightmare. She knew that fans would sometimes get upset whenever their faves got into a relationship and she could only imagine their displeasure when the tabloids reveal that Henry was dating a Black woman. 
Henry eyed her, studying her movements carefully. He arched a brow in piqued curiosity and worry then extended his hand to rub her arm. Amara flinched at his touch and he immediately knew that something was wrong. “Are you okay?”
She blinked as she came out from a daze. “Not really,” said Amara with a shaky breath. “Just a lot of thinking.”
His shoulders squared and he leaned towards her, gesturing that he was not only interested in the conversation, but concerned as well. “About what, exactly?” 
Amara lifted her eyes to stare intently into Henry’s blue orbs. “Have you ever dated someone Black before?” Her tone was serious and for a moment, he was taken aback, rendered speechless by her blunt statement. She crossed her arms as she waited for his answer. “There’s no right or wrong answer, Henry.” 
His fingers drummed on the table and he shook his head. Sighing, he voiced, “No. I have not.”
She shut her eyes for a brief moment, exhaling a breath before she responded. “Are you sure you want to date me?” Amara pointed to herself. “Like a Black woman? Do you have any idea about the bullshit you may have to face?” 
Henry’s forehead creased in exasperation. As much as his temple throbbed from the stress of this conversation, he knew that it was important that they have it. “Yes,” he huffed. “I want to be with you, Amara. I understand that people will have their opinions in regards to us being together, but I am not going to lose you.” He clasped her hand into his and smiled at her. “This is what I want, Amara. I’m sure of it. I know that you have some reservations about this, and that is valid. Dating someone who travels as often as I do and is in the limelight is not an easy feat. There’s no manual to this and we will face many obstacles, yet I am certain that we will overcome anything that is placed in our path.”
His words gave her some comfort, but Amara was fully aware that this was only the beginning. There was still more to come into fruition and she silently prayed that she would not have to punch a bitch in her face for getting out of hand. 
Days had passed since the couple made things official and they continued to have necessary talks. Each day was a learning experience; they grew close. Amara was slowly but surely getting acclimated with dating a celebrity. She did her best to mentally prepare for the fated day when their relationship will be known to the whole world. Goodness, that particular part of publicizing their romance always sent chills down her spine and she was fortunate enough that no one outed them as of yet. Nevertheless, she kept herself busy with work and even spoke to Dany Garcia for extra assurance, all of which somewhat eased her anxiety. 
Her heels clicked against the tiled floors of the central London office of Boston Consulting Group. At just thirty years old, Amara quickly made a name for herself at the company and rose up the corporate ladder to become a Generalist Consultant in seven years. The life of a consultant was different from her meager beginnings as an associate: better pay and bonuses, a corner office, the ability to work remotely, and of course, being in charge of her projects. She also strived to bring in more diversity and women in the industry. Her team consisted of mostly women of color, but the overall consensus in her department did not reverberate that at all; they were still outnumbered by their White counterparts ten-to-one. 
She exited the boardroom with her laptop and notebook in hand, walking through the long corridor to her office. 
“Amara, wait up, girl!” a familiar voice called. 
Amara smiled and paused nonetheless to wait for her office friend, Chloe Wen, to catch up to her. “Hi, what’s up?” she greeted the woman. 
Chloe rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe Bill had the nerve to interrupt you. He’s so rude, but I’m happy that you didn’t take his shit.” 
She was referring to an incident that happened moments ago during a meeting. Bill, a senior consultant, and an asshole disagreed with her and made an unfortunate scene. “I know. I wanted to curse him out, but I had to reign it in.” 
Chloe giggled at her words. “Next time, I’ll do it for you. What are you doing for lunch? I want to go to Nando’s or maybe Shake Shack.”
Her eyes gleamed at the thought of getting food. “Ooh, I’m down for Shake Shack. I could use a burger.” 
When they rounded the corner to the reception of her office, a huge bouquet of white roses caused both women to gasp. 
“Holy shit! Are these for you?” Chloe commented. 
“Seems like they are,” Amara responded, walking over to read the note attached to the vase. Chloe hurriedly followed suit. 
“To my darling, Amara. May our new love be everlasting and eternal,” read Chloe as she sighed in awe. “How romantic. Amara, I didn’t know you had an admirer.” 
She smiled widely at the note. Henry knew how to woo a woman. “Yeah, he’s a new guy I’m dating.” 
“Oh my God, you have to spill! I want to know everything—”
“What’s with the flowers?” interrupted Liam as he entered the space. His long gait towards the two women was arrogant and he acted like he owned the place. 
Amara could not hide the sneer that appeared on her face. Liam annoyed her like none other and the man was only one touch away from a sexual harassment suit. “None of your business, Liam.”
The man had the wherewithal to grin. “Amara, baby, that was not nice. I just want to know who sent my girl flowers, that’s all.” 
“Your girl?” chorused Amara and Chloe with wide eyes. 
He has to be trippin’, she thought as she sucked her teeth.
“Anyways, that is not important,” he said, shrugging dismissively. “How ‘bout you and I get lunch? I know this great place near the office and the filet mignon is exquisite.” 
A shudder went down her spine and she politely refused the unwanted offer. “No thanks, Liam. I have other plans.” 
Liam’s eyes narrowed at her response and his forehead creased in irritation. “What do you mean?” 
Sensing that Amara’s discomfort, Chloe placed a reassuring hand on her back and spoke up in her defense. 
“We’re having a work lunch, Liam. We have to go over some things for an upcoming project. Now, if you excuse us, we got to go,” Chloe said, pushing Liam out of their way and leading Amara down the hall to the elevator. 
“I don’t have my purse,” she informed Chloe. 
“Lunch is my treat today,” smiled Chloe. “God that man gives me the creeps. You have to tell Tom about his behavior.” 
Tom was the head of their department. Amara scoffed. “Tell Tom what exactly? He’s asking me out to lunch? I can’t tell Tom shit until Liam does something.”
“C’mon, Mar, you saw the way he leered at you. That man has you on his radar and that’s dangerous. You should at least inform HR about your discomfort around him. He always finds a way to weasel near you and it’s not cool. He works on the far end of the floor and comes all this way to harass you. My advice is to inform HR and tell your new beau about this asshole. Maybe he’ll beat him up.” 
Amara gave a mirthless laugh as an image of Henry kicking Liam’s ass. Henry could easily take him out; he was much bigger than Liam, almost twice his size, however, Amara did not want to bring Henry into office issues. She’ll inform HR about Liam’s advances, but she felt like she could easily handle this herself. The proud Brooklynite’s biggest fear was being weak and she would be damned to allow some sleaze to mess up her life. 
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bronzebluemind · 1 year
they are going all in
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96xie · 5 years
a whole summary of this difficult year
2019 was full of unexpected good and bad surprises along with lessons and experiences.
spent good time with mocha, wayo and brian
had such a good time with guildies from our game
met up with some other ppl from the same game and didnt feel too good bc i was never good with crowds and/or groups that were already well established
tried tinder for the first time because i thought it would be nice to put myself out there for once
continued my tinder journey and actually had fun with it. it was pretty scary at the same time because it was such a new experience talking to other people and to have them notice you? because i always knew and felt that i wasnt really the desirable one.
actually hooked up with a guy from last months meetup and hung out twice. thought it was going somewhere because he, too, showed signs to progress further ((was wrong because he lied and showed red flags later))
one major red sign to me: no response after genuinely saying thank you for rides and dinner. im the type of person who always says thank you because im honestly grateful for the little and big things. he basically shrugged it off.
also, a huge liar. yah, big no
i brought him to my friends birthday bc they and himself wanted to meet each other, it was fun while it lasted but stuff happened
towards the end of the month, i cut my ties off with him for being awfully mean to me and also cut ties with my “friends” for having really bad assumptions of me.
i was frustrated with myself at that time bc his cats gave me a bad breakout and i felt super ugly. also i wasnt sad over him, but over the fact that i let myself be treated like a second option. eventually i learned that it was good that i didnt let things go further and that i only deserve the very best.
even though i was hurt, i thought it was a good experience, esp since i havent really been in the “dating game” for years. like it was a just a small step to putting myself out there once again
a week later after that a classmate asked me out and got tons of compliments from him and wondered “the universe really works in crazy ways”
met some cool people through the same mobile game on a discord server and they were much better than the first group.
also met this really funny dude in the same group. like he was so fun to talk to and he understood my dumb lingo
remember when my classmate asked me out on a date? it turned out a bit weird. but considering this was my first date in YEARS i thought it was a cool experience. got some carne asada fries outta him
i had the dude i was talking to call me so i could leave the date tho LOL ((he helped me lots, esp how to deal with awkward situations with my classmate. also at this point, i really liked talking to him but i wasnt rly sure if i wanted to date other guys bc i had been hurt previously)
this month was pretty much dedicating most of my time talking to him and i enjoyed it alot
also went to pubs for the first time to hangout with my coworkers. such an interesting place
tried rollerskating for the first time ever, ended up with a bunch of bruises but it was cool!
also tried 7leaves for the first time and instantly fell in love with mungbean
also went clubbing in sf with my friends and it was such a fun time like i had SO much fun
i got auctioned off of SAD! that phase was just a crazy ride. while there was many that dm’d me, there was only one special person that i only replied to and continued to talk to him on a daily basis
((honestly, i was scared that i was taking things a bit further with him because a part of me was like “are you ready for this?” and “have you really recovered from that guy?” or “can you give this guy your all?” just alot of overthinking))
spent 4/20 at sf with my friends, and overall had a GREAT time. took too many hits and drank so ya gorl was crossfaded. not sure if i wanna do tht again tho
unfortunately woke up with a swollen face and it lasted for a LONG time.
so my face is still swollen, still bad, red as a tomato and at this point i was really hesitant to meet up with the guy ive been talking to. i mean!! my skin was SO bad. i felt like i was gonna make a fool out of myself by scaring him away
but,,,, he was still willing to see me despite my appearance and : ( he was so accepting and typing this makes my heart ache bc he is SUCH a good man : (
i met up with the guy towards the end of the month in sj and first thing he does when i walk up to him is give me this great warm hug and so many smooches !!!!!!! like my heart is melting
eventually we became official !!! he got us an airbnb for the night and we jus spent time cuddling on the bed and honestly i : ( i like him so much
my birthday wasnt rly that like “wow” it was actually kinda annoying
my bf flew up to sf where we met up, explored the city and slept the night in at an airbnb. next day went to oakland where i introduced my friends to him!
went to my first festival with several with my friends, including ppl from our same guild from our game and it was SO fun
rolled for the first time and it was SUCH an experience. redosed like twice and ended up hallucinating which is something ill def not do again
also i really wished my bf was with me at that time : ( while i had an extremely fun time, i wish i shared that moment with him : (
went to vegas for my cousins 22nd bday. shit was wild
also rolled there.
also threw up for the very first time
a fight broke out at the club and that shit was fuckgin CRAZY and it was RIGHT next to our table
also used alot of my money for the whole trip in which nobody really told me about so …. i was like ok.. fuck …
also my skin was still bad during these past months so it was pretty hard masking it
like really hard. with someone with terrible eczema, its just extremely hard to hide it
bf flew to sac!!! he met my mom for the first time and we explored the city and stuff
and went on an ikea date! and! honestly i just really loved spending time with him :c
we also spent time with my friends! they came over also! and ate some fuckgin bomb ass waffles
and then took bus down to la to meetup with some friends from our guild towards the end of the month!
it was pretty nice to be able to stay with my bf in his apartment !!!!!
also some scalding tea but thats rly for another time
to make it super short tho: our friend that we’ve known much longer than the girl he met (less than 3 months) dropped our friendship SO quick lol
cousin bonding @ beach, too cold for tht doe
towards the end of the month, my bf flew me down!!! so i spent the weekend with him and like always, only had a good time with him!
during this fall semester, i took online classes and one of them was a 8week class. there was a topic about mental health and how we can take care of ourselves better and i just thought it was such an important thing to cover. i feel like its not talked about enough
spent thanksgiving with my family down in morgan hill and ate good food! honey ham has a special place in my heart.
went black friday shopping first at walmart, lowkey disappointed in myself because i was bummed out the apple watches were sold out. the materialistic part of me jumped out oof
slept at my cousins then went to the mall! didnt get anything besides really good bulgogi fries. i hated going into stores tho cuz everything was literally crowded. hated it !!!!!!!
went to a small festival in sacramento with my friends at the end of the month and this time is 7 of us (than the usual 5)! it was sososo fun.
also took my coworker with me, it was actually amusing to see bc our group were all asian and he’s the only tall white guy
made hotpot at home and we also went out for milktea and waffles again! sooo good.
flew down to see my bf again and only had a good time! went to this garden with beautiful lights and ! ugh! SO pretty!
cried in his bed before my flight back, cried on the plane, cried at home and cried before i slept. i miss him
also racked up alot of hours so i could pay for my tuition and my family’s bills. kinda sucks bc im pretty tired but i gotta do what do i gotta do.
christmas was a bit lonely bc my mom went to the philippines and i dont rly talk to my brother but my kuya came the next day and we ate n watched stuff
overall, it was a whacky year. but im so glad to have met ed. he means SO much to me. a part of me was so hesitant to date him because i mean, he’s man with his life set. i dont have a car, im still in school, i have this part time job where im giving my mom all my paychecks and which the only money im keeping is just my tips (not much), i still have issues with myself and other conflicts and honestly theres much to do, learn and grow from. but he’s so supportive, understanding and loving and i love and appreciate him from the bottom of my heart. most of the time i wonder if im doing and if im being enough for him. i worry about that alot but he’s so patient with me. i laugh alot when im with him and i feel so happy.
did i mention that we are long distance? him being in la and me in sacramento. so the only thing thats connecting us is facetime. maybe once every two months will i see him in person but yep. when i had my first panic attack, i really wanted him right next to me. at that moment i felt even more sad because of course you’re gonna want you’re significant other during a moment like that. but anyways, i always miss him and i always want him next to me and i always love him. i want to hurry up and get my education done with so i can be with him. not to sound like omg im so madly infatuated with him type of thing tho. he’s someone who understands me and knows how to love me.
i hope 2020 treats me well despite all the challenges ahead of me.
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mintyhootax · 7 years
It would be terrible if they had saved the 2nd episode for the 5th season of Samurai Jack for April 1st because then the episode would have finished with the shot of Jack falling into the river and seemingly bleeding out and then they could have said, "WELP THAT'S IT FOLKS, JACK'S DEAD." Then after the internet is done FREAKING OUT they says APRIL FOOLS.
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rentagami · 5 years
I had a dream....of a bear
I had a dream that I saw two bears then I randomly see a person with a pet bear and the bear is on a leash, my reaction is like wtf...and then all of a sudden that bear starts going crazy and tries to attack me and chases after me and I'm like f*** no! I'm outta here bruv, it was just too crazy cause that bear was huge. And I was just like whyyyy..😭 I was seriously dodging the bears attack left and right, because I was like if I die here it will be the saddest thing ever. And then boom I woke up, this dream in every way makes no sense because what I was doing all month had no relation to bears, so lemme tell you what I practically did all March so I went to Hawaii for a senior class trip and it was super gravy we went surfing, experienced the Polynesian cultural center, visited a chocolate factory, went on a dinner cruise, etc. Now all of this was on Honolulu/Waikiki, Oahu islands which were like all connected. So I was there for March 3 through March 10 from Sunday to sunday. So out senior trip is over and I do like one well of school then boom next week on Tuesday a mission trip to Tonga (it was supposed to be Fiji but something happened) March 19 we're at San Jose airport at 1:00 ready to leave SJ airport at 4:00 to LA which was a 45 minute flight (I feel like I'm giving too much detail lol) then from LA after the lay over we take a 11 hour flight to fiji, them from Fiji took a 1 hour flight to Tonga we went to Beulah college where we did free medical/dental and construction for nine days, the highschoolers (yeah they called a highschool a college) we're super cheerful and nice to all of us, they were all really courteous and I thought wow besides being poor place you guys are the happiest people ever and that made me think of how much we Americans have and we really so much for granted compared too how little they have and still enjoy life to the fullest. Now getting back to subject I was one of the assistants you assisted the dentist's (we had a total of 6 dentist's) they type of 'operations' we were doing we're fillings, cleanings, and extractions (obviously everyone got x-rays) . And truly I think the whole process of this whole dental setup was super nice, I'm glad that people who couldn't afford their local dentist we're about to come to us, especially for people who had never gone to the dentist before until we came. Now construction was a major job they were making two concrete paths, (it was very humid out there) they also painted some classrooms also (I know I'm making all this sound really simple but it was not XD). Now the first day we came to Tonga they threw us a huge feast and last day we were at Tonga they threw us a huge feast and we got to hear their baned play (and they were absolutely amazing), when we were leaving and we waking to the airplane they shouted that the will miss us, etc. And see being that brought tears to my eyes because how cool was that, we we're a blessing to them and they were a blessing to us. All in all I was super glad we went to Beulah college and helped them out (and not only did we help out with details for only Beulah students but also for the public). Now we take a 1 hour flight from Tonga to fiji and spent a day there doing souvenir shopping, then the next day flew back to LA which took us 9 hours and 15 minutes. Now we are back in LA and never have I ever experienced the hardship of getting on another plane in your home country than I did that day. So we're back in LA going through customs and such, and a random amount of us gets declined and has to go through another long line (luckily I didn't get declined though lol) but! But that whole delay in itself caused us to miss our flight back to SJ so now we gave to stay overnight on Sunday the 31st in LA and the flight that we missed was supposed to be rescheduled in the morning according to the airport worker, the next morning it's April 1st/April fool's day and we all get back to the airport just to find out the airport worker did not put us on the next flight so its hours and hours and hours of waiting in the airport and luckily or mission trip director for manage to send some groups of five onto a plane to get back home (our group had like 60 people in all), but there was about 30 of us left and we had to send another night in LA, then finally we wake up at 4:30 this morning April 2nd to get on an 8:40 flight to SJ and finally we make I got back home one today around 10:00am. Now everyone made it back except for our mission trip director for the actually had to say behind because one of goes boxs with the dental equipment was not coming through. Now how in the heck did any of this relate too my dream of having a beat chasing after me? Well I don't know....have a good rest of your night. (There may be some typos here and there so sorry if some thing's don't make sense lol XD)
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A great rare music piece with an excellent Lata-Kishore duet... Feature by #jitendramotavar Today, I am sharing this beautiful romantic fun song from a comedy film "Krorepati" (1961), sung by Kishore Kumar with Lata Mangeshkar and written by Shailendra. The song is picturized on Kishore Kumar, Shashikala and Kumkum with a group of ladies chasing for him. I think this song and its preceeding dance music is a hidden gem for all the SJ fans. I got surprised when I found this video with a 2.35 minutes long mesmerising swimming pool dance music, followed by the full song including its prelude with Kishore Kumar's brilliant prologue, which is missing in all other audio versions. For the situation of swimming pool dance, same like "Aa gale lag ja mere sapne" in 'April Fool', SJ composed a brilliant music piece with excellent use of chorus, group violins, piano, accordion, trumpet and guitar, supported by a dancing gentle rhythm. It's a treat to listen each and every instrument in this beautifully crafted piece. The actual song starts with a trumpet, mandolin and drums prelude, followed by unique Spanish style prologue by Kishore Kumar, and later, on a sparkling drum rhythm, Lata Mangeshkar starts the scintillating mukhda melody. SJ, keeping Kishore Kumar's style in their mind, brilliantly blended the melody and comic nuances in this fantastic composition. Stanza tunes and both the interludes have a similar SJ magic and vibrancy. This Lata Kishor duet deserved to be a super-hit song, although it is rarely heard nowadays and almost forgotten amongst the other popular KK songs, unfortunately. I am sharing this rare video with an instant SJ magic. Please enjoy.. https://youtu.be/Aue9k9Kp5Jo https://www.instagram.com/p/CU-LkfgPzfS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sosation · 3 years
To My Colleagues: (An unsent letter to High School teachers during a pandemic)
April 2021
To my colleagues,
In regards to the current state of affairs with our student population, their grades and their mental health, I think there are a few things we should consider when it comes to putting in their final grade for the year:
1.This year has been hard for everyone.
The fact that we are going through a global pandemic is no fault of our students. They are doing the best they can, just like the rest of us- some better than others. If you looked at Mrs. B****'s email regarding the testimonies of students and families and what they have been dealing with you will understand that deaths in the family, loss of employment for the primary earner and the need to take in or take care of extended family members are very common things our students are dealing with. As a result many, many of our students are babysitting all day or primary caregiving for their grandparents and/or have had to pick up menial jobs to help the family make ends meet. Others are out on their own working full time and paying rent--and somehow, thankfully, still trying to stay in school. Obviously, this contributes to increased anxiety and depression. Many of our students have either attempted suicide or were/are hospitalized due to suicidal ideations. Anyone who has ever had to deal with strife at home knows that family comes first, even over education. I know all of you are aware of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Food, water, shelter, and sleep are all on the bottom tier -- the most important-- followed by personal security, employment, health, and resources on the next tier. So, from a lot of our students’ perspectives, our class just isn’t the most important thing in their lives right now-- nor should it be. “Love and Belonging” is the third tier. How can we tell our students that they are loved and that they belong more than by showing them grace and passing them?
2. Understand your power and your role in the system and in your students' lives.
We have the power and the ability to affect the course of these students’ lives with the decisions we make in regards to passing or failing. Research shows that failing students, and students who were held back, are more likely to drop out. There is no evidence that shows punitive grading-- punishing students with grades as a means to motivate them-- works. On the contrary, it makes students feel like they can’t cut it and increases the chances of them dropping out. Failing your students in no way helps anyone. It can ruin the lives of students because they may never graduate due to perceived ineptitude. Our community is the one that suffers when students drop out. They have a hard time finding a job and getting into higher education and can end up homeless. Youth homelessness is on the rise and us failing students will only contribute to that statistic. So we have the power to show grace-- and provide an opportunity for someone that could uplift them in the future, or show malice or disregard and punish a student when they are having to choose between their family, their well-being, or their education and not choosing the latter.
If we choose to fail our students due to perceived apathy, or because they “aren’t putting in the effort,” or as a way to get back at them for “getting away with doing nothing,” then we are not just choosing to be petty, we are choosing to allow that student to potentially have a harder life because of it. We have that power. Does anyone deserve to have their future jeopardized because of a petty teacher? We must ask ourselves “Does public education exist to ruin lives?” No. Then why do that with it-- even if the system allows it?
The other path that we can choose to take is to care for our students--the ones who we are hired to care for-- and provide them with opportunities that could enrich their lives and, more importantly, provide things like second or third chances. Just about everyone has a story about someone who showed them unmerited grace and how it changed their life. We have the opportunity to provide that story for our students. Or we can put them on the path of a very different story, one that isn’t as positive and one that maybe ends in the street. That is the choice we have to make.
3. Remember that “learning” and “education” are two different things. Emphasize the former over the latter.
Grades do not reflect learning. We all inherently know this. And when you go back to the mid-late 1800’s to see why they were created in the first place you find that it is not even what they were designed to measure.
When we make students do a bunch of mindless busy work in order to put a number in the gradebook they are not learning anything other than that they need to do X to get a 100. They are taught to work for the grade, not to learn. We should be incentivizing them to actually learn, not just “do this specific order of operations because you need the grade.” When we auction off grades to students: “Please if anyone turns in the assignment- even though it was due 3 weeks ago-- I’ll still give you a 90,” what we are teaching them is that grades are meaningless. How do we deal with this? Be honest with ourselves and your students about what grades actually mean and reflect and don’t fool ourselves into thinking that they reflect some objective truth about a students ability. They don’t and they never did. When we accept this, it becomes clear how arbitrary the 69-70 pass/fail distinction really is.
4. The world is not a meritocracy.
Life is unfair. We say it all the time and it is true. So why, then, do we treat our students' grades as some sort of fair arbiter. “It’s not fair to the other students if I pass so-and-so...” implies that grades are inherently fair, which we have already established they are not. Every teacher grades vastly differently and an A in English at one school may not be an A at another. Additionally, students learn at wildly varying rates. Some 9th graders read at a 12th grade level and some read at a 5th grade level, and this goes for every student in every grade. We all know this. This is why we are supposed to differentiate our assignments, because of this inherent inequality in human abilities. If every teacher appropriately differentiated the difficulty of our assignments to the correct subset of appropriately capable students, then every student would pass. However, rather than doing this, most of us put the responsibility off on the students.
The real world is not fair, so we shouldn’t pretend that grades are. When we come to realize this, we realize that it simply comes down to one thing: our decision--our power in this situation. Traditionally, we have put the responsibility off on the students and in doing so, abdicated our own in the process. Realize that actually we are responsible for the students' outcomes after high-school. We have the power to decide whether they pass or fail--which will have long term impacts on their future. We can tell ourselves it is their responsibility but we are the ones who sign off on the grade verifications, not them. We ultimately decide their fate. So if we tell ourselves, “they did this to themselves” then we are lying to ourselves. We, alone, have the choice. I urge you to choose wisely, for their sake.
So to recap, our students are dealing with unimaginable situations and stress. You have a role in this system and a role in your students lives, which role will you emphasize? Grades do not equal learning. Use taxpayer money wisely and lastly, life isn’t fair and neither is grading- so let’s not pretend that it is. With all these in mind and the understanding that we have the ultimate power in this situation, I hope we can all see that the lives and the futures of our students depend on US and the decisions WE make. Thank you for your time.
Anthony Sosa
****** High School
U.S. History
M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction
B.A. History
"The past is never dead. It's not even past." - William Faulkner
If any of the things I’ve said or the perspectives I have presented are new to you, or if you would like to know more about any of these things I do have reading recommendations:
Mrs. B***** Doc of Testimonies:
Ungrading: Why Rating Students Undermines Learning (and What to Do Instead) By Susan D Blum (Teaching and Learning in Higher Education) Paperback – December 1, 2020
Hacking Assessment: 10 Ways To Go Gradeless In a Traditional Grades School by Starr Sackstein by «Dr. Doug Green
Grades and Grading Practices (Obstacles to Improving Education and to Helping - At-Risk Students) Charles H. Hargis (2003)
--contact me if you would like a copy of the PDF
Liberating Grades/Liberatory Assessment by SJ Miller
Competitive Grading Sabotages Good Teaching BY JOHN D. KRUMBOLTZ AND CHRISTINE J. YEH
The Relations of Learning and Grade Orientations to Academic Performance Hall P. Beck, Sherry Rorrer-Woody, and Linda G. Pierce
Human Restoration Project Resources:
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zandyin · 6 years
I am the April fool that has fallen too deep into silly Raidou/Dahn + SJ MC Son AU and I feel like taking a break from studying for this Excel cert, so let me ramble about some more headcanons… idk how much of this is gonna be repeated but damn I love what has become of this ship.
Okay, so I tend to apply the same general “quiet but quirky” personality to all silent protags, cause… well, they’re basically for inserting w/e personality you want, right? I’ve always pictured Raidou as the cool, calm, and collected – who is just a bit more focused whenever Dahn is around. He’s still got the same quirk of his lips, but maybe it grows more pronounced when that Tsukigata boy is around. :d
The way Raidou speaks is already lovely and perfect. Tomokazu Sugita does a great job and you can hear his rendition of Raidou if you search for the drama CDs on YouTube! Anyways, whenever Raidou says ludicrous things in this AU, uh, a tame example being, “Let me check with my husband”, it’s said in Raidou’s soft, polite tone. Straight-forward with a bit of amusement. His normal tone, but you can tell he’s smiling if you only heard his voice? Yes.
Dahn’s the more boisterous of the two. Hearing them have a conversation is fun, especially if it’s a light hearted one where Dahn can be loud and doesn’t hold back on his accent – which Raidou has no problem understanding, by the way! Dahn’s accent always enamors Raidou. Maybe he does things on purpose to get Dahn to say things without putting on airs. Raidou keeps his tone at a generally soft level that encourages Dahn stand a bit closer to hear. Raidou does it on purpose. Dahn is also capable of a quiet tone – he’s a ninja assassin, after all – and employs it whenever he’s having a close quarters conversation with Raidou. But Dahn’s got that kinda voice where it’s still kinda “loud” even when he’s trying to be quiet. It still makes Raidou feel a rumble in his chest and he loves it!
People notice Raidou becomes a bit more laid back after meeting Dahn. He’s still dutiful, as ever, but he also indulges himself when he is able. Like sending a plethora of demons to deliver messages to Dahn when he is unable to deliver them himself. Raidou has an expansive vocabulary that is either intricately employed by the messenger demon or ruined. Dahn’s a smart guy, as he says so himself multiple times, but the flowery language of ye olde demons doesn’t really strike a chord with him. Altho the bare bones dialect of other demons make him more confused than flattered.
The first handful of times Raidou sends a messenger demon, Dahn jumps right out of his skin. He’s fought all sort of nasties, but Raidou’s demons… are something else entirely. Some of them appear human, others are, hm, Dahn will have to talk to Raidou about them later.
Going back to earlier, after a lengthy courtship, there is MARRIAGE because this is my AU and I can do what I want. :p Raidou is a fan of saying things that remind people he is married to a rugged countryman. “Let me check with my husband,” he will say after the simplest of requests. Narumi thought it was fine the first few times, but Raidou never seems to tire of saying it. The Herald of the Yatagarasu’s face doesn’t even twitch when Raidou, in his most straight-laced voice, drops the line after a request. Raidou doesn’t actually check with Dahn, unless looking at the picture from the case file counts. Narumi wondered where that picture went…
In another, possibly distant future AU, we have some baby SJ MC aka Junior headcanons. Junya? Dahn-tan?
Like his ninja father, Junior has a natural way with bugs. He’s not afraid of them by any means! So as a child he collects a lot. The woods around Tsukigata mansion make that very easy. Dahn builds little bug cages for his son’s multi-legged friends. Raidou… is not a huge fan of bugs. He’s not afraid, per se, but he doesn’t like being woken up to Junior pouring all his “friends” on the cover of their futon. Or Junior shoving a handful of (flying) bugs in his face to proudly show off his new friends. At one point, Raidou tried to implement a “No bugs in the house” rule, but then his small son cried. Raidou changes this to a “one bug limit”. Dahn helps Junior hide other bug cages in his room/around the house and says it’ll be their little secret. They also erect a small shack just for Junior’s bug friends. Raidou doesn’t ever go there.
Now is not the time to worry about how genetics work, since Junior is essentially a test tube baby anyways lol, but I wanna pretend Dahn’s poison immunity passes to Junior – at least from bug poisons! SO while Dahn and Junior have no problem messing around with poisonous bugs, Raidou stands in the distance and looks like :> but sweating underneath his cap. He was not born into that immunity, so he just watches his family from the sidelines. At some point small Junior tried to eat a bug that was probably poisonous and Raidou snatched it out of his hands last minute!
Toddler age Junior was a big fan of climbing things. Mostly trees. He’d find himself up very high. He wasn’t afraid, though! Raidou would be afraid for him. Junior liked to sit in the trees and watch the bugs do bug things. Or watch the clouds from the top. See the trees sway with the wind.
So I think Raidou is always dressed in his summoner outfit cause he’s kinda “on-call” and that outfit makes it hard to climb trees. Raidou would send demons up to coax Junior to come down, but somehow Junior became efficient in demon negotiations and would send them back! If Dahn’s around, Raidou gets him to collect their son from the tree tops. But sometimes Dahn will just go hang with Junior up in the trees, and they watch the clouds together. Or little Junior does that thing kids do where they excitedly, and without reservation , tell Dahn all about each bug friend that passes by. Dahn listens and poses questions of interest for Junior to answer. Dahn already knows all the answers.
Raidou is good at a lot of things, but ... LIKE, he does the basic stuff but he’s not omniscient when it comes to watching his son. Bathe a filthy toddler and 10 minutes later he’s filthy again. Make sure he doesn’t eat weird things off the ground. Tend to his scrapes and bruises. Tell him not to trust demons or follow any deeper into the forest. Especially not royal fairies. Keep him away from sharp objects, although Dahn has probably shown Junior some moves on soft nunchaku. Raidou will enlist the help of his most loyal demons in keeping an eye on Junior. He’s had a lot of “auntie” demons try and pinch his cheeks.
At the end of a long day, Raidou would usually be in the mood to fool around with Dahn, but once Junior enters their lives it becomes very hard to find time between village duties, Capital duties, overall demon duties, parental duties, and anything else. They’re content for some cuddling and actual sleep. Maybe that’s why older Raidou’s so lusty once Junior moves out – to make up for all the time he had to hold back lmaoooo
Okay, back to studying!
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oldpoet56 · 4 years
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The April Fool — Dracul Van Helsing The April Fool The following poem was written by a friend of mine Father Jacob Boddicker SJ a Jesuit priest (a rare breed of Jesuit for these times – one who’s actually a Christian and not a Marxist) whose parish consists of serving several communities on the Lakota Sioux reservation in the Black Hills of […] via The April Fool — Dracul Van Helsing
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